Have you ever wondered what the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is? As we dissect it from chapter one and two in the book of Acts, we learn it’s all about kundalini activation. If you have read former posts on this website, then you already know that the Holy Spirit is identical to the concept of kundalini in the East.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit was so important that Jesus told his disciples to wait for it before they could start their ministries and establish the church. The true church is the human body-temple, so naturally Jesus was teaching his disciples that the real work of salvation begins during the activation of higher consciousness (kundalini) in the body.
Jesus had good reason to tell his disciples to wait for the baptism of the Holy Spirit based on an Old Testament prophecy as well. The prophecy comes from Joel. After the event, the author of Acts mentions that the baptism of the Holy Spirit was the very event Joel prophesied when he states:
“…this is what was spoken of by the prophet Joel; and it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh…” (Acts 2:17-18).
So how can we know that the event which happened at Pentecost was about kundalini activation? Let’s dissect it. We’ll start with Acts chapter 1. After the disciples watched Jesus being taken up into heaven, they returned to Jerusalem. Their first order of business was to pick a new disciple to take the place of Judas Iscariot. They end up picking Matthias.
Judas Iscariot symbolizes the least disciplined quality of the soul. It is the quality that betrays the Christ within each of us. The reason Matthias is picked to take Judas’ place is because Matthias represents the gift of God (higher consciousness / spirit) that can lift the soul again. Matthias is of Hebrew origin with a root word meaning “gift,” so it is fitting that Christians often refer to the baptism of the Holy Spirit as the “gift of the Holy Spirit.”
The meeting place for the Disciples is the human temple
Directly following the return to Jerusalem, we get a strong clue that the meeting place for the disciples is all about the human body-temple. The scripture states:
“Then returned they unto Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which his from Jerusalem a Sabbath’s day journey. And when they were come in, they went into an upper room…These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren. And in those days Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples, and said (the number of the names gathered together were about a hundred and twenty…” (Acts 1:13-15).
The first thing I want us to notice about this event is the “upper room” where they gathered. This isn’t a literal place. Many scholars have pointed out that the average Jewish dwelling place in Jerusalem during this time period would hold only a small to medium-sized family. One hundred twenty people, as the scripture states, could never fit in one of these houses, especially an upper room! This is has prompted some of the same scholars to state that the meeting place was at Herod’s temple in an area called Solomon’s Porch. Later in chapter two it states that 3,000 people were saved as a result of Peter’s message following the baptism of the Holy Spirit in the house. The word for “house” could also mean temple, so this argument makes a little more sense. But we still have some problems with this interpretation. There aren’t any “upper rooms” in Herod’s temple that would fit the meeting place description for the 120 (not to mention any other women and children).
The upper room of the human body
The upper room of the house (or temple) that this scripture is referencing is a metaphor for the upper part of the human temple, the brain and higher chakras. The baptism of the Holy Spirit takes place in the upper room because the Holy Spirit (kundalini) is a conscious energy that travels up the spine and into the brain, opening chakras as it ascends. If we continue to compare the description of what happens in Acts, we can see that it matches the imagery of kundalini ascension perfectly. The scripture states:
“…they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a mighty rushing wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues…” (Acts: 2:1-4).
Wind is a symbol of Spirit (conscious energy) activating on the mental plane. The higher mental plane is symbolized by “heaven.” The fact that a “mighty rushing wind” came as a “sound from heaven” tells us that consciousness is being raised on the higher mental plane and in the causal body.
As we continue to dissect the imagery of this event, we see that what sat upon each of the disciples (their heads) were “cloven tongues like as of fire.” Imagine what animal has a split or forked tongue: a snake. Kundalini energy is also called “serpent energy” in the East because it is said to be coiled like a snake at the base of the spine. This energy is also like fire in that it burns up mental, emotional, and physical (etheric) issues you’ve accumulated in the chakras. The fact that the flame
rested upon the tops of their heads can be correlated with the crown chakra. “Speaking with other tongues” symbolizes the gifts that can only come from our higher nature when we are able to receive them on our spiritual evolutionary paths.
In the scenes following this description of kundalini ascension an amazing thing happened. The scripture states devout Jews from every nation under heaven heard the disciples speaking in languages from their place of birth. These places of birth ranged from Arabia to far parts of Asia. This event is reestablishing what God did when he separated man’s languages at the Tower of Babel. Language is a symbol of the recognition of “oneness.” Kundalini ascension is a universal conscious ascension that brings this experience of oneness back to the individual.
Why Jesus commands the disciples to wait for the promise
It is also important to mention that before the baptism of the Holy Spirit took place, Jesus told the disciples:
“And, being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the father, which, saith he, ye have heard of me” (Acts: 1:4).
The act of waiting on the Lord is the act of mediation. This doesn’t just mean sitting in silence in the lotus position. This also refers to placing your attention on the inward man. That is meditation. Notice that the baptism of the spirit didn’t come until they waited on the Lord by gathering together in one accord and in one place. This also hints at turning towards one’s center with conscious attention when seeking the Lord. Why? Because God is found in the mysterious depths that is within you!
You bring forth so much knowledge that sheds a whole new light on the gospel! I just don’t know how to share all this information with my church and its very upsetting. How did you present this? I’m just afraid of being ostracized for using any information about chakras or kundalini. Any advice?
Much thanks to you and the Holy Spirit working through you!
Sorry about the delayed response – I have been extremely busy. It’s that season again as the summer is over. I do have some advice. Don’t share this information with your church…unless an individual asks. Trying to tell this stuff to people who are still young in their quest for God will only cause tension. You’ll know when it’s the right time to share, because you won’t feel like you HAVE to. It will just come. Blessings!
What do you think about the lost gospel of Judas?
Dear Seeker.
A Course In Miracles speaks about the same things. Although Christian in statement, the Course deals with universal spiritual themes. It emphasizes that it is but one version of the universal curruculum. There are many others (SOS being one), ACIM only differing in form. They all lead to God in the end.
I found that people are more wlling to listen to ACIM because it was given by Jesus himself. It speaks of God our Father and the Holy Spirit, Heaven, salvation, forgiveness etc, all terms that most people can relate to.
The site is acim.org
All the best and thanks to Joshua for the great work he does to bring truth to us.
Be very careful. Use discernment Dawie and Seeker.
Very interesting stuff. I love biblical studies. Check out my blog freedominorthodoxy.blogspot.com
Hi Josh,
Just curious, have you ever experienced the Baptism of the Holy Spirit from the pentecostal/charismatic perspective, i.e. speaking in tongues? I experienced this phenomenon when I was 19 years old as a college student searching for a deeper relationship with the Lord. You see, I transitioned from traditional baptist to non-denominational/pentecostal/charismatic, etc. (hadn’t explored genres such as New Thought/metaphysics/Mind Science at that time). Anyway, back to my story — I was alone in my college apartment when it happened. I literally went to all the scriptures that reference the baptism of the Holy Spirit/speaking in tongues and I thanked God by faith for giving me the Baptism of the Holy Spirit/filling me with the Holy Spirit. He did it! Rivers of living water (John 7:37-39) began to flow out of my belly and I began to speak in tongues for about an hour! It felt like spiritual electricity was flowing through me! It was AMAZING! It was REAL! It was at THAT moment that I knew the Bible was more than just mere words, but that the promises contained therein are full of life and power! There’s so much more I can share but I don’t really have time right now. I will say that ever since that day, I made up in my mind to speak in tongues on a daily basis to keep myself connected to that source of power (Jude 20, 1 Corinthians 14:18), and I can truly say that it has been a blessing to my spiritual life (many testimonies — not enough time to share right now). I think I read somewhere that mystics are more interested in experiencing God than being taught about God from a secondhand source (or something like that). Would you say my experience is the same kundalini of which you speak? Thanks for your input.
I have. Happened around 12-13 years ago after a retreat with a charismatic church I attended for many years. I will admit, it was a fascinating experience. Felt heat and sizzling sensation on the top of my head before it happened. Although I can say it was a valid experience, I don’t consider it an experience associated with higher Gnosticism. Feel free to contact me on the contact form of my website if you wish to discuss it further.
It doesn’t the same??? Why?
Derick, is there a way I can connect with you on FB?
I grew up in the Pentecostal Church and received the Holy Ghost when I was a teenager. I remember praying till I was speaking in tongues, I had no idea what I was saying just that I felt this overwhelming urge. I’ve thought about my experiences since then and have come to realize that I pretty much put myself in a trance during prayer. It’s an amazing feeling once I come back to reality.
A recent experience that I don’t want to go into full detail here has been both enlightening and confusing. One day I found myself unconsciously humming specific musical keys. I don’t hum so I found this to be odd behavior, I did some research and discovered that the musical keys correlated with the chakra healing sounds. I also discovered myself unconsciously doing mudras, I was out one day and for a brief time I saw people’s auras, and I’m pretty sure I’ve been astroprojecting. I mentioned these experiences to a friend and she told me about Kundalini. Having never heard of Kundalini I did some research and was fascinated on how much it sounded like the Holy Ghost. I’ve been trying to understand these experiences but I’ve had very little success. The little bit that I’ve mentioned to my family has had them believing that turning my back to God which I find hilarious but frustrating.
Parallax, Id be interested in connecting and sharing experiences. How can we connect?
Well thank you soo much for your enlighten teachings.
But I would like to ask if the holy spirit is in operation as the kundilini energy of the eastern cultures. Then what is the difference between the believer and someone who practice these eastern rituals ??
Thank you Boss
Tell us about Judas Iscariot and his death
I’ve been filled since 1978…Awsome experience….
One night i sat to meditate and i focused on something in me. Suddenly i felt the wind all over me rushing from me very intensely.
Sorry! But focus on something inside you? What do you mean? How to do it?
In simple terms, is the Holy Spirit any different than that power of Universal source that already exist in us? If this power existed since creation why then did Jesus say he would send the Holy Spirit? Weren’t we created with the Holy Spirit already in us? Is the Pentecost Spirit any different than the power already that exist? Some call this our “I Am” or god space. Confused. Thank you for moving humanity forward in Love.
The Pentecostal experience written about in Act 2:2-4 is not the kundalini spoken of in Hindu esoteric culture. The Holy Spirit baptism comes by Faith in the Wisdom and Power of the God of All. You cannot earn it, nor arouse it. It also doesn’t come up the spine. The wind you hear from your head is as if it’s outside you (I remember to my right), but it’s happening in you. It can be quite frightening at first because of the thundering wind whirling going faster and louder. You are fully conscious, you are not meditating. It comes suddenly. Then an Invisible Power comes from the Top of your head and rushes through your entire body. It is the most incredible experience I have ever had yet. It is Infinite Love and Power. You do speak in a different language, not many words, more as a declaration, it is powerful and the only description that I could give is written already as “tongues of Fire”. This Fire is not as fire here, it is power. No words to describe. It is an experience that is EXACT and I know because I experienced it. This is not heresy, nor citing the scripture, I am a direct witness to this experience being real. And it happened in broad daylight at the perfect setting. It is foretold that it marks the beginning of the end of time for that individual until the Revelation (Revealing/First Hand Experience) of Jesus Christ erupts in the flesh as written by those who experienced it also and you are born from above and live to tell it before your last and final departure here.
I did not know what to do after but tell those in the church. They told me I had a demon. Others that I was lying as I was a young woman and didn’t fit their profile of church tradition. It brought a lot of headache and times of much grief because I didn’t understand. But I do now. Hope this brings Light to any who may come across this who may be searching like I had all those years as to what and why that happened to me, and why no one in the religions believed me.