There have been many theories on what John the Baptist meant when he said:
“I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I…he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire” (Matt. 3:11).
Of course the “he” that John the Baptist refers to is Jesus. But what’s he really talking about? Obviously he doesn’t mean literal “water” and “fire.”
Many people have proposed that John was speaking of two types of initiation. “Water” is the lesser order while “fire” is the higher order. In a sense I believe this is correct. However, it is also misleading. There is a strict balance between these two orders that must be understood to get a truer sense of what John is speaking of. By order I am referring to what consciousness uses as the fundamental building blocks of existence; as we’ll see, John the Baptist and Jesus symbolize these blocks.
In order to comprehend what I mean, let’s look at some ancient philosophical and alchemical symbols, shall we?
Earth, Water, Air, Fire
Since the New Testament was written in Greek, we should be more familiar with ancient Greek philosophical terms. You’ve probably heard of the elements earth, water, air, and fire. There is a cartoon show that my son likes called Avatar: The Last Airbender. In the cartoon it is the job of the avatar to restore balance to the world through his mastery of the four elements, air, water, earth, and fire. Likewise, to become a type of the avatar like Jesus was we must do the same thing. Therefore it is important to know what each element symbolizes in order to understand the deeper mysteries of the New Testament writings.
Fire represents raw energy. Air is symbolic of mind intelligence. Water is emblematic of the subconscious, emotional and psychic aspect of Being (this includes instinct). And finally, Earth represents solid matter. As you can see, these four elements symbolically describe the fundamental aspects of existence. Combining these elements in certain ways also reveals many mysteries of life. For example, fire and air together make up the energy of life, whereas water and earth make up the matter of life. In order for consciousness to be expressed, it must take on form (matter) which requires energy (motion). It all boils down to consciousness, energy, and matter, and all three exist in every manifestation of the universe. Therefore, fire, air, water, and earth are the metaphorical manifestations that consciousness uses to evolve itself.
So what’s this have to do with John the Baptist’s statement in Matthew 3:11? I believe everything.
What was the mission of John the Baptist? If you remember, it is to be “The voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.” (Matt. 3:1).
John uses the symbolic aspect of water to prepare the matter of life, which includes the subconscious, emotional, and psychic aspects of our being. Jesus represents the symbolic aspect of fire, which is the spiritual energy of life needed to completely cleanse and renew the mind, propelling one to higher consciousness.
To become the Christ there must be balance and order restored to your entire Being. This balancing act has to do with the energy and matter we are made of. Mental intelligence and emotions are integral aspects of energy-matter in higher forms like animals and humans. It is present in the plant and mineral kingdoms to a lesser degree, but I don’t want to digress from this post.
So, is there scripture evidence for this? Absolutely! Consider the scripture below:
“The Law and the Prophets were until John…” (Luke 16:16).
What is the purpose of the Law? It is to perfect the lower nature of man. It is initiation in the lower order of John the Baptist. However the fire of the Holy Spirit (kundalini), deals with the higher initiations and the transforming of the mind in a way that the Law could not accomplish.
Another way to see it is to remember the John the Baptist prepared the way. In the same way, so did the Law. John is the Law, and once the body has been properly prepared through the Law (by John), then the individual is to be transformed by Fire and the energy of life (Jesus).
This is why the New Testament writers tell us that Jesus did not baptize with water. Only John and his disciples did.
A quick note on similarities between the East in West
Many of the Eastern philosophies, such as esoteric teachings in Buddhism, focus on being liberated from the material plane. Through my studies I have learned that Western esoteric teachings seem to focus on bringing the power of liberation to earth, fully manifested in the individual in the material plane, not as an escape, but to bring the concept of God to earth.
Kundalini vs. Prana
This post wouldn’t be complete without explaining the subtle differences between prana and kundalini as well. Some believe the two are essentially the same, but after further study I see a difference.
I like to think of Kundalini as wild and unbridled. That’s why it is symbolized by fire. If you’ve ever watched a roaring fire, it’s seems to have no rhyme or reason for its movement. It flails about in wild, ecstatic motions. It is intensely beautiful and very powerful, and yet it can be extremely destructive. But out of that destructive force there is new life. Just like the forest fire completely cleanses and renews the area so that a new forest can grow again, so does kundalini revamp the entire potential of consciousness in being. In other words, kundalini, a true spiritual force, is the primordial potential (energy of life) underlying the matter of life, and it brings self-awareness in matter to entirely new levels. It mostly deals with intelligence and higher states of consciousness.
Prana is the life-force that is responsible for forming and regulating energy into the form of matter. It is more of a force that we can consciously control and regulate through meditation and breathing exercises. This force helps to prepare the way in the body for the more powerful and intense kundalini wakening. It is the process of balancing the body so that it can better handle and incorporate the release of kundalini.
John the Baptists can be likened to prana, and Jesus to kundalini
Do you see any correlations between any of this, and Jesus and John the Baptist? The purpose of John’s life was “to prepare the way” for Jesus. This is similar to prana, the force of life that prepares the way for kundalini.
How does this help you?
Many people want to rush into awakening kundalini. But there is nothing about it that should be rushed. Many of us just aren’t ready anyways. It is my belief that you can actually do some harm to your subtle and physical bodies if you blindly jump into all this. We must go the way of John first and be fully prepared before you can awaken the Christ in you. Immersing yourself in water baptism (meditation) is the first step. Don’t fret too much about a kundalini awakening. Just focus on enjoying the ride. Most importantly, bring emotional, physical, and mental balance to your life first and kundalini will manifest in time.
Josh, Kundalini is a newer concept in this blog site that people like me may have heard of or read about but not experienced directly, or may even have had a mild experience of something unusual without knowing what it was, that could be related. From what I gather, Kundalini is a release from the bottom of the spine, up through the chakras toward the head, and then out through the crown chakra, of some sort of vital power or cosmic intelligence that is beyond normal human intelligence. I haven’t paid much attention to it because it is usually mentioned as something only people who are very, very advanced in various sorts of special disciplines experience. In this blog you seemed to have made it part of the natural course of each developing soul, the very thing the teachings and spirit of Christ were meant to ultimately empower. This is an entirely new idea for me, to connect Christ with Kundalini. I thought one would have to find a guru in Tibet or spend a lifetime taking exotic and expensive courses, or perform impossible yoga postures. The idea that Kundalini can be found through Christ is new. It is going to take some getting used to. The parallel you have made between the ministry of John the Baptist preparing the way for something greater to be brought by Jesus, and the practice of meditation preparing the way for experiencing Kundalini is very interesting. You seem to be emphasizing patience and discipline in meditation as a means to Kundalini, not jumping the gun, not trying harder or even being concerned about progress, just keep meditating for itself. It is still hard for me to make the connection. From what I have read, it seems that people have to go to great lengths to clear their chakras first, using special methods, before the Kundalini can flow. Maybe this will happen anyway to those who meditate, that they will be led into a path to clear their chakras. It is motivating to know that making time to be still can eventually lead to greater things besides good physical and mental health. Also I have read that Kundalini can be experienced prematurely as a negative experience, and so it is advisable to follow a Master to mature properly.
Good Lawrd …. the experts! 🤣 Most Gurus are insane! One gets better advice from their chain smoking beer guzzling Aunt instead of the narcissistic yoga smell my own farters!
This article rocks!
Prana or manas the bread of life the nous or logos is intelligence , kundalini is the serpent or the dragon energy wisdom . Look at the staff of moses it represents the serpent energy . He goes up the Mount and converses with fire energy that gives him the law . Egyptian pharohs had the serpent in the place of their third eye , therefore moses knew exactly what is was . The star of isreal represents the spirit and the fire of the sun as the self or the soul . Go look to the east the practiced yoga to become enlightened reach immortality or unite shiva and shakti .Jesus the nazarean or nasorean was gnostic the nazareans revered John the baptist . The rauh decended on him in the form of a dove , in egypt rauh is the ruankh the breath of life . The serpent represents wisdom .
I forgot to mention, it is confusing because we usually think of Christ as a teacher of principles and as a model example to try to follow, that the Christ is anointed (chosen, set apart, commissioned, empowered, an avatar) by something greater than us to redeem us. You are now referring to the Christ as a kind of cosmic energy that arises as Kundalini from inside us. I can relate to this as what I refer to as the spirit of Christ within me, a spark inside that I can choose to guide me, an emerging spiritual identity that is connected to the All, that becomes stronger through meditation. But I am still a little lost here. When people describe experiencing Kundalini, they describe a momentary release of some kind of power going through them accompanied by what they describe as immense peace and deep wisdom. It seems to be a momentary experience rather than a state of being. A kind of marker on the road to higher consciousness. But is the milder state of connectedness I feel with others and my environment when I meditate also Kundalini?
I understand the confusion. Most people just aren’t aware that terms like kundalini, christ, the holy spirit, etc. are all related. Therefore it’s hard to make the mental connection when seeing this for the first time. But once the connection is made, I think you’ll see it more and more when you go back and read the Bible.
To answer your question, the milder state of connection you feel is probably prana, the forerunner to kundalini. I have come to this conclusion when trying to understand my own journey into deeper states of meditation. I’ll admit, I’ve never had the kundalini experience, but from what other people state, you’ll know without a doubt when you do. Therefore it is quite possible that many of the people who state they’ve experienced kundalini have really only experienced the vital energy of prana rather than the spiritual energy of kundalini.
In the Bible the kundalini experience is mentioned in Acts. Obviously these apostles were changed forever. Even Simon Magnus tried to pay for the power that he saw some of the apostles display.
Prana is not as dramatic. It is the vital energy of the body, not the spiritual energy of the cosmos. Does this make sense? I’ll try to clarify more in future posts.
Well the ones who wrote the bible wouldn’t want to tell you , they want to rule you !
I feel that the practice of meditation and aligning with / following through with inner guidance / becoming authentic will naturally lead to a clearing of the chakras, because raising one’s consciousness about one’s life and past experiences will clear the issues (blocks). Raising your consciousness through getting in touch with the divine within (through meditation and following through with inner guidance) is the key to kundalini rising. Kundalini energy is not something I focus on, though. Thanks for this article Josh!
Very good points, Christine!
Great article! I never put 2 and 2 together like that with John and Jesus. Speaking of meditating and kundalini, have any of u tried binaural beats? It’s worth looking up. It’s a new way to meditate very deeply every time and you’ll certainly feel the kundalini stir up. Going too fast too soon with it can lead to a harsh kundalini awakening, but one must go slow. It’s worked wonders for me. Been using it for 3 years feels like 20. There are many good products to choose from I sell nothing lol. Keep posting more articles I love them.
Thanks Alan. I did not read this in esoteric literature. I took a chance on it and gave the subject my own unique spin. It doesn’t make it right or wrong, but hopefully gives someone a new perspective and the ability to see these spiritual concepts in a new light.
I’ve never tried binaural beats. Like you, there are many people that swear by this method. To be honest, my favorite meditation is on my little boat in the middle of one of the many small coves on Kerr Lake. The nature scene is great, especially late in the evening when the lake is like glass and all the critters stir.
As an afterthought, I did not want to totally discourage binaurel or isochronic brainwave induction. We just don’t know that much about it and the people providing this technology on the web are market driven, so may not have the consumer’s best spiritual interest in mind. From what I gather, they have experimented and found people get some meditation benefit and manifestations from using these products, or are entertaining at the very least. But there is no data on long range affects or whether or not it produces something more superficial than traditional, well established (sometimes ancient) methods. So the benefit of thousands of years of ancient wisdom is missing from the new technology. I can imagine that the technology might be an easy way to begin to experience altered state phenomena, to invoke interest and further investigation of the more traditional reliable methods, but I would be wary of getting too addicted to using the technology as a relacement for the “real thing”. For instance, if I used music that induces kundalini-like manifestations (blue light, etc), that does not mean I am connecting with the higher energy and deepest wisdom of the universe. That just my opinion. I would be interested in you describing how the binaurel method has benefited you. I have used the Silva method which uses background beats to help induce alpha wave brain states, and which is then combined with other methods intended to produce relaxation, healing, telepathy, etc. They do work. They are not the only way to get those same results, but they certainly provide experiences that affirm the reality psychic phenomena.
Josh, Alan, others.. this brings to mind the importance of blogs like this. The ancient methods were well proven and pupils were carefully taught under masters until they developed deep and well-balanced advancement in consciousness. People like me do not have a master. We read books and blogs, and try out “stuff” on the web that is often new, so we are more like explorers than following a beaten path. Our technology and education offer more opportunities than the ancients had, but also exposes us to more dangers. I pray the universal force is watching over and guiding our steps.
Alan, I have experimented with some of the binaurel beat and isochronic music on the net. I understand how it uses wave interference to create high frequency overtones of sound waves inside the brain that are the same frequency as brain waves. The sound waves then induce the brain wave pattern in the brain of the listener. People who are successful in certain areas of life, seem to generate a particular pattern of brain waves. By inducing the same pattern in your brain by binuarel isochronic means, it is beleived this weill make you sucessful in that same area. Also your brain can be induced to slow down or speed up its normal frequency. So you can listen to music that will gradually keep slowing down your brain waves until they are at alpha (suggestible, intuitive) frequencies or even slower to delta (sleep ) frequencies or very very high gamma (manifesting ) frequencies. I experimented one night by sampling a variety of freebees on the net and ended up having thoughts about a woman who used to flirt with me at my last job two years ago. The next day she showed up out of nowhere right in front of me as I was eating at a fast food place. It really shook me when this happened. It encouraged me to look into manifesting by using more controlled techniques like meditation and visualization. I’ve shied away from using the music induction because I don’t want surprise results. Also the music induction might discourage one from strengthening the brains own natural mental focusing process, which may be important for advancement to higher levels of consciousness. At least that is my gut feeling.
Interesting info, Robert. Thanks for sharing. I do believe that ancient cultures used pyramids and other devices to help elevate consciousness, but I think the user still drew from himself. His technologies were more of an enhancement rather than a guide or mechanism that caused them to be induced. Interesting conversation anyway!
Have not been commenting lately but i’m up to date with your posts.
This was a pretty nice read, been distinguishing between the feeling of prana and kundalini lately as I can feel he prana up my spine going to my brain then third eye.
A blog about different types of visions would be nice. As I recently had a vision, meditation is paying off and what it did was motivate me more, that vision was like a push.
Good to hear from you again. Yes, visions are definite part of deep meditation. I recommend not trying to get caught up in them. Just enjoy it for what it is and let it pass. I’ll keep this in mind for a future post.
Kundalini awakening as I am been made to understand can only be mastered by a select few even if one started meditating at a young age and practiced every day in to a ripe old age would not necessarily have the Kundalini awakened in that life time as to have that happen could send a person mad as they would not be able to handle the power of it,and how many of us know someone who has experienced this? I do not know any one who is alive on the earth personally only certain masters in spirit.
Also Joshua what a fantastic way you meditate on a boat in nature( I think I shall try to make a raft) I think that meditation in nature is the best and easiest way to meditate as you are as one with nature and natural setting,as when i try to meditate indoors I give up after a few minutes haha.
I completely agree. We are a a part of the earth, so it makes sense.
I am so glad that you go agree with me as it was you who told me that you meditated in nature and while you was on your boat fishing and i am not 100% sure but I think that you said that it was the best experience after several months that you began meditating. Also you advised me to keep on trying and not give in so quickly as the benefit’s are vast to people that practice in doing regular meditation’s, like I discovered when I went for my DREADED dental appointment for a mercury (toxic) filling, an injection like a fine needle first in my gums (YIKES) To top it all of by a de-scale and polish with a ICE COLD solution/ suction hoover type machine which is not designed for sensitive teeth( ouch ouch) Rather than my usual heart beat of 100 mph beats per min , sweating and wanting to escape from the waiting room of my death/ my dentist but cannot just flee, so I take a few breathes in and a few breathes out and begin to calm myself down and get in a peaceful state and managed to succeed the whole process with a normal heart beat and only a couple beads of sweat instead of hundred’s lol
You may not have a kundalini awakening in this lifetime, but with regular meditation you will increased your awareness exponentially and that itself is really worth pursuing.
Thank you for your words of encouragement on regular meditation,I am getting better at it yet find it harder to meditate indoors than if i am outside,I would love to be able to do both way’s equally but I am still quite new to meditation but I have got the determination to keep at it,hopefully the time spent on it will increase to 🙂
Love and light Selina x
I am beginning to get the message from this blog that Kundalini awakening is very advanced and only reached by very few when they pursue it very rigorously. Is this really the case? Then why are there so many popular techniques with the name “kundalini” attached to it (kundalini yogo, kundalini meditation, etc). What is the sense of masses of people pursuing something that is not going to be attainable? Curious.
This problem is encountered in all religious circles. If we only lived one life time, you’re right, it wouldn’t make much sense. That’s where reincarnation comes in.
My experience was as a young mother losing her first born child in a horrendous accident. i started reading the sermon on he mount nightlly and ten meditated on what i read,,every night at 11 pm. emotionally i was healed of grief in 7 months. during that period i relived a past life (which I didn’t know was possible) and learned that i had ived and died many times before, so i was assured in my spirit my child was not dead but had volunteered to teach me about my eternal being. My knowledge of self began growing thru the continued path of Bble study and meditation And i began developing many new abilities both in my awareness, understanding, opportunities, expansion of social circle. I was operating on a higher level bof consciousness, in love with the earth, all people, JESUS, FATHER-MOTHER GOD, LIFE1 After 5 years, consciousness shifted again and inner vision and understanding excellerated. I COULD FEEL A BEAM OF LIGHT (or power or energy) going out of the top of my head. i could feel myself shifting levels and I could control it. Many wonderful experiences and encounters with TEACHERS, These were the only teachers (interplane) I had for I Claimed only Jesus CHRIST and affirmed the LIGHT OF CHRIST surrounded me. I have had several instances of physical healing for myself . …TO SHORTEN THIS TESTIMONY WHICH I SHARE FOR OTHER SINCERE SEEKERS, 7 YEARS SINCE I HAD SET OR HAD BEEN SET, UPON THIS PATH, I EXPERIENCED THE FULL AWAKENING OF THE KUNDALINI. THE perfect balancing of the ida and pingala. I KNOW THINGS I LONG TO TELL BEFORE I EXIT THIS PHYSICAL BODY but I must wait for those who are ready.
This is nothing to fool with, let me warn you. Yes, to trip kundalini if unworthy, unprepared, or untaught, can damage your brain. I WOULD NOT TURN MY BRAIN OVER TO AN EARTHLY HUMAN TEACHER. To activate kundalini out of curiosity or the influence of a misguided ”christian” who has a psychic spirit rather than a spiritual one….please stay away from that!
I went through this totally alone except for for my devotion and trust in JESUS CHRIST. He is real. He can gauge if your soul is ready and He will oversee your progress. There is so much to be cleansed from your soul thru the growth of self awareness, learning to ”see true” about self and your true intentions. PLEASE TAKE MY CAUTIONS SERIOUSLY. THERE IS A REASON WHY THIS INFORMATION IS STILL GUARDED AS SECRET. BUT I HAVE HEARD THE AUDIBLE VOICE say ‘NOW IS THE TIME……”
Thanks for sharing, Joyce.
Hi Joyce,
It’s been a long time since you wrote this but I hope somehow you’ll get to see it. The story of your loss and your way to enlightening through Christ really touched me. I can only imagine the journey and how beautiful the road must be.
I had a kundalini awakening a few years ago and I was not ready and it went incredibly bad. It scared me enough that I stopped meditating for 2 years. Thinking back, I think I began manifesting my own fears as I had no idea what was happening.
I’ve decided to step past my own fears recently and began meditating again only to have it wake up again and I’m trying to get myself in order and live in the light of love, and leave behind any fear but my past experience with this sometimes makes me nervous.
If you have any suggestions at all, I would appreciate it deeply.
And also, I’m curious about your past life but I wouldn’t want to pry…
I’ve never had this sort of experience but I feel incredibly drawn to the Cathars. I know the universe speaks and as I was listening, I was led to them
When I listened to their song The Boier, the prana just started moving around my body and I was overcome with emotion, close to tears.
Interestingly enough, meditation came very easily from the first time and prior to trying, I never had thoughts bouncing around. I think only when I choose and it’s typically when something sparks curiosity. I didn’t know this was not common until sharing it with some people.
When I first began meditating, I had been vegatarian for some time and was also experimenting with fasting.
Funny enough, now I find Cathars dedicated themselves to these things and they only read the Book of John
Sorry to make this long. I have no idea who to talk to as no one in my life has experienced things like this. I know it’s a lonely journey in a sense, but again any advice would be so welcomed.
Thank you and I hope you find yourself well
Hugs and God bless <3
Selina, I think a key to making indoor meditation more conducive might be to make a special place in your home that is dedicated to meditation, with serene surroundings, maybe a candle near the center of the space if you are into candles, maybe an inspirational poster on the wall nearby. use a particular comfortable chair or cushion. Might be better if there are fewer distractions like a TV in the space. This is your meditation space, consecrated for that purpose. You might have some soft, contemplative music or a table top water fountain in the space. Whatever suits your taste. Go there at the same specific time(s) of day. In this way the space itself will absorb the conducive-ness for meditation that you bring to it and offer it back to you. You can also experiment with conditions that make you meditate more easily. Is it easier before or after eating, before or after excersizing, first thing in the morning or at night. What about the outdoors makes it easier. If there are factors like fresh air, sunshine, nature, etc. that puts you in the mood, you can visualize this, even imagine smell it, or bring something from the outdoors in…a plant, a fragrance…to set the mood. When I meditate inward enough, what is outside and around me eventually vanishes from my awareness. But I admit there is still something inspiring to sit by a live trickling stream or see a live sunset over a lake. When I’ve done that, I’ve captured those moments in memory so I can replay them.
Thank you very much for all those good ideas you have suggested to try, I think I will make some room so I can have a personal space to meditate in, when I do meditate it is always in my living room sometimes I have 1 or 2 items such as a candle, Joss stick & arch angel Michael card But usually I do not bother though I should always have a lighted candle as they help to focus, calming,peaceful and help bring in the light.
Love and light Selina x
Joshua, a very interesting concept. I do not know too much about prana and kundalini and never heard about John the Baptist and Jesus in connection with them, but it makes sense. As does the warning that you have to be careful with the rising of the kundalini and should carefully prepare yourself first.
As always the Hebrew word for heaven says it all: shamajim = esh majim, fire and water at the same time. The one is not possible without the other. So if we want to go to heaven we should prepare first or otherwise we will get burnt (end up in hell!). So it is back to the drawing board and do our act of balancing and integrating, of digesting our experiences; in short crucify our ego.
That’s interesting. Balancing fire and water … integrating powerful basic forces within…. to serve the greater good instead of the deluded self. Yes. I was struggling earlier today, and now I understand that is what I have to do. I felt such a strong inclination to rise up and dominate to serve myself, and that it was justified because of the enormous strength of the inclination…. but it was not balanced. Kaballah uses imagery with balancing forces. Now I understand it better. When these are balanced, one can ascend to a higher level. when they are not balanced, one is pulled down.
Yes, is not it interesting how your own knowledge is extending so much when it is combined with someone elses that looks at the subject from another angle? Something new and deeper gets created. It is like a father, mother, child principle, another trinity.
Your input added something again! I love it. I enjoy it so much to share ideas with all of you and to grow together. I do recognize what you write about wanting to rise up and dominate to serve yourself. The temptation is very great. Well, even Jesus felt it during his ’40 days in the desert’. It is the fourty, it is the ego; Point is that we recognize it and start balancing again.
This is my first time ever commenting on an article, as I usually just read and don’t participate, but the comments here greatly interest me. As one who, through years of study and pursuit of hidden wisdom in scripture, has discovered the same truths as the article alludes to, I feel it would be beneficial to provide supporting experience here. It was through the teachings of Jesus that I began to prepare for kundalini, although I did not know what it was that was happening in my body. Through much faith and hard decisions I came to a point that I was ready, and suddenly became spiritually connected to a man who initiated the awakening in me. Since then my perspective has been completely different; it’s like being on the other side of eternity while living a mortal life. Now I am able to see kundalini wisdom all through the bible, although it is no longer my main source for spiritual guidance. I’ve read many different scriptures and esoteric texts but favor the teachings of Jesus to initiate awakening in spiritual people. Since my kundalini experience I’ve been able to progress spiritually, and I’ve had the joy and privilege to awaken the kundalini in others. The kundalini is a miracle. It is a transformation into a being that is immortal. Through the kundalini the soul breaks free from the chains of the karmic cycle and moves on to grow into its deific potential. Great care should be taken by those led to pursue its power. You must be led to it, and you should not awaken it prematurely. For those who diligently pursue wisdom, she will find you, and she will show you the paths of life that lead to the mysteries of eternity, into the source of light and love in the wellspring of creation.
Thanks for commenting and sharing. Like you, I feel the Bible and Jesus’ words to be one of the best paths to spiritual wakening, although I read other religious text as well. Esoterically, they speak the same story, but for me the Bible has always been the one I was drawn closest to. Of course this has a lot to do with my upbringing, but even after I ventured out from Christianity and learned the esoteric meaning behind other scriptures, I still feel most at home with the Bible.
It’s interesting that you mention your personal experience. I am getting a lot more comments on this blog about awakening experiences. Many people are going through this process! What excites me is that so many are also coming to a deeper understanding of the Bible.
For me, kundalini awakening isn’t something to force or yearn after. It’s simply a process that unfolds when we make certain choices and decisions to dedicate ourselves to the knowledge of a higher calling. The awakening process isn’t all butterflies and flowers, either. It seems persistent with setbacks at first, but as the process unfolds it becomes obvious that there is so much to life we have misunderstood and believed in that really didn’t matter. Life will continue to present its challenges, but we face them differently. We learn to step forward with love rather than fear.
Blessings as you continue the path.
I recently had a very powerful kundalini raising, and I can relate to your article. Although I wouldn’t differentiate prana from kundalini (in essence), I reckon they describe precisely two different states I experience. Prana indeed being always present and controllable, and kundalini being an unexpected incredibly powerful event (not a unique one in my case).
One does not need to force anything. The higher power of the consciousness has itr all figured out when it comes to when the awarenesss is awakened, You are the recipient of a wonderful thing as a human when it is your “time’ to awaken and your soul’s time. you will know when it is your time because you will only be searching for the truth of the ancient scriptures and the meaning of life, etc. Whereas before you didnt really care. LOL!!!1 you will see the change within of your desires becoming more holy, righteous. you will be alone more, away from the world and its influences. your friends will become old friends and you will feel like your on a mission to unvovere the real truth behind the ancient texts. you will have a burning desitre within to share this new information with every person because you are looking at people as a spirit and soul trapped in a body trying to escape it. You will become more creative and a more patient “thinker’. ytou will tend to obsseve peoples, inner intentions and be able to see the darkness/ignorance) that once held your own self in bondage. This is what is happening to me, Josh.
To me Nirvana is similar to the Kingdom of heaven that Jesus talk about. The Holy Spirit is similar to Buddha Nature. The Holy Spirit is also like the Qi in Qigong, hence the Holy Spirit is also known as the living waters. The fire is like the kundalini obviously, because Fire represent Kundalini.The Buddha and Christ (messiah) are not names rather its titles, because their names are Sidhartha Gautama and Yeshua Ben Yoseself. When Jesus talk about the kingdom of heaven to Nicodemous, he told him he’s in heaven now ,right on Earth. Then Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is within. This proves the heaven that Jesus was talking about was internal and not external, than Jesus also said that we are all gods and can do greater works than him, when he say he is the son that also refers to us, because he says that he’s the son of God but he also says he’s the son of Man. Hence this is why he says we are all gods. When Jesus says the farther that could mean the mind or God or the Tree of life. Because fruits mean thoughts. Transubstantiation is very similar to transmutation. Did Jesus follow Judaism ? Well he sort of did but not exactly either. It’s similar to how Buddha felt about Hinduism. Jesus to me study Judaism,Essenes a (sect similar to the Jedi in the pre sequels),Stoicism,Buddhism,Yogi and Hermetics, but I think Jesus believe more in Hermetics based on his teaching. But again alchemy is physical and spiritual, so to Jesus we are gods in the making. Sid Gautama said it’s rather like looking at waves in a seashore. He’s talking about waves and frequencies. Buddha also said that its several forms of matter is like Whirlpools in a river. He’s talking about the energy vortex. When Pythagoras talk about the Harmonis spheres, he was talking about the speed of light squared to 1st and 2nd and etc. times golden mean. Scientist is talking about parallel universes, so what if these harmonic scales contain beings, this then explains Jacob ladder meaning. What’s the difference between Buddha and Jesus? Buddha is a true mystic and Jesus was more of a Magician. It’s like comparing Walter Russell secret of the light book or Atomic suicide book to Franz Bardon. Buddha is like Walter Russell mix with the Board on Wheels Wd Fard from India. And Jesus is similar to Franz Bardon and Seven Bomar. Nikola tesla and Leonardo are the genius. But the magicians,Mystics and genius all use forms of alchemy. Adi Sankara of advaita vendenta was the better teacher in my opinion.
To me Nirvana is similar to the Kingdom of heaven that Jesus talk about. The Holy Spirit is similar to Buddha Nature. The Holy Spirit is also like the Qi in Qigong, or the great spirit native Americans talk about hence the Holy Spirit is also known as the living waters. The fire is like the kundalini obviously, because Fire represent Kundalini.The Buddha and Christ (messiah) are not names rather its titles, because their names are Sidhartha Gautama and Yeshua Ben Yoseself. When Jesus talk about the kingdom of heaven to Nicodemous, he told him he’s in heaven now ,right on Earth. Then Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is within. This proves the heaven that Jesus was talking about was internal and not external, than Jesus also said that we are all gods and can do greater works than him, when he say he is the son that also refers to us, because he says that he’s the son of God but he also says he’s the son of Man. Hence this is why he says we are all gods. When Jesus says the farther that could mean the mind or God or the Tree of life. Because fruits mean thoughts. Transubstantiation is very similar to transmutation. Did Jesus follow Judaism ? Well he sort of did but not exactly either. It’s similar to how Buddha felt about Hinduism. Jesus to me study Judaism,Essenes a (sect similar to the Jedi in the pre sequels),Stoicism,Buddhism,Yogi and Hermetics, but I think Jesus believe more in Hermetics based on his teaching. But there were great Essenes leaders in that region before Jesus tho, the difference was they had more of a religious mind set, so they had limited their abilities. In Star Wars Luke Skywalker and Qigon jinn are both nice but Luke had more abilities because he didn’t have a religious mind set like Qigon Jinn. Apostle Paul was a dark magician like Palpatine in the pre sequels but like Palpatine , Apostle Paul carried on old Rituals from previous dark sects. But again alchemy is physical and spiritual, so to Jesus we are gods in the making because we all have the ability to do Alchemy. The great Mystic Sid Gautama once said it’s rather like looking at waves in a seashore. He’s talking about waves and frequencies. Buddha also said that its several forms of matter is like Whirlpools in a river. He’s talking about the energy vortex. When Pythagoras talk about the Harmonis spheres, he was talking about the speed of light squared to 1st and 2nd and etc. times golden mean. Scientist is talking about parallel universes, so what if these harmonic scales contain beings, this then explains Jacob ladder meaning. What’s the difference between Buddha and Jesus? Buddha is a true mystic and Jesus was more of a Magician. It’s like comparing Walter Russell secret of the light book or Atomic suicide book to Franz Bardon. Buddha is like Walter Russell mix with the Board on Wheels Wd Fard from India. And Jesus is similar to Franz Bardon and Seven Bomar. Nikola tesla and Leonardo and Dan Winter are the genius. But the magicians,Mystics and genius all use forms of alchemy. Adi Sankara of advaita vendenta was the better teacher in my opinion. Because his is the easiest to understand.
I thoroughly enjoyed this article and love the way you bridge the gap between Eastern and Western philosophies in your posts. I find it hard to find good information pertaining to this subject so I’m very excited to dive into more of this content from your blog! 🙂
I’m wondering if you would be able to share your thoughts, if any, on spontaneous kundalini awakening via trauma and how this ties into this subject. (Maybe you’ve already touched on this and I haven’t found it yet–my apologies if so) but I would be very curious to know your stance as you seem quite knowledgeable of these matters.
Thanks a bunch for the awesome knowledge you provide on this blog! 🙂
Hi, it’s just that am concerned with something. Why did John had baptize Jesus? If you could just answer me this I be grateful. Thanks
John is a symbol of the moral nature proceeding the spiritual, and must come first. The narrative shows how the soul develops.