In Luke chapter twelve, it is recorded that Jesus said he came, not to bring peace on earth, but division; even in one’s own household, two against three and three against two. In this post we will unveil the esoteric meaning. We will also dismantle the misconceptions of its exoteric interpretation that has promulgated in religious circles from this portion of Luke, which, ironically, has led to actual division of families and humanity at large. I have actually dealt with this subject before many years ago on the blog, but this post will offer some more depth and some other corroborating scriptures as well.
Let’s look at the specific verse in detail. Jesus states:
“Suppose ye that I have come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division. For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three” (Luke 12:51-52).
Some religious leaders and commentators of the past have believed this verse means that Jesus is foretelling the split that will come from individual families over believers (Christians) and non-believers (non-Christians). While this sometimes is the natural outcome of individuals who delve into the spiritual journey, it has nothing to do with what Jesus is referring to. The danger in this kind of thinking is that when this happens, certain individuals believe they are justified in the divisive outcome because “Jesus said it,” so everything is happening as it should. It can reinforce the “me” vs “other” mentality. This is sad, because anyone embarking on the inward spiritual journey to Christ should never use Jesus’ words as a justification for any kind of division or strife between human beings. Rather, we should love others as ourselves.
So what did Jesus really mean? To answer that, we must unveil the symbols, for the truth of all scripture is veiled beneath the literal / outward interpretation.
The “one house” of Jesus’ statement is not a building. House refers to one of your vehicles (bodies) of consciousness. In this specific instance, Jesus was referring to the house which is the vehicle of thought itself. I will explain this in more in detail shortly. But first I want to direct you to another scripture by the Apostle Paul which will set the correct foundation for a proper, enriched understanding.
Hebrews 4:12 states:
“For the WORD of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the DIVIDING asunder of SOUL and SPIRIT, and of the joints and marrow, and is the discerner of THOUGHTS and INTENTS of the HEART.”
Paul speaks of the word, or LOGOS, that divides the soul and spirit of man. The Greek word used for “dividing asunder” portrays the idea of a partition. This partition illustrates the dual nature of the man’s mind. Try to think of the mind as the center, or partition between two natures. These two natures are your soul and spirit. The thoughts of man can gravitate toward desire, through the soul, or, by will, our thoughts can be carefully guarded and chosen to reflect the spirit.
In our scripture from Hebrews 4:12, it must be emphasized that the “word” is not the Bible itself, but simply the LOGOS. The Logos is the creative energy of spirit, or Christ, which manifests will (as opposed to desire), Wisdom (as opposed to error), and action (as opposed to unconscious action). These positive influences on the mind is what exposes the division, or partition, of the spirit from the soul. The soul of man, or carnal mind, is at enmity with God, until it is perfected. The coming of the man Jesus symbolizes the awakening of the soul to these positive influences, and therefore, there is for a time a great division and strife that is stirred up between soul and spirit. Paul explains this sort of war that is not against flesh and blood, but it is a war of the rulers within in our mind.
Now back to Jesus’ statement in Luke. The “house” he is referring to contains the mind, which includes the potential of the LOGOS personified through you. Notice how the author of Hebrews states that this division between soul (the lower mind containing your intellect, emotions, and senses) and spirit (or higher mind combined with the Holy Spirit) is caused by discerning of “thoughts” and “intents” of the heart. “Heart” here is another word for the greater mind, both its intellectual and spiritual or intuitional-wisdom-love nature. It is not until the spiritual ego, or “the thinker” that you are, turns its focus inwards to the still small voice that the division between soul and spirit begins its maturity towards unity in the divine marriage of soul and spirit. But at first there is always division, just as Jesus had to clean house in the temple when he had to flog away all the money changers that defiled the temple (or mind) itself.
Another scripture which brings clarity here is Jesus’ statement on the original condition of the mind, BEFORE it’s division between soul and spirit:
“But from the beginning of creation God made them male and female. For this cause a man (mind) shall leave his father and mother (the parents of the desire mind which seeks external world knowledge) and cleave to his wife (the emotion-nature of intuition/Holy Spirit), and shall become one flesh” (Mark 10:6).
Now we must go back a few verses before Jesus talks about division in Luke chapter 12. Let’s read 12:49, which states:
“I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled?”
This fire is symbolic of spirit and love and truth. It is the fire (Holy Spirit) that “divides” because its essential wisdom dispels the ignorance of the lower mind which derives its truth from external sense reality instead of the higher spiritual realities. The process of destroying ignorance can seem very divisive within ourselves as we have to let go of certain false narratives and reclaim the truth. The arrival of Jesus signifies this beginning in the mind, and at first it is divisive, because the individual thinker, the spiritual ego, or mind, begins to identify not with the soul, but with spirit, and thereby realizes the soul needs to be disciplined with the love and wisdom nature, so that it can be raised into the higher mind.
Remember, the first man (Adam after the fall) is earthy. Earth being a symbol for the soul (intellect, emotion, and physical sensation). The second Adam is a spiritual being, the potential Christ now fully manifested in the higher mind, who has united his lower nature with his spiritual nature.
What is Christ? What is Man?
When one reads the New Testament, one has to understand what he or she is reading. If he or she believes they are reading history, then he or she will only learn about Christ. If he or she understands they are reading about themselves, as the expression of the living WORD, then he or she is on the path to KNOW Christ. The Apostle Paul makes it clear: “…Christ in you, your hope of glory.” All scripture points us to the inner Christ we all have the potential to express. Within that journey is the “mystery” that Paul is instructing us to partake of.
One who wishes to understand the mystery should not ask what is Christ without first asking, what is man.
And what is man?
Man is MIND. Man is mind, and mind is man. In other words, man is “a thinker.” The Psalmist gives us this revelation when he states:
“Whatsoever a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7). That which a man thinks, he is, and becomes.
The man of higher thought is of a spiritual nature, and the man who thinks lower thought is of a soul nature. But everything that a man is stems from the “thinker” and is expressed through the QUALITY of his or her thought. This quality of thought is not produced just by the intellect, but rather the combination or union of intellect with intuition (the Holy Spirit).
Paul provides further clarification:
And be ye renewed in the spirit of your MIND; and that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness” (Ephesians 4:23-24).
Renew the mind how? Renew it from that of the lower nature (soul) to your higher nature (spiritual mind), all within the realm of thought and the QUALITY of it’s expression. The quality an accuracy of our thoughts become especially acute when the intellect is in union with the intuition of love and wisdom provided by the Holy Spirit. Then the ignorance of the external world will be revealed, and the truth of the higher realities revealed.
Some further scriptural thought on man, mind, and the true individuality, the THINKER
For what reason does Genesis state that God sent the flood on the earth? And for what reason did God spare Noah and his family? You guessed it! It had to do with wrong thought!
“And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the THOUGHTS OF HIS HEART was only evil continually” (Genesis 6:5).
Esoterically, this means that God allegorically baptized the earth (lower nature / soul). It is an allegory of God baptizing the lower mind, to cleanse it. This is what the ritual of baptism symbolizes: the washing of the mind in the WORD, even Christ (the perfected ideal mind), within man. The concept infers the cleansing of the flesh, flesh being the carnal mind (soul) of man which thinks such thoughts which stem from envy, lust, greed, pride, selfishness, arrogance, etc. These are all products of one culprit: the desire mind, the serpent which caused the so called “fall of man.” A better expression would be, “fall of mind!” The larger symbolism in the story of Noah is spirit cleansing the earth (soul) of evil thought.
Noah escaped the flood because he didn’t “think” like his fellow evil doers. Noah is the true individuality, the thinker, that raised his thoughts above the highest mountain top into heaven, the upper firmament the mind, which contains the waters above (Gen. 1:7), which are of truth (Christ addressed himself as this water of truth which enables one to never thirst again to the woman at the well).
Noah, the individuality, or I AM nature (the spiritual mind), then planted a vineyard (remember Christ is the vine, and we are the branches). From Noah and his family, mankind came forth upon the earth. In other words, the branches of the earth (soul) came forth. The branches are of the lower nature, but if they abide in Christ, they will produce fruit. Those do not abide in Christ, will be burned up (extinguished).
This is why Ezekiel 14:14 states that Noah was righteous enough to save himself, along with Job and Daniel who also could do so Why? If we think of them as literal people, it would make now sense. But because they are symbolic of the true individuality, the thinker, we understand we have the choice through will (the opposite of desire) to raise the soul by the spirit.
We started with Jesus’ statement about bringing division between the soul and spirit within the “house.” We discussed the importance of where our “thoughts” are directed, or drawn to within the house. Do they cater to the whims of desire, through the soul and external world, or earth? Or do we use will to go within and let the Holy Spirit do its work?
I want to explain this concept one more way in case any confusion still resides. I used the term “individuality” throughout the article. This can be confusing. The individuality I am speaking of is the same “I AM” aspect of being that God says will deliver Israel from Egypt (the lower mind).
The difference between the individuality and the soul is this: the soul is the “I AM me” feeling you have. Noticed how I (originally explained by Blavatsky) attached the “me” to the I AM. This “me” is your lower nature, or soul, that is attached to the individuality which consciousness has produced through it’s dual manifestation. The soul is… (insert your name and social conditioning and heredity, etc). Remember from earlier articles that when consciousness manifests, through any body or vehicle, its expression is dual. That is why we have a higher mind and a lower mind. This “me” aspect, the lower, is all the sensations, emotions, and thoughts one can have expressed through the lower mind (which encompasses expression in your physical brain and body). When the individuality, or the thinker, uses will to uplift his or her thoughts, such as compassion, joy, contentment, selflessness, etc., the individuality begins to associate itself with the higher mind, and the strong feeling of “me” that you have begins to drop away. This is why John the Baptist (the purified moral nature) stated, “I must decrease so that He can increase.” Instead of “me” vs “other” you develop an attitude of unity with others, and express that thought and emotion through acts of virtue. This doesn’t mean the “me” vanishes, but it becomes less important, and your attitude begins to shift towards a sort of unity with everything. Judgments and strong egoic opinions or dogmatic beliefs begin to become less and less important as intuition unites with your intellect and you truly begin to understand the cause and effect behind the external world with all it’s ills. It doesn’t mean you forget or ignore it, but you becomes less identified with it, personally, and more identified with the part of you that is truly immortal and is the real, greater aspect of the self. This allows you see the true problems behind the insanity of the world and can give you true solutions and insight into how to deal with problems or ills that plague our world or even your own life.
Why must we go within? Because the total mind (not just the intellect) is there, and the more inward we go, the more we can explore the true mind. Many today think the mind is created in the physical brain. This is a great problem. Consciousness only expresses a very limited portion of itself through the organ we call the physical brain and body. It does not originate there, and therefore what the physical senses interpret for us through the brain, we cannot trust. It is but a tiny fraction of mind, or man. In order to gain wisdom, we must allow access to portions of the mind that draw spiritual knowledge into the soul. Through this process the Christ is also raised in the soul.
I will discuss this more in future articles with more scripture. For now, blessings!