Aum is the transmuting vibration, the primordial sound which alone contains the transformative dynamic necessary for advancement out of, and beyond, basic human consciousness into Christ consciousness and on to Cosmic consciousness. Aum, being the primordial sound of the universe, is the starting point through which human consciousness commences the transformative journey into Higher God Consciousness; the gateway to Supreme Liberation into the eternal peace and joy we’re each encoded to seeking and finding. Whenever the conscious mind is calmed of agitating thoughts, thus is Christ-nature accessed, thereby is our journey into Higher Spiritual Consciousness commenced: “be still and know that I (Higher Consciousness) am God” Psalm 46:10 — a stilled mind attuning with the Primordial frequency. Thus Aum is the sound vehicle, the mantra vibration which settles the active mind into knowing subtler and subtler levels of creation, resulting in integration and purification of the lower egoic nature and into directly knowing our Higher Self. An integratory activity at the subconscious level which neutralizes from bondage the generational soul-blocking thought patters, causal of perpetual suffering or, ignorance of our Higher Self.
Moving deeper into Aum takes the mind beyond creation itself and into the Transcendent, the Vibration-less state beyond the law of opposites. This fits perfectly with the Supreme Liberation mentioned in the Bhagavad-Gita Ch2-v45: “be without the three gunas, O Arjuna” – freed from the law of opposites inherent in creation – “the three gunas” — which are Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. The “gunas” represent the forces of nature which, in practical terms, are: Creation, Maintenance and Dissolution symbolized by A-U-M. In Hindu culture the 3-fold nature of God is referred to as: satchitananda. Sat: Absolute never-changing, beyond creation. Chit: ever-vibrating within creation or Christ-consciousness. Ananda: ever-new bliss.
Moving beyond ego-governance and human consciousness, vibrating Aum elevates the five human senses from conditioned or lower gross levels of sensory perception to deeper more refined levels of creation — from lower body animalistic nature to upper body and divine standard, which transition is carried out through the Chakras in the spine through rising of Kundalini.
By lowering the respiratory rate to around 5 / 6 breaths per minute — and even much lower to zero — meditation reduces production of carbon dioxide in the body for elimination into the atmosphere, thus contributing to lowering global warming by our low carbon footprint. Meditation also purifies the nervous system, meridians or nadis whereby the senses — which are duty-bound to serve the mind — become re-calibrated to serve in a Higher multi-sensory capacity, thereby serving spiritually. By purification is meant, mind / senses becoming free of automatic attraction to the material world for sense gratification only. To this end, any regular meditation which stills / calms the conscious mind and lowers the breath cycle, will lead to transcendence and sense purification.
In discussing meditation, we must not ignore transcendence as somehow not applying to the ordinary person, for it most certainly does apply. It is transcendence which takes the mind beyond Aum, beyond “the three gunas”, beyond human egoic consciousness and the cycle of birth-death and rebirth — which “beyond” embraces eternal never-changing Pure Consciousness. Think “Transfiguration on the Mount” Matthew 17:1–13: this is transcendence.
“In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, And the Word was God” John 1:1
In relating practically with the Word in John 1:1, it enables fulfillment of our life-purpose – of going BEYOND human consciousness into Divine Consciousness. The most practical interpretation of this scripture therefore is how it brings “beyond” about. The vital questions in this context are: what is the Word which was “in the beginning” and “was with God” and “was God”? The arrangement of the sentence tempts into an obvious literal translation, but which interpretation really does not advance, in any meaningful way, understanding leading to “beyond”. Conversely, esoteric translation is referring to the inherent principle that, for any creation to take place, there must be Cause, which in this case is the Word, the eternal vibration Aum. “In the beginning” therefore translates: eternal ever-existing Cause. Thus the Word, which is Aum, is the Primordial sound of the universe; an invisible sonic-like vibration which pervades everything in existence — the universe and our physical bodies. Nothing came or comes into existence without the Word, without vibrational Aum, or Om. After regular practice, Aum is perceived within as expansionary, an all-pervading upward-flowing energy – a subtle vibration of happiness or bliss. Aum is not simply a philosophical symbol but an actual means-tool for human transformation into divine standard or nature. Thus Aum is the sound of the eternally vibrating universe while simultaneously lying “beyond” — of Transcendental nature, or God – as in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost — three divine aspects of One Eternal Being.
Aum is un-struck, meaning it is not produced by two things striking each other as is the case of relative sound.
Although humanly composed — almost Poetry-like — in symbolized, abstract format, all sacred texts and languages, including the Bible and the Vades, are sourced through Aum consciousness or, the Holy Ghost. And while hugely beneficial, of course, reading Scriptures alone is not really sufficient for direct Aum experiencing, thus meditation is key. Scripture puts it: “No man cometh unto the Father (cosmic consciousness) except through Me (Christ consciousness”) John 14:6 – meaning, initial contact with Aum, which is God the Holy Ghost – the third person of the blessed trinity, is imperative. This is how, through meditation, the localized “I” progresses spiritually to become unbounded Higher Consciousness – the lower intellect becoming Transcendent-infused “I” – “I and the Father are one” John 10:30. Thus Aum is the crossover dynamic from human consciousness into Divine Consciousness.
Aum — Cause of Creation
Notwithstanding sourced through Aum, and the great, eternal wisdom of Scripture, the Word in John 1:1 is not specifically referring to a collection of biblical words as such –rather to the function [of Aum] which activates the dormant force at the base of the spine. The Greek word for Word is Logos which has many definitions, one being: something that communicates, vibrates and reveals or, Cause. In spiritual / biblical context, we could refer to Word as Cause [of creation], the Christ within – the Atman or Soul. John 1:1 therefore is referring specifically to the Original vibration which brought the whole phenomenal creation into being, with which we’re each intended to commune in order to transcend this physical material world.
Activating the Spinal Column
Ever-existing Aum is the Creator, Maintainer and Dissolver of all physical creation. Aum is the sound through which all matter comes into being, including our physical bodies. All of creation comes through Aum, a never-ceasing cosmic throb. In this context, we’re each a vibrating consciousness awaiting direct realization of Vibrationless Silence beyond Aum, beyond matter, beyond creation into Higher Spirit-Consciousness.
Basically, it works something like this. At a certain point – some traditions say between 40—120 days after conception — the Aum vibration descends into the embryonic fetus in the womb to make the bodily parts – heart, lungs, brain, spine and so on. After completion, the vibration comes to rest at the base of the spine – known as involution. We must remember, that, for the soul to become physical, the universal vibration had to be lowered or stepped down dramatically to facilitate this human birth process. The Vibration, then, in all its pre-reduced Potential, remains inactive at the base of the spine until such time as we consciously commence the spiritual awakening process, known as Ascension or evolution – the purpose of our earth journey.
Ascension of consciousness commences when the asleep life force at the base of the spine reactivates through vibrational Aum. In Eastern yogic traditions, this awakening force is known as Kundalini. Through regular practice, Kundalini rises back up the spine thereby awakening the seven cosmic energy centers along the spine culminating in awakening the two energy centers in the brain, the Pineal and Pituitary glands. Such awakening qualifies the Scripture “Jesus said He would send the Holy Spirit” John 15:26. In other words, the Holy Spirit / Ghost, which is Aum, is innately present in Aum at Descent and Ascension stages of the re-union with Higher Consciousness — God.
Paradigm Shift to All-knowing Intelligence — Divine Wisdom
Evolution today globally is happening at a rapid pace. Having experienced Aum and kundalini rising, people are migrating from the impractical interpretations of literal scriptures to esoteric or non-literal interpretation which offers so much more clarity and practicality. This paradigm shift is vital as we move from base camp of spiritual ignorance into Reality — into Summit Consciousness. In practicing Aum, or similar vibrational mantras, we’re fulfilling the words of the Prophet Isaiah 40:3 “make straight in the desert a highway for the Lord”. By unblocking the spiritual channels we’re entering the seventh heaven, opening the seventh seal (Rev :8:1) of the Pineal gland, thereby claiming our divine inheritance: Promised Land Consciousness. We’re also fulfilling God’s command to Moses “Lift up They Rod” Exodus 14:16 – activate the spinal column and the seven energy certers, thereby preparing the consciousness for experiential Divine Nature. Such blessed state brings with it a level of all-knowing intelligence, Divine Wisdom. meaning, availability of expanded consciousness at the point of conscious use of mind.
Aum and Total Brain Coherence
The first law of the universe is order. Therefore, as with the physical universe, the practical effect of Aum vibration on the physiology is right / left brain coherence – a cosmically functioning, chaos to cosmos, brain. Aum lowers the brain’s oscillatory frequency from Bata frequency of around 14—50 cps, cycles per second, through Alpha of 7—14 cps to a Theta brain speed of between 4—7 cps – below Theta is Delta vibrating at between 1—3 cps which is nearer to the vibration of a stone, but which some accomplished yogis have attained. The higher the brain’s oscillations the greater the anxiety / stress levels. As with Alpha / Theta brain speed, Bata does not recognize “the now” or calmness. Theta frequency activates the kundalini up along the spinal column, which in turn activates the Pineal / Pituirary glands, including the five cosmic energy centers below the brain. This dynamic of low brain oscillation and harmonization, mirrors cosmic consciousness. On reaching this point of spiritual evolution we can say with certainty that we’re re-connected and functioning through God-consciousness — highest level of human evolution.
Although a core tenet of many religions, Aum and the above scriptures, at its applicatory / experiential level, transcends religious dogmas and belief systems, respectfully. For, John 1:1 contains the actual vibratory Word sound God as GAHHD. In essence, Aum is our Savior – route of redemption — to becoming redeemed, quickened in Spirit; a God-given dynamic for inner Christ-realization; transformation from base metal into Gold: the Alchemy-force through which ALL creation originated, and, which creation is eventually transcended leading to Union with never-changing Cosmic-consciousness. Thus, vibrational Aum redeems from suffering — the plane of spiritual ignorance — into the realm of Enlightenment and eternal contentment, peace and transcendental bliss.
Faith-Realization Through Aum
As Divine Potential, we’re each endowed of Total Faith. In harvesting such Potential into our lives, each is equipped with inner mechanisms — brain / spine / chakras / nervous system –for directly contacting Christ within, leading to cosmic consciousness, which contact-nature embraces Total Faith. Faith is different from belief in that belief mainly consists of learned or inherited conditioned energy cycles, or subconscious reactive patterns which the asleep soul operates through automatically – biblically referred to as spiritual ignorance. In this context, our life can resemble total unreality or illusion. To awaken from this Maya, illusion, Truth-Faith needs to become as active consciousness: the conscious mind needs daily contact with vibrational Aum, which initiates the all-embracing cosmic Silence which equates to direct Faith experiencing. Here, in the Transcendent Presence, there is nothing to deny, nothing to hide from, no opportunity for ego to make comment, judgement or comparisons. “Where I go, you (lower ego self) cannot come” John:8–21–29.
Learned or imposed Faith is not sufficient. Repeating “I believe in God”, over and over, while positive and sincere, of course, originates from ego and does not establish actual Faith-Consciousness, rather a repetitive mental loop to appease ego. As was said, Faith is innately present within Christ-consciousness and is COME UPON — exposed rather than imposed — through integration of fear-riddled generational conditioning. Faith-nature becomes established consciousness through vibratory Aum — Divine Wisdom, or, intuitiveness sourced of naturally-recurring happiness and contentment. Once established, Faith cannot be reversed or erased.
Of course this is not saying we abandon our traditions’ beliefs or their core tenets. No, far from it. It’s merely pointing to how the already present state can be realized without the limitations of institutional programming. Faith intuits naturally that which at core we already are – image and likeness Faith-endowed Spirit. The following Scripture highlights the need of Faith realization beautifully: “First seek ye the kingdom (vibrational Aum) and all else shall be unto thee (realization of our own inner Christ or Higher-Consciousness)” Matthew 6:33.
When Aum vibration is experienced and transcended in meditation, contact with the never-changing Absolute Faith becomes established within — when the “all else” is added or revealed unto consciousness.
Realization of Faith-filled consciousness ensures a non return to primitive non-soul serving literal understanding: when literal interpretations become meaningless to an evolving brain or awakening consciousness. In this context, meditation frees the mind of fictional mind-sets, and, in the process, reveals the Truth which makes us free of illusory people, places and events — when daily life is perceived directly through soul-awakened understanding. By this process do we move into full stature of life — “Will of God” expression for Good purposes through each soul individually.
In conclusion, let us look briefly at two similar scriptures.
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” Genesis 1:1
Here again “in the beginning” in NOT referring to the creation of the physical universe eons ago, and all that such mind-boggling detail involves. In this context, we cannot intellectually know all about the laws of nature, rather, through Aum, we become attuned automatically with the innumerable laws of Nature, of Creation. Therefore, at practical level “in the beginning” is referring to Creative Potential — potential of new creation within each of us — for transformation of consciousness. Therefore, “in the beginning” is to be consciously aligned with Aum vibration: “God (Aum) created the heaven (bliss) and the (new) earth (mind)” while in meditation.
“And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us” John 1—14
This Scripture is referring to the divinely encoded creation and evolution of the physical body after Aum vibration entered the embryonic body soon after conception. “And dwelth among us” : divine consciousness within each Atom, Molecule and Cell of creation — matter awaiting spiritualization.
Thanks for another post on a subject I didn’t know much about. I have never did an in-depth study on Aum, or Om. I did read a scientific article once that stated scientists had discovered an intriguing similarity in the sound of Aum and the background noise of the universe through vibration. Similar to what you have said here.
I also appreciated your discussion of John 1:1 and how this relates esoterically.
Hi Josh
Thank you for this comment.
The background “noise” as you put it, of the universe, is more a refined Humming: sonic-like sound waves beyond ordinary human hearing. And is why stillness meditation is so necessary — thus we become Humming attuned, or, transcendentally harmonized in God-nature.
Blessings to all
Hi ray, Check out this documentary: “Solar Revolution” and I’ve posted the youtube link. Josh, you should check it out too. This is no novice level doc. These are serious science academics with lots sterling credits to their names. The veil is finally being lifted and man is being shown the true nature of things. Here’s a summary: Our current earth and the humans therein are being transformed by the sun through solar radiation. The water in our bodies is actually a kind of liquid crystal it’s vibrating at an increasingly higher frequency.
Each individual human being is now choosing: going toward the high vibe light of Love or toward the heavy darkness of fear and domination.
LINK…I also pasted this link in the website box below.
Hi Lou,
Thank you for this comment and for enclosed links. Will check it out. Appreciate it.
Dear Raymond,
I have been following your work for several months now, and I have been using some of your ideas (credited of course) in various presentations at the Interfaith Fellowship at Serenbe, GA, of which I am the Coordinator-Convener (a volunteer position). I very much appreciate your clear emphasis on the esoteric meanings of the scriptures in all traditions.
Also, I just released Tim Hogan’s audiobook on CDBaby, “The Way of the Templar” – Tim came to my studio in beautiful Serenbe ( and recorded his own book, which we are splitting the proceeds for. All he paid for was his plane fair and I did the rest!
Can I discuss with you doing the same thing with/for you?! I enjoy your work tremendously and I can help get it out there in recorded audio format professionally…and…extremely less expensively than if you work with ACX (iTunes, Amazon audiobooks). I care very much about the material you share in general and we could team up to release quite a few of your works if you wanted to, again, very cheaply for you.
Can we talk? Let me know when, if you are interested.
My cell: 650-678-2801 (we moved to GA from CA four years ago for the booming movie industry here)
My very best,
Greg “Suds” Sudmeier
Greg Sudmeier Music LLC
Atlanta Audible LLC
32º Scottish Rite
Valley of Burlingame, CA
Valley of Atlanta, GA
Hi Greg,
So very good to hear from you, and thank you for this really uplifting comment. Am truly delighted that you’ve found my works worthy of mention at your wonderful Interfaith Fellowship at Serenbe, GA. Wow, this sounds really good and positive — Unity of diversity or, One Universal Love within all humanity.
Please extend my heartfelt good wishes to the entire Fellowship, and wishing every blessing of True Joy for all.
Just to say, Greg, I live in Ireland. But that said, will certainly give much consideration to the collaboration proposal you mention.
For now, thanks again for this valued contribution.
Hi Raymond and Josh,
I don’t always have the time/opportunity to write my thanks of appreciation for all the articles on this website but, I just wanted to say that they truly mean so much to me. I still get excited whenever I see a new “SOS” appear in my inbox and I take my time reading through each paragraph to ensure I absorb it.
I really loved this piece Raymond and I also loved “The Mustard Seed of Faith and Developing it Within”. It helped me a lot. Please don’t ever stop writing Raymond, Josh, Annie & Robert. You guys are super!
Kind Regards,
Thank you, Claudine. Those words meant much.
Hi Claudine,
Really good hearing from you again, and thank you so, so much for this ‘from the heart’ comment! Am truly delighted that you found those articles helpful.
Expressing appreciation for something we find soul-connecting, or new to consciousness, is really most valuable. I find that, it reciprocates beautifully almost immediately within, thereby uplifting our spiritual consciousness to even greater heights.
I re-echo Josh’s words to you earlier, Claudine, So, thank you kindly for this gentle and sincere encouragement for all the writers here on SOS to keep on writing.
Hi Claudine!
It’s great to see you commenting again and to hear that you have been following the blog all this time. I am glad that you still appreciate our articles.
I’d love to see some comments by you again too as I loved our mutual comments of some years ago. I hope you and your family are doing fine down under!
Hi Raymond,
I very much appreciate this article although I certainly have to read it a few more times before being able to grasp its meaning completely. But I do get its essence by now and agree, although you do know of course that I do not see this as the only way.
I have one remark regarding the paragraph about the three gunas which I quote below:
“Moving deeper into Aum takes the mind beyond creation itself and into the Transcendent, the Vibration-less state beyond the law of opposites. This fits perfectly with the Supreme Liberation mentioned in the Bhagavad-Gita Ch2-v45: “be without the three gunas, O Arjuna” – freed from the law of opposites inherent in creation – “the three gunas” — which are Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. The “gunas” represent the forces of nature which, in practical terms, are: Creation, Maintenance and Dissolution symbolized by A-U-M. In Hindu culture the 3-fold nature of God is referred to as: satchitananda. Sat: Absolute never-changing, beyond creation. Chit: ever-vibrating within creation or Christ-consciousness. Ananda: ever-new bliss.”
You describe these three gunas as Creation, Maintenance and Dissolution symbolized by A-U-M. and as the 3-fold nature of God.
The word God itself however describes this proces also already, according to Deepak Chopra:
G = Generation, O = Organisation and D stands for Dissolution to be followed by a renewal.
Hi Anny,
Thank you for this most welcome comment.
Given the thee-fold nature of God: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit — the three divine aspects of the Blessed Trinity — the three gunas as described in my article, as Creation, Maintenance and Dissolution is referring to God the Holy Spirit, or Holy Ghost, or vibrational Om..or Hum, sounding Hummmm, the eternal sound. This is the finest sound of creation and which keeps the whole physical universe operational and eternally ever-renewing.Thus, because the universe is relative — subject to time, space, causation, and we as spirit beings, must transcend relativity thereby become free of its binding nature and come under eternal Spirit influence.
Transcending by means of our mantra sound, brings the awareness into Vibration-less state of God the Father by means of God the Son, but firstly through God the Holy Spirit the vibtrtional Om or Hum. Thus the imperative is moving beyond description of the meal into directly eating or experiencing the actual divine meal or, Feast of divine consciousness.
Renewal takes place during meditational practice as the conscious mind transcends the gunas, rises above the griping sub-conscious mind’s reactive thought patterns.
It is the 5,000 year old+ Bhagavad-Gita, which describe the three gunas as representing the eternal laws of nature — Sattva, Rajas, Tamas or Creation, Maintenance and Dissolution.
Hi Raymond,
Thanks for your comment and additional information.
My comment was not meant in order to place another meaning opposite yours but more as an addition or other approach towards the same content. Deepak Chopra is a Hindu after all, who understands this principle perfectly. He just supplies those of us who are not – and do not know much if anything about it – with a formulation that might be easier to understand.
Raymond, Friend;
your articles of writing remind me of how I originally came to this blog site. Of how I was living life and the choices I made regardless of my aware-ness or depth of aware-ness at the time. I can see that in every instance there was a level of exploration driven by an innate enlightenment which we shall all manifest, in time, by our Inner-Divinity.
I came to realize…My clarity, Karma… is that which we give our focus. Our Karma is what we allow our attention to migrate to. Thereby, it is happening to us.
My attention was to delve deeper in Spirit…
Clarity given new birth. Saw the “mind” as part of me in a new-way.. A way of expanding or a way of closing inwardly. Choosing to release the grip my mind held on me… I chose to delve into the depths, exploring spiritual being-ness.
I am forever grateful I was directed here.
How as a whole, I interpreted the bible; as it was “inspired by “God” in men”, written by men rather than Man.
I came to recognize “God” as the God we came know; was the One-God of the Israelites. Then, with the coming of the New Testament and the apostles to in-corporate the gentiles.
Some of the greatest stories arise from trek of a nomadic peoples, wandering the desert, exiled, searching, seeking a home.
Home, being a One-ness with God; amidst war, famine, plagues, hatred and love, hopes and doubts that abounded from confrontations by the “desire” of power.
I read and studied the bible for years. I read and studied the many sources of spiritual awareness. I studied science and health, disease and causation, treatment, prognosis and outcomes.
Seemingly all contributing, leading me to this site.
“The Spirit of Scripture”. Scripture. Bible…
Please, allow me some dis-course and courtesy. I puzzle to the direction that primarily you and Josh as authors of the majority of writing found here direct your readers or for that “matter” your-selves… it does appear that you both marry the varied religions of the world with that of spiritualism and anoint it as “Spirit of Scripture”.
Know I am fine with that and appreciate marriage, especially One of sacred-ness. The writings here do give me that sense of sacred and I am grateful.
It is my treatise, that I lay aside the All-power-full male God as Creator, the Him as the Source of all-being-ness. I am also surprised that you “hold fast” to the premise of Him as well.
Let me bring attention to your points of Aum, especially to your point of Aum as Cause of Creation.
First, as you well note Aum is vibration. Vibration, as a state requires a medium and therefore matter to be in existence. From the place of my best logic ability; creation must exist before Aum was set forth into Creation’s great abode.
Further: would we say that Spirit is imperishable, has always existed in the change-less, NON-vibratory void where exists endless possibility and infinite potential. That the “nature” of Spirit en-ables “IT” to reflect “IT”-self as Cosmic-Intelligence. I presuppose that, from BEYOND; “in the beginning, God created the heavens and earth”, there existed All-that was…. my supposition; it was and is in continuance, the void.
Manifested as the womb. The manifestation of where all things are nourished until liberation. The presence of womb is womb-man and from womb-man is the womb of man. She the mother; is the ability to allow creation, in her-self and from with-in her Aum resonates.
Aum… Ps. 46:10; be still and know.. AUM is the subtle sound, and subtle inspires a greater degree of subtleness as we progress into Creation-Consciousness, into a depth of such that we truly may come to know Aum as the sound, the vibration of Wisdom speaking.
Allowing freedom, giving aspirations to integrate and purify.
Realize all egos as the desire to power-over and let-release into that knowing-ness; resulting in Samadhi, Absolute Bliss, knowing The Most High Self/ No self.
Re”nun”ciation of all attachment, all entanglement, in Order… in Cosmos to recognize we are in communion eternally with the cycle of the flow of existence…. The Great Mother, Divine Mother of “God” the reflection of Itself to be continually attuned to ebb and tide, night and day, the ovulatory cycle, lunar phases, birth-death (Da-aath) and birth until we are completely liberated… from all these cycles.. She moves us, allows propagation, propels us and directs us towards HOME… with Her.
I join those that inspire to develop a greater-evolved spirit into human-form where “waves” come-in… Waves of sound from darkness emerging light… Sophia, Wisdom her-self into Man, male and female; Knowing what is best for all-things and there-fore allowing propagation with-in Her.
Magnificent is Aum…
Consciousness, Subconsciousness, Super-subconsciousness.
Said, IT is Consciousness that impregnates Subconsciousness for materialization to occur. Forms that emerge, given birth from the womb of the void… The Super-subconsciousness.
The disciple, the follower…. listens and is propelled to locate the Source, that is to OBEY.
I offer the etymology of the word “obey”. The origin of obey was to be silent, still, with profound listen-ing to The-Cosmic-Sound as it vibrates in ether. Obey also means to serve.
“Word”, “Logos”… may we say, is formed by will-full intent. To speak gives POWER, which arises from DESIRE to be heard.. AUM
As words do, they change meaning in matter.
Obey later became adulterated… sin-laiden and powered by fear of punishment when not followed by what was SAID rather than heard. We miss the mark.
into BEYOND… Aum allows us to recognize “God” as The Power”, The Impregnator, The Desire to bear a Son. “God”, the Him.
Aum allows us to see the Mother without power, she is de-void of power from which the desire of power originates… Men of Man give the “God” we know in Scripture power over… all… including, seemingly, over the Mother.
The most Subtle.. Ever the more subtle, The Mother, The Liberator…
In conclusion, my puzzlement of direction that you and Josh seemingly direct the readers may be hidden.
May it be the sacred marriage of religion and spirit.. Power, Desire, yet Compromising through a deeper knowing that Victory is without need of power, it is victorious from the beginning since it contends with no-thing, no-matter.
The God of the Israelites mattered to them, the God of the gentiles matter to them… to be Him, the One and Only… through scripture.
Though would you, given your sentiments of writings, knowing the Holy Spirit as the Dove form heaven that Jesus the Man, Son of God promises to give us comfort…. could be “nun-other” than The Divine Mother.
In good Consciousness… I can. Maybe Jesus’ deeper meaning does point to The Mother as All-existence.
Jai Maa
Hi Michael — Friend,
Thank you for this extended comment.
You have restated much of this article in your own words as you see it, which is not much different from my own words, and that’s fine. I fully relate to what you have written. I like the insights you mention on the womb, and so on.
You write:
“The writings here do give me that sense of sacred and I am grateful”.
That is really good to hear and thank you for mentioning it.
Now, let me assure you, Michael, quite unequivocally, that I simply contribute articles to SOS, and Josh, being owner of the blog, decides weather to publish or not. If there are many articles at his disposal, then the mixture balance of content and authors, is varied. Nothing is hidden in the slightest. So I would gratefully appreciate your not making remarks like you have in this comment to either Josh or myself, when they are completely and utterly unfounded and untrue. Thank you.
Peace always, and,
Stay Blessed
Thank you Raymond,
It appears that an offense was manifested in some regard when you state that I made remarks that seem to implicate you and/or Josh in an ill-light or ill-vibration. Your comment “nothing is hidden” be-wilders me.
It appeared to me, the objective of the blog site is to reach “into what is hidden in the meaning of scripture.
What exactly are you referring to in my comment that gave you an interpretation that I offended or gave threat to you or the site. Please let me assure you.. no attempt or intention to do either exists on my part.
The point of my comment was that your writings and the contributions of Josh seems to run parallel and at times converge into eastern thought and spirituality.
Your writings bring attention to spiritual terms or words that are foreign to the scriptures of the bible. That’s great and I surely appreciate it.
It allows a reader to assimilate varied aspects of religion and spiritual awareness.
Did my questioning or implied puzzlement towards your writing or Josh’s contributions in content related to the under-pinnings of spiritualism and religion and what appears to me as a marriage of them into their publication here?
What comments do you find that I made regarding you or Josh “completely and utterly unfounded and untrue”?
Again, be re-assured… there is no intention of mine to bring any ill-will towards you, the site or your expressed views.
I had to re-read my comments on this note… and you are right, they do run con-current to your writing. Though our theme of AUM is quite varied. And the direction of my theme was in “the BEYOND”, “Origin” and “Causation”.. and the resonance of The Divine Mother.
My puzzle-ment was; does your consciousness allow you, to move BEYOND the HIM deeper into the ethers of what may be The Divine Mother…
In conclusion, thank you for your contributions and this site for bringing together a forum that invites spiritual exploration and the attune-ment with the MYSTERY…
ALL-Glory is Given; All are Blessed and Shall Remain
Hello Michael — Friend,
Thank you for this comment.
At the outset, can I say that I found it difficult in places to extrapolate what exactly you were saying in comment. That said, i fully accept your good intentions and sentiments expressed here now. I’m happy to clarify the points you raise which I found inappropriate regards Josh and myself.
You write: “Your comment “nothing is hidden” be-wilders me”.
Reply: when I write “nothing is hidden”, this is referring to the fact that nothing from Josh or myself is hidden as regards our motives on this blog-sight. The word “hidden” here is not meant esoterically.
You write: “ puzzlement of direction that you and Josh seemingly direct the readers may be hidden”.
Reply: This word “hidden” as expressed is the inappropriate remark, as nothing from either Josh or myself, is hidden from the readers. The word “hidden” as I understand it translates: Keep fact secret, or, put out of sight. Therefore, “hidden” is inappropriate in this instance.
You ask: “What comments do you find that I made regarding you or Josh “completely and utterly unfounded and untrue”?
Reply: All of the above.
You write: “I had to re-read my comments on this note… and you are right, they do run con-current to your writing”.
Reply; You accept, Michael, that, while not deliberately intended, inappropriate words, sentiment or remarks towards myself and Josh, required clarification.
Finally, you write: “Please let me assure you.. no attempt or intention to do either exists on my part”.
Reply: And I fully accept this, Michael, and that this matter is now clarified and closed.
Thanks again for your very interesting comments.
Peace, always,
Stay Blessed
amazing, needs more study because it stirs me immensely