The Bible is a book of allegory. It is a book of symbols, but the intriguing thing about it is that it interprets its own symbols, so we never have to be in the dark about the meaning of Biblical symbols. One of the reasons the Bible is such a voluminous work is that its truths are hidden like pearls in the heart of the earth. One must dig for the hidden treasures within its pages. “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.” (Prov. 25:2). The secrets of the Kingdom are concealed, or hidden, within the scriptures. You must search them out. But how do you do that? You can never understand them simply by reading them, because to read them literally is to read them naturally, and you cannot understand the scriptures reading them naturally. “But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Cor. 2:14). Indeed, ALL of the “things of God” are to be spiritually discerned. This includes the scriptures.
The way in which the Bible is written is extremely fascinating. It is written in such a way that its truths are “hidden from the wise and prudent, and revealed unto babes” (Matt. 11:25; Luke 10:21). How is it possible that a spiritual work of this nature can be hidden from a select group (the wise and prudent) while being revealed to a select group (babes)? Isn’t it right there, open for all to see? Are not its words open to all of our ears?
Scripture says that to the multitudes, Jesus speaks in parables and “without a parable spake he not unto the people, but when they were alone he expounded all things to his disciples” (Mark 4:34). The Bible is a spiritual work written to the multitudes. It is readily available to everyone who wants to read it. And yet, it is clear that there is mass confusion in our world as to the true meaning and intent. Is it to be taken literally? Is it all allegory? Is God a just God? Is He truly Omnipotent? If God is real, why does he allow sickness, disease, wars, etc.? The questions go on and on.
So how do we get at the truth? Many have come to the conclusion that trying to understand the scriptures represents an exercise in futility. While on the surface that may seem to be true, the scriptures themselves tell us that “strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it” (Matt. 7:14).
It is the Christ that opens our minds to the understanding of the scriptures (Luke 24:45). But how does he do that? I’m glad you asked that question.
What constitutes a true disciple of Christ? What makes you a “chosen one?” For “many are called, but few are chosen.” Luke 18 contains the answer to this question:
(7) And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them? (Luke 18:7 KJV)
The elect, or chosen, ones are simply those who cry out to God day and night. This doesn’t mean all day and all night in the literal sense. Day and night in scriptures symbolize good times and bad times. In other words, we are constantly in “communion” with “God.” But how do we get to that state? Can we simply will ourselves there?
Prayer and Meditation
It is critical to understand here that Christ is the power and wisdom of God (1 Cor. 1:24). This power and wisdom is within you. YOU are the temple of God (1 Cor. 3:16), which means YOU are the house of God (Heb. 3:6), and the house of God is the Church of God (1 Tim. 3:15). YOU are the church. Christ comes in YOUR flesh, and greater is he that is IN YOU than he that is in the world (1 John 4:2-4). YOU are where Christ dwells, and where Christ shall rule when he is resurrected within you (“… he dwelleth with you, and shall be IN YOU” – John 14:17). Christ is the head of the church, and it is Christ IN YOU that is your hope of glory (Col. 1:27). Paul “labors in travail until Christ be formed IN YOU. This is the great mystery of Biblical marriage, which has nothing to do with a relationship between a physical man and woman. Biblical marriage constitutes the relationship between man and Christ – ONE FLESH. The two shall become one flesh – not two, but one. “This is a mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the Church” (Eph. 5:32).
So once again, what does it mean to be a disciple of Christ? Well, if Christ is WITHIN YOU, then that is where you have to go to meet him. This implies meditation. Let me explain.
Christ is the head of the church. In scripture, contrary to popular opinion and belief (due to the natural reading of the scriptures), it is not the man (Adam) that represents mankind, but the woman. Adam is the first Christ, and thus Christ is the second Adam. Thus, when the scriptures are speaking to the woman, they are actually speaking to man. It is critical to understand this, because the central theme of the Bible is the marriage of Christ (the “inner man”) (Eph. 3:16) and “mankind” (the woman of Revelation 12).
Now notice 1 Timothy 2:11-12:
(11) Let the woman learn IN SILENCE with all subjection. (12) But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but TO BE IN SILENCE. (1 Tim. 2:11-12 KJV) (emphasis mine)
He who has ears to hear, let him hear. This scripture is not addressing natural man and woman. The woman here is man. The man here is Christ, who is the head of the church. When we go into the church, we (the woman) subject ourselves to our head – Christ!
Now notice the phrase “to be in silence,” because we are going to be coming back to it shortly. This phrase is absolutely critical, because we are going to “church” to “hear the Word of God.” And what is this Word of God? It is Christ. Again, notice:
And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. (Rev. 19:13)
We always think of the scriptures as the Word of God, but this is a grave error. Indeed, it is Christ who is the “Word of God”, and this Christ, this Word, is IN YOU.
Now Jesus’ disciples had witnessed him going off for long periods of time to pray. They asked him to “teach us to pray.” What is very interesting here is that he gives them a 30 second prayer. “Our Father, who art in heaven ….”
Probably not what the disciples had in mind.
The answer actually lies in the instructions he gave before he actually gave them the words to speak.
(6) But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. (Mat 6:6 KJV)
The word “door” in scripture means the “door of your lips”:
(3) Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips. (Psa 141:3 KJV)
(5) Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide: keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom. (Mic 7:5 KJV)
The word “closet” in scripture means “storehouse” or “secret chamber.”
(26) Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, [he is] in the secret chambers; believe [it] not. (Mat 24:26 KJV)
(24) Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God feedeth them: how much more are ye better than the fowls? (Luk 12:24 KJV)
This “storehouse” is a reference to the “Holy of Holies” within you. Once again, we are dealing with the language of scripture here, and all of it is spiritual. The scriptures are amazingly consistent in the definitions of its symbols. For example, the word “door” (H1817 and G2374 in Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance) doesn’t mean something different in Genesis than it does in Revelation. Once you find the meaning of a symbol in scripture, you can be assured that it means the same throughout.
You are the temple of God. You are the church of God. The door of the temple symbolizes the entrance to the sanctuary, and it is your mouth. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who love it shall eat its fruit” (Prov. 18:21).
However, when you go into your “closet” (the “secret chamber” or “church”), you are to “shut your door.” This means close your mouth. You are in the presence of your husband – your head. Once again, notice:
(11) Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. (12) But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. (1 Tim. 2:11-12 KJV)
This is meditation. After you “let your requests be made known to God” (Phil. 4:6), be still and know that I am God. It is in this stillness that God “speaks” to you. But don’t expect to understand it naturally. The natural man cannot understand the things of God. This is where faith comes in. You must believe that Christ is there and that he hears you. However, you don’t need much faith at the outset. Faith as a grain of mustard seed is all that is required. That faith will be watered and nourished and will grow. Beware, however! It is your trials (the “waters of affliction”) that water and nourish the seed that is Christ within you. This is what is meant by the “cross of Christ.” It is important to bear your cross. “Think it not strange concerning the fiery trial that is to try you” (1 Pet. 4:12). Along with meditation, you must WATCH, because the answers to your prayers are going to come in ways that you may not notice, or you may deem them simple coincidence. My experience is that the answers to my prayers NEVER come in ways I am looking for. I have learned to expect the unexpected.
Never neglect to give thanks when answers are forthcoming. This is the praise spoken about in scripture. Even your trials should be met with floods of thanksgiving, with the understanding that nothing you are experiencing is designed to harm you in any way – no matter how severe it may appear – but to perfect you. “I know the plans I have for you says God, plans to prosper you and not to harm you” (Jer. 29:11‑NIV).
Learn to spend quality time in meditation. There is power in stillness. At the outset you will certainly feel as though you are doing nothing, and that it is all a waste of time. Persistence is the key here. Over time, you will begin to notice great changes in yourself. In addition, you will begin to experience a peace that you have never known before. But you’ve got to stay the course. He who endures to the end, the same shall be saved. Combine your requests to God with silence.
Christ is the spirit within (2 Cor. 3:17), and is our intercessor:
(26) Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. (Rom 8:26 KJV)
Indeed, we do not know what to pray for as we ought. This is why we go to church and become silent. Christ within, our head, is our intercessor, and intercedes for us with groanings that you can neither utter nor understand. If all of this sounds foolish (1 Cor. 1:24), it is because the spiritual is foolishness to the natural.
In addition, it is Christ within that opens your mind to the understanding of the scriptures. But you must make yourself a disciple of Christ by following Him, and that means going within, being silent, and allowing him to teach you. Remember, it is Christ IN YOU that is your hope of glory.
Silence. It is the loudest work you will ever do.
For more of my work, please visit my YouTube channel “Decoding Scripture.” I will be adding to this channel at periodic intervals.
This is Paul Young saying, “flee from the crowd and dwell with the Christ within you. Christ IN YOU, your hope of glory.”
Thanks so much for contributing to Spirit of the Scripture. Excellent post! I recommend to all my readers that you check out Paul’s Youtube Channel for a few more great teachings! I’ve known Paul about a year now and as you can see he does and excellent job of weaving scriptures together to give us the greater spiritual meaning. Blessings, Paul, and I hope you’ll contribute more in the future.
Joshua, the pleasure is all mine. I appreciate the opportunity to be of service to your readers, and to contribute to such a valuable cause. Thanks a ton.
Hi Paul,
WOW! I am not sure if you have posted here at SOS before, but I must say this is one of the most powerful and outstanding posts and one that I can certainly attest too personally. I do look forward to visiting “Decoding Scripture” soon!
For those of us here that may have trouble grasping the precepts Paul is sharing with us, read and read again, then contemplate on this post. It will serve you well indeed!
As many of you may know of me I can relate and share my personal journey, which correlates with all of the content here, in this post, I can go back to over 10 years ago, when Paul’s very precepts or the puzzle of Scripture, entered into my being. My sanctuary began to create itself and Spirit began to manifest the beauty of it. One example of this is was going from repetitive
prayer, to silent prayers from the heart, how wondrously the silent words poured forth, after prayer my entire being felt a renewal I had never experienced before, it was a sign for me to continue on this path. Then, other signs appeared, at all times, in many different and incredibly unusual ways, this is a different magical journey for each of us, none are the same, but yet there is that whole feeling of ONENESS! Being at one with the all/God. In fact, there are days when my prayers have been especially pleasing or like music to the heavens and I will be out and about and people will be smiling at me, going out of their way to help me and the very best is a “babe”, with the parent that distinctly makes contact with me, either by a smile or showing me one of their toys, talking to me, etc., it just the best and at this point I know, the confirmation, that my prayer was heard and was so pleasing it passed through the narrow passage and was shared in some way with all of God’s children!
Your intent is of utmost importance during your time in Sanctuary, ego cannot be present during this Sacred time.
Again, my friends, I can only relate the truths you are reading here at Josh’s site are well worth any and all time you may have to contemplate on, in silence and meditation. This I might add will all fall into place naturally and that is why intent crucial.
Thank you again Paul and Josh!
Thanks for your comment sparks. As Ecclesiastes tells us, there is a time to be silent and a time to speak. Scripture also tells us to be “quick to hear, slow to speak ….” There is great power in silence. It is in this silence that OUR power is revealed. I’m glad you found some value in the article.
Thank you all for reading and commenting on the article. The fact that you have been blessed by it is a real blessing to me.
I can attest to the same type of experience, including the smiling infant in a shopping cart as it’s mother passes by at Walmart. Thanks for reminding me. When these things are not happening, I guess it is a symptom of not visiting the sanctuary within,
I love this post here. Meditation is key to connecting to God. It is through silence and listening that we connect to divinity, rather than through always speaking and thinking!
Thanks for your comment Fred.
Paul, after reading your post I feel like the doors to the church have just been opened. Well done. I know I’m going to have to print this one out and read it over again and again. Thank you Joshua for opening the doors to your courageous contributors.
You all are doing a great work.
Thanks, David.
Paul and Joshua,
First…Happy New Year!!! 2014 promises to be great!
Second….I have been following Joshua for almost a year now and find his post eye-opening (or mind-opening) and have been going through my personal journey towards knowing and experiencing God (and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit) for a little over a year. His posts have helped me understand several issues that have come up during this journey.
God really does call and if you say yes to Him, then you do have to be open to whatever He throws your way. For me, it has been more or less a crash course and He knows me so He has led me to read tons of material. Precisely when I was trying to understand what it was to pray in Spirit, Joshua´s posts on meditation came to my attention. After I read a few, I started to understand how prayer and meditation mixed. Soon afterwards, I would be praying aloud and I would literally be shut up…..thoughts and words stopped flowing and I would feel unable to move, almost as if paralyzed. A short while later the concept “Centering prayer” was made known to me and a very interesting book was brought to my attention….right out of the apparent blue, of course. It made me understand why I needed to keep quiet (close the door) and why I felt this “paralysis”.
Centering Prayer is quite like what you have posted, Paul. It is meditation, it is communion in Spirit, it is faith-filled and faith-inducing. And it definitely leads to what you say, after perseverance. It literally changes you, it transforms you, and you don´t even realize it until you do. And, as you say, it may bring amazing and incredible experiences, really. Some readers may find the book I read quite interesting and informative. It is called “Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening” by Cynthia Bourgeault.
Paul, thank you for posting this; it was concise, clear…..and true.
Joshua, thank you for all your work.
Rebeca, thanks a ton for sharing your experiences. As I reminisce, I have to credit meditation with where I am in my personal journey at this time. At one time, I really didn’t think it was working, and I shared this with Josh back in 2012. As I look back now, I can certainly see that the many, many hours of meditation I have spent over the years have yielded much fruit, and for that I am eternally grateful.
My pleasure. Thanks for sharing. I look forward to all the growth we can all share together this new year. Blessings!
Hello Paul,
It is nice to see a new contributor to the website! It is always good to see esoteric interpretations coming from all sides; it gives relief and balance to the whole.
I have read your article and although you approach it differently than I do, I feel that we reach almost the same conclusions. Which to me proves that we at least go in the right direction. Combined with all the valuable comments it gives us all the possibility for tremendous spiritual growth.
Thank you for your contribution to this and I hope we will see more of them. I will check out your You Tube channel as well.
Best wishes for this coming year,
Thank you so much, Anny. I have read some of your posts on this blog, and I truly appreciate your viewpoints, as well as your passion and energy. I believe that when all is said and done, the life of Christ is, IN TOTALITY, all about unconditional love. In fact, the entire law of God hangs on unconditional love. My interpretation of that is simply loving ALL people THROUGH our differences, and that includes loving those who may not love you back. It takes power to do this. I truly believe that when the scriptures say that “the Kingdom of God comes with power,” this principally means the power to love unconditionally, and unconditionally means without regard to differences of any kind. Scripture says “LOVE NEVER FAILS.” Diversity is the spice of life. If we could all learn to love without judgment, what a world this would become. I believe it is entirely possible, and one of my main objectives is to be an instrumental tool in making that happen.
Hi Paul,
Thank you for your reply. I do agree with you for one hundred percent on this one!
After I study for awhile to prepare an article on the Enneagram, which JOsh has encouraged me to eventually post it on this website, you may better understand why individuals developing higher consciousness in Christ sense they are going in the same direction, and why we are able to learn from each other even though we come to the “Christ within” from different starting points. Our spiritual progress is accelerated when we become able to understand each others experiences through each others eyes (or biases). Some would say our eternal soul would not have to reincarnate in different personalities when we reach the level where we can “step into” each others’ skin (personalities) and learn each others’ lessons (and experience each others’ amazement) through each others’ eyes. Then the Christ within becomes the Christ coming in the clouds (acting from our collective experience). The other point of view not quite like our own will no longer seem as foreign.
After I study for awhile to prepare an article on the Enneagram, which JOsh has encouraged me to eventually post it on this website, you may better understand why individuals developing higher consciousness in Christ sense they are going in the same direction, and why we are able to learn from each other even though we come to the “Christ within” from different starting points. Our spiritual progress is accelerated when we become able to understand each others experiences through each others eyes (or biases). Some would say our eternal soul would not have to reincarnate in different personalities when we reach the level where we can “step into” each others’ skin (personalities) and learn each others’ lessons (and experience each others’ amazement) through each others’ eyes. Then the Christ within becomes the Christ coming in the clouds (acting from our collective experience). The other point of view not quite like our own will no longer seem as foreign. The church is both a product of the individual temple and the collective of individuals (the assembly or Ecclessia as scripture describes ), of which the religious institutions on the lower material plane are but a type and foreshadowing, an earthly copy of the heavenly.
Hello Robert,
I agree with you about what you write. I experience it as an enormous enrichment when other people come to more or less the same conclusion as I do, coming from another side. It gives relief to the whole and proves that there are memory triggers everywhere, if only we keep our eyes open. I love it.
I look forward to seeing your article about the Enneagram. I have nothing against it. It is just that I have my own way of doing things which works for me but other things work better for other people. It is great that there are so many ways; the more the better as long as they all lead to the same goal.
Hi Robert,
This is so beautifully described!! Thank you
Like Anny, I too am very much looking forward to reading your article…
Paul and Joshua,
Paul, thank you for posting your article. It is so clearly written and has answered many questions for me as well as other readers, I’m sure. I felt excitement, a spark of energy, a real connection as I was reading. Every nugget of Truth I find in articles such as you have written here, I treasure and hold dearly, knowing that there is much more to come, and you have backed your information up with scripture rather than your opinion or experience. I hope you will continue sharing your thoughts and insights with people like myself who become very excited finding information like you have presented here. You are a remarkable writer. I will print this article, place it in my notebook and read it over and over again.
Another question was answered for me when I read the last sentence of your article: “flee from the crowd and dwell with the Christ within you. Christ IN YOU, your hope of glory”. I read this statement at the appropriate time, just when I needed it.
Paul, thank you again for your article as it has given me much to think about. I am looking forward to reading many more of your articles as I come here, at least, two or three times a day.
And to Josh……..
Josh, Thank you for your many articles. I’m so glad I found you. I appreciate the “great work” you are doing here and for being the conduit in which wisdom and knowledge flows.
Wishing you ALL the BEST of all things possible in 2014 and beyond…
Sue, I am thrilled that you found value in the article. Thank you so much for commenting.
Thanks for being a Part of the Spirit of the Scripture. It’s comments like yours that give me valuable feedback and let me know where the Spirit of the Scripture must go in the New Year.
Paul u did a great job here! You lined up all the scriptures to portray this message in such an easy to grasp fashion. Wonderful write up, I will check out ur youtube.
Thank you so much for your comments, JB.
Thank you so much.
You are very welcome, Sheila.
Great timing for me, I have been gravitating lately to this who!e theme, reading much of George Fox who indured much for this message. This helped to give me some clarity, thanks.
Mike S
You are very welcome, Mike. I’m glad it helped.
Paul, Thanks for the nuggets of wisdom shared here.
You’re welcome, Raymon.
Hi All!
Paul’s article has been such a success here at SOS, and everyone has such been given such positive reinforcement! Thank you again Paul…
There are so many dis-eases today which I believe are part of our totality of being dis-connected or not in tune with Spirit, with high blood pressure/heart dis-ease being one of the most prevalent in our society/nation especially.
I found this article which I wanted to share with everyone here as Meditation not only helping us Spiritually, but also has an amazing and much needed physical benefit.
New Medicine is on the horizon as studies like this are confirming 🙂
Love, Sparks
Thanks for this, Sparks. Meditation is indeed an amazing practice, and I must admit to having doubts at one point about it, even as I was engaging the practice for quite lengthy periods of time (three hours a day at one point a few years ago). Thankfully, the doubts have all been erased. Believe it or not, it was my scriptural studies that have reinforced my belief in meditation, even though I have read the works of many of the Indian Swamis (Vivekananda, Sivananda, Yatiswarananda, etc.). I am speaking to those of you who don’t see meditation in the Bible.
Thanks again, Sparks.
Please Paul can you answer a question for me?
When we pray who are we praying to? Our higher self ? Our Christ consciousness ? Are we asking our divine consciousness for the things which we wish to have ?
Please can you clarify for me.
Many thanks.
Hi Stevie:
The essence of prayer is not “who” you’re praying to, but what you’re praying for. The fact is, we’re all blind in our natural states, and as Romans 8:26 states, “we do not know how to pray as we ought.” The essence of authentic prayer can be found in Psalms 27:4: “One [thing] have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple.” YOU are the temple of God. YOU are the house of God. YOU are where God dwells.
What I have learned to do is to take all of my requests for spiritual understanding inside. This is what is meant by “worship.” I highly recommend this process for everyone. You won’t realize its power until you do it and stay with it until the answers are forthcoming. Sacrifice the sheep (the follower mentality) and go directly to the source (inside yourself), without worrying about who it is you’re praying to. Just ask for mercy. Ask for revelation of who and what God is and “wait on the Lord” for your answers. Study the Psalms to see what the Psalmists did when they did not receive answers to their prayers (blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted), and follow suit. Unanswered prayer is the greatest power we have to awaken the spirit within us because unanswered prayer produces fervency, but when we decide to seek our answers outside of ourselves, not willing to “wait on the Lord,” we lose the powerful opportunity offered by unanswered prayer (trial and tribulations, our greatest allies) to awaken the power within us. We cannot manufacture fervency, and this is the reason why our tribulations are so powerful in “seeking God” (1 Pet. 4:12). A prayer as simple as “be merciful to me” has great power. Honesty, sincerity and humility are also important attributes. When we feel better than, or more than, others, we hold the power at bay. Love is the be-all and the end-all. Also, praying for others is one of the most powerful things you can do for yourself.
Remember, Job did not “see” God until he was brought through his adversities, when he exclaimed “I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear, but now mine eye seeth thee” (Job 42:5).
In short, I cannot (nor can any human being) answer your question the way the power and wisdom of God within you can, and it always seeks communication with you. It also seeks to give you your hearts desire (Ps. 37:4) if you will delight yourself in it. It will feel lonely at first — like being in a wilderness — and that is precisely what it is. In a wilderness you are lost and don’t know where you are. That is precisely our state in the flesh. This is what faith is all about.
I hope all this makes sense. Please follow up if you need further clarification on anything.
Stevie and Paul,
Different cultures use different mechanisms to pray, but they all involve (1) focus, (2) intensity, and (3) expectant confidence to be effective.
The Christian exoteric mechanism uses focusing on the person of Christ Jesus, who is worthy to be a mediator between material man and the spiritual All, to induce confidence that the prayer has broken through to the spiritual plane. This is the temporary remedy that exoterics have to use until they awaken to the Christ within.
The secret esoteric code behind this is that when the Christ consciousness is awakened and activated by crucifying the ego, the Christ within becomes the new mediator, in tune with the spirit of Christ permeating the universe, in which you may now have confidence.
Mk 11:24 “Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you.”
If your ego is crucified, then you need only consciously intend the desired change that is in tune with the universe and you will sense a confidence that it will occur. You will not have to manufacture your own confidence (name it and claim it).
Fervency helps the focusing process to tune in. Later on, in moments when you have slipped in varying degrees from Christ consciousness, you may have doubts that your intention will manifest, so that is a good time to mentally and emotionally exert persistence in believing you have received what was initially affirmed in your spirit.
We all started out as exoterics, so the exoteric formula seems comfortable to us. As we transition to the esoteric, the exoteric formula might be used in a metaphorical sense (I am praying to Jesus as a metaphor which more accurately symbolizes the Christ within). It really sounds stupid to say I am praying to myself. You are not praying to your ego. You are activating the Christ within.
Later on, you may be able to skip both the literal and symbolic formula, and simply intend a change when you are in tune with the spirit.
The same idea of transition from exoteric to esoteric applies to worship as well as prayer.
Stevie’s question was an excellent one, and one which I have struggled with for over a year. I have a way of understanding it now. I don’t know if I explained well.
Paul’s response is right on. Suffering is often a catalyst to induce fervency (Jonah in the Wale, Job’s Trials, etc.) and to awaken or further activate the Christ within. It does not have to be the only catalyst. For instance, compassion is another catalyst. Faith in principles is another. Desire to raise the vibration of the universe is another.
Paul, Robert & Stevie,
Perfection in prayer and meditation is certainly an evolving body of our consciousness.
How we prayed 10 years ago, is not how we here at SOS are praying today.
Prayer is all encompassing, Stevie, we can be in a state of prayer and not even be consciously aware of it, its more of an awareness, a sense of peace. Sometimes I actually think our soul is praying even when we are not. If your intent is pure, the soul is then commanded by you to pray, you have opened the cup to be filled.
Am also in agreement with Robert, on” intent”, although in my heart for prayer to be truly authentic would be “right intent” and this may require slicing through the many layers of ego and self serving.
And Paul you do address the acts of patience, faith and putting others first. my prayers for others I have no doubt has helped me, although I did not include myself, the mysterious reward “for it is in giving that we receive”
and guess what else? You always have prayer, no one can ever take that away, you can do it anywhere and anytime, for whomever, its free, and our most precious and powerful of all heavenly gifts!
Prayer gives and cultivates the life of the Spirit and Soul.
I agree with everything you say… except maybe your not praying for your own needs. For myself I would not think it is egotistical to use spiritual tools to keep my body the temple from decaying or malfunctioning. I am supposed to be a good steward of the body given to me. The bible instructs me to pray for my needs. When I find I am blocked by circumstances, I know by now after I get over being freaked out that it is a signal for me to let go of something old and reach out for something new that the spirit is leading me to. It’s an opportunity for growth.
But I guess I can understand having a quiet confidence that the universe will take of me. On the other hand I would think there is a difference between not worrying (like the birds of the air) and not being assertive (like the 8 spies of the 10 who chose not to conquer). The reward came to the two who were ready for something new. I hope you are getting something out of this, because I sure am :).
Since being guided to SOS, there has not been one article, one comment, not one, that I have not gleaned something good for my heart and soul as a special treasure.
Everyone here has been part of my lifeline.
And most importantly, I see and recognize that I am the other person, all of you as part of myself.
Pure Love flows through these pages and words, out of the computer and into your heart!
Thank you to all for the gifts you have given me…
With Love,
I am so very grateful for this blog, but I’m sure I’m even more grateful for the comments. I am not alone!
I’ve been all over this world wide web, and have felt very isolated and alone trying to discern right teachings. I can see things being worked-out here and finally feel the connectedness that I know is real.
Thanks to all.
Hi Dan,
Wow, that is a super-fine compliment for all of us here, thank you for taking the time to express your delight in finding SOS!
Welcome aboard! and always feel free to jump in and join us with your ideas and questions.
SOS has been my lifeline, and you definitely will never feel alone here.
Yes, cast your net here, you will never be disappointed!
Blessings & Love,
Dear Mr. Young:
Thank you for your wonderful work. Your work exemplifies exactly where I am in my life/journey. Especially how you say about getting alone, fleeing the crowd. Detach! I have felt the call to detach for over a year now and frankly, I dragged my feet on a couple of relationships, and sadly, they blew up and out of control. I take full responsibility for this as, I knew in my heart I had to extract myself, but I didn’t want to and I didn’t want to cut the ties just yet. Now they are severed and it is, of course, for the best, only now the pain is compounded. Why, oh, why didn’t I listen the first, second and third times?!?! Working on detachment and minding! Thanks again, and looking forward to more of your writings and videos. Patricia
Hi Patricia.
Thank you for your comments. Don’t beat yourself up, though. Remember that spiritual life is a process and there are seven days of creation (figuratively speaking, of course) (and YOU are the creation). You cannot circumvent any of them. You must go through them all. Along the way, you are learning how the inner spirit speaks to you. Sounds to me like you are progressing quite nicely. Just continue to do what you are doing and remember that everything that you are experiencing, including your trials and tribulations, has been personally delivered to you by the higher powers (however you may define that) for the express purpose of exercising and developing your faith. There is nothing wrong, nothing bad, nothing harmful.
You are on point.
Mr. Paul,
My question is basically when we pray do we silence are ego ( meditation) to get in the Christ frequency then we state our intent whatever it maybe to manifest. Thank you for your time