I am going to start putting up some posts with excerpts from my book, The Bible Simplified (a working Title). I cannot promise a completion date, but I finished a good portion of the book this summer. Since the summer is over and I am back at work full-time, and I am going to be putting most of my after-work hours into the completion of the book, I have decided to provide sneak previews by posting excerpts every now and then on the blog. Sometimes these excerpts may not seem like complete posts because they are just that—excerpts of the book. But at least this way my readers will still see blog posts from time to time and it will give you an idea of what I am working on which will be released on the blog when I am finished. I will of course still be taking guest posts relevant to this blog. If anyone wants to contribute, please see the new guest posts requirements section on the site menu.
I believe the completed book will be unique both for its format and content. I will not be using any outside sources. Only the Bible itself. Its focus will be an esoteric breakdown of the major stories of the Bible, the ones we all know about from Sunday school, and will cover the original meaning and intent of the Biblical authors from Genesis to Revelation. It will offer a grand overview on the evolution of consciousness and self-awareness in man as explained in the Bible.
Below you’ll find a short excerpt from Chapter one. Perhaps I’ll receive some great comments which might end up in the book (credit will be given of course when appropriate).
“When the story of Adam and Eve is stripped of the dogma and doctrine of man, it can be understood in its proper context: the dawn of self-awareness within the human consciousness. As you will come to understand throughout this chapter, self-awareness is the defining concept of Elohim in the book of Genesis. I say this with conviction and boldness, because it is there in plain sight for the reader’s mind to grasp, but religion has piled layers of theology on top of the narrative which distracts the masses from the original intent of the authors…”
“Traditionally, Christianity has assumed that Adam and Eve’s banishment from the Garden of Eden was a punishment for the sin of disobedience against God. The complete context of the story shows this point to be rather silly. It was not a punishment for disobedience. It metaphorically explains the natural effect of gaining self-awareness through the experience of the senses. A supreme being was not meting out judgement. Rather, self-awareness innately begins to understand that because it exists, there is a loss of innocence (ignorance is sometimes bliss), and that it must now comprehend itself in a new environment—a physical one, which comes with harshness, suffering, and sorrow (thorns and thistles and childbirth). Just as a child matures to a point of greater self-awareness of him or herself in relation to others and his or her physical environment, human consciousness (Adam and Eve) must do the same. Let’s start analyzing the many verses which reveals this meaning to us.
Genesis 3:22
We’re going to take some time to focus on a verse that has not received enough attention in the pulpit. This verse is the cornerstone of understanding Adam and Eve’s, or human consciousness’s, new plight:
“And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil…” (Genesis 3:22).
“The man” is translated from one Hebrew word, Adam, which refers collectively to the human being. It also carries the connotation of “low man,” or a consciousness of low degree. A dichotomy has been introduced to us here: lower and higher consciousness. This makes sense in reference to the rest of Genesis 3:22, as I only quoted the first half above. The rest:
“…and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever” (Genesis 3:22).
Partaking of the tree of life indicates immortality, or a return of consciousness to a higher state. It has nothing to do with physical immortality, which is an impossibility of the flesh, but a spiritual, or conscious immortality. God himself wants man to partake of the tree of life, not now, in his current state of understanding, but only after first going through the fire of physical life before he can gain this higher, self-aware state. I will remind the reader that this higher, self-aware state is not available until Christ (the revelation of higher man, higher consciousness), and depicted as the tree of life again in the Book of Revelation. We will revisit this much latter in our book, but for now, let’s analyze more of this verse.
Did you catch the part in our verse of Genesis 3:22, that states to be like “one of us,” or the self-existent Elohim, man must have knowledge of “good” and “evil?” What qualification makes man as God? According to author of Genesis, it is the knowledge of good and evil.
Now you’re probably thinking, “Wait a minute, to be like God one must have all power and know everything!” Not so. That’s not the definition the author of Genesis provides here. The author defines Lord Elohim as a potential conscious state coming to light, to know the difference between two seemingly opposing distinctions of the terms “good” and “evil.” To be self-aware of one relation to another. This infers that God is a part of our human conscious experience. If you find that idea foreign, perhaps it is because of the dogma and religion you have been associated with all your life.
What may seem stranger is that this interpretation of the text lines up perfectly with the definition that God gives to Moses before he delivers the Israelites from Egypt. God tells Moses, I AM that I AM hath sent you, which means, I will become that which I become. God should not be a preconceived concept of the human mind, with any defining attributes, because God is continually “becoming” more to us as conscious awareness expands.
So to be as God, man must first meet the qualification of knowing good and evil. The Hebrew word know refers to a self-awareness that one only gains through the experience that makes us familiar with it. The human species through Adam and Eve has now gained the potential of an Elohim, or the potential of the evolving self-aware consciousness. Just as God told Moses, God is continually in the process of becoming through the human experience!
Dear reader, we have just used our foundational verse, Genesis 3:22, to unveil the great link between God and humanity: the potential of the evolving consciousness within man, which is the potential for knowing something greater than the limited self in this physical existence. This knowing is not an intellectual experience insomuch as it is an experiential one, which provides true wisdom and understanding.
One of the problems with mainstream Christianity today is that its dogma and doctrine has formulated a religion disconnected with the ancient understanding of the divine being. We are taught from a very early age in church that God is an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent being. While this is true in one sense, the greater understanding of the ancient writers of Genesis is revealing something very different to us, which is mainly this; those writers understood that what we term “God” today was to them an evolving conscious experience within the human life that had the potential to ever increase as consciousness and self-awareness increased. And it is not a supreme being “out there” somewhere in the heavens that man comes to know (consciously expand upon), but an experiential relationship with the higher self through an inward journey of discovery. Jesus stated the kingdom of heaven was “within you” for a reason. God is found by going within, not without, but that journey of discovery and greater self-awareness cannot be made until the soul has experienced physical life. And this is why God is said to have barred man from partaking of the tree of life in the garden in his current state of lower consciousness. If a child does not experience childhood, he or she grows up missing something. The meaning of God’s banishing and barring man’s access to the tree of life was not a punishment, but metaphorically represents the natural evolutionary process of man’s conscious ascent, where love and unity is defined through the collective experience of humanity, which also translates to the individual experience of humanity. And through that experience, God is ever becoming (I AM) something greater to the individual. Man’s way back to the metaphorical tree of life is his greatest spiritual journey, learned through the hard knocks of life. And thus the potential for God and greater self-awareness and consciousness is “within” man. Every story in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, unveils this theme.
This changes our negative concept of God as well. No longer is he seen as a vengeful murderer in the Old Testament, but we understand that these acts of God are actually the qualities within man’s consciousness as it is evolving to a higher state (the real gnostic concept of the “demiurge!”). Before man can become a spiritual being, he must become a moral one. Thus the law first, under Moses, then the spirit, through Christ. The law is also spiritual, but only insomuch as it is a metaphor for the qualities of the ego that must be worked out. We will go over these qualities throughout the major Biblical stories, where every person, location, and event is a metaphor for the evolving consciousness (spirit) of man through his very own psychological and physiological makeup.
As we return to the story of Adam and Eve, we have a few more foundational verses to dissect which continue our current theme…”
Hope you enjoyed 🙂
Really great writing Joshua! Deft carving out of some concepts that have a very practical application…and seem ( to me anyway ) easily grasped when well presented as you’ve done here.
It’s unfortunate that the expansion of consciousness has been devalued within modern Christianity…so nobody’s experiences are validated.
It’s very unfortunate indeed! But that’s why we are all here. The masses just have to be educated, even if it’s one blog and book at a time 🙂
Is that why we are all here in this earthbound existence?? To gain experience? To learn love? And if so, why?
Two camps of thought here. Some believe we choose to come back to work on an aspect of growth. I can’t find enough evidence for this. I have always leaned toward the other camp, that consciousness has in itself the built in cause and effect of karma and that we automatically reincarnate until higher states of of the self are realized. In other words, this function is inherent. primordial consciousness MUST create and evolution, or change, must also happen.
Thank you so much Joshua,
I have followed you for several years now, and every verse you have interpreted has fulfilled the questions I had within my being. My spiritual knowing… that something just wasn’t right with all the old belief systems and dogma were confirmed when I came across your web page! Hallelujah! I wasn’t a heathen! Someone else besides myself believed in higher consciousness, and self-awareness! I am also a researcher of the Bible and believe that this special book is full of Greek, Roman, and Hebrew, as well as many other Ancient Mythologies!! Comparative religions all seem to point to the same characters of the Bible…. just different names?? I’m excited to read your book and will be keeping up with your excerpts….. Again, Thank you for sharing your Bible knowledge and spiritual interpretations. Deborah Hall
Josh the thing that stumps me most is the command in Gen. 2:17. The command you shall not eat. Is the translation the issue.
It actually makes perfect sense here. “Eating” is a symbol for acquiring knowledge by experience. In the Old Testament eating can refer to gaining knowledge through the senses in experience, but in a higher aspect also not by the senses, such as Jesus states.
John 6:57 states:
“As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father; so he that eateth me, he also shall live because of me.”
“Eateth” meaning gaining the wisdom of Christ. Also read Job 3:24.
The trick is to understand the metaphor beneath the seeming literal, and in the instance of your question, reverse it to come to the understanding. God says not to eat it because self-awareness has much room to grow, and a physical life gives the chance to awaken the spiritual energy to truly expand consciousness. Does this make sense?
Thanks Josh. I think what perplexes me is that If being steeped into the flesh and duality was necessary to our development and the command “don’t eat” if we had obeyed our evolution would not take place. I remember “the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly but by reason of him who subjected the same in hope”. I guess I should consider the higher consciousness will always say not to partake but in surrender to the lower consciousness (serpent) the process will create the experience we need to ultimately surrender to the higher consciousness. (Christ in you). Thanks again and I look forward to your book being available.
The NOW, and the end result is the blessing. Without the ego (serpent), there would be no human self-awareness, and within the ego is also the power to lay it down. It’s a mighty paradoxical truth, and such is life, and gives us the ability to reflect on and comprehend our existence.
Thanks for the great discussion
I am really looking forward to this book. I hope there will be a kindle version.
Thanks Rod. I have no idea how it will all unfold, or be published, but you can bet once the ball gets rolling I will work to get it into multiple formats.
The only problem I am running into now is time to finish it! My full-time job is beginning to consume a lot more time than I expected this year with new responsibilities, and my new schedule is going to make it hard to get quality writing time.
thanx for sharing!
Thanks for commenting, Rani. I checked out and commented on your link as well.
Excellent read! Can’t wait for the book.
Thanks Randy!
Very good. One proofreading note: “A supreme being was not meeting out judgement.” I think you mean “meting” not meeting.
Thank you. Fixed.
Hi Josh,
This book is great and undoubtedly of great value but when you write: “I believe the completed book will be unique both for its format and content. I will not be using any outside sources. Only the Bible itself. Its focus will be an esoteric breakdown of the major stories of the Bible, the ones we all know about from Sunday school, and will cover THE ORIGINAL MEANING AND INTENT of the Biblical authors from Genesis to Revelation. It will offer a grand overview on the evolution of consciousness and self-awareness in man as explained in the Bible.”, I think you go a bit too far.
Well, you know me and the way I see things. I believe that the things we share on the blog and in books are very valuable and can be a great help to people in order to find their path and their truth but in the end they are about our view and our truth. None of us can even grasp the Absolute Truth yet; it is beyond words and beyond our capacity to comprehend yet.
But, as I said, also without claiming to present the original meaning and intent of the Biblical authors (how can we possibly know how they thought and felt within the context of their time?) there is great value in what you present for our time. The secret I believe is the several layers of the texts that slowly become clear to people, each layer maybe to people in a different time and society who will be able to understand what earlier generations could not yet understand. But even nowadays people, also on this blog, have different approaches and read different meanings in Bible texts, which however might all be true. So I would prefer not to present any view at all as THE meaning of any text but as our interpretation.
Having said all this, I very largely agree with what you have written and cannot wait to read the book. You know that I myself do not stretch my writing to the entire text of the Bible but only to those texts or concepts that call to me so to speak.
Where you write: “The human species through Adam and Eve has now gained the potential of AN Elohim, or the potential of the evolving self-aware consciousness.”, I have to make a remark I have made before a few times already.
The term An Elohim (though possibly used in the KJV) is impossible as the word Elohim is plural. You might translate it with the term Gods, both with and without a capital. For Elohim might mean two different things, depending on whether an accompanying verb is singular or plural. In the meaning you refer to it is meant to be singular as the Elohim are acting as One. A unity in diversity like I see our future as mankind also, as we are divine as well. When Elohim is used in a plural form however, shown by the use of a verb in plural when a verb is used, then Elohim means idols, who do not act as one but try to lead mankind in many different directions, away from love and unity.
Another quote: “The meaning of God’s banishing and barring man’s access to the tree of life was not a punishment, but metaphorically represents the natural evolutionary process of man’s conscious ascent, where love and unity is defined through the collective experience of humanity, which also translates to the individual experience of humanity.”
I agree with this for a hundred percent but would not use the verbs banishing and barring as they point to a concept of punishment. I like to share another way in which we can also phrase this.
I already shared in more than one article that I see everything as energy which is vibrating at countless different levels, frequencies, wavelengths, patterns etc. The different levels of consciousness are connected to this and each level provides us with different experiences. Our gradual descent into finally the world of matter, the densest form of energy as far as I know, therefore involves moving into an ever lower level of consciousness to begin with. This is as you already wrote not a punishment but only the discending part of a path of learning by having different experiences and determining how to respond to them. This process is necessary in order to slowly gain more conscious awareness and finally to start ascending again. This is not a bad thing and there is no judgment.
Therefore Gods reaction to this process should maybe not be called banishing and barring man’s access to the tree of life as that calls forth the idea of judgment and punishment. The frequential process of descending itself ensures that it will be impossible for man to return until we have gone through the whole cycle of spiritual development and have reached the level of consciousness again in which we can be admitted once more to the Garden of Eden. And once we have reached that stage, then the way to the tree of life will be open again to us, having been kept that way by the Cherubim.
I 100 percent believe that all the symbols in the Bible are able to be interpreted through the Bible itself, which is why people like Gaskell and many other mystics and philosophers cracked the code. There is overwhelming evidence for this when the Bible is cross-referenced with other ancient texts. All of the major oral traditions and ancient writings support a consensus, albeit told through different names, locations, etc. (i.e. different culture).
The Bible terms must contain in it a coherent framework where the symbols certainly mean one thing, and it’s actually not that hard to search ancient esoteric literature and and be able to define the meaning. The problem here is how the modern mind interprets these symbols in today’s culture. For example, the word consciousness. It can mean a variety of different things to different people who come across the term. The challenge today in writing about these spiritual topics is to use words that people understand today that gives a general correct interpretation of what the ancients were trying to say. This is tough sometimes, and I make the best effort I can as a whole in my articles. Sometimes I fail, and sometimes I believe I am accurate.
You are correct in one sense though, and that is that is can also be considered the living word because the multiple layers of myth are able to speak to the psyche where ever that individual may be in life. Because myths are bigger than our limited historical and cultural perspectives, and myths are able to cross all barriers when the general underlying truth is conceived.
In another example, you and I have often found that after talking on a subject more, we actually had the exact same understanding but the language made it hard for us to see it at the time, using the words we were both using. But again, I believe with enough study, yes, a person who immerses themselves can come to a correct understanding of the general message the spiritual text writers were speaking of. For example, the word ‘wilderness and dessert” in the Bible certainly means the arena of the lower life, where the lower ego still reigns over the spiritual ego. Hence, why every major Biblical character, even Jesus and Moses and all the Israelites had to work out their lower nature.
I definitely understand your points though. Terms like “barring” or banishment can easily convey the wrong message, but remember, God said he used a flaming sword to keep Adam out of the garden, so essentially, from the literal standpoint (which is what I wanted my readers to understand according to the traditional understanding), they were barred from entering. The tree of life was marked as off limits. Again, though, I completely understand and get what you are saying. You are correct. God was not punishing them, and this is why I made that clear, but mainstream Christianity still sees Adam and Eve’s action as a disobedience and therefore the reason for the sin of mankind. Does that make sense?
Hi Josh,
I agree with what you have written – both in your article and your comment – for almost 100 percent. It is not the content of your article that I commented on but the exclusivity of the way of your interpretation which it seemed to point to. That is all. Because exclusivity implies the absolute truth, which we cannot even grasp yet. The way I see it is that every following layer explains a bit more to us as soon as we are capable of understanding it.
So I agree with you that the Bible itself interprets the message. That is partly by the character of the Hebrew alphabet, which led me personally to much that I have discovered. And this suddenly led me to a question: Could it be that the writers of the Bible did not yet know all of the meaning that was hidden in the Hebrew characters? Just a question.
But also some discoveries of science played their part. I believe that it is completely wrong to think that spirituality, including the symbolic interpretation of the Bible, and science are on opposite sides. They are not, only the dogmatic interpreters of each are.
And you are definitely right in assuming that all religious traditions initially derive from the same source and therefore we can learn a lot from each other when we are open minded. I believe that only open-minded people from whatever origin will be able to finally grasp the Truth when we have reached the state that we are ready for that. For it will almost surely include giving up some ideas about science or principles of faith that are dear to us.
Yes, you are right that all Biblical characters without exception – well, all of humanity without exception – have to work out their lower ego and the area in which we do that can definitely be called a wilderness. But do we get a dessert afterwards? For me right now it feels more like a desert. However, if we are willing to see it, a desert is a beautiful place and staying there has even led people to enlightenment. So maybe we should consider it sweet!
You write: “God said he used a flaming sword to keep Adam out of the garden.”
I am not so sure. I see this more as a symbol of hope as I see this whole text up to and including the Cherubim, as the whole cycle of development in one short sentence. Or point again! Within that concept I see the rotating flaming sword as the discernment that we need to get back to the level of consciousness again that is needed in order to re-enter the Garden of Eden. It is looking around in all directions (no tunnel vision) in order to rediscover the Truth. I wrote about that In my article The Serpent and the Cherubim.
Further I believe it was not necessary to bar the admittance to the tree of life as the whole process of descending through ever lower levels of consciousness that Adam and Eve had entered into would have prevented a premature return to this tree anyway. They could no more have returned to the tree of life than we can take a train to heaven nowadays.
You also know that my view on this whole story does not include the concept of sin. I see the choice that Eve made to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil as a conscious choice because she saw that this would lead to enlightenment, although it would involve a difficult journey first.
And sin itself I also do not see as something negative per se. Sin is ‘chata’ , 8-9-1 and 18 in total. Eighteen is also the numerical value of ‘chai’, life. So sin is inherent to life and it has a special meaning as well. It refers to the birth (9) of the 8th day and unity (1). Sinning is ‘not going straight to a certain goal but taking detours, which may have consequences we have to deal with but which also teach us something’. Frankly that means that while going through the three-part cycle of development, sinning is bound to be part of the whole descending part of the cycle. However, as we can see in the numbers that make up the Hebrew word for sin, it is all part of the process and there is no judgment whatever.
But I agree that that concept is difficult to explain to people who are still living within the teachings of mainstream Christianity.
I certainly agree that it is great to discuss these things with you, not in order to prove each other wrong, but to each get the opportunity to look at things in more ways than one.
Great comment, Anny. Thanks for the detailed explanation.
Anny, if I may share with you further the word; Elohim. Elohim can be seen as singular and pleural, although it can also be seen as so much more beyond thought and therefore beyond comprehension.
Elohim is written in ancient Hebrew language as the combined letters: ALEPH-LAMMED-HAY-YOD-MEM.
First it must be realized that “each letter is a word-complex, a coalescence of other letters, they themselves a word complex”. As in mathematics they are equations.
Hebrew letters are not initials nor are they are figures. Rather they are given a numerical value.
So we can write Hebrew words as letters that give us equations. It is here that the singular and pleural contradiction arises.
The fact that Elohim is spelled with the first letter “ALEPH” begins the paradox of singularity and pleurism. “ALEPH” symbolizes a concept, though one that is un-thinkable and un-imaginable. It is a symbol of all that is nothing, yet can be anything. It is the great paradox and mystery that everything has it’s opposite for it to exist. For existence to be it must be met with resistance. The resistance can be seen in the idiom “all “things” must pass”. When entering time a resistance comes into play. Since God is beyond time and limitation, God is time-less and limit-less. Though the projection of God into existence as the human vessel by genesis was in the beginning, the creation of time. The Hebrew aleph-bayt implying a means to communicate that which can not be communicated is a product of that resistance and therefore is a complex story that each of us for our-self MUST experience-to-be.
No pun intended, it is therefore necessary that each of us think differently; so, “to-be”.
The following is borrowed from Carlos Suares, one of the foremost Jewish mystics of the modern age:
“In Hebrew Elohim is written in two alternative ways, according to the Qabala. Both terminate in MEM, but this may take the value 40 or 600. The spelling is ALEPH- LAMMED-HAY-YOD-MEM. The number-schemata are therefore either ( or ( We shall write the former as ELOHIM, the latter as ELOHIM.
Both words signify a projection into life on Earth of the Cosmic Drama of ALEPH playing the game against YOD. Incidentally the word YOD is spelt YOD-DALLET and means hand in Hebrew. Since DALLET conveys the notion of resistance and response to challenge, the Hebrew meaning of hand could be rendered into English by “that which holds its own.”
MEM (600) signifies the highest achieved state of VAV (6). Since VAV is fertility, impregnation: planting, this MEM therefore symbolizes fruitfulness in the highest degree. Any achievement of cosmic significance is indicated by 600.
LAMMED (30) is the projection into existence of movements of change; the transformation of what exists; transfer or transmission through what exists.
Hence ELOHIM reads:
The unknowable power or energy (ALEPH) transmitted into and through the organic movement (LAMMED) of life (HAY) plays out the game with its own projection (YOD) in existence as “the waters” (MEM) of the biosphere.
Hence MEM (40) states the process. ELOHIM with MEM (600) expresses that the highest state of achievement of this process is in action: extending its scope, as it were, more and more. Through the action of ELOHIM the ‘waters’ of the biosphere teem and seethe with living things, all participating individually in the process ELOHIM.
In ordinary usage, MEM (600) is the plural ending, indicating the notion of a numerical fruitfulness by which the one becomes many, becomes a multitude.
The cosmic game is indicated, in code, in ELOHIM by the presence of ALEPH and YOD together. Life (HAY) is in the middle, maintaining a precarious balance (precarious because the drama is hazardous) between the opposing impulses of ALEPH-LAMMED and YOD-MEM acting from either side. The drama is being played out on the stage of life by two duelling actors. The fight is carried on through life and this is ELOHIM. ELOHIM, therefore, expresses a simultaneous emanation of life and of its physical supports, as an evolutionary process. It is not the deity that it is supposed to be.
The juxtaposition of the letters ALEPH-LAMMED is a schema signifying that the energy of ALEPH acquires the power to project changes in existence. Without this LAMMED, ALEPH is not able to become organically alive in HAY. So ALEPH in isolation is like the enormous energy locked up inside the atomic nuclei, having an explosive potency not yet released. ELOHIM without the HAY would symbolize an enormous density of existing things on the Earth (YOD-MEM) locked in conflict with (ALEPH-LAMMED), the timeless energy of ALEPH endowed with the potency to bring about tremendous changes. The outcome of their conflict would manifest as cataclysmic upheavals succeeded by comparative quiescence, the two alternating as the rallies of the game shifted it from one court to the other. Historically, whole continents, seas and mountain- ranges appeared and disappeared again and again as the Earth writhed between the hammer and the anvil of a doublefold energy, explosive and compressive. As we know from Earth history, this situation persisted for the two thousands of millions of years of geological time that preceded the action of the biosphere as a reconciling force. At a certain moment, t h i s c o n f l i c t opened up the issue of ALEPH, and the Earth was able to produce the archetype ADAM. The cycle of evolution of life commenced to elaborate the living forms of the biosphere in order to resolve a further stage of the cosmic game playing itself out through ELOH1M.
The letter HAY is in a central position amongst the nine archetypes, the remaining eight are equally balanced on either side – four one side, four the other. Life is a balancing factor in the cosmic game. It can transmit an impulse of reconciliation. Through ELOHIM, the conflict can maintain a state of equilibrium which evolves through stages of finer balance until a cycle of evolution is completed. Then a further cycle begins, and so on. They are not cycles in time but simultaneous. Vegetable life and animal life coexist as different modes of equilibrium whose seven-fold structure is exemplified in the biological classification of: Species, Genus, Family, Order, Class, Phylum and Kingdom. This is the projection of ZAYN (7) into life on Earth (the Seventh “Day”). The cyclic structure of vegetable and animal life, however achieved, is only a static, identical recurrence of the same modes of equilibrium. In them, ALEPH is, at it were, taken around closed cycles again and again, indefinitely. The cosmic game is being played out through an endless recurrence of the same prototypes and not getting any further. ALEPH can only burst out of this closed cycle into a further cycle in a human b e i n g : ADAM. This is why, in the book of Genesis, ADAM is described a s t h e living image” of ELOHIM. ADAM has within him as the DALLET of his name the entire structures of animal and vegetable life, functioning as the resistance which must respond to the challenge of the ALEPH driving towards a further stage of fulfilment in MEM (600). In harmonizing these warring natures within him he is ABRAM. In succeeding and thereby gaining a new life, he becomes ABRAHAM.
The name ADAM is spelt ALEPH-DALLET-MEM and can signify either the schema (1.4.40) or (1.4.600). In Hebrew DAM, spelt DALLET-MEM (600) is the word for blood. Hence the name signifies “ALEPH in the blood”, literally the incarnation of ALEPH. As the “living image” of ELOHIM, he is “made flesh”.
This is, of course, a timeless, mythical, sacred concept. It is beyond time and
number. There is not the connotation of one, single historical personification of this role of ADAM. That notion belongs to ordinary secular history. Sacred history transcends ordinary history. Myth transcends fact. From the very first moment that life managed to evolve to the point at which the ADAM could arise to become the projection of ElOHIM, all men and every man had, within, the potency for the transformation of ADAM (1.4.40) into ADAM (1.4.600).
When written with MEM (40), ADAM symbolizes a structure whose significance as a resistance to ALEPH terminates in the biosphere, going no further. This is the life of ordinary men, who respond to the challenge by works and acts whose outcome is to further the ends and purposes of the everyday. They do what others have done already— perhaps better, perhaps worse, and what they do dies with them. They do not transform their experience any more than an animal does in living out its life by hereditary instinctive patterns. This life carries on by its own momentum until that is exhausted, or repeats its own achievements again and again, the image of ELOHIM.
It is the ADAM written with MEM (600) who is the true image of ELOHIM in microcosm: the projection of ELOHIM into one, single man. The achievements of such a man live because they are ‘cosmically’ fruitful. They transcend the significance of ordinary life. This is the ‘perennial philosophy’ of all the great religious traditions, the scriptures and monuments of which are alike works of this kind. The Qabala unlocks for us the door into the living tradition of ABRAHAM. The archetypal ADAM can live a creative life, forming a further cycle of ALEPH which is not broken when the DAM, the blood of the body, is spent.
ABRAM came out of Ur of the Chaldees, which, whatever other meaning it may have, was in the land anciently known as Mesopotamia. “Meso” signifies midway between, “potamia” means the rivers. (Tigris and Euphrates). It is a Greek translation of the ancient name. Now ‘the rivers’ or ‘the streams’ would have been, in Semitic, ‘the Waters’. The letter MEM, when it becomes a word in Hebrew with that sound, is included in ‘the waters’ that are spelt MEM-YOD-MEM. Its schema is (40.10.600). YOD signifies existence. Hence the word MAYM does indeed express, by its construction, two waters separated from each other by a kind of barrier. With the perennial floods of Mesopotamia, one would expect the word for waters to reflect accurately the irrigation problem. But this is not the point. The Qabala reveals the sacred significance of this ancient word. We have to choose between two waters: the waters of creative meaning (600) and of confused ordinary meaning (40). They are distinct and separated, as if by a barrier, and to choose one is to reject the other. We cannot sit on the fence. The seeming precision of ordinary language conceals a confusion of tongues, the language of reality is multiple, sacred, symbolic, like the Qabala.
We have within us the potentiality to become “as gods, knowing good and evil”. If we know what is good for us, we will strive to resurrect the ALEPH in us, “in our blood”. If we know only what is evil for us, this ALEPH will be smothered, can die, can be drowned in ‘blood’. In the very centre of ADAM and ADAM is DALLET, the archetype of resistance, resilience, response to challenge. Both can achieve something in one way or another. But if the ALEPH disappears the names disappear with it, leaving only a bag of blood unable, because unwilling, to become anything other than what it is: a man no longer.”
That was an excellent comment, explained with much detail and precision. I very much enjoyed reading this. Elohim has been a term that scholars have focused on in the wrong direction for centuries. Your comment clears this up. Also Abraham is the father of one divine phase in humanity’s evolution, Abram the first, Abraham the advanced. Thank you, Michael, for taking the time to put such a comment on the blog not just for Anny, but other readers. If you ever want an outlet to share more as a blog post, just let me know.
Hi Michael and Josh,
Thanks Michael for this very interesting and meaningful comment. It is an interpretation at a different layer than I am engaged in and goes much more into detail, Both levels are equally important, I think, but cannot be blended together as each would lose its clarity. But in addition to each other they provide much information.
Josh, you suggest to Michael to also submit an article for publication on the blog. I agree but why not start by publishing this comment as the first one? It has the required length for an article and as an article it would probably draw many more readers than a lengthy comment does. It would be a pity if only relatively few people would read it.
If you both agree to this idea and this comment is republished as an article, I would suggest to break it up into clearly defined thought units. As it is now I somehow could make head nor tail of it at first, so I copied it onto a Word document and broke it up into thought units myself. Then the meaning of everything became clear to me without any problem.
There is just one more remark I have to make right now: Michael, you place the word ‘life’ within the name Elohim.
With your interpretation in general I agree but the Hebrew word for life, ‘chai’, is not actually there as ‘chai’ is 8-10 within the word Elohim. It is written as 1-30-6-5-10-40 and this eight is not te be found but instead there is a five, the character ‘he’. Maybe that is because of the way English speaking people pronounce both ‘chai’ and ‘hai’, which might be similar, I do not know, but in Hebrew there definitely is a difference in pronunciation. The ‘chet’ has a guttural sound in Hebrew, at least in the way it is spoken in Israel, and the ‘he’ has not.
Hi joshua,
I also cannot wait to read your book and hope will be a real eyeopener to many. When I first started to read your blog and the comments made by others, I found it hard to reconcile my understanding of the esoteric meanings with those I was reading from your blog only because of the terminology used which I was not familiar with. The more i read the more I could see the similarities but expressed differently. At first it seemed a little foreign to me and some things still are but I feel that the more I read your blog the more I see we are in agreement at least for the most part. For me the way I see Adam and Eve eating from the tree of knowledge is no different than being baptized by water and to have access to the tree of life one must go away for a period of time metaphorically to work out their salvation by becoming aware of what good and bad is. The flaming sword which protects the tree of life represents the fire baptism. The sword as the two-edged sword divides the soul from spirit, the division which must take place in order to have access to the tree of life and live. No impure thought can pass through without it being burnt. All pure thoughts will have access and refined with the fire of love which are eternal in the higher consciousness after the lower consciousness is crucified. Water baptism is the death process.
Romans 6:3 Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?
Colossians 2:20-21 Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances, (Touch not; taste not; handle not.
Paul here is referring to the tree of life and explaning that the conditions of eating from the tree of knowledge are now done away with, once the lower self is crucified ( if you eat from this tree you shall surely die). Access to the tree of life is now permitted and you can touch, taste and handle the tree of life with no conditions and no fear. Thanks Joshua for all the hard work you put into all this.
Yes I believe you are right on. There are a few layers, as Anny has said before, to peel back with more than just one revelation. Some of the deepest revelations deal with the physiology of the human body, especially as it has to do with the pineal gland, third ventricle of the brain, and the spinal cord. It amazes me how much about the human body they knew so long ago, but perhaps much of that knowledge was lost in the Dark Ages and even before Greece and Rome had their hegemony.
Glad the blog overall is starting to come together. If you read mine and Anny’s convo above you can see why it can be difficult at times. Blessings!
I am really looking forward to your book, Josh. The wealth of information found on this site is mind blowing. The book will be equally so I’m sure!
Thanks Matt.
Although the timeline for completion will compete for my time, I will definitely get it finished in due time, whatever that brings. I’ll keep the blog posted. Thanks!