Many illuminations lie in Genesis, but few have seen the light; for centuries Biblical literalists have taught very shallow meanings for a book laden with so many esoteric—or “inner”— treasures. This is such a shame, because contained within Genesis are the answers to life’s greatest mysteries. Perhaps one of the greatest illuminations revealed in this book is the explanation of the relationship between man and god. It’s a lot closer than you can imagine. Let’s delve into an important scripture that will help us understand this relationship better. Genesis 1:26 states:
“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…”
Just how is it that we are made in the “image” of God?
We must understand this concept from two angles: the spiritual and the physical. We must also understand how they are both really two sides of the same coin! This concept is extremely hard to comprehend, but very important to grasp. If you can grasp it, I promise you that life will make a lot more sense and you will have the knowledge to make choices that give you much better results in all areas.
Let’s tackle the physical aspect first. Desire to accomplish things in this world is a wonderful thing. Such a desire is to follow in the footsteps of the father who created us, for in part, not only are we put in this world to experience and learn, but also to create. We are made in the image of God because we are also creators, and participating in the act of creation is our birthright! As a matter of fact, you are participating in the act of creation every day whether you are aware of it or not. Creation is constantly unfolding from you. A simple thought is an act of creation, because thoughts become things (More on this in a moment). It is very important that you use the awesome creative power God has given you consciously. You have this power even as a god has this power.
“I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most high.” (Psalms 82:6)
I don’t understand why some Christians think that being as a god is taboo. The Bible makes this fact so plain, and again, it is very important that you use your creative power consciously. By “consciously” I mean having the ability to choose what to do instead of simply reacting to a situation. In a reaction, there is no conscious choice. Whatever is embedded deeply in the subconscious simply manifests as an unconscious action. Most people in this world act unconsciously on a daily basis. For example, imagine a wife who is mad at her husband because he is not giving her enough attention. But when she tries to talk to him about it, instead of communicating and listening to her needs, he flies off the handle, gets angry, and begins to defend himself. He is unconsciously reacting because of some emotional negativity deep in his subconscious which was triggered and manifested automatically when his wife approached him.
On the other hand, a conscious person has much power to create an abundant, healthy life. Just dwell on the positive of every situation of your life! Do this and you have the power to create a life more to your choosing. This takes some work and it won’t manifest instantly, but results will come.
The problem with a Christian mindset that considers this god-like creative power taboo is that we have assumed gods are some type of super beings that live forever, fly around in capes, or cast lightning bolts from the sky! But we don’t have to do that to be as god; we are as god simply because we have the power to create! And this is why we are “made in the image of God” on a physical level. It is the power of our conscious and unconscious thought processes that produces positive or negative manifestations. Which one do you want to produce?
Now what about the spiritual level? How are we made in the image of god on this level? Let’s come back to a statement I made earlier: thoughts become things. How can a thought, which is immaterial, manifest a “thing” that is material? The answer lies in what the great authors of the Bible and other spiritualist of antiquity knew all along: the physical world in an illusion! Even seemingly physical things are immaterial. Why do you think Jesus and other prophets continually state that we are not to walk by sight?! Sight is a physical attribute, and the physical world is not what it seems. Let me explain further.
When I say that the world is an illusion, I do not mean that you are not having a physical experience. You most certainly are. Your organic senses combined with the ego form a symbiotic relationship that shows us a physical experience that is so real that we believe it is our life story. This believing makes the experience unique. At death this experience ends, and what we have consciously become at death will determine how our next conscious life will be experienced. That’s why it is important to experience consciousness growth and expansion!
Consciousness is spirit. And spirit expresses itself through physical creation. Consciousness has created the organic senses to “experience” a physical existence of polar opposites to help your soul grow and mature.
And this is where the great paradox rings true: the spiritual side of life and the physical side of life are two different sides of the same coin! Since the physical experience is just an auto-generated state of consciousness fragmentation (being kicked out of paradise), we must gain the wisdom to return as a son of god by achieving unity consciousness again.
Remember, God and man are ONE in spirit, but we seem separated within the physical experience. So how does one realize all this? The answer is that you can only realize it “within” you, which is why Jesus said that the kingdom of God resided there. Meditation and mindfulness are the beginnings of such a realization.
We must also remember that the first man and woman described in the Bible are not literal people. They metaphorically represent consciousness fragmentation when they were expelled from the Garden. This is also the yin and the yang, or the polar opposites that are inherit within the physical experience of which creation is.
Regaining Our Rightful Place
We are truly made in the image of God on the spiritual level because inherit in our consciousness fragmentation is also the potential for unity consciousness, or Christ consciousness! In other words, even though we are now fragmented and separated from God, we have the potential to achieve unity consciousness with God again and become a true son like Jesus. This is accomplished by being born again, but not the shallow born again experience taught by the traditional Christian message. The esoteric understanding of being born again in the New Testament is about crucifying the ego (the ego which perpetuates consciousness fragmentation) and realizing Christ consciousness. This is the Christ experience where we truly see the light, or the Christ consciousness nature within ourselves! Unity consciousness is coming into a true relationship with God once again.
Once we also come to realize that Adam and Eve also metaphorically represent the first earthly or physical man in state of polar opposite consciousness, it is also possible to realize that Jesus attained consciousness unity and became that first spiritual man who is also a true son of God.
So what do you think? Has mainstream Christianity done a better job with the traditional salvation message, or do you think the traditional Christian message has “missed the mark?”
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Hi, In my intense hunger for knowledge and passionate quest for truth, your articles which had staked me on my chair for over twenty four hours consistently has actually been an eye opener and will never stumble anymore in the wilderness. You are such a gift to the liberation and transformation of my soul. Now, by what means can i also intuitively dissect and bisect scriptures like you do. When this happens, i am on the way to being a New Age Minister to liberate lost souls that takes church attendances and its traditional activities as a way of salvation. Thank you. I am in Ghana, Africa.
I am excited about your quest for knowledge. I am continually on this quest as well and it has taken many years of intense study to develop and write the posts that I have on this website, but once you see the Bible for what it truly is all begins to fall in place. Please, when this knowledge is birthed in you (as it already seems to be), share it with all your brethern and friends in Ghana, Africa. There are many religious institutions that would seek to control your soul, but know that YOU are the only one that can mold and shape your own destiny and soul. Be empowered! Spread this message. God bless.
“In other words, even though we are now fragmented and separated from God, we have the potential to achieve unity consciousness with God again and become a true son like Jesus. This is accomplished by being born again, but not the shallow born again experience taught by the traditional Christian message. The esoteric understanding of being born again in the New Testament is about crucifying the ego (the ego which perpetuates consciousness fragmentation) and realizing Christ consciousness. This is the Christ experience where we truly see the light, or the Christ consciousness nature within ourselves! Unity consciousness is coming into a true relationship with God once again.”
I thought that was part of the purpose of why Jesus died on the cross and overcame all that He overcame so that we wouldn’t have to work at accomplishing the things that you are stating that we need to work at. That is why we are given the Holy Spirit and that we read the word of God because as we read our minds are renewed and the Spirit is constanly renewing our minds and changing us from glory to glory.
I wholy disagree with what you have stated above. I am born again through Christ Jesus and im not fragmented nor im I separated from God. All of the things above that you say need to be done- Jesus has already done- he overcame the world and death,etc.
@Betty Alark, sounds like the JPIA (Jesus Paid It All) Syndrome where one believes that once they become born again, they lose all responsibilities in life regarding their experiences and reality. is that what you are saying?
Wow this is interesting am learning a lot thank you very much