This may sound like a strange title but during the early hours of August 21st, 2017, the day of the great Solar Eclipse, which in some channellings is connected with (a phase of) enlightenment, I suddenly realized that that these two words (‘achal tamar’ in Hebrew) lead to exactly that conclusion. They lead to a phase of enlightenment. I realized that these words form the core understanding of the whole biblical message. They are the beginning and the end, and also the totality of the process in between.
For those who have read my previous articles these two words should be familiar words by now. ‘He ate’ is the translation of the Hebrew word ‘achal’, which is also used to show the root of the verb. ‘Achal ’, 1-20-30, means to eat. When we look at it from the point of gematria, Hebrew numerology, it can be read as ‘1–kol’. ‘Kol’ means everything. This word ‘achal’ was once my introduction to gematria. The meaning of this ‘eating’ is to reconnect everything with the one of the Oneness it came from. However, this is only the final phase. When we look at the concept of eating as such, it comprises all of the process. When we eat something, we put it into our mouth, chew it and experience the taste of the food, then we swallow it and the digestion process starts and finally we absorb the nutrients of the food and let go of what does not serve us.
A date is ‘tamar’ in Hebrew, which we can also read as ‘400–mar’. ‘Mar’ means bitter and 400 stands for both slavery/addiction (the 400 years of slavery in Egypt) and the cross as the letter ‘Tav’, which is also the number 400, used to be written as a cross in ancient times. So ‘400-mar’ stands for the bitterness of slavery and addiction and also for the suffering of the cross. It stands for the most intense suffering that is imaginable. When we ‘eat’ this suffering however, when we do not spit it out but experience it consciously and digest it to the full, then we will discover to our surprise that this ‘tamar’ is in fact a date. A fruit that is sweet and nutritious. And by ‘eating’ it we will gain a lot of conscious awareness.
So when we take these two words together and look at what they really mean, we realize that in these two words the whole cycle of our descent into this world of matter, our stay there, and our ascension out of it – the whole process – can be recognized.
We can also apply this image of eating the date to the story of Jesus in the New Testament, which showed us how to follow the procedure. Once we know what it is all about, it is easier to recognize what all the other elements in the biblical stories mean, many of which I have described in my other articles.
We may also be reminded of another story, a story, which proves to be closely connected to this one and with which it all began. It is the story of Genesis 3, in which Man is warned not to eat the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil but does it anyway. In verse 6 it says: “And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.”
To make one wise is ‘lehaskil’ in Hebrew. The corresponding noun is ‘haskala’, which means enlightenment among other things. So the reason why the woman ate the fruit of the tree and also gave it to her husband was that she foresaw what the eating of this fruit would lead to. And the reason why the man also ate this fruit must have been that he agreed. What probably neither of them could have foreseen was what they let themselves in for. Is not that the same for all of us?
For one reason or another Christianity has decided that the forbidden fruit that Adam (and Eve) ate was an apple. The Jewish tradition teaches that they ate a fig, as later on, when they discovered they were naked, they took fig leaves in order to cover themselves. When we look at the story of Jesus however (who is called the second Adam sometimes), which tells us about his crucifixion and resurrection, we look at the story of Adam – and that means all of us – in another light. Here we see not only the difficult process but also the happy ending of the story here on earth. It is our rescue and salvation for that is what the name Yeshua, the Hebrew name of Jesus, literally means. It is a word as well as a name and as such it symbolizes a process, our process. A path that we ourselves must walk.
The crucifixion proves to be the eating/digesting of a date, which is sweet after all, and it leads to resurrection and ascension. It leads to enlightenment. Also that is a process in phases, I believe.
So my conclusion is that in the Garden of Eden Adam, Man, never ate an apple, nor a fig. He ate a date and is now in the final phases of digesting it. In fact he might be standing among the ‘Cherubim’ already, waiting to be admitted again to the Garden of Eden, as described in my article The Serpent and the Cherubim.
If what is said about this Solar Eclipse is true, could that possibly mean that this admittance will start now, today? Depending on how much Unconditional Love and Unity consciousness we have gained? And on how much indigestible matter, like greed, hatred, resentment, unwillingness to forgive, love of power over others and yes, also fear and separation, we have released?
Love, ‘ahava’ = ‘echad’, One, after all and as such only Unconditional Love (which loves everyone) is able to return everything to the Oneness of the beginning, with conscious awareness gained by overcoming everything that has held us in bondage for so long.
The numerical value of both words is thirteen, which in the Mayan tradition is the final phase, the phase of Transformation.
I agree with you. There certainly wasn’t an apple in the Garden. I have come across Jewish literature arguing that it was a fig, especially since they were covered with fig leaves when they saw that they were naked.
I like your idea of the date here. Thank you for breaking down the Hebrew meaning of the word Tamar so that we can see how it compares with Jesus’ life and correlates with Adam and Eve. I am curious though, when you say that man ate a date in the Garden do you actually believe this literally happened. We have already discussed our differences about literal interpretations, whereas you accept both for some stories. So I was just curious to see if you thought the story of Adam and Eve was literal.
Hi Josh,
Thanks for your comment.
No, I do not believe that this story literally happened. I just entered into the story as it were and looked at what it would have been if it had happened literally. Just like when both you and I mentioned in our articles that the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil were really two sides of the same tree. When you wrote that you did not mean to say that there was a historical Garden of Eden with that tree in it, did you?
Anny, got it! I thought that is where you were going, just wanted clarification there. Not that it would matter either way since this blog comment section is here for the purpose of people to share different ideas so that we can all learn from each other. We had discussed this in length before, and I didn’t think you had changed your view.
A side note: Did you know historically, that the date was one of the most popular desert items eaten after a meal during the time of the prophets? Nice to see how you used the date to bring out a wonderful scriptural truth! Keep it up! Your knowledge of gematria has always been impressive as well.
That does not surprise me as there are a lot of date trees around and dates are sweet, so it is more or less the same as we do after a meal.
The date is a well-known fruit and because of that probably also used in a symbolic meaning as the seventh fruit in the Kabbalistic system. Which of course fits in beautifully with the symbolic meaning I discovered. And I can hardly believe that I am the only one who ever saw that.
Therefore I thought it a wonderful coincidence when I received a box full of such dates straight from the oasis town Al Ayn in Abu Dhabi,one of the Arab Emirates, delivered to me by my daughter as a present from a friend of hers who lives there. They were delicious, covered in chocolate too.
Covered in chocolate? Well then, there was no resisting this presentation of fruit. We as a species were destined to follow our descent into chocolate covered sweet fruit. I do not have any dates or figs, but I might consider descending further with a milky way or snickers. Oh yes, and there is also “dark” chocolate. Joking aside, it was a very interesting synchronicity in receiving your gift. I notice so many of these, and yet I am not sure what they mean as far as supporting an overall religious view of anything. They seem to mean something to the individual, and I think they help guide the individual in a personal quest or revelation.
Thanks for your comment. I must say that I do not really know whether something like this has a deeper meaning or not. I would not definitely say that it does not but for myself I was not really looking for a deeper meaning when I received this gift. Most of all I just enjoyed the dates!
It could also be a confirmation of what I am doing though. There are many types of signs and I do not know about them all.
To me, synchronicities are the most intriguing phenomena on the planet. We are really missing the ball when we say “Oh what a coincidence” and then move on. They are shocking and subtle at the same time. They represent proof of some effect influencing space and time deliberately causing an extremely improbable coincidence. It bothered psychologists’ understanding so much that they theorized it was some kind of “perception” in the mind of the person experiencing it rather than an actual event. Christians explain it as a working of the Holy Spirit. But it is not limited to experiences by Christians. So what causes it? Are aliens from another dimension messing with us? Is an anonymous beneficial external guardian winking at us and guiding us? Is our connection to the collective consciousness of the All causing it? Is our own personal super-consciousness causing it? How do I explain when I wake up at 3 am and innocently decide to check my computer and discover a friend who has been on my mind has just written a comment on facebook within the last few seconds? How is this happening? This is truly mystical. It is humanly natural to want to know the how, what, where, and why about this. The fact that we don’t know for sure does not make it less important.
Hi Robert,
I completely missed this comment as when I checked this morning I only saw your comments at the bottom.
I keep being amazed when you or other people write about how Christians explain things. They seem to feel the need to have an explanation for everything. I do not remember that kind of thinking from my own church at all.
I must say that I have not ever really thought about the existence of coincidence. Somehow I felt that there had to be an explanation for it but I never actually searched for it. However, now that I have become acquainted with the concept that God is All that Is, and as such that we are (a part of) God, and from quantum physics with the idea of entanglement, I am not so surprised about coincidences anymore.
Everything is entangled with everything else and whatever anyone thinks, says or does influences everything else (and I do not know whether that is limited to humans alone, probably not) and as such coincidences probably happen as a result of all these mutual influences and entanglements.
And of course the concept that All is One and separation is only a temporary illusion is another way of putting it.
“Synchronicity is the simultaneous occurrence of two or more seemingly unrelated events. Seeing 11:11 on the clock one time is no big deal. But seeing it multiple times becomes statistically significant. Such coincidences seem utterly unexplainable, making synchronicity a magical and inspiring occurrence in our lives.
When you experience a profound synchronicity, you should feel a sense of purpose and meaning in your life. You should feel as though you are on the right track, not alone, and being guided by the universe. During synchronicity, your higher self or spirit guide is telling you to take note of the divinity within that precise moment. Paying attention to your thought at the time of the synchronicity is very helpful. Continuing along the synchronistic path will further align you with the universal energy, transforming your life in ways you cannot fathom.”
Thanks, Robert, that sounds logical somehow.
Only: “Paying attention to your thought at the time of the synchronicity is very helpful.”?
I am sure they are right about that but here in Europe we can see these occurrences like 111 to 555 only during the night. And when I do, I am mostly stumbling half asleep from the bathroom to my bed so I am not likely to have any meaningful thoughts whatever.
I am sure our focus and our frame of thinking in general is just as important.
I am having a little difficulty is associating something so ultimately painful like the crucifixion with eating sweet fruit.
Robert, you’re thinking with that analytical mind of yours.
Actually it was intuition that alerted me that something did not jive in one of the passages of this post. This was not Analytical Robert this time.
Got ya. I had only mentioned that because my analytical mind kicked it at one point and I was thinking the same way, and then I realized on a reread what she was actually saying. Sometimes my analytical mind works in overdrive and I have to turn it off when looking at the scripture allegory, especially. Of course I believe the analytical mind is a great blessing and sometimes a curse at the same time. And I hope the joking around in my last article wasn’t taken the wrong way. Your witty so I was trying to get you to reply in turn because for some chuckles. Blessings my friend.
There is no way you could ever offend me, friend. Besides, my goons don’t know your present address and they charge double for out-of-state jobs. Too bad about the address, I was going to overnight you a one-way plane ticket to the Caribbean. Cheers.
Haha. There’s the Robert I know 🙂
How am I to understand this, my friend? Sending Joshua right into the worst hurricane of history? With a one-way ticket? Are you trying to get rid of Josh?
And now I have mislaid all your useful advice about smileys.
I must say Robert knows what the heck he’s talking about. If you’ve seen Josh’s photos, you know he’s the third coming of Christ. As such, Robert is sending Josh to the Caribbean to still the storms and save the people.
I’m sending him to Mar-a-Lago.
Has not this been the message of many if not most of my articles?
That which seems so painful in our lives is in reality not bad at all. If we look at it from the perspective of love and act in a loving way in order to help others with our experience, then we will not become embittered but gain conscious awareness instead and become more joyful as well. Forgiveness of course often plays a large role as well, both of ourselves and others.
The deeper meaning of the crucifixion is only one example of that.
The pain and sorrow that were the ‘punishment’ for Adam and Eve for eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, was another. Pain is ‘etsev’ or ‘ets-2’, it is the tree of duality of which they just had eaten and would have to continue eating but sorrow is ‘itsavon’, which is ‘ets-2+50. It is the tree of duality again but a 50 has been added to it to show that this whole process will lead to higher awareness in the end.
The deeper meaning of the ‘thorns’ (and thistles) a little further on in the same chapter are another example. A thorn is ‘kots’ in Hebrew and can be seen as the root of the verb ‘hakets’, which means to wake (someone) up. The thorns and the thistles of life make that we wake up from the ‘tardema’, the deep sleep that we have been in since our descent into the world of matter. But only if we take a loving perspective on them.
Whatever happens to us does not have an inherent meaning at all. It will get the meaning that we assign to it by our perspective on it and our reaction to it.
Crucifixion is still painful. I think you skipped that step when you mentioned crucifixion and sweet fruit in the same sentence without a transition. This was misleading. It was as if pretending or ignoring that it is not painful. True, you have explained in the past how suffering leads to enlightenment. But you skipped that this time, as if you were sugar-coating the suffering part. I think what should be emphasized is to “accept” suffering as part of a process that leads to enlightenment, not to ignore it. There is nothing immediately painful about eating a date. The awareness afterwards of this symbolic act of eating sweet fruit in Eden was painful self-awareness.
Hi Robert,
I did mention the suffering part of the crucifixion in the beginning of this article. See this quote:
“So ‘400-mar’ stands for the bitterness of slavery and addiction and also for the suffering of the cross. It stands for the most intense suffering that is imaginable. When we ‘eat’ this suffering however, when we do not spit it out but experience it consciously and digest it to the full, then we will discover to our surprise that this ‘tamar’ is in fact a date.”
There is indeed nothing painful about the eating of a date but that is taking it literally again. This conclusion that after all you have been eating a date only comes when you have digested the whole process for the full 100% and have let go of all bitterness about it. Then you only see the huge rewards it has brought you and feel good about it when looking back.
While the process is still going on there is mostly only awareness of suffering but we, who have learned about it while still in it, can experience this knowledge as consolation and a promise.
Anny, you touched on something very, very important to understanding the Scriptures, but very, very concealed, and that is the subject of Christ as Adam. Indeed, Jesus opens up the New Testament as Adam. Christ is the resurrected, or second, or post-crucifixion, Adam — our Savior. This is actually knowledge critical to understanding the overall message of the scriptures, which is that we must be created in the image and likeness of God, which is the new birth — or what it means to be born again. I see Jesus as Adam, and Eve is mankind. I love your symbology. Thanks for your article.
Hi Paul,
Thanks for your comment. This article made me put a link between Adam and Jesus, which may be something different than what you write though. I had not really thought about this aspect very much before but this time it just came up.
In this case I see both Adam and Jesus as a symbol of mankind.
Adam as a symbol of incarnating mankind, still androgynous in the beginning, not yet aware of what it was all about. The starting point of the journey.
Jesus I see as the second Adam, as a symbol of Man after he/she has completed the complete cycle and has gained the conscious awareness that was the goal of this whole journey.
The story of his life showed us what it is all about and how to go this way ourselves.
Christ I see as that consciousness, that the first Adam was not aware of yet and that we often are not either but which is there nevertheless and did come alive in Jesus and will come alive in us also.
Of course these are all symbols, as is what you are stating and which does not have to be any less true. It just is a different perspective. Or an equation with different numbers, so to speak.
I love you Anny !
What a grace 1-2-1
Anny, great article! I love and admire how you connect each article with what you’ve written before, so I have a sense of something continuously growing up and adding bits and pieces here and there. Your knowledge of gematria is amazing, and I truly think that this “interpretation” only add another level of comprehension to other types of articles here at SoS. As I’m not a native english-speaker, I got a bit confused until I understood that by date you’re referring to a fruit, and then I was able to grasp a bit more of understanding of this article, but as always, I’m gonna read again so that new things will appear to me. If I can “travel” a bit far, we had the eclipse, we’re facing hurricanes and earthquakes all around the world, even here in Brazil, which is something really rare to happen, and personally I believe all of these events are connected somehow, even though they cause us great suffering, but in the end this suffering, as did our great brother Jesus in the cross, will serve for a greater purpose. Our great mother Earth is also a living organism, and it is also transforming itself to something better. Earth is also enlightening and should we continue to keep up with her, so must we. Blessings to all!
Hi Vinicius,
Thanks for your beautiful comment. I have been away on holiday for three weeks so I could not reply to you earlier.
Indeed I also believe that my interpretations add another level of or view to other interpretations and I think that is the beauty of it. Each different view adds to the whole. Actually my knowledge of gematria is not that profound. I know that a lot more things are possible with it but I feel that also the possibility to start manipulating things grows that way. I simply want to see what is there and not to construct theories of my own.
I can understand that you got confused by the double meaning of the word date. I sometimes add that this is about fruit if it is not immediately apparent by the context but not always as it is an image I have been using very often since the beginning.
I am also not a native English-speaker as I am Dutch, so I understand that sometimes a context might not be exactly clear when it is about a subject that has been unknown to you till that moment.
I agree with your view on the state of the world right now. Also here in Europe we have been dealing with hurricanes and floods and stuff, and also with forest fires. Not to mention the political unrest everywhere and the refugee situation. It is all part of the time we live in and we have to deal with it in a loving way, keeping in view the interests of everyone and not just ourselves. We have to reply to fear and hatred with Love as that is the only way out of situations like these.
I very much appreciate all your comments so far!
Blessings to you and everyone too.
Thank you for your kind words! I think it’s admirable and honest and humble how you handle gematria, it is a great addition to our studies of the scriptures here at SoS. I think that sometimes when we start learning how to handle any tool, we’re all subject to use it in a wider range of purposes, be it in our own benefit or benefit of others, and it’s admirable that you recognize there’s a gap for manipulating things but you try and avoid falling in this “trap”. I deeply agree with you that each different view adds to the whole, and I prefer to remain open to different views so that it’ll increase in richness of knowledge, we have a lot to lose when we remain closed to fewer and superficial interpretations, that’s when confusion comes and the result of it we see everywhere, people fighting over the same God, religion against religion and etc. and that’s really sad at the end of the day.
Indeed, love is the answer for this troubled times. It’s the only thing that dissipates fear and hatred, and it teaches us to be more compassionate towards our fellow brothers and sisters across the globe. And we’ll only get there by loving ourselves, learning and accepting who we are.
PS: Thank your for your reply in that old article! Very much appreciated!
Thanks, Vinicius.
why an apple ?
maybe because it shaped like a torus
see pinterest
Hi Leo,
Thanks for your interesting additional information. To be quite honest I have never seriously thought about the concept of why the church would choose an apple as the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. And why they would have chosen this fruit especially. And when.
I certainly see merit in your explanation as an alternative interpretation. Only somehow I wonder whether they knew all this already at the time. And of course this interpretation is not based on the Bible itself. Would not that have been a problem for the church?
There is another symbol used by the church, although more concealed, the pineapple.
Search on google for ‘pineapple vatican’ and you will see the pineapple prominently on display.
The pineapple also reminds me of compartmentation. We can loose ourselves in each part or unite all in the pineal gland. Imo the pineal gland is the instrument of interface between us in the dual world and the higher frequency. It works like a crystal transforming frequencies up and down (imo).
As you see my imo, i would like to stress that my blunderings are work in progress, i reserve the right to come back and change my opinion as result of my inner churning.
Although my contributions are the result of committed work i do not claim the truth. I understand we all build our own staircase to Heaven, I like mine with a sound foundation :). Real life is the testing ground, so doing results in reworking the ladders.
The contributions on Josh’s website are my daily bread 🙂
But all of this is off topic, off course . . .
Hi Leo,
I am not so sure this is off topic. The ‘forbidden fruit’ of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil of course was never a real fruit but each choice is an interpretation that leads to an alternative meaning. Which can greatly enhance the total. None of them are absolute as each has its own message..
With the pineapple of course we address the matter from the view of the pineal gland, which in the literal sense has a great part in reaching the state of enlightenment. So eating the pineapple starts the process which develops the first Adam into the second Adam, which is Jesus in the Bible story. And of course all of us in his footsteps.
I totally agree with you that we all climb our own ladders. And we all have our own work to do and it is no sin to make mistakes once in a while. It is all part of the process. And when we share our experiences, we all can learn so much more.
why a date ?
maybe because ‘as above so below’
grow the seed
when it germinates it first grows to the light
then it dives into the earth until it hit rock bottom
then it shapes the lower end into a spiral
then it start to grow a stem (on the inside) growing upwards
near exiting the earth it opens the umbilical cord
and shows itself as a green grass like sprout
in the following years it will grow its leaves
and every leaf grows a single root down into the earth
some date tree are male, some female,
others are hermaphrodite.
Thanks for your always valuable additional explanation, Leo.