The Bible is not a book about history, even though there is history in the Bible. Archaeological excavations are made on the basis of information found in the Bible, and ruins are discovered that confirm the expectations. The Bible makes use of this history, however, as a means to explain the process of Man’s involution/descent into the material world, his stay there, and his evolution and ascension out of it again.The same story is told over and over using different metaphors. In other words, the Bible does not give an accurate account of history since that is not its purpose.
The timeline in the Bible is not always linear. In many instances it takes the form of recurring cycles, sometimes intersecting with each other. Occasionally the whole process of consciousness’s descent, evolution, and ascension is emphasized in a ‘point,’ a summary of one word or image, which gives the impression that at the end of one story the spiritual evolution of man’s soul has been completed, but then another part of the story begins and the story of consciousness’s descent, evolution, and ascension is being told all over again.
Actually the Bible starts with such an announcement, or a ‘point,’ as can be seen in the first two words of Genesis:
‘Beresjit bara’, in the beginning created … It has been interpreted as ‘with a beginning created …’, or even as: ‘with a point created …’
- In numbers it is written as: 2-200-1– 300-10-400 2-200-1
The ‘point’ here is: 2-200-1:
- 2 involution in the world of duality
- 200 the point of the greatest distance from the world of unity and oneness and the
the pinnacle of separation
- 1 return to oneness
In principle that could be all. The whole process of consciousness’s descent, evolution, and ascent is announced and explained. Finished! But it is only the beginning and the story continues.
A little further on in Genesis we see such a ‘point’ again, when God puts Adam to sleep so He can remove a rib in order to create a woman—or so I thought as a child. But this image of God putting Adam to sleep is the ‘point’ in which the whole process of sleep, the ‘tardema,’ is described, which immediately afterwards starts to unravel. (By ‘sleep’ we mean the soul of man’s descent into matter).
At the end of the story of Adam and Eve we see another such ‘point,’ when Adam is 130 years old, which points to the thirteen of Oneness and Love, and Eve gives birth to Seth (completion of the process) and then mysteriously vanishes, meaning that Adam and Eve have become one again. This is confirmed by the fact that Adam alone lived another 800 years and got sons and daughters. Have you ever wondered why the rest of Adam’s life isn’t mentioned even though he lives another 800 years? Esoterically, it isn’t necessary. The completion of the process takes Adam out of the story and it then continues with Cain and Seth.
In Genesis chapter 22 we see the same thing happen again in the story in which God commands Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Here the ‘point’ is a whole story, as we shall see.
In his article “Why did God ask Abraham to sacrifice Isaac?,” Joshua already explained the principle of the First, Second, and Third Logos, all being One. This also applies to Abraham. In this story Abraham, the ram and Isaac are one but still have to fuse together completely.
It is the story of Consciousness – which had descended into the world of matter to gain awareness – being put to the final test before rising up again with awareness gained.
Although on the surface it looks differently, this is the point where Abraham begins to leave the story (in the next chapter his wife, Sara, his female and physical side, dies) and shortly after that Isaac takes over the storyline in his own right, whereas esoterically in the storyline of his father Isaac was a part of him. Abraham lives on then on another conscious level, just like Adam did.
Joshua compared the sacrifice of Isaac to the crucifixion of Jesus and made clear that it is the same story. It is our story. The same is true for the story of the Exodus from Egypt and because I found elements from this story in the story about the sacrifice of Isaac, I would like to explain a little about the Exodus from Egypt first.
Egypt, the country, both present and past, has nothing whatsoever to do with the esoteric meaning of the Hebrew name ‘Mitsrajim,’ nor do the historical pharaohs have anything to do with the esoteric meaning of the word ‘par’oh,’ even if the people of Israel once lived in Egypt for a time.
The Hebrew word ‘Mitsrajim,’ is a metaphor for the world of duality. It has the grammatical form of a dualis (which in Hebrew describes things of which there are two, like hands, feet, eyes, ears etc.) It is written as:
- 40-90-200-10-40
- 40: from beginning to end this is the world of the ego and emotions.
- 90-200: this can be read as ‘tsura’, form, but also as ‘tsara’, troubles, suffering.
- It is the world of the deepest point of descent into matter and also of enslavement and addiction (400), which is not written in the word ‘Mitsrajim’ itself but implied by the number of years that the people of Israel are said to have lived there, as well as by the story told about those years.
- 10: as promised, God is always there with us.
When Israel (esoterically mankind), has finally realized that it has become a slave of its ego and cries to God for help, the following is what they have to do before God can deliver them from their slavery. They have to prove their willingness to undertake action in order to overcome their addiction. And this is where we will find similarities with Abraham’s sacrifice.
They will have to kill – ‘sjachat,’ in Hebrew, the same verb as used in Abraham’s story – a lamb. ‘Sjachat’ is 300-8-9.
- 300 the divine process of involution – stay in the world of matter – evolution.
- 8 the oil that anoints the messiah, that will lead us upwards again.
- 9 the birth of the new world of higher awareness the messiah will lead us into.
Next Israel will have to strike the blood of this lamb on the doorposts of their houses in order to prevent the Angel of Death from entering their house when all the firstborn in ‘Mitsrajim’ will be killed (which is of course also a metaphor).
- Blood is ‘dam,’ 4-40.
- Door is ‘delet,’ = the character dalet (4).
- Huis is ‘bajit,’ = the character bet (2).
- The verb to strike is not used in Hebrew; instead it says: to give, ‘natan,’ 50-400-50.
All in all it says to give the 4 and the 40 to the 4 of the 2. A summary in words is as follows:
If you wish to escape from this enslavement/addiction (400), you must promise to leave (give, 50-400-50) your addiction to material things (4) and your hanging on to your emotions (40) behind in the world of matter (4) and duality (2). By giving this intention, you will safely surround your slavery (400) with higher awareness (50) and then you can be delivered from this world of slavery. Of course you will have to address the matter of processing these emotions, forgiving others and yourself, letting go of fear, hatred, and judgment, and taking responsibility again for your life, later in the ‘desert’. It is a long process of ‘forty’ years and more.
With all this in mind, let us return to Abraham. We had already concluded that this story is really about Abraham and not about Isaac as such, as in this stage he is a part of Abraham that still has to be integrated.
Abraham is being put to the test for the initiation of ascension and enlightenment here. All the words that are being used in Hebrew point to that. God tells Abraham to go to the mountain Moriah. The name of this mountain has been explained as the mountain where God is seen. However, this name contains also the word ‘mar’, bitter, which would make it God’s bitterness. It points to raising awareness, (climbing a mountain always does in the Bible) but also to a difficult process during the initiation.
At the third day Abraham saw the mountain. The third day is an expression of the ancient mystery cults and it says that the time of initiation is there. Abraham takes his son, the wood (literally trees), the fire and the knife and then they start climbing the mountain.
This going upwards (in conscious awareness) however is also mentioned in the term to bring a burnt offering. In Hebrew it says: ‘le ha’alot le ola.’ The word “fire” is not mentioned at all in this term but it is in the story and I think it points to the fire of the rising Kundalini, which will be the final part of this initiation. Twice we see here the word ‘al’, which means upwards (think of El Al). So literally it says something like: make him go up as what goes up. Make him ascend.
As I already said before, Abraham – the ram – and Isaac are one, though not completely integrated yet. So when Abraham and Isaac go up the mountain together, without the lamb, something is missing. This is part of the test. Will Abraham have enough trust to go up without it? Isaac is aware of it too and asks the famous question: where is the lamb? He also trusts Abraham when he answers that God will provide it, so they both stand the test. Immediately afterwards it says: and they went both of them together (Gen. 22:6). In Hebrew it says: ‘jachdav,’ which contains ‘jichud,’ unity. They both of them became one.
When they arrive at the appointed spot, Abraham builds an altar and puts the wood on it. The wood is the trees that figured so much in the creation stories. The trees that produced the fruits which had to be eaten, absorbed and digested. Now Abraham places Isaac on top of this wood and lifts him above the trees. Again a word containing ‘al’ is used. The phase of having to take in and absorb has passed, but not everything that was absorbed has been completely digested/processed yet. Remember Jesus on the cross, who lets go of his last negative feelings towards those who had crucified him and prayed for them.
Abraham takes the knife in order to kill Isaac. The verb is ‘sjachat,’ as I described already before. It is the divine but bitter process (300) that produces the oil (8) to anoint the messiah and gives birth (9) to higher awareness.
The knife is ‘ma’achelet’, 40-1-20-30-400
We find here the verb ‘achal,’ to eat/digest, right in the middle of 40- . -400, ‘met,’ which means dead, but also the world of ego and slavery.
The knife is the process of digesting every last trace of this world, as Jesus did, before being able to leave it and finally ascend. As Isaac does not resist and consciously takes part in this process, it is completed immediately in the story. This is confirmed by the fact that in Gen. 22:12 he is no longer called son, ‘ben’, but ‘na’ar,’ which in other places in the Bible is mostly translated as servant or young man. In this place some of the translations keep to ‘son’ and others say ‘boy’ but they do not see a reason for this change. The reason however is that the character of Isaac has changed by this initiation. He has become ‘na’ar’, 50-70-200, ‘50-er’. He is awake and is ready for the state of higher awareness.
And then a voice from heaven calls and the ram appears. It is caught with its horns in the thicket. It is the soul that is entwined in matter and duality, as Joshua says. This explains why it was still missing. It could not get up the mountain on its own.
The horns explain why it is a ram and not a lamb this time. A lamb does not have horns and the horns are the decisive factor here.
In one of my comments to this blog I have already explained once that a horn is ‘keren,’ 350. We keep meeting this number. 350 is 3½. It is the halfway point and the deepest point of the soul’s descent into the world of matter and the spiritual evolutionary cycle. And because of these horns the ram is stuck and cannot free himself, just like the people of Israel in ‘Mitsrajim.’ So God intervenes to get the process going again. When the eight is added to the number of the horn, the kundalini serpent, which is lying there in 3½ coils, can be anointed and turn into the messiah (358) and the process completed by the birth (9) of higher awareness. And that is what Abraham does now.
Abraham uses the knife of the final processing on the ram by freeing it from the thicket and killing (transforming) it by the divine process of producing the oil (8) for the anointment of the messiah (his Gethsemane and crucifixion, as we remember the pressure that is needed for this). In this way the final phase on earth of ascension and the birth of higher awareness begins for Abraham. Now he is a complete trinity again that is One and fully integrated and in balance.
Hi Anny!
I’ve never commented before, but I just wanted to thank you for this post. Where do you learn all the numerology? Is there a book you recommend?
While I’m here I would like to say a big thank you to Joshua for sharing his extensive knowledge.
Individually, you are each a tremendous force for good in the world, but together you are formidable – in the best possible way!
Thank you to all of the other commentators. I learn so much from you too. You are my cyber-church.
I tell everyone who will listen about this site.
Many blessings to all.
You are certainly welcome!
Hi Sheila,
Thank you very much for your comment. In order to be able to reach people it is necessary to receive a certain amount of feedback to see if things are explained clearly enough or not.
We are talking about things here that are almost impossible to put into words, and for me it is not a knowledge that I have studied extensively and as such know already but every time again it is a journey of discovery, making an intuitive use of some background knowledge, like languages I studied in school (and for this subject knowledge of Hebrew and even Greek is of course a plus) and the few things I remember from books I have read.
To me these few things are like triggers to remembering a vast knowledge which we all already have. It is just that we left it behind when we incarnated and now we only have to remember it, to re-member it, like some people say. To make it a part of our reality again. The things that make me remember may be totally different to the things that might make you remember. I think the most important thing is to be openminded and see what other people have to offer but never change your truth on someone else’s say so. Your intuition is very important here, trust that.
My trigger proved to be understanding a book about Hebrew numerology and other symbols by prof. Friedrich Weinreb. I do not know if any of his books have been translated into English though and he already died a lot time ago. It took me years however to find out by coincidence that I could do something with what I had learned. And I use only very little of what he taught after all, but started to have the courage to give my own interpretation to things and add other meanings that came intuitively into my awareness.
It really means that I am not telling you what I have known for a long time already when I write an article or a comment but often what I have just discovered. There is always something new, especially in combination with Joshua’s knowledge.
We are all on a journey of discovery together, and when we share our findings, they might prove to be a trigger for someone else, like Joshua’s are for me nowadays. And so we can grow together.
Thank you Joshua and Anny, and for reminding me about Prof. Weinreb, Anny. You’ve mentioned him before, and I’m always meaning to see what more I can find out about him, but have never got around to it yet. I understand what you are saying – about intellect and intuition, the amazing synchronicity of the Whole, and each of us weaving our particular thread into the divine tapestry, as it were. It’s great to be on this journey and sharing it with so many good people. Blessings!
Hi Sheila,
Thank you for your reply. If you find anything about Prof. Weinreb, please let me know because more people have been asking me about it and I do not know. I have not really looked in his books recently though and the few times I did I noticed that often I reach totally different conclusions than he did at the time, which however does not mean at all that either he or I are wrong but that there is so much wisdom to discover. I think that the fact that I am limited to such a small part of the tools available to him, cause me to go deeper into that part whereas he gives a broader overview of everything.
Yes, the combination of intellect and intuition and seeing synchronicity and patters is amazing and the image of weaving a divine tapestry together is beautiful! I have heard that before long ago and the person who said that highlighted also the importance of the dark threads in the tapestry that are part of the whole and enhance its beauty!
Blessings to you too!
Hi Anny!
When I Googled Professor Weinreb, it came up with a professor of law in America. But if you type in “Friedrich Weinreb Hebrew Numerology” the first two posts that come up are from Spirit of the Scripture! Yay! His books are still available on Amazon. I could only see one in English – “Chance, the Hidden Lord: The Amazing Scroll of Esther.” It’s £50 used. It’s such a pity that I’ve already put my Christmas order in! Mmmmm. We’ll see! We’ll soon have to move out to make room for the books!
Lots of love and many blessings!
Hi Sheila,
Thanks for informing me. It is a pity that there is only one available in English. I know the book you mention. It is one of the four I possess. I do not know how many books he has written.
It is a good book, but not the one I would have chosen to start with. The Hidden Lord really means that the Name of God in not mentioned anywhere in the whole book of Esther, except in Esther herself, which means I shall hide Myself. Esther is the future tense of the verb to hide. God is present in a hidden way.
This subject in itself is very interesting, but the book I learned from first and most is called, translated from the Dutch title: the Bible as Creation. Meaning the Bible, the Thora actually, is the blueprint of creation. This format was for me the best way to learn about the principle. The other books are interesting in their own way.
Since the book you mentioned was a used one, who knows, maybe the other one will be on sale again also at one time or another. If the book about Esther has been translated into English, I cannot imagine that the one about the Bible as Creation has not been.
If you succeed in tracing one and if you have to choose between the two, I would advise you to buy that one.
Thank you so much Anny.
Hi anny,
going from your recent post (March 2015) to here. What strikes me most (at this moment) is following : ‘Next Israel will have to strike the blood of this lamb on the doorposts of their houses in order to prevent the Angel of Death from entering their house when all the firstborn in ‘Mitsrajim’ will be killed (which is of course also a metaphor).’.
To me it means we have to ground our bodhi (house) with a grounding rod (blood = red chakra) or else destroying forces (= angel of death) will enter and confuse the mind (both lower and ‘higher’). In that way our intentions, initial plans (= firstborn) will be protected from death.
Protecting our House I would call the laying of the foundation. The proper functioning of the lower 3 chakra’s will help us making our yoke a bit lighter (:)).
Many people that suffer can be compared to a stranded and deserted boat, laying to beach.
The boat is no longer watertight (with holes in the hull) so water can come in at will, and the people are drowned in the water (emotion).
The people that can help us with that offer the bitter medicine. The teachers we tend to listen to offer the sweet solutions (and those will bond us).
The rest of your wonderful contribution will have to go under the pillow. I am now reading some ‘gnostic’ text, referring to Genesis. And my mind is full of question marks ????.
Thank you,
anny should read Anny
I have just started “back-reading” some of your blogs, and am finding them very interesting, they are “pulling” at parts of my brain.
One question I have for you revolves around the theme of numbers…..recently I have been noticing streams of numbers constantly catching my attention (more than the norm). Say… “222” or “321” or “111” etc. over and over. Have you experienced anything like this? Is there an article you might point me towards?
Laura, my forte is not numbers. They are definitely a key to understanding the Bible, but I have never committed myself to the study of how except very briefly. The person to discuss this with is Anny. Would you like me to ask her if she is interested in talking with you about this?
Hello Laura,
Browsing through the new set up of the blog in which I could finally find my articles all together, in order to see if there happened to be comments I had not seen yet, I found this request of yours. Josh suggested to contact me because I work with numbers but this kind of numbers I personally am also not acquainted with.
However it also intrigues me as during the last few weeks I also repeatedly saw them whenever I returned from the bathroom during the night. Therefor I decided to search on the internet and found the link beneath. In case you still are interested in it, it is there for you to use. And there are more links to find by only typing the numbers in the search machine.
Now I only hope that you get to see this reply!
Being the devil’s advocate is not a job to be envious about. It is also not what i aiming for.
But recent global events and the forthcoming death of my wife’ older brother made me go over the posts of the ‘angel of death’
And i found this blog.
It is my belief that events asociated with the threat of THE corona-virus are linked to or can be attributed to the ‘angel of death’.
So please take care of the base chakra.
Hi Leo,
I was surprised to find the notification of your comment in my mailbox this morning; a comment that proved to be a follow-up to your comment of five years ago, and to an article of mine of more than six years ago which I first had to look up in order to find out what you were referring to.
I never quite knew what to do with the symbol of the angel of death and I still don’t know what to think of it. In any case I do not take it literally. I believe that this corona virus has more to do with human action – whether or not intentionally – though than with an angel of any kind. In Vietnam they they try to prevent people from catching this disease by cancelling all events where many people come together and by keeping all schools etc. closed. My grandson has not been to school since early January and children do not play outside or visit friends. The result is that relatively few people have been infected.
I am sorry to hear about your brother-in-law’s health situation and wish you all strength in this situation. Indeed I know this kind of situation myself in our family.
And thank you for your advice about the base chakra. That is indeed my weakest point and it might be so for more spiritually inclined people.
Actually contrary to common believe life threatening virusses can be countered by a determined mind/ body connection.
‘angel of death’ in the case of the corona-virus is the deliberate change by the media. They changed ‘newly found variant of’ into ‘deadly’. And there started the roller coaster. The news went viral and with it the virus.
Apparently it is not clear to searchers of the truth that the body is endowned with a projector. That projector emits indiscriminately the current emotional state of its owner, the human in question. And by doing so creates its outward world, which is then seen by the two treacherous eyes. Thus incomplete one creates incomplete.
Turning a blind eye to uncomfortable events in one life do not make them go away. On the contrary these things move underground and arise ‘unexpectably’. And then the world outside is cruel.
My 2 cents.
I know it is uncommon to relate to real life events, but i just did . . .