Editor’s Note: Below is another article from Anny for all you numerology buffs out there. Anny packs a lot of information in a short amount of space so I suggest reading it slowly. Once I got to the end of her article I had a deeper appreciation for how rich and divinely inspired the Hebrew characters really are.
There is so much latent information in the deeper meaning of the serpent and the messiah. I was prompted to retrace the pattern of both after I started studying part 2 of Joshua’s article about the eleventh chapter of Revelations, which again featured the First Two Witnesses, the olive trees. I wondered if there could be a relationship between these two olive trees on the one side and the serpent/messiah on the other. Are they one and the same?
Let’s break down the deeper meaning of the serpent first.
In order to learn to really understand the concept of the serpent, it is good to return to the first two words of the Bible. ‘Bereshit bara,’ in the beginning created……
In numbers it is written like this:
- 2-200-1-300-10-400 2-200-1
We need notice two things:
- First: the first character of the word ‘beresjit’ is a very large bet or two (I have emphasized this by underlining it)
- Second: the word ‘bara,’ meaning created, occurs twice
Do you see the enormous emphasis placed on the number two, duality? It is duality that is created here, manifested in pairs of opposites in the beginning of Genesis: heaven and earth, light and darkness, etc.
In the word ‘bara,’ or created (2-200-1), we already see the whole process of
- (2) involution into the world of duality
- (200) the point of the greatest distance from the world of unity and oneness and the pinnacle of separation
- (1) the return to oneness
In the word ‘beresjit’ we recognize the same principle but there is also something else added:
- 300-10-400
Three hundred and four hundred are the last characters of the Hebrew alphabet; together they form the name Seth. So Seth, whose birth means the completion of the first cycle of Adam, was already created ‘in the beginning.’ The jod (10) in between the characters is again the first character of the Name JHWH, which accompanies mankind during their journey through the material world. God is always with us, even in us, as you can see above!
‘Beresjit’ can also be interpreted as ‘with a beginning,’ and the beginning is the downward force of duality. In ‘resjit’ we also find the word ‘rosj,’ head, which in itself is also used as beginning, for instance in Rosj ha Sjana, the Jewish New Year. As such we will meet the word ‘rosj’ later again.
Now we will to have a look at the serpent, who is lying on a branch of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The first thing we hear about him is that he is subtil, ‘arum,’
- 70-200-6-40
This you can read as the word ‘er,’ 70-200, which means awake, linked by the 6 of the character wav (which as a word means hook and as such is also used for the word ‘and’) to the 40 of the character mem (which as a word means ‘majim,’ water) that stands for the world of ego and emotions.
This word ‘arum’ is also used for Adam and Eve before they ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. In their case it has been translated as naked. It is important to note the following: Adam and Eve did not know they were naked. That means, they are awake but do not know that they have been linked up with an ego, an emotional body. Ego and emotions are not yet active, so the process of spiritual evolution cannot yet start.
About the serpent no such thing is mentioned. The serpent is also awake and linked to ego and emotions, but he knows it. This represents the downward force that brings Man down into the world of duality and matter.
The serpent is called ‘nachasj,’ 50-8-300. The total numerical value is 358.
Three hundred is the divine process of:
- Involution and descent
- the world of duality and matter
- evolution and ascension
Once this process has been completed and the end of the material world has been realized (400, also the number of slavery and cross, which will be part of the process), then Seth is born and oneness/unity is regained.
This divine process (300) is lying and resting (‘nach,’ 50-8) in the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and evil, until Eve, the female and creative side of Man, is ready to start the process!
‘Nach’ you can also turn around and read as ‘chen.’ Words with the same numerical value are always linked together and part of the same process. ‘Chen’ means mercy, grace, and love, which show what the motivation behind the process is, because even though it will become very difficult and even bitter, once all the fruits of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil have been eaten, man will have gained conscious awareness.
After the first fruit has been eaten, however, the four feet of the ‘nachasj’ are taken away by God. He will no longer be a force that leads us further downwards, as we are already entering the world of matter in that stage. The ‘nachasj’ will still be edging man on by biting his heels, by getting at him in his most vulnerable place. However, at the end of the process man will crush its head. And with this we return to the ‘rosj’ again. Man will finally destroy and kill the force that wants to keep leading us downwards.
The last and seventh fruit to be eaten is the ‘tamar,’ ‘400-mar.’ ‘Mar’ means bitter. The ‘tamar’ is the bitterness of enslavement and addiction, it is the bitterness of the cross. To eat is ‘achal,’ 1-20-30, or ‘1-kol.’ Eating means reconnecting ‘kol’, everything, to the unity and oneness of the beginning, by digesting and processing everything you have absorbed during your journey through life. It means the crucifixion of your ego.
The numerical value of the verb eat is 51, which is three times seventeen. Seventeen is the numerical value of the word ‘tov,’ or good. This word and that numerical value have become the symbol of the last difficult phase of a period, which despite all its bitterness is still good because the result will be a radiant new world. The three which is also part of fifty-one is of course the divine influence which helps us through this process.
Joseph was seventeen when his brothers sold him into the slavery of Egypt, the realm of the ego, but because he crucified his ego he finally became ruler over Egypt.
This interpretation of the word ‘good,’ which involves processing all the ‘bad,’ leads of course to a Good with a capital G that is not part of duality any longer. It has no opposite. Oneness is regained. Judgment is no more. Only unconditional Love remains.
Once you have completed this long process, then you will discover that this ‘seventh’ fruit, the ‘tamar,’ actually was a date. It is not bitter at all; it is sweet. But you have to ‘eat’ it in order to discover that.
‘nachasj’ and kundalini
In the beginning of this article I wondered what the relationship is between the force (‘nachasj’) and the two first witnesses, the olive trees.
I had looked at the ‘nachasj’ from the perspective of 300 + 58, but suddenly I also saw another possibility which makes everything very clear indeed! You can also see it as 350 +8. And with 350 we are back at 3½. It is the involution process phase of the Kundalini, which during the second phase of the process lies dormant at the base of the spine in 3½ coils. And it is clearly including the eight of the oil, ‘shemen’ (‘shmona,’ 8) which will be produced by the two olive trees after the gruelling phase of Gethsemane, oil press, Golgotha, and the crucifixion, which will result in the resurrection.
After this phase the ‘nachasj’ will have turned into the messiah, ‘masjiach,’ the anointed one who will start the ascending phase for us by being the upward force. The numerical value of ‘masjiach’ is also 358 and we can clearly see the love, mercy and grace (58) in this divine process (300). The messiah will raise us to our feet and bring us to the point where the serpent as the Kundalini/Holy Spirit can rise!
Editor’s Note:
As I finished Anny’s article, I began to think more about the messiah, the Holy Spirit / kundalini.
It is clear why the Old Testament and New Testament writers describe God as a consuming fire (Deu. 4:24), and Christ as a star / sun, (2 Pet. 1:19), which are all analogies of the masculine solar force or energy rising within the individual. This is energy is a conscious, consuming energy that transforms, purifies, and burns up the lower ego that the force of the serpent presents us with. Grace, love, and mercy come into the picture because it isn’t we who vivify this energy. When we crucify the lower ego, this conscious energy rises on its own.
Thank you! Excellent.
2 is a Heavenly number!
when ones sees or hears the same 2x’s, you are in the universal 8
hence, the universe is communicating its divine wisdom
Matthew 10:16
Behold , I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
Mark 8:18
Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear? And don’t you remember?
As a seeker of Truths, I have to say after reading this, that I have never been so confused in my life so far on Earth. So the serpent the majority of people view as evil is actually the Holy Spirit that lay dormant until “activated” ? I research with an open mind and so many approaches I have come across to the Ascension process are similar and seem very connected which is why I seek for Truths instead of what some claim to be the one and only Truth. Maybe this all confuses me so much just for the fact that I am absolutely horrible at anything that involves numbers. It’s almost like my shuts down and completely stops processing any information whatsoever when it comes to numbers lol. Thank you in advance for any feedback.
Hello Kim,
I only now discovered your comment of yours. I never got a notification of it but hopefully that will also be fixed with the new set up of the blog.
I can understand that you feel confused by my conclusion and I also would have been before I had been searching for many years. Basically it is a fact that the church has interpreted a lot of things in a negative way which according to me have a positive meaning. It may have something to do with the fact that for ages the church wanted to have power over people and make itself indispensable for their possibility to be saved.
I can also understand your feeling about numbers. I had the same feeling about them in school after I entered High school. And got the corresponding grades. So you can imagine my amazement when after reading the book by prof Weinreb about it, it turned out that I could find meanings for myself with them! I only use the most simple methods though.
Another thing is that I had discovered by then that calling something good or bad is something of duality, of separation. And the idea is that after gaining conscious awareness by our experiences in this duality we return to the Oneness again. And within that context good and bad do not have an inherent meaning anymore. They are both phases of the same ‘thing’.
As such I found that the serpent and the Messiah were two sides of the same as their numerical value was the same. And slowly I discovered the principle of this whole cycle during which we descend into this material world first, and after that work our way through it, first getting enslaved but after having been delivered work through all our stuff ourselves – with help when necessary – and after that the phase of the Messiah and later the rising Kundalini completes the process. The Holy Spirit might be symbolized by the Kundalini.
All in all I believe that indeed we may speak on one froce that leads us through the whole process but also goes through it Itself somehow.
I hope this makes you feel better.
In the hebrew scriptures, it is not Good an Evil, the actual words are Pure and in-pure…..
just saying
To work with the Tree of Knowledge, you have to know what you are doing. You see, the name of it is the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil. That is how it is translated in English in the popular Bibles, but the Hebrew words do not say good and evil; the Hebrew words are “Tov ve Rah.” Tov / tob means goodness. Goodness is a term that refers to our Innermost (Geburah, Chesed; Mercy, Goodness) Rah means impurity. Illusion.
Quoted from https://gnosticteachings.org/courses/bhavachakra-the-wheel-of-becoming/3345-spiritual-birth.html
Best to learn the ancient text as opposed to the one currently being used, as this would have been the text of the times the bible was written in.
Thank you for your comments to my article.
You show two different translations here, neither of which is the original text. Both are interpretations and different interpretations are possible. Each interpretation has its own value and I am not in favour of denying the meaning of one just because the other one appeals to you more.
I think that the interpretation you show is of great value but that does not automatically mean that mine is not. Especially with regard to the English language the translation of the Hebrew word ra with the word evil has a special meaning in itself because if you write it backwards you get the verb to live. Which gives possibilities of interpretation which are not possible in other languages. I was not the only one to have discovered this. Of course the same is possible in Hebrew with the words ra and er (awake), which however leads to different possibilities.
Noah is Nœkh (NWKh). The waw or 6 connects the 50 and 8 or seems that 50 is “giving” or 5+0=5, GRACE and 6 connects 8 “the anointing” or “oil” as ypu mentioned. Thanks for this blog Anny!!! Very cool!!!
Hi Donald,
Thanks for another comment to one of my articles. I am glad that you enjoy them. They do not appeal to everyone.
I see that you transcribe the wav in Noach as a w but the wav is also used as the vowels o or ou and that is of course the case in this name. It ends with a sharp guttural chet, which you do not know in English, I think, because the h you replace it with is inaudible at the end of a word. This chet is used though in the Sephardi pronunciation of Hebrew, as used in Israel where I lived for 11 years.
Great to see that in your explanation you end up with grace, which actually is the translation of chen, which is written in the same characters but minus the wav.
Hello Anny,
Scythican meaning of ‘Bereshit bara Elohim’, even now pronounced ‘Briezdit’ in Scythican tongue, is ‘[Before Sunrise/] At dawn [uncovered] discovered [the Son of God; Nahash] Serpent-er [also written now as Carpenttarius, or slyly as Carpenter]’.
Original Hebrew word for Serpent, as in other dead and life languages, is NH, Naha and its variants.
Thank you