I was touched recently. Deeply. It started off like a routine Saturday morning. I slept in a bit while my wife cooked breakfast for us and the kids (thanks Jess for always offering to do this!). As she finished setting the table, I came in, said good morning to her and the little ones, ate, and then went on my screened deck to read a short book I recently received in the mail. The book is entitled, A World We Can Live In, by Lynne Williamson. Lynne is a regular reader of this blog, and I was excited to see the contents of her work.
Fall seemed to be in full swing. The warmer, summer-like mornings that have been persistent over the last month have transitioned to cool, damp ones. The hummingbird feeders seem lonely. I guess the hummingbirds have finally left, but the cardinals and chickadees are still frequently visiting the bird feeders hanging only feet away from the table that I write articles on for Spirit of the Scripture.
I love autumn. It’s a beautiful transition. It seems all of nature is preparing for the colder weather coming. Although we usually think of spring as the time where life abounds, this morning I see life in the songbirds coming to stock up on the black sunflower seeds I’ve filled for them in the hanging feeders.
Little did I know that the book I was about to read was about transition as well. I cracked open A World We Can Live In and began reading. Thirty minutes later I was pleasantly surprised. I had just been given insight into the heart of a mother that lost her son. I had also been given more insight into the meaning “life after death,” and what it sometimes means for us who are still having the physical existence.
A World We Can Live In is the result of Blake, Lynne’s son who passed at the age of 20 in 2007. The theme of the book is how to make this world a much better place. Although it was inspired through physical death, it is packed with life. I am thankful to Lynne for writing this book for three reasons:
1) It contains esoteric wisdom that I believe really can help to create a world we can truly live in.
2) I believe this book will be beneficial to those parents who have lost a child because it is a testimony to how life still moves on.
3) It gives us practical information on how to raise our children in a higher vibrational frequency.
As I sit here and reflect on Lynne’s book, I am reminded about the transition from physical life to death that we will all have to make. I am then reminded by how much life can result from that transition. Lynne’s book is a testimony to that truth. Although Blake’s consciousness is not residing in a physical body anymore, his consciousness is still touching lives in this physical world.
I leave you with a quote from Lynne’s book:
“If Blake were still here, the number of lives he could have reached would have been limited; I now realize that Blake left this world in order to make it a better place, because now the number of lives he can reach is limitless.
Blake, mission accomplished.
Blake’s purpose here on Earth has run its course, but his greater purpose has yet to be achieved. We all play a role in bringing this purpose to fruition: making this A WORLD WE CAN LIVE IN.
I hope you get a chance to read Lynne’s book someday. You can find it on Amazon. If you do, please stop back by this post and let us all know how it touched you.
Thank you Lynne for the copy of the book you sent me, and thank you for choosing to bring a light into the world through the experiences you have had. And thank you, Blake:)
Hello Joshua,
Although obviously I have not yet read the book, I was also deeply touched by the theme and impact of life and death this month.
On October 6th. this year it was forty years ago that in Israel the Jom Kippur War began. For a while it was touch and go and it was by no means certain that Israel would win. My husband and I were living in Israel at the time, very near the Lebanese border, and the actual fighting was very close by. In fact, exactly one week earlier we had been right there for a trip. We were alerted to the fact that something was wrong by sudden air raid sirens and we went to the bombshelter without having any idea why. After a few hours it became clear that Israel had been attacked by more than one country at once, among which Syria in the north, and was on the loosing side in the beginning. It was like being in a bubble, ordinary life had stopped, there was nothing we could do and we had no idea what was going to happen. The only thing that remained was surrendering to what is which somehow brought us in a very special level of awareness. The end is known of course, Israel did win after all and we survived unharmed but that was not certain in the beginning. When thinking back I recaptured that feeling.
Some time later this month I was helping my husband with his website for help for handicapped victims of Agent Orange in Vietnam. People who became a victim of the poisonous insecticide that was sprayed during the war half a century ago and passed it on to their children and grandchildren. As a result today there are still children being born severely handicapped and prone to diseases. It is not a problem of the past.
My husband came into contact with the parents of some of these children a couple of years ago during one of our visits to our son who lives in Vietnam.
I translated some of the articles American research journalists have written, one about Agent Orange and another one about the massacre at My Lai in 1968, that we visited a few years ago. I remember my visit there and being hugged by one of the survivors for caring.
Another and very personal confrontation again was two days ago when hurricane Nari passed right over the town in Vietnam where our son and his wife live with their newborn baby of five weeks old. Our son called us on his cellphone as they themselves were (also literally) in the dark about the whereabouts and direction of the hurricane and their house was not safe anymore. The houses of my daughter in law’s family had already been destroyed and all the children were at their house while their parents were trying to save what could be saved.
This time we were in the dark about what was happening to our loved ones, which made me think again about how our parents must have felt back in 1973. Fortunately no one of the family was killed or wounded but many others were.
It also made me analyze my feelings about the subject of death again. My own death and the possibility of my (grand)children’s death seem to cause different feelings.
I can only imagine what you have and are experiencing as it relates to your family. I will add that the theme of life and death seems to be a major one in my life over the past year. A year ago last Sunday my best friend was killed in Afghanistan when an bomb tore through the driver’s side of his vehicle. After that, it seemed like every month or so someone close to the family or a friend from work was experiencing tragic loss. Last week our neighbor’s grandson committed suicide at age 21. The list goes on.
Thank you for sharing. I will especially be thinking about the line of work your husband is doing in helping victims of Agent Orange. Many blessings to you guys and your family!
Hello Joshua,
Thanks for your reply.
It seems like almost everyone is touched by these tragic losses in these intense times. I know what it means when one of your friends is killed by a bomb. I do not understand why it did not come up when I wrote my comment but I remember it vividly now.
As I may or may not have written to you earlier I lived in Israel for eleven years, my husband even for fifteen years. We met and got engaged there (during the first hectic period of the Jom Kippur Warand; very double feelings there) and got married some months later on top of mount Carmel. We lived in an international christian village that was set up fifty years ago in order to improve Jewish-christian relations after the Second World War and was strictly non-missionary, which later proved unacceptable to the Americans and the Swiss and they pulled out, leaving only the Dutch and the Germans, although from time to time some Americans and Swis did come on their own initiative. Three of our four children were born in Israel and the eldest two went to school there, to a Jewish school. My eldest son’s best friend, called Jonathan just like our second son, was also Dutch but he stayed on in Israel after we and later his parents left and in the end he also joined the Israeli army but he did not want to fight so he became an expert in disarming explosives. One day he was killed, not by the bomb he was disarming, but by one that was intentionally set off while he was doing it. He was twenty-nine years old and the only biological child of his parents. His brother (Arab) and sister (Jewish) had been adopted in Israel. When he was killed we heard it on the TV news in Holland and were deeply touched by it. This boy had played at our house for years and was almost like a son to us. The last time we met him was when he was sixteen and visited us in Holland.
You wrote that you will be thinking about what my husband is doing to help the victims of Agent Orange in Vietnam. Thank you. It would be so great if you (I mean the American people) could do something in America too, as there are so many victims and then there are the victims of all the explosives that did not explode during the war as well. And now there was that hurricane, one of many, that passed directly over Vietnam this time and leaves many of these victims literally in the cold because the houses of the poor are mostly the first to break down.
Hi Joshua,
I have been following your blog for several months now, like Lynne I feel I was led here. This post interested me so much that I went straight to amazon uk, read an excerpt from the book and ordered a copy, I now eagerly await its arrival.
On the 23rd of January this year, my long term partner died. In the months leading up to and following his death I had some very strange experiences, which seem to have taken me to a new level of awareness.
The small part I read from the book reflected a message I was given, it talked of “release your need to control this soul”, when I actually stopped trying to control what was happening and just accepted the situation, that was when Gods love flowed in and around me, I believe I was kept within the eye of the storm and protected. A lesson for me I guess, about love and letting go.
Thanks for a great website
I am glad that Lynne’s book was able to speak to you, and I am also sorry for the loss of your long-term partner. It seems that even through that tragedy something positive came of it, like Lynne’s situation.
Please feel free to come back and share after you have completed the book. I am sure your comments will bless others going through the same thing. Many thanks for commenting!
I just finished Lynne’s Book and WOW! So much useful wisdom that is easily digested and understood. I was a little skeptical at first when I read that J.M was channeling the voice of God but after reading the first Bolded segment all doubt left my mind. My wife is reading the book now, I firmly believe that if we hold true to what Lynne has written in this book that our little boy (currently, 11.5 months) will grow with God and will be able to avoid the void I felt in my own life before discovering the God within me.
Bless you Josh for leading us to this book, Bless you Lynne for writing it, and Bless you Blake for showing so many the truth of this world.