Blog owner insert: Please see the comment after the post, from me, Joshua, for what I hope generates a great discussion on this topic Anny has brought to light! Thanks Anny!
This article is related to Joshua’s article Psalm 78 Speaks: The Law is a Parable of November 11th, 2017 and to one of his comments that I only found recently. In this article he again confirms his strong belief that all miracles should be taken symbolically only. As everyone who has read my previous articles probably knows, I generally agree with Joshua on the subject of symbolic interpretation and also that not all miracles in the Bible are meant to be taken literally but to me that does not necessarily mean that there are no miracles at all. So I feel I have to play devil’s advocate here.
I believe it is too easy to say that no miracles are occurring today. In his comment of January 7th, 2018, Joshua asks: “Why are they limited to the time of the Bible?” Well, who says that they are? Maybe they are not but obviously miracles that happened later could not have been mentioned in the Bible. On the internet however, and also in books and other news media, there are lots of reports about miracles in more recent times. The life story of Anita Moorjani is a prime example of a present-day-miracle and you can find all about it on the internet. She wrote several books about it as well, one of them called ‘Dying to be me’, with a foreword by Dr. Wayne Dyer. It is a story about an NDE she had when she was literally dying of cancer, and her miraculous recovery afterwards. Needless to say she is a changed person nowadays and a person with a mission.
What is a miracle anyway? I see it as something that we do not understand yet. People from biblical times would probably call just about everything we are using nowadays a miracle. You might also say all of nature is a miracle if you consider how beautifully it all enfolds through evolution, at least, until we start messing with it. Miracles are happening all around us and we only have to open our eyes to the possibility of there being miracles to see them. They do not all have to be so grand as they have to be in the stories that are meant to form a myth!
One small miracle might be something that happened when my daughter was very depressed and saw no perspective anywhere anymore. Suddenly our CD player activated itself in one way or another and a song started playing: “There will be miracles, if only you believe”. The CD-player was on standby and the CD of the Prince of Egypt was in it but neither of us had activated the CD-player. So, was it just chance that this CD was in it, and that the machine activated itself on the exact moment that my daughter so desperately needed to hear the message that was sung? Or was it a miracle?
My husband experienced a miracle as well. Many years ago he once had to check the contents of a large transport trailer. When he was done he wanted to jump out of the trailer quickly but his foot got stuck and he fell out, head first, onto the concrete of that area. At the same time a large fork-lift truck came around the corner of the truck with great speed and was immediately upon him. It was impossible for the driver to brake in time. My husband thought his last moment had come as the wheel was very close to his head already. Still, he survived completely unharmed, without even a head wound or a head ache, much to the surprise of the driver of the fork-lift truck, who only managed to stop some yards further on and who was in shock because of what had happened. Either the truck rode over my husband without causing him any harm or it somehow was made to make a slight detour and narrowly missed my husband’s head. Either way it was out of the control of the two humans involved. Either way it was a miracle, as was the fact that he was unhurt after falling headlong onto the concrete without even a scratch.
In Israel my husband and I ourselves experienced another miracle during the Yom Kippur war in 1973, when a Syrian plane that had been shot down only narrowly missed us. It crashed down only seconds later in a small square in the middle of the nearby town without seriously injuring anyone, although fragments flew in every direction and into the surrounding apartment buildings. One of the motors landed in the crib of a baby who only a few minutes before the crash had been taken out of it by his mother. All this happened during the night so almost everyone was still at home. I heard the story from the mother of this baby herself many years later when she attended the same Hebrew classes as I did, and of course I remembered because we had heard the sounds of this plane and its crash ourselves as it passed right over our heads. She told the class that she went on a pilgrimage to the grave of Rabbi Meir Baal ha Nes every year in order to thank God for the rescue of her child. Baal ha Nes means Master of the Miracle. Do not ask me what he did to earn that name, probably performing miracles. A smiley should be in place here but you all may know by now my (in)capabilities in that field. And yes, Nes is also part of the name Nes Ammim (the name of the international Christian village we were living in at the time), in that case meaning Miracle of the Nations. But since we have not noticeably been performing any miracles over there till now the inhabitants of the village stick to the second meaning of the word Nes, meaning ‘banner’. This name is derived from Isaiah 11:12 by the way where it is called an ensign to the nations according to the KJV.
Of course I agree with Joshua that the Bible stories are myths but they very well may have a historical background, some if not most of them. Archaeology in Israel is almost always based on information from the Bible as far as I know. And how could they find buildings, and fitting inscriptions, time and again, based only on a myth? To me it makes sense as manifestations of a principle on different levels, the material level being the lowest one and the starting point as it were.
Joshua stated more than once that there was no historical temple in Jerusalem. I agree that when the temple is mentioned in the Bible, it probably is not about a historical building but that does not necessarily mean that there was none. Its foundations are still there, I saw them myself. In all the surrounding countries you still see remnants of temple buildings which may have lots of symbols in them which guided people to hidden knowledge. The Egyptian pyramids certainly do, so the others probably do as well. The same is true for some ancient cathedrals in Europe, which contain hidden symbols and are built on places of special energy called leylines. They are all manifestations in the world of matter in order to assist man to find his way out of this dream world again. So, why not a temple in Jerusalem?
Joshua asks ”Does God change?” with the unspoken answer: “Of course not!”. Who says so? I believe there is a statement from the side of science that says: “The only constant is change”. Because what else is evolution but constant change? What else is development? Everything changes constantly, also our knowledge and our views because if they did not, everything would grow static and die.
One of the descriptions of God is ‘All that is’ and as ‘All that is’ It lives and experiences everything through us as we all are manifestations of God. We/us being everything from quanta and particles to galaxies and beyond. As such God as ‘All that is’ develops and changes constantly and the awareness of God as the Highest Consciousness might grow because of it. That is how I see it now but of course all this is still very much beyond our understanding. However, just because we cannot understand it yet we should not automatically suppose that God is static and beyond change. What IS beyond change in my view is God’s unconditional Love and Unity in Diversity because change in itself is possible within unity in diversity and unconditional love can grow but does not change its character.
When Joshua mentions that the idea of the sun standing still or the parting of the Red Sea must obviously be impossible, again I disagree. It is something that can be taken literally and has been but in another sense than suggested in his example. Prof. Immanuel Velikovsky, a religious Jew who knew a lot about many different disciplines, did take these happenings literally, but in a totally different way than we mostly do. He concluded that if the sun was experienced as standing still for any amount of time, this must have been caused by another planet or comet that came too close to the earth and hindered it in its movement around its axis. And the same for the parting of the Red Sea. When this celestial object came too close it drew the water away (much like the moon does but a lot stronger) and when it moved away the waters came crushing down again. He sought and found explanations for all the phenomena around the exodus and the journey through the desert as well. Of course this would necessarily have been a worldwide phenomenon and he went into all that too. I do not mean to say that he was right in what he supposed, or wrong for that matter, but it does show that it is too simple to take things at face value only. His books are extremely interesting and I learned two things from him. One is what happens when you put forward a theory that goes against what people believe but that cannot be put aside like a crackpot idea: people who have something to lose when what you say should happen to be true may turn very ugly. I saw it in his case and after that in many other cases as well, no matter whether it was about religion, science, history, archaeology or whatever. And the second and more important thing is, he taught me to dare to look out of the box and I have been doing that ever since.
In the last paragraph of his article Joshua writes: “The history of the Exodus to the Promised Land is the journey of exploring the inner self, inner consciousness. The lessons to be extrapolated from it have to be based on this foundation. The foundation of parable and dark sayings of old, which require the interpretation of allegory and symbolism to reveal its hidden insight.” I agree fully with this statement but at the same time it does not necessarily mean that a literal interpretation as shown above is impossible.
Of course none of this proves that I am right about any of this either but I would like it very much if everyone could look at these things (and everything else as well) from a different point of view than his or her own seriously as well before reaching the conclusion that something could not possibly be true. After all, we all still live in a world of illusion, in which everyone creates his own world with its own truths, which often will be different from other people’s truths, and none of us is in possession of the Absolute Truth just yet.
Hi Anny! Thanks for bringing up a great topic discussion which so many have pondered many times in their life, I’m sure.
This also gives me a chance to clear up my view on miracles, which I hope my blog readers didn’t get the wrong impression of from any of my previous comments or articles.
I will begin by saying that you are correct, I do not believe any of the miracles in the Bible are meant to be taken literally. Eastern and Western scriptures use greatly exaggerated stories to make make a certain point, which is never about the literal miracle itself, but something much greater (more on this below)!
Do seemingly miraculous things happen? Of course. All the time, as you have pointed out. In fact, I once witnessed a boy with a broken thumb (with x-rays) get healed instantly. The boy, who was about seven, said during prayer he felt a weird hot sensation surge through his hand, and the parents took him took him back to the doctor and confirmed that the bones were somehow knitted and healed, and we all got all the info the following Sunday. It was quite extraordinary because I remember the boy being able to move his thumb as if nothing had ever happened after the prayer and he was smiling from ear to ear, as if he knew for a fact the healing had taken place. I was intrigued, so I made sure to get all the details the following Sunday.
I do not call these Biblical type miracles, nor really miracles at all. I believe they can be explained metaphysically, which I hope one will one day be able to say scientifically explained as well as science begins to understand that consciousness creates matter, not the other way around. Kundalini is also a powerful force, that while mostly deals with emotional and psychological issues, also affects the physical body. It can transform over years, or instantly.
Biblical miracles, such as God making the sun stand still an entire day, or Moses parting the Red Sea, or Elijah making an axe head float, or even Jesus walking on water, are not meant to be seen as literally happening. Focusing on the literal aspect takes away from the true message, which is about the transformation of the conscious experience in duality, which is much more grand than any literal miracle. When we focus on miracles in the Bible as literal, we have missed the entire point of the allegory, and to me that is sad, and why I maintain this blog.
I also believe the Bible is based off of literal history. Herold’s temple was a historical building, and many temples in the Middle East existed. But Solomon’s temple, in the way as it is told in the Bible, most certainly did not. I will explain further what I meant in the paragraph above about how seeing it as literal steals the true meaning of the allegory:
The size of Solomon’s temple measured in cubits would make it the size of a modern day tennis court, and maybe a little bigger if you consider the largest standard of the cubit. Yet it took seven years to build, and many tens of thousands of skilled laborers. And the Bible tells us it was built in “silence.”
Of course it would not take tens of thousands of laborers 7 long years to build something the size of a tennis court, and it would not have been build in silence, even if all the work was done before it was brought to the work site where the physical building was meant to be errected. This would be silly, correct? The laborers who built the pyramids at Giza would have built Solomon’s temple in a few weeks with a quarter of the labor (if all this was meant to be literal anyway). Of course I am kidding here, but here’s my point:
Solomon’s temple has nothing to do with a literal building and everything to do with the spiritual body which God dwells, and it is all metaphor as Paul makes clear in the New Testament. The Bible states that God’s glory and very being came down and inhabited Solomon’s temple upon dedication, but we know this is not literal either, for it is the human body that is indwelled. And Solomon’s temple was built in “silence” on the work site because it is speaking of meditation, and what happens in THIS body of flesh during the process of awakening great self-awareness. more here:
When I previously stated in a comment, why don’t Biblical type miracles happen today, I am speaking of parting the Red Sea (by a man’s staff) and the sun standing still, etc. God, who does not change, does not work this way. All these miracles, as you already know, are not MEANT to be viewed as literally having happened, but explain metaphysical experiences humans MUST have through an awakening-type process.
About God’s changing:
Yes, you are correct. The only constant in the universe is change, but this is through our eyes of duality. What we term “God,” and what God really is does not change. God is the infinite potential behind what we might best term primordial consciousness. The paradox is that this potential, what we term God, is both personal and impersonal. It’s personal because you are personal, as am I, and you are here because of that infinite potential, and you live, and move, and have your being IN and through It. It’s not even right for me to call it an “it” because to do so does not do this eternal, self-dynamic, infinite power justice, as we can never explain it intellectually, although we can experience it. It is the sum of a whole, of all there is, and manifest and individualizes itself through creation. But the power potential that is the cause of manifested duality does not change, nor can it. Only the experience of it’s manifestation changes. Does this make sense?
To understand this actually explains why and how God is eternal, and why “some-thing” can come from “no-thing.”
That last statement is probably getting off topic and something for another blog post which I will write if you or any other readers so desire, because this “God” is actually defined in the Bible as well, as both personal and impersonal. Most just focus on the literal aspect of an external being separate from creation which is a shame, because the Biblical authors never meant such a concept to be taught through doctrine and dogma.
Anyway, I hope this clears up a bit by what I mean by miracles, etc.
Blessings, Anny, and again, thank you for bring up this topic as I’ve had many e-mails about it, but have never actually committed any extensive writing to it. And just a note to all the other blog readers of the Spirit of the Scripture, this is a blog where anyone is free to comment on their thoughts, whether they believe in Biblical type miracles or not. In fact, I always welcome diverging viewpoints, because I know it’s not only healthy (most of the time), but diverging viewpoints and different ways of explaining things speaks volumes to different people in a way and to some who I cannot reach through my writings alone. Often times when speaking of spiritual subjects, it is easy to misinterpret what someone is truly trying to say as well, as terms and concepts may be unfamiliar, or one focuses too much on one particular comment or sentence without seeing the entire picture.
Many blessings readers!
p.s., Anny – I always love it when you play devil’s advocate 🙂
Hi Josh,
Thanks for your extensive comment. Of course I knew that you could not agree completely with what I wrote but you know me, I am a rebel. So I try to look at a subject, any subject, from another side as well, even if that is not what normally my focus is on. And there we have an important word: focus.
You write for instance: “Biblical miracles, such as God making the sun stand still an entire day, or Moses parting the Red Sea, or Elijah making an axe head float, or even Jesus walking on water, are not meant to be seen as literally happening. Focusing on the literal aspect takes away from the true message, which is about the transformation of the conscious experience in duality, which is much more grand than any literal miracle. When we focus on miracles in the Bible as literal, we have missed the entire point of the allegory, and to me that is sad, and why I maintain this blog.”
This is your focus and that is fully okay but in the example of prof. Velikovsky, who gave his literal interpretation a totally different meaning, his focus was on something else entirely and that is okay too. Who are you, or I, to tell other people where there focus should be? I believe we can only share ours, and explain why we have that focus, and then let the readers decide for themselves what they can do with it, if anything. I do not believe that we have the duty – or even the right – to tell them what to believe or how to see things.
You urge people to look at things this way because you do not want people to miss the entire point of the allegory. And I honour you for that. But have you considered that other people may discover completely different things that are very valuable by looking at a subject in a different way? Things which you or I might miss completely? There are so many facets to everything. We do not have to discard what we have found in order to be able to look at different views with an open mind in order to see what they have to share. We can take or leave it after all, just like other people can do with what we write.
I fully agree with you that what is written in the Bible about Solomon’s temple is meant allegorically but in my view that does not necessarily mean that there was not a historic temple that was built by him. I do not really care either way as far as bible interpretation is concerned but do not want to deny what is seemingly so important to others. If necessary people can and will distance themselves from beliefs like these when they are ready.
Having said that, I am sure that many people find great value in what you have to share right now, and hopefully in what I have to share too. They would not be on your blog if they did not. But they have to be completely free to decide for themselves what is important or not for them right now.
I always find value in what you share, and the comment here show others do too. And you’re right about encouraging others to follow their convictions, because people will only look into the Bible esoterically when they are ready, by questioning the status quo. Sometimes I am a bit blunt because I really do believe the Bible was meant to be interpreted esoterically by its original authors. But this does not mean I don’t also have at least an appreciation for the literal view, because without that, I may never arrived where I am, because I started out literally believing in it and I honor that journey. But the people who discover this blog are here because they are usually looking for something they feel intuitively, as I did, and sometimes they need that push, as I did when I first began. One thing is for certain: I will never put anyone down for a literal view, but I will always encourage people to go further than dogma and doctrine, which creates mediocre religion. Another way of putting it is like this: literal interpretations by their very nature create dogmatic, religious ideas. For some this becomes a stepping stone to greater truths as they mature, but it can also create rigidness, and an unwillingness to truly know the self.
Hi Josh,
Thanks for your reply. Of course I know by now how you see things and for myself I mostly agree with you, even though sometimes I would phrase things differently.
In this instance I did not address literal versus symbolic though but the fact that there are more varieties than these two. Like the view of prof. Velikovsky which is just another approach with a totally different focus. And even within symbolic interpretations there are many different views, as becomes abundantly clear from the comments.
We two share a certain focus, which for us is the most important, but for other people another focus might be more important.
I advocate in that case to accept everyone’s view of things without any judgement whatsoever from our side. We should just share what is our view on the matter as our view.
I advocate the right of people to disagree with you or me. I am also of the opinion that if we do that people will be willing to listen to what we have to share much sooner because there is no pressure. I know it works that way with me.
Hello Anny and Joshua
I have been a follower of this blog for quite some time now, but since I am kind of shy, I have never participated in your comment section before today.
However today s’ discussion on Miracles is rather a subject that I felt I may have something to
contribute to the discussion. So here I am trying to put my two cents in and share.
First let me say, I believe to give an honest and true answer to the question Anny asks in her post re the existence of Miracles in Bible and even today etc. would really come down if we were able and could also answer a few related questions without a problem:
Is the Universe governed by set laws for each and all dimensions that never change no matter what ?
Let us say the answer is Yes to that initial Question..
So then and still and all …
Is God-Law Maker / the Creator / the Absolute Potential whatever you wish to call ‘it’
Above that Set Law ? It is His OWN LAW….
so..Could He/It etc, modify (make exceptions?) that law if sees fit for his own ‘reason and purpose’?
Or could it be the Law formulated is such a Grand Plastic Law that can accommodate all instances so that the variables how it will be applied would be Endless making it Unfathomable to our human understanding at present?
Thus we call ‘extra -ordinary’ looking and sounding things a Miracle but nevertheless it will still be ‘The Law” operational as always ?
Obviously if we knew the cause of all effects..then there won’t be any word we have had to create such as the word Miracle.
Having said that, I can only share with you from my own life experience regarding this topic:
I have had many encounters in my own life that many people perhaps would be in awe when they hear of it and quickly put it in a category of the miraculous. In the past I had also agreed with them without much thought about it.
However , I was forced to change many of my own views regarding many things we resort to call
‘Miracles’ since my spontaneous Kundalini Awakening happened to me.
The Awakening process opens up for us ‘humans’ many portals through which we may view other (worldly) perspectives of ‘reality’ that were previously not available to us through our normal channels
of perception. Our physical senses.
This expanded vista is as Joshua correctly pointed out the metaphysical world and let me just say
from my own experience : the Meta-physical (meta=over) World >”it has it’s own way of doing things’. It’s own LAWS as contrasted with our physical laws of nature as we have so far discovered in our sciences.
This direct experience (gnosis) is made possible for us partly by the activation of our own previously dormant potential powers as the Awakening Process progresses wider and higher in consciousness. This is my current understanding of this phenomena about our true nature: Human and Divine
So when this happens to us this may mean that we may suddenly become privy (clairvoyant for instance) to some of the causes to the visible effect /s which we previously may have been too quick to dub as a ‘Miracle’.
Allow me to use a specific example out of so many I could cite from my own spiritual experiences
that may clarify this point I am trying to make:
One afternoon a few years ago, it happened, that I had suddenly felt like lying down to take a nap which is really unusual for me but somehow I felt compelled to do so. So I did .
As soon as I closed my eyes I started to dream.
Note :dreams and visions are symbolic languages among other tools which the spiritual world uses
to communicate with our Conscious in this case the ‘waking conscious’ if I recall the dream as I had done upon waking up from sleep.
It was a vivid dream and I saw a car speeding on an express way and I could see there was an imminent crash about to happen where the driver would lose control of the car.
At the same time in the same scene, I saw my ex-husband flying in the air with great speed and haste.
Amused I watched him fly but suddenly he swooped down and he landed on that same car that was speeding on that express way.
He spread his arms (‘wings’? like an angel/airplane ) as he went down to land on that speeding car below him.
I watched as I saw him lie flat and face down on the hood of that car . He was then covering the whole car with his whole body and rested there in that position.
As soon as I saw him do this in the dream the phone rung in my bedroom and it woke me up and I got up and answered it.
It was hospital emergency room nurse calling me to inform me that our only daughter was in a car crash on the express way and she was being treated there by them.
News in short was: Her car was totaled and no one who was there or who saw that car afterwards could ever believe nor understand really how she the driver of that car could have possibly escaped with her body and life intact.
But she was absolutely fine.
Short of being very shook up she suffered not a scratch on her body at all.
Now mind: At that moment of the car accident her father was thousands of miles away from both of us. He actually lived in another state. And I was as stated at home taking a nap.
So now I ask how is this ‘happening’ to be understood correctly?
The accident happened in the physical world but the prevention of ‘death’ happening from that accident was done by what power or causal power ?
To me the first obvious thing about all of this revelation via the dream was that obviously there was a connection between souls. And that connection was through Love. Ultimately Love was really the ‘Savior’. (God is Love).
Mother Father Child connected like the Trinity you know?
Note too: In this story of mine the ‘family’ bond was not broken by what it appears to be considered as mundane in the spirit world. The divorce that happened in our physical world.
Spiritually we come to understand of course that all is/ are connected but I gather we experience this and know this only if we Love.
This ‘insider view’ via that timely concurrent dream then let me her mother also peep in to see how our daughter was saved that day from that terrible accident.
It was her physical father’s spirit which obviously could and did see the danger instantly that threatened his daughter ‘s life , that threatened to take her soul out of this dimension.
So he ‘flew to prevent that from happening. His mission was successful through ‘action’.
In this instance then, many people who hear this story may say it was a “miracle’ that our daughter lived. But as to how she actually was not hurt obviously I her mother was given a little more information.
Therefore I got much more to tell about it : She actually had an Invisible Helper’ > a Spirit being whom she and I both knew in his physical form as her biological father.
In conclusion then and in my view, in answer to Anny ‘s question if Miracles exist or not , to get to a truthful answer , I believe we may be forced to go deeper into the rabbit hole (Mystery) and it would be a deep hole too and hard to navigate also for many people.
Especially if one does not possess ‘other sight’ to use to peep in to ‘see’ and inquire into the “Ultimate Reality’ in search of true ‘Cause’ to certain effect /s.
For instance how could my daughters father have known about what was happening to his daughter thousands of miles away ?
Obviously his physical form and his waking conscious did not know anything at all because we had to call him to tell him what had happened using the phone like we had to do for everyone to be contacted.
So it is his ‘individualized spirit ‘ (God’ s Spirit in him) which saw things in total and made the move in haste. could our connection to each other carry such great responsibility and even power to affect what we call our life and our ‘death’?
So then if that is indeed the case as it seems to be here with this story of mine are we not the Miracle Workers Ourselves?
Well in this story at least..the man/spirit the Higher Self of the father used one of his ‘bodies’ that were suitable for the job at hand. He had the motivation to do this because of Love.
He also knew he had the Power to save his daughter ‘s life at that moment exactly when she encountered danger or else why even try to spread your wings and head towards that direction?
Is this how things really work in our everyday life all everything so connected no telling what is going on and how and things are being done by God knows who?
Most of us when things like this happen we just call them ‘Miracles’ because of lack of knowledge ?
How can we ever get to the bedrock truth on just what happened in this story ?
How do we know what forces in the universe had to come together and conspire and agree together and ACT to have made my reality that day my daughter escaped unharmed? (miracle? )
Well I hope you guys see what I am trying to say and where I am going with this.
The Mystery is deep but at least when gnosis comes to us and the veil is removed for a bit then much more is ‘Revealed’ to us about the hidden Truth.
As evolving spirits one day we will all discover or rather Self-Realize of who we really and are able to speak with authority as Jesus in the Bible is said to have done. I hope the writers there did not exaggerate things about Jesus the man who evolved to become the Christ speaking with Authority on All things with the exception of just a few things he had admitted that ‘he did not know’..if I recollect correctly lol.
So when that happens to us and We KNOW…(In Hinduism they call this type of knowledge Shuriti similar as DAATH of Judaisms Kabbalah I think? )
Paradoxically many that type of knowledge is the only Miracle there is. However, until that time comes for each of us, I ‘ll have to say :
Yes. Everything is and remains a miracle or a better suited word would be ‘Mystery’.
Before I go a few words here to Anny and Joshua:
Joshua, if you may recall I had been in touch with you via private email in the past years since I became one of your readers who has so very much benefited from your keen insights in spiritual matters.
Please know: My gratitude is immeasurable. I will try to make time to contact you soon on what I had long promised to share with you re my Kundalini Awakening and It’s Progress.
Please Forgive me for the long delay,…but..truly..In short I’ve found it quite intense and very very challenging to integrate this cosmic energy in my daily life.
It has been and still is an amazing ‘who could ever believe this could happen to us humans’ kind of journey.
So the great change that comes with Kundalini is not just psychological but also every bit physiological. As you’ve correctly pointed out in your comment to Anny also, it does affect the physical body itself very much .
It does so “to Build ‘Solomon’s Temple’ in 7 years in silence “ as Bible states.
It does so to ‘to Build the Light Body’ our ‘Wedding Garment’ as Bible states.
Joshua one thing I got to tell ya is regarding your teachings here on this blog:
I try to keep track of your views in spiritual matters and comparing it to my own spiritual experiences now. I have to tell you that you are Right On The Money re the Allegory angle and the Bible and your views on most other spiritual topics as well. It checks out is what I am saying.
Knowing the interpretation of the allegory and metaphor is what our focus should be.
Unless you are fascinated by Bible history and such like or you are still a literal mode consumer of the ‘Word’ for various reasons including ‘spiritual immaturity’.
When ‘maturity ‘ arrives however all else I find falls in the category of nonessential .
It does not help much in understanding and knowing who we are : The Whole Matter At Hand !
I have no doubt people who find your blog are themselves led by the Spirit to find your blog.
Please know that you are indeed a True Light to so many people who need the priceless information you share.
Including myself.
Anny, as one of the brilliant contributing writers on this blog, I have certainly learned much from you as well over the years.
I thank you my dear sister for so generously sharing so much of your considerable knowledge .
I hope you enjoyed my little story.
God Bless You Both… to keep up spreading your Light !
First off, thanks for commenting! You really put a lot of thought into it. And no worries ever about long delays in replies. I can be the king of that as Anny can attest to, especially when things are busy.
I am very excited for your journey, and I very much appreciate the inspiring words of encouragement. And I certainly agree: a certain maturity comes when we seek deeper meaning by focusing on the allegorical interpretations. Paul said it himself: the literal is devoid of life, but the spirit (allegorical interpretation) is full of it! For my own self, when I began to see the Bible as metaphor, I was able to drop judgement, and it taught me to see both sides of any equation. It allowed me to look within to myself, and truly learn why I have thought the way I did in certain situations that really didn’t matter.
I enjoyed your thoughts on God as the lawmaker that must obey set laws laid down. In my own personal opinion, to see God as a separate entity from creation limits God, and could not be all powerful or knowing. In order to have individual-ness, even the experience of it, you must have limitation, because it is then limited to that individual-ness. The universe must be an extension of God, not a separate creation. Whenever we speak of individuality, or separateness, it is then defined by another aspect of separateness. For example, darkness defines the light and vice versa. But what really defines that which we term God? Nothing. God is the total sum of everything, which is no-“thing,” and our intellect could never grasp or understand such state of BEING.
Josh, I just have to play devil’s advocate again. You write: “Paul said it himself: the literal is devoid of life, but the spirit (allegorical interpretation) is full of it!”
This may apply lots of times but not always. I think we should learn never to generalize. For me the commandment to love your neighbour (all seven plus billion of them + the rest of creation) as yourself is one of those sayings which should be taken absolutely literally. As well not instead of.
Love is the unifying factor and we are all One after all. Quantum entanglement so to speak. Everything we do or say or think influences everything and everyone in one way or another and we are increasingly being confronted with the consequences of our loveless and selfish attitudes and actions these days.
Thanks for your reply Joshua and I appreciate your kind words about my delayed response and good wishes on my spiritual journey. On Your personal thoughts on God :
“to see God as a separate entity from creation limits God, and could not be all powerful or knowing. “
I appreciate you sharing your views on it though I am not understanding you clearly when you say God would be limited if that were true? We know God is in his/her/it’s Creation. In fact there is ‘nothing exists per se but God through whose power we live and have our being. But can we be sure that is all there is? The Totality ?
Also one important point for us to mull over may be: Before we even could speak about who or what God is or not, we may have to specify we are speaking about who we think /believe/God is to us,.that is to say…who God is in relation to us (humans). To ascertain what we are inquiring about perhaps we humans may first have to know the Truth regarding the Origins of the Humans Species?
◦ You write:
” And I certainly agree: a certain maturity comes when we seek deeper meaning by focusing on the allegorical interpretations. Paul said it himself: the literal is devoid of life, but the spirit (allegorical interpretation) is full of it! ”
◦ Well sure..You and I both agree on this point as does Paul since he emphasizes the esoteric teachings and practices carrying a higher and more beneficial for spiritual growth.
However at the risk of sounding like I am shifting my conviction back and forth, based on what I have so far discovered for myself since my ‘Awakening’, I would have to still add something to our conviction, lest it may threaten to twist itself into another ‘dogmatic’ sounding stance.
What I would like to add perhaps may help us to remember to round out and balance out our firm conviction of the importance of understanding deeper meanings of the scriptures of the Bible.
We must remember: We are speaking of the path of the soul’s journey here in the Duality. Every soul in duality endures ‘for a time’ a feeling of being ‘separate from Source through ‘ego block.’
Note: ‘Veil’ is in place ‘by original design’, thus life is experienced via division in consciousness of apparent contrast, in order ‘play the game of life’ as Anny always points out to us .
So what we really are talking about is ‘which Path’ would be The Best or at the least ‘the most effective route’ for the soul to reach the state of unity within or of ‘wholeness’ of the ‘fractured /split consciousness’.
That said , what I have to add is what I have found out for myself via my spiritual journey: The Plan for At – One- ment seems to work from this principle:
No Soul LEFT BEHIND No Matter Which Path It Takes.
I believe the choice of the path maybe up to the soul itself : Which path it has chosen to pursue in each incarnation ?
What Paul and you and I here are talking about then would perhaps be called the Path of Knowledge tailor made for those souls who are suited to it. Perhaps based on the particular soul’s capacity to process ‘intellectual light’ because it is ripe to do so ?
In such instances then if such be the case, other soul/s may follow the Path of Devotion alone.
From what I have been shown so far, such a soul would still gain in Light, as the Spirit always is there to help it from within to move forward regardless of the fact if it has ‘sophisticated knowledge of the occult ‘ or not. In other words as far as ‘God’ is concerned it would be perfectly ‘All Right’.
You know?
In plain words: All Path are acceptable and all of them in the end lead to the same goal.
When you wrote about Kundalini you yourself have explained it to us so very well, that the Bible also teaches that the Gentiles will also become partakers of the promise, ….after the allotted 3 1/2 time (Kundalini knot unfurls)..they also will come in from the ‘outer court’ and become ‘Jews’.
What Paul and you and I here are talking about then would perhaps be called the Path of Knowledge tailor made for those souls who are suited to it especially.
Your teaching for instance helps elevate the consciousness of your readers even if they may not consciously see or know how the soul benefits and uses your input. As in,… they are not yet ‘awakened via Kundalini Rise’ and can ‘verify’ the teachings via gnosis for themselves.
◦ Nevertheless rest assured, both the giver (you in this instance ) and the receivers (your readers ) do constantly benefit in soul growth. Especially if both combine it with practice of meditation/contemplation.
So… let us not forget nor discount the Path of Devotion.
IT ALSO WORKS to Elevate The Soul to the Point of Forming the Christ Within,..provided..if True Transformation takes place within the heart and mind of the individual .
Genet, thank you for sharing. You should tell us more about how you got to raise your Kumdalini. If the authors of the blog allow you and if you feel like ding so. If not, is there any possibility that Josh give my email to you?
Thanks Ely for taking an interest in my K -Rise. Really,.. it was not my conscious effort that I know of that roused the dormant Kundalini.
In fact to tell you the truth I had no knowledge whatsoever regarding it’s existence at the time it happened… when one break of dawn,.. in bed about 10 years ago.. I awakened and …for lack of language to describe what happened that day body was shaking ‘at the speed of Light’ ..and also at the same time my body was being pulled from top to bottom…(elongated you know? ..instant prep of my spine for the energy to pass via that etheric canal ..see? )
When the shaking stopped on it’s own,..and I lay the semi darkness of my bedroom.. I could see the halo on top of my head (light that came out of the crown chakra)
..don’t ask me how I could that lying on my back.. ..but I could. Not only that it also had instantly opened up the ability to ‘see’ 360 degrees all around …and the ability to also see through the walls… could see around the corner from my bedroom and into the the whole city traffic outside. It was so disconcerting and disorienting ..for sure I thought I had lost it all and gone insane. No knowledge see?
To make a long story short, it seems the spirit itself provided for me to get the first thread on what was going on.
The first clue I got was given to me believe it or not at the Emergency Room where I ran to as fast as I could to get my head examined..
and what do ya know?
There in the form of Female Indian Doctor stood my first teacher. She listened to my story and told me the brain scan was clean ..etc etc.. but in her country this was a well known issue ..and she said to me what I needed was a support group rather than meds…she was so helpful ..I had to know she was the one had to be there that day when I visited the emergency with my ‘bizarre ‘ sounding story.
Basically.. that it is the way it happened .
Don’t wish to hijack Joshua’s blog to make it my K forum..u understand ?
.. but one of the things the spirit instills as part of the transformation process is on providing ‘Service to Humanity’ ..
with that in mind,… if you are a serious inquirer and if you think it may further your growth, I will make myself available to you. Feel free to get my email address from Josh and write me with what you wish to know.
One thing before I go:
please be very careful to not try to mess with the K to try some ‘tricks’ to arouse it…. This energy is not something one can play do not try to hurry the process yourself in anyway. I can’t emphasize that point enough. Stay Safe!
Hello Genet,
First of all thank you for your wonderful comment which contains so much interesting information.
Regarding your question: “Is the Universe governed by set laws for each and all dimensions that never change no matter what ?” you supply us with two options.
Joshua already addressed your first option so I would like to give my view on the second: “Or could it be the Law formulated is such a Grand Plastic Law that can accommodate all instances so that the variables how it will be applied would be Endless making it Unfathomable to our human understanding at present?”
I would like to say ‘yes’ to this question. As you write that you have been following my articles you probably know that I see this material world as not a real world but a dream, ‘tardema’ in Hebrew, based on the creation story of Man where God put Man, the androgynous Adam, to sleep in order to separate his/her male and female sides in order to enable them to act separately. Man never woke up from that dream but instead entered a dream world of duality where they could get to know themselves by experiencing whatever they created. Which enabled everyone to create whatever they wanted and to learn from the consequences. In the end of the cycle this leads to having gained total conscious awareness by having learned the lessons from all these experiences. This conscious awareness is real but the experiences in themselves were not. They were just learning tools.
During this journey through all our lives everyone experiences things that are experienced as miracles. And seen from our current day to day understanding these things ARE miracles but of course they can also be interpreted as things that people with a lower consciousness do not understand yet. Once we gain a higher level of consciousness we will understand what exactly happened but then it might still be a miracle in our eyes because of our appreciation of the beauty of it.
What you experienced is far above the consciousness level of most of us, I believe, and to those of us who never had such an experience it is miraculous indeed. I never experienced a rising of the Kundalini yet but I do recognize the experience somewhat because I had a Near Death Experience as a child of thirteen in which I also experienced this unbelievably high energy of unconditional love.
This was your first time to comment. I hope it will not have been your last! You have a lot to contribute.
Hello Anny
Thanks for your reply and your encouragement for me to participate more here on this blog. I will try to do so time permitting since this process has so many phases to it and the changes that come and go are so unpredictable.
It seems ..No Sleep is one of it’s fave and signature symptoms lol…
I guess it is not called ‘awakening’ for nothing.
Just kidding.
Anny,..If like you say, I may have something to contribute here, it would really only be based on things that I have experienced….
…so I have to tell you the same as I also told Josh about his views on spiritual matters .
I have found that you are also very correct in most of your views as far as I can say,.. again comparing what you post here to my own experience.
For instance the Androgyny of Adam you speak of here is no mere conjecture.. or a mere concept in psychology.
I see this ‘symbology of the split Adam into Adam/Eve trying to unite once again. (at completion of cycle as u state).
As happens..this alchemical union of positive and negative energy within us is for instance shown to me in vision/trance in this way:
I see the ‘man and woman ‘ constantly moving towards each other from opposite direction… they always move towards each other to try to meet at center… always move with such longing and eagerness…Got to say..for sure these are ‘the Eternal Couple”
For sure..there exists no lovers here in this world of ours such as these two I am shown.
When ‘they’ do manage to meet at center they hug and kiss like two long lost lovers and they don’t wish to part again . Ever! ‘They’ are now as ONE.
I have taken to call this the Kissing Kissing Kissing Show if Oneness.
Another symbol the Spirit uses to communicate this same goal of Unity of the split Adam/Eve is for instance also via the Uroboros snake symbol.
Here the involution/evoltuion cycle that you have spoken of so often is shown as completing and it is shown in trance to me as an active gif like image of the snake who tries to swallow it’s own tail.
Either way it is the same : Kissing Kissing Kissing.
well….geez..I must sound so silly with what I am saying here lol..
but I believe u know what I am trying to express…..
I am just trying to share with you as to how I say I know and say to you that your view/s check/s out.
Anny..Yes you may not have had an outright ‘conscious Kundalini Rise’… but as I have stated in my reply to Josh..the ‘Forming of Christ Within’ I believe can also happen in many ways than one .. even following a path of Devotion and perhaps other ways too may be there that I don’t know about.. that may lead one to the ‘Sacred Wedding’.
For instance: Your Near Death Experience, I know is one of the forerunner experiences for many if not most people who have then followed up with a full awakening.
This includes me too.. I had also had and NDE experience prior to K – Rise. But I never really knew at that time that it would be associated with forming a direct ‘connection with other dimension/s sometime in future . But it seems it works that way for many people and I suspect including yourself.
Hello Genet,
Thanks for your wonderful replies to everyone. That must have been some experience, having a Kundalini experience without having any prior knowledge about it! And having your whole world view change around it, no doubt. Have these consequences been temporary or did they become permanent? I know that with my NDE the experience was imprinted on my memory but the experience itself did not remain.
You wrote to me: “Anny. .Yes you may not have had an outright ‘conscious Kundalini Rise’… but as I have stated in my reply to Josh.. the ‘Forming of Christ Within’ I believe can also happen in many ways than one .. even following a path of Devotion and perhaps other ways too may be there that I don’t know about.. that may lead one to the ‘Sacred Wedding’ For instance: Your Near Death Experience, I know is one of the forerunner experiences for many if not most people who have then followed up with a full awakening. This includes me too.. I had also had and NDE experience prior to K – Rise. But I never really knew at that time that it would be associated with forming a direct ‘connection with other dimension/s sometime in future . But it seems it works that way for many people and I suspect including yourself.”.
That was some sort of eye-opener for me although I had slowly been coming to more or less the same conclusion lately. I recognized what happened during my life as phases of a process that slowly led me to where I am now. I also appreciate that you see the possibility of more ways, leading to the same goal, and do not pretend to know all of them.
The original Androgyny of Man has been clear to me since I learned to read Hebrew at school although I did not do anything with that knowledge yet. I missed the necessary background for that but it is of course obvious once you know that the Hebrew word for rib, ‘tsela’, also means side. The male and female sides of Man were made independent from each other and the possibilities of their interaction must have been the intended outcome. Which gave rise to the cycle of decent-involution/world of matter/evolution and ascension.
You write: : “I see the ‘man and woman ‘ constantly moving towards each other from opposite direction… they always move towards each other to try to meet at centre… always move with such longing and eagerness…Got to say.. for sure these are ‘the Eternal Couple”
I believe this to be true not only of Man but also of every other set of opposites in duality, for instance the example of spirituality and science, which seemed to be at odds for so long but are rapidly approaching each other now, both coming to the same conclusion finally but each with their own terms. Of course initially this only happens with open-minded people on both sides but the rest will follow.
Finally All will become One again, but not the undifferentiated oneness of the beginning but a Unity in diversity in which no one (person, view, religion, social status, race etc.) is superior to anyone else but all are joining in unconditional love. Which is as it should be.
The image of the serpent biting in its own tail is also good to show what this whole process is about. Although it does not really show the huge increase in conscious awareness that is the result of this whole journey. I have seen it as a ring though, which is not a closed circle but in which the serpent ends up at a higher level than its starting point. As such it may be seen as part of a cycle of development but it cannot bite in its own tail anymore. But a miracle certainly.
And your conclusion that “It seems ..No Sleep is one of its fave and signature symptoms lol… I guess it is not called ‘awakening’ for nothing. Just kidding.” is one of the ‘benefits’ of the awakening is spot on. I never knew that but I have experienced it for years already! Well, knowing a positive reason for it is certainly a relief.
Hello Anny
Thanks for your reply and posting some questions you have for me.
You write: “That must have been some experience, having a Kundalini experience without having any prior knowledge about it! And having your whole world view change around it, no doubt. Have these consequences been temporary or did they become permanent? “
Well, could say that my whole world was turned upside down. Literally! But with the progressive experiences and teachings , inner and outer combined you get kinda used to it as you progress.
You write: I know that with my NDE the experience was imprinted on my memory but the experience itself did not remain.
The Siddhi/s > or ‘Powers’ as they are usually termed that one gains or rather are activated from within suddenly when kundalini rises , speaking from my own experience again, are only given to open the way for the teachings and revelations to come etc.
All of them are used by the Kundalini as needed to teach from within and Reveal some hidden Truth. But I have never known how to intentionally call them up to use them for the mundane and for my own curiosity so to speak.
In fact I try not dwell on them. Most sages who have known the path always have insisted and advise the same if you wish to progress further in this journey.
As Bible states there will be ‘gifts’ given to everyone in fact all of us bring gifts with us when we are born regardless of K-Rise or not, and if there is one or more spacial gifts that you are ‘called’ to use in ‘Service to the Lord’..then I assume you can perhaps train or practice for the ‘skills’ so to say and you would be ‘successful in utilizing these powers :As in people training to do an Out of Body /Astral Travel at will or Remote Viewing used during the Cold War times by the respective governments.
My view is: Must be very careful not to get too excited and go all out with these ‘powers’ .
If we allow ourselves to do that geez ..I believe the Ego will have a fields day and that will be
self -defeating the whole purpose. However we could ask Questions and more times than not it will be answered in one way or other especially if it is relevant to the spiritual progress or even is something you wish to know about to bring clarity to something etc.
You wrote to me: “That was some sort of eye-opener for me although I had slowly been coming to more or less the same conclusion lately. I recognized what happened during my life as phases of a process that slowly led me to where I am now.”
Glad to hear you found some value in what I suggested. But really when reading your very insightful articles and comments I had the deep feeling always that you would be one of the people in this world that is for sure ‘connected’ to Higher Spirit in order to express truth that would benefit others. Yes there is no Coincidence that you are where you are now doing what you are doing ‘possessing the ability’ to do the ‘creative work’ here.
All our experiences as you know prepare us for the task at hand when we are called to use it. The Spirit knows EVERY THING about our lives to the last drop of detail.
As Jesus in Bible aptly states and to paraphrase .. ‘ our very hairs are numbered..and nothing falls without the Universal EYE seeing it . When we come to realize this truth, that there is ‘nothing covered that won’t be revealed’ it is to say the least very ‘painful ‘ to the Ego,.. you know?
This is ‘True Self Discovery’ .
Anny, ..before I leave off answering you this part of your comments to me, I would like to disclose to you something which was revealed to me regarding your state as in ‘awakening’ etc.
Unbeknownst to you and all on this blog,many of you have been on my prayer list for a long time now.
So,..since talking about your NDE etc. and we ‘finally met’ so to speak, before posting back an answer to your question/s I decided to take it up in meditation/trance and ask a direct question re your state of progress etc.
I ham happy to say here that I have a received a direct answer about it.
So, if you are interested to know what was given to me, I have a duty to pass it along, but I do hesitate to post it here on public forum.
Mind,..It is nothing bad or embarrassing or anything like that. In fact it is only one sentence, but still and all I think it is wise to let you decide .
You write: “I also appreciate that you see the possibility of more ways, leading to the same goal, and do not pretend to know all of them.”
Huh ..Know All Of Them? ..are you kidding Anny..?
Thought I have progressed on this path since the ‘Awakening’, I still consider myself as a rookie spiritual student of the ‘Kundalini Fire Goddess’..
always still on my tippy toes to decipher, understand, find validation and even reason for what is being revealed/ given to me.
Fortunately I at the same time always know (Intuition) that the answer will also be provided in it’s own time if I relax and Trust and go with the flow, so that, things will be ‘Clear’ by and by.
I find, Doubt would be our worst enemy on this journey, though the reasoning mind always wishes ‘ to know’.
But really, since most of the revelation/s is /are something otherworldly, obviously they are not meant to be understood by our ordinary reasoning /ego mind.
Yes Anny….No Sleep is a classic ‘Awakening’ phenom..just try to ‘enjoy’ your wakefulness, keep watching and keep trusting your intuition as you say is your way anyway.
Hello Genet,
Thank you for your reply to my comment. First of all about your experience with your K-rise as you call it. It is good to make clear that it is not an end-result but on the contrary only the beginning of a phase of learning. Indeed we should not use whatever we learn for our own personal gain as we are not given this kind of talents, whatever they are, for that purpose. Or think that we are better than others when we receive such gifts. We being the proverbial we of course as you and I are not the only ones to receive such gifts.
You write: “All our experiences as you know prepare us for the task at hand when we are called to use it. The Spirit knows EVERY THING about our lives to the last drop of detail.
As Jesus in Bible aptly states and to paraphrase .. ‘ our very hairs are numbered.. and nothing falls without the Universal EYE seeing it . When we come to realize this truth, that there is ‘nothing covered that won’t be revealed’ it is to say the least very ‘painful ‘ to the Ego,.. you know?”
I completely agree with you here and I experience it in this way too. Which is a great help in overcoming the obstacles on our way. I have always known that God’s eye is upon me so to speak and the funny thing is that when I had my confirmation in church when I was nineteen, that was the Bible text that was given me to go with me during my life. I did not experience that as a threat but indeed as a gift. Somehow it did not matter that God then would see all my ‘sins’ as well as I knew God to be a loving Father.
You react to my remark ‘ “I also appreciate that you see the possibility of more ways, leading to the same goal, and do not pretend to know all of them.” Huh ..Know All Of Them? ..are you kidding Anny..?’
Well, of course I did not mean that quite that literally. It was meant as a response to an attitude of: it is either this way or that way. My view is that often there are even more ways than just these two to look at things, which I do not necessarily know anything about.
Also I never want to prove anyone wrong but only state that my view is different when I cannot agree with something. And when I feel very strongly about something, then that does not necessarily mean that everyone else has to as well. We all walk our own path after all.
let me add one more
the churning of the milk of the ocean,
the old hindu myth, tell us about the opposing forces, the sustaining forces and … intervening forces
And yes, if all of humanity would still be in a state of sleep intervening forces can stop the Sun, can divide the waters, can heal wounds in unconventional ways.
If our 2 eyes get active dualism increases, the mental activities reject the unconvential, and wonders cease to be (because the wondering inside us stops). The eyes reject the miraculous ! So we die a bit to the extraordinary.
Become a child again and use the brain faculities in a ‘positif’ way.
So I concur with Anny a bit more. And yess, I witnessed many wonders and still do.
BTW imo what we cannot believe (or grasp at) we will experience in the flesh. So the great leaders in past and present lets us do great construction works. To show that the ‘impossible’ can come true. Give us something to focus at, building / making things activates the Creator in us, by working through us. That way awareness arises.
Thank you for these beautiful comments! I love hearing explanations from the view point of another religion and Hinduism has beautiful insights.
This old Hindu myth writes about what is possible when humanity is deeply asleep and of course in the context of the bible story mankind was deeply asleep when all these miracles happened.
To show that the impossible becomes possible when we put our imagination to work, that does activate the Creator within us. Great!
Jesus remarks somewhere that he is not the Messias that people want to believe in. On the contrary he mentions that families will turn against each other and so forth.
He recruits his helpers from the fishermen and tell them they will catch men instead of fish.
A small story. A man walks along a river, accompanied by a fish. They talk about small stuff. Then the man asks the fish ‘ how is the water ?’. The fish, a bit irritated asks back ‘What, what water, what are you talking about ?’ The man bends down and with both hands swoops the fish out of the water. The fish is shocked and tries to breathe. After a moment the man puts the fish back in the water, they continue their journey together. After a while the man asks again ‘how is the water ?’. The fish sighs and answers back ‘the water is delicious’.
So getting into a new environment can be shocking and it can provide a totally new aspect of the old environment. And don’t we all fish a lot ?
An interesting way of putting it, Leo. Yes, that is also my experience because I have an orthodox protestant christian background and was confronted with a very different background when I went to Belfast in Northern Ireland. There I first of all had to adapt to the Jewish way of life as I stayed with an orthodox Jewish family.
But I also was confronted with the problems of the warlike relationship between the protestant and roman catholic inhabitants in Northern Ireland at the time, which I was totally unfamiliar with. In Holland we protestants did not meet roman catholics very much but when we did there were no problems. I was in Northern Ireland however during the time of the outbreak of the riots and decades long war between protestants and catholics. That certainly made me ponder these attitudes and the reasons that led to them which I did not understand at the time.
Later I was in Israel in a time when the atrocities of World War II were still very much alive in the experience of the Jewish population, which made the attitude of some of them towards us christians rather ambivalent, to say the least.
And of course later on, when we went to Vietnam for the first time to celebrate the wedding of our son into a Buddhist family we again entered totally different waters so to speak. And this experience was repeated again the next year already with another son.
So yes, we have done a lot of fishing in our time but I like it. It makes you more open minded.
This may be difficult to accept, but we have all been brainwashed ( to various degrees ) to view our physical world ( our bodies and the earth ) like an internal combustion engine; a jumble of separate parts. (a laSir Issac Newton) It demands we view the human body as a bunch of separate parts, same thing with our air and water. It’s an outdated model of how our world operates.
But looking at things at the quantum level inserts us into the creation mix. That’s really interesting for people of faith. It makes makes dry scripture suddenly come to life! Past and present get very close and time seems to be less of a drag. This is a huge subject, but I find myself today wondering if miracles are only irrational because of this imposed ‘parts perspective’ and that all of existence is God’s miracle!
Hi Louis,
Thanks for your comment. I had not yet looked at the subject from this side but of course you are right. Looking at things from the quantum level changes everything. In Reality matter does not even exist, nor do space and time. And this whole eixtence on planet earth is only a game in order to gain conscious awareness. And in this game we can create anything we put our mind to, including miracles. And as we are parts of God all of existence is indeed God’s miracle. And a great miracle it is.
Josh, “spiritofthescripture” is a great forum for your ideas and writings as well as allowing those that share life together to join the discussion pertaining to the entity of God.
What I gather as the “crux” of your blog is, the bible is a means to come to know God by scripture. Further, scripture may be read on a literal basis or as you suggest; a deeper, hidden meaning in gnosis.
However, the bible may also be seen as a text written by men during a patriarchal period of our existence. We must also be aware that many of the texts of the bible are quite similar to stories that originated thousands of years prior in Africa. These earlier spiritual stories told of a-man god, Ausar that had been killed and brought back to life by resurrection. During the time of his death he impregenated his wife, Auset. The resulting birth of the male child: Heru, is the world’s first Immaculate Conception.
I echo you, in the utilization of the word; dogma. The bible is a an authoritative truth passed down generation to generation, read and memorized by the faithful. Beginning with genesis as God created the heavens and earth.
It should be remembered that this God was the God of Moses and the Israelites. Peoples whose narrative was in searching and wandering which intones buddhist thought and it’s practice recognizing ignorance and hence desire and/or craving. The Book of Exodus is the journey of peoples into searching for a permanent dwelling.. which is impossible since all-things are impermanent.
Anny mentions the “double-slit” experiment in one of her comments and to clarify, the experiment has shown that, what one doesn’t know remains unknown to them. One way to understand the experiment’s outcome is to look at it as a teacher who when facing her students in class observes behaviors that become known to her. Though when she turns her back and faces the blackboard the student’s behavior may change and she is ignorant of it. The experiment alludes to energy as flowing streams of waves. When observed in certain conditions they behave as expected and when not-observed behave in-variably.
This being said, attention is brought to the frequently utilized word “quantum”. Quanta is a unit of light. As such, it is bits or particles of light carrying information.
“The earth was formless and void and darkness was over the surface and the Spirit of God was moving… then God said “Let there be light”.
My suggestion is with an “open mind”, we can always move beyond. So at this point we are invited to realize we are Spirit, living in a Holographic Reality… Our Universe, is One dynamic “Holo-movement”. “Holo meaning whole that is light moving thru the ethers. The part is within the whole and the whole is contained in every part!! Holograms contain all the information to re-construct a “whole-image”. in this dynamic there are no-things just energetic events.. Jesus was an energetic-event. Which runs concurrent with buddhist thought of no-self.
The self is a consciousness reality.. an aware-ness through seeking or wandering which is birthed by ignorance or the desire to be. Which you state is endless possibility and potential. “As above, so below”; biology as Anny notes is comprised of fractals that persist through-out all things, therefore biology must be based on the same physical foundation of Creation.
Creation is the mystery, the birth of ego and the information age or the understanding of the aeons (light).
Socrates said, “Men create God after their own image” and Ludwig Feuerbach states in his “Essence of Christianity” that the object of any subject is no-thing else than that of it’s “own” or person-al (where “al” or “el” as in Elohim is a projection of God) nature taken objectively.
We, as persons are projectors… God is a projection…
Tying this to miracles, any-thing that happens… is a mirror-cle. The Spirit in human-physical form is the projection, the radiation form Source that recognizes it-self and consciousness-arises.
This is by psychological projection… Man projects person-al attributes and qualities onto any and every-thing.
It must be, and therefore suffering.
Jesus, the man, great master and teacher descended as we did into this dimension and realm. He taught in parables, which gave confusion, even if he taught without parables in a straight-forward way, we would be confused. The binding of the ego and Spirit allows for exploration to enter the Mystery without dogma and here we can find that which is “beyond God” the projector, the propagator, the creator to come to be at peace which is the releasing of all that we hold so dearly as important… This is true surrender. The truth.. as is the finality, the symbolism of crucifixion. A-parting of the ways.
Thank you Josh, Anny and Raymond and all those that contribute. I say, We are here to gain wisdom and let go of knowledge. This is what the bible has given me.
Peace, All
Thanks, Michael, for a very interesting comment in which you share so many things that are new to most of us. Josh will undoubtedly give you his view on it as well. I love what you share with us, especially in the area of science, as that interests me very much but as an alpha type, languages, it is still very difficult for me to grasp it and I am sure I get details wrong sometimes.
I do agree with you that the bible can also be seen in a wider context than just as literal or symbolic and of course Joshua knows that too but that is just not the focus of his blog, as he explained to me in a comment.
I never knew that Socrates said that men create God after their own image. When we studied Greek at school we were taught about things like that but as only knowledge of the language counted for the exams I just paid attention to that. All this philosophy stuff was quite alien to me at the time but I tumbled to Socrates’s conclusion by myself later on. Once I had started to let go of dogmas and doctrine.
I see that you distinguish between God and Source. That reminds me of what I read about Master Eckhart once, who distinguished between the godhead (inactive) and God (active) who arises from this Source and will return to it after a cycle. Ein Sof might be another name for this unknowable Source.
For me the word God and the concept of God contains many levels and variables. I never put a fixed definition on It. The definition of God as All that Is, with everyone and everything being part of it, has appealed to me since I first heard of it. As such we, as fractal parts of God, do actually contain all potentials of God in us. But in this world of the dream we have a very much diminished consciousness level and as such the totality of God transcends us by far. The word God is only something to work with for me but there just is not a word in which we can capture the essence of what we mean by It.
As you write: “The binding of the ego and Spirit allows for exploration to enter the Mystery without dogma and here we can find that which is “beyond God” the projector, the propagator, the creator to come to be at peace which is the releasing of all that we hold so dearly as important… This is true surrender. The truth.. as is the finality, the symbolism of crucifixion. A-parting of the ways.”
Anny it is greatly appreciated by me that you bring to the discussion the “Dream World”.
May I suggest that the word, “World” is psychological projection of man-kind… Which is both male and female, yin and yang, dextrose and sinister… I find it amazing that Christianity and Judaism has seen the female aspect as suspect and putting her to the left of the “father” and calling HER sinister…
What could be “Father form the TRUTH”…. that is maybe the Father comes from the Void… by choosing intentionally to enter the opening to re-discover itself; which is Ein-Soph.. The Void is the Maternal Womb… The Great Mother from which she the manifestation of the Source which can we say is BEYOND the God the majority of peoples in a religious, dogmatic “world”, “apparently” exist.
The word; apparently is composed of the root, “pare” which means: to come forth, to be made visible or come to sight. Moving deeper in-sight of “apparently” we find, what “seems”-to-be-true is based on what is known, more particularly what is the easiest to understand or easy to see or is obvious… Would you agree this is the dance of the gnosis… The gnostic is a dancer in the spiritual void. To which we wander giving up our control; which we feel is our’s, again a psychological projection.
I also would like to share the word, Pareidolia.
This is the word form-ulated from, come-forth and an image or representation of a person, thing, entity or supremely…. God; which is to be admired, revered, loved and worshiped.
Following this along is the word “apparition”. Formed by the prefix “a” which is to be with, the root, “pare” which again is to be made visible. Apparitiion is a ghost-like image… making an appearance marked by un-expected-ness… which is re-markable.
Would this satisfy the definition of a MIRACLE… That which appears unexpectedly from some-where.
In the world that has shifted to “intelligence”-based fact; “science”; away from the right side brain, the seat of intuition, the origin of the feminine… may we say; where-by we move from the unified, harmonic absolute-truth, the perfect marriage; the sacrament, The Miracle…. we miss the mark and make sin…
“Appearance”, is a symbol, a representation of “THE-PERFECT IDEA” so that the senses may “cognize-it”.. Cognization is the process of perception and to awareness; which is Karma.
The Dream World can be cognized in a greater way.
By seeing it as the Dream-Weave, where all-things are inter-connected as One.. which exists at all times, all places…omni-present and omniscient. That which comes forth from the void, the womb, from with-in itself by willful intent to enter; God, the projection sends it-self into it-self to cognize it-self- to be with-out self ALLOWING it-all to be; Perfect as a Unity, a whole-ness, balanced in harmony, light and sound, vibration and frequency…. into the ethers, light is bent, refracted and reflected; sound echoed…. Thoughts formed, ideas, sensations, perceptions, emotions all part in whole and in the whole every part contains the whole…. making an appearance in the stream, an illusion; as in the mirror….. The Mirror-cle.
Joaquin Muriel Espinosa (note, “Muriel” sits between Joaquin and Espinosa)
“Mure,” is to see and the suffix “el” is ascribed to “God”) states;
“when we reconstruct the fragments of our dreams, we bring an alive-ness to the spirit which allows the image-in-ation to go BEYOND basic human drives and the need to survive. Imagining a (greater) world allows us to actively participate in the creation of our dreams…. and when we (choose) that responsibility, we (begin the process) of Re-membering”..
All things that are present, in the moment; that happen, that come to be seen are miracles…
And maybe the greatest miracle of all…… That, which we have yet come to see.
Hi Michael. Thanks for your insightful comment.
I did want to clarify my stance on one of your statements, which I think you already understand but just in case someone else reads it…
I do believe scripture gives us clues as to know God, but the act itself is experienced within, and can be done without any scripture of course.
That being said, I found this comment by you interesting:
“The Dream World can be cognized in a greater way.
By seeing it as the Dream-Weave, where all-things are inter-connected as One.. which exists at all times, all places…omni-present and omniscient. That which comes forth from the void, the womb, from with-in itself by willful intent to enter; God, the projection sends it-self into it-self to cognize it-self- to be with-out self ALLOWING it-all to be; Perfect as a Unity, a whole-ness, balanced in harmony, light and sound, vibration and frequency…. into the ethers, light is bent, refracted and reflected; sound echoed…. Thoughts formed, ideas, sensations, perceptions, emotions all part in whole and in the whole every part contains the whole…. making an appearance in the stream, an illusion; as in the mirror….. The Mirror-cle”
I like the play on words, mirror-cle! What a grand way of looking at it.
I do think the holographic theory of the universe is certainly plausible. And I completely agree that God interacted with itself to manifest creation, and the physical world of illusion and duality is one way for primordial consciousness to “play” and experience.
Michael, thanks for all your additional information, which again shows a whole new way of looking at things. I love looking at things from all sides. It is so important.
Yes, I agree that you may see the word World as a projection of mankind, as male and female. It is indeed regrettable that Judaism and Christianity have this negative, ‘sinister’, image of the female side of man. Denying the value and importance of either side leads only to very warped thinking and terrible consequences.
Of course the creation of duality, and this dream world, was meant to try out any and all possibilities, so we did and suffered the consequences. But now we have the possibility to carefully consider all we have done during this whole process and draw our lessons from that. Within this dream world we can do all we put our mind to so now we can also turn around and start appreciating the importance of both the male and the female sides of man and getting the most out of the reunification of both of them. Which, seen from the situation of today, might still seem a miracle.
Very true!
(Continued…Sorry Josh)
Miracles: (Quantum) explained, so even I can understand it!
So, again, for people of faith, we, as God’s very special creation, are ALWAYS considered, we are NOT ignored by some cold sterile universe!
Thanks for your comment and the link you sent. I have seen already more explanations about this and it helped determine my world view. Lately I received a link to an article that addresses this subject and even adds another level to this double slit experiment that gives even more insight. I shared it with Joshua too but did not hear his opinion about it yet. I think you will like it.
And yes, we are never alone and ignored but watched by God. Or the Father as I called It in my previous article, The Other Son, which is really built on this premise of us being watched continuously by an unconditionally loving God.
Many people try to find a system that explains ALL. For example we have F = m x A and as young students we were taught to apply that rule. The background and how it came to be is not being taught. The same goes for calories. But many of these ‘formulas’ leads us to think we are in control of the world. We have the magic formula, right ? So you misstep drop on the ground, another co-worker is racing around the corner, hits you and. You die. NO. Somehow, by some unexplained phenomena, things slow down, matter does not matter anymore, the biased observer ( F=mA ) times out, to regain consciousness again moments later. The body unhurt, the matter back to matter. So we have a miracle at hand. Continue the journey. . . .
The youtube about the two slit experiment is a bit incomplete, because the original movie goes on explaining 1-dimensional consciousness, versus 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional consciousness. In my opinion meaning to say a person cannot decide about ALL while being inside a very small part of ALL. And yess there are analogies. As above so below. Nice appetizers to go on with discoveries. Dis-cover..
One things strikes me is that we are all about humans and a God, as if that is all of the known world. When we are talking lucky / miracles we can come up with a concept of Angels, when unlucky it is the Devil’s work. Oh no no, that is not within. F=mA, stop it Leo, you are a crazy old white monkey ! Yes truly my AKA is Ling Kao Kae Baa (LKKB), ask any Thai what it means, 555.(that means hahaha, as pronounced in Thai, ha means 5).
Btw while reading all the much valued contributions here, i try to find an inderstanding that includes all sides of all stories of all contributors. Especially when something feels wrong, because that point of view may lead to a new discovery within me.
(copied from a wikipedia). The destruction of the Temple is attributed to : Nebuchadnezzar II (from Akkadian 𒀭𒀝𒆪𒁺𒌨𒊑𒋀 dNabû-kudurri-uṣur, Hebrew: נְבוּכַדְנֶאצַּר, Modern Nəvūkádne’ṣar, Tiberian Neḇukáḏné’ṣār), meaning “O god Nabu, preserve/defend my firstborn son”) was king of Babylon c. 605 BC – c. 562 BC, the longest and most powerful reign of any monarch in the Neo-Babylonian empire.[2][3]
The ‘Oh God, preserve my first-born Son’ actually destroys the Temple that would grow into Son !
Remember the Passover, the preparation, the leavening of the bread (stop thinking, start doing), the protecting of the First-born by smearing blood on the door posts ? Right, Nebuchadnezzar wanted to understand that stuff, did not agree with the bloody doorposts, so he joined the opposing forces that tear down the physical temple…. Just me, bubbling ….
Hi Leo,
Thanks for the above two comments which are however too complicated for my taste, or rather, my understanding. Sometimes we just operate on different wavelenghts.
I understand your longing for an explanation that combines the contributions of all commentators but I am afraid there is not any as they are not really a part of one whole concept. Each person creates his or her own world with its own views and its own truths and that is how it should be, I believe.
But by becoming aware of other people’s views and truths it is possible for each of us to enlarge our own understanding, even if those views are totally opposite to ours because in that case that can give rise to a new understanding on our part because we start thinking about these concepts. That is the way it works with me.
For me the concept of God as a higher entity contains all levels of higher awareness that are beyond ours in our present state, which might encompass angels etc. as well. For myself I do not really feel the need to identify each of them but I know that is different for many other people. I think everyone should stick to what feels best in his or her heart and only change when that feels as the best option.
There is a part of me that associates with friends, we call that good. Another part or parts associate with my enemies and other helpers of the opposing forces. Calling God all good from a personal perspective calls for another part to play the Bad Guy, let’s call him/her/it the Devil.
Looking for all good in my person I need to label outside things evil to get of it ( it is not me, it is them ). Getting hold of the real truth means acknowledging that there is still evil inside of me (disguised as ……..). How to go forward and not letting me down ?
Establish neutral grounds, establish a neutral observer.
Getting to know the other people is getting to know other parts of Me. How in a terrain full of conflicts, insurgents, infiltrating militia, to established neutral ground ? The simple answer : call the UN, establish borders, keep patrol, be vigilant. For the personal development : protect the developing child, surround it with a protective layer, make sure the boundaries cannot be crossed by foreign matters. Establish those bloody doorposts ! It means keep your bodies covered with an energy eggshell from top ( Heaven = white ) all the way down to Earth ( = red like blood ! ). Start this before going too sleep and restoration will come to you during the sleep. After waking up you will see the world in bright light and so will the world see a bright light, radiating from you. It will be taking, your energy body will be infiltrated by foreign militia, out for an easy gain (energy mongers). It will take time and will be most difficult for the female (sustaining) part of us, because we are deeply connected to the people we love (and have). Any way in due time a neutral ground will be established and there the meetings (ont-moeten) can take place.
In duality we have to fight, because we are partly connected to the ‘positive’ sides and and partly to the ‘negative’ side (other parts are connected to the supporting and/or intervening forces).
The aforementioned King (with long name asking God, outside, to protect the son, outside, actually is learning about becoming One again. To become One, one (the lower self) has to learn to protect the enveloping Son inside. While the King did not understand the play get, he joined the forces that destroy the outer Temple. It is a play in the lower realms, that reflects an act to perform to be able to connect again with the higher realms (becoming One again).
Getting to know one’s enemy is getting to know the parts in ourselves that hinders us to become One again. The things not yet understood in the Mind will be played out in the physical realm, just pray that change comes ‘softly’. In Buddhism annapannasati and vipasanna are tools to examine one’s world. We, westerns, call it growing awareness. BTW it is very unlike meditation, it is more like mediation, or being on the cross.
Thank you for your interesting reflections. It is very deep and I needed to read it a couple of times in order to more or less understand it.
I agree that we have both good and bad inside ourselves and that when we see bad in others we only see a reflection of ourselves. I addressed this matter already in a couple of my articles and we only arrive at a Good without an opposite evil after we have changed our perspective on the so-called bad and by our actions and attitude changed it into something good as well.
You describe this whole process beautifully, coming from a Buddhist point of view, I guess, with some good practical advice. The way we have to work things out can indeed be experienced as being on the cross. I called it crucifixion of the ego, but so do many others.
I study “A Course in Miracles”, which does align with this blog. It is of the belief that the ‘real’ world (God’s world) is really in our hearts/souls and not this reality on earth we are all living. The only reason for our bodies is to connect with others through our hearts. ACIM says that the miracle is to fully forgive someone else and see them as yourself. And that is a miracle!! I have been able to do that with some people and it is wonderful and gives me such deep, contented peace. We are not talking the forgiveness that says, “I am going to forgive you for that because I am a nice person”…… it is the understanding that your ‘brother’ did not do what you thought he did, and I can overlook the incident and feel love for him/her instead. I know that sounds like a leap…. but the ACIM text has 365 daily lessons to help one understand.
When I am offended by something or somebody, I ask the Holy Spirit to change my perception of what has occurred. My mind has perceived the situation differently because of how my ego formed its thoughts. I then give thanks to the person who caused me to change my perception. And the change of perception of anger, jealousy, feeling disrespected or upset INTO forgiveness and love for the other is the miracle. And it really is!
“Seek not outside yourself……. Do you prefer that you be right or happy? Be you glad that you are told where happiness abides, and seek no longer elsewhere.” page 617 of the ACIM text.
@Robyn. I read/studied the ACIM thirty years ago and only recently are getting the ‘hang’ of it. I had to understand the underlying principles before I could apply it more effectively. Learning every day. Thanks for reminding me !
Thanks, Robyn, for your beautiful comment which shows us yet again another way to see a miracle. Real forgiveness truly is a miracle and I have seen wonderful examples of it.
Last year I witnessed it again when in Lüneburg in Germany the trial of one of the last war criminals of the second world war who are still alive took place. He was already in his nineties and of course also the witnesses were of advanced age. One of them was Eva Kor (if I remember her name correctly), who lost almost all of her family in Auschwitz, where this man had been stationed, and who was herself a victim of the experiments of the notorious doctor Mengele when she was only ten years old. She did survive however, together with her twin sister, and later on she became a Nazi hunter for many years. But as a witness at this latest trial she turned around completely and she spoke to the man on trial and told him that she forgave him and all others as well. Needless to say that most of the other witnesses (and many other throughout the world who were following this trial) were mad at her for doing so but the man himself embraced her. She herself turned from an angry woman into a radiant one, who went on a world tour to spread the message of forgiveness. Her story has already been turned into a movie, I believe.
This complete turn around in attitude may also be seen as a miracle, I believe, but of course this involved a very conscious change of perception on her part. And on ours. Only when we do that we can love unconditionally, like you also show in your comment. And that certainly involves relinquishing our insistence on being proved to be right as well.
Forgiveness from an attitude of superiority is not really forgiveness at all. Let alone a miracle.
Dears Anny and Josh,
Thank you for this incredible article and high-level discussion! Mind-boggling and very constructive at the same time!
My personal view for the debate here will be summarized in one word: paradox.
Personally I agree with Josh and I no longer see the miracles cited in the Bible as literal occurrences, and at the same time I agree with Anny when she says that maybe it’ll depend on how we focus on the subject at hand. It can and it cannot be, at the same time.
I loved the way you opened the article Anny, with that beautiful song from Prince of Egypt (I so love this movie!), and I’ll use another lyric from the same movie to add up to this conversation:
A single thread in a tapestry
Though its color brightly shine
Can never see its purpose
In the pattern of the grand design
So how can you see what your life is worth
Or where your value lies?
You can never see through the eyes of man
You must look at your life through Heaven’s eyes
If a man lose ev’rything he owns
Has he truly lost his worth?
Or is it the beginning
Of a new and brighter birth?
The answer will come to him who tries
To look at his life through Heaven’s eyes
No life can escape being blown about
By the winds of change and chance
And though you never know all the steps
You must learn to join the dance
I don’t think it’s needed to explain what he means by Heaven’s Eye and Dance, as I believe we can understand the meaning behind the metaphor, but just to make my understanding clear: it’s the Third Eye (pinneal gland awakening) and Life, respectively.
I believe we all have experienced some kind of miracle in our lives. One that comes to my mind is when I used to attend evangelical church with my sister, I remember one woman who didn’t speak (I’m not aware of the details as I was 8 years old by then) for some reason, and after several prayers sessions regained her speech ability. It was really powerful! Another one: I ride a motorcycle, and one day I was returning home and a car hit me on my right side. I was thrown and I clearly remember seeing my bike spinning over my head. Next thing I knew I was standing on my feet completely unharmed!
Nowadays, I try and consider mostly everything as miraculous. Science tells us that the Cosmos is perfectly balanced, one simple degree of difference in any equation would make life as we know it impossible. Isn’t it a miracle that we’re all standing here and talking to each other? One thing that I bring with me from church is that God is the God of Impossible, and no matter how hard we try to imagine how God operates, he’ll always be one step ahead of us, at the same time God will be wearing our shoes.
In the meantime, I believe that physical miracles can and will be explained by Science eventually, we only don’t know all the rules in which it operates so far. I believe that when we learn how to manipulate higher levels of energy, we’ll see all sorts of miracles happening. As other commentators said, maybe a miracle is just something we don’t fully understand how it works.
To understand how a miracle works, we need to see with our Heaven’s Eye and learn to join the dance and what are the rules for this game we live in. Since I was a kid I always loved playing videogames (I still do hehe), and some days ago while meditating I came to realise why: I love to discover what are the rules for any given game, because you’ll only be able to play it and have fun with it once you do so. Don’t you think that the same applies to life in general? As above, so below!
Blessings to all!
Vinícius Otaviano
Hi Vinicius,
Thanks for your beautiful comment, which is so different yet again! How wonderful to see so many approaches to this subject of miracles. From your and other comments it becomes abundantly clear that far from being a strange phenomenon miracles seem to be occurring in many people’s lives. There seem to be ‘wonderful’ interventions which are inexplicable to us but which happen when something irreversible threatens to occur which is not part of our life plan.
Personally I also do not believe that the stories in the Bible are an account of real happenings and I focus on the symbolic meaning of them, which I think is what is important for us here and now. However, within the framework of the concept of this material world as a dream, illusion or game, what is actually real in this world and what not? Each person creates his own world according to his or her level of understanding, which means that for many people it is real. As it was for me in my youth. So in my writings I keep all options open and do not want to deny anybody else’s truth as all of our truths are still truths of this world. Which is not real. If you can still follow me?
I love this other song from the Prince of Egypt. I do not remember it though. It is a long time ago since I saw that movie.
I love this quote: “Nowadays, I try and consider mostly everything as miraculous. Science tells us that the Cosmos is perfectly balanced, one simple degree of difference in any equation would make life as we know it impossible. Isn’t it a miracle that we’re all standing here and talking to each other? One thing that I bring with me from church is that God is the God of Impossible, and no matter how hard we try to imagine how God operates, he’ll always be one step ahead of us, at the same time God will be wearing our shoes.”
I agree that this is the right way to look at things. From this perspective our whole life becomes a miracle because we see the wonders of it all.
I have read somewhere that this universe is not the first one but that each universe is built on the experience of the one before that. It would mean that God is learning by experience as well and changes what does not work. As we do, and we are parts of God after all, fractal parts. As such we are following in God’s footsteps. Or are wearing God’s shoes, in order to turn your example around.
And yes, it is important to discover the rules of the game of life. I believe they are Unconditional Love and Unity in diversity.
Hi Vinicius,
From time to time I do reread my latest comments on the blog in order to see if I have expressed exactly what I wanted to convey, or maybe forgot something, and this time I discovered that I did. Forget something, I mean.
When setting down my version of the rules of the game of life I forgot to add: Do not judge.
This may be implicit when mentioning unconditional love but it is something we are so prone to do, even when we are focussed on unconditional love. It often is our first reaction when we hear about something we very much disagree with or even a criminal act. Never mind what it is, Jesus taught us: Do not judge.
It means that we should realize that we cannot know what brought someone to do a despicable act because we have never walked in his shoes. Or hers. It means that we do not know what we would have done under the same circumstances. It means that we should look at another person always as a human being and never as an enemy.
Whatever the matter is, we should deal with it in a non-judgemental way, which does NOT mean that actions do not have consequences. They do but they should be dealt with in a way that builds people up, not in a way that pushes them down even further.
None of the Bible stories are myths, and there are no hidden esoteric teachings in the Bible. Don’t get it twisted.
Eric Dubay’s “Hidden Bible Meanings” DEBUNKED…
Dear Nigga, thank you for your comment and your loving intention to warn us.
I respect your view as your view and as long as you feel this way you should stick to it. However, how can you be so sure that other views necessarily have to be twisted? The message in the video you sent is this person’s view on it but not necessarily the Absolute Truth.
Neither is mine or the view of others who write for this blog but for each of us it is the result of a long and honest search. For me that started during the last century already when I was working on checking a new Bible translation, for which it was necessary to focus very strongly on the texts in order to make certain that the translation would resemble the meaning of the original text as closely as possible. When in that almost meditative state of mind I started seeing deeper meanings behind it as well, which I could not do anything about at that time. But it was the start of a new search afterwards which has continued ever since.
As far as I am concerned this does not take anything away from a literal interpretation but is in addition to it. Undoubtedly all of us will get things wrong sometimes but so did and do the theologians who base their findings on a literal interpretation.
As long as we all keep to the guideline of unconditional love and unity in diversity there is nothing to worry about for any of us, no matter on what level we interpret the Bible. God’s Love is unconditional after all.