I thought I’d post the link that Anny shared with me recently in an e-mail which I found very beneficial to those trying to further understand this idea of consciousness as the foundation of reality.
If you’re interested, pay attention to very pertinent and certain statements he makes about consciousness that can be missed if you’re not focused. I’m not saying he has the truth, because no man does. Truth is an experience, and you can only realize truth through personal experience. But some of his statements give great intellectual food for thought.
Anyone who has followed the blog since it’s inception, or at least for a few years, knows that meditation is one of the central themes on this blog. Why? Is it because I studied Eastern religions and assume they have truth? No! It is because in the Bible itself I see this central theme. Many have asked me how and why I see this? Every story from Adam and Eve to Christ and Paul in the New Testament is an allegory for how the soul exist in the physical body temple through the limited aspect of the brain. The original esoteric explanations in all Eastern scriptures collaborate this view. Meditation, centered prayer, deep contemplation or concentration, etc., is a tool to break down egoic structures that have formed in the lower personality during one’s life. It is a way of “renting the veil,” so to speak, and having a self-realization experience of what reality is. The ultimate experience of meditation goes far beyond health benefits, calmness, increased mental acuity, etc. These are worldly benefits, and while good and beneficial, one must persist to reap true spiritual benefits which go beyond the advertised or commercialized exercise of meditation. There are many different types of meditation, and no one can tell you the direct and one true way, because all of them deal with piercing the veil in some aspect, and certain individuals are ready for certain meditation exercises. That being said, I will add that there are advanced forms one can experience when one is ready, and it is a three-fold process, first and foremost developing the art of concentration. I leave my explanation there and those willing to dig deeper may benefit from exploring the specific types of Zen application.
Ideas such as reincarnation and Karma, though not directly stated in the Bible, are certainly details within this central theme. I chuckle to myself every time I mention Karma in a personal e-mail to someone discussing the Bible, or in direct discussion, and they say, but that’s not in the Bible. But the Bible says you reap what you sow. This is a plain Western definition of the Eastern concept of Karma. It doesn’t get any more plain.
Even the idea of the Christian devil has been so misconstrued from it’s original Biblical idea. Consider the fact that what Christians consider the Devil, IS THE VERY CATALYSIS or vehicle God used to allow Job to realize a blessing 100 fold. It’s the same in the story of Adam and Eve in the garden. The serpent is the catalysis for the next phase of the conscious experience.
All religious ideas will forever leave you with mental constructs within the lower ego that reinforce sin, or missing the mark. The mark of what? Sin is not an evil that needs punishment by an overlord, but rather a symbol of ignorance of the mystery of the conscious experience and spirit.
Here is the link. I hope you enjoy should you choose to watch it.
Greetings Josh and Anny, I am happy to report that I really enjoyed the written blog as well as the attached video. It falls in line to what I believe and understand with my limited understanding of reality and “The One.”
I appreciate you and your blog and the many contributors such as Anny and many others.
Sure thing Ken!
Thanks again Joshua and Anny, Have missed receiving your wisdom. Really is the best Christian blog on the internet bar none. Thanks for all the sharing and inspirition. You are a blessing to me.
Thank you, Tony!
Meditation is not something you do. Its something you are, One is meditative. Trying to be meditative is, as Alan Watts says, like trying to bite your own teeth. How does one try and be themselves? Meditation is another word for being and we hare human BEINGS.(not human thinkings lol). There is nothing one can do of themselves but be still – as in taking no thought nor attending to one – rather letting them come and go until they there is no place for them to come and go in. One gets lost in the Silence for want of a better word for no form. The mind is dissolved into the true self for it faces the Son as opposed to the world of effect.Not through doing anything but BEING itself. Then ones demonstrations are of the true self as opposed to the egoic self, the thinking mind..The father then goes before us to make all the crooked places straight. In todays terms – the true self is realized.and our demonstrations reflect this. Meditate as you would live and be in every moment. Pray without ceasing. Listen only for the fathers voice – unless you are his voice you wont hear it even though it is every where all at once all the time. Relax deeply – surrender to what you know by faith – trust it. Know the silence you are giving yourself up to is not about emptiness but fulfillment. Be open and receptive to it in yourself and in others for there are no others. In the end you realize you cant do anything but surrender. A deep let go. Do that and youre in meditation – the true self. The Presence…etc. Really its a non practice. .
True, once one is able to BE. I still believe concentration practice is good for most to practice first, especially those who have a hard time being still, or those who have immersed themselves into too much technology like video games, etc. Monkey Mind is much worse today in so many because of what we are bombarded with. Thanks for the insights.
Really one of the best presentations I’ve ever seen in a long time! One has to watch the whole presentation because at the one hour mark Dr. Alexander gets into how Reductive Materialism is used as a potent religious/political tool to oppress the human Spirit. It took him an hour to set-up context.
The reason is when one is critical of ‘the system itself’ you’ll ‘hit the wall’ of power/control and Jesus talked all about this…but sadly, his teachings were twisted and used as a weapon against people by “Christians” who love war/control and use fear as the primary force to control.
He’s also correct that we’re at a turning point as a group…that’s why “they” are fighting so hard against a spirit that is universal Love.
Really good points, Lou.
He’s also correct that we’re at a turning point as a group…that’s why “they” are fighting so hard against a spirit that is universal Love.
YES! It’s ALL about LOVE! God is LOVE and his love is UNCONDITIONAL!!!
Right on point!!!
Thanks for the comment, Melissa!
Wow! I absolutely love this stuff. It all makes so much sense but so difficult to speak about to those who hold on to the scientific materialist mindset; those that are so black and white.
Thank you so much for sharing. You’ve sent me down a rabbit hole of fun things to research and read more about!
Thank you for all you guys share, Josh and Anny.
Our pleasure, Chelsea.
All people on earth are living through a profound kind of transformation as human beings. Once We hear the truth that we are cosmic, divine …and ABSORB that truth, we have a choice.
We can choose to project either fear or love. Most Christians don’t talk to New Age people. I do, and I have to say that they’re very sensitive to the aforementioned. They call it by a lot of different names: “4 D” or 4th Dimension or “Ascension Consciousness ” basically it’s transformation to higher state of consciousness…light love and ‘ vibrating ‘ a higher frequency…so it’s rooted in quantum physics.
I definitely agree, Lou.