Ciphers and Cryptography: A Very Brief Foundation
The use of ciphers and subtle allusions in mysticism, philosophy, literature and religion, though generally ignored or unknown in modernity (by and large), are indeed well-established practices (such as the three literary practices in Qabalah, all of which involve some form of cryptography: transpositioning; substitution; skip-codes; re-arrangements of text into columns, as with the 72 Names of God; interpretation as number; etc).
“Ciphers are hidden in the most subtle manner: they may be concealed in the watermark of the paper upon which a book is printed…bound into the covers of ancient books…hidden under imperfect pagination; they may be extracted from the first letters of words or the first words of sentences; they may be artfully concealed in mathematical equations or in apparently unintelligible characters…they may be word ciphers, letter ciphers…they may be discovered in the elaborately illuminated initial letters of early books or they may be revealed by a process of counting words or letters.” – Manly Palmer Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, p. 491.
Some of the more observant readers may have noticed in various books, films, TV shows and the like, a profound repetition of three distinct numbers: 37, 73 and 137. I offer the following examples:
Literature and Poetry: 1308-1870
- Dante Alighieri’s Inferno (c. 1308-1321 AD): The 7th realm contains 3 spheres (this could be an allusion to the harmonic ratio 7:3)
- Jules Verne’s Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under The Sea (1870): 37 and 73 are referenced no less than 7 times throughout (as is the Golden Section, no less than four times). For example:
- “Now, had it not been for the exceptional strength of the Moravian’s hull, she would have been shattered by the shock of collision and have gone down with all hands, plus the two hundred and thirty-seven passengers she was bringing home to Canada.” p. 16(It may be worth noting that the name Moravian could be read as the French “Mort a vient,” a grammatically flawed phrase yielding roughly “Death has come.” Jules Verne was French.)
- “In a smooth sea, with a favorable breeze, on the 13th of April, 1867, the Scotia, of the Cunard Company‘s line, was in 15º 12’ longitude and 45º 37′ latitude.” pp. 16-17
- “It came, therefore, to $337,500…” p. 83
- “About eleven o’clock in the morning the Tropic of Capricorn was crossed on the 37th meridian, and we sighted Cape Frio standing out to sea.”These are only in one book! Surely these numbers could not have been chosen at random, Jules Verne was a very intelligent, meticulous author that dedicated great effort to his work. Verne was almost undoubtedly initiated – as revealed by his novels, the two most obvious being The Green Ray and Robur the Conqueror (R.C., Rosae-Crucis). The company he kept also establish this connection quite conclusively (refer for example to Hetzel). Aside from these, examine his tombstone closely and you will see a definitively occult sculpture, showing him emerging from the grave with arm extended (not unlike Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam) shrugging off the veil of the material in aspiration. All quotes here given were taken from the Readers Digest edition (in English).
Film and Media: 1984-2012
- Eddie Murphy’s Beverly Hills Cop III (1994): In the beginning it reads “Tuesday, 1:37 AM.”
- The Big Bang Theory: Sheldon asks, “What is the best number? -By the way, there’s only one correct answer…The best number is 73…it is the 21st prime number. It’s mirror 37 is the 12th…” Significantly, this appears in episode 73: The Alien Parasite Hypothesis (S.4 e.10).
- Tim Allen’s Last Man Standing: Tim’s boss says: “…on page 37 of Tzun Tzu’s The Art of War…”
- 21 Jump Street (2012): The police officer mistakenly says near the beginning: “37 Jump Street.
- 22 Jump Street (2014):During the football game a player on the sidelines is wearing jersey #37 (approx. 1hr in, center-background).There are countless other examples, but these few should serve to illustrate the on-going obsession. Though some of these are more subtle than others, all are intentional. What makes these numbers so special? What are all of these directors, producers, actors, writers and poets -spanning over 600 years- pointing to?
Gematria: Wisdom in Number
Gematria is a Qabalistic practice that involves assigning particular numerical values to certain letters. It is one of the three literary Qabalistic practices, the other two being Notarikon and Temurah. It is most commonly seen in Hebrew or Greek, though there is substantial evidence both Arabic and Sanskrit have been similarly employed. In fact, the Vedic Katapayadi System proves without doubt that our current chronology for the discovery of pi is wrong (more later). Many attempt to apply similar cryptographic techniques – i.e. Qabalistic permutations – to languages of the Latin alphabet such as English, albeit with little success. There are two systems most commonly employed: The Ordinal, which is simply the placement value of each letter (1-22); and The Standard, in which the 11th letter becomes 20 and the 21st becomes 300 (1-400). Typically, in Hebrew, Greek and Arabic gematria the latter system is used, while in Mayalana and Sanskrit katapayadi the former is most commonly seen.
(An easy way to remember the Standard Gematria values is to simply add the two numbers and put a zero on the end. For instance, Mem is the 13th Hebrew letter and it has a standard value of 40 [1+3=4, add a zero=40]. If it is 10s, add one zero; if it is 20s, add two [Tau=22, 2+2=4, add 2 zeros=400]. For
those who may have difficulty, this ‘rule’ works invariably for Hebrew.)
Before we continue, I feel that a comprehensive chart of the Hebrew alephbeit will help (we will only be focusing on Hebrew for now). The esoteric meaning is bracketed, while the literal is written plainly:
A 1. Aleph = 1 = א = An Ox 1. Air 1 (Mother) (Father)
B / V 2. Beit = 2 = ב = House 2. Mercury 1 (Double)
G 3. Gimel = 3 = ג = Camel 3. Luna 2 (Double)
D 4. Dalet = 4 = ד = Door 4. Venus 3 (Double)
H 5. Hé = 5 = ה = Window 5. Aries 1 (Simple)
V 6. Vau = 6 = ו = Nail 6. Taurus 2 (Simple)
Z 7. Zain = 7 = ז = Weapon 7. Gemini 3 (Simple)
Kh / Ch 8. Cheit = 8 = ח = Fence 8. Cancer 4 (Simple)
T 9. Teit = 9 = ט = Serpent 9. Leo 5 (Simple)
I 10. Yod = 10 = י = Hand 10. Virgo 6 (Simple)
K 11. Kaph = 20 = כ = Palm 11. Jupiter 4 (Double)
L 12. Lamed = 30 = ל = Ox-Goad 12. Libra 7 (Simple)
M 13. Mem = 40 = מ = Water 13. Water 2 (Mother)
N 14. Nun = 50 = נ = Fish 14. Scorpio 8 (Simple)
S 15. Samekh = 60 = ס = Support 15. Sagittarius 9 (Simple)
O 16. Ayin = 70 = ע = Eye 16. Capricorn 10 (Simple)
P / F 17. Pé (fé) = 80 = פ = Mouth 17. Mars 5 (Double)
Tz 18. Tzaddi = 90 = צ = Fish-hook 18. Aquarius 11 (Simple)
Q 19. Qoph = 100 = ק = Back Head 19. Pisces 12 (Simple)
R 20. Resh = 200 = ר = Head 20. Sol 6 (Double)
Sh 21. Shin = 300 = ש = Tooth 21. Fire 3 (Mother)
(Sacred Fire)
T 22. Tau = 400 = ת = Cross 22. Saturn; 7 (Double)
(Synthesis) Earth Element
*Note: The English letters are meant to convey the pronunciation. The seemingly random arrangement of attributions (i.e. Simple, Double, Mother) is only apparent: when sorted according to the Sepher Yetzirah, or Book of Formation, the Elements emerge in the Three Mothers; the Planets in the Seven Doubles; and the Zodiac in the Twelve Simple or perhaps inappropriately named ‘Elemental’ letters. This arrangement was allegedly designed with the intent of mirroring the occurrence of God in Genesis: “God Made” 3 times, “God Saw” 7 times, and “God -” 12 times; “God said” 10 times, reflected in the 10 Sephiroth or Emanations of the Tree of Life.
(See: Adele Nozedar’s The Illustrated Signs and Symbols Sourcebook, Frater Achad’s Q.B.L., and the Sepher Yetzirah for sources of these symbolic attributions.)
The word Chokmah, meaning Wisdom, has two values – one according to each of the systems mentioned above. It has an ordinal value of 37(ח כ מ ה = Cheit8 + Kaph11 + Mem13 +Hé5 = 37) and a standard value of 73 (8+20+40+5=73). The latter is “the best number” according to Chuck Lorre, while the former is a religious and literary favourite.
Threes and Sevens Everywhere According to the gospel accounts, Jesus Christ performed exactly 37 miracles in his lifetime. The average pregnancy lasts between 37 and 42 weeks (42 being “The answer to life, the universe, and everything in it” to Hitchiker’s fans), and 37º Celsius is the normal human body temperature. The name Elohim (Heb. Lord, Ruler, God, Power[s]) appears for the 37th time in Genesis 3:3:
“But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.”
To re-appropriate Revelation 13:18, “Here is wisdom.” How elegant that the verse containing the 37th occurrence of Elohim should be one with that which forbids man from eating the Fruit of Death! – This is indeed wise advice, as will be seen in a much later part (Part V).
Mathematically, 3 and 7 are the only two dimensions in which binary problems (i.e. defining vector products) may be solved. This in itself makes them incredibly useful numbers. 37 is the 12th prime number, while 73 is the 21st; 37 is the 3rd star number, while 73 is the 4th.
For those unaware, numbers are inherently capable of representing geometric forms: for example, 3, composed of 3 individual units [called counters] creates a triangle. 3 is technically the second [1+2=3], while 6 is the third [1+2+3=6] and 10 is the fourth [1+2+3+4=10]. The latter forms the Pythagorean Tetractys. There are squares, cubes, stars, indeed all manner of shapes, typically referred to as figurate numbers.)
If we add the star placement values of 37 and 73 (3+4=7), as well as their two prime-number placement values (12+21=33), we obtain the Days of Creation and the traditional lifespan of it’s Redeemer (many Christian traditions claim that this was the age of Christ at death, though Luke 3:23 states that he was “about 30”).
7 and 33
The Days of Creation and the age of Christ -derived from Chokmah- offer much wisdom. For one, 33-7=26, the gematria of Yahweh ( י ה ו ה = Yod10 + Hé5 + Vau6 + Hé5 = 26). Our modern week is exactly 7 days, and it takes exactly 33 years for the sun to rise a second time in the same spot over the Earth (this is the lifecycle of the Solar Man, partial key to 33 and its relevance to the so-called World Mystery – as Manly Hall puts it). There were 7 Classical Planets. The visible-light spectrum consists of precisely 7 colours (of which 3 are primary), the modern musical scale consists of 7 notes (do re mi fa so la ti; the second ‘do’ is the first octave [from Lat. Octavus, eighth], or double the first note), while there are 7 modes used in Western music (Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian, and Locrian. Interestingly, in Carnatic or South Indian Classical Music, there are 72!). The frequency of 1:1, aka Unison or the C-note = 33 on a Harmonograph, and perhaps most importantly: the human head has 7 orifices and the human spinal cord has 33 discs (24 upper, 5 to the sacrum and 4 to the coccyx). These latter two are reflected in the Macrocosm of the ancients, the 7 Planets and the 33-Year Solar Journey. This surely would have been seen as profoundly significant. Shockingly, the ratio of Moon:Earth = 3:11. The median of these two numbers is 7, and their multiplied sum is 33 (it is quite likely that the ancients were aware of this ratio, as will be demonstrated in a much later segment).
There are 7 Chakras (from Sanskrit, meaning “wheel”), now believed to be the 7 major endocrine glands (there are also the parathyroid, hypothalamus and gastrointestinal tract -yielding a true total of 10-11, that are not considered part of the “major” endocrine glands). Surely a great many Vedic and Tantric sages would scoff at the notion that the whirling vortices of latent energy are material in nature; in many cases the body is used as an analogy to something non-material, as a Sacred Map of the ethereal realm. In any case their knowledge of human anatomy is certainly rather impressive.
(The Egyptians were similarly well-educated, performing incredibly daunting surgeries with tools still in use today. Herodotus and many other Greek historians have claimed that their knowledge was derived from that of Egypt, and there has been much speculation that the knowledge of Pythagoras was in fact Indian in origin. Take for example this quote from a 1775 letter written by Voltaire: “I am convinced that everything has come down to us from the banks of the Ganga – Astronomy, Astrology, Spiritualism, etc.. It is very important to note that some 2,500 years ago at the least Pythagoras went from Samos to the Ganga to learn Geometry.” The former half of this statement is at least partially verified by Hadith Al-Halila – also referred to as the Islamic Tradition of the Myrobalan Fruit, or more recently, The Confutation of Atheism. In this text a Muslim preacher discourses with an Indian atheist physician, who describes that his people discovered and continue to practice Astrology – a science that is apparently unknown to the Imam. It is also known that Pythagoras had gone to Alexandria, but it is worth pointing out that the so-called ‘Pythagorean Theorem’ is seen in Baudhayana’s Shulba Sutra, a Vedic mathematical text that predates him by some two centuries.)
Note that the Kundalini Serpent resting in 3&1/2 coils in Muladhara (base), when awakened, traverses the 7 chakras along the 3 nadis: to the right, ida; the left, pingala; in the center lies Sushumna – Path of the Serpent of Awakening. Following a materialist line of thought, both ida and pingala may correspond to the spinal nerves that appear on each side (this would make Sushumna – the Serpent’s Path – the 33-disc spine in between). Here we see a Serpent traveling 33 discs along 3 nadis through 7 chakras.
In verse 2 of the Vedic Asya Vamasya (Riddle of the Sacrifice, Rig Veda 1.164), we read:
“Seven yoke the one-wheeled chariot drawn by one horse with seven names. All these creatures rest on the ageless and unstoppable wheel with three naves.”
The sum of all numbers in this verse equal 19, the number upon which both the Egyptian and the Mayan peoples based their mathematics (both used grids of 18:19; 18+19=37).
Given the omnipresence of 37 in so many religions (Jewish, Christian, Vedic), it should come as no surprise that, in the Buddhist Sambara-Mandala, we see exactly 37 goddesses – each being a personification of a particular characteristic or accessory to Enlightenment.
Illustration above: The 7 Major Endocrine Glands: 1 Pineal 2 Pituitary 3 Thyroid 4 Thymus 5 Adrenal 6 Pancreas 7 Ovary 8 Testis (from Wikipedia)
Illustration of chakras: The 7 Main Chakras (from top down):
1 Crown: Violet, Sahasrara; Pineal;
2 Third-Eye/Brow: Indigo, Anja; Pituitary;
3 Throat: Blue, Visuddha; Thyroid;
4 Heart: Green, Anahata; Thymus;
5 Solar-Plexus: Yellow, Manipura; Adrenal;
6 Spleen: Orange, Svadisthana; Pancreas;
7 Root/Base: Red [often with yellow root-square], Muladhara; Ovaries or Testes.
*Note: The Chakras are typically numbered in ascending rather than descending order, to mirror the process of spiritual awakening and concentration of energy in the Crown, but I have reversed it to make the anatomical correlates more clear. From these diagrams we see that the Muladhara chakra, home of the latent serpent, could be seen as one with the reproductive organs. This is somewhat synonymous with Judaeo-Christian Tradition, in which it is generally maintained that lust – inspired by the serpent – was the cause of the Fall of Man. It is perfectly logical that the Crown should correspond to the pineal gland as it is the source of DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) in the human body, which is known to induce remarkable, “hallucinogenic” experiences (for a wonderfully thorough, open-minded, scientific exploration of the pineal gland and its relation to mystical experiences, read Rick Strassman’s DMT: The Spirit Molecule).
There are 33 degrees in Scottish Rite Freemasonry, the 33rd allegedly being Honorary (such enigmatic figures as Albert Pike and Manly Palmer Hall are known to have reached this degree). The Qabalistic Tree of Life has ten Sephiroth and 22 paths – each of the latter being represented by a Hebrew letter. These total to the “32 Paths of Wisdom.” Daath, Knowledge in the sense of Spiritual Understanding (not intellect), occupies the heart of the Tree of Life. It is neither a Sephirah nor a Path, however this is where Hidden Teachings are received and understood. Therefore this ‘sphere’ is a sort-of Ghost-Sephirah: It is not a Sephirah per se, as it does not emanate or cause emanation, though it still occupies a crucial part of the Tree: The Hidden 33rd point at the heart of the entire structure. Water also freezes at 32° Fahrenheit, melting at 33.
The Qabalistic Tree of Life is often divided in one of two ways. The first divides it into two sections: The Supernal Triad, consisting of 3 Sephiroth (Kether – The Crown, Chokmah – Wisdom, Binah – Understanding); and the First Order, consisting of the other 7. Together The Supernal Triad and The First Order create the entire Tree, called The Second Order. The other division is a Triad of Trinities with Malkuth (Kingdom, the 10th Sephira) as a pendant to the third. In this case the “Humandala” does emanate downward, but for an interesting theory suggesting a serpentine process of ascension please refer to Frater Achad’s Q.B.L.
Illustration Left: An attempted restoration of the True Qabalistic Tree of Life. In descending order: Kether = Crown; Hokmah = Wisdom; Binah = Understanding; Hesed = Mercy; Gevurah = Severity / Strength; Tifereth = Beauty; Netsah = Victory; Hod = Splendour; Yesod = Foundation; Malkuth = Kingdom. Obtained via Google.
Given that there are 32 Paths in Qabalah and 32 aspirant degrees in Freemasonry, again we should not be surprised to see that the Tantric text Vajrapanjara also alludes to this number in a similar way: “So he would accomplish with the means the thirty-two characteristics of the Teacher, along with the eighty minor marks of the Lord…” – Vajrapanjara 1:4 It is likely that all of these systems are founded upon the human body and solar cycles. According to modern M-Theory (derivative of String Theory) there are 11 dimensions; long before this theory existed, a Christian “Sleeping Prophet” named Edgar Cayce claimed that there were 11 and 22 dimensions (i.e. 33). Cayce is a very intriguing figure worthy of dedicated study.
Phi, 7:33 and The Sabbath Many readers are likely familiar with this. The Fibonacci sequence, a numerical progression that best approximates Phi / the Golden Section, reveals this same 7:33 relationship: the first 7 Fibonacci numbers yield a sum of 33 (1+1+2+3+5+8+13=33).
(Those already thoroughly familiar with Phi are free to skip this paragraph: The Golden Section is one of the most beautiful, unifying numbers of all Creation. With a value of 1.618, its inverse and square are, gracefully, 0.618 and 2.618. This pattern guides the growth of near-all Self-Organizing Systems: The formation of galaxies; ratios found in the solar system; tornadoes; hurricanes; vortices; ocean waves; the growth of all plants; the chameleon-tail; the human body; the double-helical genome; the seashell; and literature, architecture and art possibly spanning millennia. The Fibonacci series is obtained by starting with 1, adding 1, then adding the previous number to the sum: 1+1=2, 1+2=3, 2+3=5, 3+5=8, etc. This Sacred Spiral appears to express itself in two fundamentally opposite ways: The Centripetal, or Contracting spiral [revealed in the crash of the waves, caused by the gravitational pull of the Moon and Sun]; the Centrifugal, or Expanding spiral [revealed in the unfurling of plants, caused by the force of Levity. As of right now, the latter is scientifically ignored or unrecognized]. These archetypal concepts will be greatly expanded upon in Part IV.)
Through the sum of the two prime placements (33) underlying Chokhmah we find 137, the 33rd prime, which is also the standard value of Qabalah (ק ב ל ה = Qoph100 + Beit2 + Lamed30 + Hé5 = 137). The Chlorophyll molecule, responsible for converting light to energy – giving life to all plants, consists of precisely 137 atoms (C55H72MgN4O5). The value of α-inverse – also known as the inverse Fine-Structure Constant or simply Alpha, discovered/introduced by Sommerfeld in 1916, approximates 1/137. The role and significance of Alpha will be explored in much greater detail in Part II.
As further evidence of the numerical connections between 7 and 33:
“And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.” – Genesis 2:2
Given that Genesis 1 contains 31 verses, we may easily notice that this is verse 33 of Genesis as a whole. The verse detailing the Sabbath Day is that which corresponds to the age of Christ, the Messiah – bringer of perpetual Sabbath according to Judaism. How fitting. Considering the 33-year Solar Trek and the 7 Classical Planets (including the Sun), we may assume that this is the completion of one Solar Cycle, or one incarnation. Another emphatic proof of this relation is the fact that the word “God” in this verse is the Hebrew Elohim (86), and this is the 33rd occurrence thus far in the Creation Account. This relationship will also be further explored in Part II. While Scottish Rite Freemasonry consists of 33 degrees, the first 3 are purely initiatory; when one is ‘accepted’ one is already technically a 3rd degree Master Mason, with 30 degrees of ascension remaining:
And know ye that the vine of the wise is drawn forth in three, but the wine thereof is not perfected, until at length thirty be accomplished.” – Hermes Trismegistus, Aureus, Sect. I
First off, welcome as a writer for SOS. Glad to have your knowledge and expertise. This is truly an in-depth presentation on ciphers and esoteric knowledge not only in scripture, but on certain literary works that we have studied in high-schools and universities but were generally untaught and unaware of all the hidden esoteric wisdom contained within them. For all who are interested in this type of work, this is only the first installment with 5 more to come that delivers more information which I know took a lot of study and time. Looking forward to seeing your other 5 installments. Thanks for sharing this with us! It boggles the mind how much hidden wisdom has been taught to us without its deeper revelations being shared!
Thank you, I’m very happy to contribute to this excellent website. There is certainly much more to come, hopefully your readers gain from it. It is indeed mind-boggling what the everyday has to offer!
Hi Jakob,
Understanding that certain exoteric numbers may carry occult meaning, other than relating them to the various esoteric disciplines you cite, how does this knowledge correlate to spiritual development of the soul? I’m trying to get past the ‘knowledge for the sake of knowledge’ thing. I imagine many use this for their amusement and nothing further. Perhaps you are planning to cover this in future installments, so I will wait on that.
Thank you,
Hello Tommy,
Thank you for reading my article. Excellent question. The correlates are many, and you are correct – it will be covered in much greater detail in later installments. Just as an example, though, the unfolding of numbers one through ten were perceived as the key to understanding the creation of the universe and the developments of the soul by Pythagorean and other Schools.
I could certainly see it being a source of amusement for many, but for the devoted, things like the Chakras or the Tree of Life are tools to gain enlightenment, and are the cornerstones of Eastern and Western visualization practices. The articles will follow a gradual flow from number to symbol, theory to practice, and this installment was meant only as a presentation of the numbers that help shape this series. Hopefully you can gain more from the following segments.
Thanks, Jakob. Looking forward to your series.
Hi Jakob, I was especially impressed by your explanation of the Supernal Triad, implying not only how the triune God, or Godhead, is integral in the make-up of the Tree Of Life but within ourselves as well. There is a unique triangle (and perhaps more than one) deep in the soul of every person, each I believe having its own peculiar shape and connective points. I hope to see you further elucidate on this and the Trinity in one of your follow-up installments. I’m eager for the enlightenment. Thank you so far. – Brother Vern
Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed it. The Supernal Triad will resurface at points, but unfortunately it does not form a central aspect as of yet (I may add a section in Part VI). That’s a rather interesting idea, I particularly like the inclusion of diversity. Personally I’ve often seen man as a series of concentric ovals – like the Russian Nesting Dolls with Man, the Shell, housing God, the Holy Spirit at its center. I will do my best to incorporate these elements to a greater degree, and I hope you enjoy what is yet to come. Best wishes,
Thank you Jakob, I’m sure I’ll enjoy the entire series regardless of what I may now expect. My initial inspiration about this so-called divine triangle comes from the book “Jacob Boehme: Studies in his life and teachings” by Martensen, whereby Martensen gives an elaborate and beautiful account on how Boehme envisioned the eternal generation of the trinity. It is a modalistic interpretation of the inseparable hypostasis. Martensen had an intuitively superb way of explaining Behmanite mystical visions. I do not personally believe in the polytheistic meaning of the Trinity (as you know compound: tri-unity) but rather in modalism. To me that’s a closer and more meaningful way of seeing man in God’s own image. Thanks again and fullest blessings for your continuing articles. – Brother Vern
Jakob, I wanted to add a brief comment which I should have included in my previous one: your pictorial similarity about the composition of man using the Russian Nesting Dolls is splendorous. I too always conceived of man being composed of such but didn’t know how to compare the idea. Know I do. The idea comprises our original grain of light (spark), causal, ethereal, astral and physical bodies, and probably more I’m not aware of.
I apologize for the delayed response. If it’s any consolation, the Trinitarian concept is correlated with the same in the Hindu system and compared to natural cycles in Part IV. It is not the ‘main theme’, but it may appeal to you. Thank you very much for sourcing the idea you shared, I’ve been a fan of Boehme for some time. Almost instinctively drawn to him at a young age, I read his Signatura Rerum some seven years ago. I’ve been meaning to return to his works with a more alchemical perspective for quite a few months now. That sounds like a great read, I will try and obtain it. The works of Boehme may be accessed on the website Robert shared further below (oddly, this is actually where I read Signatura Rerum). I am certainly inclined to agree with you.
Thank you! I’m glad you can appreciate it. I too struggled with analogy for some time, and finally realized that this term is quite adequate. Precisely, the Godspark, or Sacred Seed deep within.
If you have left comments elsewhere, I will do my best to address them before the weekend. Thank you for reading my articles, hopefully you will enjoy what’s still to come. Many blessings to you as well!
Thank you, Jakob. I think Josh is doing a great Job applying esoteric writers like you to his web site, helping to open the hard literalistic shell, or attitude that circumscribes the soul. This kind of knowledge reaches and strengthens our creative spiritual energy, what W. Blake referred to as imaginative and synthetic energy. Everything is relevant because everything is intimately related in some way or another.
Jakob, You can read the Martensen volumn online at this link, which I hope converts highlighted in blue: But I prefer the more recent Hobhouse edition, which gives a better interpretation of the Trinity. – Vernon
Brother Vern,
I like the way you expressed the value of writers like Jacob. It was fuzzy in my mind at first, but you chose words and expressions that made that clear and succinct. I also sympathize with people who are not able to engage with this style or presentation, which we are not used to. It got easier for me when I made a connection over the physics constant because I’m educated in the physical sciences. I think you have to find something in this series that really grabs you, and once that happens you can appreciate the rest. I don’t comprehend the all of this yet, but I think by becoming familiarized with some if this, that I will probably start to pay attention when some of these correlations start to pop up from day to day. Also, I know that I and some other people I know have “personal cyphers” that mean something unique and profound to only the individual, but we are not aware of common cyphers until now.
Thank you for leading us through this extensive journey. I have always been intrigued by numbers that keep reappearing to me, almost begging me to take notice, and trying to unlock what they mean. SOS has had several contributors on the topic of various kinds of ciphers, but not as comprehensive as the 5 part series you are presenting. I look forward to going through them. I am reminded of the movie comedy “Groundhog Day” where the character played by Bill Murray wakes up over and over again on the same day at 6:33 am, each time trying to improve on his mistakes from the previous go around, to capture the romantic interest of the character played by Andie Macdowell. Bible enthusiasts are familiar with the scripture Matthew 6:33 “But seek first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you”.
Exactly!! very astute observation…
Awesome you remembered that and made the connection.
Memory is a very important component of all the knowledge Jakob is offering us.
Your memory, my friend, is very much intact!
How any times have we seen GHD? How many times have we lived it?
I have 2 of them (groundhogs) running around the property here, everyday while observing them I am reminded of Matt 6:33
Cute buggers, as long as they don’t eat the tomato crop ; )
It was my pleasure. Likewise, I find it interesting that numbers can ’emphasize themselves’ to specific people. I know a lot of people who experience this, strange as it is. That’s wonderful! -The subject of ciphers receives far too little attention, the more writers on the subject the better. It seems I wrote for the right website. If it is ciphers that intrigue you most deeply, you will likely enjoy Part II above all others. Ha – Groundhog Day! There’s a blast from the past! As Sparks said, that is a very astute observation. It’s interesting that the verse corresponding to the time given commands to “seek first the kingdom and his righteousness,” as the movie is about trying over and over to perfect something. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Hi Jakob,
Thank you so very much for this amazing contribution to SOS.
It is very interesting how this has fallen into place directly after Mike’s writings on astrology/astronomy. Almost as if it was planned!
The mysticism of each are a marriage of the universe and mankind, religion/reflection is first, all of various ones, which we can venture to say all have the same core belief, no matter how they may appear to differ.
Going deeper, we see religions are just our baby steps…the core we hold onto when the distraction of being of the world prevents us from truly knowing/learning/hearing/seeing God.
I have heard or read (cannot remember the source), that mathematics, geometry, symbolism is the Universal language, not just our local Universe but the entire vastness of God.
Your writing here is vast in knowledge and you have certainly put much work into organizing it in an understandable, considerate way for us regular folk to assimilate.
Personally, many years ago I began my mystical journey with the Universe, I began to notice more and more a language reaching out to my soul through our English alphabet and numbers. Everything became a silent conversation via symbols, numbers and letters. The most mysterious part of all this is that it was specific to myself and no one else.
In fact, I began to learn this was “my code” and it was available the instant I asked or even thought or prayed about something specific. Like magic!
It is not only beautiful but far more than that, a vast Love, that the moment it occurs one is comforted that a higher power/God, is within, always.
Again, thank you Jakob, I shall look forward to your commitment to continue on with this much needed teaching and surely a confirmation for me that YES, there is something more.
We can relax now at SOS, knowing we all don’t have to go into a monastery to become the mystics we actually are already!!
You are very welcome 🙂
I’m just happy that it has been so well-received! That is interesting, things have a funny way of working themselves out like that. Synchronicity truly is a beautiful thing. Astrology definitely crops up in this series, mainly in Parts V and VI. I absolutely agree, at the heart of all religion lies a fairly uniform moral standard, a life of compassionate devotion, and an appreciation for All. When a Muslim is on a pilgrimage, it is sin to kill any animal or insect, and they are not permitted to uproot plants. Very insightful! I believe you are remembering correctly, as Pythagoras once remarked that “All is number.” The language of Symbol that you refer to could have been Jung. I like that you include “the entire vastness of God,” and do not restrict that to one Universe. I tend to think of this Universe as one cell in the process of cell division, with countless others everywhere and more forming all the time.
Thank you very much! I take that as quite a high compliment, thank you for appreciating my efforts.
I know exactly what you mean. Especially with regard to “magic,” it almost seems that since I began to cultivate Spirit whatever I feel will help me makes itself available.
Absolutely! It’s a very uplifting and deep feeling that isn’t easily forgotten.
Thank you! I look forward to reading your thoughts as the series progresses.
Hi Jakob,
Will you be addressing the Zohar in your series?
Hi Sparks,
To a degree, yes, but it will not remain a staple throughout. This is primarily a personal exploration of Scripture and, though Qabalah appears repeatedly, it is predominantly original interpretation. Where Traditional or otherwise established elements appear they will be sourced. A number of Qabalistic treatises are referred to, mainly Sepher Yetzirah. The personal search for meaning in Scripture is highly encouraged by the Jewish Theosophic community, both historically and in modern times.
“The Secret Teachings of all Ages” by Manly Palmer Hall promises to be a very interesting collection of explanations for various topics of interest on this blog. I like to research accessibility of sources used by contributors because, well, if I don’t have it then I like to peak at it and maybe read a little here and there from it. Sometimes I can find digital versions of older books in free online libraries. You can download a PDF version of this 900 page book (20 MB) onto your PC from:
The site claims the download is legal because the copyrite for this earlier book version is expired in the country (UK) of the site supplying the download. I guess that is legal. I’m not really sure, because Amazon has a more recent edition, copyrite 2011, published in the US. Anyway, if the legality bothers you or downloading 20 MB bothers you, you can also get the 11 MB Kindle version from Amazon for 99 cents and store it on the cloud:
Thank you for drawing particular attention to this book. It is hands down one of the most useful, comprehensive, enlightened books written in the entire 20th century and I would recommend it wholeheartedly to all.
Another website where you can find just about any religious or spiritual text that you can read online for free is at
I have to live with gravity, but I love levity. I did not know it is a force. Can’t wait until part IV.
Haha well I suppose that depends on who you ask. Surely most modern scientists would reject the notion, as the current paradigm suggests that gravity stands alone as the cause of all. Apparently decay somehow leads to growth. If you’re interested in exploring the concept of Levity, I suggest researching Viktor Schauberger.
Robert, absolutely beautiful, I’m glad you gave me this angle of light. – Vern
Hello Jakob,
Thanks for this very informative and interesting article. Of course you had already shared quite some of this information with me in your comment to my article Hidden Symbols and Patterns in the Bible: Part One of January 17th. I already quite extensively commented about my feelings on that in my reply to your comment, which you (and all others) can read there.
I do have a question though about the picture you present of the tree of life. Have you noticed that the sefira Hesed in Hebrew characters is called Gedula (opposite Gevura)? Do you have any idea why and what this means? I have seen once before that Hesed was replaced by Gedula (Hebrew only) and that example you can see in the picture with the second part of the article on the Hidden Symbols, which superimposed the sefirot of the tree of life (minus Malkhut) on the colours of the chakra’s.
I think Jakob would be best to clarify this. I would simply add that I think Gevura and Hesed are synonyms of sorts, both used in different schools of Kabbalah to signify the predominant sefira of the two balancing sefirot on the same horizontal level in the diagram – Gevura (mercy) verses Gedura (judgment). “Mercy triumphs over Judgment” (St. James), but there can be no triumph, no redemption of the soul, without there being an understanding and experience of both sefirot.
If I remember this correctly, Gevura is associated with the planet Jupiter and Gedura with Mars. Maybe Jakob can explain why.
Hello Robert,
Thanks for your reaction to my comment which I do not quite understand however.
You write: .. I think Gevura and Hesed are synonyms of sorts, both used in different schools of Kabbalah to signify the predominant sefira of the two balancing sefirot on the same horizontal level in the diagram …
From this I understand you to mean that Gevura and Hesed both are the predominant sefira on this horizontal level but they are not; it is Hesed on the right and Gevura on the left.
Then you write: Gevura (mercy) verses Gedura (judgment). “Mercy triumphs over Judgment”
However, as far as I remember and also according to my dictionary Gevura does not mean mercy (Hesed does) but strength, might, heroism, God (according to the dictionary) and that stands on the left.
Gedula on the right means greatness so Hesed (mercy/grace) is either replaced (in the example I put in my article, where I did not mention this, I believe) by greatness or has greatness added onto it in the example above.
In Gevura and Hesed I can see a balancing. In Gevura and Gedula it moves more into the direction of one and the same I think, but that is pure guessing.
I do not see how you come to Mercy triumphing over Judgment because I do not see any Judgment anywhere at all.
Thanks though for thinking about this matter to help me get the meaning.
Anny, Jakob,
Yep, I got the terms mixed up. I’m not usually dyslexic, but I find Kabbalah particularly difficult in working through so many terms. Also no two treatments in books and articles about sefirot seem to agree in the details, especially between hermetic and rabbinic. I did see one treatment that included “judgment, justice, law” as some features of gevurah which are all forms of “restraint”. Chesed (associated with Gedulah) in its most generalized definition means “boundlessness” which is the opposite pole of “restraint”. A more specific definition is Chesed is “love”. The central seferot “tefireth” represents the human heart for which “mercy” is used to balance judgment (restraint) with love (boundlessnes). In a Christianized version, “mercy” is made to happen as an emanation from God in the form of substitutionary atonement to satisfy the requirement for justice (judgment). I still have an aversion to Kabbalah because it goes all over the place and it takes a lot of work to get just a little understanding. I am attracted to more efficient ways to obtain wisdom, but I regard Kabbalah for its explanations of balance’
Respectfully you are mistaken. Gevurah and Hesed would be more like antonyms than synonyms, Hesed is Mercy (not Gevurah) and Gevurah is Severity. You are correct in saying that there must be understanding of both, however, as Qabalah places great emphasis on Equilibrium. If one is too filled with Mercy, he will forgive or dismiss even the most heinous and wretched of acts; if one is too Severe, one is guilty of the acts dismissed by the overly Merciful. The goal of the Qabalist is the Unity of Above and Below, Macro- and Microcosm. Hence the emphasis on Equilibrium (much like the Oriental philosophies).
Regarding the planetary attributions you describe, I have never seen that before and therefore cannot explain its meaning with certainty; however, Frater Achad’s theory of the Ascending Serpent in the Tree of Life discusses this and, in my opinion, rectifies at least one apparent contradiction: he suggests that Pé and Kaph should have their respective planets reversed (see chart above). You may read his book here:
Hello Jakob,
I totally agree with you and Robert that there has to be balance between Hesed and Gevura, and all other sefirot that are opposite to each other.
However I have a question about your following statement: If one is too filled with Mercy, he will forgive or dismiss even the most heinous and wretched of acts … You seem to suggest that this is not good.
Is it possible to be too filled with Mercy? Does forgiving the most heinous and wretched of acts mean dismissing them?
I do not think so. To me forgiving means first and foremost freeing yourself from hatred and bearing a grudge; from pain. In second place it gives the one who committed the act relief in his feeling of guilt towards the injured party and maybe even restores the possibility of having some sort of relationship in the future. However, it does not free the guilty party from the consequences of his deed but maybe enables him (or her) to face them in a more positive way.
I heard a very striking example of this once about a woman whose husband was shot or stabbed by a youth who was under the influence of alcohol and drugs. She forgave him immediately because she did not want to be burdened by anger and feelings of hatred and revenge but justice still took its course. The young man was convicted and had to serve a prison term. During that time however she visisted him in prison regularly and by her interactions with him she turned him around from an angry young man to one who took full responsibility for his actions. After he had served his term they started a program together in order to inform young people of the dangers of taking alcohol and drugs. They visited high schools in which they told their story and in which this young man had the courage to openly admit what he had done and this had a tremendous influence. I think this is a prime example of what forgiveness can accomplish without dismissing the consequences of whatever deed that have to be faced.
Hi Anny,
I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’m terribly sorry that I have not yet gotten back to you, I had every intention of doing so but work got busy and emails kept piling up. I should get a chance to respond to that sometime this evening.
Interesting question, and very observant of you! This could have been accidental (given that they wrote Hesed not Gedulah), or it could have been a means of including a twofold interpretation: while Hesed means Mercy or Loving-Kindness and Gevurah means Strength, Severity or Power, Gedulah means Glory. Therefore Hesed/Gevurah could be Mercy/Severity, while Gedulah/Gevurah could be Glory/Strength. I hope this helps.
Hi Jakob,
Thanks for your answer. It was not really a burning question but I just wondered when I met this phenomenon for the second time if there maybe was an explanation given somewhere. But of course it is great to think about it ourselves also. Thanks for the options you supplied.