Have you ever wondered why Moses had to “lift up” the bronze snake in the wilderness in order for the Israelites to be healed? This is perhaps one of the most puzzling scriptures in the entire Bible. Pastors and Bible study teachers alike have been stumped as to why it is there, and it seems that traditional Christianity has no proper explanation. Is there one? Yes, but the answer lies beyond the literal interpretation, and it contains a wonderful spiritual truth!
The scene unfolds for us as the Israelites journeyed to Edom by way of the Red Sea. Without access to food or water, they complained against God and Moses. The Lord became angry with the people and sent fiery serpents to bite them. The Israelites began to pray for God to take the serpents away. God then gives Moses the remedy:
“And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it shall live. And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole…” (Numbers 21:8-9).
This entire scene begs the questions:
1) If the serpent is traditionally supposed to represent Satan in the Bible, then why would God tell Moses to lift it up and then heal all the people who looked on it?
2) Why would God tell Moses to cast the bronze serpent in the first place since it is clearly and idol and God said:
“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath…” (Exodus 20:4).
This is just another instance where the literal interpretation poses contradictory ideas, and it is scriptures like these that demand we look beneath the surface to find out what treasures the Biblical authors hid beneath the surface of the text.
Let’s review a small portion in the story of Adam and Eve to help us grasp the full implications of God’s command to Moses about the brazen serpent.
There have already been several discussions on this site dedicated to showing that the serpent represents man’s ego, not a literal being named Satan. Therefore Adam’s fall represents the activation of the ego. Now remember how God cursed the snake so that it would crawl on its belly and eat dust all the days of its life? That scene becomes important for Moses’ actions later. Briefly consider the two points below:
1) The snake was originally upright.
2) It was cursed to eat dust.
Symbolically this imagery teaches us that the ego is responsible for keeping us grounded in the realm of the fives senses, or the physical realm. The Bible states we are made from the dust of the ground, and that is the reason the snake is cursed to eat the dust of it. As long as our lives are ruled by the ego, we are symbolically eating this dust.
Now let’s return to Moses and the brass serpent. Why would God have him do such a thing? When the Israelites were complaining in the desert, they weren’t relying on faith. They were relying on their egos which only trust in the physical senses. It appeared that they would die of starvation and thirst. Numbers 21: 4 states that “…the soul of the people was much discouraged because of the way.” This entire scene illustrates the condition of the soul in the dessert (physical life). The soul in “the way” simply means the soul that travels from Egypt (bondage of the ego) to the Promised Land (a heavenly awakening from this bondage). In other words, the Israelites’ travels represent the individual who is on a spiritual journey to shed the ego and experience the Promised Land (spiritual resurrection). The Biblical author gives us the imagery of Israelites being cursed and bitten by snakes because they were operating in the ego to get them through the desert of life.
So God gives Moses a symbolic representation of what would heal them. That symbol is the brazen snake on the pole lifted up! In the story of Adam and Eve, the snake was cast down, but as we’ll see in a moment, it must be lifted up (symbolically transforming the ego) to restore the spiritual aspect of man’s soul.
Large portions of scripture are metaphors for the holy temple which is your human body and brain. This scripture is no exception. If you stood a snake in the upright position, it would resemble the spinal cord which extends up the back; the head of the snake would resemble the pineal gland (understood by the ancients as a spiritual organ) at the bottom center of the brain. (More information on the Bible and the pineal gland here).
In deep meditation practices, spiritual energy (kundalini, Holy Spirit) rises through the spinal column and proceeds to open the seven chakras (seven churches of revelations) along the spine until it reaches the pineal gland, symbolizing a spiritually-resurrected individual. This process can also be seen as the serpent that becomes transformed from the ego into the fully realized and awakened spiritual being (the shedding of the ego). Such an experience raises the conscious awareness of an individual beyond the senses. This is a real experience that ancient spiritual peoples—even the earliest Christians—were aware of.
This entire process is also why Jesus made the following statement:
“And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up…” ( John 3:14).
Remember, the kingdom of God is not outside of you, but it is “within.” (Luke 17:21).
“Lifting up the Son of Man” is another way of symbolizing the path to Christ consciousness, a state of BEING beyond the senses, emotions, and intellect.
How this knowledge can help you…
The Christ nature within us must be exalted in order to realize the spiritual resurrection! This is an actual experience that takes commitment and faith. Many Christians will argue that all these concepts are New Age teachings. But what many Christians don’t realize is that New Age concepts aren’t new at all. In fact, they have been around tens of thousands of years, and many of the same concepts are taught through both the Old and New Testaments. I advise you to study deeply the Biblical passages that seem to contradict the traditional Christian interpretation. They can’t be argued away and don’t be afraid to question their purpose. This is the beginning of your search to a higher understanding of the soul contained within the scriptures.
In the next blog post we will look at a scripture from Isaiah where the Lord clearly states that the Great Pyramid of Giza is His sign to stand for all time. We will also discuss how the pyramid was built to represent the soul’s journey through the earth and how it is all Biblical!
I hope this post has helped you to go beyond religion and to true spirituality. If you enjoyed it, please don’t forget to spread it through the social buttons that the top and bottom of this post!
Just spent a few minutes reading Adam and Eve and this new post. I could not agree more, and I love the way you so intelligently break things down. You really get to the heart of what’s here in a clear, understandable way. Keep teaching us all with this work!
P.S. I’m reminded of the symbol of kundalini of a snake on rod that’s used by American medical establishments.
Thanks, Suzy. I will definitely keep working and writing. Thanks for commenting!
Joshua, another great blog!! Truly, the serpent and Satan are one and the same, and I believe them BOTH to be representative of the same thing, as you, yourself, conclude in both this blog AND the blog regarding the number 40. Tremendous job!!!
Thanks, Paul. Numbers mean so much in the Bible!
Im writing on this because it is 2016..where are u now? i experienced the gift of what people call the kundalini without consciously knowing what I was experiencing. I have been trying to gather information on the mysteries that I was taught in my experience and I have come across this sight in my search a second time. Where are you at now in your journey ?
Hi Jeanette. Thanks for stopping by again. Where am I at? Hmm. I believe I have grown in so many areas, but no so much in others. Many situations in life have shown me how hard it can be to crucify the ego, and I still have a long way to go. Rather than worrying about how far I have gotten, I like to concentrate on mastering parts of myself that I know need work, and I have the faith that everything will fall in place as it’s supposed to. I’m glad you’ve had an enlightening experience. Feel free to share more.
Hi Joshua…
Wonderful post…full of enlightenment! Truly there is a new HU-man being birthed from the marriage of our Intellect and our Intuition…creating the Super Hu-man, the next step in our evolutionary journey through Eternity…our long awaited Christ Concsiousness.
The Divine Marriage spoken of in the bible and the Christ Birth is waiting all those whose consciously seek beyond their present understanding.
It is absolutely the rising of the Kundalini as you so eloquently expressed…and the most amazing thing is…if your mind can wrap itself around it…is that the Galaxy itself is raising it’s own Kundalini as we raise ours…for it too expands and evolves as all things do.
What is so amazing about these times we are presently in…is there is a completion of many cycles happening at once…mankind, our planet, our planetary system, our galaxy, our Universe and who knows what is beyond in the Super Universes are all completing their grand cycles and evolving to a higher consciousness level of being.
It is also the reason that so many enlightened beings as yourself are coming forth teaching these grand truths in these times.
The Key to reaching this state of being is to LOVE ALL that you are…every ounce of every cell and atom in your body as well as loving every act that you have committed…for there is nothing but God/Source moving forward and to condemn anything about ourselves is to condemn God himself…your spark of Divine Light.
By embracing the ALL..by seeing only Source, your mind is cleansed of all the negative destructive thoughts and when that happens you become the Divine vessel for the Truth of God to manifest through.
And truly as you stated…the signs and symbols are all around us if we but had “eyes to see and ears to hear”….
Keep up this fabulous work!
Kathy,Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it.
You stated:
“…if your mind can wrap itself around it…is that the Galaxy itself is raising it’s own Kundalini as we raise ours…for it too expands and evolves as all things do.”
I completely agree! It’s an awesome concept, isn’t it? When I first starting seeing things this way it opened up so many spiritual doors for me. We truly live in a grand universe. Thanks again!
I like this interpretation a lot. A spare piece in the jigsaw still has me scratching my head though, 2 Kings 18:4. Here it is:
He removed the high places, and brake the images, and cut down the groves, and brake in pieces the brasen serpent that Moses had made: for unto those days the children of Israel did burn incense to it: and he called it Nehushtan.
If you have a take on this it would be fascinating to know it. Keep up the good work!
This is a great point to bring up. The answer to your question lies in how our lower minds seeks truth without ourselves instead of going within. The scriptures state the the children of Israel began to burn incense to it. In other words, they began to worship from without. When Moses lifted up the serpent, it represented the spirit of truth rising within us. When Israel burned incense to it, it represents the distortion of this truth. The brazen serpent went from being a symbol of inner truth to a symbol of religion. This is why religion is a stumbling block to our true natures. Religion teaches out to look “without” for that which can only be found “within.”
I am in tears. This is truth and it shakes my soul. The Spirit of Truth within me bears witness. I have always been the intuitive type and drawn to God and Spirit since a child. However, when I turned 17 I got involved with a church that was very religious/dogmatic yet proclaimed they were not and even talked against being legalistic which made it quite confusing as a young person.
I did gain some knowledge there but ultimately ended up tormented by demonic activity and self condemnation. When I grew old enough and married I thought, that’s it. I’m doing what I want now. I rebelled fully from Spirit. Rejected most things to do with it.
Until I went through the life changing experience of having a daughter.
One night I was thinking of how happy I was with my life and what would I do if I lost my daughter? I sort of panicked knowing that nothing is promised to me, not even my daughter. I thought God would have to get me through. I started fervently praying for God to please help me depend on him if I lost everything. Begging in prayer, I asked him to help me depend on nothing but him. I was praying to a God “outside” of myself as I had been taught he’s in heaven, in the sky somewhere. Literally, I was picturing that old dude with a white beard on a throne. smh.
Anyway. Remarkably when I continued to pray so hard, I was taken deep within myself, I just kept going and going inward until I came to this place of…I can’t explain it other than this limitless expanse. Like a universe within me. It was wild. But I knew the truth I was being shown.
God was showing me that what I sought was within. I said to God, “Wow. This is good. Can you help me to remember this in the morning so I don’t forget?” I was nearly falling asleep and didn’t want to forget this experience. Almost sarcastically God quipped, “Sure. If you get up and write it down.” In other words, God was saying, even to remember is in your power so stop depending on some externalness to save you or do things for you that you can do yourself. I awoke to not only my own limitlessness but my own responsibility. May seem a minor awakening but it was life changing.
I still struggle with some of the dogmatic and harsh, dualistic beliefs I’ve been taught but I’m learning that dualism (knowledge of good and evil) was the very thing that separated Adam and Eve from pure Spirit in the story.
In Spirit there is no separation of good and evil. There is no judgement. All is one. The base Kundalini is rooted deeply in our earthly realm which is where death and judgement reside. Our crown connects us to Spirit which is where the tree of life is. It can be very scary and “ungrounding” to raise the Kundalini and release all the judgement that we so intimately know and accept as a part of our lives. Basically, release our EGO, as you stated.
What a journey. Not for the faint of heart. Still wondering how to continue the path of enlightenment yet remain grounded. How on earth (literally) can you balance this?
Thanks for your heartfelt comment, and your life story.
To answer your question, learn to live in the NOW of your experience. It’s a reflective life. We learn from each day if we allow it. That is the key!
My husband told me recently that within the last 25 years I have been 7 different people. Yes, it’s a journey. Yes it boy for the faint of heart. But if I stayed the same person I wouldn’t like her right now…lol.
Hi Joshua, I’d like to make a comment about the brass serpent. Brass says something about the character and task of the serpent. As I have mentioned before serpent is ‘nahash’ in Hebrew. Brass is a related word, ‘nehoshet’. Metals also have symbolical meanings in Hebrew and brass is connected to the number six. Man was created towards the end of the sixth day, spirit descended into human form at the end of the sixth day. The serpent which by this relation to brass also is defined by the number six is the force that entices man to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and as a result to ‘fall’ into the world of matter (which in the kabbalah is called the seventh day and ‘olam ha assiah’, the world of doing things. God, the higher consciousness rests, the lower consciousness now enters the realm of doing and experiencing things).
At this stage the serpent is not so much thrown down as well that his four feet are taken from him. This world of matter, of doing and experiencing, is also called the fourth world. Man has arrived in this world now and does not need this force that entices him downward any longer, so its downward energy, the four, is curtailed.
Once the people have passed the deepest point of their descent, slavery in Egypt, and have arrived on the ascending side, Moses lifts up this snake to make clear to the people what is the idea.
You might say he turns it into a messiah. Messiah, ‘mashiah’, means the anointed one. Later on the kings of Israel were anointed with oil, ‘shemen’ (which you find in the name Gethsemane, oilpress), which is related to the number 8, ‘shmona’. The eighth day, which begins once we have emerged from the fourth world of the seventh day, you might see as the Promised Land, the rise into higher awareness.
So in a nutshell: the serpent (6) leads you into the world of matter and experience (7) and then the raised serpent or messiah (8) leads you back up again.
Awesome info! Your explanation was a great alternative way to explain the process of involution and evolution of the soul. And you’re right about metals in scripture. Brass and Bronze are also symbols of the mental plan and mentality.
Hi Josh
“The Christ nature within us must be exalted in order to realize the spiritual resurrection!”
What do you think the three days in the tomb represents in relationship to all that you’ve stated?
Or the one day rather- resurrection taking place on Sunday. And what does Sunday indicate if anything?
This is complete blasphemy and utter garbage. The only way to heaven is to believe upon Jesus Christ to save your soul. Look to Him for eternal life in the same way the Israelites had to look to the bronze serpent to live. Pursuing Christ concsiousness is self-worship and idolatry.
I would have said the same thing many years ago before I began treading the esoteric path. God is much bigger than the dogma and doctrine man has handed down to us. So is the real meaning of the Christ, which was taught before Christianity was ever formed as a religion. I hope you continue to look and aren’t afraid to question the interpretations of the Bible we have been given. When this fear is truly gone, then the soul can begin a great journey.
You are right, Thomas, and the Kundalini spirit is purely demonic. We have cast it out in the name of Jesus many times and there is always a wonderful transformation in people’s lives, starting immediately. Pale or green skin gives way to a healthy red glow, eyes go from dull to bright, fear turns to joy and peace, and once a man with Kundalini who was off work due to a back condition for years was immediately healed when the Kundalini spirit came writhing out of him. His back immediately returned to correct curvature and all pain left him.
This is very interesting. I agree that there is a journey within because God created us in his likeness and image (our spirit) so therefore there is something within that we haven’t acquired as yet. I do believe this however, most people tap into that source for self enlightenment and not a means getting closer to God that’s where idolatry and ego comes in. Don’t you find it interesting that serpents uses heat ‘energy’ to identify their prey? God kingdom is a fiery ball of energy within us but we are blinded by the dust of this earth.
Thanks for the comment Taj…
One thing I believe we also have to realize is that God “out there” is just an image we use to explain what we don’t know, but when we go within we experience God and our understanding of God changes.
How can you claim to be Christian and write this nonsense?
Tell that to the church that has changed and banned parts of the scriptures of it like the book of Enoch.
Unless you are ready for the Truth/Reality/Fact, you will reject it. People dismiss things out of hand based on their ignorance. I know by personal experience the Kundalini is real and shows spiritual growth and opens door for more of that growth. Many people are not ready.
Yes I have experience in kindlini as well, silver cords. As well as Demonic forces, and all this did nothing but lead me down a rabbit hole. . My story didn’t end well… until I was saved by Jesus. God bless everyone in this thread.
Thank you so much for the post my friend. I was raised in a very religious cult. Brainwashed into thinking anything to do with spiritually in the eastern sense was pure satanic and blasphemy! Now as I do more research, practice yoga, and read articles like this its starting to make more sense to me and allow me to open my mind and get the real meaning of spiritually. Although, I think the years upon years of brainwashing has seeped the fear of all this stuff into my subconscious. It just seems right to me. But there’s still that little brainshedwased voice in my head that says ‘maybe this is really Satan decieving us”. Not to mention all the negative feedback of meditation and yoga/kundalini experiences I’ve read on the internet. Causing psychosis,bipolar etc. I’m somewhat confused I guess you could say. Any advice on how to shake this crazy brainwashing? This article definitely helped. If you could provide me with more info like this it would really ease my mind… Thank you so much friend.
It will take time to undo the brainwashing. Don’t be afraid to question everything. This is the beginning of an awakening that may take years to manifest. Even after I learned much esoteric information and left the church I still had doubts. This is a war that will be played out in the mind for awhile, but keep studying and asking questions.
All the articles on this site are designed to slowly help a Brainwashed Christian to being to think for themselves.
Blessings, my friend.
Wow! This is exactly where i am at. Being a born again christian and having gone through a terrible emotionally hard course in my life, it is now 5 years later, im going through a deep cleansing , and a deep search, for the truth, the real truth…praying fervently and being led to the kundalini. Fear has a knack to rear its head, am i being decieved? But i keep being brought back to this truth. Trusting in Father God, and continueing in this unknown wilderness.
Same but it was only during kundalini I was getting worse and worse. Once you’re obedience is in Christ. You will not sell more truth. Jesus is the truth..
Only through Jesus friend; he’s our spiritual guide. To defeat the ego we must get on one knee. Christians have a very real relationship with Jesus. In fact, for some not all but for me; Jesus has spoke to me via my pineal gland. I’ve been down the same rabbit hole as you. Jesus redirected me. My focus is on God only. After all he did create it ALL! Just because you’ve found some ancient esoteric teachings doesn’t mean we can bypass him to heaven. God warned us about these times. I pray you all read the Bible for the truth. God bless you all. “For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths.” 2 Timothy 4:3-4
Thanks for your comment and perspective, Derrick.
Hey Josh! If you’re still connected here, I’m wondering for an update as to where you are now. Last you posted above you said you were struggling with the deep malingering brainwashing you free up under still trying to rear its ugly head. Did you go back to church or have you grown more confident and comforted in the esoteric understandings?
I am just coming to this (early spring this year) and finally shaking the guilty he’ll bound dogmatic feeling, but every now and then I question myself and if I am being led astray and deceived. But my comfort grows everyday and my true love for the source/creator rather then the fearful forced Love a child pretends to keep out of trouble.
Just curious on where you are 3 years later.
Hi, im going through the exact same thing
Hi Jon,
I saw your comment asking for somebody’s update on where they are a few years later and your concerns regarding worries of whether you’re being misled. If you’re interested in my perspective of what I went through regarding kundalini I have made two comments below under “S”, the first one from October 30, 2014 and the second comment more recently in the same thread.
Please stay safe. I would advise against esoteric stuff after my own experience, even though it feels “good”. I sure miss astrology, and I find it difficult to read the Bible, but I got a glimpse of something dark and I still have the task of figuring out how to get rid of something sinister that I feel is still inside of me. I still feel something working inside of me at times, but it has started to feel icky. The last time I felt it (kundalini, that is) working inside of me, I still wasn’t sure what to think of it and whether it was a good or a bad thing, so I kind of let go and let it work for a little bit, even though it felt icky, and I felt an energy moving up from my feet and covering my whole face and kind of floating all around it. The energy was white but it made me not see anything for the duration it was floating above my face and it was scary, it didn’t feel good or right anymore. The Bible warns against deceiving spirits, false light and illusions. I believe the energy I felt over my face, and the fact that it made me not see anything, is a sign of what has happened to me as I lost my sight and footing in my life and on my spiritual journey. I was-still am lost and I’m trying to find my way back.
Right after I first started to clean out anything related to the occult I started seeing people with disabilities, blind people, people in wheelchairs and very sick people everywhere I went, all the time. I couldn’t leave the house without seeing sick and injured people everywhere. Before I started to think/feel that what I was experiencing was not a good thing, I thought that I was making good progress in my healing, even though it was overwhelming and difficult. When I started getting worried and a bit scared, thinking it might be a bad thing, I lost the feeling that I was following a path I was meant to and started seeing the people I described, everywhere. I still see a lot of sick people when I go out, but I see less blind people, and people in wheelchairs, so I’m hoping I’m walking a bit more towards the road where God wants me to walk. I still have a bunch of stuff everywhere that I still need to clean out, because there are traces of it everywhere. The last week or so I have felt a pain in my lower back. The other day when I was reading the Bible I felt like something cleansing came over me and started to work on that sore spot in my lower back and inside of me and I got an image somehow of what had happened in my body. I think the kundalini spirit took root in my lower back and created a vortex of some sort and started sucking in a bunch of bad energy. It was vacuuming all of this energy into me and it made me walk into a maze with mirrors that showed me a reality that wasn’t real. When I started seeing past the mirrors, I started seeing all the sick people everywhere, because I was no longer in the maze: I was in reality and my reality had become sick.
Please be careful. The Bible warns against these types of practices. Please don’t be led astray.
Thank you so much for sharing I have never interpreted those passages in this way however it makes complete sense to me.
Thomas and Cam, I couldn’t have said it better. This is false teaching leading many astray! New age theories are falsehoods dressed as truth, wolves in sheeps clothing. They ‘look’ like they align with scripture because scripture says that Satan masquerades as an angel of light. He knows the scriptures as well as Jesus, and he twisted them while tempting Jesus in the desert! He twisted God’s instructions to Adam and Eve to drive a wedge between God and Mankind, and since then, the serpent has been synonymous with EVIL the lifting up of the serpent for healing is synonymous with Jesus taking on our sins and being lifted up on the cross. The entire bible, from start to finish, points to Jesus and Satan WANTS to draw people away from the Way, the Truth and the Life and will say and do anything to achieve his goal. Remember, there was a reason why Jesus called the Pharisees VIPERS! Believe what you want, but beware of leading others so dangerously astray. I wish you well and trust that Jesus will reveal the whole truth to you and set your feet on the one, straight, true path.
I agree with you down as far as when you ask why would God have Moses make a serpent. I have also ask the question why did God have Moses put up a serpent for the people to look upon when they were bitten and they would live.
But, where did you get the rest of your explanation? When I read in the Bible all I get is that God told Moses to do this and that all that were bitten and looked upon the serpent lived. I just don’t understand how you arrived at your explanation. I would like to hear back from you on this.
It took years of studying exoteric text and other people who have already explained some of these concepts. Without the right keys, some parts of the Bible are impossible to understand.
You CANNOT study the bible with the aid of an esoteric text! The BIBLE stands alone and the ONLY source for understanding scripture is the guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT!
Just some thoughts:
John 3:14 says that AS Moses lifted up the serpent, even so must the Son of man be lifted up. It does not necessarily say they are the same thing. Moses lifted up the serpent so that the people could behold and come to know that which was killing them. It was a sign (pole) that could not be ignored once seen. Once the people saw what is was that biting them, they could then understand and recognizes it’s power. As we recognize the serpent, we can also recognize the Son of man. Once we see and understand what kills, we can see and understand what saves, in the same manner. In the wilderness the serpent is exalted, in the promised land the Son of man is exalted (lifted up). But the process of of casting the serpent off the throne (seat of the soul if you will) is tedious in the wilderness.
thanks for listening
John 3 says that AS Moses lifted up the serpent so shall the Son of man be lifted up. This does not necessarily imply that the serpent and Son of man are one in the same. It simply says that they both are lifted up. Remember the serpent is more subtle than any beast [in us]. 2 Thessalonians says to let no man deceive you, except there come a falling away first, and the man of sin be REVEALED, the son of perdition (son of God vs son of perdition?) Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped, so that he AS God sitteth in the temple of God (us), shewing himself that he is God. The serpent has to be revealed first. Moses made the serpent of brass on the pole, as God directed him, so that the people being bit (dust being eaten or devoured) by the serpent could look at the serpent and behold it. Putting the serpent on the pole gave the people the ability to look at, see, and understand what it was that was killing them, and the serpent was then REVEALED unto them. Once they were able to understand what it was that was killing them, it no longer had the power to kill them. Our ego or serpent is lifted up in us, it lives in us, and wants to sit on the seat or thrown of our mind (pituitary), where rather Christ should sit. Revelation 12 says that there is war in heaven (within us) to cast out that old serpent. But it must first be lifted up so that we can see who it really is and come to know it. Then we are able to see the subtle difference between the two and lift Christ up who keeps that old serpent under his heel.Thanks for listening
Sorry about posting two things that say about the same thing. I couldn’t see that the first one had posted and thought it was lost.
Sorry, I feel I need to say more about the son of perdition needing to be revealed, the parable of the tares also discusses this topic. In Matthew 13 is the parable of the tares. The parable says that the tares are sown with the wheat. But the tares have to grow together with the wheat and only after the wheat is ready (the harvest) can the tares be bound. This parable is synergistic with what Jesus said in John 3:14 concerning the serpent AND the Son of man being lifted up. Both rise or grow together. When Christ rises so do the tares (serpent). And you know they are there because they have been revealed. When we first see Christ arise in us, we also get to see the tares. But in due time the harvest will come….at his coming. 1Corinthians 15:23 “But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming. Then the end, when he shall have delivered up the Kingdom of God…” There is an initial rising or enlightenment (firstfruits) but then the work begins to see the “second” coming [in us] i.e. harvest (Hebrews 9:27-28). Again all of this takes place within us. A kind of internal alchemy. There is a special process.
I think another great explannation, I hope to tell all about this, as I was consumed by demonic demons or years and had to reach this level o aith and the way you found true peace is how I found it, it is truly unbelievable and heaven on earth, Bless you and may the Holy spirit Of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ are Almighty God work through you to get through, I am writing a book and plan to bring this message to death row inmates and prisonners all over the world o these unclen spirits keep up the good fight and remeber the Discipliples new the secrets its up to us to figure them out , God Almighty gave us this brain lets start using it, The road to Heaven is very very small and few find it, please keep your work coming I will do my part..God bless you
Thanks for sharing, Herbert.
I’m happy I came across this posting.
I was sexually abused as a child and have carried around a lot of pain in me for years, but I wasn’t emotionally strong enough to deal with it so I repressed everything and pretended I was fine while on the inside I was carrying around a lot of darkness and fighting to get through every day. I also couldn’t let anybody know I wasn’t fine or ask for help because I didn’t think I deserved it and I didn’t trust people.
I moved away from home at an early age and wound up moving to another country a few years after that. It took me many years of further struggles to feel like I was slowly becoming a normal person. I was very depressed and had so many issues but over the years the burden, while still overwhelming and difficult to carry, was becoming less heavy as more time passed. The last few years have been very good years for me and things happened, good things, slowly, that has enabled me to feel safe enough, loved and supported and emotionally ready to tackle the abuse and the pain. Part of it has been a few wonderful people that God was kind enough to send into my life to help me. Another big part of it was the fact that I had a spontaneous kundalini awakening.
I had been preparing myself to deal with the abuse and not repressing the memories or avoiding to think about them or the feelings of guilt and shame that I had. I wasn’t able to deal with everything at once, but little by little, I thought about stuff, I allowed the pain, shame and guilt to come up to the surface. I wasn’t repressing my feelings anymore, I was ready to deal with everything with babysteps. I made a great friend who was very supportive and loving and who made me feel safe. So safe that I didn’t pretend that I was a happy, bubbly person but started talking about the abuse. I started to have what I call fits or episodes where I would roll up in a ball and I could feel myself turning into a little child and I would feel I had no control over myself: I was crying loudly and would react strongly if I was being touched (hand on the shoulder for instance), I was scared and felt like somebody was doing something to me that I didn’t like but I wasn’t able to stop it. The pain and fear was immense. After each “episode” I felt lighter, like a lot of pain had left my body. At some stage the kundalini awakening happened and while I didn’t understand it, it felt like more and more pain was coming out, *wanted* to come out. It felt like a plug had been pulled in me and I was forced to deal with huge chunks of overwhelming feelings. Somehow I knew that it was a good thing. I was a clingy, needy and very scared person, but the kundalini (that would flare up at different times, at different strengths) helped to push me forward and helped me to feel secure in the fact that while it was SCARY and overwhelming and sometimes felt like it was too much to deal with, I always felt safe, guarded, protected, like it was a good thing. I felt like something inside of me was burning through layers and layers of what I call darkness (pain, shame, guilt, fears, ego, the clingy, needy person I knew I really wasn’t but was stuck in). I felt like it was supposed to happen, I was ready and I was being nudged forward. I had no control over it so I to put my trust into the healing I could feel, into God.
I’ve always had a deep faith in God and Jesus. I found myself reading up about all of these Eastern things and it scared me. My faith in God, Jesus and the Bible was strong, but what was I supposed to think of all these new things that I was faced with that I had no other choice than to try to understand as I was going through them? I wasn’t comfortable with a lot of the New Age stuff that I was reading, but a lot of it made sense. A lot of the Eastern stuff I was reading was resonating with me as well, but it still didn’t quite fit. I felt that God, Jesus and the Bible *were* the right path to follow, but I wondered how kundalini fit into it. There was a lot of people proclaiming it was all evil, and here I was, stuck in experiencing something that I felt was cleansing me and helping me to heal.
This posting has been helpful because it shows that kundalini and the Bible can coexist. Sometimes I feel a bit dizzy with all of the new information I’m taking in, trying to learn and find out the truth, what God is really saying, what I’m really supposed to do but I try to not worry. God only gives us what we can handle and He leads us along our path and is with us every step of the way. We just have to be patient and have an open heart.
I’ve shared my story (for the first time, anywhere, actually) in the hopes that it will be helpful for somebody.
I think it’s important for people to realise that kundalini does not go against the Bible and what it teaches, but I also think it’s important that people realise it’s not something you should go out hunting for. I’ve read stories of people that have had horrible awakenings that have lasted years and years and have taken their toll on the person’s health. Some people try to awaken it by practicing yoga and meditation for years and nothing ever happens. The kundalini is not a quick fix, it’s not something “cool” and something you should strive for for the sake if it’s novelty, it’s not for everybody. Have an open heart and strive and yearn to feel God’s love and study the Bible. Don’t dive after something because of it’s supernatural appeal. If you seek God with an open and pure heart you will be led along the way.
What a wonderful story and I am so glad you decided to share. It’s important for people to hear these genuine experiences so that hope remains. I know your story here will be an encouragement to many. People have to understand that even our bad experiences can lead to growth when we allow it. Thank you, again, for opening your heart to us all. Many blessings!
Wow! This is exactly where i am at. Being a born again christian and having gone through a terrible emotionally hard course in my life, it is now 5 years later, im going through a deep cleansing , and a deep search, for the truth, the real truth…praying fervently and being led to the kundalini. Fear has a knack to rear its head, am i being decieved? But i keep being brought back to this truth. Trusting in Father God, and continueing in this unknown wilderness.
Nancy, stay away from this teaching! The kundalini spirit is NOT OF GOD and is designed by the enemy to draw you away from the true source of all healing, Jesus Christ. It is an attractive teaching because it *feels* good, right, and even tangible. Do not be deceived! The only spirit you should be inviting into your body and mind is THE HOLY SPIRIT! God’s Word teaches us NOT to trust our hearts (feelings) but to trust in God with all our mind, body and spirit. Beware that when people are born again, Satan will step up his attack to keep you separated from the Truth. He will present you with ideas that *Iook* like they align with the Word of God but they do not. I lived aspects of the new age life for years and I can tell you that after I gave my heart to Jesus Christ and renounced all of that false theology, I was shown how all of what I was believing before was all just lies, smoke and mirrors. SNAKES represent SATAN AND SIN and God Himself set this in Genesis. In Revelation Jesus casts down the serpent. Kundalini is represented by a serpent and is demonic. Please stay away from it, it is not of God.
Kundalini is divine energy that is the Holy Ghost. I had a spontaneous Kundalini awakening in one night 7 yrs ago & I had never headd of the word kundalini ever. Only nonbelievers were possessed in the Bible. So no one can say I was possessed. I have the Holy Spirit within this body temple. I had 3 visions & 8 knowings & I had the mind of Christ that had a scared union with Loving, the Divine. You are unknowingly saying blasphemy against God’s Holy Spirit, an unforgivable sin. My spiritual awakening was pure bliss with divine love from the Holy Spirit above.
Snakes represent Satan you say? Is that why Jesus said Be wise like SERPENTS… (& harmless as doves). Caduceus Kundalini. You do not know what you are talking about. Only ignorance told to you by another full of ignorance.
Kundalini is divine energy that is the Holy Ghost. I had a spontaneous Kundalini awakening in one night 7 yrs ago & I had never headd of the word kundalini ever. Only nonbelievers were possessed in the Bible. So no one can say I was possessed. I have the Holy Spirit within this body temple. I had 3 visions & 8 knowings & I had the mind of Christ & had a sacred union with Loving, the Divine. You are unknowingly saying blasphemy against God’s Holy Spirit, an unforgivable sin. My spiritual awakening was pure bliss with divine love from the Holy Spirit above.
Snakes represent Satan you say? Is that why Jesus said Be wise like SERPENTS… (& harmless as doves). Caduceus Kundalini. You do not know what you are talking about. Only ignorance told to you by another full of ignorance.
I’m the person who commented under ‘S’ on October 30, 2014. It’s almost 4 years later and I felt a need to come and post an follow-up to my previous comment.
I never went out looking for kundalini or a kundalini awakening. As I commented before, I believe in God, Jesus and the Bible. The reason I’m back to comment again is because in aftermath, 4 years later, I’m not sure what I experienced and I feel a responsibility to make a follow-up comment to warn people to be extremely careful.
I’m still trying to make sense of what I’ve experienced, so I don’t want to go into too much detail. I want to write about what happened to me towards the end of these 4 years, the past few months/weeks in my life.
What I can say is that despite healing etc, I have felt bad energy. I didn’t see it at first, but I did notice that now and then when I’d look in the mirror I’d get “crazy eyes” – an “evil” look in my eyes, and it scared me and I really didn’t know what it meant. I saw this over a period of months, I’m not sure how long.
I also started hearing voices telling me what to do. At first I thought I was listening to myself or that I was being guided because it started out small. Don’t go to the store yet, or don’t get up out of the bath yet. I spent more and more time trying to follow that inner guidance/voice. It started to take over quite a bit and because of the shame I feel from my abuse/religious shame I feel regarding sin-being a good person, I thought maybe I need to learn how to listen and obey and take discipline. I’m quite stubborn and quite feisty so I thought God doesn’t like that and wants me to mellow down and be able to take direction. I don’t like being told what to do, in general.
I realise God can guide people and speak to people through the Holy Spirit, but what I experienced started out as small and vague voices that were guiding me and then escalated into taking up more and more space inside of me, until I found myself listening to voices that were constantly telling me to do stuff I don’t want to do (don’t go to bed yet, don’t eat yet, go and do pushups in the livingroom, you’re not allowed to yet). Because I don’t like being told what to do, it was extremely frustrating to feel I wasn’t allowed to go to bed when I wanted to, or to eat when I wanted to, and to constantly have to wait and wait and wait. I kept thinking it was triggering me and my authority issues, so I kept listening. Sometimes I felt compelled to do stuff like to turn around and go and pick up a bottle cap from the street that I noticed while walking past it. I think the voices were trying to get me to follow them, do what they wanted me to do, obey and they were doing it by getting me to do small things at first. The voices escalated and started becoming demanding, and they finally turned mean. I had a few weeks of hearing voices most of the day that I felt I was at war with. If I didn’t do what they said, they would start yelling, cursing at me and degrade me. Part of me thought it was my self-hathred.
I felt incredibly lost for a few weeks to the point that I kept repeating to myself that I was lost, and there was an instance one evening when I was trying to pray to Jesus, asking what I should do, what He wanted me to do, and I kept saying I can’t see, I can’t see anything, I feel like I’m going blind. I felt so lost and so unable to see anything that it was the only thing I was able to think and hear in my mind and it kept increasing in volume and intensity. Something inside of me told me I was going in a bad direction and that the voice was trying to open up something inside of me, a “window” and that I better leave it alone and cut it off and not go there because it would end in disaster. I felt that if I would have let it and gone down that path, I would have gone blind. I think there is some sort of mind-body connection, and with the voice (which I think was an evil spirit) and the desperate repeating that I was lost and couldn’t see, I think the evil spirit would have been able to accomplish that.
I now understand what it means when they say that sin makes you live in bondage. I was being controlled by these voices, I was enslaved. I wasn’t fully in charge anymore.
I have stopped studying anything to do with mysticism, even stuff about metaphysical reasons for illness. I got rid of all my new age books on topics about healing, numerology and astrology (that I was studying to understand myself better, not to divine the future – my reasoning for thinking it was ok since the Bible warns against it). I have been going through my notebooks and my laptop, bookmarks, harddrive etc and gotten rid of anything of that nature, and also removed stuff like documentaries about crime, murder, anything dark.
Reading the Bible and removing all of this stuff has made the voices diminish and disappear slowly. I still hear them faintly, they still tell me I have ruined everything I have worked for and that I’ve ruined my life, (which is distressing to hear), and I’m a bit scared. I would be more scared than what I am, but I’m still in a lot of pain so I don’t have that much energy to spare for freaking out. I need my energy for holding myself together. A little while before I started hearing the voices I felt like God turned away from me. Not turned and left, but turned the other way. I didn’t like feeling that, but I also didn’t know what it meant, so I didn’t know what to do about it. I have prayed and felt Jesus and I have felt I got strength when I didn’t have any, but I still don’t feel God has turned back towards me.
I’m still very confused about what I’ve experienced. I’m going to need time to understand everything and since Jesus is truth and the evil is dishonesty and lies, I know I’m not going to fully understand everything until I have more Jesus in my life/heart and can see clearly.
I hope you will publish this comment.I can’t tell anybody what to do, but I can share what happened. I felt a lot of healing, but towards the end of these 4 years I started spiralling into a pocket of darkness that was very scary.
PLEASE be careful.
Look for Jesus.
S, Thank you for your testimony. Also I went through something similar. My kundalini awakened without my consent after a bad breakup when I met an entity who answered to the name of Jesus. It was in my mind where spirit lives. I fell in love! We began to make love, justifying this by the bible verse “ALL things are added…” I was told what to do but it was always good stuff. I started having dreams from Holy Spirit that I was clueless about warning me of this relationship. I thought the enemy was trying to get between us! I started seeing horns on his head and he would not explain to me why. Then I started seeing snakes. Because I had fallen deeply in love with Jesus I obeyed everything he said. Mind you, I never got to the point of him doing bad stuff only good but it’s what happened afterward. One day I heard spiritual noises IRL. Long story short, I became aware that I had moved away from God and my heart was broken. We really need Jesus, you guys. So my chastisement happened. God had warned me in a dream about a sin that I would be chastised for and lo and behold here it was. I began to hear the demonic. I could hear him on his throne in my head watching me and he would leave and slam the door when I started praising God, proving that this was more than in my head. These were audible sounds. They had opened my chakras and I realized they were trying to possess me after I had a real vision of satan puppeteering me (I have OCD). People who have opened chakras and kundalini, understand that it’s to astroproject you… so they can use your body. They sent demonic dreams. It gets worse but I’ll spare you all the details. There is so much more that happened. God did have great mercy on me. My walk has been changed. All I wanted was God. That’s it. Commune with Jesus, but I had hidden sin (lust) that opened the door to this. The entity still claims to love me and sends me messages like he’s the true Christ and I’m messing up. I never could prove he had anything to do with the demonic attacks. But every time I get close to him they start back up.
To this day I am unsure. The spirit world is so tricky, you never know who you are dealing with as they can all be angels of light. I feel it’s an impossible test to pass. I went within to find the kingdom of God and now am struggling with Him on the outside. I miss everything but why would He stop it if it was real? Can you imagine rejecting the true Christ??? My heart is broken but I’m reminded that Christ wants a Holy bride and He is not a God of confusion. This entity who I wanted to be Jesus so badly never explained anything to me about my experiences like it was up to me to just trust but God doesn’t have you do something without telling you beforehand. God doesn’t make you choose between His powerful Word and our experiences and wicked imaginations.
It’s been a rough ride and Jesus is still here. God is faithful. I know that it is all in His control and even this He will sort out. He will get the glory.
Jesus never left you, know that. God still loves you and you should not give up. Remember His promises to save you by grace through your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Thanks for warning the people. They need to know. I cover this message and the lives, present and future, of my own and my loved ones in the precious blood of Jesus!!
You so are not alone. I feel like I am reading my own testimony while I read these
It’s all trickery, deception. And it will suck your soul dry. Jesus is savior…..
In the beginning, created by Yahweh God, there was only 1 type of human being: Sons of Yahweh God. When the sons of God disobeyed Him and obeyed Lucifer, we sinned and “died” and “fell” to sons of Men. Lucifer who protagonized this “death” or “fall” is the most power being in this fallen world, and he entices the sons of Men to obey his desires and become the sons of Lucifer, the Devil. However, the Word of Yahweh God came in the flesh of Jesus Christ to destroy the works of Lucifer and rescue the sons of Men by making a way to return to God as sons of Yahweh God. Anyone who turns to, believes, and obeys the Word of Yahweh God, is gladly welcomed back as a Son of Yahweh God with exceeding Joy by all the Hosts of Heaven. But at this present time, there are only 3 types of Humans: Sons of Yahweh God, sons of Men, and Sons of Lucifer. Yahweh God is patiently waiting, desiring all mankind to turn to His Word, Jesus Christ, and return as a son, back to Yahweh God. Every single person who rejects this exceedingly generous offer of redemption by Yahweh God will released into the power and control of Lucifer and will become, fully, a child of Lucifer. And in the end, Yahweh God, in the presence of the angels and the Sons of God, will all watch as God, by His Word, Jesus Christ, casts all of Lucifer and his fallen angels, and his children into Eternal Torture in the Lake of Fire “and the smoke of their torment will go up for ever and ever” (Revelation 14:11) so that the Finality of all all things will be the Lord Yahweh God, His Word, Jesus Christ, and His Children, the Sons of God along with all obedient angels who never abandoned their proper positions. TO YAHWEH GOD BE ALL GLORY FOR EVER AND EVER. AMEN!
Hi Joshua
Great post! Thank you so much for your insight. Got me thinking about the fiery serpents in my own life. One minor correction: It’s “Revelation,” (singular), not “revelations,” plural. (As in, one book of Revelation)
Will definitely keep reading your work.
Good point, Jason. Thanks for commenting!
Thanks for sharing this info and wisdom. Very interesting and answers questions as to links between two terms that traditional claim are different in nature but sounds its just different cultural term or one being a term used in alternative medicine and yoga. I have heard pastors make statements that i caught and ended up searching terms to end up on this article. Will be studying bible in depth on this level more to see what we can gain as far as wisdom to help with our discernment.
Nahsuhtan. That is the name of the snake on the pole. It was later destroyed by a king. 2016 and your words are still ringing loudly. When I first started reading the bible, this story bothered me. I like your take on this subject because it helps keep the word of god correct. Do not worship false idols. I Am (God) being so jelous, I could not see him saying this to Moses. Before Reading anything Gnostic I became intriged with the Giza Pyrimid. You story on that subject is plausable as well. It seems to answer the mystery of the Golden cap that was never installed but rejected? Was it rejected or just never completed.
That is a great question. I have always wondered if it was left off for symbolic reasons. I believe this is a part of history that we may never know definitively. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Blessings.
Hi Joshua
I must say that I have been delighted to have ‘happened across’ your blog site as it fits so comfortably with my own developing thinking over the past forty years. Everything that I have read to this point has resonated with its beauty within my inner being. As a retired psychologist your unfolding of the Adam and Eve story was particularly enlightening as I had not connected the relationship between the separated Adam and Eve and the impregnation of Eve with the creation of the material content of our collective ‘cosmic dream’ play. I just have one small comment to make regarding your above post re the lifting up of the ‘brass snake’ in the wilderness. Yes, I understand that the wilderness experiences is the experience of everyone as we all take the prodigal journey into egoic separation and the illusion of specialness, and that everyone transiting through that experience is ‘bitten’ metaphorically by the ‘egoic’ snake. However, my former understanding regarding the reason for the lifting up of the ‘brass’ snake in the desert and the assertion that all they had to do was to come out of their tents and ‘look at it’ for them to be healed of its poison, was that all we really have to do to defeat the deceiving egoic mind that desires to keep us captive to a body-based identity is to ‘see’ it for what it really is! We don’t have to fight it, but we do have to see it as being as powerless as a brass snake – looks good, but has no life other that what ‘We’ give it. It is a bit like the last scene in the Matrix Trilogy where Smith reveals that Neo (turn the letters around – One) ‘created’ him and therefore must defeat him. Anyway, I am not disputing your interpretation, but just thought that I might add another perspective.
I am really enjoying your blogs and look forward to reading more. I am in the last stages of the writing of a book that has been on my mind these last forty years: – From Fundamentalism to Freedom: The Search for the True Holy Grail; with a subtitle of, Beyond Determinism : Beyond Humanism : Beyond Doubt. And in was in doing research for this book that I happened across your excellent material – and found a ‘brother’ indeed who recognises the same “Father” so to speak.
Thank-you again.
Thank you, Phil. It has been a pleasure to create and maintain the spirit of the scripture. As to your question, in advanced meditation we come to learn what reality is. We also crucify the ego, and see the illusion that duality creates.
I am always excited to see others writing to correct the traditional and literal interpretations that we have been given through religion. Keep me apprised on your book. I would be happy to read it when you are finished! Blessings.
Yes, the devil does use certain things that were designed for God (good), and designates them for evil. Lucifer wants to be like the most High God, therefore the devil will counterfeit the things of God, but use them and redirect man’s worship from God to himself. Yet there are certain things which are not of God — for example:
Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon. – Acts 7:43, KJV
But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves. – Amos 5:26, KJV
Look up the star of Remphan, it’s a hexagram. The symbol of Israel is the seven-branched Menorah. Not all traditions that Jews and Christian people have accepted over the years is acceptable to God. It’s important to know what to cast off. For example, Christmas used to be illegal in the United States by the early protestants because they knew it was not Christian, but the Dutch Catholics popularized it. It is Saturnalia and Easter is Ishtar (the false goddess of heaven condemned by God in the Old Testament). Easter is not the Biblical passover. There are Biblical holy days, like Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur …etc…
Ames, I believe the devil is nothing more than the ego in all men.
So does every other delusional New Ager. I was in the occult for 2 decades leading people astray. You obviously don’t know the character of the biblical God if you are naive enough to think any of this is about SELF!
It’s about Jesus and what he did FOR us, not about what the heretical Gnostics brainwashed us into believing.
You are operating under a different God, Satan. You are forced to believe it’s only the ego, because then you dismiss any authority it has over you. There is no ascension lol. Seriously…
I really enjoyed this. It has opened my eyes and taken away any fear of meditation and awakening my kundalini/holy spirit.
Wow. Excellent. New to this site. I had just come to a very elementary view of this, myself, during mediation over the past few days. Looks like you’ve fleshed out a great deal of the detail.
Any suggestions as to practice? Currently my meditation is focussing on the spine and movements and sensations along it. How do you practice?
BTW, have you read “A Christian Mystics Intimate Journey with the Holy Spirit”?
I have not, but thank you for introducing me to it.
You are deceived….again by the serpent himself! The reason the serpent was lifted on a cross represented the healing power that was brought about when Jesus was crucified on the cross. With his crucifiction he overcame the power of the serpent (Satan)….which is the power of death. The symbol of the serpent on the cross indicates the power of the cross to overcome the effects of the serpent…..to overcome death. That is why those who looked at the cross was healed. For by his stripes we are healed!
By your own admission, someone who looked upon the serpent was healed, even within the confines of the Old Testament. Don’t you find this odd? Think deeper. What does this truly symbolize? There is a deeper revelation here. Consider the fact that the serpent did not lie to Adam and Eve?
Satan can heal to manipulate… he’s granted certain power on this earth. If he heals your ankle to keep you coming back for more demonic oppression, he will do it. Obviously, he fooled you Joshua.
You don’t know the God of the bible, you know a pantheistic source energy which is antichrist.
The antichrist is someone who achieves a full kundalini awakening. All 6 chakras in alignment; the serpent will sit in the throne of god (the third eye).
In body, it will be 6. in mind, it will be 6. and in spirit, it will be 6. the antichrist they will be able to hold this state firmly. Once that’s achieved by somebody (anybody, whoever does it first) the antichrist is born and the end times begin. Maybe.
Kundalini is evil. That is for Certain.
I agree with Willa’s post.
Hey Josh St. Paul says that we should not accept another spirit or gospel. And Grace of Guru in the form of shaktipat is another spirit. Guru overpowers your breath with his breath. Jesus did the same thing in the Gospel of John when he breathes upon his disciples and tells them that whatever they forgive shall be forgiven and whatever they retain shall be retained. And also Guru replaces Jesus. Guru is the one responsible to carry you across the sea of samsara. We can clearly see this guru disciple relationship from the life of Milarepa and also from reading Tantra by Georg Feuerstein. please share your thoughts on this
Absolutely correct. Not accepting another Gospel is not accepting the doctrine of man in ignorance.
Hey need to share some things
Go for it!
Hi guys!
I am trying to let you know that the Serpent on the cross Meant ” SIN ALREADY JUGED”. In the old Testament it was known as a curse when a person was hanged or crucified on a tree ( there is even a Bible verse for that: “Cursed be the man that is hanged or crucified on a tree”, That Serpent that was raised by Moises in the wilderness was like a Shadow or a type or Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is not the Serpent, but he came to take our curse and he took God Judgement upon himself for us, so that we will not be JUGED. That is to say : The Serpent raised by Moises Represented SIN, The Ego ALREADY JUGED, and it was a foreshadow of the coming Messiah. Those in the wilderness who looked at that serpent were saved, it was counted to them as believing in the coming Jesus ( The Son of Man).
Hi Josh, Great article, not many go much further in real deep spiritual seeking which reveals such secrets and connection. The Gnostic Christians knew all about this, they knew that Kundalini is the holy spirit that motherly energy that lies dormant in the base of spine waiting to give you second birth that Christ said about. I dont know if you have tried Sahaja Yoga, a few years back I got my self realization through it, since then it has been such blessed spiritually fulfilled and enlightened life. I see oneness of all religions not just mentally but through cool breeze of holy spirit.
Rahul, that is false teaching! You are confusing Judeo-Christian teachings with Eastern mysticism. Surely you must understand that the enemy counterfeits everything that is of God! Kundalini is the mystic equivalent of Holy Spirit. They are NOT the same thing!
Are you nuts? The holy spirit is part of the trinity, the kundalini is FEMININE energy!!! They’re not of the same God! In fact, there is no God in all these antichrist religions, only some made up pseudoscience that suggests God is just an impersonal consciousness field.
Good luck getting that field to save you!
“kundalini” is NOT the Holy Spirit ( Different Mind ) of the true Father. The kundalini serpent is the “divine unifying force” of the FALSE father……the demiurge, the “creator god” of your bible. ( you can also call him “satan” ( Adversary ) if you like ). It is his “counterfeit spirit” the Christ warned us about in several gnostic texts. In short, The creator created man (body and soul) to become one with him…..to merge into one being with him, so that he can continue his temporal existence. Of course this means you surrender your sovereignty of Self ( Spirit ). The True Father, which the Christ came to make known to us in the person of “Jesus”, wants us to go home to Him. The image of the serpent on a pole lifted up in the wilderness was to inform us that we are to sacrifice this body/soul (physical creation… a creation of the “serpent” (creator god) ), if we are to exalt (raise, ie, resurrect ) our Spirit ( the True God )….which is who and what we truly are. Your body/soul is created and belongs to the “creator” and is temporal and will perish, but your Spirit is uncreated , is eternal and literally a chip off the ol Block, lol….so to speak. So… ” Give unto Caesar (demiurge) what is Caesar’s, and give unto God ( the True Father ), what is His”.
Well said David 🙂
I have a dilemma about gnostic theory. Since the individual spirit in man is uncreated and a spirit is of the same nature as the True God, how could the false god create man by using in his creation something he could not create and did not belong to? How and where did the false god take the spirits to use them in his “toys”?
While I agree with David’s understanding of the Gnostic text, I believe the language has confused most. Most misunderstand the Demiurge. The Demiruge is only the false father because of our illusory reality, but still serves its perfect part in the entire process. The demiurge is the father of our soul’s journey in a sense, and is not evil in the terms we think of today.
David’s argument rests on the fact that historically, the Holy Spirit is seen as an outside agent while Kundalini is part of the life force and essence of man. While I respect David’s statements above, I disagree and believe in reality they are one. I do not have the time to delve into this now in depth, but perhaps a future posts.
I learned it as the snake was lifted up to be cursed.
Please help me. After the week I was baptized I started meditating and studying The lost books of the bible. One night laying on my bed I felt a snake going up my spine I thought it was evil and told my husband to put his hands on my back and pray. I thought it was evil and it scared me. The week I was baptized I was also healed from head to toe. I was wondering if it’s a good thing how do I get it back?
As far as whether it’s a good thing or not, I could not tell you, because I have no idea what blockages you have or don’t have, or what’s going on in your life physically, psychologically, etc. What I can tell you is that the movement of Kundalini is not a bad thing unless it is forced through certain practices. It doesn’t seem like this is your case, so I wouldn’t be overly concerned.
Water baptism in and of itself shouldn’t cause the movement of kundalini either. Perhaps studying lost books of the Bible is causing you to change your belief systems or allowing yourself to see reality in a new way, which can account for many new experiences.
Exactly. These people are just pushing the Global religion just as promised they would in Revelation. New players, same old mystic lies. This blogger is not born again. He is guided by Satan.