The parable of the prodigal son is probably the most well-known parable of all and it is clear that the story is about the life journey of Man. It is all about us and our journey through life. Depending on the teaching of the different churches the emphasis may be put on different aspects of the story, on the sinfulness of man or on the love of God. However, the story is almost always told as an interpretation of the life of the son who undertakes the journey, the bad son. Not much is said about the other son, the son who stays home with the Father and faithfully attends to his tasks. He is supposed to be the good son who should be an example to us all. But is he? I would like to look at this parable from a different viewpoint and see what I come up with about both sons.
In my article The Tree of Judgement? I wrote about a comparable journey in which I started with a summary in order to make clear what the deeper meaning of this journey is. It is a journey into duality, which is symbolized by the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, but also by the story of the prodigal son. That is why I want to start this article with quoting this summary in its entirety, so it is clear what the process it is all about.
“I found the meaning of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil to be the tree of duality, ets-2, in Hebrew.
Eating from that tree caused the descent of Man into the world of duality and matter, also called the fourth world or the world of the seventh day. Eve, the female, nourishing and creative side of Man, was enticed into eating from it by the serpent, the nachash, numerical value 358, which proved to be the downward force in Man during the descending part of the involution / evolution cycle. This is a cycle, which you could see as a circle that is divided into three segments:
The first segment is the descent out of a world of higher consciousness as described above; this is called involution.
The second segment, described in the next paragraph, is the period that mankind resides in the world of matter.
The third segment, called evolution, is about ascension, going upwards in consciousness again, as described in the third paragraph of this description.
When man had almost reached the bottom of the cycle, the downward force got the upper hand and turned into par’oh (pharaoh), and man became enslaved / addicted. After a call for help to God and a promise to address this addiction themselves later on, man was delivered from this slavery by God and the nachash got its head / its downward principle, crushed, which made it fall asleep. It was then called the Kundalini that slept in 3½ coils at the halfway point of the cycle.