The story of Judas and the 30 pieces of silver has as many literal interpretations as it has characters. And, depending weather we’re literal or esoterically versed, each interpretation resonates validity in its perspective contexts. One version attempts a literal validation of Lazarus, Judas, Mary, Martha and Matthias, and so on, as historical people, while esoteric perception advances the Good News from the practical: ‘Good News’ translated as a ‘Spiritual Revelation’ from within.
Many of these literal characters actually conjure more questions than the story attempts to explain away. The brain is not presented with cognizable detail. Instead, it’s presented with man-made contrivances to the extent that the brain rejects these supposed historical events as non-nonsensical. Failing in this approach, we are encouraged to relate through programming—sound-bites directing us what to see and what to hear. This conditioning, I feel, succeeds only at stifling spiritual growth.
As love cannot be stored in the heart—it must be free-flowing—this then renders intellectual unconditional love of no benefit either to ourselves or others. In the same context, if Scripture is not ‘flowing’, experiential, then it is not ‘knowing’ in the heart. In order to ‘know’, there has to be capacity of knowing within the nervous system, consciousness. Therefore, gendering of biblical characters as real people, fails at developing what is real and vital to us all, that of exposition of authentic love through the nervous system and unto our consciousness, meaning, accessing through a knowing heart is a totally different experience to accessing scripture through the mind. Sadly, the absence of heart-knowing can render spiritual life to holy intellectualism—a case of conditioning in the head and nothing of Substance in the heart.
Benefits of DE Coded Scripture
Given that Scriptures are deliberately codified, the intended message, in many instances, fails to translate the literal understanding in which they are presented, respectfully. Much of the grammatical syntax fails to ‘communicate’ in this modern era. As intellectual knowledge alone is not sufficient in achieving direct Christ nature experiencing, it’s vital that practical and relatable understanding—regarding experiential Christ within—be incorporated into literal teachings.
Paradoxically, esoteric scripture develops these wonderful parable themes in much more simplified terms, as intended by Jesus. This simplifying is achieved by combining a “how to” relatable approach with cognizable understanding, simultaneously. In other words, rather than programming individuals into accepting rigid codified teachings, based on institutional calculation, the individual soul should be freed from such conforming. One should not be labelled or defined by what one is taught in biblical matters from birth, because, in reality, many, including myself, did not choose this label for themselves. Conversely, through natural development of the spiritual faculties within, by means of our chosen meditation / prayer practices, life for all can be lived naturally in unbounded cosmic or divine-consciousness, in conjunction with the high biblical standards, but, without a need of religious labeling.
Deep mental silence, which is as neutral as water, is a natural dynamic in achieving this inner freedom without labels. It facilitates arrival of soul-related intuition or Revelation. And, as this intuitive faculty develops, thus is Holy Spirit-infused understanding made discernible at our own level of consciousness. This is the natural way of achieving spiritual awakening in many parts of the world by those who have never read Bible teachings.
Soul silence development also facilitates left / right-brain harmonization: brain-function on all spiritual cylinders, thereby enlivening its inherent potentialities of divine creativity for the betterment of ourselves and for the greater environment globally. Thus, in making Christ or Higher Self a truly alive process within, we individually play a blessed role in creating and establishing world peace on our planet.
Often referred to as ‘living in the Now’, or Biblically, living the Name / Nature of Christ, or moment by moment awareness. Such activity is certainly fulfilling the need of natural evolution, and which carries enormous health benefits. Without access to this level of consciousness, to our own intuitive soul understanding, then we are merely functioning through others’ programmed understanding – who may or may not be spiritually awakened. In this context, we unwittingly life-mimic, when the tendency is often to defend and rebel angrily against anyone who does not see and agree with THEIR programmed mind-sets, THEIR indoctrinated knowledge and tunnel vision philosophy.
Returning to Judas and the 30 pieces of Silver
Let us now De codify or demystify some scriptural names and places in this story. Hopefully, by the end of this article, a better understanding will begin to emerge.
In ancient times, the Greeks gave numerical value to certain gods. In this case, the god of sin was given the number 30, with silver the symbol of the lower carnal mind. ‘30’ also symbolizes a price or value we apportion to something which we may little value. In this case, that something to which we attach little value—through spiritual ignorance—is our own Christ within. In other words, we surrendered, by ignoring, our vast spiritual potential to a lower nature, sin.
Biblical Roman soldiers here are representative of fixed non-spiritual dogmas and mind-sets, which proliferate to form the non-resolute intellect, the non-spiritual self-serving egoic mind, referred to as the lower-self or Judas-consciousness. Minds functioning in this manor are fertile soil for programming, thereby propagating spiritual ignorance throughout the mind, body and soul. Thus, in the process, we assist false reality solidifying. This solidifying then forms non-soul serving belief patterns from which to materialize physically into the world. Thus depriving the conscious mind of its ability of free-flowing spiritual will.
Because it’s aligned with lower sense-consciousness—known as the non-resolute intellect as compared to the Resolute intellect, or Executive Faculty—the conscious mind will create thought patterns to further reinforce this non-resolute intellect with the help of the contaminated five senses. It will create supporting structures to justify and mask over this spiritual blindness, to validate the sensory madness and the false persona. In this scenario, the non-resolute intellect or, Judas-consciousness, loses its power of spiritual discrimination. Due to this ‘wondering in the desert’ state of thinking mind, the intellect loses its ability of pure discrimination and decision-making. The conscious mind now relies on ready-made content from the programmed subconscious to engage the intellect, which, by now, independent decision making ability is non-existent. This mind-state eventually establishes root-control to dominate over the other inner faculties, leading to destruction of our entire spiritual mechanisms. Thus becoming our own living Judas to the world: leaving Judas-nature at the helm of one’s life.
Spiritual Ignorance of the 12 Apostles
The 12 apostles are not 12 individual people, but designated faculties for enabling the human personality to gain direct spiritual awareness. Initially they are as spiritual sinners, but do not know they are sinners. Therefore, we read in the Bible—in regards to their becoming spiritually quickened—Jesus had to first Call them around him. This Calling is by intuitive awareness. Then, as capacity of silence listening deepens, maters of the soul begin emerging with clarity within.
As these 12 faculties initially are as renegades, they are unaware of their spiritually serving potential capacity. Therefore, we could say, prior to becoming spiritualized, each was a co-conspirator in the handing over of Jesus to the Roman Soldiers—each faculty blindly following the dictates of the 30 pieces of silver, sin nature, or the magnetic draw of the carnal mind.
It’s important to remember here, that, as Spirit can only be experienced through its own Pure nature, transformation of the carnal mind and its supporting elements, the 12 faculties, is essential—that these faculties are made fit for purpose.
We remember how Jesus was born in a stable at Bethlehem, Bethlehem signifying a place of growth and new beginnings. This stable represents the human soul at its lowest suffering point—causal of the impure 12 faculties. This ‘place of growth’—similar to Bethany where Mary, Martha and Lazarus lived together in a house (in a body)—is for the purpose of reclaiming the non-redeemed aspects of the human soul, the 12 faculties, for, without such, we remain at the suffering station.
With Bethlehem being the commencement birth-place of this journey towards spiritualization of the 12 aspects of the human personality, awareness of this soul work is the imperative of human life.
But, what If there were no Judas?
The reality is, that, Judas, is part of the greater Idea for soul re-Unification. Without Judas, there could be no betrayal, no potential to establish a Resolute intellect. No potential of handing over our individual ‘mental corruption’ or carnal mind domination consciously, thereby knowing Unity-consciousness and soul freedom. And, if no betrayal, then no crucifixion. And, without a crucifixion there could be no resurrection of Jesus into becoming the Realized Christ in our consciousness. And, again, if there were no sleeping Lazarus — experiencing a spiritual death – then Judas could not be transformed, healed, integrated.
More on how this transformation comes about, a little further down.
‘Then Jesus shouted in a loud voice: Lazarus come forth’ John 11–43 – ‘loud voice’ means with spiritual conviction. Lazarus’ coming forth then symbolizes our commitment to awakening of our spiritual type nature seed, our Jesus, into commencing a divinely-inspired growth period into Higher Awareness. This calling forth of Lazarus by Jesus, is our own intuitive calling born of our own deeply-held conviction to Christ nature. Such calling is via prompts of the Holy Spirit, which at first may seem faint, but, with committed meditational prayer practices, our ‘loud voice’ capacity deepens.
Lazarus ‘coming forth’ is also relating to the rising of the Kundalini life force from the base of the spine. The pure mental space created in meditation, draws this ever-renewing life force or Kundalini up along the spine and into the entire body, culminating – through sustained regular practice — in awakening the seven spiritual centers, the Chakras along the spine, including the vital pineal and pituitary glands in the brain.
This is also the esoteric understanding behind Exodus 7—12 regarding Moses taking up the Rod in the desert, meaning, awakening of these seven spiritual energy centers. It’s the release of vital life force or cosmic energy from these seven centers which is responsible for the transformation of the 12 apostles / faculties.
So, If Lazarus — at the request of Mary (human soul) and Martha (active material mind) — had not been called forth within by Jesus, then the Kundalini life force could not have risen upwards vertically, our life would remain on the horizontal plane of duality. Then, Jesus, as type man for humanity, could not become manifest in rescuing humanity’s Judas-based consciousness for its transformation into Christ consciousness.
It’s through activation of these seven Chakras that the process of spiritual life unto inner Christ, commences. For, without awakening of taking up the lower Rod-nature, by means of the Kundalini, then there can be no spiritual dimension to the 12 faculties.
Remember, it was Mary (human soul) and Martha (busy material mind) who both sent for Jesus – meaning surrendered in meditation for this Kundalini rising purpose. In other words, after involution there is evolution of the soul out of the mire of sin and mortality into its designated Higher eternal Christ status, and the route is by awakening these seven Chakras and 12 faculties. And for this spiritualizing to happen now, in real time on earth; there to be seated at the right hand of God, meaning, endowed of divine power and Truth in all our earthly manual activity. Gal 4:9 and Gal 4:19.
And while Jesus was raised on the third day into eternal consciousness, Lazarus was raised on the fourth day. Fourth day symbolizes, that Lazarus still needs to spiritualized, thereby, like Jesus, raised into eternal life consciousness. Eternal consciousness thus has to be worked toward, realized from within. ‘Four’ in this context, refers to matters of the material earthly world. Thus, Lazarus, representing Divine Potential, the seed potential of eternality, still has to undergo the crucifixion just as Jesus did. He has to live ‘wilderness’ spiritually-conscious.
Because Spirit cannot be known through a lesser state, it must therefore reflect through a pure vessel, a pure consciousness via the nervous system – hence purifying of the nervous system. We each must take personal responsibility regards gaining and living divine consciousness through the individual nervous system, thereby making transcendental divine nature a permanently ‘knowing’ state of consciousness.
Enter Matthias
Scripture puts it: “they — apostles / inner faculties — went into the upper room”: upper room signifying entering into higher consciousness, into meditation. Such entering is how Matthias comes into being, consciously. This explains how Matthias could not have been present AT the crucifixion, as, Matthias is consequent of the crucifixion. Matthias represents that innate yet dormant faculty in all of us which ever seeks union in God-nature – hence the importance of Lazarus ‘coming forth’. Thus, Matthias, being the former faculty of Judas, becomes spiritualized by this inner awakening process, thereby restoring the 12 faculties to their full potential.
Judas, as mentioned earlier, represents the self-serving ego, the non-resolute intellect. This level of being represents the human will without spiritual guidance. Whereas, Matthias, representing the Resolute or spiritualized intellect, is under Holy Spirit guidance, thereby bringing ‘Will of God’ into discernible focus and manifestation.
It’s worth remembering that, while Matthias replaces Judas metaphorically, the physical ‘faculty’ in the body, is not replaced, nor its location changed — the faculty simply becomes spiritualized.
So, we have Judas as lower-ego, labelled a traitor, yet causal of Jesus becoming the Christ. And, even more strange, this arrangement of Judas, Matthias, Lazarus, Mary and Martha, are each one and the same human soul, in progressive stages of gaining the Spiritual Trophy within gifted to each of us. Like Mary and Martha crying out to Jesus for healing of their brother, Lazarus, similarly do we, on heeding the inner calling to spiritual life, ensure coming upon union inner Christ.
While Lazarus’ coming forth – as Kundalini life force — is the dynamic which kick-starts the whole awakening process, practically we must each attend to our own personal integratory content, which content is known only to ourselves.
Judgement Day – Matthew 3–12
In its simplistic value, biblical ‘Judgement Day’ is pertaining to Matthew 3—12, the winnowing hand, meaning an inner cleansing activity, or the transformative process in action. The term ‘Judgement Day’ is symbolism for purifying the plague of negativity upon our land – ‘land’ meaning our consciousness. ‘Judgment Day’, then, is when we are using conscious awareness and spiritual discernment in all our thoughts, words and deeds. Watching the thoughts which enter the mind is how practically we can identify and separate the biblical wheat from the chaff, and sheep from goats, thus can we recognize positive thoughts and positive emotions from destructive emotional thought. Therefore, ‘watching’ is ‘burning the chaff’, with ‘Barn’ relating to: available divine awareness.
Biblical Judas, therefore, – and even modern-day Judas through not ‘watching’ — did not know he was deviating from spiritual nature, sinning or ‘missing the mark’. Judas’ corrupt mental state was already established at physical birth from previous lives through not ‘watching’. The faculties feeding his consciousness were already plagued in sin.
Finally, by way of supporting this inherent ignorance, at the Last Supper table we remember when Jesus announced that one of them was going to betray him. The Apostles became startled, and then Judas replied: “surly not I, is it I, Rabi”? Matthew 26:25. By this comment, we see that Judas did not know ‘Judgement Day’ discerning, did not possess spiritual capacity in his thought processes.
Such absence of a spiritually-based consciousness, consequently results in suppressed content serving the conscious mind, thus creating a false reality from which we live by, which inevitably impacts our decision making faculty, including our quality of life. These multi-layered non reality thought patterns, ‘perform’ on auto until interrupted and integrated, when the fragmented mind is made a full mind. This integration of subconscious content is what allows for expansion of consciousness, leading to increased capacity of spiritual intelligence. It’s also the process which transmutes the five ordinary senses of perception into becoming spiritually heightened: a level of multi-sensory capacity.
In this regard, as only spiritual things are eternal and real, reversing the role-nature of the non-spiritualized intellect, Judas, into making soul-conscious choices, through Spirit-led consciousness, is the absolute imperative of our spiritual growth journey into Christ-consciousness.
Thank you for another great contribution, especially for explaining the significance of Judas and why he betrayed Jesus with 30 pieces of silver, and how it practically relates to our spiritual understanding and growth. I had not put that together before. There is a lot of additional meat here to chew on, and I hope SOS members will take the time to digest it.
Question: have you ever mapped out what all twelve Apostles represent within each of us, which faculty of the brain?
Hi Josh,
Thank you for this comment. Your question: “have you ever mapped out what all twelve Apostles represent within each of us, which faculty of the brain?”
Where exactly in the brain is not really important for us to know. Rather a ‘how-to’ awareness of their innate potential into our daily lives. This potential, if we wish to practice it, is achieved by becoming consciously aware of a personal situation in need of change, integration, healing, leading to mastery over this particular situation. Then, by applying post meditational clarity / understanding with commitment, zeal and enthusiasm, we will soon begin seeing a transformation within consciousness taking place, from one of being “helpless”, to one of empowerment and conviction.Continued dedicated awareness to success in this quest for mastery over this, or any situation, will become as automatic to the brain faculties.Simply make a committed decision, practice as above, then don’t look back.
Here are the Apostles and their associated symbolism: These faculties are best developed in conjunction with daily meditation.For, this is when they become as tangible faculties, when ability of gaining mastery status is revealed and achieved in consciousness.
Andrew is strength of mind.
Peter is spiritual potential or capacity of faith within spiritual ignorance.
James (son of Zebedee) is faculty of Judgement of our own thoughts. .
John is Love, the heart.
Philip symbolizes power faculty, spiritual Christ within — root of tongue, the spoken word.
Bartholomew is imagination (between the eyes) where thought takes form.
Thomas is ability of understanding.
Matthew symbolizes Will — from lower to higher
James (son of Alphaeus) is Order within.
Simon is Enthusiasm or Zeal.
Thaddeus is renunciation through integration — of crucifying the controlling, imprisoning mind-sets.
Judas is potential from lower nature into Christ consciousness.
Hope this is of some help, Josh.
Thank you for this. Excellent summary which many blog post could be developed from and an immense source of info to delve into here.
But I will respectfully disagree with one aspect of your comment, and then agree with it on another level. I hope you can appreciate what I am getting at….
Many on this blog, as is evident with myself and the e-mails I sometimes get, also need to see the intellectual (left-brained) side of interpretation.
Yes, you are correct that in the end result it doesn’t matter, because if proper and sustained meditation is achieved, the results engulf all intellectual concerns of how this and that suffice in the physical aspect. That is how the ego is dissolved in proper context. What you write about is that end result, which is king. But…as many readers will appreciate, the Bible still needs to be broken down intellectually. Why? Twofold: Many are not ready yet accept the Bible as a psychological and physiological roadmap to the soul, and the intellectual convos help to bridge that gap. I myself am an intellectual first, and pursuing that route has given me a much greater appreciation, once assimilated, for what the Bible and other scriptures have to offer. Which eventually led to the meat. But I had to come through the intellect first. This might seem a backward concept to faith, but intellect plays an important part in conscious development for some, depending on the path one chooses for spiritual growth. Neither is right or wrong. As you know and understand, there are a myriad of factors that contribute to spiritual growth.
Consider this: although we know that the intellect can never enter the veil, we can appreciate that the intellect can come to the veil by eliminating that which is not the truth, often saving us from many rabbit hole quest. Does this make sense?
Consider the comment from your first reader. As I read through it, I could immediately see the disconnect. Not because of mistrust, but because of a gap that is needing to be bridged.
Back to your reply…
One of the most comprehensive and enlightening interpretations I have seen for the twelve faculties of the brain!
Thanks for your nice comment. And, yes, I fully agree with what you have alluded to here. Point taken, and point well made!
Thanks Leo, much appreciated. Gosh, there is so much for reflection in this short comment. I know, as you say, you’re not in favor of telling what to do, but, forgive me, for I can’t resist saying, that your ‘insight / wisdom’ tank is truly overflowing. I feel you’ve already found / received answers to many things through this ‘stirring’. I feel this stirring is directing you into a particular area of self-expression, a direction maybe into creativity, like Art, or maybe like even writing your own book, aha,where sharing can be on a grander more structured scale, and on your terms. Just a thought, Leo. Thanks again for your most interesting insights, as always, earlier.
Great article, Raymond! Thank you for that eloquent breakdown.
I came across Bill Donahue’s video on Judas awhile back and he has a slightly different take on the “30 pieces of silver.” He says that Judas is represented by the zodiac sign Scorpio, the back biter or betrayer, and that the number 30 comes from the total of the three decans, 10 degrees each, of Scorpio. He also said that the reason that Sin is involved is because silver is symbolic of the moon as gold is symbolic of the sun, and that the Goddess of the moon was actually called “Sin” in Chaldea.
I’m a fan of Bill but I don’t neccesarily agree with everthing he says so I always like getting another view point
What are your thoughts on that interpretation?
Hi Matt,
Good hearing from you again, and thanks for this nice comment.
I too am a good fan of Bill Donahue. He certainly has pioneered and simplified esoteric scripture in no small way, and deserves much credit for this. I saw this particular interpretation. But, I have to say, Matt, while there are many, I’m sure, who will resonate with it, I find Bill’s Judas interpretation difficult to break down to any meaningful and practical level. While I find much of Bill’s work ‘easy to get into’, this interpretation, for some reason, does not fit in with the rest of his other more graspable interpretive language.
Thank you for replying, and I appreciate the perspective. The learning never ends…