This may sound like a strange title but during the early hours of August 21st, 2017, the day of the great Solar Eclipse, which in some channellings is connected with (a phase of) enlightenment, I suddenly realized that that these two words (‘achal tamar’ in Hebrew) lead to exactly that conclusion. They lead to a phase of enlightenment. I realized that these words form the core understanding of the whole biblical message. They are the beginning and the end, and also the totality of the process in between.
For those who have read my previous articles these two words should be familiar words by now. ‘He ate’ is the translation of the Hebrew word ‘achal’, which is also used to show the root of the verb. ‘Achal ’, 1-20-30, means to eat. When we look at it from the point of gematria, Hebrew numerology, it can be read as ‘1–kol’. ‘Kol’ means everything. This word ‘achal’ was once my introduction to gematria. The meaning of this ‘eating’ is to reconnect everything with the one of the Oneness it came from. However, this is only the final phase. When we look at the concept of eating as such, it comprises all of the process. When we eat something, we put it into our mouth, chew it and experience the taste of the food, then we swallow it and the digestion process starts and finally we absorb the nutrients of the food and let go of what does not serve us.
A date is ‘tamar’ in Hebrew, which we can also read as ‘400–mar’. ‘Mar’ means bitter and 400 stands for both slavery/addiction (the 400 years of slavery in Egypt) and the cross as the letter ‘Tav’, which is also the number 400, used to be written as a cross in ancient times. So ‘400-mar’ stands for the bitterness of slavery and addiction and also for the suffering of the cross. It stands for the most intense suffering that is imaginable. When we ‘eat’ this suffering however, when we do not spit it out but experience it consciously and digest it to the full, then we will discover to our surprise that this ‘tamar’ is in fact a date. A fruit that is sweet and nutritious. And by ‘eating’ it we will gain a lot of conscious awareness.
So when we take these two words together and look at what they really mean, we realize that in these two words the whole cycle of our descent into this world of matter, our stay there, and our ascension out of it – the whole process – can be recognized.
We can also apply this image of eating the date to the story of Jesus in the New Testament, which showed us how to follow the procedure. Once we know what it is all about, it is easier to recognize what all the other elements in the biblical stories mean, many of which I have described in my other articles.
We may also be reminded of another story, a story, which proves to be closely connected to this one and with which it all began. It is the story of Genesis 3, in which Man is warned not to eat the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil but does it anyway. In verse 6 it says: “And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.”