What’s the real meaning behind of the concept of original sin? And why is it assumed that Adam and Eve are the first human beings to blame for bringing sin into the world?
This is a rather silly notion that many have blindly swallowed because they do not think deeply enough about the book they are reading.
The true meaning of sin is to miss the mark. And it has nothing to do with the physical actions. Original sin is a beautiful concept explaining the reason that you seem alienated from God as you dwell in a physical body.
When Paul stated that the wages of sin are death, he was speaking spiritually. We can see this is true from the story of Adam and Eve. God told them that they would die upon partaking of the tree of knowledge. But the author of Genesis was speaking spiritually, not physically. They died spiritually, but were given physical life.
All physical things eventually die, and physical things died for millions of years before man came onto the scene. The actions of man did not originally bring death into the world. Death of the physical body is part of the cyclical state of nature.
In fact, it would be more correct to say that in the case of the story of Adam and Eve, partaking of the tree of knowledge of good and evil gave them physical life. They were removed from paradise (consciously) and placed into the physical world we know today. It is a world full of thorns and thistles and physical suffering, even though it is also a place of physical beauty. The symbolism and metaphor is strikingly obvious when we stop to think about it.
The Adam and Eve story was a brilliant attempt by the authors of Genesis to explain why we are separated from what we term “God.” Spirit, or Ruach, is simply an ancient term somewhat analogous to consciousness today. It is likened unto wind, which cannot be seen but has force. Consciousness is the spark of life, but it must have a body to experience through, to learn through, and to grow through. Adam and Even are metaphorical representations of mankind’s beginnings into a physical experience. Even the term Adam means humanity, and it is not the name of one man.
Eden is not a physical location either, but a state of consciousness. Consciousness allows the creation of the lower self and ego (the “I”) when it is active in a physical body. It becomes more complex and diversifies as it evolves through the physical bodies it operates through. The story of Adam and Eve explains this process through the language and culture of ancient times. Mankind’s fall from paradise is really the story of consciousness playing in a physical world.
Where Original Sin Comes In
Original sin is simply the state of ignorance man now finds himself in. It is his ignorance of spiritual things. And this is what the Apostle Paul was speaking of. The wages of sin leads to death because as man is ignorant of his true nature, he is spiritually dead. Paul taught that faith in Jesus Christ (even without works) was the answer to this dilemma. Have you ever wondered why some argue whether Paul really believed in faith without works? They are arguing over something that isn’t even an issue. Since Paul is speaking completely spiritually, physical acts aren’t even in the equation. They are therefore wasting their time and debating about a religious idea that was born from Paul’s hard-to-understand writings.
So what is it that Paul means exactly when he states that Jesus Christ is the answer to our spiritual death problem? Is he stating that belief in one man’s act on the cross who was really God makes us become spiritually alive?
Well, yes and no. If it were possible to have a conversation with Paul today about his meaning, he would probably chuckle at how the ideas in religion have evolved over these past thousand years. For Paul, Jesus Christ was the symbol for spiritual truth and life. For Paul, Jesus Christ was the escape from spiritual ignorance. But not just because you believed in the actions of a man that was really God, but because you believed that Jesus Christ was the symbol for the truth of your true spiritual nature. The act of Jesus Christ and the cross is the grand metaphorical theme of your redemption.
You see, when Paul was penning his letters, the Gospels hadn’t even been written yet. When he spoke to Timothy about scriptures being the only inspired word of God, he was speaking of the Old Testament. And Paul made it crystal clear that the symbol of Jesus Christ, as a type and metaphor, was prevalent throughout the inspired writings of the Old Testament. Paul never mentions the virgin birth or lineage of Jesus because he wasn’t concerned with such things. He was concerned with the Jesus Christ nature that is birthed within man as his spiritual ignorance is overcome with the knowledge and understanding of God, that is within man’s true spiritual nature.
If you want to retain the idea that you must believe that a literal human who was God died on a cross for your sin, there’s nothing wrong with that, as long as you understand the deeper meaning of the Gospel’s Jesus as well. You see, a belief in something is simply an idea you hold with conviction, and a belief can never open the eyes of your spiritual ignorance to you. That can only happen if what Jesus Christ represents is actually birthed inside of you, as Paul advocates. Even Jesus himself stated that you must go within yourself, to your true spiritual nature, to see the Kingdom of God. Religious people look to religion and belief systems to save them, but they retain their ignorance of spiritual things unless they go within themselves, to an aspect of you that is much greater than the limited physical body and personality that you operate through now. Your physical body is fearfully and wonderfully made, but the spiritual aspect of you is so much more wonderful that when Paul went within himself (to the third heaven), he stated that he could not even talk about what he experienced, because it would not make sense to our conscious “I” operating in this limiting physical world.
It would seem today that many religious people cannot understand even the basics of Paul’s writings, which was also true with the church back then. This is not to speak badly of anyone, because we are all immersed in a religiously minded culture that is responsible for us reading Paul’s text, and the entire Bible, with blinders on. Our religious biases (most of us have them to a certain extent), cloud every verse and line we read until we learn to read the Bible with spiritual eyes instead of physical ones.
But you can detour all this religious thinking by just taking Jesus’ advice. Go within yourself and learn what the kingdom of God is truly about. That’s where the real knowledge of Jesus resides. The entire Bible explains this process perfectly, if only we could see what the spirituality of it, or the metaphor and symbolism of it, is all about. Even the scientist and hard skeptic could then appreciate the Bible for what it really is, instead of what religion tries to make it be.
Thanks Josh, Really great writing!
Since the beginning of the 1980’s, (as a reaction to the 1960’s ) there has been an anti-intellectual push in the church. It’s a bias in favor of retrograde, literal reading of scripture. They assert that viewing scripture this way is more accurate. ( I disagree of course) This crude rudimentary view allowed scripture to be taken out of context ( real genuine, spiritual context…with mystery…and hidden things that defy explanation as Paul said ) and this was,sadly,intentional. Why? So that snippets of scripture could be applied as a tool of political propaganda and manipulate the people…not just belivers, but the wider society as well. Scripture as a weapon of sorts. Anyway,so…..yeah. That’s how I see it.
Interesting. I did a little bit of searching after your comment. It would be interesting to see who was involved and exactly how deep that goes.
What many are now learning is that in the early church reading the scripture was mostly a spiritual exercise. Many of the earliest church father’s read it metaphorically, and even when they commented on the scripture, their comments were metaphorical! This makes it really hard for students in Bible colleges to really make sense of how the early church fathers viewed the scriptures. I’ve have many discussions with people over the years who deny that even such great philosophers such as Origen did this. This is why there are is much contradictory information on the internet. For example, did Origen believe in reincarnation or not? Some say most definitely, and will quote him to back their claims. Others use different quotes to say he didn’t. It’s almost comical. One has to take a broader view of the political and social environment to get to the bottom of such arguments. For example, why was Origen called heretical by the later church? It’s because interpretation of the scriptures was changing. It’s no different today. Different movements arise, with different political views, which in turn affect the reading of the scriptures. The scripture can never be interpreted correctly in isolation with a staunch literal reading.
Thanks for commenting.
Literal readings of scripture is the ‘push back’ against “Postmodernism” ( a super broad term )
Unfortunately esoteric just got called out as suspect.
Once mystery of the cosmos is squashed, it’s a dry river bed.
The esoteric reading of any scriptures will always be said to be suspect, as we both very well know. That is because so many see this term as being associated with secret societies. But the esoteric interpretation doesn’t seek to find hidden meanings exactly, it just seeks to place the scripture in their correct context from the culture at the time. People never trust what they did not understand. And that is natural, especially for the ego.
Louie… you seem to have a wealth of knowledge from the historical perspective as well. I wish I had studied more modern history. Unfortunately I majored in ancient history only, as well as the Middle Ages in England and some of Western Europe. I also wish I had studied more of ancient Indian, Japanese, and Chinese history beyond what was given in Foundations of Western Civ. I have done just enough to make basic connections across all the religious text, but more study is needed.
Ha! I’m 60 And I hang with the messianics.
How’s that book coming?
Working on it some today as the snow storm here gave me off work today
To be honest, it’s slow going. Staying busy in other areas, but when I get the chance I jump back on it. I really can’t give a completion date, because every time I think I’ll get extra time something always comes up. We all know how life works.
It will be finished eventually though. I promise, even if it takes a lot long longer than originally stated. Thanks for the continued interest and patience!
Hi Josh,
Thanks so much for your articles! I really appreciate your insights!
In the above article, you refer to the third heaven… could you briefly explain that.
Thank you. And yes, the third heaven seems confusing. What about the first heaven, right? These represent stages in one’s conscious development, in exploring the inner self. We do this by going within, and the third heaven is the experience of certain stage of consciousness which can be experienced in deep meditation.
It is said in the Apocalypse of James that John the Baptist resided in the third heaven. He symbolically represents the forerunner to the Christ nature, the pinnacle of self realization from the spiritual sense. Paul was describing an experience of self-realization in the spiritual realm. It is actually the realization of the higher mental plane, where a higher aspect of your resides.
The different characterizations of heaven in Genesis, above and below, also discuss the higher nature of spiritual man, and the lower nature of his personality. You have the heavens above the mountains, the heavens that are in space, etc. These are symbols for the spiritual development of the mind. As Noah floated in the ark above the highest mountains, the story represents man’s ascent to higher spiritual planes.
I have done a post on this before in detail, but the title escapes me for the moment as it was written awhile back. Later this evening I will see if I can dig it up with a link for you.
Thanks! I’d love to eat more about that.
Love autocorrect…. learn, not eat, although metaphysically, not far off.
Tina, within this article I give a brief overview of the different aspects of mind and body and on the fourth level of spiritual understanding according to Greek thought, fire, which would relate closely to Paul’s mention. But I admit it does not break it down into three levels. Here it is: http://www.spiritofthescripture.com/id3837-baptism-and-meditation-noahs-ark-unveiled.html
The upper mental plane is usually divided into three planes within some ancient esoteric literature, the third heaven being the uppermost. While doing some research for you, I realized I haven’t actually completed an article on this level of detail. To be completely honest, it’s because many different esoteric materials present different numbers and subdivisions of the mental plane. For example, some only speak of the upper and lower mental plane, the lower being where the personality resides, the “I” feeling of consciousness, whereas the upper mental plane is part of the spiritual ego where individuality is retained with a greater sense of self-awareness and unity. Please remember that these are all numbers and concepts that people have written about to explain states of consciousness, and in a sense are subjective to how that culture or movement explained things. It works as well as it can trying to explain it intellectually. You will intuitively get it, or not.
But the fact that Paul speaks of it makes it valid, and very worth looking into and learning how Gnostic ideas of the time were understood. So good for you for noticing that and wanting to delve into it.
I realize I am going to have to do some more digging to break down Paul’s advanced Gnostic-like terms. But here is something you might find interesting from Gaskell….
“The mental plane is the central plane of DIvine manifestation and is the third plane from above or below. it is the plane of creation of the forms on the lower planes. The prototypal ideas emanateing from the planes above take form in mental matter on the mental plane, and are from thence projected outwardly on to the astral and physical planes; in other words, the mental forms are re-embodied on the lower planes in the matter of the planes, thus constituting the material universe.”
I recommend a book by Lee Bladen called THE SCIENCE OF SPIRITUALITY. He has done an immense amount of research of putting all these esoteric concepts into a writing that is easier for the modern man to grasp. Although I didn’t agree with everything he had in the book, I do believe he has gotten much of it correct. He taught me quite a bit as well when I first began looking into how the material universe is created by mind.
I hope that helps. Unfortunately right now I have a lot on my plate and cannot do anything article on this now, but I’ll get around to it eventually
I remember Bill Donahue referencing the third heaven as being air, the third stage of consciousness in Greek thought. I tend to lean to that interpretation as being full separation from thought in meditation. I’m a big fan of yours and Bill Donahue’s work. Thank you for the great article, Josh!
This is true. According to Greek thought there are five levels:
1. Earth = Physical
2. Water = Astral
3. Air = Mental
4. Fire = Spiritual
5. Good Mind = Light
In the Christian Mystic Perspective and Kabbalah this would correlate to:
1. Sensations = Visible world
2. Lower Emotions = World of formation
3. Mental Faculties = World of creation
4. Holy Ghost = World of Emanation
5. Son of God = The Crown
I think that the creation story in Genesis tells of the consciousness and subconscious, and how we must become masters over them. I think that, if you consider the Tree of Life in Kabbalah, the downward flow from Keter to Malkuth is representative of the flow of creation, i.e. thoughts and ideas manifesting as things and actions, while the upward flow from Malkuth to Keter is representative of the flow of imagination, i.e. the acquiring of knowledge through the process of learning that will eventually–after having passed Da’at–manifest as an intuitive understanding of something, from which thoughts and ideas derived from this understanding can then flow downward).
I think that the downward flow can be thought of as consciousness flowing into the subconscious, and the upward flow as the reverse, i.e. the subconscious flowing into the consciousness.
If this is true, the authors of Genesis are saying that we must gain an intuitive understanding of ourselves. The key word here is ‘intuitive’, which implies the need to go through Da’at aka the abyss.
You got it, Laurens. Remember, the conscious is the rudder that steers the ship. The conscious chooses where to go. The subconscious will then produce life when steered correctly. Run only by our lower desires and sense gratification, and the subconscious will regurgitate junk, and certainly not become the mother of all living that we would like. Adam and Eve are symbols of these two.
Great comment. Thanks.
Josh, do you have any writings on whether or not the earth is flat or round and what the Bible says about this? Your interpretation, etc.?
Hi JC…
Unfortunately I do not have any writings about that on this site. In fact, I’ve never considered it from a scriptural standpoint. First verse that comes to mind is from Isaiah which claims the Lords sits upon the circle of the earth. But this verse really wouldn’t say so one way or another. Off hand, I do not think the Bible would address such a subject directly, as it is about the human body and mind most specifically.
Personally, I certainly think we can easily confirm a spherical earth and I don’t believe the flat earth arguments are very convincing nor logical. No offense against anyone who has the opposite conviction, but that’s my take. For example, the further you go away from the Earth’s equator, the constellations shift towards the horizon. Lunar eclipses also show the earth is round. There are many dozens of other ways to confirm that the earth is not flat.
Anyway, I do not believe you will find anything in the Bible that asserts either or. I’m sorry I wasn’t more help there.
Loved your article on Original Sin! I have always thought that ” Life ” Spiritual and Physical was a Living Idea that contains within it the ability to perpetuate itself. With this in mind, it would seem that in order to grow Man had to be moved out of the Garden so to speak. Jesus was a manifestation of that living idea metaphorically speaking, to show the physical that within itself it has the ability to change and grow and experience all at the same time.No wonder the scriptures say Who is Man, that rises above the Angels! A wonderful thing has been placed upon Man! Sin….. Unwise thinking, not physical,but spiritual! it is something I knew but didnt at the same time! The Love of God for mankind is boundless!! Thank you for your post! As you can see I lean toward Hermetics for Law. The All is Mind!
Thank you for commenting on the article. And I like your second sentence. Consciousness, or what we might term the primordial consciousness which interacts with itself to create individualized consciousness through space and time does indeed perpetuate itself, because it must. What scientist have observed (indirectly) popping into and out of existence in what is almost a vacuum (there isn’t such a true thing) is this creative process of consciousness. It is eternal. And yes, man moving out of Eden, or from one state of consciousness to another in denser matter (the physical world) does indeed give the opportunity for the soul to grow as it now has more experience to draw from. The trick to understanding this is this:
The ALL interacts with itself through a limitation of itself. This is matter, which is also simultaneously spirit. Through limitation, the ALL can become individualized, or else it would remain the ALL. Therefore we have the ALL and the Many at once, with the experience of the many through the physical world, but yet connected to the ALL as well in a higher state of reality.
Josh, I like this last paragraph. Such a succinct way to tell the whole story.
Thanks, Coy!
Josh, I find your comment that the vacuum “isn’t really a true thing”, and it’s relation to “what scientists have observed (indirectly) popping into and out of existence” points of great discussion.
If you choose or if anyone chooses to “see” the vacuum as not a really true thing, I would agree that it is a phenomenon where all activity is VIRTUAL and from this virtuality; all things arise. The deepest mysteries unsolved, the source of all epi-phenomenon and manifestation into this world as things that are “real”, popping into and out of existence.
The vacuum could be seen as a convenient label. For what is; activity and action of
constant flow and motion of negatively charged PARTICLES. You may be correct, it is not truly real as a place or thing.
It is virtual. Virtuality. Science has also labeled this as the Sea of Dirac, named after the great 20th century theoretical physicist, Paul Dirac.
What pops into and out of existence is that which is observed. And it is observation that changes everything we now relate to the behavior of particles. Science also “knows” that all particles are part of a tandem. Every virtual particle existing as a negative charged particle is spewed forth into something that is a positive-charged particle which exists in “this world”. What is this “vacuum”, is SPIRIT. God, Aleph or what-ever label of choosing. It could be the place we conveniently label HEAVEN.
Bringing attention back to the vacuum and spirit, spirit is both conscious and unconscious.
Once spirit is liberated by it’s willingness or desire to become something it becomes soul as it plays with that, which had been given its arising, in the beginning and in the end and the first and last as the ONLY.
Soul desires the embedding into matter. Bringing forth MIND into matter.
From the MIND of virtuality into this world where we attempt to understand this sacred mystery with what we consider our own minds is an oxymoron.
We are part of the ONE-MIND, ONE Conscious and Unconscious.
Your experience grows THE conscious. My experience grows THE conscious.
Each one of us through eternity grows the consciousness. The state of being.
There will always be growth of both conscious and unconscious existence.
Apart from God; what is there?
Exactly! And what we might term virtual is simply information. Consciousness in-forming itself, giving itself life through matter (limitations of itself from which it virtually creates space-time and experience), as this is it’s inherent quality, and that it must do this. Hence, alpha and omega, no beginning or end in higher reality. Even in space-time we don’t have beginnings and endings as such (only the mental experience), but transition, waking and sleeping. Because the ALL births life to itself through the limitations automatically created through this self-dynamic interaction with itself, self awareness is able to expand through the virtual experience. The ALL becomes more that the sum of its parts, so to speak. This is why I hesitate to say that we have a “choice” to come back after a reincarnation cycle, as many now teach. I tend to lean towards it being an automatic process, at least until a certain self-awareness state is reached.
The ancient Egyptian imagery of the god Atum creating himself as he steps out of the primordial mound I think explains what we are speaking of when we say virtual or information.
Interesting discussion. Thank you, and feel free to carry it further here as I would be interested to read more of any thoughts you have.
Thanks for fillin in some gaps! Last paragraph, beautifly put I must say!
No problem!
Josh great topic and article. My intention always, is to read your articles and the comments that follow with insight towards bridging a more comprehensive understanding of; what is “out there” to “being in here”.
For me I find The Original Sin as “false identity”.
That is, falsely identifying the multitude of body and mind processes with the ego and self and therefore creating experiences that are away from the first principal of spirit or Ruah which becomes soul; the reflection of spirit within the nodes of time. Then spirit as soul as it falls into matter; the reflection of spirit within the nodes of space.
Revelations shares with us the “Alpha and Omega, the first and the last”.
It is within these nodes of space and time that the reflection of absolute light is falsely identified. The false illusion or image is known as maya or as; ourselves, soul as matter.
As we continue to deeply invest our-selves into this body-self-ego-mind, we become intoxicated or more aptly, we become addicted to the self and the experiences that follow. This false-hood, as Buddha noted is the root of all suffering that arises.
The Fall, the fall from grace is well chronicled in scripture and somewhere along the line, words in translation were given varying meanings. Such as “obedience”, originally “obey” meant to listen intently. It made no suggestion to follow or punish.
False-image, the original sin; conditions behavior and instills beliefs that are away from the truth.
However, as Matthew Fox points out is his “Original Blessing” it is here we are given the opportunity to evolve our mindfulness within our consciousness.
Paul as a spiritual-healer-teacher points us in the direction of this truth. Albeit, there were no words in his time such as DNA and holograms to discuss or point to such falsities. It was simple, perceptions arising from carnal senses led to false-images or idolatry.
So saying, I agree with your assessment, Original Sin is not what are fore-fathers taught.
I would also like to make mention of your ship analogy towards consciousness and sub-consciousness in the comment to Laurens regarding the act of steering the ship to the conscious and the correct-steering to the sub-conscious.
I follow your analogy that the conscious steers the rudder, however I would hasten to say, the sub-conscious learns the “action” of steering and then, with and over time, that “action” becomes redundant and in-grained as automatic behavior without much or any thought given. The sub-conscious becomes the seat of habitual action.
I depart from your assertion that; correct-steerage of the ship is done by the sub-conscious.
I sense your analogy leaves something out which is of great importance (incidentally, looking at the word importance we see the prefix “im” meaning, “in” and the root “port” meaning harbor or landing; this “inport” is synonymous with home and conjures thoughts and feelings of safety and familiarity).
That something missing, is the communication, communicating the direction which to steer the ship.
The communication that gives true and correct-steering is the communication of the SOUL to the body-mind-conscious.
Without this communication we would continually consciously and subconsciously steer ourselves into an oblivion of hard-ship bumping into things along the way.
Paul was speaking to us of these hard-ships. He was instructing us, pointing to the spirit, the soul and God as our direction, our foundation, our source.
Teaching us that healing and being saved, evolving and ascension is by listening intently for this communication, SOUL-talk which becomes drowned out, hard-to-hear when so invested with matter, our-selves that it becomes LOST, missing the mark. Living with sin or in-sin. Where we are spiritually-dead.
So again I propose, the Original Sin is false-identity, and therefore, suffering.
Peace to you and everyone here, this season and each seasons to follow.
Hi Michael…
I like your wording of “false identity.” This is a very good way to put it.
You also wrote: “I depart from your assertion that; correct-steerage of the ship is done by the sub-conscious.”
Perhaps my wording was confusing, but if you go back and read the comments carefully, I do not believe that the subconscious ever steers the ship. It is always the consciousness “I,” and then, as you put it, the subconscious learns the habitual behaviors that the conscious inputs. My reference to the fact that the subconscious births life is from the fact that the habitual behaviors which are positive from the input of the conscious makes the subconscious produce fruit (positive habitual behaviors) from first positive consciousness input. Does this make sense?
Thanks for contributing to the discussion, Michael. Great comments!
Yes Josh, I do make sense of the comment that you shared concerning the conscious/sub-conscious. What the gist of my comment entailed is the Voice of the Soul. That voice that talks to us, communicates to us; not to be confused with the voice that speaks to us through the the id/egos. It is the “Soul-talk” that is drowned out, it becomes less and less heard by the intuition. Spirit as Soul falls deeper into matter and sin; until it truly-seemingly becomes lost in matter, deeply engrained in carnal-knowledge. Sacred-knowledge becomes forgotten. We become spiritually dead. Through Original sin we are saved by God’s grace and salvation through the Original blessing which is the experience. The root of all suffering is The Sin known as The Original Sin.
Michael, thanks for the follow-up. That makes perfect sense.
Hi Josh
I believe that sin is an understandin, consciousness of who we are. For the people whom have a spiritual awakening, for as long as we are asleep, we would not know what sin is and therefore, not accountable. Once we open our eyes (minds) only then do you really know what sin is. Adam and eve did not know they were naked until they ate from the tree of knowledge, seeing as God has seen, then realising they were naked. I believe none of this happened physically like yourself but is the beginning of the creation of your spiritual man. becoming a living soul. Which doesn’t happen over night but is a process of time.
You said ” Even Jesus himself stated that you must go within yourself, to your true spiritual nature, to see the Kingdom of God. ” I couldn’t agree more
Luke 17:21
Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
For a long time I struggled with understanding what faith was, I could not understand it on a physical level and as scripture became alive in me, I realised what it meant that faith is the evidence of things not seen, knowing the process and the spiritual understanding, understanding that scripture is spiritual and not physical, therefore faith must be spiritual, My true faith was when I began to see scripture come alive within me.
Love reading your articles, thank you
Well put on faith. Thank you for your comment
Josh, top notch article and excellent follow-up comments, I need some time to digest this
Blessings to all.
The comment section here did fork into a bit of another area, but it could be a topic for great discussion when getting into the origins of why and how everything works. Of course nobody could ever explain this completely accurately, but it’s fun to take stabs at it. I love doing that. Thanks for your comment.
I commented on this post 2 yrs ago about this same time,and your comment about God separating or limiting himself to bring creation into being had me in tears then and I am so still moved by that! I sense now a coralation between what God did and what happened to humanity. So my question is this, Was Sin by design? For whatever reason this is very important to me. Does not scripture say They have become like us? It seems to me humanitys separation from the spiritual to become physical, is the same as Gods limiting or separation to create the physical. Am I barking up the wrong tree here, or is there substance to this line of thinking? You imput would be greatly appreciated! Thank You!! John
Hi John…
That is how I see it. What we term “God” as the Father can not be limited in any way. Any manifestation that had thoughts, feelings, a body, etc., would be limited to being that, so therefore I do not believe we could consider God in this way.
Was sin by design? Scripture states that God created both evil and good, darkness and light. But I don’t see evil in the same way as mainstream Christianity sees it. Sin means separation, which I believe means separation from the higher Self, because the mind manifest as dual (lower / higher mind).
You state…”Does not scripture say They have become like us? It seems to me humanitys separation from the spiritual to become physical, is the same as Gods limiting or separation to create the physical. ”
Yes, I do see it this way
When the scripture states that man now has become like one of us, this means the potential for intelligent, free will choice, once the spiritual nature has evolved. So yes, we are in complete agreement!
Thank You for your imput! Thats why I Love this sight, always directing back to the source and the purpose of our exsistance! Blessings to the continuaton of your work moving those out of the void to the light and greater understanding and purpose!! John
Always a pleasure, John. It’s great to continue to learn from each other, and I want you to know that just by the question from those such as yourself and others, I am continually learning as well. Blessings, my friend!