Besides being a popular ride at Disneyland, “Spaceship Earth” describes the beautiful little planet we share with every other living thing aboard it. From ants to elephants, from in-laws to out-laws, we are all on the same ride. Thousands of years ago the author of the Book of Job was aware that the earth was suspended in space, for he writes:
“He stretches out the north over empty space and hangs the earth on nothing.” (Job 26:7)
But not until man’s more recent ventures into outer space has he begun to understand how wonderfully fragile our tiny cosmic habitat appears floating mystically against the darkness and vastness of space. Even the best of cameras fail to capture what is seen by the naked eye, a billion living stars of every size and color surrounding this mystical “blue marble”. And just to think, on this marble are seven billion human passengers and a cargo of countless species.
Spaceship Earth has been traveling for four billion years ever since its creation, and it is good for another four billion years down the road [Read more…] about Spaceship Earth: Welcome Aboard