Prior to spiritual awakening, the mind is propelled by inherent subconscious thought programs. Due to the way Nature or evolution functions, we each come into this world already uploaded in natural adherence to the permanent laws of nature. No person escapes this activity which operates in the mind and body. These inherited energy patterns are what the permanent laws of nature work on in providing our individual relative life experiences.
The content nature of these subconscious patterns, exists consequent of the seed standard produced in previous lives.
Based on these previously created journey-seeds, the laws of nature – laws of mind – manifest corresponding worlds to fit the paradigms of these seed patterns. Every previous seed thought which was accepted in deeper mind as true, reproduces to form our reality after birth. The laws of nature continue material manifestation of the seeds, into full bloom, until the cycle is interrupted by conscious awareness.
Because of these ignorance-based mind-sets or thought seeds, the corresponding lower intellect – as opposed to resolute intellect — has no choice but adhere faithfully and develop lifestyles and relationships around which our lives can reflect these lower-nature seed patterns, thereby repeating this level of consciousness indefinitely.
Sadly, this unwitting higher-nature ignorance is the root cause of almost every known disease or infection on the planet. Logic suggests that, at some level, this known fact must extend into the realm of the unknown or potential diseases such as the present Coronavirus pandemic. In other words, prevention is possible which is better than cure.
In the sleeping soul state, we’re without stability, equipoise: our mental-physical equilibrium falls prey to all the laws of opposites – good-bad, love-hate, like-dislike, disease-harmony. In other words, the laws of nature fulfill ignorance-based consciousness to perfection. It does so in order to keep us bound to its authority. Because of this unwitting ‘fall from grace’ our life is lived under the spell of illusory existence — identifying solely with the uploaded birth standard of disease-consciousness and all the ramifications of addictive lifestyles. Thus perpetuating a vicious circle of finding cures for situations which could have been prevented. In other words, spiritual blindness continues in perpetuity until we raise the lower human standard to a higher standard: one established in spiritual awareness. this process is the way of gaining Pure Consciousness, the sickles state.
Soul’s desire for evolution
At some point in our life, the soul’s desire for growth and evolution begins surfacing from within. When ‘suffering’ becomes too much, an inner dialogue along the lines ‘enough is enough’, ‘what can I do to escape this’. Much like biblical Paul’s flash on the road to Damascus. This flash moment of course was a flash of intuitive awareness which becomes clearly cognizable. For some this may be soon after adolescence, for others during some personal crises or an unguarded ego moment, or an unsuspecting seed of inspiration is picked up from another soul.
In times of crises, when there’s not many options available, we become keenly sensitive and alert to life-saving guidance. These prompts equate to divine wisdom: our soul screaming for what we must do next. For further life development, this soul-listening or soul-attuning is critical.
The soul’s desire for spiritual evolution is one of those symphonic points, when that certain Que, flash or inner prompt becomes the catalyst to some outer practical action: maybe a detoxification program leading to inner freedom from addictive life patterns or some soul-destroying habits.
But always remembering, that, freedom from the compelling laws of nature is a conscious decision.
This is when practices like meditation and yoga start making impression-seeds in the mind, start stirring the asleep consciousness into self-inquiry awareness. In the beginning, we won’t know much about these practices, but deep down they resonate a spiritual vibration in us. This resonance is divine prompting.
Catch 22
Now, in this context, of spiritual awakening, we’re presented with the classic conundrum or catch-22 situation. On the one hand, due to this inherited subconscious conditioning — habitual stress, fear and ignorance — while on the other, interrupting this automatic activity requires a conscious decision to breaking this soul-sleeping cycle and eventual escape from it into the awakening level.
Making this decision is akin to self-force awakening from a bad dream. Even though we’re sleeping, we just know we must escape this griping nightmare. Even in the dream, awakening calls for real effort. Herein lies the clue. We’re presented with the nightmare in order to awaken from it. Similarly, with ignorance-based life, we make the decision to awaken from its nightmare existence.
This is the biggest effort-requiring decision we’ll ever make in our entire life. Like the dream, it calls for strength and courage. But once we commence we’ll always awaken. The difference being, the dream is a fabrication, an illusion, whereas You are real.
And while we’re born in to this lower world of law dominance, at another level of soul, humans are encoded with immortality DNA. But, again, we must consciously choose immortality.
Similarly, like dream awakening, once this inner journey commences, the target of immortality and Self-awareness becomes unmissable. At a certain point we’ll have developed a level of consciousness from which we will ‘know’ immortality. But, between knowing and non-knowing much shedding and inner awakening will have taken place.
Moving on.
Re-aligning mind-body for additional immunity
Innumerable are the laws of nature, thus we cannot align with each law separately. This is impossible. But what is possible, what is doable, is re-align the mind in such a way that there is automatic mind-body-health-harmony co-ordination with all the laws of nature simultaneously. This is how the immune system is weaponized in defending against viral attack such as Covid-19. This process of cosmic mind alignment stimulates the Thymus gland into releasing the required quota of mature antibodies or white blood cells –antigens or pathogens — into the immune system, which then travel through a now strengthened circulatory system bringing further health-infused oxygen to every part of the body.
This approach to disease-free health presents a whole new dynamic for the ordinary person to initiate into our lives cost-free and natural.
The Three Gunas of Nature
Let us now address these innumerable laws of nature by their umbrella titles. They come under what the immortal Bhagavad-Gita calls the three gunas. These three gunas are the qualities or dynamics working within each of us from birth, the laws of nature, as mentioned earlier. Gaining knowledge of guna interaction is where real spiritual schooling begins. It’s from here — from this practiced understanding — that real physical health, well-being and soul liberation establishes tangibly in consciousness.
The three Gunas are:
Sattva – harmony, goodness, spirituality
Rajas – passion, activity, ambition
Tamas – inertia, dullness, sloth
Collectively these three elements of nature are responsible for all creation, maintenance and dissolution. Such is how physical creation and evolution continue in perpetuity eternally.
As we can observe, each guna has a particular quality or nature. And at certain stages in our life, one of these qualities may be the dominant guna, or any pair of gunas interacting with each other. In other words, we can be feeling blissfully happy one day and next day the reverse – the gunas compete for dominance over our free will. Bhagavad-Gita refers to this alternating activity as the gunas acting upon gunas. This is why we don’t get attached even to Sattva standard because it too is binding. But, what is constant and non-binding is Pure Sattva. This state represents soul liberation which is gained through regular meditation.
And while all three gunas are present simultaneously in mind-body, the Higher Self or Soul, being transcendental lies beyond the gunas, beyond aging and decaying. Therein lies THE secret of perfect health. The transcendental state of unruffled calm is truly the dormant miracle awaiting a consciousness through which to reflect. We can each be that Prism of consciousness.
The human soul sets out in life from the tamas-rajas level. Later, raja guna spurs us warrior-like to explore the treasure troves of the material world, possessions and artificial happiness. Later again, through maturity — or burnout — we discover that the material possessions and artificial happiness are not providing that innately sought-after ‘something’. That sub-terrain quality of inner space, peace and happiness, or, Pure Sattva. This Pure Sattva state can exist alongside the chaotic world activity. We don’t have to self-isolate in a cave or monastery. No, we live normal lives in whichever societal culture we’re born into.
Guiding Scriptures to Bliss-consciousness
Here are some wonderful scriptures, each expressing exactly the same message of health, peace and liberation:
The Bible states: Jesus said, “First seek ye the kingdom of heaven (Perfection) and all else shall be added” (added unto consciousness.)
Then, in the immortal five thousand years old Bhagavad-Gita, chapter two verse 45, Lord Krishna states: “Be without the three gunas, O Arjuna, freed from duality” meaning, freed from rule of opposites, the laws of nature.
These two pivotal scriptures are both presenting the same means of gaining contact with the Transcendent Divine Principle latent within all humans, regardless of our culture.
Again, Jesus said: “My kingdom is not of this world” meaning, that, Pure Coconsciousness is not of time space and causation, or, this world.
And, “the kingdom of God is within” — referring to divine potential within consciousness, which Potential, when realized, is Pure Consciousness, Pure Sattva. Also termed Bliss-Consciousness or Cosmic-Consciousness.
Transcending the Gunas and uploading disease-free health
Negative thought entanglement is what keeps the mind and body trapped in perpetual suffering. Transcendence, on the other hand, is what frees the mind-body from thought entanglement interaction.
Thus the art of disentanglement from subconscious mind-sets, particularly regards health, is through transcendence. Transcendence is already Perfect, already Pure Awareness. No worldly ailment can exist here. Nothing of this world can gain access into Pure Consciousness, thus the need of inner transformation. This is where inner silence and utter mental surrender comes in.
The purpose of the three gunas of Nature therefore is to keep each human soul bound to thought entanglement, bound to its authority in the area of ‘world’ existence. Thus THE goal of life for each soul is to transcend the laws of nature, transcend beyond ‘the world’ of the three gunas. There is no higher spiritual achievement than this act of personal transcendence.
And because we have risen above time, space and causation, in transcendence there is no aging or decaying of the cellular body for the duration of the meditation session –we’re establishing conscious immortality awareness.
After gaining pure transcendental consciousness, the mind, post meditation, retains a certain level of transcendental bliss nature until our next meditation. Twice daily meditation is imperative in making transcendental consciousness a permanent state. At this level, we don’t take sides with the gunas nor do we react to their inter-functioning. Self-Bliss Awareness is now experienced as separate from the activity of the world.
Bhagavad-Gita, chapter six, verses 10-15, sets out the simple method of meditation, leading to transcendence, and how to practice it.
This meditation practice is surely the secret to having a strong nervous system and, more vitally, optimizing the activities of the immune system for our total health benefit, particularly release of white blood cells, or T-cells, from the Thymus gland. These are the warriors which defend the mind-body against any foreign invaders entering into it. This is how the whole mind-body-cellular-molecular structure is made permanently harmonious and blissfully healthy.
Thank you for another great contribution reminding us all about what we can do to alter and replace these negative “subconscious patterns” that often rule our lives without us every giving thought or attention to them.
You bring up a really important point that we, as spiritual journey seekers, have to come to grips with. As Leo mentioned in a comment to Anny’s last article, we have been bombarded in 2020 with major world events that have produced an influx of negative emotional / thought energy. It’s not something new, it was there all along, simmering beneath conscious awareness in a large majority, and then it manifested in some tragic ways, of which we can all witness. The effects reveal the causes.
When I first began the spiritual journey, I was unaware of the dogmatic thought patterns and conditioned programming within myself, and till this day I still discover, upon close self-reflection, the things that are still there when certain circumstances reveal them. In our modern age we all want to say, “Just give me the pill to fix me!” instead of taking the time to become conscious of the root of our physical, emotional, and mental issues. When we don’t “catch” them through careful introspection, and honestly assess them, tracing them back to their triggers and root causes, we remain oblivious to the fact that we can be totally blind and on a leash of the puppet master which is the negativity buried deep within the subconscious controlling our feelings and thoughts, and causing us to act out in certain ways. The strange thing is, we are actually tricked into thinking that we controlled the situation and enacted out our own free will when in fact the morning we got up we did some of the things we did not out of choose, but out of negative habitual patterns we aren’t even cognizant of.
A scripture from the New Testament from St. Paul so perfectly illustrates your point:
“For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that I do not; but what I hate, that I do.” (Romans 7:15).
Here we have one of the greatest apostles unveiling the trouble that even the greats have had to struggle with. The person who has true free will has mastered himself. It takes time, discipline, and work. Effort. Meditation, as you mention, can be a vitally important process in taking back the control we all wish to have. The Apostle Paul also makes this explicitly clear when he speaks of the woman being silent in the church. Again, as readers here know, he is not speaking of the actual sexes or gender, but of mind processes within the church, or body temple. The ability to choose to input the correct things into the subconscious so that it is reprogrammed, all of which our nervous systems and brains respond to.
The more I learn about meditation, the more I learn how effective a tool it is. Not only does it reveal the impulses, habits, and desires of our lower natures, but it allows the negative to be replaced by the positive as you illustrated, and takes out of our usual everyday consciousness to transcendence of it.
Thank you for explaining the three Gunas, and then the subsequent scriptures by Christ to give us a well-rounded understanding of this pure awareness state above time and space where there is no decay and sickness. The verses you mention from the Bhagavad Gita were also helpful to reflect upon again for a great direction for this type of meditation.
Thank you for this really good comment, and the extra evaluation. The human condition indeed — as mentioned in the St Paul scripture — has been with us for a very long time. The ancient scripture writers certainly knew the simple way of resolving this inherited natural man condition, as in: Be still and know that I am God” psalm 46-10. You would wonder, Josh, how different things might be now, regards the human condition globally, if Paul’s — and psalm 46-10 — insightful understanding of resolving this inherited condition had been dealt with more maturely then by the so-called authorities of that era/day and the present day — if religions had not hijacked the whole process of inner transformation and turned it into something entirely different. The simple method of resolving the human condition has been muddied so that we would remain under the law of conditioning slavery. We seem to have wasted several thousand years making the situation worse instead of resolving it.
In terms of spiritual advancement, think of where the world might be today, if all the useless dogma that has been spewed into the minds of countless millions of seekers, including myself at the early stages of awakening, had it been applied practically through Paul’s experiential understanding.
Generations of respected individuals, of all eras, took advantage it seems of so many vulnerable people, for power and advantage. And still it continues: Cramming belief systems into vulnerable congregations, thinking that belief systems alone will transform the natural man/woman status, as mentioned in this article. We need to get to the stage when we can say: ” the prince of the world calleth and had nothing in me” John 14-30 that includes non-existence of misleading belief systems.
But not only literal institutionalism bear responsibility for mainlining the human condition. The pharmaceutical and global news media, including TV stations, also contribute greatly to maintaining the status quo.The pharmaceutical industry wish, it seems, that a tablet or pill, (as you mention) be taken for every ailment, and the media for perpetuating unrelenting daily negativity.
One positive at least to have come from coronavirus is that people have now been challenged into independent thinking and personal evaluation minus the overpowering non soul-serving dogma and media. Blessings to all.
Thanks Raymond, as ever, great stuff. Some of it difficult for me to understand now 🙂 My working life was devoted to the computer industry, with its data structures, methods, fixed rules. How lucky I was to escape the real world by hiding there 🙂 The last 35 years has been ‘catching up’.
Not to counter but to add to this, the two things (maybe 3) known to me from Hindu mythology.
The first one is ‘Ayurveda-the Churning of the Ocean of Milk’, which imo applies to the worlds of duality. Giving us a way to be in the world, and not of it. Using the ‘negative’ aspects of life in order to gain of it.
A real world example is the rescue of the 12 children and coach trapped by Aunt Water (Lung Nam) in the Tam Luang (yellow caves) in the North of Thailand. The then governer used his skill set to coordinate all efforts to actually save all despite the pessimistics and the people that ‘calculate’ chance. Some info on the net (about churning) : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kshira_Sagara There is lots of info
And nr 2 the famous dialog between Krishna and Arjuna about going to battle : https://sites.google.com/site/persuasionpast/home/krishna-and-arjuna-speak-of-war-in-the-bhagavad-gita
Both in my opinion ask us to be ‘in the world’ guided by our innate True Nature. Good and bad are terms relative to the position of the doer. Fullfilling one’s destiny is what counts.
Off course it is nice to be a holy man and have insight beyond the here and now. Being born in a family of warriors means to be a warrior in this life and use it for the good of the Entity in which we Live and Move and have our Being. If I am a liver cell in this body and i want to be a heart cell then I am out of boundary of my life fullfillment as a body cell serving this body (and have to be killed by Me).
Yes , i will study the Bhagavat-Gita some more.
This is very inline with the period I am in :
BG 6.10: “Those who seek the state of Yog should reside in seclusion, constantly engaged in meditation with a controlled mind and body, getting rid of desires and possessions for enjoyment”.
– I substitute meditation with a breathing technique that forces the inner bodies to be in alliance with my Innate Nature (the Unmmovable Witness Within, The Buddha Eye, sixth chakra).
– I am teaching myself to see myself in all my activities (without judgement), thus bringing light into my inner world. That includes doing some things, that hurt only me, ‘wrong’ and looking at it. I am not perfect, I can learn, one day I get this right, I will persevere. Carl Jung calls this meeting my Shadow.
– instead of meditation I use dreaming to come to terms with whatever puzzles me (a sort of guided meditation, the lines between meditation and lucid dreaming blur).
Btw the Rig Veda mentions the All-Seeing Eye. See the paragraph ”Use of the All-Seeing Eye in Ancient Cultures” on this webpage : https://consciousreporter.com/conspiracy-against-consciousness/corruption-sacred-symbols-all-seeing-eye/ (nr 3 🙂
I am looking into the function of O3, O-Zone, as a sample (example) of wholeness (and in contrast with 666). It came to me when people here in Thailand explained to me that certain (ornamental) symbols can only be used by the royal families (according to legends originating from the Nagas). One of the symbols (of Hindu origin) looks like a stylistic six ( 6 ). To me it stands for incomplete creation, cf Sophia’s story.
Take :
U (upside down)
Then press them together so that all overlap halfway. You get 3 1/2 coil. Top one connected to the Heaven, open. 3 closed loops, then bottom one connected to Earth, open. The 3 closed loops are our power centers, cf old Chinese dan tians.
Kind regards, Leo
Hi Leo…
Thank you for this excellent comment !! Wow, you’ve an amazing brain capacity for getting so much insightful info and analogy into one comment. Your comments are always packed with vital links for practical-life situations. Really love the links you provided on the history of The 3rd Eye. I will re-read this article again many time for sure. I agree with its author, that, there seems to be an attempt by vested interests to erase or mitigate esoteric symbolism for selfish reasons. I’ve read your other links as well. Really good.
Alongside the Bible, like yourself, Leo, I never tire of ancient scriptures, particularly Indian / Hindu scriptures such as the Bhagavad-Gita. At their application level, of living through spiritual awareness, there is basically no difference between both Books: each are outlining the Way through different language and symbolism.
A theme which is becoming patently obvious to many people nowadays, is the need of moving from preached outer focusing on belief systems and more into direct experiencing of Self or Christ within, or whatever title we wish to call IT. Direct experience of inner Being or Higher Self rents asunder all perception of ‘outer God’. Paul has a good comment piece on this in Anny’s last article.
When transcendental silence becomes established within consciousness, or, put another way, when natural happiness and contentment begins emerging into consciousness, teachings on outer God orientation conditioning will, through revelatory understanding from within ourselves, naturally fall away. This, as you say, Leo, is when the newly-revealed awakening level of inner Self is lived alongside our worldly status, thereby do we integrate good and bad — duality — into Unity consciousness.
This is also when we begin seeing the lower natural-man nature for what it is: an illusion to aid awakening unto Self.
Regards the shadow, we cannot deal with the shadow through shadow nature, but, when spiritual awakening commences, through whatever technique adapted, this is when we start consciously confronting the demons, the crystallized structures of the shadow nature.
Through spiritual awakening, and consciously living therefrom, the shadow makes way for Light, for a new order of awareness based on divine understanding — thus we will live by Grace and not under law. The shadow therefore has served its purpose, that of bringing us to awakening from a terrible ignorance dream, when shadow becomes redeemed or integrated into Light.
Practical integration of shadow may then take many mixed turns. Addiction counselling for some may be by way of professional rehabilitation. Whereas, anger management, may be by means of conscious application of meditational compassion into our every conscious act. In other words, pause… before action or… words.
Your own technique of inner awakening, Leo, is certainly serving you really well. Breath techniques have long been associated with achieving mental Yoga, or Unity consciousness. Happy days to you !!
Thank you also for all the COVID-19 updates in my last article. I didn’t reply to them all as you were on a roll, as they say! So, well done you, Sir, for all that updating. Many I’m sure benefited !
Thanks again, Leo, for a great comment.
Thanks Raymond, what a responsive. I feel my plate is fully loaded with interesting things.
Just one : ‘the crystallized structures of the shadow nature’, that my friend will open a new box of pandora’s delight for me (just joking). It gave me a new perspective on something that is intriguing me for the last 40 years or so. So new meat to chew 🙂
And then there is the original text which i can not yet fully ‘devour’. Tamas in respect to ‘old age’, and tamas in respect to a cleanup of old habits.
Thanks man !
@Raymond, I did not overlook your advice.
‘”Practical integration of shadow may then take many mixed turns. Addiction counselling for some may be by way of professional rehabilitation. Whereas, anger management, may be by means of conscious application of meditational compassion into our every conscious act. In other words, pause… before action or… words.”
Both isues (addiction and anger) need to addressed, work in progress. I will add sloth to that. Anapanasati and vipasaana create, for me, a small amount of time before the built-in amygdala-hijack can occur. That bit of time gives me room to adjust my ‘addicted’ behaviour.
I am starting to understand that addiction takes many forms. Some mistakes I make often in a day, i start to do on purpose with a smile, just to look at it and wonder.
Anger no longer dominates me, but it still needs addressing. I see anger now as ‘there is something here and now that i cannot handle’. Becoming anger and throwing it to the outside was my way out. Surpressing it and turning it inside gave me the heart-burns.
Now finding myself in anger, i tell myself ‘i see myself experiencing anger’ and i wonder.
Still while driving to the supermarket yesterday i had to talk to some driver behaving ‘stupidly’. So, now, while recanting that, i laugh at myself,. Caught you in the act, Leo !
Countering sloth by taking good care of myself and my environment. Sweeping the floor regularly and doing the dishes more often 🙂
Kind regards,
responsive = response (typo)
I am new at all of this and would like to understand the following a bit better –
why is Seek ye first the kingdom, translated to mean seek ye first perfection? A lot of people say it means to seek first inner peace which is very different to seeking perfection because that means a continual judgement of what is perfect. I prefer Seek to be fully conscious and perfection will be added unto you? can you help me understand this?
Thank you so much
Hi Adrianne,
Thank you for your comment and for the really good question.
You write:
I am new at all of this and would like to understand the following a bit better –
why is Seek ye first the kingdom, translated to mean seek ye first perfection?
Basically, they’re both referring to the same outcome.
‘Seek ye first the Kingdom’ is generally translated to mean, ‘seek ye first (life’s priority) Pure consciousness within AS our own consciousness. But of course, we don’t give our-self perfection or pure consciousness, as Perfection is of transcendental nature, we rise to It through daily transcendence in meditation.
There is a scripture which states ‘be ye perfect as thy father is in heaven’ There is an article of mine here SOS under that heading.
You’ve actually answered the question when you state: “I prefer, seek to be fully conscious and perfection will be added unto you”? Yes, you’re correct. To be fully conscious means coming upon expanded awareness, when all of our inner faculties or characters of soul, biblically referred to as the 12 apostles, are attuned with cosmic standard, or Christ consciousness, and being expressed outwardly into life.
Thus the word, ‘Perfection’ translates ‘Pure Consciousness’ which is consequent of repeated daily meditation: when the mind is repeatedly and constantly exposed to, or encountering, transcendental silence.
In other words, pure consciousness is gained with the human condition gradually becoming purified to withstand the bliss of pure consciousness. So, pure consciousness or ‘the kingdom of heaven’ or eternity, is within each soul already. Every soul ‘intuitively seeks’ this state of spiritual awareness: for it to be added unto, or become, one’s permanent state of consciousness.
When the conscious mind/ intellect reduces to zero or non-mental activity in meditation, then the lower mind/intellect eventually transcend unto Pure consciousness — become integrated.
Transcendence thus equates to pure expanded awareness or, Perfection. Any inwardly directed meditation — which leads initially to mental silence — eventually, and naturally, leads to the Transcendent, Perfection or Pure consciousness.
When the awareness rises above all the mental chatter then our awareness finds itself AS the Transcendent or Perfection – where nothing of the relative world can interfere, as there will be no judgmental lower ego staining or soiling the purity of the Eternal Present Moment.
Initially, on our spiritual journey back to Source, we will be seeking inner peace from the madness of the relative world, and all the chaos that goes with that nature. But gradually, through the conscious mind withdrawing from relativity and becoming familiar with transcendental silence, we come to realize this silence as experiential bliss-consciousness – the kingdom of God AS our own eternal awareness or bliss-consciousness — also referred to as cosmic consciousness.
Reflect Adrianne, on: “Be still and know that I am God” psalm 46-10. In other words, when the lower-self ‘ego-I’ is stilled in meditation then do we ‘get to know’ the Higher-Self ‘I’. It’s this higher-self ‘I’ which is God-Nature or Pure. Thus we come to understand the other scripture: ‘I’ and the Father are One”, meaning your higher-self (when realized) is God-consciousness — this transcendental state is what’s perfect and is what we each ‘seek’.
Thus, the spiritual journey of becoming transformed, purified, or perfected in consciousness, is a journey into deepening our meditational silence. To this end, hearing the sacred sound AUM deep within is hearing the Word of God: AUM or the Word is the Ever-Perfecting Vibratory Silence. Thus hearing the perfect Word of God, of AUM, is what leads to “be ye perfect as they Father is in heaven”.
We then come to understand another biblical verse: “and I, if I be raised shall draw all manifestations (divine standard of awareness) unto me (unto our own Christ-raised consciousness — meaning, the Resurrection of our consciousness unto God the Father”.
That Christ is within, and when raised from the slumber of spiritual ignorance through daily meditation, we become the risen Christ, become realized in Pure consciousness or God-consciousness.
Blessings, Adrianne. Hope this has been helpful.