Have we ever reflected on how everything in nature is constantly in process of praying, and without ever needing reminding? From trees, plants, rivers and oceans — in growth, flow and overcoming — these guys are expert at praying, in maintaining their natural environment.
Likewise, for instance, have we ever dwelt upon how birds pray, or even how fish pray?
Birds are in prayer while swooping and diving in group unison, no one bird is leading the other; their synchronized flock-diving ability puts them in direct communication with Nature. Similarly, when fish shoals dart and spin rapidly in the deep silent ocean, they too are praying blissfully. By praying is meant, they are in communication with their god, the energy of Nature. Such is when they receive the latest up-dates on their evolution, such as some new-forming habits and likely migratory routes to new feeding grounds for their survival. But more vitally, their prayer activity is carried on through intuitive group silence from where they each receive instinctive insight simultaneously.
So, bringing this nature scenario into the biblical / human context: how are humans designed to pray? This, ‘how to pray’ forms the basis of the Lord’s Prayer, when the 12 disciples (aspects of soul) went to Jesus (higher life principle) and asked this very question – ‘Master [of discipline – the Resolute intellect] teach us how to pray’, teach us how to know AUM.
Being heavily coded, the Lord’s Prayer, for practical implementation needs simplified understanding rather than just reciting from memory.
More on this further on.
We’re all familiar, I’m sure, with the Biblical term, Alpha and Omega as representing the first and last letters in the Greek alphabet.
But, beyond their alphabetical connotation, what else majorly is significant regards Alpha, for us. Like, similar to bird flock-diving synchronization, what value do these letters offer in soul evolution terms to humans?
To answer this vital question, we must first pose the following question, like, what is the significance of the word Aum?
Here let’s reflect briefly how Jesus instructed the apostles to pray. The Lord’s Prayer primarily is an instruction on how to inner pray – it states in present tense: “Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name, thy king come” meaning: Holy, Hallowed or Healing is thy Nature, is thy ever-present AUM vibration. Hence the significance of the term Alpha and Omega and the Word Aum — they’re both referring to the same inner dynamic of diving in prayer thereby accessing the kingdom of God. In other words, we’re in full prayer while inner hearing AUM. Such is when our soul becomes vibrationally attuned with the Word, with God, which Word is Aum, thus stirring Alpha and Omega into vibratory action as opposed to merely adoring these alphabetical letters visually and intellectually.
Thus Alpha and Omega are one and the same vibratory activity as, AUM – they represent the same outcome or means of inner dynamic prayer. The Bible refers to Aum as Amen.
John 1—3 puts it:
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Through him God made all things”.
So, what does ‘Him’ and ‘God’ in John’s verse mean in relation to AUM?
AUM thus is the transmuting vibration which alone contains the transformative dynamic necessary for advancement out of, and beyond, basic human animal consciousness into Christ /cosmic consciousness and ultimately on to God-consciousness. Aum, being the Primordial Sound of the universe, is the starting point through which human consciousness commences the transformative journey into Higher Consciousness thus higher Awareness; the gateway unto God the Supreme Liberation, the eternal peace and joy we’re each encoded to seeking and finding and becoming in consciousness.
The Vedas (meaning knowledge) confirm this: “In the beginning, God first manifested as sound.” The Mandukya Upanishad states that, “The sound of Aum is the eternal Godhead, manifesting the whole universe.
So, similar to the universe, we’re each vibrational sound at our core. And while contact with our core is through AUM, the sound vibration first commences in the mind which travels to the base of the spine, thereby awaken the unconscious aspect of our spiritual inheritance, thus leading to expanded cosmic awareness, to the latent cosmic faculties within each soul. This subtle vibration, when picked up by the inner hearing, stimulates and aligns the soul into directly knowing divine bliss – divine consciousness revealing Itself unto Itself AS our Transcendent Self.
John 14:6 puts it:
“I Am the Truth, the Way and the Light. No one comes to the Father except through Me”.
Esoterically understood, John is stating: no one can experience the higher Self or Christ without undergoing the inner diving, the inner awakening process — awakening out of self ignorance, out of the repetitive sin-seed cycle thus unto expanded transcendental consciousness. That, the human soul must first enter into, Aum, (Me), go through Alpha unto Omega.
John 14:6 is stating: ‘I Am’ is the eternal Now, Life, or, Truth – Truth, meaning Absolute Existence which state never changes. Truth is which sets the soul free from the bondage of suffering and its causes.
‘The Way’ in John, is referring not only as means of soul coming unto eternal Truth, but, that, this Way becomes our daily living standard, of living Aum nature outwardly through the inner faculties (the potential apostles) consequent of knowing Aum, or Him, or Jesus the higher life principle.
Direct knowing of ‘I Am’ leads to the Transcendent within consciousness but minus the AUM, for, the Absolute or Transcendent, being Pure Consciousness, does not Itself vibrate, evolve, it remains ever-full and changeless.
In meditation the mind eventually transcends Aum to become the very nature of the Transcendent, when Divine peace and bliss is naturally lived through the mind, senses, nervous system and cellular physiology. This experiencing and outward living of divine standard is what roots the physiology in spiritual synchronization awareness, into living Divine Will, meaning, perfect evolution is being brought into the world through our spiritual consciousness. Thus, our soul, like the butterfly, transforms to become the Angelic channel in generating perfect evolution on Earth and in the cosmos – and the Word was made flesh, or, manifest creation sourced through AUM.
But soul transformation ultimately incorporates transcending the three gunas in meditation. This divine practice was described by the Buddha as “the Middle Way”, that of centring our consciousness for peace, balance and spiritual harmony in daily life. Vibrational Aum in meditation facilitates transcending these three gunas, the inherited forces of nature active in the mind and body known as Rajas, Tamas and Sattva. These three elements combined are responsible for our every action good or otherwise, both within and without. They form the binding-root of attachment to the material world. Thus, to escape their cyclical influence unto eternal soul liberation, we must transcend the three gunas. We do this by aligning our subtle inner hearing to Aum or OM in seated meditation, referred to as Raja or Royal Yoga — Yoga of mind, body, soul simultaneously — the ultimate Yoga or prayer for humans.
Let us develop John 14:6 further, by breaking down Mark 4:10-11.
10 – “when Jesus was alone, (in meditation) some of those who heard him (developing understanding) along with twelve disciples (inner creative faculties) asked him to explain the parables”.
Mark 4:11 –Jesus said: “You have been given the secret (capacity of knowing pure silence) of the kingdom of God. But the others, who are on the outside, (souls in ignorance of their divine nature within) hear all things by means of parables, (others’ surface explanation as opposed to inner revelation – including daily media conditioning) so that they look yet not understand, for if they did, they would turn to God, (Aum vibration) and he (AUM) would forgive them (integration of generational ignorance)” the means of establishing cosmic unity, peace and coherence within consciousness.
Similarly, with Psalm 46:10: “Be still and know that I am God”
“Be still” (meditate) and “Know” (direct experience) [of] “I Am” (eternity Awareness) “God” (as vibrational Aum) or, Truth realized within consciousness.
The ‘I’ as in, ‘I Am’ is not referring to the conditioned or lower individual personality of ‘I’ am.
‘I Am’, as mentioned in John, is referring to the eternal Now’ and not to time, or the ‘me’ ‘mine’ ‘I’ embedded in the lower intellect condition, but which ‘me’ ‘mine’ ‘I’ eventually dissolves into ‘I Am’ through AUM vibration.
‘I Am’ consciousness must first be stirred into awareness by direct experience of deep vibratory sound, such as AUM, and then, by transcending AUM, our soul returns to the creator of AUM, the Transcendent Self or, the unified field of Pure Consciousness, the state which never undergoes change. Thus, the unified field of pure consciousness is the Source of the innumerable laws of nature (often referred to as the gods) therefore, is not subject to the laws of nature, to evolution. These laws of nature came into existence out of the Transcendent, the Absolute. Hence the Bhagavad-Gita – regards reaching pure consciousness — states in ch2 v45 to Arjuna, “Be without the three gunas” meaning, transcend the laws of nature thereby is how the lower intellect becomes Resolute, one-pointed, out of the influence of the binding influence of compulsory sin — the subconscious negative mind-sets.
Vibrational AUM thus exposes subconscious addictions and their reactive patterns causal of endless, needless suffering.
In bringing light to rid darkness, thus generational suppressed addiction-based consciousness becomes integrated, made conscious, raised spiritually, thus commences our way back Home. Like the river becoming unblocked, it realizes the Ocean, the eternal unbounded Ocean of Self, the state of Pure Consciousness.
So, let us look more closely at the make-up of Aum particularly the letter A.
The letter ‘A’ has three lines or aspects which symbolize Sattva, Rajas and Tamas, the character values contained in A—U—M, the three gunas: one guna supporting life, another opposing, and the third complimentary to both.
The point atop of ‘A’ signifies where the three gunas meet, (point of intellect convergence) denoting the need of transcending the three elements of nature responsible for its innumerable laws. By not transcending the gunas, we remain under their influence subconsciously.
Thus the Word ‘God’ – which is best seen as a verb and not a noun – is relating to a particular vibratory sound quality: the sound of God is a vibratory Vowel of divine standard as in, G AAHH D.
Again we have the words, God and Good. The center section of both these words are indicative of Alpha and Omega, or, A & O, as in, the Vowel ‘Ah’ within God, and ‘Uh’ sounding Vowel within Good, which together make up the universal sound, AUM. So, the words ‘Good News’ appearing on many Bibles are referring thus to revelations from within a vibrational soul in awakening. And although sourced through previous enlightened souls, the same ‘Good News’ of unfolding inner wisdom applies equally to you /me today.
In summary:
Alpha represents creation or, beginning of time, and Omega signifies end of time within for that individual mind in meditation. In other words, when the limited time-bound self realizes the unbounded nature of higher Self, as Oneself, as Truth – you as soul become Truth, become Aware in eternal Life – termed Moksha, meaning the transcendent state or, soul liberation from the cycle of rebirth, a rebirth which is maintained by the laws of subconscious reactive patterns operating in the mind and body. Thus its these laws which one transcends in silence meditation leading to transcendence. But that the addictive karmic patterns such as alcohol, gambling, smoking, paid for sex, pornography, overeating, anger, and so on, still require conscious integration which may in fact require professional counseling and supervision.
And yes, this journey unto Truth indeed can take many reincarnations (which it has until now). BUT, realization of Truth can also be achieved in a single lifetime, this lifetime, the incarnation in which we’ve had the aha moment leading to inner inquiry as opposed to outer. When, for the first time. we payed conscious attention to within and decided to explore this domain. Or, one day, we listened esoterically to a particular scripture and its undeniable calling to inner silence meditation, such : “be still”.
For in truth, this outer journey of time and relativity must eventually lead to an inner journey of Self-discovery and eternal Truth.
When intuitively understood, that, each transcendence meditation represents an inner ‘end of time’ cycle or, Omega or, one lifetime, and, that, on coming out of meditation and transcendence this coming out represents commencement of a new incarnation. In other words, we return from Omega to Alpha once more, now, to live our newly gained level of transformed consciousness through the entire physiology and nervous system, to vitally include cellular and molecular systems. This cyclical process of returning from transcendental pure silence, represents a new biblical Day, a period of spiritual growth, until our next meditation and transcendence, when the soul once again journeys beyond time (Omega) and reincarnates once more to Alpha thereby create and develop even higher evolution and spiritual awareness to live through our physiology. Development of our consciousness is the eternal soul’s means of furthering God’s Will, or Idea for humanity, on this planet Earth.
From all that has been expressed here, we can see that, Genesis primarily is about the unfolding from within dynamic: Genesis is revelations of the ancient seers regards the inner processes mentioned, that of stirring the deeper silence into active bliss consciousness through vibrational AUM, thus furthering divine evolution both within and without.
Thus the significance of the scripture: “what ye do unto the least of my breather, ye do unto me”.
So, now, the age-old question: when is one fully Enlightened?
From the AUM and Genesis perspective, enlightenment is regards inner revelations of our own spiritual progress through the long corridor of time, to this point. The road of enlightenment is regards overcoming and integration of generational conditioning and our ignorance conditioned reaction to such. In its practical application, mature enlightenment is regards the wisdom to know the difference, or, the capacity of right action every time. Enlightenment thus is revelation which initially takes place transcendentally: our soul’s means unto the state of full mind functionality, of total brain coherence. In other words, when man’s lower intellect – our born into basic animal standard — has ascended unto resolute status, unto cosmically discerning ability, then one can claim conscious enlightened standard. By this enlightenment — regards our life on planet Earth — all the scriptures have been fulfilled, when personal enlightenment equates to our being a natural channel of divine wisdom.
Post meditational consciousness thus requires practical expression, which expression roots to form cosmic consciousness thus to form the criteria or bases of Right action or, enlightenment in action. Which right action is really the reverberations of direct AUM influencing. Ultimately, we will ‘know’ enlightenment to be Mature love and blissful peace sourced through our AUM-quickened thymus gland — the AUM-infused Higher Heart Love chakra.
Pure Consciousness – the Previous Cause
Finally, guna is a Sanskrit word meaning quality or tendency. Thus the combined tendency and quality of the three gunas make up the innumerable laws of nature. But, that, these laws in turn are resultant of a previous cause, which previous cause is the Almighty, the Absolute, the Transcendent or, Pure consciousness. In other words, before the manifest universe, before AUM, there was the Un-manifest, or, Pure Consciousness, but without knowing Itself AS pure consciousness or eternal Bliss. Thus, the laws of nature came into being, are birthed – through Pure Consciousness and Its own creative intention or, Idea — to facilitate Pure Consciousness in knowing Itself through Itself.
Put another way, Pure Consciousness cannot be known through a sin-riddled consciousness directly, thus, “No one comes to the Father except by Me” – lower consciousness must first be quickened, purified unto Pure Consciousness in silence meditation.
Thus, out of the eternal silence of Pure Consciousness came the laws of Creation, Maintenance and Renewal, which ‘Creation’ is often referred to as the big bang. But as we can now understand, creation – Creator — and renewal emerged out of the eternal Big Silence, out of Pure Consciousness as vibrational AUM, and, as such, we’re each innately equipped of all the attributes and potential of Pure Consciousness, thus the term, ‘made in the image and likeness of God’, which glorious state is fulfilled on realizing the Self as separate from the world of chaos.
In this context, through our chosen meditative practice, we each have the God-given ability of realizing Self, of creating perfect cosmos, stability of mind, stability of peace, bliss and coherence in the global consciousness.
As all peace-infused vibration registers in the collective consciousness, each meditator, through their meditational peace practice, contributes enormously in reaching many thousands who are not yet meditators: to upgrade their consciousness unto eternal cosmic status, unto soul-serving values which serve all of humanity spiritually. As co-creators with God, evolution needs you, me and the global brotherhood to create invincible peace and coherence in our minds, thus in the world, at this vital juncture in time.
Permanent world peace is the global imperative for each of us and for every generation. And yes, while it’s doable, peace must first be Self-realized thus stabilized within individual consciousness. Hence, “first seek ye the kingdom of God and all else shall be added” — peace becomes established or ‘added’ unto consciousness while in vibrational AUM meditation — humans highest form of prayer.