Below I am going to give a short summary of manifesting your true nature with a string of individual scriptures, in the form of a poem. If you meditate on each stanza a few moments, a picture will begin to unfold transcending religious ideas. Many of you here already know, breathe and live this message. To others it may be a new way of seeing God’s story to mankind. Even though I didn’t provide where each verse is in the Bible, know that they come from the KJV.
After finishing, feel free to add other scriptures in the comments that come to mind and complete the theme! And please share what you see the theme to be – I’ve purposely matched scriptures to individual stanzas. I’d love to see your poetic thoughts. Enjoy!
Inner Silence
“…the Lamb Slain from the foundation of the world.”
“And God said, let there be light, and there was light.”
“I am the light of the world, and the truth shall set you free.”
“…and that life was the light of men.”
“Seek ye first the kingdom of God.”
“The kingdom of God is within you.”
“If thine eye be single, thy body will be full of light.”
“Take no thought for the morrow.”
“…whoever loses their life for my sake will gain it.”
“Be still and know that I am God.”
“Ye are the temple made without hands.”
“…Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. “…greater is he that is within…”
“Ye are the temple of the Holy Ghost.”
“The Lord in his holy temple, all the earth keep silence before him.”
“Christ in you, your hope of glory.”
“On that day you will realize…you are in me, and I in you.”
As a side note, for anyone who didn’t know, Paul Young and myself’s 2nd and 3rd videos are up on YouTube.
1 Corinthians 2:14, KJV But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
Thanks for the comment, Judith, and the addition.
Bear with from what I am about to say. I was thinking about within us not long ago. I’m also not very good at describing what comes to my mind. So here it goes.
We must first listen then ask. Depending on where we are within ourselves the Christ child must go to the temple listen then ask. We have teachers within us which are the thoughts of God but we can’t hear if we don’t listen. That is how we get a sound mind(which is the wisdom of God which is Christ)
So w=after the Christ within listens and asks questions then WE will have answers and understanding.
Now I say all of this to get to your very first part of a scripture. “the Lamb Slain from the (foundation) of the world.”
The fruit of the spirit is that foundation. It is within not a literal lamb outside that was slain. Isn’t that what we do? Slay the animal within us? Even the spotless animal nature? So the Christ in us can grow into full stature?
The stillness and quietness is hard to accomplish. Meditating nd going within is not something we are taught growing up. Everything is taught about outside of us. I spent half of mylife undoing the first half of my life.
Some day I will accomplish what is really meant for us all. To kill the ego and live again.
So well said!!!!!
Well put, John 🙂
I cosign all of your sentiments, John. Thank you for the terrific spiritual counsel and observations.
Joshua I would like to thank you and Paul for your spiritual insights, I’ve spent the better part of 10 years thinking I was condemned by God because of some personal struggles in the past. I was indoctrinated in a literalist mindset starting with the “left behind” series and through well meaning Christian friends.
Seeing the spiritual meaning in the texts has given me new hope, I’ll admit I’m still a little uneasy tiptoeing outside of the mainstream! I need to start meditating also I appreciate these examples to get me started.
This is completely understandable. I went through the same struggle. The ego in our lower nature does not want to give itself up! But remember, the aspect of meditating is very Biblical, so even if you aren’t ready to accept many things outside the traditional aspect you don’t have to. But you can still meditate and begin getting the benefits. Everyone must come with what your comfortable with.
first a message to John,
We must all hear the word of God first, the voice which calls from within. If you notice there are a lot of simon’s in scripture and Simon comes from the Shaama which means to hear. Probably why Peter was Simon. First peter needed to hear the word of God first and then lay the foundation to build the church.
Also a couple of stanza’s;
The spirit of God was hovering over the waters
the ark moved about on the surface of the waters
Jesus went to them walking on the sea
bid me to come to you on water
God does not dwell in temples made with hands
you are the temple of God
Be still and know that I am God
I will meditate your precepts
I am the bread of life
take of the tree of life …and live forever
let there be light
and the light shines in darkness
True. The word of God is the foundation. And Christ is the word within us. Christ the power and wisdom of God.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
“He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood(the fruit of the spirit), and his name is the Word of God.”
My son, pay attention to my wisdom, listen well to my words of insight (Proverbs 5:1)
John, I agree with everything you have said.
The word Meditate is found 6 times in psalms and Meditation 14 times throughout scripture. (KJV)
Each person is to go within themselves (meditate) in order to fathom out the truth hidden within.
Also, thank you Josh and Paul for your YouTube videos
It can be a hard thing to master. Meditating doesn’t always come easy with me. But when I do I get some insights at times and quiet my mind of thoughts that try to put fear in me.
There are many forms of meditation, all which have their benefits. In the West, meditation has become a fad, and has lost it’s greatest fulfillment. This is not really a bad thing, because again, it has many benefits for the mind and body, but it’s greatest purpose is to awaken consciousness to it’s immortality. In other words, it is used as a tool to train awareness to remain aware on the higher planes instead of being “asleep” as Paul refers to it. When the physical body perishes, most people only remain aware in their mental and emotional bodies. When they perish too, unconsciousness happens until the self reincarnates again and forms another personality, etc. It is the same process of going to sleep every night. First we dream (remain aware), but at some point in the night we slip into unconsciousness and have no memory of it.
Advanced mystics of the ancient world understood that meditation and correct living together would prepare consciousness to remain awake after the physical, mental, and emotional death, thus achieving immortality, and death would be swallowed up in victory as Paul puts it.
Of course this explanation is very general, and there is much detail to understand. But most of us (me included) should only be concerned with progressing gradually and not be concerned with the grand scheme. Each life presents opportunity to advance awareness to greater and greater degrees. Personally, I am content with continually improving the way I treat others, working out my own ego problems, and practicing meditation daily to improve the awareness I currently have.
Sometimes I get e-mails asking me when I became enlightened after someone reads one of my articles. I have to smile to myself, because I realize I am no enlightened being, and in my response I try to make it clear that I am not enlightened. Heck, my divorce process alone was enough to show me how much my lower nature was still very much in charge sometimes. But that’s okay. It’s a long learning process of continual discovery about ourselves.
Anyway, I write all this for the benefit of beginners. Yes, meditation is an awesome tool. The end results really are in the camp of the concept of “immortality.” But most of us (again, me included) are not ready to become a Jesus or a Buddha.
Some people use drugs or do advanced meditation when they truly aren’t ready and more damage than good is being done to their bodies. Advanced mystics of the ancient world would never show advanced secrets to a beginner, because they might end up psychotic. Even our lower nature egos have a defense mechanism that causes us to avoid certain overwhelming emotional and mental situations to protect our mental states. Of course to repress certain feelings are never good in the long run, but sometimes it is worse to deal with it immediately, and the soul must process it over time. Again, just begin meditation slowly, and live with purpose in the present moment. Be aware of how you treat yourself and others. Become more aware of your external world and internal world. By this I mean become more aware of what happens around you, and of your own thoughts and emotions. Take time to get quiet and reflect. And be content with where you are at, and in time, you will be given more. And have faith that the resurrected Christ is happening within you as a process.
John, I agree with everything you have said.
The word Meditate is found 6 times in psalms and Meditation 14 times throughout scripture. (KJV)
Each person is to go within themselves (meditate) in order to fathom out the truth hidden.
Also, thank you Josh and Paul for your YouTube videos looking forward to the next one.
Great stuff!!
thank you Joshua for that insight!
I have been on this journey for over 20 years and I am very proficient when it comes to scripture. I slowly started putting things together and with my Greek backround I was able to delve deeper and extract the spiritual meanings as it is meant to be. However I always felt that even with all this knowledge something was missing, until I “bumped” into your website and realized that I had to work more on stilling my mind. Even though, through the process I was achieving this naturally to a point, it was not enough and I needed to focus on this more. For this I am grateful to you.
Awesome stuff, Kris. I know exactly what you mean. When I discovered meditation in the scriptures certain things clicked as well.
There are lots of things to learn, so much information on it.
Your blog inspires me a lot.
King regards,
Balle Duke
And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit. 1 Corinthians 3:18 (ESV).
Another great post Josh! Peace!