Just wanted to let you guys know Paul and I have got our first video up for channel, “Finding Christ Without Religion.” I’ll provide the link to that below.
A few additional points:
- As far as the quality of the videos are concerned, Paul and I will work on improving the audio and video aspects of it going forward. So thank you for your patience on that front. It will take some time to get the correct equipment.
- The first video is a little long. We wanted to give you guys a chance to get to know us a little better before jumping into the scripture, so future videos will be more scripture driven.
- Remember, our main purpose in doing this is to discuss how the Bible steers us to Christ. The subject matter of the first video is to show why we interpret the Bible in a non-literal fashion, which in my opinion, will better help people to understand later what Christ is, Biblically speaking. Follow-up videos will focus on Christ in a series, possibly two or three parts.
- Paul and I plan to do the videos bi-weekly, meaning at least 2 a month. There will also be shorter videos in between from either just myself or Paul from time to time.
Also, I wanted to give a big thank you for all who have already come out and said how much they have appreciated Spiritofscripture.com in the past, and Paul and I look forward to bringing more content through this new avenue (at least for me) of Youtube. You guys make the space great for continued learning and discussion. Paul and I definitely still have a lot to learn, and both of us are thrilled to have you on that learning journey with us should you choose to chime in and participate through comments and discussions. I realize the subject matter we are dealing with can be quite touchy for some. In a space where 80 percent of people in the Christian religion take their Bible literally, I know some people will vehemently disagree with us. But that’s okay. The way we look at it, we’re not here to necessarily change anyone’s mind. We are here to just share what we have have learned through our personal experiences for the benefit of others that see the same things we have learned, and continue to learn.
Below is the link to our first video:
Josh & Paul,
A nice introductory video. I couldn’t agree more with your statement that reading the Bible literally creates religion. Followed by, Religion robs your ability to think for yourself because the Kingdom of God is within. And to further this statement, God is not the God of the dead, therefore seek Him within.
I’m glad that the two of you are working together and I am excited for the future videos.
Thank you,
To the point! And…exactly!
Ken, thank you for your comment and for your support. It means a lot.
I just now discovered your first You Tube video. This is fantastic! I’ve excited about this!
I hope it’s ok to give you this brief summary of my past: I spent the first 10 years of my adult life pursuing metaphysics, especially conscious out-of-body experiences. Then (EXACTLY 40 years ago) I decided that I couldn’t continue without exploring the Bible as well. Before I knew it, I was a devout member of a “denomination” … and remained there for 25 solid years (The whole ball of wax..worldwide missionary trips, etc) ): Fifteen years ago I detached myself completely from organized Christianity (I actually felt this detachment coming years earlier) and began fully exploring the ancient Eastern wisdom writings, as well as others. I think my two missionary trips to India actually helped me in this regard! (I didn’t “convert” them, they “converted” me!) (: Now, having spent 25 years IN “religion” and 15 years “recovering” from it (; I can finally say I’ve been set free… simply because TRUE “religion” is really the unveiling and realization of our Higher Self, the divine spark WITHIN.
At first I wondered if all the years in “Christianity” had been a waste, but now, because of the research I’ve done in some of the Eastern religions/philosophies, I realize it HASN’T all been a waste of time AT ALL … simply because I now see the astounding harmony and coherence between MANY parallel passages of the Bible; Bhagavad Gita; Dhammapada: Upanishads; and others. I continue to, slowly but surely, make some amazing discoveries (amazing to me, anyway…after all these years) of Biblical passages and what they are REALLY teaching, which is the ONENESS of us ALL!
P.S. – My pursuit these days is picking up where I left off, before I got caught up in the organized churches … which was exploring higher consciousness via Out-of-Body experiences. After a detour of 25 solid years, I finally was able to gradually begin my OBE pursuits. Organized, fundamental Christianity will SLAUGHTER one’s God-given spiritual abilities if you’re naive and vulnerable as I was back then! But the tables are now turned for me, and I’m back stronger than ever … because I can now say, in all humility, that I believe that I now understand “organize religion”. That was my reasoning for deciding to take a look at the Bible in the first place … and it only took a 40 year detour! (: Thanks.
Thank you for sharing your story. For sure that was time not wasted, as experience is the best teacher and guide when we let it be. Personally, I am very thankful for my Christian upbringing, because it allowed me to be here today. True, literal interpretations create religion. But even religion, no matter how flawed, had it’s place in my life. It’s all about uniting the higher and lower, and as always, we must begin with the lower. Thanks for commenting.
Hi Dean:
I’m filing this one away for future use (with your permission, of course)!
Your story is very powerful. I love the scriptural phrase, “[h]owbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual (1 Cor. 15:46). We all have the natural experiences before the spiritual, so I don’t believe any experience is wasted. My experiences have been (and continue to be) pretty amazing, as I discover layer upon layer of truth within me. What is so fascinating is that that these layers of truth are in all of us. It is called “Christ,” the “way, the truth and the life.”
It is our mission (Josh and I) to help people on their journey to “resurrect” that Christ within, and then we can share our experiences along what truly becomes a fascinating journey towards true liberation and freedom.
Thanks so much for sharing your story with us. If you allow us to use it at some point down the line, I believe it’s going to truly inspire some people.
Josh and Paul;
Thank you both for responding to my post. Even though I did not have a Christian upbringing, I do understand its place or value in the lives of SO MANY people today. My own mother was a perfect example of this. She spent the last 10-15 years of her life as a Christian.
Paul, yes of course you have my permission to share my brief testimony. If there had been a way to “edit” the post then I would have re-worded a couple phrases, but that’s ok. (;
Also, I’m looking forward to your “Finding Christ Without Religion” videos! I always refer Christians to this website (Spirit of the Scripture).
I’m so glad that you two are launching this YouTube channel! So many people will benefit from understanding the spiritual interpretation of the Bible. Great intro video. Looking forward to much more!
I am thrilled to find you again! You are the best, and l agree, fnding and living a Chtist like life is a personal endevour . Thank you for your work.