A very short message for you today to provide some encouragement if you are on the esoteric path rather than the literal one. It’s actually a very simple and a plain message, but the pharisee attitude (literal mindset) has a hard time with it. Naturally so, no pun intended!
The scripture in review is 2 Corinthians 3:15-16:
“But even to this day when Moses is read, a veil lies over their hearts. Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the veil is taken away.”
What did this writer, so called “Paul,” mean here?
The veil is the veil of divine symbols, allegory, and spiritual concepts, which the literal mindset cannot grasp. These symbols and spiritual concepts trip the literal mindset (the Pharisee) every…single…time. Jesus warned it would. But when we turn to the Lord, or the Christ within, your hope of glory, the veil is removed.
For those of you who still have even an inkling of doubt whether the Bible is all allegorically written or not, let me leave you with a powerful thought:
Genesis 1:5 concludes with light and darkness being created and separated, and the morning and evening were the first day.
But “evening,” “morning,” and “day” cannot be literal here. The sun and other stars create literal light, and the fact that the earth spins on its axis, allowing for a day, a morning, and an evening as the light shines on it. But the sun and other stars were not created until the FOURTH day. So what were these terms that were being talked about in the First day?
Even the most staunchest literalists must admit here that these terms are allegorical, not literal. If you bring up the scripture where a day is as a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years as a day, you have only proved my point. It’s not a literal day, morning, or evening!
So now let me ask you this? If the very FIRST verses in the Bible are ALLEGORICAL in nature, what does that say for the REST OF IT?
And some still refuse to see where Paul said the Old Testament story of Abraham, Sarah, Hagar, and the two sons were ALLEGORY anyway.
End of story.
So why did the crucifixion of Jesus tear the veil in the temple (remember YOU are the temple made without hands!)?
It’s because when we go within ourselves (where Jesus said the kingdom lies) then we crucify the carnal mind, and discover the inner Christ. And the mystical veil is rent. And it happens in your mind. All we must do is “Be still and know that I AM god.”
Even the Exodus story with Moses is about the exodus of YOUR mind from the land of Egypt, all things carnal, to the Promised Land, that which is spiritual.
So simple. No confusion. No doctrine. No dogma. No DRAMA between war and religion. Thank God. He’s easy to find!
I told you this post would be short 🙂
Paul and I are looking forward to sharing our next video (Blood sacrifice in the Bible) on our Youtube channel, “Finding Christ without Religion.” Through it we will be exploring the allegorical concept of Blood, and what the shedding of blood in both the Old Testament and New Testament really means. It will blow the lid off this silly notion that a loving, merciful bearded God in the sky could EVER require literal blood to appease sin. Hope to see you there with your thoughts after being aired.
Great article, Josh. Very succinct, yet filled with meat. Religion has taken us AWAY from Christ. Thus, the journey BACK to Christ, if we are indeed interested in that path (and many won’t be), must begin at some point. But the poison we have been ingesting (remember the scriptural phrase, “brood of vipers”) is, for many of us, of the spiritually fatal kind.
May our spiritual eyes and ears be opened to understand that the Master awaits each one of us to “come in.” Here is a song that I believe expresses the inner Christ’s longing for each one of us to “come in.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcMAsICZUyk
Thank you, Paul. Blessings!
And then there is this thing called the “Collective Mind”… We are asked to see the deceit and rise above what surrounds us, shadows us and pulls us towards it’s center. Trapping us in it’s mire, tethering us in the beliefs of it’s authors pulling us away from the sacred truth attempting to foil the freedom that Jesus gave us in his teachings. Vanquishing the Collective Mind is the sole purpose of the spirit that became soul that is Man in matter.
Michael thanks for the comment. The concept of the collective mind is very interesting, depending on how it is interpreted.
Interesting choice of “depending on how it is interpreted” there Josh… “depending” in this context relative to moving beyond the veil is a great segue for a discussion on causality and teleology. God creates the universe by every past event as a cause and reason giving rise to every future event as it’s purpose.
Very, dependent.
Hi Joshua,
Thank-you once again for a superb narrative. I saw the video you made with Paul Young and look forward to the future ones.
Whilst your Blog was down due to the malware problem, I found Bill Donohue’s site a real help. Also, I did a lot of research on Paul’s site “Decoding Scripture”, which is also a fantastic place for information, which I found before SOS.
Would it be possible for you to do a blog on the “Abomination of Desolation”. I think this may be about the fact that we only use 10% of the LH side of the brain and the other 90% in the RH side (The Promised Land) can only be accessed via centering prayer and meditation. Bill Donohue talks about this 10/90 and the position of the Tribes in relation to the Zodiac and the points of the compass, and their relationship to tithing, too – as you have mentioned in one of your blogs, previously.
Keep up the good work!
Kind regards,
Steve…I have an enormous respect for Bill Donahue. And Paul. Both teach to seek the inner Christ for truth, which no man can give you. Can’t go wrong there!
Funny that you bring up that topic. Paul was just saying to me how he wants to cover this topic in the future. We will get there. Blessings.
Hi Joshua,
Thank-you for the reply. Yes, I look forward to the discussion on this topic by Paul and your good-self. I am writing to you from England; I note that Anny writes from Holland and Raymond Phelan, from Ireland. It’s great to have an international community at SOS.
Look forward also to the videos with Paul.
Any news on the book?
Kind regards,
Hi Steve,
So you are practically my neighbour, seen from a world wide view. SOS is indeed a world wide community as I have had contact in comments with people from Canada, Africa, Australia and Brazil as well. And then there is another Dutchman who has been living in Thailand for years now, and who has been giving insights from the view of Buddhism. And those were only the ones who actually mentioned where they are from.
It is indeed enriching to have this possibility these days.
Thank you. This post, while brief, is just as powerful as the other SOS postings. Please consider inserting more brief blogs such as this one.. God bless you.
Understood, Judy. Sometimes short and sweet fits the bill!
hey josh… been enjoying your work for years now. i moved from a’ville to peru and have fallen into a gnosis center down here… a rich and interesting way of the veil!! here’s a video if you have any interest. i highly recommend – truly changing me.
bright solar blessings! winn
Thanks Winn…hopefully that Gnosis center focuses on Valentinus’ legacy. Will check it out. Many blessings.
Hi Josh,
It is great to see a new article on the blog again. In general I agree with you but of course you know my view on the possibility of a literal interpretation on some of the texts of the Bible. However, as far as the creation stories are concerned I agree that they all are allegorical.
However, when you write: “Genesis 1:5 concludes with light and darkness being created and separated, and the morning and evening were the first day. “, you have not read the text correctly.
First all you change the order of evening and morning. And with that you change all of the meaning. In the Bible, and in Judaism, the day starts with the evening, not with the morning.
And secondly in the original Hebrew text it does not say the first day, but day one. Or, one day. I interpret this as the principle of EVERY day. We had an extensive exchange of thoughts about this underneath your article Meaning of Light and Darkness, Day and Evening in Genesis 1:3-5 of August 11, 2018.
In my comment of August 15th I write the following regarding this part of the first day, which is part of a string of mutual comments which everyone who is interested can read underneath the above-mentioned article.
“…..And then it says: “And God said, let there be light; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day (Genesis 1:3-5).”
Here I recently discovered in one of my Dutch translations, made by an orthodox Jew, that he does not conclude this sentence with ‘the first day’ but with ‘day one’. On checking the Hebrew original I found that he was right. Whereas all the other days were concluded with : the second day, ‘yom sheni’, and the third day, ‘yom shlishi’ etc., this verse was concluded with ‘yom echad’, which can be translated as day one, but also as one day. Which one should it be and what is the purpose of describing it this way?
Could it be that in this first description of a day the character of every ‘day’ is described, and if so, what would that mean? It is about the creation of light and darkness (duality again), about separating them, making clear what each is about by giving them the names day and night, and as such – in terms of consciousness – about the gaining of conscious awareness by going through all these phases?
Finally this quote is ended with the phrase: “And the evening and the morning are one day”. Could this mean: in spite of everything darkness and light belong together and are not really separate. And also, the ‘day’, each ‘day’ ends with light – consciousness – and not with darkness? Could it mean that no matter how dark it gets, it will always become light again before the ‘day’ is over? ….”
When I look at it now I can also imagine each ‘day’ as a symbol of an incarnation: first the evening: descent into ever darker circumstances, then the stay in the world of matter which can be experienced as ‘night’ but is not mentioned, and then ascension, the return of/to the light.
Always keeping me on my toes with specifics, Anny 🙂 I like that. I hope you are well.
The symbol for “day” actually references what happens on the upper planes coming into existence. Potential becoming actual. So your idea of the incarnation is spot on! Blessings.
Yes, and even this we can interpret both on a personal level as on a universal level, and everything in between.
I vaguely remember that I also suddenly reached that conclusion in connection with another Bible text about Jesus going into a boat and falling asleep during a storm. What if it were true that each and every Bible text could be interpreted on so many levels, from a personal level to a universal level?
I am so VERY glad that you are putting out these videos & the info you impart! For years I KNEW something “funny” was going on with all these bible stories, patterns I was seeing, similarities and numbers that kept appearing. You speak of what I could not verbalize but what my heart was urging me toward! The longer I travel my spiritual path (30 plus years) the more I see how much fallacy is contained within religion. I am so grateful for your info & videos! Now I want to reassess so much more in the Bible like the “chosen people…those of the Jewish culture-what that really means. I have always known that there we’re underlying messages in the Bible of a metaphysical nature. Very interested in hearing your next video on the blood also. Be blessed as you bless so many!
Thanks Gayle!
Thanks jos. I believe the BIBLE is a spiritual book and there4 should 100% be taken spiritually. Howeuer,could you please spiritually interprete leviticus 18 and ezekiel 1? Thanks. James