My next post will be strictly Biblical related, dealing with Judges chapter 11. But this morning I had some musings which I want to share, and I’ll leave it up to the reader whether worth further speculation. "From what we are, spirit: from what we do, matter. Matter and spirit are one." - Phillip Pullman All esoteric teachings behind the exoteric major religions of the … [Read More...] about The Witness and the Doer
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In Remembrance of Helena Blavatsky 2024
Who was Helena Patrova Blavastky, better known as HPB? True mystic, or a fraud? There are many sites on the internet that take either stance: one defends, the other … [Read More...] about In Remembrance of Helena Blavatsky 2024
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Baptism in the River Jordan and Coming Upon the Other Side
The image of biblical Jesus presenting for baptism in the river Jordan, has left an indelible image in the minds of many people. While the river Jordan, in Hebrew, … [Read More...] about Baptism in the River Jordan and Coming Upon the Other Side
Featured Interpretation

Prometheus, Hercules, Christ, Lucifer, and the Serpent: A Comparative Analysis Part One
In today’s post I am going to begin discussing the symbolic meaning between the mythological story of Prometheus and some of our Biblical characters and events. While they seem quite different, I hope to show you this is only because they have been … [Read More...] about Prometheus, Hercules, Christ, Lucifer, and the Serpent: A Comparative Analysis Part One

Jesus, Peter, and the Fish: Esoteric Biblical Psychology 101
Me near the Appalachian Trail: August 2, 2020. The fish has been an important Christian symbol for almost two thousand years. Much like the lion, the serpent, the dove, cattle, the bull, and the lamb, the fish is emphasized in several places in both the Old … [Read More...] about Jesus, Peter, and the Fish: Esoteric Biblical Psychology 101

Miracle Consciousness and How to Develop It
By means of the following amazing scripture, this article sets out how we may each come upon Divine Potential, that of miracle consciousness. Matthew 7: 13-14 puts it: "enter ye through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate that leads to hell". A most … [Read More...] about Miracle Consciousness and How to Develop It

Why Jesus said He Came to Bring Division
In Luke chapter twelve, it is recorded that Jesus said he came, not to bring peace on earth, but division; even in one’s own household, two against three and three against two. In this post we will unveil the esoteric meaning. We will also dismantle the … [Read More...] about Why Jesus said He Came to Bring Division

Numbers and the Book of Revelation and Zodiac
Numerology is one part of the bible which flows through the whole narrative. The Book of Revelation is no exception; the number 7 appears many times in this book, along with 3.5, 9, 10,12 and 24. The clock-face above shows the numbers 1 to 12, each divided … [Read More...] about Numbers and the Book of Revelation and Zodiac

Coronavirus — Ancient Secrets of Immunity and Health Preservation
Prior to spiritual awakening, the mind is propelled by inherent subconscious thought programs. Due to the way Nature or evolution functions, we each come into this world already uploaded in natural adherence to the permanent laws of nature. No person escapes … [Read More...] about Coronavirus — Ancient Secrets of Immunity and Health Preservation

The Nature of God
During the last seven years or so I already wrote two articles about God, each coming from a different viewpoint. I also gave a comment about this subject to Joshua’s article What is God to you? of May 6th, 2018, which approached the subject from another … [Read More...] about The Nature of God

Covid-19 Additional Prep
In addition to Raymond's last article, just thought I'd share an additional "physical" additive that may help give a little extra protection against Coronavirus. Disclaimer: Before I state that, I must state that I am not doctor. I do not have a medical … [Read More...] about Covid-19 Additional Prep

Coronavirus and the Scriptures
I recently read about a group of people who became lost in the wildest region of the jungle, and were in great danger. The leader of the group bravely suggested that we might pray. To which, someone replied ‘oh, no, has it come to that’? Generally speaking, … [Read More...] about Coronavirus and the Scriptures

The Significance of Jesus’ First Miracle at Cana
At first it might seem a little strange... The Gospel writer of John chose to unveil Jesus’ power of miracles at a wedding. This is no coincidence. The writer is using the narrative technique of foreshadowing. But in this case, rather than foreshadowing an … [Read More...] about The Significance of Jesus’ First Miracle at Cana

Genesis 1 Unveiled
Warning: heavy metaphysical content. Not sure how this will be taken, but my geeky metaphysical side had to come out:) The purpose of this very lengthy post is to sequentially unveil Genesis chapter one, verse by verse. It is the foundation for the rest of … [Read More...] about Genesis 1 Unveiled

‘Love Thy Neighbor as Thy Self’ and ‘The Good Samaritan’
This parable told by Jesus in Luke 10:25-37 seems straight forward in its literal content, until, of course, we drill down and study its deeper ramifications. Cursory reading of this vital scripture is not sufficient for its intended outcome. For manifestation … [Read More...] about ‘Love Thy Neighbor as Thy Self’ and ‘The Good Samaritan’