Literalists deny it. Materialist are blind to it. And mainstream doctrine unwittingly teaches but a small portion of it. Without a doubt, the beginning of Genesis presents an eosteric statement that echoes throughout every other Biblical story: the consciousness of humankind has dawned.
Genesis is a book of beginnings, but these beginnings are not about exact dates or historical events. Rather, it is the beginnings of the potential of the consciousness of God through man. Once the Christian religion accepts that Genesis establishes the Bible as a book of the psychology and physiology of the mind and emotions, all the other Biblical stories with its metaphors and allegory will fall into place.
This post will show, without a doubt, that the meaning of light and darkness in the opening chapter of Genesis proclaim this fact.
“And God said, let there be light; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day (Genesis 1:3-5).
The astute reader will bear in mind that the meaning of “light” in Hebrew means to illuminate. Interesting, the King James capitalizes the words for “Day” and “Night” following this illumination. Remember this!
For now, let’s state a few verses not too far behind:
“And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also…And the evening and the morning were the fourth day” (Gen 1:16-19).
The astute reader also recognizes the literal problem here: how could there be an evening and morning on the first day, when the sun and moon weren’t created until the fourth day? We can only have an “evening” and a “morning” because the earth turns on its axis and provides light to the corresponding parts of the rotation of the earth. But on the first day there was no sun or moon, and no physical light was yet present.
Here we must conclude that the Hebrew words are not literal, but rather metaphorical. Anything else is pure denial. But if it is metaphorical, what exactly does it mean?
The Hebrew word for light, meaning to illuminate, represents the illumination of rudimentary consciousness with great potential through the union of spirit and matter. In the very first verse of Genesis, the heaven (singular) is spirit incarnating earth (matter). Now let’s bring in another verse to clarify what’s really going on here.
“But beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day with the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as of one day” (2 Peter: 3:8).
Even the New Testament is proclaiming in an esoteric way that days are not 24-hour periods. The first chapter of Genesis is talking about seven days not in a literal sense, but a very long period of time (not just 7000 years) where rudimentary consciousness develops through periods of time so it can develop mankind.
As Gaskell states about the meaning of “Day and Night” – which were capitalized inferring special meaning—that it is:
“Symbolic of periods of spiritual and material activity, in major or in minor cycles.”
Man was symbolically created on the sixth day, before God rested after his work. In other words, human consciousness was the culmination of all life, from the mineral, to the plant, to the animal kingdom (be advised that I am NOT advocating complete Darwinian evolution here, as there are many flaws and fallacies associated with it, but there is a certain truth established in this theory in what I like to call consciousness evolution which solves the big gap theories that agrees with concealed esoteric literature that is hard to research on the internet and in books alone, nonetheless is there).
If you have any issue with what is said above, I will direct you to a verse in Genesis which shows this esoteric interpretation is correct, and which mainstream doctrine ignores.
“And the Lord God said, behold, the man has now become like one of us, to know good from evil…” (Genesis 3:22).
Notice the language in the original King James, “the man.”
Firstly, it is not “a man,” or “man,” but rather “the man.” Secondly, God himself states here that in order to be like “one of us” – a “God”, man only has to know the difference between “good and evil.” So God in Genesis determines that the definition of a God is simply thus: to know the difference (consciously) between the two opposites of good and evil. Isn’t this a new conscious, self-aware state between not knowing and knowing? Didn’t Adam and Even have to learn, as a child does, through disobeying? Clearly the story is giving us a deep spiritual meaning concerning the intricate development of the psyche of mankind, and consciousness in general.
So ask yourself here, what, according to God and the Genesis author, is the definition of a God? Undeniably, it is to KNOW the difference! And how did rudimentary consciousness, through the union of spirit (heaven) and earth (matter-physical body) create this?
The psychology and physiology of man in the Bible
The story of Adam and Eve takes this rudimentary consciousness that is possible through the union of spirit and matter and develops it, fleshes it out. Adam, the left brain, logical side of man, and Eve, the right brained, emotional and spiritual side of man is now in play. And religiously, they failed the test. But did they really? From an esoteric point of view, they spiritually explain the fragmentation of the universal mind, creating a conscious and subconscious, or an ego and the potential for a spiritual ego, a Cain and an Abel. And the rest of the Biblical stories are about uniting the mind and emotions into spiritual union, which culminates in the Christ. From Noah to Abraham to Moses to King David to Christ, it is all about the spiritual growth of consciousness which enables a unification of God and man, in a healthy relationship of greater self-awareness which completes the process. For this, according to Genesis and Revelation together, is the culmination of the human spirit to Godhood:
“…and now lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever” (Genesis 3:22).
Every story, every location, and every physical event in the Bible is about this reunification of the fragmented mind to Godhood as Jesus said… “ye are all Gods and sons of the most high” (John 10:34 quoting Psalm 82:6).
The Gospels and the Book of Revelation (especially) show this progression in esoteric form completed.
“In the midst of the street of it [remember in Genesis the tree of life is in the midst of the garden] and on either side of the river [brain] was there the tree of life, which bear twelve manner of fruits [the apostles, 12 tribes of Israel – soul qualities] and yielded her fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations…” (Revelation 22:2).
Meaning, the “nations,” as in all people, not just the Jew, which is a symbol for the man who has the transformed mind, of the inward heart, as the Apostle Paul makes clear. The twelve tribes of Israel and the twelve apostles are simply soul qualities that we all possess and must integrate properly in order to unite the lower emotions with the higher, controlled by our thoughts which we can now do through consciousness awareness in the human form. The seven churches of Revelation for which the message of God must go out to, is talking about the seven chakra centers in mankind which in Sanskrit means the seven consciousness developments of man. The chakras simply represent “desire” natures in man which have to do with the balancing of mind and emotions on each level of conscious development.
Remember the scriptures state we must be still and know that God IS (Psalm 46:10). This is an inner revelation of the mind, which comes through disciplined practice of regaining control of the mind over the lower emotions, which culminates in the developing of the higher emotions, or the Holy Spirit which brings truth and wisdom to the whole being. That is the true mystical marriage and union of the higher and lower mind, in Christ – the Holy matrimony of Christ and the bridegroom (us, the church, the mind).
To deny what Genesis clearly presents to us is foolish on so many levels. It is the foundational teaching of the psychological and physiological man, “the man,” through consciousness, and the development thereof.
Always an insightful read ….thank you Joshua!
Thank you, Louie. Always nice to see you here commenting your thoughts.
The kingdom belongs to little children said a one teacher. Further still, the same teacher declares that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the pharisees, even you shall not enter there in….hmmm! Your comments please
Sure. Jesus said you must become like one of these little children to enter the kingdom. Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is “within” you. Therefore, we must become childlike, without thought or worry, to enter that state of being. We create our own heaven and hell.
A Pharisee is that state of mind which produces literalism and dogmatism, the opposite of spirituality.
I hope that helps!
That was such a good answer to that Question!! I use that scripture all the time to shut up the know-it-all’s! I take it into the jails and prisons where the men and woman both think they have to read the Bible and quote every scripture to me🙄just to prove how much God they have in them! And then the one’s that are so insecure and abused think they have to be like the religious one’s, before God will have anything to do with them!!
I use that scripture and then take them colored pictures of kid stories, like Pinocchio, and the Lion King…. and discuss the morals and virtue’s taught to them through that story….. works great!!
Josh, I am grateful for your blog site; It always establishes a base for a deeper community of Soul speak.
While responding particularly to this article, I engage in comment with several articles that appeared here during the summer season. With this in mind, you relate the story of Genesis as an echo and as the dawning of human consciousness. Yes, I can go with that, although since “Genesis” is the origin of the latter stories found in the bible we are being asked to look at the beginning as it is concerned with light, as it radiates outwardly and then returns from whence it came. insightful to recognize it’s radiance and see that the story as It may allow us a means as help understand Spirit, Soul, Matter and Energy as they arise and manifest as existence.
“In the beginning” implies time and the creation of the heavens and earth from the formless and void implies space. Here, we are given opportunity to examine Spirit and God as One and Same, the first Hebrew letter; the sacred, mysterious and hidden knowledge; Aleph.
Jewish mystics and wisdom holders know that the light as you refer to as meaning illumination is the Hebrew letter “ayin”. Meaning eye, or paradoxically “I”. Further symbolizing “to see as well as understand. However, since this wisdom is sacred, it is secret knowledge and relates to the primeval light, so great and awesome, it is the spiritual light as noted by Gen.1:3. “Ayin” is a silent letter, it sees BUT does not speak. It is genuine humility, absolute goodness (Gen. 3:22) Possibly giving rise to the modern saying, “lose lips sink ships”. Though it is so much deeper in spiritual understanding and the secret behind THE SOUL’s existence. The One and Only soul.
Ayin is described as 2 eyes that connect to a common source. It allows choice and action of the will which is through the heart, it also represents idolatry and slavery, both born from the heart by envy. When the eye is evil as in the knowledge of good and evil (Gen. 3:22) it becomes a slave to the purpose of sin. What the eye sees the heart covets and the body transgresses. In Jesus’ word, “the eye is the light of the body, the eye being healthy the whole body will be full of light. The eye evil, the whole body will be full of darkness. I say giving reason for the illumination of the sacred heart depicted in religious artistry.
This aspect of creation marries the light and darkness. From the darkness of no-thing comes the light of all-things. (Gen.1:2-3) Here is the birth of the Trinity.
God, Aleph, Spirit; gives rise to the Soul. Genesis says that Spirit moved over the waters. The waters is symbolic of the Hebrew letter “mem”. Mem is depicted in the story of Jesus walking on the water of the sea. It is also one of the three letters of The Mothers of Creation; aleph, mem and sheen. It is in the midst of the three. Truly in the middle.
The breath of God blows as “sheen” into the waters of mem causing the universe to come into being and for consciousness to arise SIMULTANEOUSLY giving rise to what is seen or materialized. Both “sheen” and “seen are spelled the same. The breath of aleph, spirit, God then returns to God.
The Soul arises as Consciousness, though it may potentially become un-conscious through pollution also called dis-ease or material-pollution thereby rendering out of attunement or less harmonic.
For any all things to arise, exist, manifest or be there MUST be resistance. There must be resistance to the breath, some boundary for the reflection to occur, something to limit it.
For the void and darkness is a place of un-manifested spirit, vibrations of all that could ever be. The void and darkness or as science and quantum physics would relate as full-ness of vibrations of waves of possibility and potential to become some-thing or any-thing that is BOTH conscious and un-conscious simultaneously. Which become the words in language “but, however, also”
The reflection of spirit within mem BECOMES the reality of such potential, The Soul.
However none of this would exist without the conditioning of existence which begins with time and space, or should I say it would all be meaning-less without temporal and spatial nodes.
A temporal node is a point in time and a spatial node is a point in space. These points are markers of events.
Though time seems finite, without markers, or events such as the beginning and the end; alpha and omega, as well as spatial markers which define length, volume, area or extent are absolutely necessary for creating the immortal soul out of spirit as well as Matter.
The reflection of spirit in time BECOMES Soul and awareness arises…
The reflection of spirit in space at nodes of the beginning and end or alpha and omega BECOMES Matter, un-conscious matter, though with the potential to become aware or conscious.
Unconscious behavior is known as science or physical laws. These physical laws describe which reflections are allowed and those forbidden. “Allowance and forbiddance are determined by balancing waves with respect to spatial boundaries, this is known as particle physics.
Reflected spirit in mem is SOUL, reflected soul in MATTER is SELF.
Self is a reflection of a conscious spirit as soul in a unconscious but existing in space matrix that we call matter. Self is a conscious reflection of the soul from an un-conscious reflection of spirit.
Since SELF consists of conscious and un-conscious modes of reflection SELF is in part conscious and unconscious. The SELF Un-CONSCIOUSLY aligns with the BODY-MIND, that part of the physical world that governs the body
The origin of the un-consciousness in all human-beings and the origin of the inter-play between the conscious and un-consciousness behavior in people follow from the mix of both conscious and unconscious spirit in the reflection in matter.
Genesis is light from darkness and the void, God created separation created resistance, The sacred breath known as spirit encountering all else that God created encountered resistance in mem manifesting a reflection becoming soul-awareness into nodes of time and spirit into nodes of space creating matter and self. Each with the potential to be conscious and un-conscious simultaneously.
The mystery deepens with any and all reflection. What is sacred is secret. When that which is secret is given away it falls into a deep un-consciuosness known as lost-soul it falls deeply into matter it forgets it is spirit-soul. The ONE spirit and soul and becomes individualized. This is the process of any all addiction. The soul knows this knowledge, which is the light. Yet it is addicted to the flesh, the sin; is the journey of the re-mem-bering.
Peace is knowing that everything that happens to us has a cause and purpose; everything has 2 reasons for happening, everything is part of the culminating purpose. To return to sacred knowledge.
You state: “Jewish mystics and wisdom holders know that the light as you refer to as meaning illumination is the Hebrew letter “ayin”. Meaning eye, or paradoxically “I”. Further symbolizing “to see as well as understand. However, since this wisdom is sacred, it is secret knowledge and relates to the primeval light, so great and awesome, it is the spiritual light as noted by Gen.1:3. “Ayin” is a silent letter, it sees BUT does not speak. It is genuine humility, absolute goodness.”
I appreciate you going deeper in detail into the light of Genesis. I was particularly appreciative of you further delving into the Hebrew letter “ayin” and its esoteric interpretation dealing with “I.”
Yes, the light in the beginning of Genesis is meant to metaphorically demonstrate that self-awareness is possible through spirit in matter, and as the story of Adam and Eve progresses it shows that process continuing through experience of spirit through matter.
Thank you for the rest of the comment as well!
This is the first time I ever run across any of this material. Not only is it eye opening, it is a revelation that God has given to man but also to be shared amongst men. The Lord has been in my life for about 40 years probably longer than that. Because I know that God knows us before we were ever born. Through my time here on Earth, 66 years this year I have learned much about the Lord. There is so much to learn and I can’t get enough. Every time I find something new I find out that there’s more and when I find out there’s more I find out how much less I know. Every Open Door leads to another and another and another. I have forgotten my past and now live to absorb as much light as I possibly can, even with what I have there’s always so much more. I do think the Lord for his revelation of my life. I’m always asking him, what more can I do with my life to glorify Who You Are. It is interesting all these words that are used to open up our understanding, of God. I’ve been kicked out of churches, had my life threatened and even called a heretic. I have learned that’s the price a man pays to turn away from the common understanding of what Christianity has been labeled. I truly thank the Lord for what he has done in my life, daily I get to see what he has rescued me from and what he has brought me to at present. I used to think about getting into the kingdom of heaven, I no longer think of that anymore because it’s not a place I’m waiting for, it’s a place that’s already in me. I would hope that’s true my comment there would be information out there somewhere that I could be led to that would help increase understanding that I don’t have. I know the Bible is so full of symbolism that most people don’t and will not study beyond the religious understanding. My heart and my soul and my mind because of his spirit want to sit down and feast of the Lord. I know I’ll never get all that I want until the day of promise. Maybe somebody out there can help you with a Direction that will lead me to some information that helps someone like me understand, what is so much symbolism in The Bible. Glad for this opportunity to share and hopefully real in a really big fish. May those who truly seek after the Lord, be blessed of God.
Good job! This is the kind of truth that knowing makes people free, and many will relate to your post.
Emily Dickinson’s observation: “I could not see to see” — true-seeing/true-light is consciousness — light superior to and underlying physical light. John’s words echoing Genesis: “In the beginning . . . In him was life and the life was the light (consciousness) of men (consciousness shining in matter, superior to the physical light of stars ). . . and the darkness (unconsciousness component of consciousness that is physical matter) comprehended it not. The Nephesh and the Neshama are part of this too. Meher Baba explicitly (and in great detail) lays out physical evolution as subordinate and serving the evolution of consciousness. “Let your i/I (ego-i and Spiritual I, ego-consciousness and God/Christ consciousness) be single (be one) and your entire/whole being will be full of light/god-consciousness”. Nisargadatta and Maharshi and Baba all say duality/physical creation is made of consciousness of one kind or another.
Again, good job and thanks!
I like the comparison of John’s opening verses above. Absolutely!
Also re. “Day”. The Egyptian Book of the Dead is a mistranslation for “The Book of Coming Forth by Day” — coming forth into the “Day” where Day is Light/Consciousness — the Consciousness of God — i.e., the “Day” of coming into the conscious observation of God. Same in Judeo-Christian scripture — the “Great Day of the Lord” when all who have lived and all who are living will be brought into the consciousness of God — . the promised baptism of fire (a stand-in for God-consciousness in its purifying capacity). IMHO — something to be devoutly looked forward to, greatly respected, and coming soon.
The basic ideas about spirituality in Egyptian mythology certainly has a foothold in the Bible as well.
The great day of the Lord is both wonderful and terrible at the same time, as the scripture states, because when the ego is raised up to the spiritual ego it is as a painful death but wonderful once the baptism of fire is completed. Blessings!
I guess most Bible translations begin the first sentence of Genesis with: “In the beginning God created …” There are not many possibilities to translate it otherwise but in the Hebrew original it is possible to play with several variations, which the rabbis did. One of these variations of interpretation of the word ‘reshit’, beginning, was ‘point’. With a point God created, the most contracted form of anything whatever. From this point anything whatever may arise.
In the first two words an example of such a point was given already. In the term ‘Bereshit bara’ the word ‘bara’, 2-200-1, occurred twice, which already pointed to the creation of duality. As the first letter of these words, the character Bet, itself also did already because it stands for the number 2 as well.
In the word ‘bara’ we also see the whole journey through duality (2) into a world of any number of creatures, shapes, sizes, ideas, experiences etc. (200) back towards unity (1), a conscious unity again. The whole evolution condensed in the point of this three-letter word.
And then it says: “And God said, let there be light; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day (Genesis 1:3-5).”
Here I recently discovered in one of my Dutch translations, made by an orthodox Jew, that he does not conclude this sentence with ‘the first day’ but with ‘day one’. On checking the Hebrew original I found that he was right. Whereas all the other days were concluded with : the second day, ‘yom sheni’, and the third day, ‘yom shlishi’ etc., this verse was concluded with ‘yom echad’, which can be translated as day one, but also as one day. Which one should it be and what is the purpose of describing it this way?
Could it be that in this first description of a day the character of every ‘day’ is described, and if so, what would that mean? It is about the creation of light and darkness (duality again), about separating them, making clear what each is about by giving them the names day and night, and as such – in terms of consciousness – about the gaining of conscious awareness by going through all these phases?
Finally this quote is ended with the phrase: “And the evening and the morning are one day”. Could this mean: in spite of everything darkness and light belong together and are not really separate. And also, the ‘day’, each ‘day’ ends with light – consciousness – and not with darkness? Could it mean that no matter how dark it gets, it will always become light again before the ‘day’ is over?
And then you quote: “And the Lord God said, behold, the man has now become like one of us, to know good from evil…” (Genesis 3:22).
‘The man’ is a wrong translation in my view. In the original Hebrew it says ‘ha adam’, which means – and has been translated by this same Dutch translator – as ‘de mens’. The man as man is ‘ha ish’ in Hebrew. ‘Ha adam’ means both man and woman, even though the original androgynous Adam has now been separated into two – different but equal – sexes. I think you imply that in your explanation as well but it may be good to take notice of this difference,
Do you think creating from a point can be compared scientifically to the big bang? I like your description of bara containing within it the meaning of duality, and then into many shapes and sizes accounting for everything we can experience physically in the universe.
You do bring up an interesting point about day one vs the first day, and how there is a distinction in the original Hebrew. I think your conclusion is correct, in that it denotes in day one all other creation (days) is included, whereas proceeding versus further develops duality. Good recognition, Anny, as I had never seen that before.
You also state: “Finally this quote is ended with the phrase: “And the evening and the morning are one day”. Could this mean: in spite of everything darkness and light belong together and are not really separate. And also, the ‘day’, each ‘day’ ends with light – consciousness – and not with darkness? Could it mean that no matter how dark it gets, it will always become light again before the ‘day’ is over?”
Yes! You and I have discussed before Anny that spirit and matter are two sides of the same coin, but individualized self awareness perceives and experiences the ONE through duality.
Hi Josh,
Thank you for your comment which I totally agree with.
Yes, I think that creating from a point can be compared to the big bang. In fact, I already did so when I wrote about this matter in my article about the evolution of God. Only both times I forgot to mention it in the end. Yes, you might say that Genesis begins with the big bang and that the rabbis of old already saw this, long before science did.
Actually I never noticed this point about day one before, I do not know why. Probably because the Hebrew version of the first verse of Genesis – at least the beginning of it – was so well known to me already that I never really looked at it anymore. But I found it mind boggling once I noticed it this time when I checked this translation and started thinking about what meaning it could have because it could not be a coincidence.
I am glad that you understood what I meant immediately, also in the other paragraphs because I was only feeling my way into this. It was just as new to me as it was to you and I only started looking deeper once I had discovered this one anomaly as it were.
I noticed that in the last paragraph, beginning with: ‘The man’ is a wrong translation in my view. In the original Hebrew it says ‘ha adam’, which means – and has been translated by this same Dutch translator – as ‘de mens’……’ I forgot to add the English translation of ‘de mens’, which is humanity, all people.
All people brings a much greater revelation to Adam’s meaning. I think many creationists would like to know this, Anny, and I had never delved into that. It’s sort of like the use of pronouns in the New Testament; he can also mean it. Sometimes where Christ is used in a sentence and then the pronoun he, Christ can mean the self or even an anointing.
Hi Josh,
Although I did already comment on this article before I want to do so again because I did not really pay attention to all of the article as my attention was focused on certain parts in the beginning. But I did reread it today and now I noticed some other parts that got my attention.
You quote: ‘The astute reader will bear in mind that the meaning of “light” in Hebrew means to illuminate. Interesting, the King James CAPITALIZES the words for “Day” and “Night” following this illumination. Remember this!’
Later you emphasise this again: ‘As Gaskell states about the meaning of “Day and Night” – WHICH WERE CAPITALIZED inferring special meaning—that it is:
“Symbolic of periods of spiritual and material activity, in major or in minor cycles.” ‘
The King James may capitalize the words Day and Night, and Gaskell may agree to this use but then that is their idea because Hebrew does not know capitals. Their interpretation may be right but it was not indicated by the original writers by the use of a special way of writing these words.
I agree with you regarding evolution. I have always believed in evolution and creation both and there was never a problem about that, neither in our church nor in my school. Evolution and the Evolution theory as proposed by Darwin are two different things. Not only are there fallacies in the latter but it has been made into a fixed concept, a dogma, though not necessarily by Darwin himself. A dogma or fixed concept cannot evolve which makes it unacceptable to me. Evolution does evolve, it is what is keeping it alive. It keeps evolving but with a conscious agent that guides it in my view. Although within the concept of this virtual reality we live in we as human kind have received a large measure of freedom in order to have our experiences and gain conscious awareness from them.
Anny, very true. Although I wonder if Darwin were still alive today, with all the advances we have made with evolution, and all the gaps still missing, what he would say? Would be interesting.
I am sure that Darwin’s ideas about evolution would have evolved as well, if that were the case.
I have also read somewhere that after Darwin’s oroginal discovery others got hold of it and adapted it somewhat to their conclusions. I do not know whether that is true or not but whatever the case, I do not think that it was such a good idea to change this concept (or any concept whatever) into a doctrine or an unchangeable dogma. For one thing it makes for bad feelings with those who do not agree with you and for another it makes it impossible to let it evolve naturally and change mistakes if necessary.
Fortunately further research was and is done but somehow the division between evolutionists and creationists remained as both sides seem stuck in their original views.
There are some deep-thinking intelligences here and I appreciate the opportunity to glean and share. We clarify our own grasp of reality, of course, when we address spiritually intelligent others. Nisargadatta says enlightenment is really just a matter of entering into higher levels of shared consciousness. Maybe like the Body of Christ Paul talked about. IMO, what most of the world doesn’t quite know is that spiritually reality IS reality.
ESH ‘OKELA — LIVING FIRE OF GOD. Paraphrasing 1 Cor 3.13>> The ego-i builds as it will on its foundation of God until the appointed DAY when God as LIVING FIRE takes inventory (“. . . know you not you yourself are the temple of God?”). Traits that abide the FIRE confer reward/magnification/glory on the ego-i – traits that do not abide are annihilated. The purified ego-i, magnified or not, survives – but as if it had gone through a fire. The accelerating turmoil we are seeing presently in the world I believe is prodromal to the universal DAY.
IMO: The ESH ‘OKELA, being infinite in attributes, is a terrifying encounter for the ego-i — but perceiving it as infinite LOVE – which it also is — makes it much more bearable. Also IMO the ESH ‘OKELA delights in the ego-i that can bear the process without lapsing into unconsciousness. And, IMO the ego-i is taken into the Living Fire by the same aspect of the ESH ’OKELA that cloaked itself in the dark pillar to converse calmly with Moses – and will converse calmly with us; only when it happens — the plunge into the ESH ‘OKELA — the presence in the Pillar will be uncloaked and unable to be looked upon directly.
The OM POINT: Meher Baba says the finite point in the infinitude of unity – itself dual in being both finite (illusion) and infinite (real) — from which duality emerges is the OM point. He essentially says it didn’t just happen once but is always happening and sustaining the duality of the Universe. Shiva’s dance. Gerald Schrodinger says the Genesis “In the Beginning” is analogous to the the Big Bang beginning of space and time, but I think he needs to add also the beginning of consciousness — and also unconsciousness which Baba says comprises the building blocks of energy and matter. Space, time, energy, matter – all subordinate to consciousness which is itself subordinate to Unity (Awareness?).
Time is subordinate to what we are. What is incredible is that we will absolutely know these things — in fact, it appears we already know these things but just haven’t yet remembered we do. T.S Eliot’s arriving at the place we began and recognizing it for the first time.
Loved this comment! Deuteronomy 4:24-26 reveals much symbolically speaking of the ego. And yet the unlearned take God’s wrath in the Old Testament and either say it is the demiurge (and incorrectly understanding gnostic thought) or believe God is also vengeful. But it is about the purifying ego.
Brilliant, and thank you.
Thanks Joshua for another great article, as always I agree with everything you said. Although you say, “That is the true mystical marriage and union of the higher and lower mind, in Christ – the Holy matrimony of Christ and the bridegroom (us, the church, the mind), did you mean, the Christ and the bride (us)?
Meant to say bride. Thanks for pointing that out 🙂
Day is for the Light of Christ coming into the world as a vehicle for all that God will create through Him. This is the created Light about whom nothing is known prior to Creation except by the Father. Darkness is un-created called Night by the Father. Transmitted to me from the Holy Spirit.
I consider myself an intellectual person, but some of the subject matter presented and discussed here are above my capacity to grasp; however, through what I comprehend, which I’d say is about 75%, I come to a couple of conclusions; 1st, nowhere do you guys address the subject of the many conversations between God and the people in scripture (Moses, Abraham, The Prophets Based on your understanding of the consciousness and self realization, where these people just mere madmen hearing voices? 2nd, while in prayer this morning the Holy Spirit spoke to me, yes spoke, and He reminded me of two things from Scripture, in regards to this blog, Romans 1:22 and the whole of Ecclesiastes.
I’ve always said, man, in his desire to know, most often wind up coming up with their own explanation of things which hasn’t been revealed to them. I truly believe that some things are not meant for us to know, its called Faith. The things of God are to high for our limited mental capacity. God reveals Himself when and where He wants to to us, as individuals and as a species. Many in the Faith say, the things we don’t know on Earth will be revealed to us in Heaven; I say, when we get to Heaven the things of this world will be trivial and insignificant to us.
Anyway, I admire your desire to want to dive in deeper.. Me, ill choose the simplistic road and just trust and believe in Him, what He’s done for me and who I am in Him