Biblical symbols have always had a deep impact upon the human psyche, even when the individual isn’t consciously aware of what those symbols mean. As spiritual beings we can’t help it. We are drawn to these symbols subconsciously. The question is, “why?” What power lies therein?
I believe there is a subconscious impulse within us that desires to become conscious. This impulse is something much bigger than our egos, yet it is an intrinsic part of our divine nature. The ancient mystics who had awakened to this divine impulse designed Biblical symbols to be a catalyst to awaken you. The true power of these symbols is what they represent: the divine nature as a potent potential already within you. This truth is locked away somewhere deep in the subconscious, and that subconscious part of you is naturally drawn to it.
This divine impulse is only ready to be awakened when the mental-emotional nature of the individual is ripe. If awakened to early, it can do more harm than good. And that’s why the Biblical writers veiled divine truths in symbol, allegory, and parables. It hid the truth from those who weren’t ready, and it gently nudges those who were.
One of the best ways to get started on this road to awakening is through studying esoteric literature. The Bible if full of it, by the way.
God manifested through us
Essentially, Biblical symbols can help awaken us to a greater reality when we realize that these symbols represent potent spiritual forces latent within the human body.
Esoterically, this body is the temple described in 1 Kings 6:7. In that scripture, Solomon builds a house for the Lord:
“…there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron heard in the house, while it was in building.”
The reason there was no hammer, axe, or tools heard in the construction of this house is because the house wasn’t a literal house; it always has been and always will be the human body!
Paul makes this clear in 1 Corinthians 3:16:
“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and the spirit of God dwelleth in you?”
Paul was a radical that went against the Pharisees for his day. These Pharisees wanted to force a literal interpretation of the scripture over all aspects of people’s lives, when in reality the higher meanings were veiled in the spiritual interpretations. Paul said forget it. He left the dead religion of his forefathers for true spirituality. And what he said about the human body is amazing. Basically, he wanted us to know that our bodies are the manifestation of the infinite God. The human body—and this includes all our subtle bodies as well—is the temple of God. The Old Testament examples of the house of the Lord, the tabernacle, and all other temples were always meant to be interpreted this way.
I have had many Christians tell me that Paul left the religion of his forefathers in order to preach Christ. Yes! He did! But do they really understand who and what Christ is?
Paul said that he travailed …in birth again until Christ be formed in you (Gal. 4:19). Hopefully we understand what Paul is really saying here; namely that the Christ formed in us is a super conscious aspect of ourselves that is waiting to become consciously manifested in the human body temple. Why do you think Paul uses such language as “travail” and “birth?” This is the language of the human body, and Paul is telling us that our body must birth the super conscious aspect of our higher selves [Christ] into conscious awareness.
Similarities between Eastern Religions and the Bible
This process is also described in many Eastern spiritual practices like Kundalini Yoga. Like those teachings, the Bible maps the birth of a god through the functioning of a superior endocrine and nervous system. The spinal cord and brain are the ultimate avenues through which kundalini must flow in order to bring about this super-conscious state of awareness and functionality.
The skeptic might argue that there isn’t really any correlation between Eastern spirituality and Hebraic Biblical thought, but they need to think again. As Migene Gonzalez-Wippler has pointed out in Kabbalah for the modern world, the Hindu term Brahman is comprised of the same seven letters as the name of the father of the Hebrews: Abraham. Simply rearrange a few letters and there you have it! Brahman becomes Abraham!
Brahman is a term which describes the eternal essence of the cosmos. In a sense, it is similar to Abraham as the “father of all nations.” On the other hand of Hindu thought, Atman is a term that describes the infinite soul, and both Atman and Brahman complete the concept of God. But consider that the term Atman is amazingly similar to Adam, the individual man, or the individual soul of God. Just as Atman in the individual expression of Brahman, Adam is the individual expression of God.
So how does the individual expression of the infinite attain the realization of Godhood? Perhaps the quote below will help you:
“God sleeps in the rock, dreams in the plant, stirs in the animal, and awakens in man.”
—Inayat Arabe (12th century Sufi mystic)
Are we God?
Everything is not always black and white. And we have to be careful with the proclamation that we are god. In the immature soul, this belief breeds extreme arrogance and selfishness. But the spiritually mature realize that without the eternal essence of the universe (Father and Brahman), our individuality would not be. It is not our limited egoic self that is eternal and will live on, it is the eternal god essence within us that powers the ever evolving ego in man throughout each lifetime experience. However, without our individuality, the eternal essence of the father / universe would really not be either, for there would be no self-awareness. So it seems both truths need each other. You could even say, God needs man and man needs God. Thus God is both, and so are we.
Closing thoughts
I am writing this short post to serve as an introduction to what’s coming. In the next few posts, I am going to explore the process of arousing the God-potential within through studying Biblical symbolism. We will discuss many Biblical symbols and how they align with Eastern spiritual teachings and practices. Studying both will probably give you a better perspective overall.
Remember, St. Paul also told us:
“But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly…” (Romans 2:29).
It’s not your blood type that makes you a Jew: According to Paul, a Jew is made through the process of spiritual initiation, and spiritual initiation always takes place by a process within you. Thus according to the Christian mystic, a Jew could also be a Christian, Muslim, Hindu, American Indian, etc. The ancient religious text from each of these cultures expresses the same truths once you go beyond the surface meanings.
In the next few posts, we’ll look at some more popular examples of Biblical symbolism and dissect how they relate to birthing the super-conscious aspect of our higher selves through our seemingly-limited physical bodies. Hopefully, when we are finished, you will have a greater appreciation for the Psalmist’s words:
“…for I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14).
Trust me, the teachings of mainstream Christianity hasn’t done this truth justice:)
You can find the next post in this series by going HERE.
Joshua, I like what you said here: “the Christ formed in us is a super conscious aspect of ourselves that is waiting to become consciously manifested in the human body temple.” And when we tap into that divine part of ourselves, we become “superconductors of creative energy.” (No resistance to the free flow of energy, creativity, etc…)
Thanks for another revealing post!
Thanks. I hope the rest of the series lives up to the powerful potential this subject is for us.
This was very interesting. I am looking forward to learning more about symbols and how their esoteric meanings may be revealed to people to help them reach greater potentials when they are ready, open, and willing to be enlightened. Then even the understanding of symbols we have now may deepen or change as we mature in spirit.
Good point, Robert. I am sure there are multiple layers to each one. We may never know the meanings of all of them. Too bad the library in ancient Alexandria was burned. Who knows what was kind of eye-opening knowledge about the subtle energy of the human body was there.
Hi Joshua,
I do not really see any similarity between Brahman and Abraham. Brahman I think is what in the Kabbala is called Ein Sof and what Master Eckhardt called the godhead. It is the field of potential in which nothing happens.
Brahmah however is another matter. He is part of the Hindu Trinity: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and as such he is God and Creator. And he is married to Sarasvati, where Abraham is married to Sara! So I think this is the link between the two.
A Jew could also be a Christian, Hindu, Muslim, American indian etc. Yes all of them could be a Jew in essence. I had already tumbled to the same conclusion. In English it is difficult to see where the word Jew comes from but in German it is obvious: Jude, Juda, Jehuda. It contains the meaning of thanks, appreciation, praise, glory (one of the sephirot). It means a state of high awareness and the road to get there. Just the same all of them could be a Christ(ian) after the kundalini has risen. Or a Muslim when they have totally surrendered to the principle of islam, which is salaam, shalom: peace, harmony, balance and of course unconditional Love which are after all some of the characteristics of the highest awareness of God.
Hello Joshua,
Since I started reading and contemplating over the “Holy Bible”, it always used to evoke in me the quest for “deeper, spiritual meaning”. I was consistently praying to God that “help me to explore and seek Truth” and as He speaks in Bible: “Knock and the door will opened to you, Ask and you will receive”. These words were personified when I went through your blog.
Probably, I got answers to many deep mysteries underlying the sacred word of the “Inspired” Scripture. Actually, I am a novice to Christianity and have been reading the Bible regularly for last 8 months. The Holy Spirit was continuously pouring his gift of discernment and wisdom due to which I was inspired to search and seek for deeper meaning;I think my thirst for the Truth is largely quenched after carefully reading your blog.
May God Bless You for your wonderful work. I would request you to write about esoteric or deeper spiritual truth underlying the Blessed Trinity.
Peace be with you.
Dr. Tapan,
That’s great that you have been reading the Bible. It truly is one the best spiritual road maps to the soul ever penned, and there is so much spiritual life beneath the dogma that has been created around it over the past few thousand years. I know you will discover much life and wisdom in it’s pages.
Thanks for commenting and I wish you the best on your journey!
Thank you mr joshua for launching such a mission!i like the way you explained the esoteric meaning of the ten commandments!n the book of joshua and the men gibeon!
You are very welcome, Solomon.
Hi Joshua
Just a small point Brahman and Abraham are not exactly the same seven letters arranged differently. Abraham has no n whereas Brahman does. Abraham also has one more a than Brahman.
You need to consider not the appropriate terms in your articles.
1. “God” is a word derived from the Germanic great ancestor, Gawd/Gaud.
“English is primarily a West Germanic language that originated from the Anglo-Frisian dialects, brought to Britain by Germanic invaders and/or settlers in the 8th and 9th centuries from the places which are now called North West Germany and the Netherlands.” – Wikipedia.
Therefore, it is not surprising that the word “God” is derived from Germanic “Gotte/Gawd.”
The correct reference may should be “the Divine.”
• Webster’s 1913 Dictionary:
• Catholic Encyclopedia:
• American Heritage Dictionary:
(NB: Using the correct word or term does not question or cast doubt about the validity of the Divine)
2. “Jesus” is an English word from the Greek name, Iesus, which means “hail Zeus” ie “praise to the sun.” Read,
The real and historical person was “Yahoshua the Nazarene” who is outside of the Greek Scriptures.
3. Bible – The word “Bible” is derived from the word “byblos,” the Egyptian word for parchment. The Greeks assimilated the word “byblos” and it became “biblios,” which means “the books” or “the scrolls.” Later the Latin phrase “ta Biblia” would likewise mean “the books.” Hence the name of the Bible in English literally means “the books” and nothing to do with religion.
This why the word “Scriptures” is preferred.
To “script” is to write and these are “writings” collected and bound together. The original writings were not as organised as they appear now because organizing into chapters and verses were done centuries later by a Catholic bishop.
There has been numerous distortions arising out of movement of language and translations. Never ever separate the meaning of a word from its origin or etymology. Go back as far as you can!
Think about these and do your own research.
How can I teach my children this?
I wouldn’t attempt the feat until they have developed the abstract mind. That’s a tall order, but about the age of 6 I noticed my own children starting on this route. I started with simple things like even movie clippings that showed the falsehood of organized religion and blind faith. Now they have a pretty strong and healthy interest into a spiritual rather than a literal outlook, however I also trained them in the literal view to given them the foundation upon which to build, which is important.
As We know , the church is the mystical body of Christ and Nietzsche say “There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy ” … After all I have a question , Can we build a society on that wisdom ? According to this try to imagine a body based on our present society … and behind that body imagine a mind , consciousness… I found Bruce Lipton, and His interesting , scientific explanation in publication “The Biology of Belief ” , as a part of the answer on my question…
Without any previous knowledge (Gnostic or similar )it is possible to find many things in the Bible … Try to apply a biblical story on the life of one person. Also is possible to apply the story on the whole mankind.. The most interesting parts is the beginning .. and the end .. This is the most simple thing that I can tell..