If you’ve ever had a near death experience (NDE) or tried astral projection, you may have seen the silver cord. The silver cord is often referred to as the “life thread” because it supplies energy to the physical body. If the silver cord is severed, the physical body can no longer be sustained and dies.
I had a conversation last week with a Christian about the silver cord. She told me she was raised by her Nanny who experienced an NDE in the hospital. Her Nanny stated that she was floating near the ceiling of the hospital room watching her body on the operating table. After floating around she grabbed the silvery-looking cord still attached to her and used to it to pull herself back into her physical body.
“I know it sounds like New Age misinformation,” my friend assured me, “but my Nanny was the most sincere person you could ever know.”
I told my friend not to worry. It wasn’t misinformation at all; the silver cord is known about in many religious circles, and it’s even in the Bible. A shocked look spread across her face, so I showed her the scripture:
“Or ever the silver cord be loosed…Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it (Ecclesiastes 12:6-7).
The Bible clearly supports the teachings of many Eastern religions; if the silver cord is severed, your consciousness can no longer be filtered through the physical vessel. Many Christian commentaries, such as the one written by the evangelist John Wesley, suggest that this silver cord mentioned in Ecclesiastes is referring to the spinal column. This is a poor interpretation. The Hebrew for “loosed” indicates that which is completely removed from the person, not just a breaking of the spinal column.
The Appearance and location of the silver cord
People usually describe the silver cord as a wispy, etheric-looking filament about one inch in diameter. It’s silvery-grayish in color, and seems to have infinite elasticity, stretching on as far as the astral (emotional) body travels. It is connected to the heart chakra in each of the subtle bodies. A lot of people report seeing the silver cord attached to the head, but perhaps they are confusing this with the consciousness thread that is attached to the crown chakra.
The function of the silver cord
The sole purpose of the silver cord, or life thread, is to provide the subtle and physical bodies with vital energy. Think of it as a sort of umbilical cord. Just like a baby has an umbilical cord that receives and transfers physical nutrients from the mother, the silver cord serves as a sort of energetic umbilical cord to receive and transfer Prana. Prana is a Sanskrit term meaning “life.” Without Prana, or spirit, the physical body could not operate as it does. This is why once the silver cord is severed, the physical body has no choice but to die.
I like to think of the physical body as a sensitive electromagnetic vehicle which filters and grounds spiritual energy and consciousness. By filter I mean that higher (subtle) energy is stepped-down (by chakras) through each subtle body until it manifests in the physical body. Denser matter is the most restrictive, so energy and consciousness is more limited in the physical body than in our subtle bodies. Although the physical body is more restrictive, it provides a highly varied experience for consciousness, so more restriction isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
What happens when the silver cord is severed—i.e., true physical death
According to esoteric literature, true physical death occurs when the silver cord is severed. So what happens next? While it is true that different people have different experiences, we can discuss these experiences in two ways. After the death of the physical body, consciousness resumes in our more subtle emotional bodies. Depending on the development of one’s consciousness, the emotional world can be a pleasant experience or an unpleasant one. If a person is holding on to a lot of emotional negativity and desire, the experience on the emotional plane isn’t going to be as pleasant because there is no physical body to damper or restrict these emotions. In other words, strong emotional desires would seem amplified without the restriction of the physical body. Imagine having an uncontrollable desire that can’t be quenched! This is the true “hellish” experience that religion really speaks of. Hell is not the eternal abode of the dead like many Christians believe. It is simply an impermanent experience in the cycle between incarnations.
Someone whose consciousness operates with higher emotions will have a more pleasant experience on the emotional plane. But this state isn’t permanent either. The emotional body will eventually die too. Like the physical body, the astral body is subject to the law of impermanence.
The death of the emotional body is known as the second death in religious literature. Beyond this second death, individual consciousness may or may not sleep (remain conscious). Again, it depends on the level of mental consciousness the person has developed through their many incarnations. In Corinthians the Apostle Paul states:
“Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep…” (1 Cor. 15:51).
By “sleep” Paul means that not everyone remains conscious after physical death.
If the consciousness is developed enough in the mental body, consciousness is regained after the second death and the individual experiences the mental plane. It is believed that this is a more blissful experience because thoughts instantly manifest. It is possible that this will be a “heavenly” experience.
It is silly for the church to teach a cut and dry version of one heaven and hell. Even the Apostle Paul said he was taken up to the “third heaven.” Doesn’t it make more sense that there can be different degrees of both heaven and hell. Ultimately, the experiences are more subjective than objective, and largely dependent upon the development of one’s consciousness.
The silver cord, then, isn’t just connected to the etheric and physical body. It is connect to all the subtle bodies and serves to transfer spirit to all of them.
Closing thoughts
I would like to mention a closing thought on the original Bible verses from Ecclesiastes at the beginning of this post. It told us that the body returns to dust, but the spirit goes back to God. The spirit going back to God is speaking of the life-force of the highest self returning to source where it rests before another incarnation. This represents the sum-total of all that we are, and includes the energy that made up the temporary physical, emotional, and mental bodies that we used to develop consciousness through our former experiences.
Personally, I believe it would do the world a lot of good to learn these esoteric truths rather than the watered down version of spiritual things we are usually taught in church. Not everything taught in church is bad, it is just incomplete. In order to get the bigger picture, the esoteric interpretation is needed. I believe that a vast majority of Christians are ready for these teachings. They are certainly a better alternative than the typical salvation messages that are being preached today. These salvation messages usually do not end up raising the consciousness of church goers. In fact, it often times lowers it, because many seekers believes that in the watered down message they have already received the prize and give up seeking higher truth.
We should never give up on our development. It should be an eternal endeavor.
Holy synchronicity, I was just reading about the silver chord for the first time two days ago and wondering about Paul’s description in the bible of what traditionalists call the rapture , whether it had some connection to higher consciousness. Also I had no idea the silver chord was mentioned in the bible. This blog is an encouragement to deal with emotional negativity and desire in our present life cycles, rather than being stuck with the unpleasant residue in between reincarnations.
Robert, that’s great. The Rapture definitely has to do with higher consciousness, not flying in the air to meet Christ. The Christ is developed within. No need to fly anywhere.
And thanks for your kind words. Maintaining this blog has taught me as much as it will ever teach anyone else.
Indeed, Christ himself said, “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21)
One of my favorite Gospel scriptures, Jeff!
No. The Bible clearly says in 1 Thes 4:17 that we which are alive will be caught up in the clouds to meet Him in the air.
Mike, are you saying that people on all sides of the globe will be physically lifted up as flying to meet up at one place? Which side of the earth? The north pole, south pole? Would it be above the country of Israel?
I am not meaning to be rude, but I want you to think. “Air” is a symbol of mind and thought. Clouds are a symbol of a state of union with our higher conscious potential. Jesus said the kingdom of God is within you, not outside of you.
How do you explain 1 Thessalonians 4:17 away?
After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the LORD in the air. And so we will be with the LORD forever.
There can be a rapture of the soul and a rapture of the spirit.
Norman Greenbaum – Spirit in the Sky (1970)
When my two hour old sign died- I saw a silver cord snap and I knew he died even though he was in another level at the hospital. When the nurses came down to tell me he passed, I said I knew….they were shocked. I just now found your site. Thanks!
Blessings to you. This account of your experience needed to be given.
I’ve always thought this verse is talking about the journey to the spirit world through the tunnel of light.
RE: 1 Thessalonians 4:17..
In the old testament ‘clouds’ veiled God’s presence in the holy of holies in the temple and on Mt. Sinai.
Both of these places are symbols and types which are correctly interpretated and revealed to be inside the human head ( Golgotha).
This is where God lives.
Whether it’s YHWH or Jesus or Shiva.
The Hebrew word for 7 is Shiva , שבע. So after the seven seals ( chakras) are opened there is a higher consciousness.
So yes , it’s a consciousness thing.
There is no other God.
tell me why will the devil work so hard to take people to hell if there is reincarnation why put in so much of time and effort into takeing one soul to hell and then the soul being reincarnated ? what are your views
Personally, I believe hell is a state of mind. See 1 Corinthians 3:15
Some Jewish people do not believe in a literal hell…I tend to agree with them.
does anyone know how to transfer consciousness to another body and replace silver threads? !
That is what I would call reincarnate, or do you want to cheat on Death ?
YES I mean – reincarnation
I would suggest you read the Tibetan Book of Death. It covers dying, and reincarnating from a Tibetan perspective. There is also an Egyptian and probably more to follow 🙂
Egyptian ?what do you mean that the book has their opinions?
The Egyptian book of Dead is interesting. The book was included in the sarcogaphus to help that person to ‘pass over’.
Does the book say how to tie a silver cord to another physical body?write me here : rewyeyrty@abv.bg
Maybe you can study that through books of Carlos Castaneda.
https://chitanka.info/person/carlos-castaneda .which ?
at Stivan : study all
After the Piscean Age the silver cord is cut and the two fish swim apart from each other. Then comes the Aquarian Age – the age of evil. YouTube it if you don’t know it already. There will be a rapture but we’ll be back after seven years.
Long ago six old men lived in a village in India. Each was born blind. The other villagers loved the old men and kept them away from harm. Since the blind men could not see the world for themselves, they had to imagine many of its wonders. They listened carefully to the stories told by travelers to learn what they could about life outside the village.
The men were curious about many of the stories they heard, but they were most curious about elephants. They were told that elephants could trample forests, carry huge burdens, and frighten young and old with their loud trumpet calls. But they also knew that the Rajah’s daughter rode an elephant when she traveled in her father’s kingdom. Would the Rajah let his daughter get near such a dangerous creature?
The old men argued day and night about elephants. “An elephant must be a powerful giant,” claimed the first blind man. He had heard stories about elephants being used to clear forests and build roads.
“No, you must be wrong,” argued the second blind man. “An elephant must be graceful and gentle if a princess is to ride on its back.”
“You’re wrong! I have heard that an elephant can pierce a man’s heart with its terrible horn,” said the third blind man.
“Please,” said the fourth blind man. “You are all mistaken. An elephant is nothing more than a large sort of cow. You know how people exaggerate.”
“I am sure that an elephant is something magical,” said the fifth blind man. “That would explain why the Rajah’s daughter can travel safely throughout the kingdom.”
“I don’t believe elephants exist at all,” declared the sixth blind man. “I think we are the victims of a cruel joke.”
Finally, the villagers grew tired of all the arguments, and they arranged for the curious men to visit the palace of the Rajah to learn the truth about elephants. A young boy from their village was selected to guide the blind men on their journey. The smallest man put his hand on the boy’s shoulder. The second blind man put his hand on his friend’s shoulder, and so on until all six men were ready to walk safely behind the boy who would lead them to the Rajah’s magnificent palace.
When the blind men reached the palace, they were greeted by an old friend from their village who worked as a gardener on the palace grounds. Their friend led them to the courtyard. There stood an elephant. The blind men stepped forward to touch the creature that was the subject of so many arguments.
The first blind man reached out and touched the side of the huge animal. “An elephant is smooth and solid like a wall!” he declared. “It must be very powerful.”
The second blind man put his hand on the elephant’s limber trunk. “An elephant is like a giant snake,” he announced.
The third blind man felt the elephant’s pointed tusk. “I was right,” he decided. “This creature is as sharp and deadly as a spear.”
The fourth blind man touched one of the elephant’s four legs. “What we have here,” he said, “is an extremely large cow.”
The fifth blind man felt the elephant’s giant ear. “I believe an elephant is like a huge fan or maybe a magic carpet that can fly over mountains and treetops,” he said.
The sixth blind man gave a tug on the elephant’s coarse tail. “Why, this is nothing more than a piece of old rope. Dangerous, indeed,” he scoffed.
The gardener led his friends to the shade of a tree. “Sit here and rest for the long journey home,” he said. “I will bring you some water to drink.”
While they waited, the six blind men talked about the elephant.
“An elephant is like a wall,” said the first blind man. “Surely we can finally agree on that.”
“A wall? An elephant is a giant snake!” answered the second blind man.
“It’s a spear, I tell you,” insisted the third blind man.
“I’m certain it’s a giant cow,” said the fourth blind man.
“Magic carpet. There’s no doubt,” said the fifth blind man.
“Don’t you see?” pleaded the sixth blind man. “Someone used a rope to trick us.”
Their argument continued and their shouts grew louder and louder.
“Wall!” “Snake!” “Spear!” “Cow!” “Carpet!” “Rope!”
“Stop shouting!” called a very angry voice.
It was the Rajah, awakened from his nap by the noisy argument.
“How can each of you be so certain you are right?” asked the ruler.
The six blind men considered the question. And then, knowing the Rajah to be a very wise man, they decided to say nothing at all.
“The elephant is a very large animal,” said the Rajah kindly. “Each man touched only one part. Perhaps if you put the parts together, you will see the truth. Now, let me finish my nap in peace.”
When their friend returned to the garden with the cool water, the six men rested quietly in the shade, thinking about the Rajah’s advice.
“He is right,” said the first blind man. “To learn the truth, we must put all the parts together. Let’s discuss this on the journey home.”
The first blind man put his hand on the shoulder of the young boy who would guide them home. The second blind man put a hand on his friend’s shoulder, and so on until all six men were ready to travel together.
The “Age of Aquarius” is the Age of Enlightenment!! NOT Evil. God Wins!
Great Awakening = Enlightenment. Different path, same destination. Different language/culture, same reality. The devil and his minions love to divide us….
God little “g”
Theosophy denies the divinity of Jesus therefore it is not of God.
We need to be very careful to distinguish between Yeshua, and The Christ, and even Jesus Christ. Most people (even theologians) severely conflate them as one and the same. Yeshua was a man “like us” only He was able to contain The Fullness of Christ, Christ is the Devine Spirit/Logos of God. Jesus Christ is what Yeshua became after accomplishing His mission.
We are all divine in our spirit essence. Theosophy agrees with this.
I’m wondering if anybody has any thoughts on 666 the number of a man?
Carbon molecule?
Carbon has 6 protons, 6 neutrons, 6 electrons. humans are carbon based life forms. Carbon is also the most abundant element found in the sun and in the other planets. Man is truly a creation of God made out of the same particles found in the rest of the solar system.
The beast will be in the form of a hue-man
So true, Courtney. Carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen make up 1.5 percent of the sun. What’s even more amazing to me is that it all comes from Hydrogen through a supernova. Meaning the entire body and every element comes from a former star. God is truly one.
How you can talk at the same time for the artist and the devil. The designer has nothing to do with the planets that do not exist. Cheleocentrism is from the devil. You can not connect God’s creation with science, they contradict themselves.
Hi there, lovely read & I’ve learned from this, so thank you for this article,
you’ve helped as i understood the spiritual aspect as i often go places in my sleep (astral projection) but never quite made the link between what I’ve experienced and that which is spoke about in the scriptures, due to ill-teachings in the churches/establishments, but now after reading this i can fully see the link.
So i ‘d just like to thank you again, keep up the great work you’re doing Joshua, lots of light energy coming your way!
Jah Bless
Glad you were able to put two and two together. For the longest time the Bible remained an enigma to me. I am sure parts of it still are. It’s a book almost too vast for any of us in our limited physical existence to completely comprehend, but if we can get but glimpses of its truths, we’re sure to grow.
Thanks for commenting.
Again please go to:
The official site of Master Path, The Divine Science of Light and Sound
“The Kingdom of God Within You” Accessed through the Third Eye and Crown Charkras
Charkras-Energy centers,or plexuses, with in the five- bodied human-entity: serves to
regulate all physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual functions.
I finally had a chance to check out masterpath. I enjoyed reading the article on the differences between prayer, contemplation, and meditation. In esoteric literature, contemplation has always been the highest path, which is different than mental concentration. I will visit the site some more and read up on what he states about sound. Thanks for sending the link. I look forward to learning something new.
Hi my silver cord was severed from my body yesterday. Yet I am up walking around almost like in a dream like state . How long can the body survive once the silver cord has been severed as in my case?
From my understanding, once the silver cord is severed there is an instant death of the mortal body.
A very interesting article, Joshua.
I agree with your final statement…”We should never give up on our development. It should be an eternal endeavour.”
It made me think of an email conversation I had with one of my sisters this past week. She had sent me an email expressing grief at my (as she perceived it) “throwing the baby out with the bath water…literally”…Though she stepped out of the religious denomination we grew up in, she still thinks along very traditional lines! At the end of my reply I wrote…
” A long time ago I asked God to reveal religion in me…religious attitudes…and to rid me of them. I have been seeking with heart and mind laid open and bare to KNOW HIM…to know LOVE for LOVE is what ‘He’ IS. I have absolute faith in ‘His’ ability to lead me “into all truth” for “You have no need of any man to teach you, for the spirit of God abides in you and will lead you into all truth.”. LEAD…this is a process of progression…and since my God is Eternal and Infinite I have no doubt the process of progression into truth/love/light will also be eternal and infinite.”
Thank you for all the work you put into these blogs, Joshua. I’m sure all of us who read them look forward to each new one.
I very much enjoy reading your comments. And it sounds like you and I have asked God for the same things in our past.
I learned something New today from your article. 🙂 Thank you!
I had the same conversation that Rhonda and Joshua had. I believe that’s a part of the Journey as well. I said “God, if this is you (looking at religion, it’s system and bondage) I want no part of you and won’t worship you. BUT… If you are real, then YOU have to teach me the truth”.
It was a turning point. I think it’s one of the biggest turning points for us to step out of our “Ego” and surrender.
I also agree with what Robert said. I no longer look back at my time in a Fundamentlist Church as BAD or EVIL. I truly see, that it was all a part of the Journey. To go farther into that…I no longer take it personally when someone still in that mindset tries to fix me. I can see past that Ego (from them and from how I used to see it) and truly see that it’s part of their Journey (and mine as well). I don’t need to fix them either. Nor save them. We both are right where we are supposed to be in our Journeys. That is just a little glimpse of “The Peace that passes all understanding”.
I’m loving the Articles and equally the Comments. Thanks to all!
That you *Demanded of G-d is quite telling.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. The Father appreciates people that come to Him with sincerity like that way more than pretensions.
@Laurie Even still…Jesus is the solid rock on which we stand.
@All – Namaste is clearly Hinduism which does not see Jesus as the solid rock…all other ground is sinking sand.
I think experiencing the role of \”skeptic with a good motive\” like Rhonda\’s sister and experiencing the \”seeker of truth\” like Rhonda are both valuable to the developing consciousness. When the skeptic becomes the seeker, the seeker has the opportunity to transcend annoyance with another skeptic by realizing that the opportunity to play both roles teaches something to the developing soul, and that both roles are worthy of respect and have value toward development. Also if a seeker who has been a skeptic then finds themselves in a situation where they are skeptical of another, they learn to proceed with respect and value to the other . A calmness and deeper value of of the term \”namaste\” is thus learned.
Another good point, Robert!
Joshua, Thanks for this, though I know about the silver cord I did not know about this being in the bible, nor would any one else I know as this is something new I have learned today thanks to you. Love and light always Selina x
My pleasure, Selina. Blessings.
Thanks Joshua! I did not know much about the silver cord, just that when it is severed, that means the soul has left the physical body and the body then dies. I am so so glad that the Christian community is waking up to these truths and that the world can now take the next steps in its development towards greater peace and Love! And thanks Josh for your significant contribution!
I was the same way. I have heard of the silver cord many times but never took the time to look for it online. All the comments I’ve read above are intriguing, some pretty close to blasphemy but appropriate nonetheless.
Christine you hit the nail on the head. I am happy and excited that more people are waking up to God and Christianity. Unfortunately, every action has a reaction, look at the terrible things going on, not just in the USA but “Globally”. Indeed this is a special time to be alive, to witness the prophetic occurrences. It’s strange, but meant to be, that I find this particular conversation this evening. I went to a good friends funeral this past Monday, the silver thread came to mind instantly as my wife and past the viewing. Just thought I’d share that bit of personal information.
Hi Joshua,
Although I did know about the silver cord and even that it is mentioned in the bible, I find this a very enlightening article. Can you also shed some light on the golden bowl, or the pitcher at the fountain and the wheel at the cistern that are to be broken when the silver cord is loosed, as mentioned in the same verse? I could always imagine the silver cord as some sort of umbilical cord as you say as well but it never became clear to me what these other things had to do with it.
Hi Anny,
I would very much like to read your take on this.
Kind regards,
Hi Leo,
Only by chance I just saw your question to me of two years ago, which was related to a comment of mine of seven years ago.
I never saw it because of course I do not keep on checking every article on this site I once commented on in order to see if there are any questions or comments on it. Only about comments to my own articles I mostly do receive a notification.
This time I saw it, but only because for one mysterious reason or another I did suddenly receive links in my mailbox to recent comments on this article and I remembered that I had commented on it myself years ago but not what I had written. So I decided to look it up and then I also saw your question to me.
I do not really have an answer to it however as this remained very much a mystery to me and Joshua did not reply to my question either. Maybe he also did not know the answer. If you have become any wiser during the past two years, then please let me know.
Hi Anny,
Nice to read your comment. I hope all is well with you and your family.
I feel myself poorly prepared for subjects from Bible texts i am not familiar with. I appreciate your perspective on things discussed. At that time i had little to add. I just now reread that particular verse on https://www.biblestudytools.com/nlt/ecclesiastes/passage/?q=ecclesiastes+12:6-7
The wording is slightly different which gave me a small clue. The golden bowl could in my opinion stand for the union of spirit soul and body. The golden bowl would for me be similar to ‘holy’ meaning ‘set apart for a specific purpose’. According to some our physical life can end when we reach our intended goal (for this life time). Apparently we can extend that lease by agreeing on a next goal (ain’t that nice).
And then what ? Do we dissolve into Oneness or is there a continuation (of our personality) possible ? There are hints in literature that this is possible. But one needs to prepare before the silver cord breaks. One such hint is given in the books of Carlos Casteneda. There are at least 2 hints known to me in biblical texts. And there are people in this thread pointing at this idea of taking over a body by means of … (I don’t know).
Hello Leo,
Thanks for your reply. It is an interesting take you have on the golden bowl but this all remains a mystery to me. As are these othere themes you bring up.
I have always been very interested in things like these but in my present state of health I am not able to think that clearly. I do believe that we will return to Oneness eventually but there are probably stages before that during which we still have some kind of identity, even without a physical body. But I do not feel the need, nor have the energy, to speculate what form all this will take.
I have seen the silver cord you speak of. I make a report of the ufo sighting on mufons web site. I beleve the date of the report was made was somewhere around sept. 2011. I watched this object for sometime when I first saw it looked like a silver and black blob of metal moving like water about 300 ft. off the ground. a silver tail started to grow out of this object in a very jagged manor about 15-20 ft. long then the object promptly vanished and a old fashioned looking rocket appeared white in color. I watched this object for about 3 min. until it was out of site.
I was rasied in a largely fundamentalist, cessationist background (dogma being that the “age of spiritual (miraculous) gifts has passed with the apostolic age.
I however in my walk with God have experienced His power otherwise.
I think it began in college with cloudbursting.
Then one day, by his power, I stopped the rain.
I have experienced glossolalia but once (my ‘tradition’ generally rejects modern-day tongue speaking)
which bestowed upon me the power in faith to heal my daughter where physicians had failed.
I saw in my son, and prophesied that I was raising up a prophet.
He to my surprise was an angel incarnate. Always prophesing unto us “you are delivered”, and “Daddy. you have favor!”. He would build crosses with blocks and diapers; and Hallelujahs were forever upon his lips.
One day he in turn prophesied to me that “The sad man is coming. I am going to die daddy; I am going to die.
One week later. my beautiful, healthy, vibrant son was dead.
He was 2 years old.
Fast forward less than two months to the night(morning) of January 6, 2014.
In anguish for my sons, (I lost my first son as an infant in 2009), as I slept, it seemed I left my body.
When I realized what was happening,vI feared looking back, lest I get snatched back into my body out of fear.
So I chose to move forward after that, and decided I would go outside. I went through my window out into the egde of the forest through the trees. That is when I turned and saw my beautiful glowing slilver and white cord. an electrical. etherial glow; almost blue in its radiance.
Then I hovered through the walls of some neighbors it would seem.
My consciousness was so expanded, I filled the upperbpart of the rooms and could see the beams in the walls!
Correction: it is flawed for me to say my influence by the Unseen began in college; for, especially in my early youth, I have always been a dreamer of things of deeper meaning, or events yet to come.
Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. The silver cord is very real.
I must say the information about your son breaks my heart. I am truly sorry for your loss, and you are a very strong person to be able to discuss the topic. My prayers go out to you.
Joshua, I commend your patience when people excoriate you for perceived attacks on their dogmatic beliefs. Stephen the Protomartyr was defined in large part by that characteristic. You obviously know the Bible much better than I do, but I have a decent knowledge of The Gospels—decent enough to understand Christ used complex methodology to deliver a simple message so we would continually seek Him. Indeed, I consider myself a “Gospelian” (not because I’m an expert in them, but because they guide my beliefs and practices). Reading them intently, studying them, referencing them when I read other materials, and occasionally turning to Matthew Henry for elucidation changed my life even though I was already a believer. Now I have a much different relationship with The Advocate. It’s so wonderful.
Yes, the silver chord is real. Prior to learning the term “silver chord” I suspect I experienced it through my ascending uncle before I’d learned of his death. I had left my body previously, most recently when I was in excruciating pain. However, I experienced something with my uncle I’ll never forget and perhaps will never be able to adequately describe. It was exhilarating and confusing afterwards, since I knew my uncle had been my guide but I couldn’t understand how he’d reached out to me. He ostensibly took me as far as he could on his journey. I suspect when he left me he entered a realm we cannot even imagine in this phase of our existence. When I learned he’d been senselessly murdered I understood our journey had a particularly special purpose. I pray I don’t fall too short of the gift he gave me..
George H. Gallup said, “I could prove God statistically.” After his friend and colleague J. R. R. Tolkien helped him repair his relationship with God, C.S. Lewis wrote a book, Mere Christianity, that is the arguably the most compelling written argument for God’s omnipotence. As the title suggests, it’s sometimes richly sardonic. Like Lewis, I fail to see the logic in the universe’s obvious order without the existence of God. Matthew Henry’s Biblical commentary is brilliant, but Lewis’ contentions take virtually every literary form imaginable while shredding contentious all objections.
Even the discoveries of physics increasingly point to a divine order. Gravity and electromagnetism, the unavoidably underlying constants (even of chemistry and biology), are the order of God. That so many cosmic equations, regardless of how they’re manipulated, result in an answer of infinity is not surprising.
Thank you. To be honest, I realize it is only ego which attacks, and most attacking comes through ignorance. I have gotten to the point where verbal attacks just run off like water. And thanks for you story about your uncle. I am sorry to hear that he was murdered.
I have heard of C.S Lewis’ book, but have not read it. Only his fiction. You said he addresses the order of the universe through the existence of God. I definitely believe it is spirit / consciousness which gives matter shape and form and order. That is definitely God’s job. Surprisingly, I think the physical explanations for something coming from nothing is one of the strongest arguments to support this. Usually atheist use this one to prove there is no God, but the truth is that since God has always been, nothing is an imaginary concept in the mind humans. There is no such thing as nothing. Scientists admit this also. Of course, one could always argue over what God is not, but never over what God is. God can only be experienced, not explained.
C.S. Lewis would certainly agree with you. To wit…
“If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. Dark would be without meaning.”
― C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity
“When you argue against Him you are arguing against the very power that makes you able to argue at all: it is like cutting off the branch you are sitting on.”
― C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity
I also wanted to thank you for your sympathies. It’s been almost twenty years but the scars never fade, just like the scars of divorce, betrayal, and chronic pain/prolonged illness never do. But we become stronger while finding places those scars can never touch. They become reminders of where we’ve been. They show how God uses us for His glory. They remind us how we were able to overcome because what is impossible for man is nothing for God. (Matthew 19:26)
So true, Jeff. Well-spoken.
If scars do not fade then something is still ‘in progress’ (or progress is halted).
this website contains a lot of info (esoteric) :
please do take time, it is a lot
Kind Love.
Thanks, anonymous. I will check it out!
I had an experience while attending a Pentecostal summertime church camp when I was 19. There was a church service on one of the nights, and it was a lovely time with sincere hearts praising a God. I experienced two visions that night. The first was seeing the Shekinah Glory of a Gods Spirit as it manifested as a smoky glittery cloud up above everyone, close to the ceiling. After staring at this magnificent sight I emotionally felt Unity with God. Then I saw a silver chord go through each person. Seeing this vision and feeling the Unity of a God and with everyone else, it was a beautiful experience.
This experience has made me hyper sensitive to attitudes that people hold onto, which cause division, and self promotion. It breaks down this beautiful sense of a Unity. Sad. In fact, it’s a huge sense of loss and violation of a higher level if relating that the a Holy Spirit has to offer.
I was hoping to find a picture on the web that might be close to what I saw but I find asto- projection topics instead. I will have to draw it myself. It was interesting to read this article. Thank you.
I am a Christian believer, the Holy Spirit gives me the interpretation of dreams & visions. I often practice this gift when other believers bring me their dreams & ask me to interpret for them. When I read your vision I had the interpretation to your vision. When you had the vision of the Glory of God manifested as a smoky glittering cloud, what you saw was Christ who is the head of the Church. Then you saw the vision of the silver cord go through every believer this is all Christians being connected to the body of Christ as one in the Spirit with Christ. All Christians are adopted into the family of God when we accept Christ as our Lord (For as the body is one & has many members, but all the members of that one body being many are one body so also is Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jew or Greek whether slave or free we have all been made to drink into one Spirit. For in fact the body is not one member but many. 1 Cor. 12:12 – 14) So the interpretation of your vision, of the silver cord attaching all Christian believers together is ” all Christians are one family in Christ Jesus”.
Book Reader,
A very awesome experience! Thanks for sharing.
Friend said to me that he saw a silver thread between me and another person… Please can anyone help with this question…. Thanks. Bill
Hi Bill. I’ve never heard of the same silver cord being connected to more than one person before. I wouldn’t know how to answer, but if you find out please feel free to return and let us know what you discovered.
Ok a while back while I was reading in Ecclesiastes I had a vision that I was in a huge dark space. It was almost like the universe without the lights. And there was a loud humming sound. Then I seen a silver cord suspending down out of thin air.The silver cord gave off a brilliant bright light. Then I seen the cord break. It was so weird and while I was there it seemed like time stood still. I honestly think that God was revealing his word to me. But I dont understand it yet and was hoping someone could interpret the vision.
Janell: I liked your vision. I have had a few visions in my life; and the interpretation of some. This may be wen you were being formed in your mother’s womb and the sound of the energy of life out side your darkness while you were being formed. The cord being broken upon your birth may have bean you,and your mother’s umbilical cord being divided into the light of life. If you don’t get this I am wasting my words; this I don’t like to do. I would like know more about you, and in turn would share more about my self… May you find the blessings of God… your friend; Andrew Swan…….
I am grateful to have stumbled upon this teaching. I had the opportunity to connect with and awesome teacher Renaldo Wade (you can locate him on facebook) he goes very deep in his teaching and is not your traditional teacher he teaches truth! Aa I listenes to his teaching it brought to my attention of how I have read concerning the silver cord but never took the time to really study it. The bible tells us to seek ye the kingdom of Yah, therefore it is actually saying find the place in which you come from and that is from the creator, the Most High, the one who exists and never changes. As we seek we need to locate our connection especially when it comes to studying the word they we may rightly divide the word (Dabar) of truth! Be very careful who table you eat from whether if it is naturally or spiritually. Knowledge is given to those who seek not to perish but are willing to know that they will be able to discern the wiles if Ha Satan. Stay focus, prayed up and prepared! Shalum Shalum
Thank you Lisa.
I have looked at the website Master Path, interesting but please enlighten me as to who the founding Saint is, i gather this is a mix of western and eastern dogma in that it references Karma and reincarnation, i have personally died 3 time in a motorcycle accident and one several years latter in a car accident I have never seen a silver or any other colored cord at any stage, still nothing is nimposible, would like those 2 questions answered tho. looking forward to chatting some more
Simple Truth, I am unfamiliar with this website. Not sure who the “founding saint is.” That is interesting that you died a total of four times. If you don’t mind, do you have any memory of what did happen. I would be interested to read about it. As far as the silver cord is concerned, I don’t think everyone sees this at death.
enjoyed the article. I feel everything you have mentioned it is correct. do you believe we are all individualized? Buddha mentioned that the self is an illusion but how would one define karma in that case and also one what would be the different for one who has ” awaken” to one who still hasn’t? would be nice to hear your opinion
All the best
I do believe we are individualized, Parsa, but in each incarnation we are a new individual so in some respects the individual in duality is limited. It all depends on how you wish to see it. I believe the Higher Self is individualized and always being added to.
This article is not deceptive just incomplete. Man has multiple cords. The one that carries consciousness exits from the top of the head going out to release consciousness. The life cord leaves from the heart area as well as the love cord that connects two people. When a woman has a child and the love is instant (in the blink of an eye0 the cord is attached Love carries no real attachment, is of free will and only in the absence of love do we feel loss. This free will between a man and a woman carries love, that which is of GOD and to interfere with this is adulterous as described in scripture. It is usual to involve some sort of ritual but not necessary. When Iesus addressed the woman accused of adultery and said let he who is out sin….. He told her she had 7 husbands. Laws of man also exist to protect the offspring of a union and cords called bonds at this point connected of mind body and emotion. entwining the two and thus complicating further the case of adultery. Yet Iesus forgives mistakes saying sin no more and meaning should they return to it it would be far worse on them than had they not been forgiven at all. That they be payed for by amendment. So it is not all about the life thread but far more.
Thanks for the additional info, Daniel.
I felt what I can only describe as a silver cord being pulled out of my heart when my daughter died in my arms waiting for an ambulance
I have not the words to even respond, except that I am so sorry for your loss as I also have a daughter and even the thought fills me with so much emotion.
Thanks for this post i read it all and you know some people say that the study of charkras and practice of astral projection is evil but i think that its very real and alive its spiritual enhancement in its highest form it takes you to higher levels of consciousness and even the bible tells us to seek knowledge and wisdom and to also seek truth so thats what i do and this seems very real to me and the fact that i have woke up and seen my spirt hovers over my body i thought it was a dream i woke up in sleep paralysis and i also had a dream and i know i was dreaming and i was in complete control of everything in my dream so i know this is real and your post confirms that even more thank you
I really enjoy your site and on the silver cord– you have helped me very much– and all that you say is very true—thank you
No problem Linn.
you have mixed new age beliefs which are contrary to the word of God. People who read this site need take care to examine the scriptures for yourselves as this site is a mixture of unholy /profane (untruth) with Holy (truth) it only takes a little bit of poison to “kill” and that is what you are doing.
I respect your opinion, Julie, but sure to examine whether or not your own beliefs are rooted in tradition. Thanks for commenting.
Where in the bible does it say anything about reincarnation? Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. The Holy Spirit will reveal the truth and the truth shall set you free. There is much more to this that God has answers to and will reveal in His perfect timing. Stay focused on Jesus, by running ahead of Him we get ourselves into trouble. We must seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all things shall be added to us. Do not just assume because someone writes something it is truth. Seek the truth from the Lord Jesus Christ who came to earth as a man in the flesh and as the Son of the most high God who is God. I cover my words in the blood of Jesus Christ and declare that no weapon formed against Gods children shall prosper and any tongue that rises against them in judgment shall be condemned. I declare blind eyes will see and deaf ears will hear the truth only in Jesus Christs mighty name! Thank You God that you are faithful to complete the work You have started in us and thank You God for bringing confusion to any demonic influences on this blog as you did at the tower of babel. Thank You Jesus for setting the captives free. You alone are worthy God, You alone are good! All glory and honor belongs to God!
Maria, reincarnation was a popular belief in some sects of early Christianity. We know this because the emperor Justinian had to declare it to be false in tradition of Orthodoxy. It is alluded to many times in the scriptures. Study the word Gilgal in the Bible, and reflect on the fact that Jesus said John was the returned Elijah if it could be believed. I use to believe reincarnation was a silly idea in Eastern religion, but the idea of reincarnation actually resolves many Biblical and life conflicts. The ancient Jews called reincarnation the “migration of the soul,” which is slightly different than the Eastern understanding, but all stem from the same basic idea.
Jesus Christ is Lord, yet I too have had some very strange experiences in my life. I know that Satan is the LIAR, and that he steals, and destroys. He deceives and confuses everyone at some point. He, SATAN, wants to win us over so that he can destroy us. He most certainly does not want us to experience eternal life. I have had at least one deja by experience many years ago, and have floated up to the ceiling on more than one occasion, in dreams I guess. I often dream that I am falling, and when my son was a young child he told me he had dreams that we all floated up to the ceiling. I was really surprised, and what if it was more than just a dream?.
Truthseeker, I believe Satan is equivalent to the lower ego, and perhaps it was more than a dream.
I mean’t a deja vu experience.
I saw my silver cord… 🙂
“And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” – Hebrews 9:27
Correct. But this holds true even in the philosophy of reincarnation.
Hi saw my silver cord clearly and saw the Lord Himself say the Father wants me Home. I am extremely tired and sleepy a lot. Can anyone explain what is going on?
I don’t think anyone has the answer to your question, as this experience is a personal one. I can only provide the information according to esoteric text like the Bible. But I am sure there are a lot of people on the net that may be able to relate?
I too have had the experience of feeling I was connected to another person, my (adopted) daughter, by a silver cord. Sometimes, during great emotional or physical distances, it seemed as though the silver cord was stretched to the breaking point. The experiences were profoundly upsetting and emotional. When I told my husband about it, I said, “It’s like we are connected by a cord, a silver cord, though I don’t know why it is silver”. Until recently, I had not known about the silver cord of the Crown Chakra. So I began researching to try to make sense of this and came upon this very interesting site.
Earlier in this blog someone else asked about the same thing but got no explanation. Any ideas?
Esoteric literature states the silver cord is connected within the brain’s etheric body.
Great article. One of the best books I’ve read on the Gospel and the eastern way of understanding spirituality is called Wisdom Jesus by Cynthia Bourgeault she studied under a monk who practiced astral projection. It changed my life and my heart.
This site is so interesting. It gave me much clarity. I had a sister who died at age 42 years in October 2016. She was a person who was affected by evil. Many times she refused to go certain areas, thinking she would be in danger. Two days before she died, I had a vision in which I was dressed in all white and entered a room where there were men dressed in all white sitting at a table, like a set of jury for example in a court room. I entered the room very happily jumping off the ground. I was then asked to come close to the men dressed in all white. I then heard one of the gentlemen say, she has suffered enough. He then asked me to expose my right foot. I had on no shoes. When I looked at my right foot, I saw a white cord attached to it, which I did not feel or know was there. The gentleman, then took a pair of scissors and cut the cord attached to my right foot. I saw myself jumping happily out of the room through the open door and into the woods through the trees in mid air. I then was awaken suddenly. My sister fell to her death in a gas station two days later. I dream about her a few times after her death, she stated she is not dead and is always smiling in the dream.
My mother died two years ago. We had a very close relationship. The night after she died, I was returning home from my sister after 4am when upon entering my front gate I heard her calling out my name. Stilling shocked over her death, I did not acknowledge the voice, because the Bibles states the dead knoweth not anything and death is a sleep. Three weeks after her burial she visited me in the spiritual realm and told me she was in a land called paradises. Six weeks later I was again visited by her, she told me, sometimes I would be able to hear her and sometimes I would not be able to hear or interpret what she says. I then ask her what she meant by this. She then whispered in my ears, “The Gate Keeper does not allow you to go and come as you please, you must get permission”. Can I please get an explanation of what this mean. On many occasions she visited me in the spiritual realm we hugged and it felt so real.She also told me never to douche, let the family know it causes cancer.
Thank you for sharing your personal story, Priscilla. Your scripture reference to the dead not knowing anything is actually a reference encapsulating why the Torah never discusses an afterlife. The gain in consciousness comes through physical life. This does not mean there is no conscious experience after death, only that it makes little difference because the transmigration of the soul through karma takes effect based on your previous life.
The gate keeper does not seem like a good entity. This gatekeeper is probably the angel of death or whatever you want to call him or her. If I was you, and you had another conversation like this with your mother, I would tell her to call the gate keeper’s bluff. Ask them who gave them that kind of control over you and/or tell them that your Father God does not put limitations on His children and that you rebuke his authority. See what happens 🙂 This is called breaking out of the matrix…..
Great article! It’s refreshing to meet another who feels that the church is lacking in spirit teaching. However, I feel I don’t fully agree but that might be because of misinterpretation. If you’re a born again believer, meaning you have a Christ spirit it’s different than that of someone who has not been born again. So I actually really like your umbilical cord analogy! When we are severed from our physical bodies and it truly dies in the physical it is said that the living Word which is Jesus cuts us and separates the soul from the spirit. So what you’re talking about–Astral projection–sounds like it is based on our emotions, mind and will coming with us. But our spirit has the mind will and emotions of Christ. We are still uniquely us (how God made us) but our spirit is Christ. That’s why for a Christian we are always longing to be with the Father and Son because even though we have the Holy Spirit who guides us in all truth, we also have a soul that has to be renewed daily and doesn’t fully understand. We await the fullness of Christ to be revealed. And He can only be revealed when all of us come to one accord! I can’t wait for that day!
But on the other side, yes, there would essentially be those who do not have a born again spirit because they are still chained to their soul. So that’s a great explanation. It reminds me of the TV show Lucifer in how they portray Hell.
Also very true with 1st, 2nd and 3rd heaven, etc. Christ’s Heaven is Kingdom based so there are outer courts and inner courts. It’s all good but there are different levels of bliss. (I happened upon your article actually because I was looking up bema seat of Christ! ^_^)
Hi Joshua thanks for the comments, very well explained. Blessings!
a woman called june possessed useing black magic i found a D possesser and cut the sliver chain he told me how? i had 4 demons in and i got them out only to find her fowling me around and right after the D-possession june re-possossed me with a new 4 devil ghost iam just working on trying to get rid of then (i hate devil which and vowdo black magic, it a wast of time d-possesing they will just re possess you.) dose it say in the bible to kill the black magic people?
cos i can’t stop her from repossessing me and even thought i sound crazy to you iam not.it reall is happening what do i do??.
here is a name of a herb I use to protect myself from black magic, it works very well by strengthening your natural resisitance to black magic, mamy blue rose. also tumeric a common herb can be flushed down the toliet with your urine, it’ll get rid of an evil spirit real quick, my best advice to you would be the blood of Jesus (if you are a christian) if not I would suggest studying herbology, theres alot of herbs that would help you. I use both and it helps me alot. You can learn to send it back to her, send it back to enough times and she’ll quit harressing you. Also pick up some milk thistle its wonderful for supernatural protection, also can be used for a counter attack. Hope this is helpful, your not nuts it happens all the time.
In the Song of Solomon, “under the sun” appears many times. And chapter 1:5 says: I AM black.
1:6 says: Look not upon me, because I AM black, because the sun hath looked upon me…
Chapter 2:1 says: I AM the rose of Sharon and the lily of the valleys.
The Song of Solomon refers to the silver cord as the rose of Sharon and the lily of the valley. What a poesy!
Wow, intriguing!!!
Ecclesiastes 12:6, the rest of the verse is esoterically interesting as well. This article makes so much since as I have studied the Bhagavad Gita and Buddhism in conjunction with the Bible. It’s interesting to note that the Roman Catholic church totally ripped out the doctrine of reincarnation, but it’s right in the Bible. Jesus respected Ole Johnny boy the immerser because it was Elijah in that man named Yochanan of Isis Ra El. He only IMMERSED with Water (Heh), 4-8 Hertz. Jesus immersed with Fire (Yod), 1-3 hertz (meditation). The esoteric, yod=1-3 hertz, heh=4-8 hertz, waw=9-14 hertz, heh=15-30 hertz. Yod=Fire, Heh=Air, Waw=Water, Heh=Earth.
What about the verse that says “It is given unto man once to die?”
I wonder could this verse be referring to each incarnation?
This is still true even within reincarnation. The argument that reincarnation can’t be true based off this scripture is moot.
Many years ago I was having an astral projection. When this voice came to me and told me to return to my body otherwise he will cut the Silver Cord. I never heard about this. This happened 30 years ago before I had access to internet. I woke up confused and scared. Years after while reading the bible I found a passage on the old testament, that God is talking to his people and telling them if they don’t straighten up he will cut the silver cord that is what unites him to his people and descendants. Then when internet came I found out the silver cord is what unites body with soul. Why or who do you think warned me before I even knew what this mean? Any ideas? This has always bother me cause I think I might have been close to death. Thanks
That is your Higher Self talking to lower self (the thinker in us all). In the world we live in duality to learn all aspects of Life. Spending energy useful is ok and progress is made. Spending it counterproductive, well you have been warned.
Both Joshua and Anny have some imo valid explanations about our purpose here (in general). Your specific purpose is for you to find out.
does anyone know if you can enter another body
I understand that certain entities can and do. Whether they are soul fractals or astral entities or light workers or dark entities or etc I am not sure of the details, but all of these things and more occur all the time. Many illnesses are caused by these.
Does anyone know an article about how ghosts attach to a baby?
Stivan, I don’t think any verse supports such a thinking.
Are you talking about the scriptures that that Council of Nicea left in the Cannon or the scriptures that they took out and kept for themselves?
I am speaking about the essence and true nature of the deeper meaning of the scriptures themselves, all of which, whether copies, or changed in their nature, speak to. If you have a different idea, please clarify. Thanks.
I too am speaking of the essence and true meaning of the scriptures. In other words, before the scripture was edited by the council of Nicea.
Thanks Steven.
Getting back to the scriptures before the editing is difficult. One would have a better chance of putting together the bigger picture by comparing the Nag Hammadi library discovered in Egypt in 1945 with the Gospels today, while doing a comparative study of the early vs more numerous latter manuscripts. This is not an easy task, however, I truly believe (IMHO) that once can get a true sense of the meanings by studying the timeline of the excepted Pauline Epistles with the Nag Hammadi library. Some of the earliest Greek manuscripts of the Bible without today’s editions help paint a clearer picture too of just how and why the editing took place.
Again, this is a very difficult process and there are many diverging roads. Blavatsky and studying the ideas in Kabbalistic thinking can help.
Is the Secret Doctrine a good read? Are you familiar with the Essenes? From my understanding, Yeshua was an Essene. They followed after the Order of Melchizedek which followed on from some of the ancient Atlantian teachings. Much of the Gnostic material is going to be quite Essene in nature. There were Essenes at Qumran, but the Mount Carmel Essenes were much more esoteric, and more what Yeshua studied. I have become quite fascinated with them.
The Secret Doctrine will be one of the most influential reads of your entire lifetime. I am familiar with the Essenes. But the Secret Doctrine, although around 1600 pages, if read three times at least, and meditated upon deeply, will advance your understanding beyond most works. After my first read I had to do a few commentaries written by Judge, Annie Besant, Olcott, and Leadbeater afterwards, but the weird thing is they (not so much Judge) deviated later on from Secret Doctrine teachings but seeing the differences allowed a broader understanding. Similar to reading Newton and then Einstein. The opposite pairs clears up much confusion. Many other works written later about Blavatsky, if I can make another analogy, would be like reading Steven Hawkins and see where the Hawkins made many mistakes (such as information loss in Black holes) was wrong because he didn’t have the abstract thinking development of Einstein, and in my opinion, not the even the foresight of Newton.
By the way, Blavatsky influenced Einstein, Thomas Edison (who became a Theosophists), Tesla, and many of the great poets and prose writers of our century. There is a reason 🙂
It is in many respects like the Bible, written esoterically in much of its content. But the revelation will come and many new areas of the Bible opened up. But I am just spouting my experience. Another’s might be different. It will be up to you to decide.
Thanks much for your help. It’s a virtual minefield out there LOL
John 14:6 Jesus saith to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life, no one doth come unto the Father, if not through me;
Revelation 22:12 “Behold, I am coming soon, and My reward is with Me, to give to each one according to what he has done.
Romans 10:9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.” 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him. 13 For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
(There is no reincarnation. You have one life. Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior now. Time is short, but eternity is forever.)
Romans 15:33 The God of peace be with all of you. Amen.
There is no reincarnation because it was “voted out”, but that’s not true according to this article.
but darmn there’s a lot of evidence for it!
Imo it is all about intent.
If intent is fly-over then a helicopter-view is available. But visible is only what the individual can perceive.
It is like walking on a beach on a breezy day. You enjoy the fresh air around you and walk and walk and enjoy. Then your child picks up something and runs to you. Look Mam, Dad, what i found. You can dismiss it or think what a childish folly. Or you stop and look what your child found. A beautifull colored shell. You look around and suddenly the whole beach is covered with beautifull shells. And you wonder again.
I perused several articles on your Watchman site. I found their arguments in general to be very weak and biased. There are many many ways to discover how the biblical canon was put together and how it was altered for the purpose of controlling the people. We might do well to ask ourselves why so many of these banned/burned books still exist in locked vaults under the Vatican. Not to mention why do they have trillions of dollars of gold etc buried under the Vatican. Why is the Vatican filled with occult images and rituals? These are the people we are trusting for our information, not to mention our very souls.
Steven have you seen Charlie Freak’s “The Takedown of Organized Religion from A to Z”? Here’s a link: https://rumble.com/vd9ouv-pfp-radio-show-20-the-takedown-of-organized-religion-from-a-to-z.html. Well worth seeing, mostly about the Vatican.
To narrow your path :
You have conclusions and are finding the arguments to support that.
Be like a child and wonder
Will open a path that will amaze you. Just let it be.
My 2 cents
Matthew 8:13 And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
(Trust The Father. In Him we live and move and have our being. Acts 7:28)
John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
(He died for me, so I’ll live for HIM.)
Matthew 7:13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.”
(When you truly know the Lord Jesus, you only want HIM. He is the narrow gate.)
May the LORD bless you and keep you…
More about the Silver Cord… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJp8iCzMtZs&t=2397s
Imo it is all about intent.
If intent is fly-over then a helicopter-view is available. But visible is only what the individual can perceive.
It is like walking on a beach on a breezy day. You enjoy the fresh air around you and walk and walk and enjoy. Then your child picks up something and runs to you. Look Mam, Dad, what i found. You can dismiss it or think what a childish folly. Or you stop and look what your child found. A beautifull colored shell. You look around and suddenly the whole beach is covered with beautifull shells. And you wonder again.
what lot interesting view opoin. now all this has confused me even more and blown my head.