When I was writing one of my previous articles on the relation between the serpent and the two olive trees, my attention was drawn to the fact that there is not only a hidden meaning in the words that make up the Bible stories, but also in what is NOT mentioned there.
Let us zoom in on the nachasj (the serpent) again.
Both Man (first Adam/Eve and later Adam and Eve) and the serpent were called arum, 70-200-6-40, which was translated as naked for Man and subtil for the serpent. In spite of the different translations the same principle was true for both of them: both were ‘er,’ 70-200, which means awake, and both were linked by the character wav (hook) of the six to the water of ego and emotions, majim, of the character mem, 40.
The important fact in this respect is that Man was naked and not ashamed, meaning he was not aware of what it was all about; although he had been created with the potential for ego and emotions, he was not able to do anything with them, as he was not aware of their existence. Hence, the process which was intended by God could not start.
The serpent, on the other hand, had insight in this process. We know this not by what was said in the Bible text, but by what was omitted. In the serpent’s case it is not mentioned that he did not know or was not ashamed that he was arum, so he did know both its purpose and its workings. Hence he became the downward force that could help men enter the world of ego, emotions, and finally matter.
God started this process, strangely enough, by forbidding Adam/Eve to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, warning Him/Her that that they would surely die when they did so (Genesis 2:17).
To die is met, 40-400. It means that God warned them that they would become a prey to their emotions and be ruled by their ego and finally would experience the utmost bitterness of slavery and the cross (which are both symbolized by 400) if they ate of the tree. However, descending into the world of duality and contrast, of time and space, of emotions and ego had been the idea behind creation in the first place, in order to experience and become aware by contrast of what oneness and unity and Love really mean. Because how can you know what light is, if you have never experienced darkness? How can you appreciate health, if you have never been ill? How can you enjoy abundance, if you have taken everything for granted?
So why did God create this Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the first place and then forbid Adam/Eve to eat from it? It doesn’t really make any sense. A Rabbi once said:
“If you want a child to do something, you have to forbid him to do it!”
I like his sense of humour, and his interpretation helps us to get on with our research. However, if that was God’s intention, then it did not work. Adam/Eve (before Eve was taken from Adam) obeyed the commandment not to eat from the tree and remained unaware of this ego and the potential for emotions that was part of their being.
So God said: “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him” (verse 18). In Hebrew however it does not say: the man, but, Man (who is still One at that point).
Note the word good, tov, 17, which was also mentioned in my last article. Man is still One and unaware of the process he is supposed to start, however bitter it might become towards the end of it. God sees he is not starting the process. So God creates animals, including the fish of the emotions and the serpent, who knows all about the process, in order to help Man but it still is not enough. Man does not eat.
Then God takes the next step in verses 21-22: “And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs and … the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.”
What is translated as Lord in the English text is the Hebrew Name JHWH, the Name God is called by in the fourth world of duality and matter, which however is never pronounced by the Jews.
The deep sleep is called tardema, 400-200-4-40-5. It is also called illusion and the Buddhists call it maya. This world is not real but more a dream world. It is good for us to realize that as often we seem to think it is the only real world and we get caught up in all its drama.
Tardema contains the extremes of slavery/addiction (400) and the pinnacle of separation, the point farthest away from the world of Oneness and Love (200), but also the world of matter (4) and ego and emotions (40) when they are not totally in control yet or anymore. The last character, he (5), is the female ending of a word and because of that symbolizes the longing of the woman to be reunited with the man. And so also the longing of the material world to be reconnected with the spiritual world of higher awareness.
Besides all that this dream world or tardema also contains the verb ‘rd’ (which I already mentioned in my article about The Significance of the Biblical Shepherd) and that is the centre point around which it evolves. It is another symbol for the whole process, as in the beginning it symbolizes the involution – descending into the world of ego and getting to know your emotions – and after the phase of enslavement and the cross followed by the turning point, it symbolizes the ascending phase of evolution and mastering ego and emotions.
The rib that was taken to turn into a woman is the Hebrew word tsela, which also means side. It means that the masculine side and the feminine side of Man, who until then was still One, are now separated from each other. From then on these two sides become independent and can act independently. Only in this way will Man, then Adam and Eve, be able to make use of the help that God had provided them with.
And so we return to the nachasj, who had been helplessly waiting for a chance to explain the workings of ego and emotions to Man.
And herewith we also return to the theme of this article. Because here again there is something that we always assume that is written in the Bible, while it is not. From the time I was a small child until today, whenever I saw a picture of the serpent in Paradise, it was always lying on a branch of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. But there is not a word about it in the Bible that says so and I never even noticed that, although I may have read that story more than a hundred times.
However, this image of the serpent, lying on the branches of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, does have an important meaning.
First of all, if it had not been lying high up, how could it ever come to symbolize a downward force? It could not. And there is also something else, hidden in the word nachasj that helps us understand the process.
Nachasj can be read as ‘nach’-300. Both these symbols have already been explained in my previous article…. Three hundred is the divine process of:
- Involution and descent
- stay in the world of duality and matter
- evolution and ascension
and ‘nach’ is the verb to rest.
You can however also reverse the word order in which case you get 300-‘nach’. If you put both terms after each other, you get the sentence: ‘ha nachasj sje nach,’ the serpent that lies resting. This of course was the case. The serpent had been lying there all that time in order for Man to wake up to the possibilities of his ego.
When you see these two terms next to each other, you see however by the reversed word order also a reverse of the process in the second word. In other words, in that sentence you see the involution and the evolution sides of the process. And all that in an image that is not even mentioned in the Bible but which we somehow all are familiar with.
Of course then the process starts moving. Eve, the female and creative side of Man, does notice the serpent and listens to him, after she had concluded that the fruit of the tree was ‘good’ to eat. She recognized the seventeen but agreed to even the bitter last phase of the process because she had seen that it would lead to enlightenment (haskala in Hebrew and in this case the verb lehaskil) Genesis 3:4.
A brilliant article! You have helped solve the age-old question of why God put the tree of knowledge of good and evil in front of Adam and Eve and allowed the serpent inside as well. Not to mention this follows the last article on what Eden represents quite nicely.
I also like how you put the following:
“The rib that was taken to turn into a woman is the Hebrew word tsela, which also means side. It means that the masculine side and the feminine side of Man, who until then was still One, are now separated from each other. From then on these two sides become independent and can act independently. Only in this way will Man, then Adam and Eve, be able to make use of the help that God had provided them with.”
This also makes complete sense. It took the separation to begin the process.
Thanks for your contribution!
Hi Josh,
Yes it took the separation to start the process and that is the same as saying it took duality to start the process, which is why the first character of the Bible is a very big bet (2)!
Hi Anny,
Very enlightening article!
I am always amazed how you can take a bible story and make it even more beautiful, Just by adding the original Hebrew words and their meanings, along with the number values. This has profoundly enhanced my vision both inner and outer of what it all means.
The serpent does seem to have an important role here and also is shown in other bible stories as well.
Matthew 10:16-22
“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.”
That was one particular Bible quote that came to mind, as being of more importance than it seems,
Could this be a hidden message, of patience and perserverance?
We always see the female foot holding the serpent down, the dove is usually seen overhead or hovering. The dove symbolizes that of Spirit, and other multi-dimensional symbolism as well. When they leave the loft for a fly, they spiral up, and when they return they spiral down (this is their most vulnerable time for a hawk to attack them). For myself I always seem to incorporate nature symbols into Scripture, not that there are not other symbols to see but the tendency to gravitate to the nature symbols, helps make it easier for me to interpret.
Watching a snake shed its skin is also a sight to behold, they are rendered helpless while going through this process, Which can sometimes last for a day (depending on its size),personally, I have never had any fear of them or other animals, just a cautious respect as I watch and study their behavior.
One day while tending to the doves, I had one particular dove that would follow me around, it was summer and I was bare foot. when I looked down, I was standing on the head of a snake, (the picture you chose reminded me of that day). He was not afraid, nor was I, but the dove was curiously looking at the snake, as I picked up the dove, I loosed the snake, who promptly left the scene.
Numerous religious art of the woman and the serpent flooded my mind, always having an interest in religious art and its symbolism. This gave me more insight as to the meaning of the serpent, as it is held back, being one of Protection as well.
The last of the doves will leave me this week, and I will miss them, they brought much Joy to myself and mother’s life. they will go to a caring White Dove Release, and they will become breeders. Two of the things they love to do most, flying and having baby’s! The first 3 days of a tiny doves life, they are fed crop milk, both mother and father are active in all aspects of their rearing.
Just a few tidbits of another perspective, I thought you might enjoy concerning nature & animals in relation to Scripture.
Hi Sparks,
Thank you for your always welcome additions to look at a theme from another side. I could never come up with what you always add but I can appreciate the beauty of it.
I like your interpretation a lot better than eating of the fruit as the “original sin” of rebellion against God. As I recall, St. Augustine introduced the original sin concept to the church and it kind of stuck. But Jews do not accept the original sin concept. I am not sure, but I do not think many other religions are based on a concept of redeeming man from an original great human defect.
I am wondering if the ancient lost oral traditions involved decoding folklore to reveal its true meaning.
I recently came across an explanation of the Star of David as being the combination of a male power symbol of an upside down V, and a female fertility symbol as a V. The separate sexual polarities are recombined into a balanced whole in the Star. The upside down V is used in the military as a symbol for rank, but it is euphemistically referred to as a “chevron” . The more chevrons on your shoulder, the higher your rank or power as a warrior. I think the idea of balance of polarities is an important aspect of Kaballah.
Hello Robert,
I like this interpretation a lot better too. In fact, I am always trying to find a positive version of what seems to be negative in the Bible and mostly I succeed. Like all those threats that they think God utters against sinners I interpret as warnings of where you are heading if you keep doing what you are doing. And when it finally happens it is not because God punishes people but because it is just the consequence of their actions. If they had listened then it would not have happened, but then of course it would not have been a real prophecy according to them because it did not become true.
According to me a (negative) prophecy that becomes true is a failed prophecy as its goal is to get people to change course before it is too late.
I agree that folklore and fairy tales also have hidden meaning. As a child of about twelve years old I read a lot of books with folklore and fairy tales from all over the world and I remember noticing that there were so many similarities in them. Already then I started wondering if there might be a deeper meaning to them and if there could be something like a universal truth. Which there is, I know now. Indeed the ancient oral traditions probably knew how to discover these meanings.
As far as the Star of David is concerned, I have just written a long article that features that also and it will probably be published in three parts, the first of which might come online later today.
I concluded more or less the same as what you write, only I have the triangles reversed. All in all the meaning of the symbol remains the same: male and female in total balance.
Advice of my father to me :
‘Son, I would not do that if I were you. I did that already. But if you want to do it, it is up to you’.
It gave my life a whole new perspective, one of self-reliance, combined with the wisdom of my elders.