In the picture to the left, we see the Sol in Aries, Light of the World in the Lamb, the latter standing at the Heart of the Sevenfold Covenant that is “the bow in the heavens” (Post-Flood, God’s Promise to Noah). Within this covenant, Seven Shining Planets emanate from The Golgoltha, or skull, of The One Sun. The Terrestrial Grail catches the Lambs-Blood Offering of Spring atop The Tabernacle.
*In The Kabbalah Unveiled, we read in footnote: “In the cranium” (or skull), BGVLGLTHA, Begolgoltha, or in Golgoltha. In the New Testament it is worthy of note that Jesus Christ (the Son) is said to be crucified at Golgotha (the skull); while here, in the Qabalah, Microprosopus (the Son), as the Tetragrammaton, is said to be extended in the form of a cross…in Golgoltha (the skull).”
– Sepher Dtzenioutha (Book of Concealed Mystery) 2:33
*Tabernacle – essentially the portable dwelling-place of The Lord. In Hebrew it is Mishkan, often taken to mean ‘rest’, with a value of 420. 4/20 is April 20th, the last day of The Sun in Aries.
Basic Terms
We are now thoroughly acquainted with The Birth of Christ, but what of the rest of His Life? Amazingly, we need only wait one week to find the next event. According to Torah, the son is to be circumcised on the 8th day of life – just as David, 8th son of Jesse, is the root of Iesous – 888. This number likely reappears for its musical implications, the rebirth of Sol in the Octave. In the previous segment I mentioned that the retrograde period of Venus is 41 days, comparable to the true generations of Christ (14+14+13=41). Before we can proceed, we need to learn a few terms:
Retrograde motion, as mentioned, is defined as: The apparent westward motion of a planet relative to the stars as a result of the Earth being passed by an inferior planet (Astronomy, Harper-Collins).
Conjunction is when two or more heavenly bodies are aligned in a linear fashion: one, the inferior conjunction, when Venus or Mercury lies directly between Sun and Earth; the other, superior, when the Sun is in the middle.
Greatest elongation is a planets furthest angular distance from the Sun on the horizon: at Greatest Eastern Elongation (or GEE) Venus is east of the Sun lasting her longest into the evening, and western (or GWE) is the opposite in early morning, but these alternate cyclically. (Astronomy)
A synodic year or cycle is the amount of time it takes for two successive inferior (or superior) conjunctions to take place: this is 584 days for Venus. This is not the same as orbit, which in this case would be 224 days. Some of this has already been said, but it is best to familiarize oneself with these terms.
The Generations, Birth and Circumcision
From Venus’ greatest eastern elongation, nearing her brightest, she quickly ‘falls’ to the horizon, entering retrograde as she approaches inferior conjunction – when Venus lies between Earth and Sun. After this, she continues in retrograde for a time, appearing to move opposite the heavens. This is the flight west into Egypt.
It has long been said that the foreskin is the female aspect of man, and the clitoris is the male aspect of woman: thus we truly were originally male and female. Man is circumcised on the 8th day: removal of the feminine aspect on the 8th day corresponds to the severing of Venus from Sol on the 8th day of the inferior conjunction! During her 41-day retrograde she falls in front of the Sun for exactly 8 days.
When Abram became Abraham following circumcision, the Zohar states that Shekhinah, the Divine Feminine, attached to him. This is a supplanting of the material with the spiritual Bride. Venus is the epitome of Femininity – on the one hand the material harlot and on the other the Divine Virgin: in Greece we see this dual-nature not only in Hesperus and Phosphorus, the Evening and Morning Stars, but also in Aphrodite Urania, pure love of the heavens, vs Aphrodite Pandemos, material lady of the commoners. The former was born pure, following the castration of Uranus; the latter was a child born through the sexual relations of Dione and Zeus (Luna and Jupiter).
This contrast of Divine and Fallen Lady is also seen in Eve and Mary, Lust and Purity. From inferior to superior conjunction there are 263 days and roughly 7 lunar conjunctions: these are seen in the Babylonian legend of Ishtar, she was forced to give up 7 garments to enter the underworld and received them one by one as she returned therefrom. Climbing the western skies at dusk, it takes her some 7 months to reach Greatest Eastern Elongation (and vice versa). This is yet another possible candidate for the Seven-Day Creation – aligned with a seven-month period culminating in a fall westward. This is likely also why we read 14×3 and 41 generations: the 14 lunar conjunctions per cycle on the one hand, and the 41-day retrograde on the other. These are the two values of the Hebrew word Mother, as well: אמ.
In short: The 41 Generations from Abraham to Christ compare to the 41-Day retrograde period; the 3×14 generations to the 14 lunar conjunctions of Morn or Eve; the 8th day circumcision to the 8 day inferior conjunction; the Star in the East to Venus at GEE, and the flight west to the apparent retrograde motion.
Can there be any doubt remaining that Venus is indeed the Star of the House of Bread? -Herald of the newborn King? Apparently yes. Many interpreters (e.g. Max Heindel, Sarah Titcomb) essentially state that Virgo would have been the ‘rising sign’ around Christmas, and that this is The Mother of Christ. This would presumably make The Holy Spirit Corvus, in this case a Dove, near her left hand. It is difficult to say which is the ‘correct’ interpretation, but the correspondences with Venus certainly shouldn’t be ignored, for example the fact that it takes Venus 8yrs for her synod to resynchronize with her original starting point; it may be postulated that the rebirth of the king was foreshadowed by a Virgin every 8yrs at GEE. I leave it to the reader to choose which paradigm is more complete or logical, it could even be both- Venus in Virgo. In any case, The Feast of the Circumcision of Christ is typically celebrated between 1st and 2nd January- 7-8 days after Christmas.
A New Aquarian Gospel
Less than a week after circumcision, Baptism is celebrated on the 6th! This has also been called Twelfth Night, or Epiphany, and came to us from the Eastern Church quite early in its history. Twelfth Night is reminiscent of the Roman Saturnalia, a 12-day celebration of the Winter Solstice that included gift-giving. The Baptism, following the Egyptian Year, still falls within the fourth month of Karhk- but a mere two days later we enter the second season of Emergence. It is a very longstanding tradition that rain within the first two weeks of the fifth month prophesies a great crop-yield. Therefore we may presume that the Baptism was the first rain following the winter solstice that purified The Black Land in preparation of the Emergent season: Sol is anointed by the tears of heaven’s rejoicing, the King has returned.
One of the following celebrations, sometimes called Feast of the Purification of the Virgin, occurs quite shortly thereafter – falling on or near February 2nd. This is likely the First Moon following circumcision. Recall that Christ wandered in the desert for 40 Days before revealing himself to the world: February 2nd is actually less than a month after Epiphany (closer to a lunar month), but counting from the winter solstice (Dec 21st or 25th) we find that it is between 39 and 43 days. This is the revealing of Christ in the Temple, usually called Candlemas, and coincides with The First Cross-Quarter – the mid-point between Birth and Resurrection, or Solstice and Equinox.
By the First Cross-Quarter the Light of the World has visibly grown stronger, and in roughly another 40 Days equilibrium is reached – before ascending to its highest point in the Summer Solstice. The First Cross-Quarter roughly corresponds to the 11th-12th day in Aquarius (Jan 20th–Feb 18th), and the pitcher he bears may well be the source of Christ’s nourishment while in the desert. Just as it is near 40 days from the Winter Solstice, counting the same from February 2nd we find ourselves one week before the Vernal Equinox. During this wandering, it is worth noting that we encounter Satan: Christ is tempted during his journey, but he overcomes. This is most likely under the sign of Pisces (Feb-Mar), corresponding roughly to the month of Adar – a month named for the Saturn of the Sumerian pantheon.
The Death of Christ and Pesach
Christ – now at the fine age of 33, according to tradition, nears His Resurrection. Recall that every 33 years the Sun rises on the same spot: it is the number of The Perfected Solar Initiate, the 33rd degree Master Mason. He disappeared for roughly 18yrs, from age 12-30, and this corresponds to the solar Saros cycle: every 18yrs solar eclipses resynchronize. At Dawn on the 21st Day of Mars (March in French), Sol enters Aries, under the rule of Mars and the Elemental Fire of Purification. His Ecliptic or path stands Crucified upon the Celestial Equator, and the Fallen Spear of Longinus pierces Our Great Lamb of Perpetual Sacrifice. This Sacrifice constitutes The Tree of Life in the midst of the Eastern Garden, opposite the Tree of the Knowledge of Life and Death.
The Bleeding Heart of Heaven’s Fire redeems the world upon the Cosmic Crucifix and, with the Waters brought by much of His Life-Cycle, the world is restored to its former majesty. In honour of this great event foretold by Stella Maris and/or the Virgin Maiden, the Jewish community slaughters a lamb without blemish, a life without sin, placing it’s blood upon the doorpost that God may Pass Over The First-Born Son (i.e. The Newborn Sun passing Aries). By His Sacrifice the Barley is ripened – the first harvest, and He offers man Bread – much-awaited sustenance following a season-long flood with little but olives to offer. It is in fact the ripening of barley that determines the time of Pesach, as on the second day an omer of barley is harvested and offered to the Temple (from this moment we are to Count the Omer, the week of weeks separating Pesach from Shavuot, or in Christianity the Crucifixion to the Birth of John; spring equinox to summer solstice). This unleavened bread is called lehem oni – the Bread of Rachel’s Weeping, if you will: the bread of the poor, fertilized by The Flood.
The Solar Sacrifice is The Reddening of White and Whitening of Red, releasing The Great Stone of the Philosophers. Christ exits the Cave, ascending from South to North – lifting the Virgin Veil lain upon us at Rosh Hashanah, The Autumn Equinox of Virgo-Libra- North to South. This great stone of Red and White also has correspondence with the Amanita muscaria mushroom; surely you’ve seen it, in one or another Disney film. Generally considered toxic, it is found globally and is the most likely source of Santa Clause – with his red-white suit and flying reindeer. Phallic in shape with red flesh and white spots, it is known that the reindeer of Siberia often enjoy this psychedelic fungus.
The typical Harvest season of ancient Israel ranged from April to November (barley to olive roughly), and the fruiting season of this mushroom varies broadly within that spectrum. John M. Allegro puts forth a compelling mycological theory of Christ in his Sacred Mushroom and The Cross, placing great emphasis on speculative etymology, this mushroom, and the solar phallus.
The Five Wounds
Lurched by the very men he came to save, Christ upon the Celestial Crucifix is stabbed in the heart (or side) by Longinus’ spear, the Equatorial Firmament that divides Above and Below. Perhaps this is why we read Christ was betrayed by his own people, because it is the Equator of the Earth that pierces the Heart of Sol on the Ecliptic: He was betrayed by Judah, the South Land, in His solar ascension therefrom. By the Heavenly Blood of The Paschal Lamb peace is restored in the North, all life has been redeemed by the Light of the World and the Five Wounds that cover his body: Hands of Mercy and Severity are bound by the Nails of East and West- Dawn and Dusk; His Feet are bound by the South- Judah, the traitors; His Golgoltha, or Skull, bears the Crown of Thorns – The North; and His Heart is pierced by the spear.
The Crown of Thorns signifies that he is both a Son of Adam and a Son of David: the Thistles of Adam’s Sin about the Crown or Head of Davidic Kingship (Adam covered his genitals, here the head is bound; this is the purification of the seventh day, the Muladhara to ). Notably, the actual geographical ‘location’ of Golgotha is allegedly unknown (unlike the Mount of Olives). Because Christ was crucified here, in the skull, these wounds also correspond to the five points of the face that no Jew may shave (near the temple, the earlobe and the chin), and, because he is the Light of the World, they are equally analogous to the five points of the day when Muslims pray: dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, evening, night.
The Five Wounds of Yehoshua, יהשוה, constitute the letters of his name, Pentagrammaton – the augmented Tetragrammaton symbolizing five forces of good which, according to The Key of Solomon The King, are at war with five accursed nations (or tendencies). Yehoshua is Yod, The Sceptre of the Father and Rod of Aaron (staff of the shepherd); He, the Gentleness of the Mother symbolized by the Cup of Joseph; Vau, The Swords of Michael and David; the second He, the Suffering of the Mother’s Labour and a Shekel of Gold. In their midst erupts Shin, ש, the Fire of Equilibrium. Note that the Rod and Cup are Male and Female respectively, the Phallus and Womb; this symbolism is of an essentially threefold nature (celestial, alchemical and sexual), and will be explored briefly in the next segment.
Turning Water Into Wine
Not only is this the Death of The Pure One, Christ, it is also the Alchemical Death of The Dragon. This is further emphasized by the Arian ruler, Mars, comparable to the final Rubedo Stage. Here Virgo’s relationship with Hydra changes: whereas in Autumn she fell to the serpent in accepting its offering, now she stands above – crushing the deceiver of the field. Agnus Dei offers its blood, its soul, and the Floodwaters of Winter are transformed into the Wine of Summer:
On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, ‘They have no more wine.’ ‘Woman, why do you involve me?’ Jesus replied. ‘My hour has not yet come.’ – John 2:1-4 (NIV)
Jesus, his mother and disciples are Sol, Venus and The Twelve. The hour of Christ has not yet come because Mary, the woman concerned with the wine, is Venus rising before dawn- before the hour of Sol. A wedding is a uniting of opposites- Man and Woman, and this same term is often used symbolically to describe the Magnum Opus of alchemy; for instance The Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz. This ‘wedding’ is the Marriage of King and Queen, Divine Male and Female- polar opposite of the animalistic copulation of Adam and Eve; it is the Uniting of Above and Below with the Sacraments, as was done in the Church of Melchizedek.
Ignoring the possible alchemical implications and referring back to the Seven Day Creation, we see that Day Three is the Gathering of Inferior Waters and Creation of Plants – the start of the fruit harvest with grapes. Therefore the water jugs spoken of in later verses compare to the Earth itself, reabsorbing the tides to offer the grape harvest (the Six jugs could be the six months from Kislev – Nisan / October – March, the planets excluding Sol, or they could be assigned to pairs of disciples). It is within the jug that water becomes wine, just as in reality the fermentation takes place in a still. The Venusian name Aphrodite is derived from aphros – meaning foam, and we may reason that this is related to April, as in April Wine. During the first 3-7 days of fermentation, foam on the surface is very common. We will learn more about Venus in relation to wine in the next segment.
INRI and YHVH, Virgo and Aries
Like Yehoshua, all is simply and elegantly summed up in INRI: Iesous Nazarene Rex Iudaeorum = Iam Nour Ruach Iabesha: Jesus of Nazareth is King of The Jews because he is the Facilitator of Equilibrium: Iesous, or Christ the Anointed One is Iam, Water; Light of the World, He is Solar Aries under the rule of Mars – Nour, Fire; King of The Stars, He is Ruach – The Breath of Spirit; Born of The Winter Solstice, He is Iabesha – The Earth Element of Capricorn. INRI, the Perfection of The Elements. Christianity is HARMONY, the reconciliation and synthesis of apparent opposites: man and woman, body and spirit.
We see something rather interesting when we look at the Crosses of INRI and IHVH, factoring in their celestial attributions: Aries, or Hé, is the only letter appearing twice in YHVH and is the 5th letter. Virgo, or Yod, is the only letter appearing twice in INRI and is the 10th letter. Thus Aries-Virgo unite YHVH-INRI, where Tetragrammaton points to the Lamb of Golgoltha and INRI to The Virgin of Bethlehem. Hé is associated with Shekhinah – The Divine Feminine; Yod, on the other hand, is double the value of Hé and is the Ever-Present Yah, the letter hidden within all letters; the Hand of God in All Things (yad means hand). The Beginning was the End, and the End is a new Beginning.
Thus we see the entire life-cycle of Christ and His Purpose hidden within INRI. The Cross is symbolic of many things- embracing The Four Directions, The Four Elements, The Four Seasons and The Four Worlds of Qabalah, and is capable of folding into a perfect cube. Therefore The Solar Cross – The Offering of Christ – is the unfolding of The Cube of Saturn (conquered in Adar/Pisces-Aries), the Liberation of Spirit from the Physical World. The Alchemical Song of Life has been Sung, and we have here reached the Octave- restoration of the Tonic in the image of itself, the refining of Solar Gold from Saturnine Lead; the return of Day One in Nisan: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
This concludes Part V Section Three; we will close this Part with the Second Coming in the next segment, after which time we will examine The Number of the Beast.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5-1 / Part 5-2 / Part 5-3
Another interesting post with a lot of information to digest. I found your section about baptism particularly interesting under the heading The New Aquarian Gospel. It helps me put together some of its origins. I am not big on astrology, but it seems to fill in a lot of the gaps I have missed from the esoteric literature I have studied. I see that I am going to have to delve more into astrology and astronomy in order to get a more complete education.
Thanks for the post.
Thank you, I’m glad you’ve enjoyed it. Admittedly I’ve never been big on astrology either (contrary to what my articles may suggest), only in realizing its mythological significance did I begin to pay it more attention. The first time I ever ‘really’ looked at astrology, I saw Aries the Ram standing over the cross of Spring and couldn’t escape the thought that there must be so much more to this. I’ve found that it is also useful in approaching alchemical art, where things like Lions, Virgins, Serpents and Water-bearers seem ever-present.
Easter, original term for Christmas, is a non-movable (firmly fixed in heavens) day celebrating an annual resurrection of the sun/son (son of light, as oppose to son of darkness that is now celebrated on or around April 1st, the day of trickster of all tricksters and the day of fools, antichrists, that celebrate resurrection of the son haphazardly determined by the darkness ruling luminary), start of a new year immediately following the conclusion of winter solstice (time when the sun appears to pass away for three days at its southernmost curling), the day the sun springs back. Only about 440 years ago this gradually drifting day from the concordance with heavens (never before jumping back and forth) was known as March 25th [25, mark of the Antichrist, being the square root of 666; hence Sept (7), Oct (8), Nov (9), Dec (10), January (1 1), and February (12); leaving the celebration of the son of darkness attached to the name of the month, and now on or around April 1st, and not to its proper place in accordance with the sky above; etc.] Then the Antichrist not only added 1000 years to its calendar by turning the “I”, and later “J” (as in ANNO J620, A.D.J.586, etc., that is still clearly seen in unaltered books, maps, rock inscriptions, etc., of that time), into “1”, but also instituted further adjustments to confuse the heavenly concordance and to conceal its Council of Trent mark, etc. Proper salendar, year (13 equal months [1-13]) and a day (free day and a quarter or so, or free day(s)), always starts with moon-day (1) and is followed by what is now known as Wednesday (2), Friday (3), Sunday (4), Tuesday (5), Thursday (6), and finally Saturday (7), each week the same, with concordant Saturdays, each month the same, each year the same, non-movable and reflecting [the true/new] heavens for ever and ever, per Carpenttarius.
Chris Z
I’m trying to understand why it is so important to spend so much time understanding how the zodiac relates to our true identity and helps us live. I am sure that the stars etc., just as the rest of nature all points to who we are because it’s just another aspect of our identity but why so much invested time in this area. Has it helped you live a better life? I just don’t get it.
I get what you are saying. Many readers like you and I may have a difficult time digesting the type of information and in the format that Jakob is skilled in presenting. I have a science background and I like astronomy, so I mange to tackle these articles by skimming through and finding one or two things I can relate to, and scratching around it and see of I can assimilate more of Jakob’s nearby before I get tired. But others with more familiarity with the subject matter, intellectual acumen for his style, or patience are able to glide through, having their previous good grasp of the subject matter further confirmed.
I think if Jakob were able to take such an extensive subject, and break it down into mini-slices and explain each slice with simplicity that is also entertaining, you and I would be able to breeze through it. But that talent is rare, and if he developed it he would be getting a lot of high priced offers from professional publishers.
I have had at least one “wow” moment in each article, the rest I had to push myself through without feeling like I have really absorbed it. Still, even the part I do not absorb seems to register in my subconscious and make me feel somewhat awed at how connected and mystically serendipitous this subject matter is. It is not as easy path for me as it is for Jakob to fully comprehend the subject. But I have not been studying it for years and years.
Thank you, both for your complements and your constructive criticisms. I completely see where you are coming from, and I agree with your suggestion that a simplification and breakdown of the material would be highly beneficial. Assuming that’s okay with Josh I would be happy to do so. Haha that would certainly be nice!
I’m glad you’ve had your share of realizations throughout this series, and I’m sorry you’ve had to ‘weed through’ so much other material; again I think your idea of breaking this down further would help a lot. That’s very understandable, new elements surface for me quite regularly- sometimes supplanting, other times augmenting my current perceptions.
I also forgot to mention that in my early 20’s when I was hitchhiking cross country I kept seeing a pattern of stars in the shape of a cross, even though I knew enough about astronomy to know there is no constellation in that shape that can be seen in the Northern Hemisphere. I have never gotten over it even though I have revised my interpretation of it several times, and have never stopped looking for clues.
You are certainly correct that there is no true “Crux” of the North, but I have a possible solution to this: 1) if you were in the city, it may be that you were seeing parts of a larger constellation; or, 2) it might have been Cygnus, the Swan which, though not an exact cross, forms this shape with its 5 brightest stars. In the city the others may be faint; if you were in the country, the Milky Way splits in two here. Hope this helps. 🙂–Cygnus-star-in-the-night-sky.-Vector-illust.jpg
Hello Kym,
Thanks for commenting. I should start by saying Yes, my life has improved: I have a Far deeper understanding of Art, Literature, Mythology, Religion, Architecture and Hermetic Philosophy, to name a few. I’ve come to realize the root of many literary archetypes, including the Journey to the Netherworld expressed in the works of such diverse authors as Jules Verne and Lewis Carroll.
I absolutely agree that any aspect of Nature may be applied in what I would call a Religious way, it simply so happens that our ancestors universally chose to interpret terrestrial happenings according to their celestial correspondents. Consider Agnus Dei, The Lamb of God slain at the foundation of the world, vs Aries, the Ram of Heaven crossed by the Sun at the birth of spring.
Astrology is a tool of decipherment to be applied to the Arts, it lays bare things we’ve always been exposed to but never fully understood.
To the student of any Creative field, it is indispensable. I offer just one example: I saw the following image in C.G. Jung’s “Psychology and Alchemy” only very recently:
Do you recognize the constellations in this Alchemical image? We see Virgo in the foreground holding Crater (The Grail) atop Hydra (The Serpent) with Leo behind her. This is Alchemical, yet with Astrology and little more than a passing glance we can decipher most of the image. Notice also that the Tree has 13 Suns for leaves (12 Zodiac and Sun: 12 Sons and Jacob, 12 Apostles and Christ, 12 Imams and Muhammad, 12 Labours of Hercules, etc.).
I hope this is helpful (and not too long), I think Robert made a good suggestion when he said to break it down into mini-slices for easier ‘digestion;’ I may end up doing this with some of the core principles.
Thanks for the compliment on my suggestion. I’m no expert, but I know that if you also butter the mini-slices to make each of them more captivating to the reader, it will encourage interest. I don’t always remember to do this. Some expert expository writers use methods to create emotional drama and l tension.
For instance:
Dr. Skeptic claims that the five stars lined up like an arrow coming out of the trunk of the Elephant constellation has no significance whatever, “shear poppycock”. But let’s take a closer look, shall we? From the Fall equinox until November 4th, when the Donkey constellation starts to rise above the visible horizon, lo and behold, the arrow points unmistakably into the rear of the Donkey. This is exactly what was foretold in the “Legend of the 99%”.
Haha no problem. I absolutely agree, I often tend to forget as well. Part of my original arrangement was an Attempt at something like this, a sort of gradual unfolding, but it didn’t go quite as hoped.
Care to know something strange? Your example compares to Sagittarius, as his arrow is pointed at Scorpio’s tail. An odd coincidence, given that Sagittarius rules November-December. Thanks again for your suggestion.
Isn’t it that some people lead a better life by gardening, some nursing, some rescuing animals, others inventing medical technology, poets, painters and some… spend their time studying such matters as Jakob. Personally I find his years of study, condensed into this material extremely interesting and thought provoking… far healthier than going to the pub or blobbing out in front of the TV for four hours a day.
And finally… there are three existential questions that have ‘plagued’ humanity (well the ones not blobbing) Who Am I ? Where do I come from ? and Where Am I going? Perhaps lots of the billions on the planet will be very interested in mathematical / zodiacal cosmology; it may give them peace as some of their nagging questions start to find a logical pattern.
Hi Heather,
Thank you for your kind words, I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed the series! I absolutely agree, that different people find their own ‘niche’ or way of improving themselves; for me, astrology definitely wasn’t always part of the picture, but life takes us to unexpected places. I’ve always been a poet of sorts, as well, and have found that astrological answers to religious questions have been a profound source of inspiration in this way, aside from their inherent usefulness in approaching religious allegory.
You are SO right, these are essentially the questions our ancestors tried to answer with things like astrology. Thanks for commenting, I hope to hear from you again. 🙂
Just a comical comment. I thought the hallucinogenic red mushrooms with white dots might have been consumed by the Siberians, rather than the reindeer, thus giving rise to the legend of flying reindeer.
I’m actually quite disappointed that I must’ve removed this: comical though it may be, you are absolutely 100% correct. The Amanita muscaria mushroom is a Holy Sacrament, or Entheogen (a hallucinogen used for religious purposes); it is used as such in both Siberia and Central America. Shamans, reindeer and bears are all known to partake.
These shamans provide the most likely source of all the more ‘commercialist’ aspects of Christmas: they wear red robes with white polka-dots (in honour of their Mushroom) and, because of high snow, allegedly bring gifts through chimneys. These are usually mushrooms placed under pine trees, as this is where they are often found naturally.
I recently saw a great article on the subject, I will have to dig and find it again but I’ll post it here for those interested.
Here is a link to a diagram showing conjunction and elongation of an inner planet like Venus or Mercury relative to Earth.
This explanation of the apparent motion of Venus relative to the sun and earth might be helpful.
The inner planet Venus and Mercury are closer to the sun than earth. We can see them every day at sundown from earth because at that moment we are able to look towards the sun without being blinded and it is beginning to get dark enough to see these bright planetary objects against the background star constellations.
As the earth rotates counterclockwise around the sun, at sundown we see the sun setting at a different location slightly more counterclockwise against the constellations.
We observe Venus also moving counterclockwise against the constellations. If the earth and Venus had the same period of rotation around the sun, we would see Venus at the same angle from the sun as it sets. But the inner planets rotate faster around the sun. Therefore the angle between Venus and the sun at sundown grows larger for three months after Venus passes the inferior conjunction, then reaches a maximum angle at the maximum western elongation, then the angle shrinks for three months until it passes the superior conjunction, and then the angle grows again for three months until it passes the maximum eastern elongation, and finally shrinks again for three months until it reaches the inferior conjunction.
There is an illusion of Venus moving clockwise through the constellations relative to the sun at sundown during the last 3 month period. This is called retrograde motion. This is just a result of the angling between Earth and Venus as Venus, in its quicker rotation, catches back up to earth. It is the same kind of illusion that occurs if a car behind you starts to pass you, so that when you look at the other car speeding past you in the left lane, it makes it seem as if you are moving backward from the other car. But both cars are moving forward.
This explanation of the apparent motion of Venus relative to the sun and earth might be helpful.
The inner planet Venus and Mercury are closer to the sun than earth. We can see them every day at sundown from earth because at that moment we are able to look towards the sun without being blinded and it is beginning to get dark enough to see these bright planetary objects against the background star constellations.
As the earth rotates counterclockwise around the sun, at sundown we see the sun setting at a different location slightly more counterclockwise against the constellations.
We observe Venus also moving counterclockwise against the constellations. If the earth and Venus had the same period of rotation around the sun, we would see Venus at the same angle from the sun as it sets. But the inner planets rotate faster around the sun. Therefore the angle between Venus and the sun at sundown grows larger for three months after Venus passes the inferior conjunction, then reaches a maximum angle at the maximum western elongation, then the angle shrinks for three months until it passes the superior conjunction, and then the angle grows again for three months until it passes the maximum eastern elongation, and finally shrinks again for three months until it reaches the inferior conjunction.
There is an illusion of Venus moving clockwise through the constellations relative to the sun at sundown during the last 3 month period. This is called retrograde motion. This is just a result of the angling between Earth and Venus as Venus, in its quicker rotation, catches back up to earth. It is the same kind of illusion that occurs if a car behind you starts to pass you, so that when you look at the other car speeding past you in the left lane, it makes it seem as if you are moving backward from the other car. But both cars are moving forward.
Correction. The angular retrograde effect is actually less than three months, For Venus is 41 days. An moving illustration of the retrograde motion of Venus is shown as the second illustration at this link
You mentioned 666, the number of the beast in Revelations, being an opposite of 888, the anti-Christ versus the Christ. By opposite, do you mean opposite as a result of a numerical calculation via Gematria? I wonder if you could clarify and elaborate.
I don’t know how I missed this, I apologize. I do not recall including any reference to 666 in this article, but nonetheless I could explain that somewhat. 666 is discussed in an article I have on the way (Pt. VI, final in the series), but Josh and I decided that an explanation of astrology seems warranted at the moment, which is why the former isn’t already posted.
On one level yes, this would have to do with gematria values, as 666=Neron Caesar in Hebrew (taken from Greek if memory serves) and 888=Iesous in Greek. The former is of course Nero (the Latin spelling), described by Tacitus as quite fervently anti-Christian. So in a way we see a contrast of tyrannical leader and martyred teacher in these two allusions (it should be noted that Nero ruled around 60AD).
There are other explanations as well, though. For instance: where 666 is the Beast, the Material World made whole in August, and 777 is the curse of Man’s Fall therein in September, 888 is the restoration of the covenant. David was the 8th son, there were 8 in the ark, etc. I hope this helps, more is on the way in the astro article (7 and 8 will be made much clearer).
This relates to the Spirit of scripture in what Spiritual ways? Is this not magic? In league with the egoic mind and it’s treason in the search of reason. This is of conscience? In search of Consciousness.? We’ll find our Creator, in this science of the 3rd dimension? This is Spiritual?
We’ll find knowing, by knowing the magical workings of the cosmos and it’s technical terms?
In this knowledge I’ll find peace and compassion and Love? Reeeeaallllly. Hmmmmm.
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God within thee and rest will be unfolded before thee.
Seek ye first the conscience of God within thee, and knowing will be afforded you of the
Spirit. Find and listen to the conscience, the still, small, but Great Voice in your Heart.
Are we evolving or revolving? Inside. Inside is the treasure we seek. Seek, you will find
your conscience. It’s there waiting for your return. Yearning to live a heart felt conscious life. With you. As you.
Hello Jay,
Firstly I’d like to apologize for my delayed response. Evolution in Revolutions, my friend, spiritual evolution through physical revolutions; Samsara.
Matter is of Spirit, therefore Spirit resides at the heart of all Matter. Science, or “treason in search of Reason,” is subtly beginning to allude to the idea of a Panconscious Universe, or Universal Brain. The very structure of the Universe is reminiscent of neural pathways; is that a dead Universe, devoid of Divinity? Is this mundane?
“He who understands the sexes possesses the key to all things.” – A.E. Waite. Man, though separate from and opposite to Woman, is never truly separate; neither could ever continue without the other, humans would cease to exist; we are codependent opposites, i.e. One; Two is the Illusion with which God began Creation, the distinction between Body and Spirit. Body IS Spirit, because Matter is an Illusion generated by Spirit. When we die we awake. But this doesn’t mean we can’t lucid-dream! -It is solely a ‘matter’ of How We Perceive Creation. Very few understand the true Buddhist conception of Void, because it is in truth Void-Reality; the same Reality seen from the other side.
The Fall and Redemption of Man is in effect going from a belief in Pure Matter, to Matter vs Spirit, to Pure Spirit. Astrology helps facilitate this change, as do Alchemy and Sexuality, by way of Analogy. We ARE the Sun, the 12 are Inside of us – they are Spiritual Stages of the Great Work. Each sign is a stage in our evolution, it is an allegorical means of conveying Universal Truth – and of affecting it within oneself; that is to say, it is Magic – the affecting of a physical change by way of personal or Universal Will; Miracle. This is the occult definition of Magic: manifestation and affecting of Will, an altering of environment; Creation. Therefore God’s Creative Act was literally Magical, like all art, poetry and myth.
In my opinion, one who’s heart is truly open to God sees Divinity Everywhere, not Nowhere. If one feels God in their heart, how could they ever truly say that God is nowhere else? The Outer is like unto the Inner World as Above is to Below, what we See is what we Project. If Reality is Illusion, what does this make God? -Is He a Deceiver? -Or is He an Artist, who’s fictional works we ought to admire as those painted by the hand of the Ultimate Wonder-Worker. That’s up to you.
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