There are still far too many Christians in the world who are unaware of the esoteric significance of their Bible. This is because too many Christians believe the Bible was inspired—word for word— by an external deity who is totally separate from themselves and the rest of creation. Let me be clear. The Bible was inspired, but inspiration has always come from within the depths of extraordinary individuals.
Historically, these extraordinary individuals were from multiple cultures; the truths contained within the Bible do not belong solely to Jewish or Christian origins. Many Biblical truths were taught much earlier in Hindu, Buddhists, and even Egyptian scriptures and mythologies.
Today I’m going to illustrate this by discussing something that Jesus, Jacob (Abraham’s grandson), and the Eye of Horus all have in common. Of course if we viewed any of these icons and their stories literally, we might miss something of vital significance as it relates to those on the spiritual path. But if we peel back the literal layers, you will see that they all share the same core.
Let’s start with Jesus. It’s obvious that some of his statements are esoteric in nature. For example, his statement in Matthew 6:22 cannot be interpreted literally with any reasonable, logical conclusions:
“The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.”
How does a “single eye” make one’s body full of light? And what is the “single eye,” anyway? Obviously Jesus was referring to some esoteric wisdom here that supersedes anything traditional religion can offer.
As I have discovered, it doesn’t matter how many years you have been studying the Bible or have been in church: without the esoteric keys to unlock this sort of mystery, you will ever remain in the dark. But I promise that with a little digging you can find an answer that lines up so well and connects so many dots that you will have no doubt as to what Jesus was actually referring to.
So let’s get started, shall we?
Jesus’ “single eye” has a long spiritual history. In Egyptian mythology, the “single eye” was the Eye of Horus. Even historians don’t see much significance in the Eye of Horus except that it was a symbol for health, protection, and power. But I want to prove to you that the eye of Horus is not just an ancient symbol carved into the side of a temple. It has a physical reality inside of you, the real holy temple.
Click on the this LINK which will open in a separate window. Then view the picture of the cross-section of the brain which is compared to the Eye of Horus.
As you can see, the eye of Horus sits in your skull and makes up part of your physical brain. It consists of two very important glands, the pineal and the pituitary, and also the thalamus, which appears like an actual eye. This trinity, and especially the pineal gland, has also been called the third eye.
Why would the ancient Egyptians care about this region of the brain? Two words: higher consciousness.
The Egyptian god Horus was a sky god (the falcon). As the sky god, he represented higher consciousness. We can take this a step further and say that Horus represents what you and I can attain. And in order to attain this higher consciousness, something must be awakened within the eye of Horus so that the “single eye” also becomes the ALL SEEING EYE.
Now let’s break down Jesus’ statement. I want you to see not only how it relates to the Eye of Horus, but also how it suggests a divine manifestation in our body temple.
When Jesus said, if your eye be single, he meant that you are seeing spiritually, which is an intuitive / psychic vision present after the activation of this region of your brain. Then thy whole body be full of light simply implies that you have then manifested the EL (god) potential within you. The Bible also states that God is light. If your whole body becomes “full of light” (the light) then you have manifested the divine Christ within you and you become a walking Elohim.
The same formula is conveyed in the Old Testament story of Jacob who becomes Israel. Recall where he wrestled with God and prevailed. How does a human wrestle with God and prevail? The secret is the location of the wrestling match; it’s all inside the eye of Horus region of your brain. Want scriptural proof? Jacob named the location of his wrestling match Peniel, which means face of God. Peniel is just another spelling for Pineal, a gland in the Horus region that acts as a gateway between your physical and spiritual self.
For more information on Jacob and Peniel, see my article here.
Another way to see what Jesus’ saying and the story of Jacob means is to understand that when the physical and spiritual man become one, you are awakened, thus removing the veil. Then a new creative potential becomes awakened within you.
The Marriage
Remember that Genesis specifies how each human is made in the image of God, both male and female. The answer to manifesting the God within you is the marriage between your physical and spiritual self into ONE flesh. This marriage is what Jesus is talking about in the “single eye.” It is also the invisible marriage Jacob participated in at Peniel. Remember, the scripture said Jacob wrestled with a man and God. Esoterically, this means he was wrestling with his physical and spiritual nature. He became Israel when he overcame both by marrying the two.
How does this symbolic marriage work?
Esoteric literature hints at certain glands in the Eye of Horus region that take place in this marriage. For example, the Upanishad is filled with symbolism that explains how kundalini rises up the spine and splits into a positive and negative charge. As it enters the chakra region associated with the third eye, the positive / male energy strikes the pineal gland and the negative / female energy strikes the pituitary gland. This causes the cosmic marriage and subsequent birth of the Christ within us as hormones are mixed in a sort of divine cocktail. Some believe that since the pineal gland is the gateway to the spiritual self, it is through this portal that higher consciousness is properly channeled when Kundalini is raised. Some conclude that the pineal gland must first be activated causing a secretion of a milky substance which then impregnates the pituitary gland. In turn, this gland then releases more hormones.
This lines up perfectly with the Bible. Psalm 23:5 states:
“Thou anoinest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.”
Esoterically this scripture is talking about the hormonal secretions within the brain that take place as the Holy Ghost (prana and chi) rise up the spine and enter the glandular system in our skulls.
The physical body is a highly complex electromagnetic field, and certain EM frequencies have a harmonizing effect on the brain as a whole. The synchronization of complex glands affects consciousness in profound ways. And since the body is an electromagnetic field, rituals such as meditation, mantras, and visualization must all produce certain waves and frequencies that, when done properly, can help to harmonize the different areas of the brain and produce the divine marriage within.
How can this knowledge help us?
What I am about to explain here is probably the most important part of this post. It is my belief that higher consciousness (your higher self) wishes to manifest in the physical realm. The physical body is the vehicle for this process. However, it has to mature to a certain point before it is ready. Physical processes and conscious experiences are responsible for bringing this higher awareness into the body to be lived out here on earth and expressed! Higher consciousness will ultimately be expressed through creative processes that utilize more love, joy, and peace towards our fellow man, animals, and the earth itself. It is our duty and job to then work towards this awesome calling.
Some may now pose a sobering question: Is God then, and higher consciousness itself, just a response from physical and conscious processes in the body? I believe the answer is yes and no. Pure spirit must have a body to express itself through in order to play, interact, and ultimately experience an existence in tangible ways. Whether that body is more ethereal or physical, a body is still important. So does it really matter that God and higher consciousness are just physiological and psychological processes meant to be manifest in body temples? What matters is the conscious experience itself. So my answer is yes, higher consciousness is just a response from physiological and psychological processes in the body. However, the answer is also no because to think that these complex physiological and psychological processes are anything but divine is to be short-sighted. A balanced perspective on all this information might just be the way we can bring the atheist, the intellectual, the religious-minded, and the spiritualist together.
One last side note: The surest and best way to begin awakening is by beginning to meditate on a regular schedule. Meditation produces certain waves and frequencies that invite kundalini. No-thought meditation takes our focus off left-brain, logical thoughts, and allows our intuitive right brain function to increase, thereby balancing the two so that the divine marriage process can take place.
Do you think it could be possible to electromagnetically stimulate the pineal gland which would temporarily allow the eye to be open up. Kind of like the God helmet?
It’s probably possible, but I would never recommend it. part of the process of pineal gland awakening is being ready psychologically. Personally, I believe manipulating this sort of thing could have consequences. There are no shortcuts to true enlightenment.
Hey Matt,
I have used cannabis, psilocybin, frequency music, sun gazing and deep meditation to open my third eye and chakras.
All of my experiences (above) past and present have taken me deep into the light of God and mind of Christ.
The benefits have been numerous (physical, mental, emotional, financial) and continue to unfold and expand as I seek greater enlightenment and understanding.
Peace to you brother and thank you for sharing your insight. I’ve enjoyed reading your articles on this subject
Wow. Bravo on this article and explaining something so complex in such a simple and eloquent way.
Does that mean women are evil if yhey are the negative energy?
Absolutely not. The universe is made with both masculine and feminine energy. Good and evil have nothing to do with it.
I believe opening the pineal gland by ‘force’ is what the drug culture of the 1960’s experimented with. Did they do it? Probably, but opening it in such a fast, dark way proved to be extremely harmful to the body and the mind in the long run— and closed most of the chakras as a result. The idea is to open the 3rd eye, consciously with awareness, intent and integrity.
Yes. I have the same thoughts about any drugs. Opening the third eye wrong. Ends up in darkness. Open it up the right way opens up to the light.
I’ve seen a movie like it. “Event horizon “. You fold space to travel distance, but you bring the darkness out of the point you travel through. Your inner fear.
I need this all alone God talk to me a long time ago I seen Jesus Christ he came to me when he needed to and got me out of hell I died three times thank you Lord Jesus Christ my savior father of our father here on Earth and in heaven love peace serenity faith is vain
The symbol can be divided into six parts, representing the shattering of Horus eye into six pieces. Each piece was associated with one of the six senses and a specific fraction. 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/64 add them together and you get 63/64 this seems to point to the fact that the absolute is unobtainable.
here is 2 interesting articles
Thanks for pointing this out. After pondering this some, Biblical enlightenment leads us to wisdom about our true natures, not obtaining the absolute. Obtaining the absolute would be non-existence. What’s the fun in that?
Does that mean women are evil if yhey are the negative energy?
Does that mean perfection is mathmatically impossible?
63/64 = 9/10 = 19, 19 is the number of the All Mighty. We can reach it , its not unobtainable, but since we have God in us meaning we are not actual Gods ourselves, in this life we can only reach a certain level, but earth is just the beginning. Everything is a process.
peace and love
In response to the comments does anyone know if it could be possible to obtain the absolute at all? As part of me thinks it is not possible as we would not be eternal beings ,but then again, it could be possible that all of us have reached the absolute as we once were and will always be. . . . . . . . . . . . Any thought’s on this would be appreciated. Love and light Selina x
Very good question. Personally, I believe the absolute is a potential. When potential is manifested it becomes limited. I really don’t think we can obtain the absolute in a manifest form. We will grow eternally in each body we manifest, and to an extent, will always remain limited. Don’t get me wrong…we are powerful creators when the mind is set right. We have not even come close to the potential our current bodies have within them.
Hi Josh, So much fascinating information that you deftly walk us through here. I especially love how you say that our Higher selves wish to manifest in the physical, and that they do so through creativity and love. Beautiful.
Now I know why I kept painting the Eyes of Horus on my jackets in Highschool and College! Esoteric wisdom coming though that I didn’t understand yet in this life, but felt drawn to.
I also really enjoyed your last post on the brain and Sistine chapel! ~Suzy
P.S. I’m a huge believer in decalcifying the pineal gland by not drinking fluorinated water. This means getting a reverse osmosis water filter, but well worth it.
Thanks, Suzy. Many blessings.
Happy to have found your blog, great articles here. Will be a regular visitor here. Regards.
Thanks Marcel. Glad to have you here!
Great to be hear Joshua. Season’s Greetings to you and all on this awesome blog. Best wishes and regards.
Hi Joshua,
You ask: Is God then, and higher consciousness itself, just a response from physical and conscious processes in the body?
I believe not. That would mean that God would not exist outside the human experience, speaking in 3D terms. I do not believe that is the case. I think God goes far beyond the human experience and our experience of God will also go far beyond that once we have left the phase of the human experience behind us.
I do agree however that the human experience of God consciousness is just(?) a response from physical and conscious processes in the body. The word just somehow seems to diminish the importance of the experience.
You people are all nuts!!! And I’m so glad I found this site. I couldn’t have handled this information until this point on my path. I feel as though I’m supposed to be here. Thanks for what you do Joshua.
Just concerned about terms such as kundalini, horus etc. Last I checked, they were terms of false religions and wer demonic concepts. Please somebody answer me, since the article says the bible is full of wisdom from generally antichrist
religions does that then justify them as godly?
It depends on which domination you’re in. Of course anyone who doesn’t understand these concepts and holds to a literal interpretation to the Bible will proclaim them as evil, but I believe this is more of a matter of ignorance.
The carnal mind is the anti-christ
Sally, absolutely.
the anti-christ is an intelligent being, with more power and knowledge than most. God needed an intelligent & worthy adversary – there was no one better, and no one more naturally inclined to the position. That said, there can ONLY EVER be ONE ruler, and that is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, with Christ; and what they say HAS TO BE ACCEPTED because they know best IMMEDIATELY.. This Burning of people, i personally find unacceptable, because i believe that ANYONE, not given a hard time, and given the rules to life, would be worthy of heaven. Life doesn’t seem to give some people that chance, sadly. Nor do they explain the rules, you have to find them out for yourselves or be fortunate to be born into the right family, with the right support and the right ‘destiny’.. Let’s hope there is GRACE for all who pray and ask for it from Yeshua Jesus Christ.. no matter the circumstances or the transgressions listed..
well; one can always ‘hope’..
Jcas, you ARE CORRECT AND YOUR INTUITIONS ARE SPOT ON. It would not matter if you were 18 years old and came into THE LIGHT YOUNG, OR 98 years old BUT THEN FOUND THE LIGHT. God is not putting a time frame on anyone’s life to find Him. He does have limits and boundaries as far as what He will tolerate, but is more concerned with our relationship with Him as we make mistakes, but seek Him in how to make ourselves stay close to Him. If we believe were always right, then He makes special allowances and gives the allowances for knee scrapes or headaches to greater degrees. His taking anyone away from their shell ( body ) only comes when He can longer allow for us to hurt ourselves anymore or others without further seeking Him. The more you seek Him and apply every action with logical thought to make all situations right as best as you can ( being Christ focused— from the heart ) and question Him your every chance when you want higher understanding, then in turn He will answer but in His timing ( not ours ). Sometimes it will be instant, and sometimes it will be years later. This is where your child like faith comes into play. He tests you and of course without any doubt the devil tests you, and sometimes even more than Him, but this is where He tells the old False one, “ this one is mine, GO AWAY, you can’t have this one “ ( Think about Job ). Your Peniel Penial gland can be thru the khundalini approach ( blanking out thought INITIALLY, or going at your meditation WITH THOUGHTS thinking about how you would feel being the other, or even simply from Jesus’ thoughts on matters — based on His LIVING BREATHING QUOTES ) Your penial gland does activate more greatly given how much closer you want to be with The Lord. Sometimes being alone is the best time to BE FULLY NOT alone ( THAT IS WITH HIM SITTING RIGHT NEXT TO YOU AND LETTING YOU IN ON SO MUCH, SOMETIMES IT WILL SEEM MORE THAN YOU CAN BEAR, BUT THIS IS WHERE HE SAYS, “ I will NEVER put YOU thru anything you cannot bear “ ) IT IS A STRUGGLE, BUT IT IS MORE WORTH ANY piece of gold regardless of its weight in ounces. This too will help you on the chemical composition of your body, because we drink fluoridated water from the tap and even cook with it. Body builders take a legal food supplement called boron. It’s in capsules that you can purchase at nearly any health food store GNC is common in any moderate to large city. Boron is in certain foods, but because it is not contained in so much of the processed foods we eat, we really don’t get the levels that are best. Boron will help to remove the fluoride that eventually over the span of years calcifies the pineal gland, thereby making it less effective ( from theoretical standpoint ). I am 51 years old and my pineal gland has gotten its plentiful share of drugs and alcohol ( poor dietary choices ) and I wouldn’t doubt that I have ingested some drugs that were higher scaled fluoridated drugs, but my penial gland has always worked, and my relationship with The Lord PROBABLY FROM THE STANCE OF PENIAL GLAND ACTIVITY HAS BEEN GREATER THAN WHEN NOT under drugs that I shouldn’t have take. Never give up on Him, He will NEVER give up on you. ALWAYS SEEK HIM AND HE WILL ALWAYS BE THERE
Be Blessed Selah ( NOTHING is broken or ever UNfixable 
PS Jcas,
On the Boron, don’t take more than what the bottle suggests because it can give skin irritation as a result. This rash from my own experience was from overtaking suggested amount. There also is a product GNC or any health food store sells called Bentonite Clay. If you will start taking one tablespoon mixed with 8 ounces of water for about two weeks it will do what is called a gentle detox in your body removing impurities. Do the Bentonite Clay for a couple weeks daily in the morning or before bed, and then incorporate the Boron capsules after the two weeks of Bentonite Clay and that should assist in the removal of fluoride in your bones and Peniel gland in a gentle and safe way
Jcas, I with good intentions re-read your thread, and I too have a difficult time ( RATHER HAD a VERY DIFFICULT TIME ) trying to understand the burning of people. I am not an expert in religion, but I do have an intense amount of study on the practicing of rituals, and though it was VERY DISTRESSFUL FOR ME TO EMBRACE WHAT GOD HAD SAID PERTAINING TO those rituals, I FINALLY SAW THE LIGHT ( RATHER HIS LIGHT ) which enabled a better understanding of HOW IMMENSE HIS LOVE FOR ALL LIVES ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS. For you and myself we sometimes go to “ the altar “ on an altar call, but for others they hear something VERY DIFFERENT BUT AT THE SAME TIME, AND MAYBE AT THE SAME CHURCH. They will HEAR “ ALTER CALL “. This is a programming that is done in most cases in the child’s youth years, and a lot of times it’s a programming that IS FROM INDUCED TORTURE OF VARYING DEGREES. I am referring to those that are brought up differently than us, and many times they end up being the torturer unto children when they are older. It’s sadly an individual that has been programmed and the very basis of their actions and inactions IS FEAR BASED. I can’t explain it all in just a few mere short words, but if you will read Jeremiah 12:15-17, The Lord explains that His people were once taught to swear by Baal, But if they WILL NOW SWEAR BY MY NAME THEN THEY WILL BE RECEIVED BY HIS PEOPLE ( THAT SWEAR BY THE NAME OF THE LORD ) Baal worship has been going on clear back in time since Joshua and Caleb of the 12 spies went out as directed by God to find out what the sacrilegious tribes were doing ( this was PEDOPHILIA AND BURNING OF CHILDREN, SOMETIMES their OWN CHILDREN BURNED to the ashes ) THE LORD WILL ACCEPT them BACK, AND THEN they WILL BECOME A “ THEY “ AND WILL BE OF US. It’s TRULY ABOUT GRACE, AND GOD WANTS IT FOR ALL, ESP THOSE THAT HAVE BEEN BRAINWASHED SINCE CHILDHOOD AND MANY OF THEIR FEARS THAT COME FROM THE BRAINWASHING IS/ARE THE THREATS THEY RECEIVED IN THEIR PROGRAMMING ( ALTERS CREATED VIA HYPNOSIS AND TORTURE ) THREATS THEY WOULD BE KILLED AND OR THEIR LOVED ONES OR FRIENDS. It’s the devils work, and it’s GONE ON FOR FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS
Here is my issue. The Eye of Horus was placed on the dollar bill by Freemasons who do not worship the god in Christianity. We all know these are power hungry people, one world government capitalist, destroying the very planet we need to survive, and all of its resources, with no respect for any form of life on this planet, who do not value the human life or experience as a whole, but only their false sense of power and control. Tying the Eye of Horus with Jesus makes no sense as the two separate organizations/school of thoughts are in complete contradiction, and within all rights in a direct war with each other. I am not a Christian or religious. It is fairly easy to watch multiple videos of musicians throwing up the sign for the Eye of Horus, and Baphomet in the same video, and these same artists stating they have sold their soul to the devil, and regret it.
I don’t mean to offend you but the star of David that you have above is a Kabbalistic symbol, which differs from Christianity, as it includes Mary as a divine spirit akin to the god of Christianity. It was an interesting read, nonetheless. Best wishes on your path.
Thanks David, no offense taken. But I believe you are thinking about Christianity in the traditional sense. Maybe that is the issue. Perhaps the historical Jesus is a myth?
Why is the Cristian cross a aymbol of christianity? Wasn’t it a Roman torturing device?
Andy, the Christian Cross was a symbol for the spirit (consciousness) in conjunction with the physical body (matter) way before Christianity and even the Romans.
In the middle of the brain is the thalamus complex surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid. This includes the thalamus, pineal gland, and other structures. The thalamus acts as a central processing hub, connecting to the spinal cord/nervous system and the cerebral cortex. The pineal gland is crystallized so it seems reasonable to hypothesize this central complex as a type of electromagnetic oscillator or resonator.
Satantic Indeed…All Knowledge Comes From God,The Alpha-The Omega,in fact these gods have no power in this physical or spiritual realm Like,The Creator of all things seen and unseen, God has. To know God is to know His Son And even He is being undermined throughout!
Eu sou nova no assunto em pauta, mas estou amando estes artigos, é como se eu encontasse uma nova Biblia com cada texto explicado desta forma,a gente tem uma visão melhor de compreenção, parabéns para o mentor destes artigos.
this is New Age interpretation of Gods Word and is not True…
the kundalini spirit is of satan and not of God..The Pineal gland is not what causes the conversion of the Father giving to the Son Jesus Christ is a nuerological connection that Is part of the whole of the body soul and spirit of every human being on earth..We do not experience God by looking within and developing a higher consciousness as your example of Leah that you have made foolish conjecture of the text that is not True..We who are Born From Above are called by the Father and given to the Son..Jacob did wrestle with a theophany which is Jesus appearing in ancient days before being conceived of a Virgin to come as the Son of Man Son of God..God in the flesh Immanuel…there are a few examples of this in the OT..the man in the fiery flames with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Also Yesuah spoke from the Burning Bush to Moses…and also the example we are discussing..The Main point of the chapter is that also Jacob did not win a wrestling match ..he was partially crippled which is obviously stated in the text..This exegesis of the Text is more in alignment of The Truth of Gods word not what Joshua Tilghman has given us which is a New Age occult version that is compatible with the mystery babylon religions that lead to the eternal pit away from God..Talmudic heresy to say the least….
The Truth will set u free.
those who engage in Pharmakeia do open the pineal gland to the occult and hallucinations that is nothing but deception ..I have done these things and repented of them over 35 years ago..there is nothing sacred about the human body that dies and the spirit that lives on whether a person is Saved or not Saved we all choose what we will do with Yesuah ..Creator and Savior…
I recently received my first piece of moldavite the next day went for a walk on the beach and out of thousands of shells was lead to pick this one up
It is naturally carved out pic of what in my opinion is the eye of Horus and the pituitary gland what do you think of this.
Josh is spot on with this.
I’ve been meditating for a while now.
The story of Noah’s Ark isn’t literally about a boat and the world flooding. It’s about our mind and the millions of animals aka thoughts that comes into our brain and how we need to learn how to control them.
It’s a journey that one must take if they seek the truth.
The rainbow at the end will show up and let you know you are at the end of the journey and better things are to come. You will actually see this during your meditation. Don’t visualize it or any of that stuff. Those gurus who tell you to visualize this and that are full of rubbish. You need to quiet down your mind; have no thoughts and when the time comes, it will manifest and it will be the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. This will take a few months to couple of years depending all on you.
A inverted/upside down rainbow will show up after this followed by a rainbow coloured triangle.
Eventually, the Eye of Horus/Providence will present itself to you. A colourful triangle and an eye that is actually blinking/moving looking back straight at you.
That is when I believe you have reached enlightenment and one with god.
Just came across your blog here, am wondering about things……
why have YOU stopped blogging and answering here?
Hi Shawn…
I still blog, just not as often, but you can check the dates on the latest posts.
I am a lot more busy now, so I don’t get to blog as often. Thanks for stopping by.
I’ve been really impressed and astounded by a lot of the insights this site provides, but this article does not add up. It talks about Matthew 6:22, and am assuming it is the King James version? The next verse, for me, kind of breaks down the whole “eye of Horus” metaphor. It is still a metaphor, but a much simpler one: Jesus here is talking about a SPIRITUAL eye and body, rather than a physical one.
When you say “But I want to prove to you that the eye of Horus is not just an ancient symbol carved into the side of a temple. It has a physical reality inside of you, the real holy temple.”, you still point to the physical body, a gland in the brain rather than an eye.
Verse Matthew 6:23 kind of breaks this pattern with “BUT if thine eye BE EVIL”. Wouldn’t the more logical contrast here be “BUT if thine eye BE MANY” or any other word that is the opposite of SINGLE? The whole premise here seems to be based on the phrase “eye be single” to link it with the eye of Horus, but I respectfully disagree. I also think it should be pretty obvious, even to very literal bible readers that the eye being discussed here isn’t our literal eyes, cause where would that leave people like me who wear glasses
Below are the two verses, side by side:
“The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!”
The eye (pineal) is evil or dark when it remains unregenerated, when it remains a vestige, a sandy consistency, as a result of not or never having meditated. Meditation and taking no thought in darkness stimulates the gland and it becomes active. The single eye has for thousands of years been referred to as the pineal gland.
I enjoyed your article. Right now it is important for people to reconcile religion, esoteric, spirituality, science and Divinity. The bible quotes and explanations were well done.
I have read all three of your articles and very much appreciated the insight and revelation you brought through scripture. I learned and gained much understanding. I do have a question though: If we are talking Bible and basing our understanding on and out of scripture, are you implying that the goal is “higher consciousness” rather than a deeper relationship and face to face encounter with God? I understand your revelation regarding Jacob’s face to face encounter with God, and that he ultimately found that encounter by discovering the path inward to that secret place… however, your last two articles (Part 2 & The Eye of Horus) seemed to imply that it is more about stepping into a higher consciousness in whatever way a person chooses to perceive that consciousness. Whether that be Your God-Self or God Himself…. And there is a difference. Scripture is clear that upon salvation He (God/Jesus) is in us and we are in Him, the Rebirth…. And the cross wasn’t only about being saved through the cleansing of His blood so that we may spend eternity with our Savior, but also about restoring the Adamic relationship that allowed man to connect with His Creator so that we could communicate “face to face” as Adam and Eve communicated and walked with God. The “veil” was removed by the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the path to an experiential and manifested relationship with God was recovered. But if Jesus isn’t the objective, and knowing Him in all of the fullness He has provided isn’t the mark to reach for, then what is the point? There is only ONE way to God and that is through Christ and Christ alone. The apostle Paul said “I press toward the mark, for the prize of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ” (Phil.3:14).
Just asking for clarity?
Is your position “any path will do and the goal is higher consciousness”; or is it, God has created a physical place within our bodies that was restored through Christ for the spirit of man to be opened to the Spirit of God so that we could have experiential knowledge and relationship again with the Father?
Tiffany, higher consciousness and a deeper relationship with “Christ” (when you understand that term), are one and the same. There is no separation, except in religion and religious ideas. However, this is something that has to be gleaned from within the self
Of course, many will disagree and agree. You will have to decide for yourself 
It is amazing to see how the info related to Egypt keeps reoccurring consistently in your blogs.
Chapeau !
What a crock of shit by an atheist , Jacob horus has three eyes and Jacob, horus is Apollo , Abbadon the destroyer shiva . Isreal is the sun and the moon , the moon spirit and the sun the soul the self atman . The unity of male female ying and yang shiva and shakti . Horus is shown as a moon the bull spirit or eternal spirit in matter the bull the earth el . His eye is the sun the soul the self representing enlightenment . That’s what the star represents . Did you skip the parts in the bible about the murders or do we not take that literally. Oh or the bits about ripping children from their mothers wombs .