Have we ever reflected on how everything in nature is constantly in process of praying, and without ever needing reminding? From trees, plants, rivers and oceans — in growth, flow and overcoming — these guys are expert at praying, in maintaining their natural environment.
Likewise, for instance, have we ever dwelt upon how birds pray, or even how fish pray?
Birds are in prayer while swooping and diving in group unison, no one bird is leading the other; their synchronized flock-diving ability puts them in direct communication with Nature. Similarly, when fish shoals dart and spin rapidly in the deep silent ocean, they too are praying blissfully. By praying is meant, they are in communication with their god, the energy of Nature. Such is when they receive the latest up-dates on their evolution, such as some new-forming habits and likely migratory routes to new feeding grounds for their survival. But more vitally, their prayer activity is carried on through intuitive group silence from where they each receive instinctive insight simultaneously.
So, bringing this nature scenario into the biblical / human context: how are humans designed to pray? This, ‘how to pray’ forms the basis of the Lord’s Prayer, when the 12 disciples (aspects of soul) went to Jesus (higher life principle) and asked this very question – ‘Master [of discipline – the Resolute intellect] teach us how to pray’, teach us how to know AUM.
Being heavily coded, the Lord’s Prayer, for practical implementation needs simplified understanding rather than just reciting from memory.
More on this further on.
We’re all familiar, I’m sure, with the Biblical term, Alpha and Omega as representing the first and last letters in the Greek alphabet.
But, beyond their alphabetical connotation, what else majorly is significant regards Alpha, for us. Like, similar to bird flock-diving synchronization, what value do these letters offer in soul evolution terms to humans?
To answer this vital question, we must first pose the following question, like, what is the significance of the word Aum?
Here let’s reflect briefly how Jesus instructed the apostles to pray. The Lord’s Prayer primarily is an instruction on how to inner pray – it states in present tense: “Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name, thy king come” meaning: Holy, Hallowed or Healing is thy Nature, is thy ever-present AUM vibration. Hence the significance of the term Alpha and Omega and the Word Aum — they’re both referring to the same inner dynamic of diving in prayer thereby accessing the kingdom of God. In other words, we’re in full prayer while inner hearing AUM. Such is when our soul becomes vibrationally attuned with the Word, with God, which Word is Aum, thus stirring Alpha and Omega into vibratory action as opposed to merely adoring these alphabetical letters visually and intellectually.
Thus Alpha and Omega are one and the same vibratory activity as, AUM – they represent the same outcome or means of inner dynamic prayer. The Bible refers to Aum as Amen.
John 1—3 puts it:
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Through him God made all things”.
So, what does ‘Him’ and ‘God’ in John’s verse mean in relation to AUM?
AUM thus is the transmuting vibration which alone contains the transformative dynamic necessary for advancement out of, and beyond, basic human animal consciousness into Christ /cosmic consciousness and ultimately on to God-consciousness. Aum, being the Primordial Sound of the universe, is the starting point through which human consciousness commences the transformative journey into Higher Consciousness thus higher Awareness; the gateway unto God the Supreme Liberation, the eternal peace and joy we’re each encoded to seeking and finding and becoming in consciousness.
The Vedas (meaning knowledge) confirm this: “In the beginning, God first manifested as sound.” The Mandukya Upanishad states that, “The sound of Aum is the eternal Godhead, manifesting the whole universe.
So, similar to the universe, we’re each vibrational sound at our core. And while contact with our core is through AUM, the sound vibration first commences in the mind which travels to the base of the spine, thereby awaken the unconscious aspect of our spiritual inheritance, thus leading to expanded cosmic awareness, to the latent cosmic faculties within each soul. This subtle vibration, when picked up by the inner hearing, stimulates and aligns the soul into directly knowing divine bliss – divine consciousness revealing Itself unto Itself AS our Transcendent Self.
John 14:6 puts it:
“I Am the Truth, the Way and the Light. No one comes to the Father except through Me”.
Esoterically understood, John is stating: no one can experience the higher Self or Christ without undergoing the inner diving, the inner awakening process — awakening out of self ignorance, out of the repetitive sin-seed cycle thus unto expanded transcendental consciousness. That, the human soul must first enter into, Aum, (Me), go through Alpha unto Omega.
John 14:6 is stating: ‘I Am’ is the eternal Now, Life, or, Truth – Truth, meaning Absolute Existence which state never changes. Truth is which sets the soul free from the bondage of suffering and its causes.
‘The Way’ in John, is referring not only as means of soul coming unto eternal Truth, but, that, this Way becomes our daily living standard, of living Aum nature outwardly through the inner faculties (the potential apostles) consequent of knowing Aum, or Him, or Jesus the higher life principle.
Direct knowing of ‘I Am’ leads to the Transcendent within consciousness but minus the AUM, for, the Absolute or Transcendent, being Pure Consciousness, does not Itself vibrate, evolve, it remains ever-full and changeless.
In meditation the mind eventually transcends Aum to become the very nature of the Transcendent, when Divine peace and bliss is naturally lived through the mind, senses, nervous system and cellular physiology. This experiencing and outward living of divine standard is what roots the physiology in spiritual synchronization awareness, into living Divine Will, meaning, perfect evolution is being brought into the world through our spiritual consciousness. Thus, our soul, like the butterfly, transforms to become the Angelic channel in generating perfect evolution on Earth and in the cosmos – and the Word was made flesh, or, manifest creation sourced through AUM.
But soul transformation ultimately incorporates transcending the three gunas in meditation. This divine practice was described by the Buddha as “the Middle Way”, that of centring our consciousness for peace, balance and spiritual harmony in daily life. Vibrational Aum in meditation facilitates transcending these three gunas, the inherited forces of nature active in the mind and body known as Rajas, Tamas and Sattva. These three elements combined are responsible for our every action good or otherwise, both within and without. They form the binding-root of attachment to the material world. Thus, to escape their cyclical influence unto eternal soul liberation, we must transcend the three gunas. We do this by aligning our subtle inner hearing to Aum or OM in seated meditation, referred to as Raja or Royal Yoga — Yoga of mind, body, soul simultaneously — the ultimate Yoga or prayer for humans.
Let us develop John 14:6 further, by breaking down Mark 4:10-11.
10 – “when Jesus was alone, (in meditation) some of those who heard him (developing understanding) along with twelve disciples (inner creative faculties) asked him to explain the parables”.
Mark 4:11 –Jesus said: “You have been given the secret (capacity of knowing pure silence) of the kingdom of God. But the others, who are on the outside, (souls in ignorance of their divine nature within) hear all things by means of parables, (others’ surface explanation as opposed to inner revelation – including daily media conditioning) so that they look yet not understand, for if they did, they would turn to God, (Aum vibration) and he (AUM) would forgive them (integration of generational ignorance)” the means of establishing cosmic unity, peace and coherence within consciousness.
Similarly, with Psalm 46:10: “Be still and know that I am God”
“Be still” (meditate) and “Know” (direct experience) [of] “I Am” (eternity Awareness) “God” (as vibrational Aum) or, Truth realized within consciousness.
The ‘I’ as in, ‘I Am’ is not referring to the conditioned or lower individual personality of ‘I’ am.
‘I Am’, as mentioned in John, is referring to the eternal Now’ and not to time, or the ‘me’ ‘mine’ ‘I’ embedded in the lower intellect condition, but which ‘me’ ‘mine’ ‘I’ eventually dissolves into ‘I Am’ through AUM vibration.
‘I Am’ consciousness must first be stirred into awareness by direct experience of deep vibratory sound, such as AUM, and then, by transcending AUM, our soul returns to the creator of AUM, the Transcendent Self or, the unified field of Pure Consciousness, the state which never undergoes change. Thus, the unified field of pure consciousness is the Source of the innumerable laws of nature (often referred to as the gods) therefore, is not subject to the laws of nature, to evolution. These laws of nature came into existence out of the Transcendent, the Absolute. Hence the Bhagavad-Gita – regards reaching pure consciousness — states in ch2 v45 to Arjuna, “Be without the three gunas” meaning, transcend the laws of nature thereby is how the lower intellect becomes Resolute, one-pointed, out of the influence of the binding influence of compulsory sin — the subconscious negative mind-sets.
Vibrational AUM thus exposes subconscious addictions and their reactive patterns causal of endless, needless suffering.
In bringing light to rid darkness, thus generational suppressed addiction-based consciousness becomes integrated, made conscious, raised spiritually, thus commences our way back Home. Like the river becoming unblocked, it realizes the Ocean, the eternal unbounded Ocean of Self, the state of Pure Consciousness.
So, let us look more closely at the make-up of Aum particularly the letter A.
The letter ‘A’ has three lines or aspects which symbolize Sattva, Rajas and Tamas, the character values contained in A—U—M, the three gunas: one guna supporting life, another opposing, and the third complimentary to both.
The point atop of ‘A’ signifies where the three gunas meet, (point of intellect convergence) denoting the need of transcending the three elements of nature responsible for its innumerable laws. By not transcending the gunas, we remain under their influence subconsciously.
Thus the Word ‘God’ – which is best seen as a verb and not a noun – is relating to a particular vibratory sound quality: the sound of God is a vibratory Vowel of divine standard as in, G AAHH D.
Again we have the words, God and Good. The center section of both these words are indicative of Alpha and Omega, or, A & O, as in, the Vowel ‘Ah’ within God, and ‘Uh’ sounding Vowel within Good, which together make up the universal sound, AUM. So, the words ‘Good News’ appearing on many Bibles are referring thus to revelations from within a vibrational soul in awakening. And although sourced through previous enlightened souls, the same ‘Good News’ of unfolding inner wisdom applies equally to you /me today.
In summary:
Alpha represents creation or, beginning of time, and Omega signifies end of time within for that individual mind in meditation. In other words, when the limited time-bound self realizes the unbounded nature of higher Self, as Oneself, as Truth – you as soul become Truth, become Aware in eternal Life – termed Moksha, meaning the transcendent state or, soul liberation from the cycle of rebirth, a rebirth which is maintained by the laws of subconscious reactive patterns operating in the mind and body. Thus its these laws which one transcends in silence meditation leading to transcendence. But that the addictive karmic patterns such as alcohol, gambling, smoking, paid for sex, pornography, overeating, anger, and so on, still require conscious integration which may in fact require professional counseling and supervision.
And yes, this journey unto Truth indeed can take many reincarnations (which it has until now). BUT, realization of Truth can also be achieved in a single lifetime, this lifetime, the incarnation in which we’ve had the aha moment leading to inner inquiry as opposed to outer. When, for the first time. we payed conscious attention to within and decided to explore this domain. Or, one day, we listened esoterically to a particular scripture and its undeniable calling to inner silence meditation, such : “be still”.
For in truth, this outer journey of time and relativity must eventually lead to an inner journey of Self-discovery and eternal Truth.
When intuitively understood, that, each transcendence meditation represents an inner ‘end of time’ cycle or, Omega or, one lifetime, and, that, on coming out of meditation and transcendence this coming out represents commencement of a new incarnation. In other words, we return from Omega to Alpha once more, now, to live our newly gained level of transformed consciousness through the entire physiology and nervous system, to vitally include cellular and molecular systems. This cyclical process of returning from transcendental pure silence, represents a new biblical Day, a period of spiritual growth, until our next meditation and transcendence, when the soul once again journeys beyond time (Omega) and reincarnates once more to Alpha thereby create and develop even higher evolution and spiritual awareness to live through our physiology. Development of our consciousness is the eternal soul’s means of furthering God’s Will, or Idea for humanity, on this planet Earth.
From all that has been expressed here, we can see that, Genesis primarily is about the unfolding from within dynamic: Genesis is revelations of the ancient seers regards the inner processes mentioned, that of stirring the deeper silence into active bliss consciousness through vibrational AUM, thus furthering divine evolution both within and without.
Thus the significance of the scripture: “what ye do unto the least of my breather, ye do unto me”.
So, now, the age-old question: when is one fully Enlightened?
From the AUM and Genesis perspective, enlightenment is regards inner revelations of our own spiritual progress through the long corridor of time, to this point. The road of enlightenment is regards overcoming and integration of generational conditioning and our ignorance conditioned reaction to such. In its practical application, mature enlightenment is regards the wisdom to know the difference, or, the capacity of right action every time. Enlightenment thus is revelation which initially takes place transcendentally: our soul’s means unto the state of full mind functionality, of total brain coherence. In other words, when man’s lower intellect – our born into basic animal standard — has ascended unto resolute status, unto cosmically discerning ability, then one can claim conscious enlightened standard. By this enlightenment — regards our life on planet Earth — all the scriptures have been fulfilled, when personal enlightenment equates to our being a natural channel of divine wisdom.
Post meditational consciousness thus requires practical expression, which expression roots to form cosmic consciousness thus to form the criteria or bases of Right action or, enlightenment in action. Which right action is really the reverberations of direct AUM influencing. Ultimately, we will ‘know’ enlightenment to be Mature love and blissful peace sourced through our AUM-quickened thymus gland — the AUM-infused Higher Heart Love chakra.
Pure Consciousness – the Previous Cause
Finally, guna is a Sanskrit word meaning quality or tendency. Thus the combined tendency and quality of the three gunas make up the innumerable laws of nature. But, that, these laws in turn are resultant of a previous cause, which previous cause is the Almighty, the Absolute, the Transcendent or, Pure consciousness. In other words, before the manifest universe, before AUM, there was the Un-manifest, or, Pure Consciousness, but without knowing Itself AS pure consciousness or eternal Bliss. Thus, the laws of nature came into being, are birthed – through Pure Consciousness and Its own creative intention or, Idea — to facilitate Pure Consciousness in knowing Itself through Itself.
Put another way, Pure Consciousness cannot be known through a sin-riddled consciousness directly, thus, “No one comes to the Father except by Me” – lower consciousness must first be quickened, purified unto Pure Consciousness in silence meditation.
Thus, out of the eternal silence of Pure Consciousness came the laws of Creation, Maintenance and Renewal, which ‘Creation’ is often referred to as the big bang. But as we can now understand, creation – Creator — and renewal emerged out of the eternal Big Silence, out of Pure Consciousness as vibrational AUM, and, as such, we’re each innately equipped of all the attributes and potential of Pure Consciousness, thus the term, ‘made in the image and likeness of God’, which glorious state is fulfilled on realizing the Self as separate from the world of chaos.
In this context, through our chosen meditative practice, we each have the God-given ability of realizing Self, of creating perfect cosmos, stability of mind, stability of peace, bliss and coherence in the global consciousness.
As all peace-infused vibration registers in the collective consciousness, each meditator, through their meditational peace practice, contributes enormously in reaching many thousands who are not yet meditators: to upgrade their consciousness unto eternal cosmic status, unto soul-serving values which serve all of humanity spiritually. As co-creators with God, evolution needs you, me and the global brotherhood to create invincible peace and coherence in our minds, thus in the world, at this vital juncture in time.
Permanent world peace is the global imperative for each of us and for every generation. And yes, while it’s doable, peace must first be Self-realized thus stabilized within individual consciousness. Hence, “first seek ye the kingdom of God and all else shall be added” — peace becomes established or ‘added’ unto consciousness while in vibrational AUM meditation — humans highest form of prayer.
Hi Raymond…
Thank you for the contribution.
You taught me more than a few things here about the connection between the East’s and West’s scriptural connotations, especially as it relates to prayer and meditation.
I am also glad you mentioned the three gunas. You state:
Sattva, Rajas and Tamas, the character values contained in A—U—M, the three gunas: one guna supporting life, another opposing, and the third complimentary to both.
I had not looked into it this way before. I see something similar to the fact that all duality, being polar charges, reacts in the body this way to the navel area, the heart, and the head. One must be charged positively to react on the other’s negative charge. For example, intellectual consciousness, our natural waking state, is positively charged during waking consciousness as in the head area / brain area. It would seem to me that many (something I need to work on too!) have not connected with the spiritual consciousness in the heart area because until spiritual consciousness becomes activated in this area, it remains negative, but doing such meditations as you describe helps make the heart and spiritual area positive thus informing the head (intellectual) consciousness of its spiritual origin. The navel area representing the lower functions such as kama (desire) being the most positively charged of course until humanity develops reason to a high degree and then of course the heart, or spiritual consciousness eventually being the main lead balancing everything else out. If you have any additional info on this or see a connection with what you are saying please do share!
You also state:
In this context, through our chosen meditative practice, we each have the God-given ability of realizing Self, of creating perfect cosmos, stability of mind, stability of peace, bliss and coherence in the global consciousness.
Yes, this is the goal. For so many it seems life is in turmoil after the pandemic. Of course everyone has a different take on that, and what it means, but one thing we can all agree on: it has affected us all deeply, from the decisions and rules made from the top down that we have all had to follow to some degree in our daily lives!
I especially enjoyed the summary. Lots of good meat here. In fact it is in sync with my part two planned post (hopefully out soon) as a perfect introduction into the law of karma and reincarnation, which that post will heavily deal with. You explanation of the guna meaning “tendencies” which survive as the germs for the next incarnation to be recombined with the spiritual ego in physical life again is an interesting subject that makes much logical sense when studied in depth. Many people I talk to still don’t see the law of karma and its counterpart, reincarnation mentioned in the Bible, but when looked at esoterically, it is all throughout the Bible!
Thanks again for the contribution 😉
Thanks, Josh, for an insightful overview as always.
Couple of extensions to parts of the article, if I may.
When we speak of the heart in scriptural terms, we’re not of course referring to the physical heart, the pump, rather to the heart in the center of the chest referred to as the thymus gland or heart chakra. This chest area represents where Jesus (our own higher awareness) entered when entering into biblical Jerusalem on the donkey — meaning, meditational awareness rising from material-nature chakra in the coccyges area at base of spine, up to the spiritual heart chakra in the chest. This inner awakening unto direct cosmic love experience, reveals the latent compassionate love potential within each soul.
In turn, this love-force rises to the pineal and crown chakra in the brain, creating an opening for spiritual-soul discernability through a now ‘resolute intellect’ as apposed to animalistic standard of lower-ego based intellect.
Remembering, that, all functionality below hearth chakra is deemed anamalistic orientation, Thus heart-centered consciousness is referred to as ‘Fountain of Divine Wisdom’.
The gunas.
I think its important that people grasp the esoteric understanding surrounding the three gunas of nature and their interplay — I mean these guys, these laws, are for real, they’re not based on dogmatic belief systems.
The three gunas are always present together within our mind /body ecology — no one guna exists on its own. The gunas represent the three principles governing the laws of mind, of relativity, of material nature, which material nature we’re each born into. It’s through our material bodies that the soul gains freedom from cyclic karmic patterns, repeating incarnations of material standard. The body /mind is the vehicle which the soul uses for gaining eternal freedom beyond the realm of the three gunas. For, our eternal soul does not comprise the same material elements /dynamic through which the three gunas function.
“And He descended into hell” — descended into matter thus under the influence of the interactive gunas and relativity nature. The human soul, in the ever-changing relative domain, thus can never find ultimate happiness and true spiritual fulfillment in the gunas, whereas Transcendent Spirit is never-changing in eternal bliss.
Releasing our soul from the ‘hell’ of relativity involves the conditioned mind transcending these three gunas in meditation. Transcending relativity aligns the mind cosmically away from compulsive lower-conditioned sense attraction and captivation through addictive sense gratification.
The gunas acting upon the gunas.
In other words, the gunas are always competing against each other for dominance over our born into ignorance inherited intellect. And are succeeding so long as we have not gained Resolute intellect, not established the ability of spiritual heart discerning. Becoming Master of the senses through meditation thus represents freedom to move within the gunas’ domain without becoming overwhelmed and imprisoned by them — by the material world attractions.
Thus Jesus said: ‘bring them to him’, ‘the Master (resolute intellect) needs them [to discipline the senses and glandular systems unto spiritual / cosmic functionality]’.
Thanks again, Josh, for your welcome comment.
Hi Raymond, it is always a pleasure to read you. I really really enjoyed your post, so understand everything I am about to write is in agreement with nearly everything you said, bar a few discrepancies that could be just semantic ….shrugs….
Before I point them out, What cranial nerve does John represent? Just curious.
Hmm – I don’t know about God being only Consciousness Raymond – as in the final & ultimate state merely being consciousness alone. What constitutes consciousness? Well, we don’t know other than it is formless – nonconceptual. It is the light. Period. When Moses asked Gods name, God did not say – tell the people “I” sent them, no he said tell the people “I am” sent them signifying Conscious Awareness – Spirit and Soul, the mother and father that gave birth to the Son. He did allude not to just consciousness but awareness also. Nor do I believe awareness to be energy. Awareness is not energy. Awareness, like consciousness, is formless, and in relation to being nonconceptual, it is of course undifferentiated.
So, what is Awareness? Well, it is literally everything, yet nothing at the same time because, being the body of consciousness, it has no form. Like love which is often referred to as the movement of life, love has no form. It is not a noun but a verb. We cannot measure it, we cannot replicate it, we cannot control it. We cannot truly understand it beyond being conscious of being it. We can control what we are conscious of but not what we are aware of oddly enough. Therefore, we know this much – our true form is formless. Energy is has form. We can measure it, create it and control it. We have dominion over it. Clearly awareness is not energy, even though it births energy. Energy is the effect of the Soul. Energy or this universe is the effect of Cause and Cause is I am. Not I – but I am. So, Aum is what one would call their true body – the Soul. As “I” is their true mind – but we can never separate them. We can never separate mind and body. They are eternally One, which I find to be quite romantic lol. Alan Watts is right; life is an eternity of Adam and Eve playing hide and seek with each other. Conscious awareness are always one and are the ultimate state of being, that we all at one point rise into only to fall again. I has control of Am but Am IS that control. This is the totality of being. Just as we are Conscious Awareness so is the father and mother whose image, we were born in. Our Conscious mind represents our consciousness and our subconscious mind represents our awareness. We need both to be. As above so below so nicely depicts the law of gender. in my opinion.
Meditation therefore is the union between Consciousness and Awareness. It is a state whereby the thinker, the thought and the thinking become One. One becomes conscious of being awareness. This is oneness. At the moment we are only conscious of being consciousness. (Illusion or Maya). We are not conscious of being awareness, (Reality) though we are aware of being Conscious as crazy as that sounds lol. Awareness, Soul, never lives in separation from consciousness. It is only consciousness, as the Son that experiences this separation, this delusion. That is because consciousness clearly has the ability to project itself into Awareness as a focal point which we call the son. An individual awareness – which sums up our mind again doesn’t it. The conscious mind is our attention – it focuses, it is for up close detailed work, while our subconscious is aware and is more about collective seeing or holding a broader perceptive. For example you are aware you are in the kitchen however you are focused on cooking at the stove, therefore that is all you see. You forget you are aware also. Put together you are consciously aware. These principles play out on every realm multidimensionally.
Our awareness therefore, as you can see being undifferentiated points to the fact that we do not have a Soul of our own. That is an illusion, albeit a very strong one for it deceived me for a long time. What we call our Soul is merely an aspect of the One Soul, that we as the Son are conscious of. Therefore we have dominion over it. This being the case we call it our own, not yet realizing our Oneness within the mother expressed by the father. Each incarnation as we evolve through matter, brings us a broader consciousness of being Awareness. Every time we live, we become more conscious of our body, our soul or being. Eventually the Son grows up and becomes the Father or returns to the Fathers house – however one wants to conceive of it. Spirit gives purpose to Soul and the Soul fulfils this purpose. This purpose is revealed in the Son. Not created by the Son but revealed. . The subconscious is what we can claim as our Soul in being the Son, however the subconscious is merely a small portion of the Soul. When the Soul grows up to be as the Father it will, as the Father does, have dominion over all being. This is when the lion lays down with the lamb. This is our prayer where heaven is brough to earth. You are so right. Prayer is not an asking for, it is an affirming, it is communion. It is being in alignment and under Grace, so I very much loved your expression of this truth. In meditation one becomes conscious of BEING Awareness. That is Oneness.
The three Ganas or states of Karma are transcended upon Self-realization which always works hand in hand with Grace. One cannot Self-Realize without Grace. Many are called but few are chosen right. When there is no longer any separation or duality there is no Karma. Karma relies upon the Son in its egoic form to exist. Karma cannot exist when there is no longer any I separate to the true I. Therefore, Karma only exists in the realms of effect. Karma is necessary until it is not. Those that do not live in accordance with the law must live and suffer under it. Balance peace and harmony must exist on every realm where duality exists, or these realms would not exist. The hermitic principles are necessary for the wayward son just as laws and government etc are necessary in this day and age due to people being unable to control themselves. We need a police state at this point in our evolution for people will murder, steal and deceive still. The true government is not as yet upon their shoulders. One day governments will not be necessary. One fine day.
Imo the three Ganas are a testimony to the Alpha and the Omega which is the beginning and end of creation. Living under the law inevitably leads to lives AS the law. In accordance with it. Karma has past and future implications even though there is no past nor future beyond mental concept entertained by the inverted or egoic Christ or Son. Now is always now. This is why Now is the Alpha and the Omega. When time no longer exist, neither does Karma. Time only exists in duality. When one is prepared for self-realization through reincarnation, one has fulfilled their karma as a person. Once an individual person no longer exists neither does Karma so we are in complete agreement here 🙂 . Upon Self-realization the personal transforms into the impersonal. One knows the fullness of their being, therefore enjoys the creativity of free will as the One consciousness. In this manner one never goes against one’s own nature. No harm can ever be enacted that works against the whole.
I wrote this for my group last year and it might give you a better understanding of where I am coming from.
God is within her. She will not fail – Psalms 46:5
We as a focal point of consciousness, as the Son so to speak, do not have a soul of our own per se. We have become conscious of a portion of the Soul, throughout our evolution in matter over many lifetimes. The part of the Soul that we are conscious of we call our own (due to living in separation egoically – it can never really be our own as in separate from the whole). We name this part of the Soul our subconscious as it is the only part of the Soul which we have dominion of. We have dominion of it as we are conscious of it. We do not have dominion over the rest of the Soul, that constitutes the totality of life as we are not as yet conscious of it. Once we are, we will. It is in fact our destiny. However, for now, though we, as the conscious mind aka thought or Son, call it our subconscious due to it being at our command it is actually above the conscious mind in that the subconscious mind, brings awareness to it as directed by our true Self as Consciousness. In other words, unbeknown to the egoic mind the true Consciousness is always directing it via the One true Soul that bleeds into our subconscious bringing an awareness to our being. This is how we are called to Self-realization. All of a sudden, we have an awareness that drives the conscious mind to desire awakening. The conscious mind in its egoic state will eventually heed the call of its heart even though it believes it thought of this itself. It did not. It came from Spirit.
Then the king told the servants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and throw him into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ For many are called, but few are chosen.” – Matthew 22:14
This is basically saying that often when we are made aware from our true Consciousness, our true path, leading to an interruption or blockage of the ego’s idea of what its life should be. This causes great suffering – weeping and gnashing of teeth. For instance, one may really want this job that pays a huge salary but loses this job to someone else. Of course, we suffer the blow of this while little realizing we missed out on the job because our true Consciousness is leading us to something ever better for us – our true purpose for being. Remember everyone’s subconscious is at the beck and call of the One true Consciousness, so should Spirit decide you are not to get this job, it will be planted in the subconscious of the people of whom you apply for this job that you are not the one for it. Can you see how life works? Imagine if you were conscious of the whole Soul – you would have dominion over all effect – over all life and one day you will, not as an egoic mind but as the true Consciousness.
The true demonstration and manifestation of Spirit is of course sabotaged by the egoic minds efforts to create life rather than reveal it from its true Consciousness. Until the egoic mind learns to hold the Christ or Buddha mind it will always be working in opposition to its true Self due to a lack of consciousness aka ignorance. This is why we must hold a meditative mind that prevents the formation of false images that distort and delay the revelation of our Spiritual being, while simultaneously intuiting guidance consciously from its true Self. If the mind is present in its own thoughts, then it is not present in its own temple of Awareness (subconscious) to receive the gifts of Spirit. The conscious mind cannot serve two masters at once.
This is why many a guru will tell you to trust life. In reality life is the totality of your true Being. You are simply not conscious enough to experientially realize this yet. It is clear then that your salvation and hope for a better life lies in becoming more conscious of yourself as Awareness – as Soul for it only through the conscious awareness of being Soul do, we meet and merge with our true and full Consciousness.
The Conscious mind, the Son or focal point of Consciousness is merely the witness to life unfolding. The true mind reveals the truth, it does not create it. The Son has confused himself as the Father before his time. The Son will not have dominion over all effect until he grows or expands into the fullness of his Father aka his true Consciousness through the Love of Soul.
Though the father (Spirit) and mother (Soul) are formless – non conceptual and undifferentiated, the son is not. The son must lose his body consciousness in order to embrace the fullness of his consciousness, and this is done through meditation and mindfulness that still the conscious mind so completely that one’s consciousness starts to expand into its own Awareness – its own Soul that of course lead to the father. Just as the babe in the womb knows his mother before his father.
Note the biblical quote tied to this text mention her and not him. Meaning Spirit is within Awareness (soul) and she will not fail to produce what consciousness directs. The Son cannot direct her if he has no consciousness of her. He may only direct that which he is conscious of which is the subconscious.
But I want you to understand that the head of every man (mind) is Christ, the head of a wife (Subconscious) is her husband (Conscious mind that is Christ [not ego]) and the head of Christ is God – 1 Corinthians 11:3
Let a woman (subconscious/Soul) learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman (Subconscious/Soul) to teach or to exercise authority over a man (Conscious mind or True Consciousness aka Son & Father); rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam (Spirit or true Consciousness) was formed first, then Eve; (Soul) and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. (She, the subconscious, not Soul, was deceived by the egoic mind that pretends to be Adam and produced its offspring, false images or abominations). Yet she will be saved through childbearing (The birth of the Christ mind and death of the ego) if they continue in faith (intuition or knowing) and love (Soul) and holiness (Spirit), with self-control. (Meditation – Self -Abidance). – 1 Timothy 2:11-15
Hi Tracy,
So nice to hear from you, and thank you kindly for this extended comment.
And, of course, Tracy, there’s absolutely no problem in our seeing certain matters differently from time to time. Sometimes this can be due solely to one not elaborating sufficiently on the point being expressed.
Oh, and by the, way, Tracy, I did google that peaceful place you mentioned in southern New Zealand, where you expressed a desire to some day live. Gosh, i looked at lots of wonderful pictures of the area, from lots of angles, and, yes, it’s surely beautiful. Keep it in your prayer’s eye as already fulfilled.
You posed a question to me in your comment: ‘what Cranial nerve does John represent’?
As I understand this area of the anatomy, John belongs to the chakras realm, to the glandular system, more specifically to the 4th chakra, the higher heart chakra situated in the upper chest region.
John, as we know, Biblically symbolizes unconditional divine love.
In that famous Last Super depiction, he is seated on Jesus’ right-hand side, indicative of performing action through the heart chakra, through a state of love-consciousness. Which, of course, is the calling for each of us — hence, we meditate for to achieve unity in bliss-consciousness leading to God-consciousness.
In meditation, when the individual self ceases to be, thus our consciousness has transcended the three gunas unto bliss-consciousness — minus the karma. But, that, post meditation, we come back again to individual self but this time endowed of divine standard, of ‘John’ standard of consciousness. But, that, this effect at first wears off after a few hours, thus the need of a second meditation that day, when, with regular 20 minute practice sessions twice daily, the bliss state doesn’t wear off, it becomes as our permanent state of divine consciousness. But that, the accrued karmic patterns will still require conscious integration. Due to our consciousness having now become transformed cosmically — consequent of our daily meditation — future karmic patterns fail to root sufficiently to create a desire seed for future re-enactment in our outer and inner life.
Finally, Tracy, while I enjoyed very much reading your comment, there is quite a lot in it, so just to say here, I’ve noted mentally all that you have written so well, including that very good piece for your group blog.
Have a lovely early morning there in sunny New Zealand.
Blessings for now my friend.
Author: Raymond Phelan
R:/Hi Tracy,
So nice to hear from you, and thank you kindly for this extended comment.
And, of course, Tracy, there’s absolutely no problem in our seeing certain matters differently from time to time. Sometimes this can be due solely to one not elaborating sufficiently on the point being expressed.
Oh, and by the, way, Tracy, I did google that peaceful place you mentioned in southern New Zealand, where you expressed a desire to some day live. Gosh, i looked at lots of wonderful pictures of the area, from lots of angles, and, yes, it’s surely beautiful. Keep it in your prayer’s eye as already fulfilled.
T:/ So beautiful right? I love that it rains there a lot. I love rain. A lot lol. I understand your kind intent telling me to see it hold it in my inner I as if I already manifested and that is the way of prayer – a deep and abiding faith in Now, but its smacks of tomorrow and I know tomorrow can only exist in mentalism, so I am wary of that lol. I don’t want true images tainted with false (personal self) ones, to hold in my consciousness least they distort or delay life’s natural flow and purpose for my being. What if my destiny was in a different part of the world altogether? If my personal consciousness is not aligned with the impersonal Consciousness then I am sabotaging myself. Then I would sully a pure demonstration of a fate accompli that I know would serve me much better over my disconnected unit of a mind LOL. I shall simply love the whole world and go where love takes me.
R:/ As I understand this area of the anatomy, John belongs to the chakras realm, to the glandular system, more specifically to the 4th chakra, the higher heart chakra situated in the upper chest region.
John, as we know, Biblically symbolizes unconditional divine love.
In that famous Last Super depiction, he is seated on Jesus’ right-hand side, indicative of performing action through the heart chakra, through a state of love-consciousness. Which, of course, is the calling for each of us — hence, we meditate for to achieve unity in bliss-consciousness leading to God-consciousness.
T:/ Perfect then and I suspected as much for it is the heart we must merge with – which of course is our subconscious which IS Soul. We just call this part of the subconscious our Soul because it is the only part of the Soul we have dominion over. It is the only part of the Soul we are conscious of. Soul is Awareness. You could even say Soul is our female aspect of being. As consciousness our point of existence is male energy, therefore it is always seeking its female counterpart to create. Life is all about love lol – literally, right?!
R:/ In meditation, when the individual self ceases to be, thus our consciousness has transcended the three gunas unto bliss-consciousness — minus the karma. But, that, post meditation, we come back again to individual self but this time endowed of divine standard, of ‘John’ standard of consciousness. But, that, this effect at first wears off after a few hours, thus the need of a second meditation that day, when, with regular 20 minute practice sessions twice daily, the bliss state doesn’t wear off, it becomes as our permanent state of divine consciousness. But that, the accrued karmic patterns will still require conscious integration. Due to our consciousness having now become transformed cosmically — consequent of our daily meditation — future karmic patterns fail to root sufficiently to create a desire seed for future re-enactment in our outer and inner life.
T:/ Rejection of thoughts may be necessary for a time, or for some. You fancy that there is no end if one goes on rejecting every thought when it rises. No there is an end if you are vigilant and make a stern effort to reject every thought when it rises. You will soon find that you are going deeper and deeper into your own inner self where there is no effort for your effort to reject the thoughts. It is impossible for you to make an effort beyond a certain extent. Now it is impossible for you to be without effort. When you go deeper it is impossible for you to make any effort. Forgetfulness of your real nature is the real death. Remembrance of it, is true birth. It puts an end to successive births. Yours in then eternal life. – Sri Ramana Maharshi.
None of this is possible without Grace. No realization is possible without Grace. This means you are given the will and effort to accomplish what you must and will in the right season. The practice of all Self-Realization is no practice at all and that to me speaks volumes. Let it be. Eventually we all become stable in our true nature. I am not yet. When I write I am completely in the flow. The minute I stop writing I fall from Grace lol – with a thud 😉 Thought the thinker, the thinking and the thought are getting closer and closer together all the time I notice. There was a time I promised myself I would be mindful. Three hours would literally go by before I became conscious of my promise to myself. Now as soon as I leave the moment, I am conscious of it – so I am more conscious than I used to be – so sayeth the witness lol.
There’s this quote I love at the moment (I love love love quotes lol). Dear Silence, I stare at you, amid I can and I can’t. I can’t remember whose words they are but they are felt deeply! That is what the present moment is to me…
R:/ Finally, Tracy, while I enjoyed very much reading your comment, there is quite a lot in it, so just to say here, I’ve noted mentally all that you have written so well, including that very good piece for your group blog.
T:/ LOL – what a charming way to tell me my post is too long. You are quite right – it annoys me when people do that…… and then I go and do that 😋 Next time I will break them up into separate posts lol so as to not seem so long 😋 It might seem like I am post bombing you though and that is not a good look either. Oh lol – I will just write more succinctly. Editing can painful aye. I believe writing about metaphysics is the most wonderful and fulfilling thing in the world lol – bear with me 😉
R:/ Have a lovely early morning there in sunny New Zealand.
Blessings for now my friend.
Me: Yeah its 10am and it IS a lovely morning. I am at my leisure writing. The weather is sunny, with the sweet scent of jasmine and burnt toast in the air. I’m drinking a caramel latte and smiling at yet another long post of mine 😉 May Ireland give you rest this night 🙂
Christ with me,
Christ before me,
Christ behind me,
Christ in me,
Christ beneath me,
Christ above me,
Christ on my right,
Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down,
Christ when I sit down,
Christ when I arise,
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.
(St.Patricks Blessing)
Hiya Tracy,
Good to hear from you, and thank you for this reply, Just a few observations that stood out, if I may.
Based on what Ramana Maharshi stated above, you say: “None of this is possible without Grace”. “No realization is possible without Grace”.
And, yes, that’s so very true.
You say; “The practice of all Self-Realization is no practice at all and that to me speaks volumes. Let it be. Eventually we all become stable in our true nature”.
So here the obvious questions arise, Tracy: what is Grace and, what is Self-realization.
As I understand, Grace essentially is unconditional love, which unconditional Grace /Love emanates from the heart chakra, the 4th chakra in the chest, as mentioned in our post yesterday. Thus we don’t practice Grace-realization because we cannot know or recognize Grace without firstly experiencing such in some form. The initial experience may resonate only as mental calm, tranquility or silence. But as we graduate through daily regular mental-silence practice, thus Grace or Unconditional love becomes more experiential, more directly infused into our mind. Grace, as said, originates in the heart chakra and is subsequently expressed through the nervous system /physiology, thus eventually becoming one’s established state of consciousness — known as transformed consciousness. Consciousness thus uses our awareness to know Itself.
Self-Realization is an outcome consequent of inner surrender of our mental /physical experience of life to this point, Thus we practice surrender, which is termed meditation. There is no practice of ‘Self-realization, rather its an inner awakening, in that, we realize Self as Presence, as the pure silence of our own true Christ within — Hindu culture refers to Self as Atman, meaning Soul. We simply practice bringing our mind to the Well of Silence, to the ‘Now moment’. The benefit of being seated for this practice of course is that the mind gets to naturally transcend effortlessly, when Self is realized as separate from the relative ever-changing world of conflict and turmoil.
When you say: “let it be” (reminding myself here of Paul McCartney’s classic song “let it be”), it begs the question: let WHAT be?
As i interpret ‘let it be’, I hear, ‘let the moment be’, or, let the Present Moment, or, let the Promised Land be realized within consciousness.
This is the esoteric meaning of Moses leading his people, his thoughts, to the promised land, to the present moment.
Thus ‘let it be’ or let the Now be, requires an awareness, requires initial mental application — a decision to practice ‘let it be’.
This decision ‘to be’ aware requires constant awareness, which awareness practice can be carried -out while out walking or washing the dishes, without our being formally seated.
When you say:
“Let it be. Eventually we all become stable in our true nature”, it reminded me of the story of a person stranded on a high cliff, with no way down. She prayed to God to save her. A few moments later a helicopter came hovering by, lowered a rope, told her to climb up. She waved back: no thanks, I’m waiting for God to save me.
As always, Tracy, blessings, and have a beautiful sunny day!!
Hi Raymond 🙂
Grace is alignment of being. Life is graceful when all parts of our being move as One. Life flows. We witness synchronicity and serendipity when we are under Grace. To me this Grace. It is more a movement or an activity than some ‘thing’ that comes from or attributed to a certain chakra. I have never considered it a practice. Nor realization really. They are both just ‘happenings’ in the unfoldment of being. Grace is simply my way of saying consciousness is ready or beginning to live by Grace rather than karma. To live as the law rather than by it. There is always a transitory phase. Grace and Karma both, keep us in line lol. Grace is when we are in alignment and karma is when we aren’t lol.
Karma teaches us we must cease taking thought for thoughts we realize at some point; they are the cause of our suffering. Grace is what happens when thoughts start coming to a standstill and we are conscious of the effort we are putting into surrendering. And beautiful btw – is your understanding that meditation is actually surrender because it absolutely is. The more we surrender the more meditation occurs. We give up taking thought and allow life to be revealed through us, as us, for us. There is only ONE. Surrender is easy when one fully gets “I am of myself nothing, it is the Father in me that does the work”. Initially effort is required to turn away from every rising thought, however the effort in being able to do so is a result of Grace.
For example. I understood a while back that I needed to stay in the present moment and that thoughts took me out of the present moment, so I made the effort to stay present. Literally (lol) I wouldn’t realize I was not in the moment until some time, hours later. So carried away by my thoughts was I, I had not noticed 😋 My consciousness quickly became unconscious, and I realized there was nothing I could do about it, so in true kiwi fashion, I was like fuck it then, so be it. I had enough nouse to realize that if I did not have enough consciousness to stay awake, then it was not my time yet to do so. So, I let it be. Every time I think I have surrendered all I can, I surrender a little bit more. I knew the difference between thy effort and my effort – and there is a difference! One brings results that align your whole being to all being and the other, well it is resistance to all that IS.
Perhaps Karma is a mother’s way of nurturing us and Grace is the fathers? Just a thought 😉 Bearing in mind though, it does not do to separate them. We come under Grace when Karma is done with us perhaps. Shrugs.
Here is a link to my FB page should you want to discuss anything more at any time. I would give you the link to my group and page however it is pointless as they are both heavily restricted and have been for a while now. I have spoken to FB and they said this is happening to all groups and pages all over the world due to new algorithms etc so it is pointless. They are doing what they can to fix it. This was 2 months ago and still it is occurring. It is what it is. My group is not coming up on many people’s feeds, so there is not a lot of point to lead you there. I am about to give it up and create a website myself. The only reason I aren’t is because I am getting this book done first. If you don’t have a FB, then do not worry yourself my friend. We can discuss here.
It is 8:17 atm in the city of sails (Auckland) and it does look like its going to be another sunny day – though I prefer rain lol. Still – it is beautiful to behold, so I am going with it. Hoping the same is true for you in Ireland 🙂
OK, Tracy, thanks for this reply and all the other comments, really enjoyed our conversation, and all your spiritual insights.
Thanks also for the FB links, although I don’t use Facebook at all nowadays.
Keep working on that book, I’m sure it’s going to benefit many when published.
It’s now 17.25 here in Dublin, sun is starting to set and it’s getting chilly. Thankfully, no rain today, instead, plenty of early springtime sunshine.
Blessing as always and have a beautiful sunny day there in Sails, Auckland!
Long story short Raymond ….Self-realization is a choiceless awareness isn’t it. Oh to just be without the worry of it all lol….now that IS living. In living by inspiration, every day is revelation.
You state…
“Couple of extensions to parts of the article, if I may.
When we speak of the heart in scriptural terms, we’re not of course referring to the physical heart, the pump, rather to the heart in the center of the chest referred to as the thymus gland or heart chakra. This chest area represents where Jesus (our own higher awareness) entered when entering into biblical Jerusalem on the donkey — meaning, meditational awareness rising from material-nature chakra in the coccyges area at base of spine, up to the spiritual heart chakra in the chest. This inner awakening unto direct cosmic love experience, reveals the latent compassionate love potential within each soul.”
Absolutely. Although all cause has an effect, and the physical organs are counter parts, yes, my emphasis is certainly on the astral aspects containing even more spiritual points of focus as the chakras. Glad you pointed this out for other readers who might not be as familiar or new to the blog.
You also state…
I think its important that people grasp the esoteric understanding surrounding the three gunas of nature and their interplay — I mean these guys, these laws, are for real, they’re not based on dogmatic belief systems.
The three gunas are always present together within our mind /body ecology — no one guna exists on its own. The gunas represent the three principles governing the laws of mind, of relativity, of material nature, which material nature we’re each born into. It’s through our material bodies that the soul gains freedom from cyclic karmic patterns, repeating incarnations of material standard. The body /mind is the vehicle which the soul uses for gaining eternal freedom beyond the realm of the three gunas. For, our eternal soul does not comprise the same material elements /dynamic through which the three gunas function.
Great points, Raymond. There is as much science in metaphysics that actually makes more logical sense than the material if we can only study and grasp them. The gunas are crucial, as well as the seven fold nature of man: The physical, astral, kama, mental (higher and lower), the buddhi, and Atma. These also relate to the 7 days of creation in Genesis. But the gunas teach us about so much about the psychological, physiological, and spiritual states of man once we grasp the essence of their meaning. And they are all throughout the Bible as well, just not in familiar terms until the symbols are interpreted. Intellectually, the gunas teach us about our lower aspects, but by contrasting the spiritual counterparts I believe we can begin seeing much more clearly where to go in daily life.
Thanks for the reply!
Thank you Josh, it’s always a learning experience to read Raymond’s essays. Related to this topic is how our bodies are effected by the radiation pulse waves from the sun. The New Age folks say that we are entering a new era and the sun is transforming us. Some will remain heavy, dense and fearful state and others will tune to God’s vibration and become lighter and vibrating at a higher frequency. This is happening presently. We’re sure in ‘interesting times’ that’s obvious to many of us.
Hi Louis,
Good to hear from you, and thanks for this interesting comment.
Yes, I find that if we just practice our twenty minutes meditational transcendence twice daily, or whatever stillness technique we’ve chosen, we’re sure to be doing the right thing by God’s Plan: that of aligning our soul’s vibration unto cosmic or divine standard.
Thus, when attuning our God-given creative mechanisms unto spiritual perception, we’re sowing inner and outer harmony into the environment.
As inner peace creators, thus our spiritual vibration contributes to growth of global peace-consciousness. When our mental frequency is making a tangible difference to other people’s lives positively.
Thanks again, Louis.
Thank you, Louis!
Great article indeed. I haven’t been on the site for a while. So much have been going on in my personal life from family to friends to careers.
However, I love how you explained the three gunas in regards to the A-U-M. I love that and very enlightening.
As of now, I’ve made it my business to make time to come to this site and read more often as well as getting back into my daily meditations.
Thanks for all that you are doing.
Hi Rodney,
Thank you so much for your most welcome comment — really appreciated!!
Yes, indeed, we’ve all been up-heaved in one way or another over the last two years. But hopefully now that’s all behind us and we move forward into greener pastures somewhat soul-wiser and more empowered within.
Unconditional daily meditation, Rodney, I feel is key to maintaining our spiritual equilibrium on stormy lakes. We become silently aware that a Higher life-force is working everything out perfectly in our overall life, even while engaged in arduous, challenging work, be it, relationships, family, or even recent emotional encounters of inner turmoil. Regular meditation takes the mind beyond the three gunas responsible for life’s situations, beyond the hustle and bustle of the market place and social upheavals.
Thus, post meditation leaves the mind infused with a clarity of pure wisdom, which clarity helps us deal more effectively and spiritually with what’s in front of us — when poise becomes power!
Blessings, Rodney.
Hi there,
I saw this translation of the Lords prayer and thought I should share,
O, Birther of the cosmos, focus your light within us-make it useful,
Create your reign of unity now
Your one desire then act with ours,
As in all light,
So in all form,
Grant us what we need each day in bread and insight:
Loose the cords of mistakes binding us,
As we release the strands we hold of others guilt.
Don’t let surface things delude us,
But free us of what holds us back
From You is born all ruling will
the power and the life to do,
the song that beautifies all
from age to age it renews
I affirm this with my whole being
Another version is
Oh Thou, whom the breath of life comes,
Who fills all realms of sound, light and vibrations.
May your light be experienced in my utmost holiest.
Your Heavenly Domain approaches.
Let you will come true- in the universe (all that vibrates) just as one earth (that is material and dense).
Give us wisdom (understanding, assistance)for our daily needs,
detach the fetters of faults that binds us, (karma) like we let go the guilt of others.
Let us not be lost in superficial things (materialism, common temptation).
but let us be freed from that what keeps us off from our true purpose.
From You comes the all-working will, the lively strength to act, the song that beautifies all and renew itself from age to age.
Sealed in trust, faith and truth. (I confirm with my entire being)
Blessing to all.
Hi Andrew,
Thank you for these wonderful additional versions of the Lord’s Prayer, and with some very accurate paraphrasing in the second version. Beautiful!!!.I love them.
Thank you for taking the time to dig these poems out so that others also may benefit.
Blessings, Andrew.
Hi Joshua, Raymond, Tracy and the contributors to SOS;
Once again, Raymond has provided an excellent review of this subject. I will re-read it through to gain more insight.
I would also ask SOS’ readers to purchase Raymond’s book “The Absolute Secret – Beyond the Suffering; the Key to Inner Peace” (ISBN 978-1-85756-765-6), from Janus Publishing Company Limited.
This book compliments what Raymond, Josh and Tracy have written.
I also love those poems which Andrew has quoted; yes, they sum up the Lord’s Prayer nicely in an esoteric manner.
Unconditional love is also mentioned as being characterised by John, one of the disciples (4th chakra). One time during meditation a few months back, the word “advesa” kept coming into my mind; afterwards, I Googled the word and it is the Hindu word for….unconditional love! I’m amazed as to how that came about; but shouldn’t really be surprised, as we are doing what Jesus taught us.
Tracy: I lived in Wellington for quite a few years and my relatives were in Takapuna on the North Shore.
I’m looking at writing a piece about King Cyrus from the Book of Ezra. Hopefully publish to SOS in a few months.
Blessings, all,
Hi Steve,
Thank you kindly for this generous comment — and thanks also for the book-plug. A nice surprise for me, my friend.
And well done you, Steve, for tackling such a scholarly piece of writing — the Book of Ezra..
So here we have three fine authors, thus three valuable creative works to look forward to reading — Steve’s, Tracy’s and Josh’s — wow, a feast of print to dine on!
Blessings, Steve.
Hi Raymond – I am writing a book – that doesn’t mean I will publish it or it will get published lol. I hum and ahh about it constantly lol. Wondering should I publish it or not. Should I self publish or go through a publisher. I do not know at this point what will become of it. It’s really just a collection of posts that I write for my group and my page which due to being heavily restricted now, aren’t getting out to as many people as I would like, hence one of the reason I decided to write one. Now my group has been restricted by FB I cannot gauge whether my book is worth publishing or not. I do not have an accurate count of how many people like it and therefore would buy it if I did so. I did build a group of 150 000 and hundreds of people would like my posts which encouraged me, now 15 do due to my post reach being so pififully low thx to FB’s new algorithims. So I don’t know. I do know I will finish it as it is in truth an account of my own awakening – a diary so to speak. Whether I publish it or not or whether anyone would want to publish it, remains to be seen. I don’t know. What matters to me is this moment and at the moment I know (by its fruit) that I (not of myself) am helping at least 15-16 find their inner light or their way back home or whatever you call it and for that I am grateful. Completely stoked. I am following my bliss through being blessed 😉
Hi Tracy,
Good to hear from you.
Having been through this book-publishing process three times, I can say categorically that I would not go through the same format again.
First off, I found that, mainstream publishers are not interested in our work — no matter how well written or well intentional it may be. Unless we have ‘letters’ such Dr or Ph.D after our name, or can claim association with some renown institution or academy, I found they were not interested simply because our name does grab public attention. Mainstream publishers’ only motive for publishing is making profit, while ours, deep down, is helping others. This gulf between ours different intentions becomes apparent after a few rejection slips.
If you self-publish, as I did with a later book after ‘The Absolute Secret’, be sure that this publisher has a ‘sale or return’ agreement with the book store, otherwise the store will not deal with that publisher. The bookshelves are always the litmus test for our creative work.
A certain bookshop had my book ‘The Absolute Secret’ displayed with the cover facing upward on a table with lots of other authors’ books, and was selling really well. They then placed the book into a shelf, with spine facing outward, and it never sold again! When pointed out, the staff didn’t wont to know or even care. This chain of stores is now closed.
Then there are internet ‘sharks’ that have ways and means of hijacking your title, when you will never receive a royalty — where ‘copyright’ means nothing. Because, if we try informing these people regarding breach of ‘copyright’, they’re not contactable, even though they offer an internet means of contacting them.
My suggestion, Tracy, would be to publish your work on ‘Google Books’ as either separate blogs or as compilation — work from this format with a view to perfecting it. You may need someone with computer skills to help initially.
If we write to make money from spiritual content, we’ll be disappointed for sure. I remember an agent telling me once, after he spoke to a leading bookstore here in Dublin. The book-buyer told him, after being presented with my latest book, that they find it hard to promote spiritual material in their stores from non-profiled or ‘lettered’ writers. So they rejected my title. Yet, strangely, i had ‘The Absolute Secret’ title previously on all of their chain bookshelves, which I secured by making many, many phone calls to their store managers, who were, tbh, very receptive once I got speaking on one-to-one terms on phone.
Hope this helps in some way, my friend,
Hiya Raymond,
Thank you for you advice and contribution. It was most helpful indeed. Of course I should like to make a living writing however if it is not to be it is not. I go with the flow, so let come what comes and let go what goes. I will make the most of this moment, hope for the best while preparing for the worst. I am sure I will be guided intuitively along the right path and I am sure your advice was part of that path in one way or another so again thank you my friend 🙂
ps (Even if I only get 4 books published for my four grown sons to read when I am long gone, as their mothers sage advice then that is enough for me 😉
Thank you again Raymond for your kindness
Tracy, just briefly on this subject of writing for a living — which I feel you would be quite successful at — is to first seek a literal agent. The agent will have access to publishers in the genre you are writing. If your writing style and subject matter /ideas are up to creative literal standard, then they will certainly place your work with the right publisher. But, remember, promotion of your book after publication is yours and your agent’s responsibility. But, when you’ve been around this promotion circuit once, the process after that becomes somewhat automatic. Be prepared for some live radio interviews which I had to do many times. Decide also if you’re going to write your message /story in a 30,000, or 60.000 or 100,000 word book.
Good morning and blessings, have a lovely day!!.
Hi Raymond, thank you again for your insight and advice regarding publication. I suppose an agent would take a good portion of whatever sales there were right? And if the promotion of the book is left solely up to the agent & yourself, then what do publishers even do lol? Besides print the book. I knew from the beginning authors made next to nothing as I saw their percentages from sales as being only 10-15% at most which is pitiful lol. So no delusions shattered there.
And I hope your evening is as fine and promising at this morning appears to be. I just got up and dawn breaking 🙂
Kia ora Steve 🙂
I was near Takapuna, in blockhouse Bay, the other day having lunch with my oldest son 🙂 My second youngest son lives in Wellingon with his wife. We are probably cousins LOL. Have a blessed day and ty for your response xo
Hi Raymond and all
Thanks for your article Raymond. I still got to make more time to reread it so that to really digest what you are offering. ( especially re: The Three Gunas). But from just one reading , I hope at least can point to some of the many topics you touch upon and could perhaps elaborate from my research and understanding of it as of now of the same :
I refer to the topics you touched upon >> Sound / AUM and it’s meaning and the Letter A , which you also have decoded it’s esoteric symbolic meaning for us. Thank you for that, I had not looked into the symbolic meaning of the English letter A and did not know that it could also be decoded in the same way as the Hebrew letter Alef. But of course, I should have perhaps noted that it’s basic structure itself has the form of Triangle/PYRAMID which is a very important Sacred Geometry with many metaphysical, symbolic and esoteric meanings that help us to understand metaphysical teachings that point to Transcendent/ Higher Reality.
That said, I on my part, I am just quickly dropping by to try and contribute what I can to some of the topics you discussed. If my understanding of your material is correct, then the following material should kinda sync with with it and add to it and help flesh it out.
Let me know if you think that it does or NOT.
A word of caution>>this post will run a bit long lol, so I suggest only those who wish to explore more re this subject, could allow time to read it). It is basically from my old research re this subject/s/
Raymond the same goes for you. If you are pressed for time, as I also am lol, I understand ,if you perhaps wish to skip it. With that said, what I will post here now, will only point / discuss AUM/Word/ Sound and The Alphabet A which you’ve decoded, but yet from another angle:
The Hebrew Alef (A) and the Hebrew Tav which is the Greek letter Omega and the English Z.
At any rate my hope for posting it is, that this material may add to yours as comparison or in addition to it and thereby may help flesh out our understanding:
Re: AUM and The Word
I really feel, as understood from and by our contemporary Science, the scientific field called Cymatics and the groundbreaking Swiss scientist Prof. Hans Jenny, need to be mentioned say let us take a brief look.
Re: Sound, the Energy of Creation
‘For centuries, mystics have been telling us that sound actually creates matter. (A mystic is someone who seeks direct contact or union with God.) Hindu, Buddhist and Jewish mystics believe that the Word creates and pervades everything that exists.
But, the sound by which all things are created isn’t just any sound. It’s the Word of God.
In the Bible John wrote, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Interestingly, in the ancient Hindu Vedas we read, “In the beginning was Brahman with whom was the Word, and the Word is Brahman.”
Mystics believe the world is a reflection of infinite combinations of sound patterns. They say that all things, from the biggest star to the smallest flower—and even you and I—are coagulations of sound waves.
On a cosmic scale, there may be evidence that sound has left its imprint on the galaxies. Some scientists argue that the galaxies are not arranged at random but in a regular pattern of clusters.
Now researchers are suggesting that it was primordial sound waves that helped create this pattern of clusters.1
In the field of Cymatics, Prof. Hans Jenny, a Swiss scientist, found that sound waves passed through various kinds of malleable matter, such as paste and sand, caused the formation of geometric patterns.
Following Jenny’s lead, photographer Alexander Lauterwasser photographed the patterns on the surface of water set into motion by the sound of pure sine waves, vocal music and music by Beethoven. Looking at these patterns, we can begin to imagine how creation by sound might occur.
The more one studies these things, the more one realizes that sound is the creative principle. It must be regarded as primordial. No single phenomenal category can be claimed as the aboriginal principle. We cannot say, in the beginning was number, or in the beginning was symmetry, etc. These are categorical properties which are implicit in what brings forth and what is brought forth. By using them in description we approach the heart of the matter. They are not themselves the creative power. This power is inherent in tone, in sound. – Hans Jenny
Re: The Greek letters’, the Alpha and Omega’s symbolic meaning, here is some info from the Hebrew angle/perspective and what it has to offer:
What is the Aleph Tav?
Aleph represents absolute unity within the plurality of Creation and is therefore the major symbol of Divinity.
Many of the names of God begin with this letter:
אל – El, אלוקים – Elokim, and אדוני – Adonai.
In addition, there are many epithets used to describe God, such as אדיר – Adir (“glorious”) and אדון – Adon (“master”). .
The first of the Ten Commandments will begin with aleph, the first letter in the word
אנכי Anochi (“I”)—“I am the Lord your God.”
Aleph = Air:
(Hebrew א) The first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, it symbolizes the element air.
Its Kabbalistic numerical value is 1. Aleph is one of the three mother letters (אמש).
Aleph (א): The first letter in the Hebrew alphabet. It represents primeval air.
Mem (מ): The thirteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It represents primeval water.
Shin (ש): The twenty-first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It represents primeval fire.
The three letters Aleph, Mem, Shin, are not only the three “mothers” from which the other letters of the alphabet are formed, but they are also symbolical figures for the three primordial elements, the substances which underlie all existence.
So it is read from left>> אמש
Aleph=Air Mem=Water Shinn=Fire
God’s light and mercy are chiefly poured into creation through air, the main vehicle that God uses to keep creation alive.
It is common knowledge that a human being can survive for days without drinking or eating, but only for a few minutes without breathing.
For this reason, Sefer Yetzirah associates aleph (which is categorized as one of the three “mother letters”) with air.
The word אויר – avir (“air”) is comprised of all the letters found in the word אור –
or (“light”) plus the letter yud, whose numerical value is 10, alluding to the 10 sefirot (kabbalah) , (“Divine emanations”) of Creation, sourced in One.
Emotional imbalances cause us to lose our objective vision of reality. Breathing deeply brings us back to our center as we reclaim our natural, healthy state of enlightenment.
Re: Achieving Balance in our Energy Field:
Sefer Yetzirah states:
Three Mothers (letters): Aleph Mem Shin in the year are the hot, the cold, and the temperate.
The hot (shin) is created from fire
The cold (mem) is created from water
And the temperate (aleph) from breath, which decides between them.
Three Mothers in the soul, male and female, are the head, belly, and chest.
The head is created from fire
The belly is created from water, And the chest from breath, which decides between them.
This passage reveals some of the many parallels between the Kabbalistic view of the world, and that of the Ancient Chinese.
The aleph is associated with oneness, balance, the temperate (as opposed to the extremes of hot and cold), rooted in the breath and the chest.
In Chinese thought, the breath is also seen as our connection to the original, undivided, pure Divine.
Correct breathing maintains our balance and supports our righteous and ethical choices between fire and water.
As we inhale, we draw inspiration and nourishment from the air and the heavens.
When we exhale, we release that which is no longer needed.
According to numerous Jewish sources, deep breathing is seen as a key instrument for coming into contact with the Divine within us.
It is also no accident that the Book of Psalms—the Biblical poems that express King David’s constant striving to live in God’s presence—ends with the verse
Kol ha’neshamah tehallel Kah: (“Every soul shall praise God”).
The Midrash invites us to read this verse not as “Every soul shall praise God—kol ha’neshamah הנשמה—but as הנשימה : “Every breath shall praise God”—kol ha’neshimah.
Indeed one of God’s Names is Arich Apayim, literally meaning “Long Breath” (even though it is usually translated as “patient,” “slow to anger”).
By emulating God with deep breathing, we allow the element of air to temper between the excess of water and fire (our out-of-control emotions) and restore balance.
Re: Aleph in Kabbalah:
Hebrew 1 Aleph First Hebrew Letter Aleph and Meaning in Kabbalah
The letter Aleph, is the first of the Hebrew Alphabet letters.
The Aleph letter meaning in Kabbalah describes its construction as Hebrew letter
“Yud” above, a “Yud” below and a slanted Hebrew letter “Vav” simultaneously connecting and separating it.
We were told that Aleph, as the first letter is a very godly letter.
That is why of all the names of God more names begin with the letter Aleph than any other letter.
Interestingly enough, the name for a human being Adam also begins with an Aleph.
Therefore we’re told in Kabbalah that the letter Aleph stands for the paradox of God and man.
In the Letter Aleph, God represents the upper “Yud”, man represents the lower “Yud”, and the slanting “Vav” represents the Torah that is connecting us together.
The idea of paradox runs throughout the Aleph, and one way we can see this is, not only in the physical form of the Aleph, but also in the fact that the number of Aleph equals one, yet the meaning of the word is “Eleph”- a thousand (1000).
So, here we have what’s called the paradox of unity within plurality.
The level of the world’s one represents the beginning of all process, what we will call cause and effect, everything starts from one.
An important example of this is, what’s called the binary system on which all computers are based.
All computers are based on a practically endless series of zero and one.
Even though, the computer seems very complicated, it actually is based on a process of zero and one.
So one represents the beginning of all earthly action all cause and effect.
On the level of souls one represents the oneness of the Jewish people. (All people actually).
We have been told that, even though we all have individual souls, and these souls are connected to larger and larger soul roots, ultimately all Jewish souls are conceived of is one big unified soul
in Judaism.
The level of divinity, number one equals the idea of God being one and not just God being one but, everything that he is created being one.
The Cardinal statement of faith and Judaism is
“Shma Israel”- “…God is our God, God is One”,
and we’re taught >>
However, the oneness of God is not the oneness of a number.
Because the oneness of God is unique, it’s not just one two three, but the unity of God pervades everything.
So, the basic meaning of the Aleph is the infinite God relating to a finite world and especially man, and searching for the oneness within plurality.
Aleph letter symbol
Aleph represents absolute unity within the plurality of Creation and is therefore the major symbol of Divinity.
Many of the names of God begin with this letter:
אל – El, אלוקים – Elokim, and אדוני – Adonai.
In addition, there are many epithets used to describe God, such as אדיר – Adir (“glorious”) and אדון – Adon (“master”).
The Zohar relates that before Creation, each letter of the alphabet came before God, requesting to be chosen to begin the process of creation.
The letters presented themselves in reverse order: first was ת – tav, the last letter of the alphabet. next was ש – shin, the second-to-last letter of the alphabet, then ר – resh, and so on,
The first of the Ten Commandments will begin with aleph, the first letter in the word אנכי
Anochi (“I”)—“I am the Lord your God.”
God’s light and mercy are chiefly poured into creation through air, the main vehicle that God uses to keep creation alive.
It is common knowledge that a human being can survive for days without drinking or eating, but only for a few minutes without breathing.
For this reason, Sefer Yetzirah associates aleph (which is categorized as one of the three
“mother letters”) with air.
The word אויר – avir (“air”) is comprised of all the letters found in the word אור – or (“light”) plus the letter yud, whose numerical value is 10, alluding to the 10 sefirot (“Divine emanations”) of Creation, sourced in One.
Emotional imbalances cause us to lose our objective vision of reality. Breathing deeply brings us back to our center as we reclaim our natural, healthy state of enlightenment.
Sefer Yetzirah states:
Three Mothers (letters): Aleph Mem Shin in the year are the hot, the cold, and the temperate.
The hot (shin) is created from fire
The cold (mem) is created from water
And the temperate (aleph) from breath, which decides between them.
Three Mothers in the soul, male and female, are the head, belly, and chest.
The head is created from fire
The belly is created from water,
And the chest from breath, which decides between them.
This passage reveals some of the many parallels between the Kabbalistic view of the world, and that of the Ancient Chinese.
The aleph is associated with oneness, balance, the temperate (as opposed to the extremes of hot and cold), rooted in the breath and the chest.
In Chinese thought, the breath is also seen as our connection to the original, undivided, pure Divine.
Correct breathing maintains our balance and supports our righteous and ethical choices between fire and water.
As we inhale, we draw inspiration and nourishment from the air and the heavens.
When we exhale, we release that which is no longer needed.
According to numerous Jewish sources, deep breathing is seen as a key instrument for coming into contact with the Divine within us.
It is also no accident that the Book of Psalms—the Biblical poems that express King David’s constant striving to live in God’s presence—ends with the verse
Kol ha’neshamah tehallel Kah: (“Every soul shall praise God”).
The Midrash invites us to read this verse not as “Every soul shall praise God—kol ha’neshamah הנשמה—but as הנשימה : “Every breath shall praise God”—kol ha’neshimah.
Indeed one of God’s Names is Arich Apayim, literally meaning “Long Breath” (even though it is usually translated as “patient,” “slow to anger”).
By emulating God with deep breathing, we allow the element of air to temper between the excess of water and fire (our out-of-control emotions) and restore balance.
Re: The Messiah and the Aleph Tav:
‘Many of the Greek translations set forth the statement made in Chizayon (Revelation) thusly:
Chizayon 1:8
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, says the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
Re: YAHUSHA HAMASHIACH.( Messiah)as Aleph Tav:
What does it mean, that HAMASHIACH should refer to himself as the Aleph Tav?
Let us consider each of these letters separately.
The Aleph is a letter which began in the Paleo-Hebrew as a depiction of an ox head.
This ox head, when turned to point upward, is the modern capital “A” of our alphabet.
This symbol conveys the power found in the horns of the ox, and its subsequent authority.
However, there is nothing wasted in the Hebrew; even the spelling of the letter Aleph (אלפ), has its own intrinsic meaning.
The ox head became the symbol of leadership and in meaning is distinguished from the letter resh (ר), from which the word rosh (as in Rosh Hashanah) is derived.
Rosh denotes the first leader – the chief.
The Aleph denotes the heavenly primacy; that is to say, the first position in all things.
The modern Aleph (א) again is so very interesting,
in that it depicts the whole of the concept in the revealing of the Ayn Sof – the infinite who occupies infinite dimensions infinitely – to mankind.
Re: the Essence/ Core meaning of the Aleph:
In its essence, the modern Aleph has a yod (י) above and a yod (י) below, divided yet connected by
the mediator vav (ו) we call ben Elohiym (Son of Elohiym).
The letter Aleph then depicts the yod (the right hand of Elohiym), the yod (the left hand of Elohiym) and the vav (the mediator ben Elohiym – HAMASHIACH).
It is of some consequence that the yod on earth (the hand of Elohiym on earth) is connected to the yod in the heavens (the hand of Elohiym in the heavens) by means of the vav, which means the nail.
Behold the nail (ה then ו), behold the hand (ה then י).
The term Aleph (Aleph-lamed-phe) means in its essence the oxhead, the shepherd’s staff, and the mouth or voice.
Aleph as spelled out means the voice of the chief shepherd (or divine shepherd).
It is also of some interest to those who follow the geometry of Hebrew, that this construction of the modern Aleph.
Re: Aleph in kabbalistic numerology/gematria:
Aleph = 26 = Tetragrammaton:
Aleph as yod-yod-vav, leaves in its wake a gematria of 26,
which is the divine gematria of the Tetragrammaton we transliterate as YAHUAH (again, יהוה).
Fascinating, isn’t it?
Re: the Tav in Hebrew or the letter Omega in Greek the Alphabet:
What of the Tav?
The Tav in Paleo Hebrew was a mark that amounts to the crossing of two sticks to form some kind of a “t”.
When the “t” is turned to an angle, it becomes an “X” of some sort, and of course, marks the spot.
The Tav is expressly declared to be a mark of salvation in the will of YAHUAH.
Consider this passage in Yechezq’el (Ezekiel):
Yechezq’el 9:4
YAHUAH יְהֹוָה said אָמַר to him, Go through עָבַר the midst תָּוֶךְ of the city עִיר, through the midst תָּוֶךְ of Yerushalayim יְרוּשָׁלַם, and set תָּוָה a mark תָּו upon the foreheads מֵצַח of the men אֱנוֺשׁ that sigh אָנַח and that cry אָנַק for all the abominations תּוֹעֵבָה that be done עָשָׂה in the midst תָּוֶךְ thereof.
Now the word “mark” that is found in this passage is in the Hebrew Tav (תו).
All those who were found in Yerushalayim without this “mark” were slain.
The mark – the Tav – is the mark of salvation; a mark of protection.
We see another example of the mark of YAHUAH being used to protect in Bere’shiyth:
Bere’shiyth (Genesis) 4:15
YAHUAH יְהֹוָה said אָמַר to him, Therefore כֵּן whosoever slays הָרַג Qayin קַיִן, vengeance shall be taken נָקַם on him sevenfold שִׁבְעָתַיִם. And YAHUAH יְהֹוָה set שׂוּם a mark אוֺת upon Qayin קַיִן, lest בִּלְתִּי any finding מָצָא him should kill נָכָה him.
Here the Hebrew word is owth (אוֺת), spelled Aleph-vav-tav, which is to say the Aleph Tav, attached to one another by the vav – the nail.
We saw a similar connection in the construction of the modern Aleph (where two yods are connected by the vav), and the meaning here is similar.
Re: Aleph and the Mark of CAIN:
The name for the sign or mark that rescues Qayin (Cain) from being slain by his brothers and sisters is the divine Aleph Tav fixed with the nail of Vav; the sign itself was the Tav.
There is a similar connection found in the name David (דוד). Here the dalet (meaning the door or doorway) is connected to the dalet (again the door) by means of the vav (the nail).
The Magan David (star of David) which, in its form, is the Paleo Hebrew dalet representing the door to kingdom in the heavens (pointed upward) and the Paleo Hebrew dalet representing the door to the kingdom on earth (pointed downward).
It is not complete without the inclusion of the Paleo Hebrew vav in the center (representing the nail of HAMASHIACH) which fixes the two together.
So we see in the Aleph the divine mystery of Elohiym, and in Tav the mark of salvation.
Re the ‘WORD’ per the Gospel of John in N.T. Bible:
Let’s see how Yahuchanon (John) said it:
Yahuchanon 1:1-3 (John 1: 1-3)
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with את ELOHIYM, and the Word was ELOHIYM. 2 The same was in the beginning with את ELOHIYM. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. 4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shines in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
So, the Aleph Tav?
It means not only the spoken Word, and the Written Word of ELOHIYM, but every Word in His contemplation, and its marker in the sacred scriptures is to denote that the referenced object of the mark had been written first in the heavens.
You might call it divine.’
Note: I have tried to sort out some of the most relevant info from the post/s ,..but..
You can read more and in it’s entirety at this link:
For those who made it this far,.lol..thanks for reading and hope you found the info worth your time.
Thanks for posting this comment Josh. But I too late realized I duplicated a whole section within it:
Aleph Tva a Symbol. I would like to apologize for my oversight when especially the post was already too long without including same duplicated material. Will try to be More Careful next time.
Hi Genet,
Thank you very much for this beautiful extended comment, Lots of meat to chew on. Really appreciate the time you put into this post..Lots of wonderfully informed ancient composition and wisdom here.
I spotted the duplication when I came to it, but read it through anyway to grasp the points fully.
Will not add further comment right now, Genet, if that’s OK, my friend. .
Blessings, Raymond
Hi Raymond
Glad you took your time to read my comment post to finish despite my blunder with the duplicate lol
Yes or course, it is perfectly okay if you won’t add further comment ,..but sorry again about the duplicate lol. I plan to make time this weekend to reread your article to better digest it.
Thanks again..Raymond.