So I believe it’s time to update the site to a new theme. This site currently uses an older child Thesis Theme that is outdated. I am going to upgrade to the Genesis framework and one of the Genesis child themes. Not sure which one yet, but over the next few days / weeks your going to see a lot of changes when it comes to the look of the site. It should load faster and the mobile version will be much better as well. But please be patient, because the site might appear unusual or broken until I can get it looking like what I want. This might take a few weeks. I have all next week off so hopefully I can have it finished by next Friday, but you know how life goes, so we’ll see.
There have been many times where I went to a site I usually visited and it was changed. At first I didn’t like the changes, but then got used to it and realized how much better it was. Hopefully you, the readers, will feel the same after everything has been fixed the way I want it.
One of the things I plan on doing is moving away from images. Earlier in the year I was hit with a big fine for using a copyrighted image. I didn’t mean to do this – in fact I use google advanced images to sort through non copyrighted images, but somehow I either selected the wrong search or just wasn’t thinking about what I was doing. I had to pay a ridiculous price of $550.00. It was my fault, so obviously I took the image down and then paid. If I do decide to include images in the future, I’ll probably used a paid site were I can get good images for pennies on the download. I’ll just have to think on it. In retrospect, only a small percentage of articles on this site have images that are truly relevant to the information. The information is what really matters anyway. Any articles that need images to explain the information will be left up, of course.
Another thing I want to do is make the site look less busy. I will continue to leave Google ads up because although I don’t make much, it is enough to pay for all the expenses of an internet provider and some of the plugins, but I’ll update that as well so they seem less invasive.
I am also going to try to get a better comment system with deeper threads. If anyone has a good idea for a plugin that can do this, let me know. I haven’t been keeping up with that stuff lately, so I’ll have to dig in and do some research.
I am writing this post so no one panics when the site goes down temporarily or appears out of whack. Thank you for all the contributions and reads. I have enjoyed this site over the years and meeting so many wonderful people with the same interests of spiritual exploration.
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and I look forward to getting the site updated!
Good luck! I hope the changeover goes smoothly, and I look forward to your new look. I am curious why you’re ditching Thesis.
I didn’t like the new Thesis versions. I believe Genesis has the easiest themes to work with as Thesis got too technical. And if Genesis doesn’t pan out, I can always switch back to thesis.
Nooooooooooooo! Change? I am going to miss this original design. I really loved it. But I realize you have to do what you have to do. Good luck on the update and transformation of the site. I just hope the true Spirit and Essence remains the same. This kind of spiritual insight and understanding from the biblical perspective is very rare. Thank you for all your work and commitment. This blog has truly been a blessing to me and others as I have shared your articles too. Peace and grace on your journey Joshua!
With gratitude,
Don’t worry. The new site will contain the same kind of info and articles. That will never change. And as I mentioned above, I can always switch back to Thesis if I need to. Thanks for the comment. Much appreciated.
New theme, same stream. If we can’t adapt, we are on the wrong site anyway.
Looking forward to the new site and the good knowledge! Peace!
In with the new out with the old. The best things gain a better hold. – Good luck.
Hey Joshua,
I stumbled upon your site doing some research on the vagus nerve and wether it had some relation to the bible, believe it or not. I am really pleased to find someone blogging about these topics the way you do. They are hard to find and less detailed. I want to give you a hearty “thank you” and tell you to “keep it coming.” My journey of connecting the dots has gotten a bit easier. Thank you friend and much love atcha.
Joshua, some times we all have to shed our skin to let new things (and hopefully good things) come to us, right? I’d like to suggest disqus for the comment section, it has a really nice thread for comments in the same conversation and it notifies better whenever a new comment is posted or a reply is made. Regarding the mobile version, I was never able to see the archives section properly whenever I tried accessing it from my smartphone, hopefully this will be addressed with the update. As always, thank you for your work and all the contributors to this site, my big thank you.
and finally I got up to the date with the blog! Lol! Couldn’t stop reading! Thank you once again!
Eu estou amando este site, muito tenho aprendido com vocês,então que venha o novo, eu acho que tudo tem que ser renovado de vez em quando inclusive nossa mente