Humankind is acknowledged as the crowning jewel of God’s creation: the only creature made in the image and likeness of God-nature. This is by virtue of the fact that man can self-realize individuality whereas animals cannot.
Col 1:19 puts it “For it was by God’s own decision that the Son (Christ within) has in himself the full nature of God”.
This scripture makes it abundantly clear that humankind is indeed made in the image and likeness of God, and, more specifically, expression of image and likeness.
But two vital questions remain. How is the immensity of God’s full nature accommodated physically in humans, and through what mechanisms?
Let us attempt to unravel both of these intriguing questions.
When we say God is love and that God loves us, many cling to an intellectual concept that because God loves us, everything is fine, that we do not have to do anything further in knowing His love. In settling for intellectual concepts or belief systems, deep down we’re making God responsible for the knowing of our own indwelling image of God nature. The reality is, knowing God is a personal decision — an act of will — where we choose either handing our lives over to God fully or choose remaining intellectual on God, in other words, remaining on the side-line of non-commitment to the necessary work required for knowing His image or nature.
And, while positive, only intellectualizing biblical words can also lead to rigid belief systems which we feel will reunite us into his image and likeness. But intellectual knowledge does not alter the state of the soul, does not bring God-nature or divine consciousness to us. The Bible in essence is instructional and not a collection of belief systems to be learned and verbalized over and over. Ideally biblical phrases require translation from their literal presentation to esoteric or hidden meaning, thereby making the wonderful scriptures relatable and practical in carrying-out. In the absence of proper translations, we’re inclined to form our own understanding, or relate to other’s views which tend to binding us even more to non-soul serving belief systems.
Making A Start
Let us consider an innocent raindrop. The raindrop is potential awaiting ocean-realization, in that, it exists as ocean-nature but has not realized this. To evolve from ocean-ignorance into direct experiencing, the sun evaporates the raindrop into a cloud where it eventually localizes to form an individual raindrop when it then falls back into the ocean fully realized in ocean-nature. And, while in the cloud as a raindrop — awaiting unity with ocean — it still retained all the qualities of ocean.
Similarly, a room full of precious wealth which no one knows is there, is valueless until an awareness or consciousness enters the room.
An analogy I love is the prodigal son. The younger one asked the father for his inheritance of the estate (the kingdom of heaven) before setting out in becoming spiritually lost in the material world, and the ensuing transformational journey back to the father. Similar to the raindrop’s ocean potential, the younger son’s inheritance was, of course, full image and likeness of the father’s status. In other words, all the qualities, nature and potential of the kingdom of heaven.
With this in mind, each soul thus is an individuated aspect of God, or Spirit, and, as such is not made, but that it’s the body which is made, or created. For, similar to Spirit, the soul always is, was and always will be. And gloriously, in making the human body, God genetically encoded each of us with mechanisms thereby to come upon His image and likeness nature.
God operates the cosmos through the innumerable laws of Nature. Through impulses beyond ordinary human perception — biblically put, the Will of God made manifest — God carries out the daily functioning of the universe to perfect precision. Therefore, the status of God and the multiple intricacies of His operational nature, is beyond human comprehension. And while the human mind cannot comprehend such multiple permutations of laws, this is counteracted by God providing the ability of attuning the consciousness with all the laws of Nature, with the cosmic impulses, with the Will of God without having to comprehend the mechanics of the innumerable laws of Nature.
Moving Beyond — Taking Action
Action purifies, therefore, for any realizable evaluation of image and likeness of God, the position has to move beyond merely reading and verbalizing on it into implementation, or action, of Genesis 1:1“in the beginning was the word and the word was God”. Without action, nothing changes. Esoteric understanding of these words reveal that we can enter into direct experiencing of God nature within consciousness. For, as was said earlier, intellectual knowledge alone will not produce His nature, rather it inflates the mind with information only, which information requires acting upon.
Let us briefly evaluate Genesis 1:1 and how by directly experiencing “the Word” we’re fulfilling this wonderful scripture perfectly. The Word, which is Aum, is the triggering sound — of the genetic encoding — by which human consciousness gets to know or experience God-consciousness. Therefore, at practical level, image and likeness has to do with the after-effects, the reverberation qualities and resonances of this cosmic Word value in our consciousness. In other words, the sound of Aum initiates or stirs vibration, thereby is divine cosmic nature triggered as direct experience within consciousness.
From direct experiencing Aum’s impulses, it reveals that we’re each a microcosm of the Whole — Potentiates of Divine Nature with creative intelligence of all possibilities. Vibration thus is the starting point of fulfilling the soul’s quest for spiritual evolution into conscious harmony and peace – a life of full integration with Divinity. In achieving such, we’re each provided with the mechanisms and channels, with impulse-encoding for knowing His nature directly, for making His Reality into our Reality.
Let us look at the mechanisms or channels through which vibrational Aum is transported throughout the body.
The Human Nervous system
Imagine viewing beautiful scenery through mist-covered spectacles or radio orchestral music tuned between stations, or touching over well-crafted furniture or porcelain with gloves on. This is like how an impure nervous system experiences.
Obviously, this not a medical viewpoint on the nervous system but a graphic to help internalize the spiritual channels through which Being or Life expresses and reflects. Breaking it into component parts: the body is an extension of the nervous system, which is an extension of the brain, which is an extension of the mind, consciousness or soul, which is an extension of God. These basically are what constitute the physical elements which function to maintain the human body. These advance systems of creation — and their spiritual potential — are what sets humankind apart from every other species in creation. It’s through the brain / nervous system that consciousness vibrates, which vibration, when transcendentally experienced, equates as Divine nature.
As mentioned earlier, intellectualizing only on scriptural Image and likeness has to move to another level, into active participation of directly knowing His nature. This other level — of purely knowing — is achieved through refinement of the nervous system, the intended method of the body’s Creator. The nervous system needs to be made a reflective system capable of withstanding His nature, of directly experiencing image and likeness beyond words and belief systems.
Being the most advance among the species, the nervous system is the seat of consciousness, seat of the soul, or Self, and soul or Self existence is only in present time. When refined, or made pure, the nervous system reflects His form or nature as expanded awareness, harmony, peace, in the form of bliss-consciousness – biblically, Light of God. Genesis puts it “God said let there be Light (let there be divine consciousness).” Thus, to be enlightened means to be divinely conscious, and to be fully enlightened is to be fully awake in His consciousness as our normative standard of living.
God-nature cannot be experienced through a lesser state, thus the human nervous system needs to be re-calibrated, restructured to channel His nature. It’s through the human dynamic that divine consciousness gets to know itself, and by this covenant, reciprocally humankind gets to know God. In other words, while God is experiencing His form through the individual consciousness, thus are we directly experiencing His nature through our own spiritually developing form. As the forms are one and the same, so too the creative ability and manifestations, but, just to scale.
Continuous flow of spiritual nature, of natural happiness through the nervous system, is how His form or image becomes imbibed or established as permanent divine consciousness. Thus, establishing Divinity within is achieved by culturing the nervous system to withstand ever-deepening bliss-consciousness. In other words, for the mind to have an experience there must be a corresponding set-up or state within the nervous system. Therefore, by culturing or acclimatizing the nervous system in this manor, image and likeness becomes directly experienced and sustained – consolidated by activity congruent with this nature in our daily life.
Self-realization or realization of our true eternal nature, is the purpose and goal of each soul, but that the Goal is already in place, we do not create it. Realization of Self – eternal soul — is all that we need concern ourselves with. Each of us is already eternal Self and, as eternal Self or eternal Being, man / woman is inherently Divine Consciousness Itself. We are each the Awareness and not the container of awareness, nor the container of consciousness. We’re each already unbounded consciousness. That, by means of the nervous system, we can move beyond the limited boundaries of time and space, and know omnipotent consciousness — from singularity to unbounded awareness.
But how is unboundedness Actualized?
Transcendence and Silence
Some years ago, I intended running a full Marathon — 26 miles or 40k. But, it soon became apparent that, in order to fulfill this aspiration, much training was required: many miles of running and jogging along cold, wet and windy roads, both days and nights. Happily, I completed the training task and went on to complete, not one, but three full Marathons. In other words, with meditation, we have to put in the training, meaning, regular sessions of acclimatizing the mind-senses, nervous system and physiology to withstand the inflow of bliss into the system, which we can agree is lot more enjoyable and less strenuous than Marathon training.
Col 2:3 puts it “Christ (pure silence) is the key which opens all the hidden treasures of God’s wisdom and knowledge”.
From this scripture we conclude that humankind is Potential awaiting direct realization as image and likeness consciousness.
Some hold the view that, once we believe in God and read the scriptures then that’s all we have to do spiritually speaking. While of course this level of belief is truly positive, but at soul level it’s really an intention awaiting action on our part. Developing such belief or faith requires inner activity and outer action. This inner activity, being the process of gaining subtler and finer levels of silence, is when purification and integration of non-soul serving mind-sets takes place, and the outer action is expressing such as the normative living standard.
Usually we refer to two forms of silence: outer environmental silence and silence experienced by the absence of mental activity — achieved in meditation — which is transcendental silence. The reason meditational silence is vital is that this silence leads to transcendence. Transcendence is vital, for such is when the awareness rises above ego and beyond ordinary silence as we enter into a higher altered state of consciousness – the Light of God.
Matthew 23:12 puts it: he who exalts himself (unbowed ego) will be humbled, but he who humbles himself (transcends) will be exalted.
Transcendental silence is not inactive, rather latent spiritual dynamism. Some, when starting out in meditation practice, and not being properly trained in how to experience transcendence, resist the Transcendent fearing what is happening, that something is taking them over, not realizing their Savior has come to town. This experience is to be welcomed, for It’s by such regular transcending that God’s nature or image is gradually accepted and realized as form. Transcendence is an altered state of consciousness therefore cannot be experienced by just sitting in ordinary silence — thinking about our next TV program — which really is just the absence of relative sound.
Thus, personifying image and likeness is about creating a Gap in the incessant thought waves created on the gross surface level of mind by non-awareness. By means of the Gap — which is the Silence — transcendental silence becomes infused into the very nature of the mind, when a spiritual dynamic or nature begins taking form within consciousness. The process therefore is one of becoming mentally still, silent, of entering into meditation, and after meditation engaging in outer activity. This outer activity is what establishes silence in the nervous system and which is experienced within as separate from outer activity.
While physiologically we’re each encoded of image-likeness or God-nature, it’s transcendental silence which fires the human physiology into functioning divinely or cosmically; it’s when our bliss-nature soul is experienced as separate from the hectic market place – in other words, Presence remains through all activity. As life is experienced through the mind-senses combination, and as the senses are housed in the nervous system, this is why the nervous system requires purification. Through transcendental consciousness, creation, in all its diversity, reflects as Unity within the physiology as divine consciousness, thus the physiology is the expression of consciousness. In other words, the physiology and divine consciousness both co-existing simultaneously — relative life and eternal God nature cognized as our own Self, the Lord they God within, as the permeating bliss-force of our every thought, word and action, and within every cell of the body.
Only the Self is eternally silent.
To recap in an extended sentence: The process starts with experiencing meditational silence thus leading to transcendental silence, which silence integrates rigid subconscious, ego-patterned thought structures, thus neutralizing residual nervous system contamination’s of stress and tensions, thereby making the inner channels sensitive to withstand the surge-flow, the rapture of higher or pure energy, which further leads to expansion of conscious capacity of mind and to even higher states of consciousness.
And, finally…
Pure Consciousness
Pure consciousness is self-referral consciousness. In other words, due to the fact that nothing of the outside relative order can contaminate or penetrate His nature, pure consciousness interacts alone within its own transcendental status. Referring only within its own dynamic, its own eternal creative structure, pure consciousness lies beyond outer-world interference; thus God is always in heaven as in “our father, which art in heaven” – Lord’s Prayer. Also “where I (eternal awareness) go you (non-realized Self) cannot come but I go (meditation) to prepare a place for you (transcendental consciousness)”.
The opposite of self-referral is object-referral. Where our personal world and societal status is acknowledged without awareness of, or reference to, the spiritual dimension of our higher Self — without experiencing the Self as separate from the material world.
We’re familiar, I’m sure, with the words “give us this day our daily bread” – Lord’s Prayer. As we progress in meditation and the purification process — of awakening the hidden treasures of the eternal soul — we will see these words as pertaining to “give Him His daily bread” – as meaning feed Him transcendentally by our daily meditation. In bringing ourselves to be still, silent in mind, wholeness and calm pervade the offering thus our prayer is of pure silence, the highest offering or devotion we can express. But, in registering as pure silence, the intellect must become one-pointed. thereby knowing the silence of the soul, and in this way is made resolute and pure. Thus realization dawns that inner point and Infinity are equal – thine Eye is become single thus the physiology and consciousness are filled with light, realized in the eternal image and likeness of God.
You may want to read Raymond’s article on The Mustard Seed of Faith which is a great addition on the subject.
A difficult subject explained well. All religion, doctrine, and belief systems are nothing more than intellectualizing scriptures. A great mental exercise, which can lead to ruling out non-truths, but never THE truth, which is actualizing the self, walking through the veil, so to speak. Intellectualizing scripture did have one positive effect in my life – It helped me rule out the fact that there was the truth in it. It helped point me in the right direction, leading me to the veil, but then I realized it must be discarded to walk through, for the Christ within rents the veil.
And thank you for explaining the practical effects of meditation and silence, and how it we can then manifest the image and likeness of God.
My two favorite scriptures showing the truth you have explained here are:
“Be still and know that I am God.’
“I am that I am.”
Those two contain the sum of your article so beautifully expressed, but never understood when intellectualized.
Thank you for this insightful comment.
Yes indeed “be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46–10 is surly the simplest scripture to relate to practically. That, no matter how holy the books we’re reading are, Psalm 46–10 is saying: put them down and physically commence the practice of stilling the conscious mind of activity. And then repeating this practice every single day until “knowing” is directly perceptible. Then truly can we relate to scriptures in what they are instructing humanity in — direct experience through purification of the inner mechanisms.
Like yourself, Josh, I eventually realized that what I was intellectualizing scriptures through was the very thing that needed stilling — the ever active analytical conscious mind, or, non resolute intellect. Intellectual knowledge does not bring about the purification of the nervous system needed for directly knowing the Rapture or Bliss within.
Thanks again for the generous comment and for links to the Mustard seed of faith article.
Hi Raymond and Joshua,
Thanks for a beautiful article, Raymond, and the previous one too, both filled with so much wisdom and joy. There is not really anything I could add but one thing:
Raymond, you write: “The reality is, knowing God is a personal decision — an act of will — where we choose either handing our lives over to God fully or choose remaining intellectual on God, in other words, remaining on the side-line of non-commitment to the necessary work required for knowing His image or nature.”
I fully agree with this statement but somehow you imply that meditation is the only way to do this and that I do not agree with. I see your way, also in relation to your previous article, as one way or model and mine (of the esoteric Bible interpretation), for instance, as another. And walking in the footsteps of Jesus as a practical application, as another one again.
Of course these ways will cross and meet from time to time.
Joshua, you sort of place meditation (the right way) as opposed to religion (the wrong way) in your comment. That also I do not agree with. I have seen so many examples of splendid religious people lately who apply their whole life in the loving service of others in whatever way as a practical application of their faith, regardless of what religion they belong to. Your experience in a fundamentalist church may be different but over here I see religious people reinventing themselves all over these days, being confronted with the large number of people leaving the churches, in order to return to the source with which it all began. I am sure you have people like that in the USA (and Ireland) as well. Their faith comes from their hearts and not from their minds, no matter what they believe exactly – and many have become much more open-minded. And whatever else they do, they have handed over their lives to God fully. As fully as we do if not more so. We do not have the right to judge them.
“and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface.. (Gen.1:2) Ruah, Pneuma, Spirit, Wind…
All “words”… “and the “word” was God” (John 1:1)
Words are formed from intent. From and with spirit. To aspire, is intent. Words; spirit channeled through the vocal chords with intention, give our words shape and form.
Raymond you cite intelligence several times through-out this article. I would point out and am sure, you would agree; that intelligence is our mental aspect. Intelligence is an observation that arises from a component of our nervous system; namely, the brain.
Personally, I would steer clear from associating brain function with “mind”. Albeit, words and mental-intelligence are entwined and in spoken language allow the individual to author their “personal story”. Giving those words credence. Or may we say, personification… and again, would you agree, the act of personification and credence really is a synonym for anthropocentrism.
The making of “Self”.
“Then God said, Let there be light” (Gen1:3)
Imaging and likeness. (Gen. 1:27) We are in the likeness of God.
May we agree that all information is “light”. All knowledge is information. We process that information intellectually as a mental function through the nervous system and it’s material components.
It is here, I would suggest that “wisdom” diverges from knowledge as it arises from the depth of infinite darkness and the beginning-ness of infinite time, regardless of intelligence.
I presuppose that Man created Scripture from word with a high functioning intelligence with a bias against those with a lower mental-intelligence for the purpose of power and Self. With a burning desire they aspired to be greater and created a God. So begins the debate of Anthropocentrism and Theism.
Many intelligent people are atheists or agnostics. Many practice polytheism. Many wise beings live a life filled with overflowing compassion, empathy and servitude and do so with minimal observed intelligence.
I appreciate, the esoteric, spirit exploration… I revere the silence and the darkness. With that in “mind” I practice making peace… word-less centered prayer and meditation.
It is here that darkness allows light to come forth.
We, as light; radiate from Source and as all “things” do… which is develop tendencies, become similar densities and exist in the realm that it acquires by it’s ability to be.
What we may be over-looking is we are living by Spirit or Ruah in material-dense form, with-in light as light “created in the beginning’ and were formed as all things were’ by their densities as Scripture abounds in Genesis of the Bible.
What in reality may-be; we are holographic entities.
Seems to me with all the debate, hate, jealousy, envy that humans endure in this world, scripture has been the reason to act out on “others’, those that don’t agree or believe in the “system”.
In conclusion, regardless of our religion, politics, gender or sex, our preferences or disdain; the one thing in common… we tend to think in “me” terms rather than the Whole…. right where we are amidst the light as light from the darkness… spiritual aspiration living as wisdom begetting wisdom serving the grande design with or without our intellectualism known as knowledge. This is the hidden meaning that Jesus and the great masters bring in their teachings to us material beings, particles within the wave that in-evitably shall ascend as solemnly promised as a whole.
Hi Michael,
Thanks for another good comment, with lots of interesting view points.
You write: “we tend to think in “me” terms rather than the Whole….”
This is so true and is worth expanding upon a little here.
A practical suggestion around this situation, is that, after our peace-making meditation, as you nicely put it, that, when out walking, and as an extension to our sitting meditation, that we use the rods of the eyes, which are located at the extreme outer tips of each eye. Using rods of eyes we perceive through wholeness which helps prevent constant analytical activity which can lead to break-up of our previously gained wholeness. This is known as peripheral vision as apposed to cone of eye visioning which is the center of the eyes and through which ego thrives. Thus wholeness viewing — rods of eyes — is trans-like and tends toward the present moment. It is also more soul-sensitive thereby lending to a less judgement-forming mentality.Thus when we meet with another, we’re not viewing them through an established or conditioned point of view, but rather through wholeness.
Peace always.
Hi Anny,
Thank you so much for this valued contribution. its always really good hearing from you and getting that sense of balance to all our writings here on SOS, and which is always needed.
Can I say, that, yes, when writing the articles, I do have formal meditation, as I practice it, in mind. But, the term in regular expression throughout the articles are used regarding the need of some spiritual connection in our lives, and, ideally, an activity which leads to stilling the conscious mind — hence the word meditation. In my book: ‘Transforming Your Life’, there are a number of non-sitting meditations which can be most spiritually beneficial. For I agree, of course, that there are many routes to the Summit, but that there is only one Summit. And, of course, you and I have discussed here your personal format of meditation, which I feel is excellent.
The articles are each self-contained for readers who may be in search of practical meditation from a reputable blog-site, including your own excellent Numerology article breakdowns, and of course, Robert’s fine articles also. I feel that, for the beginner, so many of Josh’s articles are truly wonderful.
For, as you say, Anny, many are leaving formal church religion. So this blog-site I feel is vital for those wishing to reinvent their lives spiritually, wishing to deepen their God-connection without the dogma.
I Think Josh’s point, which you mention in comment, in my view is not really about religious people as such, but rather the religious doctrines and how these are put across as literal. At one time I too was in this boat. And, as you say, people are leaving formal religions and their limiting doctrines, in their throngs, for the Real within.
I agree fully that there are many fine religious people expressing through divine consciousness. And, who in their hearts have handed their lives over as service to God. This level of devotion, of Self or Divine expression, is what makes spiritual life so real at the personal level — has become embedded in consciousness. This soul indeed, Anny, from whatever country, is our true local Saint.
Anny, I am replying on Raymond’s comment to your comment because he took the words right out of my mouth. You are correct, living a life in service of others is a great way to grow spiritually. And many people who do this understand that the Bible is not all literal. At least that is what I have found, because people who truly live to serve others will never judge, but when you take the Bible literally, you are forced to judge somewhat, even if only in the personal mind, because doctrine will have to come into play. I hope that helps clear things up.
Hi Josh, of course I know that you do not mean to judge religious people but the way you place meditation as opposite to religion might be felt as a judgement of religion as such. I know you well enough by now to know that that is not what you mean to convey but it is how it can come across for someone who does not know you. And especially for someone who has only just started to reconnoitre new ways and has not left the old way of thinking completely that can feel like a judgement and put them off.
Personally I think that it is not religion itself that goes astray but people in it. And organisations or churches within it. But there are people, and organisations/churches as well who do get it right, as far as that is possible within this world of matter.
And it is possible for people with a spiritual way of life, and who meditate, to go wrong as well. They can and they do. It is all part of the cycle of involution and evolution and the phases and processes thereof. I believe that we all pass through all of these phases, if not in this life than in previous or maybe future ones. And they all might teach us something if we are willing to learn.
So I believe we should offer what we have to offer without any comparison to other views at all. At least, comparisons in the sense of right or wrong, of better or worse. Of course we can state our personal preference as our personal preference. In that way no judgement is involved.
Well, that is my view on this matter but of course you have known that for some time already.
Thanks, Raymond, for your reply. I understand and noticed that your articles are self-contained and complete in themselves and of course I agree totally with their contents. But I recognized them as one model as it were, where maybe some of the readers would not and might take it as absolute and as the only way.
The same might of course apply to my articles by people who resonate with those and less with others. Therefore I wanted to emphasize again that there are more, and equal, ways and that they all lead to the same summit as you so beautifully put it.
Somehow I feel strongly to make our messages inclusive (unity in diversity) and not to place them opposite something else as that still has to do with duality, as I see it.