I recently read about a group of people who became lost in the wildest region of the jungle, and were in great danger. The leader of the group bravely suggested that we might pray. To which, someone replied ‘oh, no, has it come to that’?
Generally speaking, whenever the term prayer is mentioned, it conjures up petitioning words to God. And of course there is nothing wrong with this positive approach. Accept, after we’ve put out our ‘urgent’ petitioning words, there is this perceived delay period of waiting for God to evaluate matters, weigh up the facts and then respond in some way to our words.
But, there are many wonderful verses in scripture — with regard to our overall concerns — which direct our attention to that of silent prayer activity.
The Bible further reminds us of the need to be healthy in every aspect of our Being — of mind, body and soul – that all three elements are to be functioning harmoniously. The Bible is more than a great work of spiritual insight for the mind to muse over, for mental comfort or ego gratification.
But, with regard to the present threat to human well-being, where does the Bible provide direct practical assistance in our defense against the Coronavirus?
It’s time now to really stretch the Bible’s interpretations beyond narrow religiosity and literalism, and expand its interpretation into general physiology-relating areas. I mean, when the scriptures were being compiled — by the learned of the day — they too must have been confronted with ‘plagues’, or viruses of that era.
So, in this context, in biblical language, where specifically does it tell us how we may deal successfully with the situation that now threatens the well-being of the individual soul globally? Where in the Bible can we turn to with certainty beyond petitioning words.
For being spectacularly obvious, I’ve chosen first, Ephesians 6-11-16 and later, Matthew 25:40-45 as prime qualifying examples regards defense against Coronavirus.
“So put on God’s Armour Now” Ephesians: 6-13
Regards coronavirus, relating esoterically to these chosen scriptures is of the utmost importance, in fact, it’s vital!
Ephesians 6-11 further states: “put on all the Armour that God gives you, so that you will be able to stand up against the devil’s evil tricks”.
And again Ephesians 6-16 “at all times carry faith as a shield; for with it you will be able to put out all the burning arrows shot by the evil one”.
When we read “put on ALL the Armour that God gives you”, and, ‘put on God’s Armour now’, how does all this then fit, in relation to coronavirus?
Literal reading of these scriptures don’t offer the immediate assistance demanded globally, but, esoterically, they do, as we shall see soon.At this point, we need to introduce the word antibodies. For, when we talk of God’s full Armour, this Armour is referring to strengthening our immune system which comprises antibodies known as immunoglobulins or immune blood cells. These antibodies are the miracle workers which carryout God’s work within the physical body, and have done so for thousands of years BC.
The enemy to a healthy immune system basically is chronic stress: unabated stress is public enemy number one to the immune system. Putting on God’s Armour therefore initially involves combating stress and eliminating it from our system. We do this by activating the flow of serotonin – the happy hormone — in the brain, which, in the process, produces more and more antibodies to defend against any virus entering our body. Without a healthy-functioning immune system, the body, and all its health-giving workers, the antibodies, are left to the ravishes of the antigens.
It’s these antibodies, the good guys, or immunoglobulins, which ensure against the antigens, the bad guys, from depleting or weakening our immune system.
The next verse makes this point even more clearer.
Matthew: 25-40 “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me”
This scripture is truly the greatest verses for assistance regards the present global situation. It has always fascinated me. And even more fascinating is that much of this information was dramatically expounded so long ago by the great Socrates, and also by the ancient enlightened Rishis of India, from where much of today’s Christianity originated.
The obvious and most compelling question is: who are ‘the least of these my brethren’? Truly this is ‘the’ most critical question.
The answer
‘the least of my brethren’ are the atoms, the molecules, the cells, in the body.
The atom is the smallest unit of matter and retains all the chemicals of an element. Thus, the atom can be referred to as pure energy-matter. A typical atom consists of protons, neurons, and electrons.
The atom cannot be destroyed but only transformed. In other words, our entire energy-physicality field can undergo change from a lower vibratory state to a higher vibratory state, but can never be destroyed.
Now, of course, there are many fine morally-based reasons for being kind to other people who may be less well-off spiritually, mentally or even financially, than ourselves. That goes without saying. We don’t need a scripture to remind of us that – it’s in our DNA.
Thus, the words ‘the least’ and ‘brethren’ are reference to the individual atoms and molecules, the molecular/ cellular structure which make up the body’s indestructible eternal energy force pattern.
Without healthy molecular/cellular formation, of course, we cannot know healthy physicality. And, through this mind-physicality dynamic, any activity which causes ‘brethren’ or atom/molecule/cell suffering and decline from optimal functioning, is equivalent to our doing unto our own inner Christ, which potential Christ expression resides within each atom/molecule/cell.
Any ignorance-induced life-style which prevents healthy atom proliferation into becoming a spiritually functioning unit, is doing unto the least, or, we doing unto our own Christ within. We do this unwittingly and spectacularly by lowering the standard of our neuroendocrine system and its participation in producing healthy immune cells in the body temple.
Matthew 26:44-45 qualifies this unwitting behavior even more amazingly. “Then they will answer him, when, Lord, did we ever see you hungry or thirsty, or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and would not help you? The King will reply, I tell you, whenever you refused to help one of these least important ones, you refused to help me.”
In other words, it’s during the stillness of meditation, when transcendental silence is potently to the fore, that each of ‘the least’ — the atoms, cells, molecules — become nourished, showered and cloth in immune strength, consequent of a divinely-empowered Thymus gland and its outpourings of mature antibodies into the blood flow.
What Matthew 26-40-45 boils down to is a lesson in quantum physics, and is particularly relating to the neuroendocrine system, or the glandular system. This scripture is not anything about the literal-religion teachings most of us have been brainwashed into believing.
As expounded here in Matthew, the emphasis now globally is on the need to increase immune-cell activity into the body.
Building Immunity within
While the Armour of God also includes faith, such faith, of course, has to be developed over time. Thus, for many people, the development of spiritual faith is seen as long-term, therefore is not particularly straight forward for some at this time. For dealing with Coronavirus today, many are in need of an immediate practical approach, solution, one that works effectively at the atom/cellular/molecular level. But, of course, in practicing the method I’m about to reveal, one’s faith — from whatever culture or generation we’re expressing through – will automatically be activated.
Thus God has unconditionally given ALL people, in ALL generations, the ALL for practically dealing with vital health issues. These viral events happened many times in history before, and is why they’re mentioned in scriptures.
The God-Given Method of achieving a healthy immune system
This, of course, is not a medical overview, obviously. Rather it’s the accumulation of spiritual knowledge based on my own meditative experiences and Self-revelation understanding of the scriptures from their practical perspective.
The practical means, therefore, of dealing with the present world situation, is daily meditation. Meditation essentially is seated yoga also known as Raja Yoga, meaning, ‘Royal Union’. But don’t get caught-up in these fancy descriptive titles. It’s the practice and results that matter totally.
Repeated daily meditation dissolves stress, which in turn allows for production of extra vital antibodies. Which in turn scavenge away any foreign invader(s) antigens which may be thinking of taking up residence in our body due to the invite-nature of residual stress. In other words, don’t make our body attractive to antigens by storing accumulations of deep stress brought on by unresolved emotional issues and wrong life-style choices. Thus prevention eliminates the need for cure.
Often referred to as the ‘floating brain’, thus a healthy functioning immune system knows only to dissuade, disarm and destroy any foreign invaders (antigens) from entering our body — effectively and efficiently.
To further strengthen the immune system, the body, in meditation, secretes Growth Hormone from the pituitary gland. This naturally-occurring process declines with age, hence the need of meditation for its continued vital production.
The Method and how to do it
To start, sit on a chair. Commence with a few left-right alternate nostril breathing: breath in through left nostril and out through right nostril, breath back in through right nostril and out breath again through left nostril – complete about 3-4 repetitions over a two-minute period. In yogic terms, this is known as pranayama. This practice helps induce calm while also originating the brain cells.
Remaining seated, now, with palms facing upwards, thumb and index fingers joined easily, bring the awareness lightly between the eyebrows. Do not force an experience. Just park the awareness here for now.
When feeling settled, repeat the biblical word: Ma-Ra-Na-Tha quietly and silently to oneself. This mantra simply means ‘come holy spirit’. The mantra is only a means of quietening the mind, it does not have any other purpose whatever.
If the mind drifts — and it will, this is normal — pause for a couple of seconds, then calmly, without rushing, bring the awareness back to the mantra and recommence thinking/hearing the mantra silently within. Repeat this momentary ‘pause’ after each ‘mind drift’. This, with practice, deepens the meditative experience.
Start with at least ten minutes per session building up to twenty minutes twice daily. Make this a daily routine of our life.
With repeated practice, the brain/body mechanisms – particularly the Thymus gland — become trained in producing extra amounts of mature antibodies for which to attack and disarm ANY virus from entering our inner territory. And, if we can meditate three times daily, fine, this will further increase antibody production from the Thymus gland – also known as T-cells for this reason. Thus we have the means now of re-enforcing the immune system even greater against Coronavirus. Gradually, as we advance with our daily meditation, a feeling of spiritual growth, of expansion, begins to emerge within consciousness. An understanding, that, yes, none of these viruses can really touch me now. The armor of God is truly on and my immune system is becoming invincible! The least of my brethren are now dancing and smiling joyfully in praise and thanks-giving!
I read recently, about a group of people who became lost in the wildest region of the jungle, and were in great perceived danger. The leader of the group bravely suggested that we might pray. To which, someone replied ‘oh, no, has it come to that’?
Generally speaking, whenever the term prayer is mentioned, it conjures up petitioning words to God. And, of course there is nothing whatever wrong with this positive approach. Accept, after we’ve put out our ‘urgent’ petitioning words there is this perceived delay period, of waiting for God to evaluate matters, weigh up the facts and then respond in some way to our words.
But, there are many wonderful verses in scripture — with regard to our overall concerns — which direct our attention to that of silent prayer activity.
The Bible further reminds us of the need to be healthy in every aspect of our Being — of mind, body and soul – that all three elements are to be functioning harmoniously. The Bible is more than a great work of spiritual insight for the mind to muse over, for mental comfort or ego gratification.
But, with regard to the present threat to human well-being, where does the Bible provide direct practical assistance in our defense against the coronavirus?
It’s time now to really stretch the Bible’s interpretations beyond narrow religiosity and literalism, and expand its interpretation into general physiology-relating areas. I mean, when the scriptures were being compiled — by the learned of the day — they too must have been confronted with ‘plagues’, or viruses of that era.
So, in this context, in biblical language, where specifically does it tell us how we may deal successfully with the situation that now threatens the well-being of the individual soul globally? Where in the Bible can we turn to with certainty beyond petitioning words.
For being spectacularly obvious, I’ve chosen first, Ephesians 6-11-16 and later, Matthew 25:40-45 as prime qualifying examples regards defense against coronavirus.
“So put on God’s Armour Now” Ephesians: 6-13
Regards coronavirus, relating esoterically to these chosen scriptures is of the utmost importance, in fact, it’s vital!
Ephesians 6-11 further states: “put on all the Armour that God gives you, so that you will be able to stand up against the devil’s evil tricks”.
And again Ephesians 6-16 “at all times carry faith as a shield; for with it you will be able to put out all the burning arrows shot by the evil one”.
When we read “put on ALL the Armour that God gives you”, and, ‘put on God’s Armour now’, how does all this then fit, in relation to coronavirus?
Literal reading of these scriptures don’t offer the immediate assistance demanded globally, but, esoterically, they do, as we shall see soon.At this point, we need to introduce the word antibodies. For, when we talk of God’s full Armour, this Armour is referring to strengthening our immune system which comprises antibodies known as immunoglobulins or immune blood cells. These antibodies are the miracle workers which carryout God’s work within the physical body, and have done so for thousands of years BC.
The enemy to a healthy immune system basically is chronic stress: unabated stress is public enemy number one to the immune system. Putting on God’s Armour therefore initially involves combating stress and eliminating it from our system. We do this by activating the flow of serotonin – the happy hormone — in the brain, which, in the process, produces more and more antibodies to defend against any virus entering our body. Without a healthy-functioning immune system, the body, and all its health-giving workers, the antibodies, are left to the ravishes of the antigens.
It’s these antibodies, the good guys, or immunoglobulins, which ensure against the antigens, the bad guys, from depleting or weakening our immune system.
The next verse makes this point even more clearer.
Matthew: 25-40 “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me”
This scripture is truly the greatest verses for assistance regards the present global situation. It has always fascinated me. And even more fascinating is that much of this information was dramatically expounded so long ago by the great Socrates, and also by the ancient enlightened Rishis of India, from where much of today’s Christianity originated.
The obvious and most compelling question is: who are ‘the least of these my brethren’? Truly this is ‘the’ most critical question.
The answer
‘the least of my brethren’ are the atoms, the molecules, the cells, in the body.
The atom is the smallest unit of matter and retains all the chemicals of an element. Thus, the atom can be referred to as pure energy-matter. A typical atom consists of protons, neurons, and electrons.
The atom cannot be destroyed but only transformed. In other words, our entire energy-physicality field can undergo change from a lower vibratory state to a higher vibratory state, but can never be destroyed.
Now, of course, there are many fine morally-based reasons for being kind to other people who may be less well-off spiritually, mentally or even financially, than ourselves. That goes without saying. We don’t need a scripture to remind of us that – it’s in our DNA.
Thus, the words ‘the least’ and ‘brethren’ are reference to the individual atoms and molecules, the molecular/ cellular structure which make up the body’s indestructible eternal energy force pattern.
Without healthy molecular/cellular formation, of course, we cannot know healthy physicality. And, through this mind-physicality dynamic, any activity which causes ‘brethren’ or atom/molecule/cell suffering and decline from optimal functioning, is equivalent to our doing unto our own inner Christ, which potential Christ expression resides within each atom/molecule/cell.
Any ignorance-induced life-style which prevents healthy atom proliferation into becoming a spiritually functioning unit, is doing unto the least, or, we doing unto our own Christ within. We do this unwittingly and spectacularly by lowering the standard of our neuroendocrine system and its participation in producing healthy immune cells in the body temple.
Matthew 26:44-45 qualifies this unwitting behavior even more amazingly. “Then they will answer him, when, Lord, did we ever see you hungry or thirsty, or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and would not help you? The King will reply, I tell you, whenever you refused to help one of these least important ones, you refused to help me.”
In other words, it’s during the stillness of meditation, when transcendental silence is potently to the fore, that each of ‘the least’ — the atoms, cells, molecules — become nourished, showered and cloth in immune strength, consequent of a divinely-empowered Thymus gland and its outpourings of mature antibodies into the blood flow.
What Matthew 26-40-45 boils down to is a lesson in quantum physics, and is particularly relating to the neuroendocrine system, or the glandular system. This scripture is not anything about the literal-religion teachings most of us have been brainwashed into believing.
As expounded here in Matthew, the emphasis now globally is on the need to increase immune-cell activity into the body.
Building Immunity within
While the Armour of God also includes faith, such faith, of course, has to be developed over time. Thus, for many people, the development of spiritual faith is seen as long-term, therefore is not particularly straight forward for some at this time. For dealing with coronavirus today, many are in need of an immediate practical approach, solution, one that works effectively at the atom/cellular/molecular level. But, of course, in practicing the method I’m about to reveal, one’s faith — from whatever culture or generation we’re expressing through – will automatically be activated.
Thus God has unconditionally given ALL people, in ALL generations, the ALL for practically dealing with vital health issues. These viral events happened many times in history before, and is why they’re mentioned in scriptures.
The God-Given Method of achieving a healthy immune system
This, of course, is not a medical overview, obviously. Rather it’s the accumulation of spiritual knowledge based on my own meditative experiences and Self-revelation understanding of the scriptures from their practical perspective.
The practical means, therefore, of dealing with the present world situation, is daily meditation. Meditation essentially is seated yoga also known as Raja Yoga, meaning, ‘Royal Union’. But don’t get caught-up in these fancy descriptive titles. It’s the practice and results that matter totally.
Repeated daily meditation dissolves stress, which in turn allows for production of extra vital antibodies. Which in turn scavenge away any foreign invader(s) antigens which may be thinking of taking up residence in our body due to the invite-nature of residual stress. In other words, don’t make our body attractive to antigens by storing accumulations of deep stress brought on by unresolved emotional issues and wrong life-style choices. Thus prevention eliminates the need for cure.
Often referred to as the ‘floating brain’, thus a healthy functioning immune system knows only to dissuade, disarm and destroy any foreign invaders (antigens) from entering our body — effectively and efficiently.
To further strengthen the immune system, the body, in meditation, secretes Growth Hormone from the pituitary gland. This naturally-occurring process declines with age, hence the need of meditation for its continued vital production.
The Method and how to do it
To start, sit on a chair. Commence with a few left-right alternate nostril breathing: breath in through left nostril and out through right nostril, breath back in through right nostril and out breath again through left nostril – complete about 3-4 repetitions over a two-minute period. In yogic terms, this is known as pranayama. This practice helps induce calm while also originating the brain cells.
Remaining seated, now, with palms facing upwards, thumb and index fingers joined easily, bring the awareness lightly between the eyebrows. Do not force an experience. Just park the awareness here for now.
When feeling settled, repeat the biblical word: Ma-Ra-Na-Tha quietly and silently to oneself. This mantra simply means ‘come holy spirit’. The mantra is only a means of quietening the mind, it does not have any other purpose whatever.
If the mind drifts — and it will, this is normal — pause for a couple of seconds, then calmly, without rushing, bring the awareness back to the mantra and recommence thinking/hearing the mantra silently within. Repeat this momentary ‘pause’ after each ‘mind drift’. This, with practice, deepens the meditative experience.
Start with at least ten minutes per session building up to twenty minutes twice daily. Make this a daily routine of our life.
With repeated practice, the brain/body mechanisms – particularly the Thymus gland — become trained in producing extra amounts of mature antibodies for which to attack and disarm ANY virus from entering our inner territory. And, if we can meditate three times daily, fine, this will further increase antibody production from the Thymus gland – also known as T-cells for this reason. Thus we have the means now of re-enforcing the immune system even greater against coronavirus.Gradually, as we advance with our daily meditation, a feeling of spiritual growth, of expansion, begins to emerge within consciousness. An understanding, that, yes, none of these viruses can really touch me now. The armour of God is truly on and my immune system is becoming invincible! The least of my brethren are now dancing and smiling joyfully in praise and thanks-giving!
Great information about the Coronavirus and the connection between disease and meditation. Nice the way you related the scriptures and point out that Atom is the smallest of these that we need to care for.
Thank You
Hi Joe,
Good to hear from you and thanks for the comment. Yes, many have become over-dependent on pharmaceutic remedies, when, in fact, the body, if given the inner environment, will Self-heal naturally and perfectly.
Hi Raymond,
Thank you for these relieving and soothing scriptures + instructions on meditation during this health crisis facing us all. I will definitely use them. The illness could be the cure if we all just stop, be still and examine ourselves. It feels like this is humanity’s wake up call to get back in touch and get back to basics. We must become more conscientious, more appreciative of life, rediscover simple friendships and reassess our values to heal.
Hi Claudine
Good to hear from you. I fully appreciate your comment because you’ve hit a number of nails on the head. You’re absolutely correct about this present situation being humanity’s wake up call, and of the need for getting back to basics.
The imperative individually and world-wide now is to re-focus inwardly on silence alone for small periods of time every day, thereby does our Thymus gland produce more mature antibodies.
As all miracles come from within our awakened Selves, focusing on silence grows and expands the mental space required for inner mental / ego ‘surrender’ whereby the Self-healing miracle process can activate at Its Higher level — minus lower-self interference.
Jesus said, ‘Lazarus, come forth’. In other words, awaken within, activate the inner healing Power within ourselves. For, truly, all miracles originate through transcendental silence — that’s what comes forth into consciousness — Divine Love — sourced through the Thymus gland. This is the esoteric meaning within the Sacred Heart picture.
Attuning transcendentally is easy, it’s through daily meditation as outlined in the article. Thus, regular moments of sincere mental quietude is our individual work now. Nothing to be fearful about, nothing complicated about this silence, only happiness and healing as our reward. Let’s go for it.
Thanks again for your comment, Claudine, and for highlighting those points.
Great Information indeed!! I too have been dealing with trying to distance myself from the fear-mongering involved in the news. Being the lone believer in esoteric scripture and the belief in an INNER KINGDOM in a household of “believers” (Wife is a PK of Primitive Baptist denomination and Mother-in-law is of course the wife/widow of a Primitive Baptist preacher), I’ve had to dig deep and find my place of Zen during this ordeal. I hold nothing against my wife. We do have a 4 year old, an almost 2 month old, and her mother who is living with us at 62 years old and has countless health issues. It’s tough to not be on high alert. I’ve been trying to get her on board with meditation.
I really appreciate and love the information that you share here. This post was especially right on time!!
Hi Ryan,
Thank you kindly for this comment, really good to hear from you. Yes, the media are certainly hyping up everything for sure. People have become exhausted from the unending coverage and analyzes, Learning to switch off provides the mental space for spiritual clarity and happiness to surface.
Keeping your own meditation going is important, Ryan, others will benefit this way. Thus, you can say: ‘encouragement’ by example.
Ray, just thinking about all of the wonderful healing chemicals our body produces during meditation. Makes me wonder if this is the reason for this verse:
Luke 4: 23 And he said unto them, Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself: whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country.
24 And he said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country.
Thank You
Thank you, Joe, yes, you’re absolutely spot on regards Luke 4-23. Funny, just last night, this very scripture popped into my head. If I’d have thought of it last week, I would definitely have weaved it into this article for sure. When broken down esoterically, it certainly reveals the secret and means of all healing within the human physicality, which healing is through our own indwelling Physician, the Christ within.
Hi Raymond,
I searched SOS for Capernaum and some hits came back, one referring to your post on April 9, 2015. Amazing how things come together, here on SOS.
Thanks, Leo.
Point on. Stress is the number 1 killer. It get’s all our natural immune defenses out of whack and causes the deadly inflammation throughout the body that does it in over time.
Thanks for this timely reminder of where we need to center ourselves.
Take a moment for this song :
Let this be our Prayer
(Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli)
The lyrics (added by Ahsoka Tano)
[Celine Dion:]
I pray you’ll be our eyes
And watch us where we go
And help us to be wise In times when we don’t know
Let this be our prayer
When we lose our way
Lead us to a place
Guide us with your grace
To a place where we’ll be safe
[Andrea Bocelli (Celine Dion):]
La luce che tu hai (I pray we’ll find your light)
Nel cuore resterà (And hold it in our hearts )
A ricordarci che (When stars go out each night)
L’eterna stella sei (Whoa)
Nella mia preghiera (Let this be our prayer)
Quanta fede c’è (When shadows fill our day)
Lead us to a place
Give us faith so we’ll be safe
Sogniamo un mondo senza più violenza
Un mondo di giustizia e di speranza
Ognuno dia la mano al suo vicino
Simbolo di pace, e di fraternità
[Andrea Bocelli (Celine Dion):]
La forza che ci dà (We ask that life be kind)
È il desiderio che (And watch us from above)
Ognuno trovi amor (We hope each soul will find)
Intorno e dentro a sé (Another soul to love)
[Both:] Let this be our prayer
[Celine Dion:] Let this be our prayer
[Andrea Bocelli:] Just like every child
[Celine Dion:] Just like every child
Need to find a place
Guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we’ll be safe
È la fede che
Hai acceso in noi
Sento che ci salvera.
Thanks, Leo,, beautiful, uplifting lyrics for sure!
Hi Josh,
thanks for the comment, and, if I may, expand a little further on stress.
Prior to inner or spiritual awakening, the mind is driven automatically by inherited subconscious thought programs. These programs or energy patterns are sustained by residual stress and by embedded fear. Therefore, spiritual ignorance of our true inner nature is a major root cause of chronic stress. We came into this world already stress-primed, already uploaded in ignorance-based mind-sets and reactive thought patterns. We soon then developed lifestyles and habits and later formed relationships around which to maintain these programmed patterns.
Thus, it’s the classic catch 22 situation: where, on the one hand, subconscious conditioning is maintained by habitual stress and fear, while, on the other, interrupting automatic subconscious activity requires a conscious decision to breaking the stress cycle and eventual escape from this subconscious prison.
Making this conscious decision to inner freedom is the big one in our life, it’s the one which calls for initial courage!
Embarking upon any stress-busting technique, any spiritual awakening program, any mind-centering technique or yoga class works wonders in this area of making us free off automatic reactive thought patterns. This is when residual stress actually begins to dissolve, begins losing its foothold in our mind and body. When newly created stress gets dealt with immediately leaving no accumulations to impact our health. When, maybe for the first time in our lives, we actually begin experiencing our own inner Christ-nature in the form of bubbly well-being and residual happiness.
Finally, Josh, constant listening to media coverage and updates on Covid-19 is not good for our health. I think many are beginning to realize this as a problem in itself. The suggestion therefore is that we switch off and switch in to some peace to allow for some independent thinking. Practicing being in the present moment, as often as possible, is always a positive soul nourishing move.
Thank you for that, Roxanne, good to hear from you.
In another comment i will attribute a bit more on this issue.
Now i copy what i share with my friends here in Thailand.
Plan of the Dutch government adopted from the statics of the WHO (World Health Organization).
see footnote
The idea is lanced that the epidemic will stop if statisticly ever corona-virus holder is surrounded by people that are already immune.
To come to that point between 60 and 70% of the people will have to be infected, fight the disease, recover and be immune by that fact.
What does it mean for Nederland ? Size of population 17 million souls.
60 % is 10.2 million people. Nr of causalities between 2 and 3%, so that would be between 200000 and 300000 people die. How many fully recover ?
How many stay sickly ?
For a country like Thailand that would be 5 times more. 1 to 1.5 million people die.
The same mistake was being made during the rescue of team moo paa in Tham Luam. And there all people were saved !!!!!
How was that done ???
By INTENTION of all participants !
So wake up and don’t give up on life or believe statistics !!!
Feetnote : as of yesterday (march 19 2020) the Dutch government no longer waits for the 60 to 70% of recovered people. Now they wait and hope for a remedy to come soon . . . (the jackhals). Or sheep ?
In other words our ‘leaders’ treat us, the people, as a heap of statistical data.
If we believe in those lies then we are going to live ( beli(e)ve ) that.
Strengthen yourself, gird yourself.
Each person has 3 power centers, they are all interconnected. When they are all well established we step into the world of Man. Yes, sorry, i am still hu-mane 🙂
statics should read statistics
But yeah. Static it is 🙂
I would like to add to this great story regarding
◄ Ephesians 6:11 ►
I checked some versions on the bible hub and one got my attention :
◄ Ephesians 6:11 ►
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil
Ref :. https://biblehub.com/commentaries/ephesians/6-11.htm
11) Put on the whole armour.—The special emphasis in this verse is on “the whole armour,” or “panoply” (a word only used here and in Luke 11:22); not mainly on its strength or its brightness, as “armour of light” (comp. Romans 13:12), but on its completeness, providing against all “the wiles” and “all the fiery darts” of the Evil One, leaving no one point unguarded by a carelessness which may be fatal on all. In this it accords well with the general completeness and harmony of idea so characteristic of this Epistle.
This is about my pet topic :
Safety first.
Compare it to the safety for the crew on an oil platform.
In an emergency situation they can jump into an escape pod , plunge into the sea and get into safety.
That escape pod is like a capsule, safely surrounding it’s crew against the wiles of nature and doom (pun intended :). In other words a whole body protection ‘suite’ is needed cf the bible version i choose.
My point : create your own safety capsule.
How ? In whatever way works for you. Test it out and improve on it.
By continously improving one will automatically arrive at something similar to the dan tian as exercised by ba gua practitioners.
See : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dantian
Thank you kindly, Leo, for this additional interpretation of Ephesians 6-11, that, ‘completeness’ is ‘the whole armor of God’. Yes, fully agree.
thank you also for the updates in your earlier comment, and for this Pod idea, it sounds similar to building an Ark of Divine consciousness!
Hi Raymond,
Thank you for this article, It was well received by me and much needed. I just ordered The Absolute Secret: Beyond the Suffering – the Key to Inner Peace off of Amazon and am looking forward to reading it.
Peace be with you,
Hi Ken,
Thank you for this comment. Delighted the article was well received, and timely. Josh deserves much credit for putting it on SOS so quickly.
This too will pass, and together, in Divine consciousness, we are Victorious.
And peace be with you too, Ken.
On some forums there is discussion about the shortage of chloroquine to fight the corona-virus.
I suggest :
nr 1 use a cheap and effective disinfectant in your living guarters : Ozone
nr 2 for the die-hard buddhist it is simple a question of the correct breathing exercises (annapannasati)
Some westerns (Dutch 🙂 ) are breathing ozone <
Read all about it in a document i composed from a recent discussion on thaivisa.com
Free accessible on dropbox :
Please share this.
This is a message of HOPE
People need that !
I used as parentheses for adding a warning. That part was lost
The warning is :
Be careful with the breathing of ozone,
Because it has similar side-effects as using chloro-quine.
Now with quotes. Let’s see it comes over.
Hi Raymond,
I went through some very disappointing times. Nobody wants to touch ozone. Totally programmed to accepted ‘common sense’. I had already ordered some extra equipment. And wanted to assemble a team to help people to breathe consciously. So in stead I turned inward.
I have been studying GNM. The end-stage of the corona-virus appears as
a pneumonia. Better worded would be something like this (GNM) : the
body creates a buffer to help the psyche to address the onset of the
sudden invasion of fear. The fear constricts the lung-function (can’t
breathe). The uralt (age old) response is to create extra lung cells to give the
physical body enough oxygen (those cells look different from normal
lung cells). This will take away some of the stress from the psyche
and will give the psyche time to address this disturbance of the
peace. When that is done another body response provides the means to
dispose of the extra lung cells (recognizable). This is done by the
cells known to us as tuberculoses (!), these cells belong to the repair
troops of the human body, given to us by million and million years of
If this process is interrupted by another wave of fear
(For instance after examination by a medical doctor receiving a ‘fatal’ diagnoses), then this whole thing goes
into repeating cycles, every time depleating the person of the Life
force (other people worrying affects the healing process also, cf
Jung’s shadow projection).
That pneumonia terrifies people. But it is also the end-stage of the
self-healing process (according to GNM). All this (the good stuff)
happens when the ‘sickness’ can progress ín ‘good faith’.
But … asking the medical ‘establishment’ for a second opinion will deliver the patient (and its family) to the ‘mechanical’ doctors. And see what happens on a mondial scale (not funny).
I have decided to put that to the test inside myself. I am gathering
all my family-karma, related to fear, of the previous 3 generations.
That includes WW1, WW2, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Chernobyl, the cold war.
Vietnam, 9/11, the losing of my family-members by cancer, some by
accidents, etcetera. All these events have left marks on the emotional
tissues of the body. So i am inviting Me to let me go through all
these terrors, just to put an end to this in myself. It is a bit like
the decamerone, I am self-isolated from my family. Once a week i go to
the market to re-stock. Every day i run the ozone generator twice for
about one hour, yes with me in it. I eat my normal stuff (a bit less
than usual) and on top i created a protein-rich soup to help the body
in renewing the lung tissues. And I drink a lot. Finish the day with a
bottle of beer, leaving an inch for the next morning. After wake up I
drink that beer. Beer contains the extract of the herb hoppe whitch is
known to help against foreign bacteria.
I do energy exercises every 2 hours and for the rest I study some. I
go back to re-study the spirit of the scripture, the Egyptean death
books, Mike gave me some references and I am studying those. Some are
in line with my experience, some I doubt and others will be new
I hope you and your families are doing fine. I gues by now you realize
you and your families went through the corona flu and it was active
already long before this hysteria began (both in the US and in the UK
according last rumours). Now it seems the countries are in competition who can turn up the highest death toll (Vietnam all over again).
I am in contact with the second wife of my father, she lives in the
Netherlands, she is 83 years and still going strong. She takes care of
a younger brother (in his 70’s), he was transported to special section
of a hospital, isolated. Nobody can visit him ! Scandalous ! ‘They’
are clearing out the old stock by the terror of fear. It is an easy
way to get away with the competition. On the other hand it is a challenge for people to individuate. to become accustomed to the Me in me.
I believe there is a difference between immunity and repairability.
Imo, immunity is the effect that the body knows its attackers and
‘reflects’ its actions to penetrate (so it is subconcious).
Repairability is ‘after the fact’ the flexability of the bodies
healing functions to repair the damage done, to get acquainted with
the new type of thresspasser and store this for future use (then it
becomes part of the immune system, it becomes part of conciousness).
On a different level (psychic) the immune system will pre-warn us for
one-coming ‘disaster’ and if understood by the mind (awareness,
wakeness, readiness), the mind will immediately counter and the
sickness cannot penetrate into the physical aspects of the body. ( I
get a 10 second window to counter a flu, if I do not take action the
flu is accepted by my conciousness and it takes a few days to get it
under control :). A simple example : a courier comes to hand over a
parcel. I am happy, it contains the new high power ozone generator for use in the car. I decide to demonstrate this. He agrees. I dive with my head in his car and i get a strange sensation around me (the personal energy bubble of the courier). I ignore it. I showed the functioning of the generator. Later that day I get all the symptoms of a flu around me. I counter them and as a last resort I lie down, start a strong flow of ozone and invite the chauffeur (not the physical body) to participate in ozone breathing. All symptoms disappear like snow in the sun 🙂 Ozone is O3 and is of the nature fire.
The electric body understands this very well. This is always a good way to
get rid of ‘hungry ghosts’. Just imagine a fiercy fire in front of you
and invite the hungry ghost to accompany you while you step into that imaginary fire. 100% success, in my case 🙂
Warm greetings from Thailand.
I hope you understand my action relating to ozone was to signal people
to take fate in their own hands. Ozone kills the intruders ! But, yeah, it takes faith or maybe desperation 🙂
btw I found on AliExpress more powerful ozone generators. I can’t
breathe with them. it is too much. hahaha. But I use them to disinfect
my car and my living room, bedrooms.
(this comment is a slightly redacted version of an email i sent to Josh earlier this week)
Be safe, you ALL
Medical staff raises questions about the effects of forced oxygenation (assisted breathing by intubation and monitoring/adjusting the pressures in the lungs).
It seems that there is a great death toll among the patients that are intubated and close watch of these patients gives doubt of the diagnosis (pneumonia). According to staff they see symptoms of ARDS.
Others are asking to opt for a lighter form of assisted breathing. Forced oxygenation seems to be too invasive and hurts more than it reliefs, actually these patient are totally drugged to withstand instinct reactions to the assumed terror of non-breathing.
As for mind being the cause of distraction, I doubt that. For me things point more in the direction of continious emotional hi-jacks with a tremendous force encapsulated in the suppressed emotional memories. ARDS is stress related. Asking someone that is being hi-jacked for a mind-related restfullness is asking for trouble. Better touch them diagonally (left hip + right shoulder, then alternate right hip and left shoulder) and divert/equalize excess of energy. That will bring such a patient in a more restfull situation (polarity massage). Warning : anyone that holds their own emotional stress together (by pushing it into the subconcious) is not a good person to administer such a relief. On the outward it would look helpful, on another level it is only adding to the patients agony. So, first help yourself.
Occupy yourself !
During meditation I got this thought.: Is planet earth fighting back?
We humans are the cancer to he earth, we destroy what we need to live on.
So we humans got cancer and even we putting millions of money in resurch we didn’t get rid of it.
We not listening to nature, we not doing the right thing to come in harmony with our planet who’s is a living thing from spirit, atoms, molecules…..as well our least brethren
Lately we destroy our air we breathe the ozone layer….we suffocating the planet…
Now we got a covid19 virus, what suffocate humans- finally the earth can breath again
We human will decide how this ends and if….
Just a simple thought…everthing is connected and from the same spirit
@Brigitte. Everything is connected AND we experience this world of duality (and separation). There may be only one Spirit, but there are many ghosts. They like to visit humanity and they are hungry.
1. there is no virus. there was no virus and there will never be a virus. Virusses exists in the computer world. Some (THEY) like US, the People, to know them better, these virusses. Or better said THEY want US to get the suggested effect of virusses. So they invite the world to believe virusses exist that can damage the human existence. NO, not true. It is the fear of Death that is killing US, pun intended 🙂
2. cancer is not a sickness, it is a call to attention. “There is chaos here, let it become calm again, please”. Parts of the body are disowned and have been put to work for chaos. After being diagnosed by THEM (part of the Medical World) the fear creates an impact bigger than dis-ease can. Check GNM !
3. there is no WE as in meaning All People. There is an US, the People, and there is a THEM (you can not serve two masters). Do not accept blame for something you did not do. PVC is not invented by you and put into this world. Plastic bags do not pollute the oceans. The inability of human to let go in a graceful way is keeping plastic from disintegrating. You do not burn plastic in too low temperatures that wiil set free unwelcome gasses. Uneducated people do that. So let’s educate them.
4. WE, the People, do not put chemicals in the fuel systems of our airplanes. THEY do that.
5. WE, the People, do not need 5G. 3G is more than enough, together with internet over glass fiber it covers our present need.
5. WE, the People, do not weaponize every fckn invention. THEY do.
6. WE, the People, do not put poisonous substance in the flavour and flagrance that are forced onto US, through the food chain. THEY do. Make your own little garden.
7. WE, the People, do not start wars, THEY do. To impoverish US, to put debt onto US. To make US THEIR slaves for the money THEY control and print. Go barter for things you need, become creative again.
Now who is US and who is THEY ?
We are BOTH ! (being asleep)
So examine ‘I AM’ who am I (wake up)
– Stop projecting unwanted things onto others (Jung’s shadow projection), take responsibility for our own thoughts and feelings, our own walk in Life. Most of this projecting is done unconciously !
And NO, your precious mediation won’t cut it. For the simple fact that most meditation bypasses the so-called polluted body. The greatest creation on Earth, our body that is the storehouse of all our Earthly wealth and power. It also stores all suppressed emotions. And those emotions, not acknowledged, in a (for most people) mysterious way hi-jack our attention away from the NOW.
This is known by THEM and it is used against US, the People of this Earth.
– So become your Body’s friend again and guide it into Welness. It will warn you for the onset of an attack and in more sofisticated form protect you from danger (cf the three dan tians).
– Get acquainted with Ozone. Ozone reminds the body about the immunity system. Ozone causes the body to excrete all poisonous materials, including exosomes (remember virusses do not exist), bacteria, heavy metals. And yes it has side effects, that means you will notice that a cleaning is in process. And be carefull because THEY have put measures in place to scare you away from its use. And Yes, those measures are stored in your own unconciousness, not funny, right ? (accepted belief system) Thread carefully. Step slowly. You will get the hang of it 🙂
– Get enough Rest (GNM), eat proper food (to replace the defective material with healthy cells).
– Let the Mother God show you what to do. Read about Sophia by the Gnostics. The texts discovered at Nag Hammadi ( Thomas, Maria Magdalena, Judas ). They have deep deep meanings.
Be safe, have courage. Be authentic. It can be done !
Sounds like made up gibberish with no basis in fact, reason and logic to me. Your new age mumbo jumbo is just going to end up getting more people sick. I’ve seen viruses under an electron microscope and can vow on pains if death they absolutely exist and they are horrible. We weren’t able to see them up until about a decade ago. Just because they are not technically alive doesn’t mean they are make believe. Also God is not a mother and there are no ghosts. When you die you are dead until God brings you back to life. If necromancers and mediums were able to summon spirits it was for very brief moments, perhaps even the reason why God lumped them with murderers as they were summoning up a soul only for it to experience a kind of death all over again.
as the kettle says to the theapot
Btw my aka stands for ‘ling kao kae baa’, which is Thai for ‘crazy old white monkey’. So tell me something new.
As for seeing ‘rightly’ check the Bible where Jesus says to rip out the eyes because they do not see singular. The eyes are cross-linked to the brains. Right eye to left brain, left eye to the right brain. The physical eyes feed the dualistic notion of the world. What is being seen is verified by a function that ‘recognizes’ stuff and then interpreted as such. Wrong concepts give wrong pictures. The deeper so-called scientists look through their glasses the more distorted the images are. Why you think the internet is full of animated pictures of the so-called corona-virus ? Yes, exactly to feed that distorted view and make people interpret what they see with their own eyes as the influencers want them to be interpreted.
Hi Chris,
you write:
“Sounds like made up gibberish with no basis in fact, reason and logic to me.”
So, Chris, you didn’t get the esoteric message of my article … ok, that’s fine, there’s no problem. Thus there’s no need, on this site, for any degrading sentiment like “made up gibberish” and “new age mumbo jumbo”. Many people here on SoS, and elsewhere, have benefited enormously from this article. But, clearly you didn’t. That doesn’t then entitle you to vent as you have in this comment. I mean, Chris, we’re all trying our best, via the scriptures, during this unprecedented time, at helping others, as I’m sure you are too.
You’re first comment earlier was a very good and well balanced comment, much of which I fully agreed with. But this second comment, sadly, was as if written by a totally different person.
Stay safe.
Peace and blessings be with you.
And hide your TRUE colors. Don’t be defiant. THEY are out in the open because THEY are in control of the mass. By manipulation. Learn to be strong again (in silence). Verify, check, test in silence. Do not communicate unless something has become solid within You. Always wait 3 days when you find something new. Do not tell others, their unbelief will make it more difficult for you to keep to your new found treasure.
Practice, practice, practice, until you have it incorporated. Then it will show naturally (from within).
Be aware of “participation mystique” (Carl Jung’, you would say ‘we are all connected’. And I say ‘Yes, in both ways’.
One day a new song will ring. All of US will rise to Self. THEY, the Unjust will be put in chains (Biblical chains).
The meek will live free again (for a thousand year). And after that it starts all over again.
Really appreciate your information and insight.
What does (GNM) mean?
GNM German New Medicine is a registered trade mark. It covers a new way to look at disease and the trajectory needed to do the healing. Dr Hamer developed it. It has not been accepted by the medical community. There is lots of contraversy. Check it out for yourself.
Least of these is definitely not atoms, but to the least of his children. Scripture has to be interpreted by scripture and atoms are nowhere even hinted to. But interesting interpretation nonetheless.
The best scriptures to defend against any virus or sickness are found in the old testament. The Hebrew people didn’t pray and pretend to put on an invisible holy power suit. It was ritual cleanliness and distancing one self from the sick, such as when they made a separate encampment for lepers. Keeping clean, sanitized, and social distancing are the keys to defending your health. Prayer might help when you get sick, along with garlic, apple cider vinegar and turmeric to name a few, but being smart and doing healthy things are the best way to keep from getting sick.
Don’t turn away the raft, boat, and helicopter who come to save you during a flood in lieu of God personally scooping you up with his holy hands. Prayer isn’t a wish granting machine, but a mechanism to bring our mindset closer to his.
There’s no need to add new age mysticism to Christianity. We have no innate supernatural power unless given by the Holy Spirit. I’m all for different and sometimes esoteric interpretation of scripture as a good way to look at some verses, but don’t go overboard as they still have to coincide with logic, reason, and the old testament.
And for God’s sake don’t listen to Trump, Fox News or any politician on how to care for your health. If the CDC and majority of doctors say to do something to maintain your health, please do it. Trump and politicians are rich businessmen and/or men with power who want to remain rich and in power no matter what it does to others. Trump lost 1 3rd of his wealth due to the caronavirus effect on the job and stock market, so of course he wants a stimulated stock market and says everything is fine, go back to work. Please be safe and make good, logical decisions.
@Chris Duncan. To counter your statement :
Please verify everything, yes everything, that CDC proposes. Check especially people that oppose the CDC (and verify their findings). Because CDC is a political instrument used to control the mass and ‘defend American interests’. Similar to the FDA and whoever has picked up the idea to think that it is God that sanctioned control over others.
Always think independently. Be authentic and original and do not follow others !
Thinking logical and come up with workable results needs an independent mind.
To create an independent mind one needs to know one self.
Imo the corona-virus situation is doctored with the ‘end-solution’ in hand.
The normal flu-period is extended by the ridiculous measurements like social distancing, wearing masks. The reason : to imprint onto the brains of people that corona is here to stay and that no one can compare it with the normal flu. Read all opponents (experts in virology) about this. There is an agenda. Follow the money !
Establishing rules for triage is a Mengele method adopted by the WHO. Who is guilty ? WHO !
WHO is guilty of indirectly klling my friend, better said to hasten his demise, to give him loneliness at the end-stage and sadness to the by-standers for not being able to stand-bye.
And this does not appeal to my logical minds, this fires up hatred against the so-called medical profession. The Mengele-group. For this I will pray to all Gods, not for revenge but for finding the Truth in all of this !
On a more general note.
This world is dualistic in nature. Opposing forces compete for our attention and supply of sustenance. The game they play is like ‘cat and mouse’. They like to target me and you as cats do to a mouse. And the cats are overviewing the playfield. Yes, it is a play thing for them. They are in control of the situation. They feed narratives to the public. These narratives will create an impulse and it will cause movement in the crowd. The cats/sharks are gathered around and they take bites in turn. They () provided substitutes for all our hopes. Put on the pressure and open the gauges a bit for some relief (sometimes).
Unless they go for the kill like the 8’46” cops in George Floyd’s case. Yes all four of them worked in collusion with the vermin of these worlds. Kill them ? NO ! Blame and shame them ? YES !
(create awareness about the real issues behind this act of violence)
Is this 8″46″ related to corona ? Yes, corona makes the people in control believe that their rules save society. They feel and act almighty. As can be seen and check the comments on the posture of the cop. It is being compared to a staging after the killing of deer, sucking its last breathe away.
What is there not to understand about ‘I can not breathe’ ????? I, myself, can not breathe properly with these masks on ! If I do not wear them I am publicly scandalized for endangering society ! While the opposite is the truth. I am showing that normal breathing is still possible. The so-called lords of this world are using the shadow projection of people to control the mass. And we are all guilty of that phenomena.
How to counter that ? But knowing and accepting me, myself and my shadow
(and be patient, it takes time to undo centuries of conditioning).
Btw BLM (Black Lives Matter) and all discussions on “White Suppremacy’ are also feeding the masses into more dualistic ‘attitudes’.
Divide and conquer !
Can one fight this ?
NO, do not get into the fight, instead study Hegel’s thesis – anti-thesis — syn-thesis
Just checking in to see if i’ve missed any new posts in 2021? I keep checking back but last I read was posted in 2020. Hoping this page is still live! It’s really been such a huge help in my “religious” deconstruction over the past 2 years <3
Hi Amber,
Thank you for your comment. If you check the site’s archives, Josh has published a really good article earlier this year. I have posted some new material to Josh recently but he is quite busy at present but hopefully he will get around to publishing again soon.
The rate of asymptomatic cases shows that Covid exposure doesn’t equate to the advent of sickness. I think the question we should focus on in is, what causes disease in general? This pandemic offers society the opportunity to explore important metaphysical questions in a group setting. The mind-body connection plays a vital role in physiological outcomes; the placebo effect is real. Furthermore, I think most people on this site would agree that there is more to life than what we can empirically isolate with the five senses. In Raymond’s post he emphasizes the benefits of stress reduction, to maintain a strong immune system. Stress is a spiritual condition, which contributes to our vulnerability to a physical condition. All external phenomena have a spiritual source. The Bible has a symbolic level, and all external phenomena in life have a symbolic level as well. Covid the disease is a spiritual condition, manifesting as a physical condition. It is important to recognize the role the collective mind is playing in all of this. Fear is being generated in our collective mind through media. Fear weakens the immune system. Trusting in Providence (faith) will eliminate fear. Our lives are in God’s hands, not in the hands of pharmaceuticalism. I wrote a short book about the spiritual source of covid: “The Metaphysics of Covid-19, Idealism, Disease and Society” by David Higgins. It is on Amazon books.
Thanks David,
I call this thing ‘ condition-of-covid’ to indicate this is not a sickness or dis-ease but ‘A STATE OF MIND’ .
The paradigm about dis-ease leading to a state of sickness needs to be changed. And maybe as revolutionary as GNM as developed by Dr Hamer.
Thanks, Leo.
“A state of mind”, yes. Agreed. But that state of mind is of course consequent of wether it was formed through the first Adam, the lower animal intellect, or the second, transcenant spiiritual Adam. The lower irresolute intellect feasts itself entirely on negetivity hence suffering either mentally or physically. Thus our aim in meditation is establishing of the Resolute unwavering Truth-bases itellect.
The secret is not to put names or attach beliefs onto mental things or media constructions for such is how thy propegate to form our reality.
Daily transcendence is our surest means of gaining authentic spiritual soul freedom and divine faith rooted entirely in perfect God consciousness, in establishing divine Truth within consciousness as our sole source of all healing and health in the face of the daily negativity onslaught by the vested corporate interests.
Hello David,
Thank you for this really interesting comment.
You pose a vitally important question indeed: “what causes disease in general”?
The answer is, Adam, the lower, non-integrated intellect. This is the source of all problems, particularly with regards to health issues, such as covid. As every thought is formative, thus do we make our own heaven or he’ll within consciousness through Adam, or, allow others create a mental hell through negative programming. In other words, Adam is either transformed spiritually or In spiritual ignorance. Resolution of this ignorance or hell intellect, Adam, is by daily transcendence in meditation. This is how we individually resolve the lower intellect’s compulsive affilation with “the fruites of the knowledge of the good and evil, for then man will surely die” (from lack of eternity awareness and spiritual insight). In other words, lower intellect does not and can never posses divine wisdom, ever. Thus, microbes of health and wholeness will produce their kind in the mind-body without fail. Man/woman’s job in life, for health, healing and natural happiness, is to cease production of mental microbes, of wrong thinking sourced through non-spiritual media hysterics, which only lead to the blocking of our own natural, innately present well-being and health.
From this perspective, it’s easy to see how the pharma giants can play off of people’s spiritual ignorance for mega garaunteed pofits.
Thus it’s becoming obvious that covid now is all about corporate/political greed and dollorization through media driven fear on the global society.
Best wishes, David, for your new book: Metaphysics of Covid-19, Idealism, Disease and Society.
Thank you Raymond, your response was excellent. If I am understanding you, you are saying disease is a product of the condition of the lower mind, which has not been through the process of spiritual rebirth. If we leave our natural intellect in an unenlightened state, we are then vulnerable to hellish influences. Sub-microscopic particles do not cause disease to manifest, rather the state of disease will manifest if there is some spiritual harmony between the individual victim, and the spiritual state of society represented by covid. If there is no underlying resonance between the spiritual essence of covid which is in the collective mind, and the individual mind, a diseased state will not manifest in that individual. Fear creates the possible resonance.
In your response to Leo you said: “The secret is not to put names or attach beliefs onto mental things or media constructions for such is how thy propegate to form our reality.”
How should we discuss covid and avoid attaching names/beliefs onto mental things? I agree that the naming of things is a critical aspect of the formation of reality, both individually and collectively. Do you think society will remain in the grip of the non-integrated intellect? are you hopeful that there may occur a collective shift towards spiritual understanding?
peace and gratitude,
Hi David,
Thank you for your equally excellent responce.
In my point about not naming things, I should have qualified this by saying, not naming or naturing mental perspectives of the lower intellect into our awareness. As such naming, or, creating, is not sourced through Divine Wisdom, lower Adam intellect does not possess capacity of divine love, Higher vision, eternity or spiritual foresight.
As every negative thought must form its own microbe, and every life action formed through a thought, thus the imperative of not naming a standard through the lower intellect. Thus the global imperative of transforming lower Adam unto divine standard.
Lower Adam is designed to work against the mind/body organism for its destruction.
Thus eternity consciousness can only be established through means of daily transcendence, thereby integration of lower ego or lower intellect unto spiritual nature, unto cosmic standard thus making eternal pure consciousness as our daily living awareness.
Gen 2–19 is reminding that the beasts of the field -field meaning mind – and the fowel of the air, creative thought, are not enemies as such until made so. Rather thy represent divine potential or ideas for our mental/physical spiritual development. In other words, these Idea patterns are dlsigned for Good until lower Adam intellect intervenes and makes them non soul serving, hense suffering.
The main ingredients of lower Adam are: fear, hate, anger, greed, lust, corruption and people control for personal power. These mental microbes recognise no boundaries or moral ethics. They’re specifically encoded for individual destruction of the bearer within any level of societal standings. None escape lower Adam’s natural atraction to personal greed, corruption and mental contamination. But only the spiritually asleep think otherwise!
The pharma industry are interested only in ‘killing’ and have no natural spiritual interest or knowledge on how microbes were first created, and how we can become healthy by not creating such, thereby halting the willful destruction – by some- of the human organism.
Thus as thoughts are tools we can either create heaven or hell for ourselves, or allow others do so without objection.
And while acknowledging the major shift to spiritual heart onsciousness by many globally, thereby preventing excessive proliferation of ill-health microbes such as covid, many, sadly, through mental pollenation of the media driven fear microbe, still seem to be placing their new-found spitual faith in pharma cures, thus bypassing their own self-healing potential of applied inner alive faith.
But ultimately this global health resolution must be tackled from within each person, when self-immunity becomes the established norm. Thus the global imperative of daily transcendence of the lower Adam intellect and its intended reunion with Divine Spirit.
Transcendence takes the consciousness unto pure awareness, pure Being, unto pure Health, which state, post meditation, is brought back to play its vital role in the spiritual evolution of the individual soul, thus unto eternal consciousnessness.
Such is how, through direct bliss perception, our initial intellectual God faith becomes AS our authentic, directly experienced, unwavering Union in eternal Reality, when indulgence in so-called lower intellect remedies now seem as contradicting our true nature faith.
Awareness dawns of our God-given immune system’s capacity for optimal health through release of the required quantities of mature antibodies from the thymus gland to defend against covid invasion. That these divine warriors, or miracle antibodies, are cosmically designed specifically to defend against all foreign invaders entering the body’s immune system.
Blessings, David,
@David That is why i called it ‘condition-of-covid’. In other words i refer to that what causes covid to appear.
Raymond’s quote : “The secret is not to put names or attach beliefs onto mental things or media constructions for such is how thy propegate to form our reality”.
I would change that into : do not add values to what is being observed.
It is reduction that hurts the appraisal of reality as it presents itself to us. And . . . keep on wondering. Reductionism and adding values results in coming to a conclusion and to conclude something means to ‘lock it up’ (most probably in the wrong vault and with other wrongly assigned ‘items’) <= that causes unncecessary firing up of the fight or flight or freeze response, the amygdala-hijack.
What propugates is, in my opinion : anything that makes a sound. Talking makes sound waves, or in general communing is done by radio-waves, our bodies contain a bio-radio. And these waves revibrate in other beings. And that is how the 'condition-of-covid' is propugated. <= the transmission of feelings of fear.
All above is imho 🙂
Thanks, Leo.
Yes, your comment reflects Biblical Job 3: 23 KJV.
“For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come upon me”.
This whole covid-go-round theme is driven relentlessly by the media and vested interests groups.
The natural antidote for all fear is, the establishing of transcendental pure silence within consciousness, where fear, and its associated life draining mind-sets, cannot take up residence within, thus making our now immune spiritual body/ system non-attracting or, non compatible to the fear contagion — where the media message does not find a fertile, receptive mind.
Thanks Raymond,
For referring to the Book of Job.
It is considered to be one of the ‘Wisdom Books’ of the OT and one of my favorites. I am not well versed in Biblical texts and your mentioning of ‘good old Job’ invites me back to study more 🙂 ( work in progress ).
Hi Leo and Raymond,
Sorry I didn’t read your comments until today! “Do not add value to what is being observed” is a profound perspective, which is good for inoculating one’s own mind, but still remains the challenge of public discourse with those who embrace the fear? How can we speak to those without incurring their wrath at our “non-scientific insensitivity”? The non-physicalist metaphysical philosophy seems impossible to communicate compassionately to the pharmaceutically mind-washed.
Leo, your point about sound being an effective medium for the transmission of fear is very important. Do you think video is more powerful than books?
Raymond, I really liked the long reply you posted on dec.8. I found myself generally agreeing with all of it. The “Lower Adam” is a great way to talk about our pre-regenerated mind. You said “the lower adam is designed to work against the mind body organism for its destruction.” are you implying that it is part of God’s plan for our individual spiritual evolution to experience the death of and in the lower self, and therefore we should embrace suffering? Henry James Sr. maintained that “the fall” ( adam eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil), was representative of a necessary, and good step in the right direction, as pre-fall adam was entirely physical, akin to an animal state, whereas becoming aware of good and evil (spiritual values) was the start of opening of the spiritual level of the mind, which is necessary to become truly human. So eating the apple is to establish the first lower human self, which spiritual truth can then begin to transform.
I agreed with the essence of your entire response, only I would semantically adjust the micro-biology aspect a bit to suit my immaterialism/idealism metaphysical view of the apparently external phenomenal reality.
Thanks for sharing you insights, both Raymond and Leo,
all the best, David
Hi Leo, I replied to this a minute ago in a reply to both you and Raymond. thanks, David
Thank you, David for this great comment which I found really interesting and profound, including your comment to Leo.
You raise a most important question: ‘is it part of God’s plan that we suffer’. If I may elaborate as I understand matters through my rears of meditation and spiritual study.
‘Suffering’ of course is referring to spiritual ignorance.
To eat of the of the tree of knowledge, of good and evil, is to digest spiritual ignorance through our consciousness, thtough the five lower nature senses, thus do we die spiritually.
Thus, when we eat through the tree of knowledge, of good and evil, means our life is being expressed through the lower Adam, through compulsory sin or suffering until we consciously seek to be free of this cyclic activity – that we seek to awaken within or, when we seek the kingdom of heaven within consciousness.
This lower Adam is consequent of sin carry-over from previous lives. Lower Adam thus represents non integrated consciousness or is representative of the spiritually asleep mind or soul.
Here it’s important to understand that God has set laws (of nature) within each human mind from the beginning. And, our individual job of work from birth is to transcend these born into laws, which laws, when lived through spiritual ignorance, are causal of all suffering.
In other words, while remaining spiritually asleep, these eternally set laws work against our spiritual growth – thus do we bring suffering unto ourselves until we awaken unto our own Christ within, when everything changes or transforms for the good of our soul, thus making eternal life a conscious reality now.
Thus, when these set laws are transcended in meditation then the very same laws which initially brought obout suffering, now establish divine harmony in mind, when the mind functions automatically in concert with cosmic law, functions under Higher direction,thus guiding the soul’s natural desire for spiritual evolution leading to Unity, Cosmic, or God consciousness.
The biblical term ‘original sin’ thus is referring to this spiritual state of ignorance which we’re each automatically born into – the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In other words, lower Adam, or lower ego self, cannot know the difference between good and evil, right and wrong, for this state of soul solely resides or originates from within the spiritually awakened soul. The state of Divine Wisdom cannot be known through the lower ignorance state of soul.
Thanks again, David.
SOS reply to David (it is about me accepting an important aspect of meditation).
This a going to be an lengthy entry. Please indulge me 🙂
The brothers Grimm collected folk tales and published some of them.
One of these folk tales is about two abandoned children. They were left in a forest to fend for themselves. They find an enchanted little house made of candy.
The witch that controls that area takes them as prisoners and wants to feed off them. The children are smart enough to escape and manage to get back safe again.
Original title :
Haensel und Gretchen
English : Hansel and Gretel
This is one of many folk tales. I happen to have stumbled upon a variant of that story.
It is about a boy, named Gijs, he has a strong appetite, almost insatiable. He wanders off far into an old forest. He comes upon an enchanted little house al made from a sort of ginger bread. The sort Gijs likes a lot. So he start eating and he literally digs into the house. He manages to eat himself al the way inside. While going further and further into the house the hole he ate closes after him with the same ginger bread. It is growing back by magic.
Now Gijs finds himself in the center of the house, belly full, content.
He starts to think of getting back home. He released himself from his eating frenzy (by becoming full). But now he is faced with a problem. He is trapped inside the ginger bread and the only way to get out is for him eating his way out. And although the ginger bread is no longer attractive (maybe even repulsive) to him he must eat it to get out of this prison.
So this is the folk tale that came to me. And i took it as a lesson in Life.
I get entangled in a situation because of an addiction of the senses. I get insight of this entanglement by being fully engaged (fed up with it). After that i need to learn to adapt the interpretation of my senses to get ‘untangled” and that way i will have build up some working knowledge (by a real life experience).
How does suffering come about ?
By not recognizing the scene, a bit similar to scenes in the 1985 movie ‘Young Sherlock Holmes’ where people experience strong trauma after being stung by a thorn laced with a potion that induces vivid hallucinations. The three heroes of this movie manage to go through the hallucinations unscathed.
In real life a similar approach can be used.
In Aikido it is called standing on the bridge between Heaven and Hell. Dynamically balancing through Life.
Trying to ‘defeat the enemy’, the darkness, evil, is not going to cut it.
We live in the world of opposites and we need to make choices in life. That is how we accumulate our life experience (growing wiser per day).
Should everybody do the same thing to earn ‘salvation’ ? NO, absolutely NOT !
The wise of old have a saying : in Him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28). By serving our life purpose we are aligned with the higher being.
And like the cells in our body we are differentiated to bring the higher being into a life experience. There are opposing forces like the bending and stretching muscles in our arms and legs. To get the work done they are depending on each other.
How much different works the mental body. The counter should be the emotional body. But it works on a different configuration. We can split them (and that is what most people do) and act out of balance, mentally, emotionally or both. We need to engage both (before we decide and act) to get a fuller meaning of an approach (spirit – mind/body).
I know this is a back to basics approach. But hey, look what the splintered approach brought us.
I see becoming quiet and (more or less) ‘detached’ as a necessary step along the way, hence meditation is a good thing. After that comes deciding an approach and acting in this (physical) world as a necessity to get things done. To get things done. Easy ? No, because there always will be consequences, which we need to ‘own’. And this will present us with more angles asociated with the object of interest. Interesting, yes !
Scary ? At first yes, because of our identification with a conceived notion of reality, our personal or not so personal narrative(s). The more we practice, the easier becomes an alignment with All.
Is that similar to go ‘with the flow’ ? Sure, if only we start to acknowledge our deepest waters 🙁
Humankind has deep waters and knowledge about is considered to be a dark science.
“Condition-of-covid’ is all ‘things’ that cause these waters to act, to stir, to cause events to happen. Does it affect out health ? Possibly. If discomfort becomes dis-ease. When amplified and acknowledged it becomes a phenomenon and our common science calls it sickness. Not looking inside but outside for cause and effect the cry for battle is raised and everybody starts to act according to their accepted narratives.
Fight, flight or immobilize.
Imo the symptoms that co-arise together with the ‘condition-of-covid’ are labelled as outcome of a battle with ‘outside forces”. And commonly accepted science activates ‘defence forces’ to counter the so-called alien interference.
For me this is what real life is about. To find proper response to ‘outside’ interferences.
‘Condition-of-covid’ is in my opinion a mix of many conditions, accepted narratives, challenged believes, an uprising of deep waters, a joining of forces. Most places where people are treated for symptoms are amplifying the wild and unknown deep waters of the human existence. And many ‘patients’ give up hope for a solution, because for them ‘the battle is over’. And that, in a way, is a good thing . . .
Ecclesiastes 3
Kind regards, Be Well,
Hi Joshua, just wondering if you have researched origins of Germ Theory. Funded by rockafella and has allowed Rockafellas big pharma to make trillions on vaccines and fearing everyone into suppressing the bodies normal detox mechanisms (cold, flu, virus) which leads to chronic disease, cancer and illness.
I lean more towards terrain Theory, viruses come from within and are given to us by God, we are born with them and they act as solvents to get rid of diseased cells and toxicity, viruses are triggered by climatic changes and cellular communication. Terrain theory can also not be scientifically proven- but it makes more sense.
Germ Theory, which is just a theory,cannot be proven.. Contagion studies always fail. Please research Spanish flu and you will learn no virus was isolated and all contagion studies failed. This topic is censored beyond anything.
Coronavirus is no different, try finding proper contagion studies applying Koch’s postulates. They don’t exist. It’s a complete hoax 🤦🏽♀️