In addition to Raymond’s last article, just thought I’d share an additional “physical” additive that may help give a little extra protection against Coronavirus.
Disclaimer: Before I state that, I must state that I am not doctor. I do not have a medical degree and my advice may or may not provide any additional protection. I recommend that you follow the guidelines being stated by the World Health Organization and doctors for your local area. But…you can also do this and it certainly won’t harm you. That being said, I’ll give you my personal opinion below as it has been something that has worked for me in the past 🙂
It’s very simple. Get some fresh garlic bulbs. Crush a few cloves. This is important. You must CRUSH it fresh. The most powerful effects come in the first fifteen minutes of crushing it, as the compound allicin (little understood by modern science but highly effective) is activated, along with diallyl and and s-allyl cysteine. Put the fresh crushed garlic into a bowl mixed with some coconut oil (olive oil if you don’t have cold-pressed coconut oil, although that is best for a synergistic effect). Mix it until you have a paste. Take the past and rub it on the soles of your feet. Put socks on and go to bed. Rub it in your navel also, and if you are really brave, make sure to rub some on the thighs of your legs and hands and arms. Your skin is the biggest organ in your body which is highly absorbing. Garlic is antiviral, fungal, and bacterial. It’s powerful and cheap.
Yes, I know, you won’t smell that great, but a small price to pay. Although I can’t speak to what the doctors state about how effective this is, I can relate my personal story…
A month ago my kids got a bad flu. Probably didn’t have anything to do with the Corona virus (although Tom Hanks and his wife got it at a time when Australia was only reporting 120 confirmed cases in a country with 24 million, which makes me think it was going around months before). There have been some reports now circulating on the internet that there was 325 cases confirmed in China by December of last year and they weren’t being honest with us. Who knows?
Anyway, my son had an average temp of 103.9 for many days which was quite concerning for me. Alternating between Motrin and Tylenol only brought it down to about 102.5 on average, with one spell down to 101.5. The spikes and longevity of the spikes was something beyond my experience, so I was alarmed. I’m more the traditional type and don’t really get scared by fevers because it’s a natural defense against sickness and I usually let it run for my kids. But we went to the doctor’s office at the first spike of the temp because it was so high, but they never did a test. They stated it was certainly the flu and sent us home (because they were so busy with local cases) telling us to come back if there were any breathing problems. Point is, it stayed very high for long periods. He’s quite healthy overall, but was quite sick for those 6 days. This was sickest he’s ever been. My daughter also had it and it lasted about 5 days with high fever, with one day of reporting harder than normal breathing although that was short-lived. Even though my son never felt trouble breathing, he felt the worst in other parts of his body. Until that time at 13 and 11 years old, my kids have never really gotten that sick before. This time last month seemed very sudden and severe.
During that week, and by accident, I drank from my daughter’s water bottle by the couch that I thought was mine. Two days later I came down with some of the same symptoms. But here is where my personal story may shed some light on my garlic trick. Obviously we all had the same thing, but my symptoms lasted two days. I got very tired, but developed no fever that I was aware of, and only had the aches and shivers for about 8 hours. By day 2 1/2 I was 100 percent again. From the first day my son showed symptoms, I did the garlic trick on myself and them, but I also ate it raw. I popped a clove in my mouth twice a day, chewed it up, and chased it with orange juice, in addition to the garlic rub. So let me make this clear – The garlic trick did not prevent this regular flu (or whatever it was), but it made my symptoms greatly reduced and short-lived compared to both of them.
In conclusion, I am not saying this is a fail-proof trick. But take a live flew virus and place it in a dish of garlic and coconut oil, and I don’t think it would survive long. Do your own research. But point is, get that in your body and you might be doing something, at least, if not more powerful, as hand sanitizer and hot soap and water. Chances are we are all going to be exposed to Covid-19 at some point in the future and it might be beneficial in the long run to be exposed but to have some type of additional help to get the body through it and develop a natural immunity.
I am a teacher and exposed to quite a lot. I usually don’t get sick, and use the two combinations of garlic I mentioned above when flu season kicks in. I have always been mostly spared. When I did get something going around my school over the past four years, the symptoms are usually minimal and very short-lived. I have never had a flu shot.
So again, don’t consider this as a means of complete immunity, but additional protection. Some people report that the garlic rub on their feet and navel makes them taste the garlic in their mouth within twenty minutes, which if true, means it’s circulating throughout the body rather quickly. I can’t speak to all that, but can say that for me personally, the garlic paste seems to provide additional benefits to the immune system.
One thing is for certain…I am doing this for my kids every night, and for myself as well throughout this flu season and until Covid-19 calms down. Kids are not usually effective meditators unless they are taught from an early age, so I hope this post means something to you and your family as something additional you can do.
Sorry this wasn’t a deeply spiritual post related to scriptures as this site always is, but I thought it was important nonetheless. In addition, this comes from much research into Chinese herbal medicine 🙂 I believe I have gained a lot of experience on the subject and how certain physical nutrients relate to spiritual life and the etheric body. For example, although many claim vitamin c is great for immunity, I have learned that without the synergistic effect of zinc and a balanced micro-nutrient absorbant body it is almost useless. Of course all the facts go so much deeper, and as Raymond posted last, stress can wreak havoc on all of this, impairing the way the physical body incorporates nutrients (your spiritual life being the foundation). His post was vitally important because if you can’t manage stress, no amount of “proper” nutrient intake will have the desired effects you are looking for. If you are interested, I’ll post more health remedies in the future.
I am in the midst of a move. Selling my house and relocating back to the water, but after all is said an done I have some great additional esoteric info on Paul and the Serpent that should be eye-opening and tie many of the scriptures together.
For now, blessings SOS family and I hope all of you stay safe!
Each person is individual and unique. Once the psychic cause of the sickness is dealt with the body will recover with the help provided (not just one recovery method but many).
There seems to be evidence that the current corona virus is of US origin. Brought to Wuhan by a contingent of US soldiers participating in a sport event. It is rumored that the US CDC withheld new test kits from the US market until a local supplier could produce a similar kit.
On another level : who has authority over Life ?
The word authority comes from the word author, meaning the creator (of some thing). So when I make some thing I am author and I have authority over it (and I am allowed to protect that).
Some people assume authority over other people, but the Creator never gave away that authority. The authority of a person’s life lies with that person and only that person, no one else.
That is an important part of ‘natural law’ as opposed to human-made law’.
So, in my opinion, a virus can never destroy a human life. It (the virus) can be attributed certain qualities though. Fear, psychic stress, the fight against the dis-ease can wear a person out. In the end the patient gives in (gives up life) and surrenders to the destructors. So, again imo, the media-hype is for a great deal responsible for the psychic stress people go through when encountering this phenomena ( the perceived enemy “killer-virus” )..
I couldn’t agree with you more. Is it German New Medicine that your comment is referring to?
I haven’t been sick with a cold or flu in over 14 years, and I firmly believe it’s mind over matter that plays the greatest role in causing someone to think themselves sick alongside the mental/emotional stresses that one has to deal with on a daily basis.
When you have the greatest programming (brainwashing) tools (anything with a screen) at your disposal to drill into the psyche of the masses the fear of something along with a list of symptoms one will (not may) experience, it’s easy enough to understand that they’ll ‘catch’ whatever is going around. It becomes very difficult for many people to not come down with the symptoms being repeated nonstop, if they’ve been glued to the ‘screen’ long enough to get them believing what’s being projected out into their minds is true and to fear it as well.
Once I stopped believing in 2008 that I could ‘catch’ something from someone and get sick, that’s when I stopped getting sick. It’s a miracle!!!
It’s truly amazing the power of the mind. The nocebo effect works just like the placebo effect. You can think yourself sick just as easily as you can think yourself healthy. Thoughts are things after all!
Love, light and peace is ours (:
Hi Eva,
Yes i refer to German New Medicine, but there are many more disciplines that work ‘holistic’. GNM just 🙂 replaces traditional western medicine. Breaks down the ivory tower (or at least attempts to do that).
Warm greetings,
Hi, Leo!
I’d be interested hearing what the other holistic disciplines are. Not sure if this is the platform to discuss this, but I’d be willing to communicate via email to continue this conversation. Would you like to exchange email addresses?
Hi Eva.
Ok, ask Josh to forward your email address to me.
Btw i am not claiming to be the ultimate source on holistic medicine. But yes i met a few.
Warm greetings,
Wonderful, Leo! I’ll ask Josh to forward my email address to you. Talk soon. Have a cheery great day! 🌞
I make some notes 5 days ago :
What not to do in regard to Corona according to the BBC : https://www.bbc.com/news/world-51735367
See MMS is mentioned and FDA states just ‘sly shit’ about MMS. ( I checked the American dictionary, it is a known expression 🙂
FYI. A virus does not kill. The disease together with the psychic and emotional stress exerted on and experienced by the patient drain the life energy. In the end the patient just gives up the fight and surrenders to the so-called inevitable.
Hi Josh,
So happy to hear that you and your family are recovering from that bug. Stay safe and looking forward to Paul and the Serpent blog.
A post by Karel Donk on the use vitamin C to the strengthen the immune system.
My simple solution ; use ozone
2 levels
1. Use as desinfectant
2. Adcanced breathe a tiny dose of O3
Warning :. Know what you doing.
Read the instructions here :
Ozone O3 as counter to 666 or transform from 666 to OOO ?
Both options are viable.
As a general rule i would say exactly the opposite : I recommend that you DO NOT follow the guidelines being stated by the World Health Organization and doctors for your local area. Unless what they suggest is in line with NATURAL LAW.
Over the past 2 years it may have become clear to you that both FDA and WHO have their own agenda and that agenda does not align with the health of the individual.
If it is not clear yet, then wake the f. up !
I stopped taking any advice/recommendations for anything, especially my health, from the powers that be and all of their official institutions many, many, many moons ago. There are always better options than they’re pushing.
Love, light and peace is ours (: