I don’t think God has ever been in a WWF ring, but there is a recorded event in the Bible which could be the ancient equivalent, at least if it were interpreted literally. Did Jacob, Abraham’s grandson, really wrestle God like the scripture seems to say he did? If so, it would be one of the stranger stories of the Bible. But we can rest assured the story isn’t about a man wrestling the Almighty. So what’s the story really about, and how can it help us in our spiritual journey?
As it turns out, this story is quite profound! It was meant to teach us about God, and more importantly, it teaches us about a spiritual journey “within”. It is the same “within” that Jesus speaks of when he states that the Kingdom of God is within you.
Let’s dive into the wrestling match of Jacob and God in Genesis to understand what I mean. Jacob’s wrestling match with God takes place near the end of Genesis chapter 32. Jacob is in the process of returning to the land God promised Abraham. At one point in the journey, Jacob divides up his family and animals into different companies and sends them ahead while he stays back on one side of a creek. He is completely alone. According to the Biblical story, something strange happens that night; a mysterious man wrestles with him until daybreak. But who is this mystery man and where did he come from? The story gets even stranger. This mystery man could not beat Jacob at the wrestling match, but he is able to dislocate Jacob’s thigh. This same man then tries to leave once morning comes, but Jacob doesn’t let him, at least not until he gets a blessing from the man. When all is said and done, the man tells Jacob that “…Thy name shall no more be called Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and has prevailed.” (Gen 32:28).
Here we get our first hint that the mystery man is God himself. The fact that the Biblical author means the mystery man to be God is revealed two verses later:
“And Jacob called the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.” (Gen 32:30).
A couple of things to note here: first we see that the mystery man Jacob wrestled with is God himself. Second we see that Jacob prevailed in the struggle with God. If we think about all of this literally, it makes no sense. So, as always, I ask the question: what is the real spirit of the scripture in this story?
I want you to notice that Jacob said he saw God “face to face.” This is where things get really interesting. While Jacob did not see a literal face, he did see God, or at least the Biblical writer’s concept of God. It just wasn’t with the physical eyes. There’s a special word in verse 30 that tips us off to what this whole experience was really about, and although it’s not common knowledge, ancient world stories were full of this kind of experience. It all has to do with the word “Peniel.” Verse thirty already told us that Peniel was the name Jacob gave the place where the wrestling match with God happened. But that’s not what’s important. What is important is that “Peniel” is meant to be a real place inside you! Now pay attention, because this is how the story of Jacob’s wrestling match affects you.
There is a special gland that sits at the center of the brain called the Pineal gland. In ancient cultures it was known as the “third eye.” It is known as an eye because the Pineal gland in your brain has a special relationship to light. Just like the retina of your physical eyes, the Pineal gland also contains light-sensitive cells. In fact, they are similar to some of the cells that make up the retina.
I now want you to dwell on a very important quote by Jesus given in Matthew so that you understand how serious this is:
“…The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” (Matthew 6:22).
Jesus is not talking about the two eyes that you see the physical world with. Rather, he is talking about your Pineal gland, or what ancient cultures called the “third eye!” Jesus refers to this as a single eye because the pineal gland would not have a left and right hemisphere like your brain.
So what does Jesus’ statement and Jacob’s experience mean to you?
A pineal gland that is “full of light” is representative of an extraordinary spiritual experience, where we transcend consciousness on the physical plane and merge with God on the spiritual plane. The pineal gland has more to do with the seat of the soul and consciousness than the actual brain, and thus, this type of experience with the pineal gland could expand your consciousness. At least this is what the spiritual men of many ancient cultures believed, and since even modern medical science still sees the pineal gland as an enigma, I wouldn’t be so quick to pass this off as ancient hogwash. We do know that the pineal gland regulates and affects sleeping and waking patterns through its interpretation of light.
With that being said, it would now be a good time to remind you of the fact that the Bible states “God is light.” So could it be that the Biblical authors are trying to explain a profound mystery about God and our consciousness through spiritual language and symbols? Of course!
Returning to the story of Jacob’s wrestling match, it is important for us to understand what is meant when the Genesis author states that Jacob saw God “face to face.” Remember, this statement is made in conjunction with naming the wrestling match location “Peniel” (don’t let the different spelling fool you). We can now say that the light of the pineal gland is associated with God’s face! In other words, it is symbolic of experiencing the light of God beyond the physical plane of the five senses. And somehow the physical pineal gland is a doorway of sorts to a higher reality. Let me state that again for anyone who might be confused. Your pineal gland could be a doorway to a higher state of consciousness. This does not mean that the physical you goes anywhere, but rather, the higher you is realized by a spiritual experience where your pineal gland is awakened.
Now notice that the scripture story states that Jacob was “alone” when this encounter with God happened. This signifies the necessity of going to our prayer closet to get in touch with our inner selves through prayer and meditation. Meditation is one preferred method of having this type of Pineal, or Peniel, experience. Meditation is the key. Meditation has a profound effect on consciousness, and I believe it is one method that can energetically awaken the pineal gland, or your third eye.
For anyone who is still not sure how real this experience can be, I suggest you do some research into what the ancients believed about the “third eye.” I would also remind you of the fact that Jesus clearly stated that the kingdom does not come by observation (seeing of the physical eyes), but that the Kingdom of God has to be realized “within” us.
Please don’t think this experience is going to be quick. If you read Jacob’s life story, you’ll soon discover that life was tough on him, and he traveled a long hard road. But in the end Jacob finally had this Peniel experience that made him “Israel” (remember the name change) instead of Jacob. Jacob was a physical man. Israel was a spiritual man. This is also why Paul tells us that an Israelite has nothing to do with a blood line, but it is a spiritual definition. A spiritual Israelite is one who has had the Peniel experience. Think about Paul’s experience on the road to Dasmascus. Didn’t he have some kind of spiritual revelation of Christ through the presence of a “bright light!?”
I believe the Peniel experience is a type of born again experience. It is also a resurrection experience. If you wish to have this experience too, I recommend that you get to your prayer closet and start a meditation program!
I hope this article has helped go beneath the literal interpretation of the scripture and reveal to you the hidden mysterious of the Kingdom. If you enjoyed this article, consider sharing it on your favorite social network, and don’t forget to read part 2 below which goes deeper into our subject of Jacob and the Peniel experience.
Part 1 / Part 2
Well,… seeing as my comment has not made it through your screening process, I suppose it’s safe to assume that you think I’m mentally ill, Joshua. However, I ask you to please reconsider, as this is the only time I’ve ever posted anything regarding the issue. You may contact me through my private email address, and I will gladly answer any questions that you personally, may have for me, in an attempt to prove the authenticity of my words. I guess, for whatever reason, you have a part in this too, because I have chosen your page to share this on. So please, try to understand that this is in no way a prank of any kind, nor is it the product of any kind of mental illness in any way. I truly am Jacob. The ‘Jacob’ whom the bible is referring to.
Without Prejudice,
– Jacob
Jacob, anything is possible. And I have been very busy in real life and really don’t have a screening process. I approve just about everything, eventually, as time allow. Anyway, very interesting statements you have made. Please feel free to share anything here that you desire, but truth be known I am a little skeptical. However, open dialogue is always welcome here. So again, feel free to share!
The sacred secretion . Look it up that along with the healing of the chakra is how you achieve this . You have to be alone and give up the ways of the flesh . When God is pleased with you then you will meet him face to face . You will be one of the 144,000 that Is left on this earth . When God let’s the devil and all his angels have their way . Hell on earth . Then the devil is taken to hell . We will all walk the new earth with our Savior . Faith with out works is dead . These are my works and I am a sinner . There is only one that is good . When you leave this earth you are energy free from this body . Satan has no control over you anymore . You go threw a separation the serpant from the seed . All you have done you will have to endure . Sering pain to the verry core of you . All the feelings you hurt all the torment torture all the bad until you are sorry . Only what you have done . You kill someone you feel all the hurt and sorrow from the loved ones . God is fair and God is just . On this earth good can not exist with out bad . That’s the struggle down here . The separation of the good and bad come after death . Our soul is energy it doesn’t die .
Before dat fear kicks in kids and that past is upon the subconscious from the mass acquiesce
Then those relaxing relying on chakras and themselves. Mmm nope
Jesus Christ is the only way to the light and the father
Yep you’re a child of G-D dude he loves you the only thing you gotta do now is choose
Cos whether you choose to believe it or not Z
You might not believe in G-D yet but when the demons come out to play yep then it’s time to put them chakras away and pray
Was jacob playing with demons then?
Absolutely not. Remember Jacob’s name was changed by the Lord Almighty to Israel, and Jacob asked him for a blessing before he left.
The Holy Spirit of the Lord Almighty would have never allowed any of Satan’s minions/demons to be involved in that particular event.
Remember all scripture is inspired by the Sprit of Truth/Holy Spirit. Now Satan does get mentioned in Job, Chapter 1 and 2 for a specific reason in order to let us know how he works and continues, to this day, work!
What a pile of shite you have written suppose you will be in the chosen group them and you can all talk shit to one another disgusting hateful pig
You are off your head you’re works will never be good as you are not good
LOL..diplomacy..well done
like this reply of yours.
Speak to me, if you would
Sure. Contact me through the contact page at the top site menu and I’ll be happy to communicate. Thanks!
Then why is this such a mystery
I recently had an eye opening experience and I’m still confused as to why I had to have the visions and God directly talked to me through the sun but at the time I didn’t realize who it was. Still sorting through things but I know its something with the third eye if you could please give me any insight into why this happens or to whom. Thank you for reading
All I can say is wow
Jacob I believe it is you ?I only ask for a blessing through these last days .My father the The Most High God tell him Father Yeshua I love him your brother .Robert Ramos.
Robert: Remember 1st Timothy, 2nd Chapter, 5th verse ( I use 125 to remember that most appropriate verse) and it basically states: The is only one mediator between God and man the man Christ Jesus.
Only our savior and redeemer Christ Jesus can allow our prayers to reach the Father, the Lord Almighty. Isaiah called him The Lord of heavens armies. Put your trust in Christ Jesus for he is the only one who experience death Roman style meaning huge nails on feet and hands, and a Roman spear to one’s heart to insure you were dead, and all for our sins.
No virgin Mary or any of the other virgins (Gradalupe, Fatima, Lourdes, Santander, etc.) ever died for our sins. I was raised a Catolico so I know about the virgins and santos who never asked anyone to pray to them because the 1st commandment prohibit any image, idol, of things on the earth including mankind. Check it out.
Would you call me crazy if i said I think I’m Judah, no seriously tho, just thought my comment was relevant to yours
Mark: if you read about the tribe of Judah you might be a descendant of that tribe. But,seriously God put us on this earth in order to find his son (Proverbs 30: 4) Christ Jesus.
Being on planet earth allows us to make choices, and lots of them. Some people will waste their lives for riches and die quickly due to working too hard and too many hours to build a large corporation, mines, entertainment of many kinds, money making scheme to legally steal the poor man’s wages and land if he has some, and then die. All that work for nothing. When they hear the Gospel they close their ears to it. Yes, some go to church, but not to assist and help the poor brothers and sisters, but maybe known to attending church, yet never repenting of their sins and accepting Christ Jesus and following His commandments. And those, again, are the choices one makes while on earth. Hear the hymn entitled: I Rather have Jesus. It’s a sermon in a song/hymn supporting the right choice for human beings.
We need to talk…..no joke, ASAP please and thank you. You may already know me, however I need to talk to Jacob and speak to Israel. Praise YHVH!
Daniel: I haven’t seen or read any internet e-mail regarding Jacob’s Pineal Gland, and its April 4,2023. So, I’m still on planet earth and have spent much time learning more of how the invisible financial empire: The central banking system and its owners now control 95% OF THE WORLD’S ECONOMIES, WHICH MEANS THEY CONTROL OUR NATION, STOMP ON OUR CONSTITUTION, AND WITH THEIR FIAT MONEY GET OUR NATION INTO DEEPER AND DEEPER NATIONAL DEBT.
Iv come to this conclusion. You say you are the same Jacob in the Bible? Is this correct ? Could you explain this and how you have been shown this insight.
I am a kindred spirit and I have experienced the activation of the pineal gland and know from that experience the golden light of god is. I have come full circle seeking and searching over 25 years of meditation from east to west and found my way to the greatest book ever written. The Bible, the mysterious allegory of the Science of consciousness or Science of Universal Mind. My inner journey is testimony to your unveiling of the meaning of the Pineal Gland. I am studying Neville Goddard and Thomas Troward and Genevieve Behrend as my world lives in the higher realms of thought and for that reason, every thought as the first cause has an effect in my outside world. Therefore better to produce the thoughts I want to manifest a world I want. Love SM X
Sharon: Praise the Lord for your experience. As I read about your kindred spirit and how you experience the golden light of Lord Almighty it just made me happy.
I would highly recommend the Proverbs and to make them part of your decision- making processes. Read a chapter a day. When you get to the 31st start again until you internalize them.
The Proverbs themselves tell us earthlings that the Lord Almighty blesses us when we internalize the Proverbs. Some of the Proverbs will challenge your thinking yet put it where the Lord wants it to be.
Again I was delighted reading your growth in pineal gland experiences.
Hi Jacob. My name is James, the English version of you name. I’ve been trying to make sense of all the Holy moments I’ve had, no one can relate because it sounds like lunacy to the average joe but while thinking about my pineal experience like Jacob, I found you. Or maybe you found me. Either way God is Good because you must know who I am, otherwise this moment would not be happening right now. Jacob please contact me. Glory to The Lord, God Almighty! Father, Glorify Your Name in Heaven as I Glorify Your Name on earth.
Hello Joshua!
[planet] Earth lawfully dissolved on March 13, 2020,
and new, concordant, heavens and earth dis-covered,
with new jeurusalem over 144 sq km San Francisco,
duch-dom, home to spirit, in full breadth lifted God,
to new phoenix, atop myrrh and frankincense,
near Diablo’s Moses Rock, horeb rock,
and fiery bush, endemic manzanita in serpentinite,
in kaliph-orni-a, mount of o lives, initial place,
before carrying away into suevilon [babylon],
to new (old) world, where slevons roared,
first of four beasts, empires, kingdoms; and now,
old sacret bird, resembling eagle,
hooded [h]Romish empire, with many names,
first twice and somewhat longer than it was wide,
its crown [koruna] and state-hood infected, utterly doomed,
thousand years after Jesus [meaning hedgehog] frowned,
without M in all numbers of last beast,
without morphed J/I that added one day; and also,
dialects of Hebrew, Greek, and Latin,
French, English, and so on, hailing from sbabel,
springing from living, original, scythean tongue,
Cetus pronounced kertus [krt; mole],
B’reshith meaning dawning, elevated approaching,
Sabbath, Saturday, starting with Moonday
being heliocentric week’s seventh day,
and poor God, also as gad, cad, as in Cad[iz], and had in Had[es],
meaning Serpent, satan [hashatan; meaning chestnut,
alluding to Son’s appearance, night’s sun-rise…]
([known as] God’s trustee)
Now be it known unto all men by these presents:
By the grace of, and for, God, I, Serpentarius (also known properly as Elohan), now eirenically take possession of all that I have discovered, including the New Earth, meaning the genuine earth that is contradictory to globular, fictitious, earth that I now have named, and is to be known unto all men as, the “Magic Earth”.
The New Testament states that in the last days persons will claim to be Christ Jesus and that many people will be taken in and follow them; yes, even some of elect according to the Apostle Paul.
Today and to my amazement, I’ve never heard of any person ever claiming to be Jacob or the Jacob whose name was changed by God Almighty to Israel. So, I may be in error due to the Jacob who states he is Jacob doesn’t claim to be the Jacob/Israel of the Old Testament, specifically Genesis.
Therefore, if he states he is Jacob and his legal name is Jacob he is correct, but when he writes to having no mental illness or prank he leads the reader to think he is the Jacob of the book of Genesis.
Acts 2:38
There are no facts in the scriptures to support that former personalities in the bible such as Jacob/Israel
would live after dying. When Christ Jesus returns then the dead will rise; some will be judged at the GREAT WHITE THRONE OF JUDGEMENT, AND OTHERS WILL BE ON THEIR WAY TO THE NEW JERUSALEM WITH CHRIST JESUS.
One cannot add to the God’s word in the Old and New Testaments period. You may be seeking attention, and, in all probability, you will get it, both positive and negative.
Supervising California Youth Authority wards in Southern California in an institutional setting for crimes committed against society, I noticed some wards, in a group of eighty wards, sought attention by committing negative behavior acts which would cause staff to admonish the ward, and, at times, cancel their evening recreation program.
Many times while counselling or admonishing a ward, the ward would be very attentive, cooperative, and would follow the instructions of our staff/group supervisors with an appreciative expression. Yes, without that negative incident/behavior he would have continued to be lost among the eighty other wards.
In conclusion, many of these young men in the California Youth Authority were from broken homes. Some were orphans whose parents had died and left with a Grandmother too old to properly look after the child or young teenager. They were desperate for attention, any attention, whether positive or negative, and in a correctional institution with so many inmates or wards personal attention is rare. I do hope that you Jacob did not have that kind of experience, or if you did you can speak to genuine Christians and Pastors.
On reading this I thought about Samson in the bible when his eyes were gouged out he himself said he sees God more clearly then ever just a thought
i dont think you should say that, unless you are a troll? Blind people are not by definition, enligthened.
To lisette above…? Nthe above comment has nothing to do with physical blindness! The story of Sampson is he lost his spiritual eyesight and returned to his carnal nature, only to gain his spiritual eyesight back!!!!!!! Nothing is literal in the bible or any other ancient text!!!!!!!!!!!
When I became born again in Aug. 2020 I became a sponge looking for knowledge. I prayed every night (still do and now through the day too!) and I remember closing my eyes and they roll back as you relax to sleep and when that happened I saw an ‘entity’. It was like TV static but gold and black and I saw it’s outline at the edge of the bed. Right in my face. I turn around and prayed for protection and a huge golden flash came and the entity was gone. It was fascinating. Since then I’ve seen a red one too and always when I’m getting ready for bed. Now I rebuke first and ask questions later! lol God Bless.
When I was ten years old I had a dream. I was in the parking lot and basketball court of the Methodist church on Hicks street in the unincorporated area of Los Angeles County. I was playing on the court with all of my church friends when some force picked me up and I started flying up, but not straight up but in a circular manner. Of course, I was frightened as my friends became smaller and smaller, and I kept going up. I was so scared that I remembered the Lord Almighty and asked for help Then a white-yellowish light so bright and strong that I could not look at it, so I just looked down and the experience ended. To this day I wonder of that powerful bright light appearing to me at maybe nine or ten years old.
There is more letral in the binle than u think. Do not be deceived. Read the book of acts. All that really took place. We need the holy ghost to overcome sin and to make it to heaven in the rapture of the bride of Christ (the true Church of the living God Jesus)
Since writing “The Third measure of Meal” nearly 20 years ago, this is the closest to the truth that I have seen. But to say that God is “love and truth” is misleading. God is love, PERIOD. All stories in the Bible are describing things with which all members of the human race are totally familiar with in their every day experience. But it does so entirely in a consistant figurative language that must be applied if the contradiction of conventional interpretations is This is in our interaction with one another while engaging the influence of our separate physical bodies. This opposition between our hearts and our heads is the war in heaven described in Revelation. Love, flowing between us like blood throughout a physical body is withdrawing from those driven by fear to avoid its inconvenient influence and is stressfully compressing into those compelled by its significant presence to engage its influence. This is “to he that hath shall be given and to he that hath not shall it be taken away”. This understanding is revealed in a consistent figurative language that must be applied if the contradiction of conventional interpretations is to be avoided. This is the only understanding of the Bible that is not contradictory and it also solves the long standing “Synoptic Problem” For a straight forward explanation and the Biblical and scientifically supported reason this was not seen before now as well as why it did not emerge from the accademic world read “The Third Measure of Meal” by frank jakum.
The Bible says God is light
Frank: Enjoyed your message. Wish you could share that with the homeless at the Union Gospel Mission in Sacramento, Ca. I’m in charge of the St. Matthew Outreach Ministries on 5th Mondays at 7:30. We feed the homeless at 8:30.
Usually we have 130 to 200 homeless men and women who love to hear the Gospel of Christ Jesus from different people who have come to know Christ Jesus, and share with them how they came to Him.
And, of course, we have persons who are hungry for a meal and have never paid attention to the Good News of Christ Jesus and the road to salvation and eternal life.
I don’t know where you live or if you could ever come to Sacramento. However, you can pray for all of us who serve at the mission and the 67 fellows in the mission one year rehabilitation plus those who attend and haven’t committed themselves to follow Christ Jesus. Tim Lane is the current Director of the mission.
The unifying electrode enable matter to glow in the dark. Enabling the conscious mind to make a subconscious intrepidation of the heart. Hence, Unconscious Reactions sometime equate to manifestation
of being in the Holy Spirit.
This helps me a lot, I was trying to figure out that single eye verse but upon reading this article, that makes perfect sense now, thank you! ^_^
This is real and in prayer and repentance God opens the peniel himself. You see the angels ascending and descending. And you see alot mire than that. But you also get information and truth placed inside you. You just know things you didnt know given from God through light. Jesus said he wanted to tear down the man made temple and built a new one in 3 days. He did..the one inside us all. Isnt he amazing!?? I’ve seen his face as well. This is 100% the best thing you will ever find thst God has been right here with you waiting for you to ” knock” .
much love to you
Loved your comment. Do you mind describing your experience. Ty
Jenny: Praise the Lord for your experience and testimony. It made my day.
Btw the 7 flames on a menora is you. The 7 seals opened is you . the lamp of the body. He asked ” do you not know your body is a temple? ” .. Its a real visual and physical experience … Its him lighting your lamp. And sealing you on the forehead. “
Hey just wanted to ask a question about this.
I think this is a absolutely great article concerning this, I was just wondering how this integrates with Neville Goddard’s take on this?
Neville states that Jacob (supplanter) wrestled with an angel (messagener – thoughts / feelings) to get his blessing and wrestled with God (his imagination with feeling ect) to create the desired reality outcome.
I know while writing this, this I am not explaining this properly but it is a hard thing to express, so maybe someone with experience in Neville’s work / translations could help out?
Off the bat it doesn’t seem in anyway to conflict but it would be absolutely marvelous to tie the 2 together as it seems the link is a key, so to say.
I have reading and studying this Biblical story trying to figure it out. I now have a very good understand what a spiritual awaking.
Eh? “This is also why Paul tells us that an Israelite has nothing to do with a blood line, but it is a spiritual definition.” WRONG! What Paul tells us is that the promise was “ACCORDING TO THE FLESH”. Was an Edomite, a Moabite, a Cannanite, a Hittite, ad infinitum and Israelite? Whoever wrote this has lost all credibility with that one incorrect statement.
Respectfully, the bigger picture of the scripture is lost to you then. God says that he claims Egypt as his own. Even his son was called out of Egypt, and the Christ’s bloodline reveals so much to this truth, as written in scripture. The stranger is ALWAYS welcome. Anything less is a religious mindset.
I have studied the third eye and it has nothing to do with the pineal gland. The ancient mesopotamian culture believed in an evil eye.
Our first description of the brain’s pineal gland and speculation about its function appears in a treatise by the surgeon/philosopher Galen of Pergamon written in Rome between 165 and 175 CE. Greek philosophers had long thought that pneuma – a fine, volatile, airy or vaporous substance composed of air (motion) and fire (warmth) – coursed through the human body, bringing consciousness to the brain and animation to the organs and body parts. Stoics had come to believe there was a single pneuma system regulated by the heart. But according to Galen, others believed there were two separate systems: the pineal gland regulated the flow of psychic pneuma for the brain, and the heart regulated the vital pneuma for the body. Galen argued for the double system, though he thought the vermis superior cerebella, rather than the pineal gland, the more likely structure to regulate the brain’s pneuma system.1
The relevance of this history to our question is that in addition to sustaining consciousness and animation, the Greeks considered pneuma the ‘breath of life’, the spirit, the substance of the human soul. This is also the meaning often carried by the Greek word pneuma in the Bible (though it’s unclear if Bible writers understood it as biological).
Mt.6:22, however, offers no insight on these issues. Within a discussion about the corrupting influence of the envy for earthly treasures, this verse names the eye as the ‘lamp’ (λύχνος, lychnos) by which the whole body may be filled with either light (φωτεινός, phōteinos) or, in the next verse, darkness. While this is surely metaphorical language for a moral lesson, there is no mention of spirit (πνεῦμα, pneuma), soul (ψυχή, psychē), or breath (πνοή, pnoē) in this discussion. Mt.6:22 does not name the pineal gland or even suggest any type of literal, biological function.
But we should note that the previous verse does reference the ‘heart’ (καρδία, kardia). Bible dictionaries often define the heart as the all-encompassing seat of the soul, mind, will, emotions and character, just as the heart was seat of the soul – the regulator of pneuma – for the Stoics.
Helpfully Galen shows there were also other views during the early New Testament era. During the 1st century CE the Pneumatic school of Roman medicine had reasserted old distinctions between the heart (which housed the mind) and the brain (which housed the soul). Galen went a step further and theorized a tripartite soul: the rational soul in the brain, the spiritual soul in the heart, and the appetitive soul in the liver. It’s uncertain what our gospel writer intended by ‘heart’ in Mt.6:21, but it would be interesting to explore whether and how his usage reflects traditional Greek, Gnostic, Galen or uniquely Hebrew or Christian concepts of these ideas.
What is clear is that there are no references to the pineal gland in the Bible. And even though Galen’s treatise reseating the psychic pneuma in another brain structure was highly influential, theories connecting the soul to the pineal gland resurfaced in the Middle Ages, and even in Descartes. Spiritual interest in it today largely stems from New Age appropriation of Madam Blavatsky’s 19th C. Theosophy which claimed the pineal gland is an atrophied vestige of the mystical ‘third eye’, the “organ of spiritual vision” offering awakening, clairvoyance, and higher states of consciousness. Like many other New Age theories, this one has no basis in the Bible.
Again for the umpteen time. Stop spreading lies because you’re ignorant of history and culture.
Thanks for commenting. You write…”I have studied the third eye and it has nothing to do with the pineal gland. The ancient mesopotamian culture believed in an evil eye.”
Endar, I think the third eye / pineal gland association in ancient India and Egypt is more than obvious, and this association was passed to the Greeks as well. How anyone can deny this is beyond me.
LOL your all all over the place. Yes the 3rd eye exists… But a God watching from the sky LOL
I think he is very succinct & cohesive….maybe hes just a bit above your head
Hi Josh,
there is so much to discuss in the bible. My approach as well as my conclusions are an attempt at discovering what is the real meaning, realizing that there may be more than one interpretation and that makes it all the more fascinating to discuss. I used to have a more strict or narrow view of scripture but in our many discussions I realize you have a more open mind and it has helped me with some difficult portions of scripture. Just when we think we have nailed it down we see another viewpoint. I appreciate what I have learned from you and look forward to our next exciting discussion.
The sacred secretion . Look it up that along with the healing of the chakra is how you achieve this . You have to be alone and give up the ways of the flesh . When God is pleased with you then you will meet him face to face . You will be one of the 144,000 that Is left on this earth . When God let’s the devil and all his angels have their way . Hell on earth . Then the devil is taken to hell . We will all walk the new earth with our Savior . Faith with out works is dead . These are my works and I am a sinner . There is only one that is good . When you leave this earth you are energy free from this body . Satan has no control over you anymore . You go threw a separation the serpant from the seed . All you have done you will have to endure . Sering pain to the verry core of you . All the feelings you hurt all the torment torture all the bad until you are sorry . Only what you have done . You kill someone you feel all the hurt and sorrow from the loved ones . God is fair and God is just . On this earth good can not exist with out bad . That’s the struggle down here . The separation of the good and bad come after death . Our soul is energy it doesn’t die .
Great Article!
Psalms 1:2 – But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.
Psalms 19:14 – Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 119:15 – I will meditate in thy precepts, and have respect unto thy ways.
Psalms 104:34 – My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the LORD.
John 1:1-4
King James Version
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 The same was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
All things in our universe are constantly in motion, vibrating. Even objects that appear to be stationary are in fact vibrating, oscillating, resonating, at various frequencies. … And ultimately all matter is just vibrations of various underlying fields. As such, at every scale, all of nature vibrates. Nov 13, 2018
Could consciousness come down to the way things vibrate? https://earthsky.org › human-world › consciousness-what-…
It is believed that the presence of two different crystalline compounds in the pineal gland is biologically significant, suggesting two entirely different mechanisms of formation and biological functions. Studies directed toward the elucidation of the formation and functions, and possible nonthermal interaction with external electromagnetic fields are currently in progress.
Copyright 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Genesis 32:30
King James Version
30 And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.
Matthew 6:22-23
King James Version
22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!
In the healthy blood crystallized hemoglobin can be easily demonstrated: a large drop of blood is placed upon a slide, and after coagulation of the margin has taken place the cover is lowered gently, and after from twelve to twenty-four hours the hemoglobin appears as rhombic crystals. …
BLOOD CRYSTALS. | JAMA | JAMA Networkhttps://jamanetwork.com › journals › jama › full article
Genesis 4:10
King James Version
10 And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto me from the ground.
There are no facts in the scriptures to support that former personalities in the bible such as Jacob/Israel
would live after dying. When Christ Jesus returns then the dead will rise; some will be judged at the GREAT WHITE THRONE OF JUDGEMENT, AND OTHERS WILL BE ON THEIR WAY TO THE NEW JERUSALEM WITH CHRIST JESUS.
One cannot add to the God’s word in the Old and New Testaments period. You may be seeking attention, and, in all probability, you will get it, both positive and negative.
Supervising California Youth Authority wards in Southern California in an institutional setting for crimes committed against society, I noticed some wards, in a group of eighty wards, sought attention by committing negative behavior acts which would cause staff to admonish the ward, and, at times, cancel their evening recreation program.
Many times while counselling or admonishing a ward, the ward would be very attentive, cooperative, and would follow the instructions of our staff/group supervisors with an appreciative expression. Yes, without that negative incident/behavior he would have continued to be lost among the eighty other wards.
In conclusion, many of these young men in the California Youth Authority were from broken homes. Some were orphans whose parents had died and left with a Grandmother too old to properly look after the child or young teenager. They were desperate for attention, any attention, whether positive or negative, and in a correctional institution with so many inmates or wards personal attention is rare. I do hope that you Jacob did not have that kind of experience, or if you did you can speak to genuine Christians and Pastors.
Mirroring God’s image, including Elohim’s creation, and all fictitious creations, the Principles of Discovery (creation), adhered to by all nations, likewise consistent with it, Everything, and every single edifice erected, including the UN (IMF, etc.,) upon the ground of Nova [s]Albion (with Grizzly Bay Port under [Mt.] Diablo), privately discovered forever For [and also by] Francis Bacon of England (aka: John Drake [Rx/St]; William I Tudor; Vc. Count St. Alban; …), successor to Queen Elizabeth Of England (not For England), has been dissolved by his succeeder, the discoverer of the New Earth and Heavens, with the New Jerusalem over San Francisco, ordered concordantly with Moon [Quickest], Mercury, Venus [with its S[h]ipar, RŽ/RH, Pentagrams], Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, etc., over 35.5 months ago.
Naturally, in the Age of Sal-mon (Monad/Heh/Jež) – In Nobis Regnat Jesus (within ourselves reigns the little devil).
Man elevates faithful God to his proper place (Monas) – Ignis Natura Renovatur Integra.
I have read several posts and I am absolutely blown away. I have come to the same place that you have but likely through a different road. I have studied Jewish Kabbalah for many years and this brought me to the esoteric appreciation of the Tanakh as well as the Christian New Testament. I saw the story of Yacov pretty much as you described, not actually relating it to meditation per se but rather to the spiritual or energetic realm and our journey within it. As a kabbalist we were trained to see the physical world as nothing but an illusion. We were also trained to manipulate this reality through intention. The physical world being nothing but a shadow of the real which is the spiritual, you change the spiritual in the physical automatically follows. I learned to do this without the aid of meditation, I would probably describe it as a walking meditation. I did a lot of meditation as a young adult and had quite a few full color experiences in what people call remote viewing and remote influencing. I have recently gone back into meditation with a whole new experience layering on top of it my kabbalistic skills. But I absolutely love your descriptions. There are a few deeper dive points I would like to share pertaining to this particular post. Israel in the Hebrew comes from two words, yashar elohim. Yashar means to go directly to or to take the straightest path. Elohim is a plural Hebrew word meaning judges and creators. The meaning is more easily understood if one filters it through the story of Jacob or Yacov in Hebrew. Yacov in Hebrew means supplanter, representing the egoistic physical condition of mankind. In Hebrew scriptures Jacob and Israel typically refer to the masculine and feminine or ego centered versus spiritual centered man. So the meaning of yisrael or yashar elohim would be best translated to he who desires to go directly to becoming one of the judges and creators of their own realities. It makes a lot of sense when we understand that creation of this world takes place on two levels, the individual and the corporate levels. As the Hebrew Shema esoterically points out, we we as Adam create this reality individually and together as one. So the story of Jacob is quite interesting, his awakening begins when he sees the vision of The stairway to heaven. The klee, empty vessel or desire is created and he enters darkness or night. The klee or desire is described as the creation of darkness in each of us. The klee creates a hunger for the light, and so Jacob wants to be born again. He struggles against Elohim through his time of darkness, with his only desire to be born again and to receive the new name. As the light appears Yacov dies and is born again and given the new name of Yisrael. This represents the passage which all of us must go through every day of our lives. We continually develop new klees or desires which are in reality energetic hunger. The ego tries to satisfy this energetic hunger through the illusionary physical world around it. Of course world in Hebrew comes from the word olam which esoterically means hidden. As in the spiritual reality is hidden behind the world. There is a Jewish esoteric saying that if you want to know Yehovah, simply look behind nature for that is where he hides. In the end we are all saying the same thing, using different symbolism and language. As Yeshua said, the kingdom of Elohim or judges in creators is within us.
i don’t know if you still reply to this comment section, but i’ll still give a go. i find your analysis quite interesting, now, i see that you left out one parte of the chapter 32: the dislocating of his hip. i’ve put some thought about it, and yet i cannot comprehend why that happened.
do you have any hypothesis on the question?
Hi Natalia…
The dislocating of the hip signified a dependence now on the spiritual side of life instead of his own understanding.