Most of us, post Covid, will be re-evaluating our lives against the backdrop of human and environmental destruction. Covid has been a major awakening lesson for us all, a lesson hopefully not be a wasted particularly regards media brainwashing. In this ‘brainwashing’ regard, checking that we’re not returning to same ‘normal’ institutional paradigms is imperative. Like Lazarus – the spiritually dead carnal mind — eternal Christ within whispers LOUDLY /affirmatively: come forth from the tomb of ignorance into the Light of Truth-consciousness.
Due to our early years of fear-based, religious conditioning – including myself at one point – many may still be interpreting Scripture literally. And although during adolescence we may not have latitude of ‘choice’, but once we come to ‘age of choice’, we’re then free to commence transitioning into spiritual maturity, when higher spiritual prompts — as biblical Lazarus received — begin revealing that we’ve been, in religious terms, systematically programmed without our adult consent and which now doesn’t feel right, as brainwashing it’s not in accord with natural evolution.
We’re not intended to remain at base camp standards simply because a preacher indoctrinated us or our family into ‘their’ indoctrinated belief system. Those primitive, imprisoning and even immoral ways of soul controlling are well and truly over. For, rendering the soul to institutional conformity represents agreement to becoming an automaton , when — due to muting self-expression — we sacrifice the mind’s potential of true ‘inner freedom’
Restricting the soul to man-made paradigms and limiting belief systems does not meet spiritual or cosmic evolution’s protocol.
As many already know, ancient bibliography is an expose in mental science, relating to inner mechanisms and their potential, but expressed through myth, metaphor and symbolism. Sadly, formal religion has turned these wonderfully composed biblical masterpieces into unrecognizable content not intended by their divinely-endowed authors. Literal interpretation has rendered much of Scripture meaningless to so many Truth-seeking souls.
So, let us look esoterically at some powerful and enabling scriptures and see how practically we may relate these to our own inner universe, and how one’s state of faith-silence-consciousness is sufficient dynamic to propel our soul out of the fixed orbit of sin, propel our soul’s evolution more speedily, more beautifully and more meaningfully in ways not previously reflected upon by formal religions.
Let us approach this inner journey from the perspective that, vibrational silence is the initiating ‘go-between’ which triggers the spiritual dynamic latent within each heart /mind and cellular grids.
So, to commence.
Metaphysically, the title / term Jesus is referring to ‘life principle’, or, that ‘vital spirit-energy,’ or ‘vital life force,’ present within each soul. In Yoga, ‘Jesus’ would be termed prana. The Sanskrit word means universal principle or ‘breath of life’ permeating the entire creation.
In this context, Jesus said to the apostles – the twelve mental faculties in the brain:
“Go forth and multiply” — Genesis 9:7
At a basic level of understanding, this scripture is particularly pertinent to cellular evolution: creating harmonious cell division for the spiritual well-being of the Whole.
Transcendent God-nature is utter silence, while karma is action — two totally opposing forces. One representing the ever-changing field of phenomenal life, the other, the never-changing Absolute state.
We know that when the body inhales, it takes in O2 or oxygen, and breathing out it exhales CO2 or, carbon dioxide: the ‘waste’ or fumes of each breath cycle; which ‘waste’ then goes to feed the forestry kingdom, which inhabitants reciprocate by breathing out their waste — in the form of pure oxygen — enabling us humans to breath in again, to include also the animal and bird kingdoms, plus the countless other unseen tiny lives. And man — as the superior species — cuts these trees down mindlessly solely for financial profit without thought or concern for the utter dependency by all of us on this God-given life-sustaining breath of life.
Reducing carbon dioxide production in the body helps achieve cellular purity. To this end, when we meditate, the body’s respiratory system reduces to its least production of carbon dioxide, thus stimulating greater cellular intelligence within the body — when cellular decay or, ageing is absent for the period of meditation.
Considering the estimated 50 trillion cells of the body, it’s possible, therefore, by transcending in meditation, for the cellular universe to reflect eternality-imbibed nature, thus on-going cellular ascension unto advance life forms. With our cells constantly vibrating and creating electromagnetic energy waves, cellular intelligence represents a vast untapped universe in evolutionary potential. “Go forth and multiply” is also linked to expansion of consciousness, which will be dealt with as the article progresses.
Jesus then said (universal Life Principle):
“What ye do unto the least of these my brethren, ye do unto me” Matthew 25:40.
‘Point’ and ‘infinity’ both contain the eternal memory of each other. So, breaking this down, let us re-term ‘point’ as transitioning to realization of ‘infinity’– transcendent state– with ‘point’ in transition to realizing ‘infinity. In other words, through the instrumentality of vibrational sound, when intellect reduces or converges to zero mind then touches infinity. Thus, in deep meditation point and infinity are realized simultaneously as equal, when, ‘unto least’ becomes ‘unto Me’. While metaphorically, ‘point and infinity are the same, ‘point’ just needs to be initiated unto realizing Transcendent consciousness, which initiation is through mantric sound.
As all present-day cells are descended from a single primordial sound, could this quantum ‘sound-atom-point’ be our ancestral Abraham from which we’re each said to be a descendant of, with Jesus representing the photon of light? – the difference only being scale.
The difference between cells and atoms are: cells are biological while atoms are chemical. A cell comprises molecules composed from atoms – which makes the atom responsible for the creation of the cell. In this context, from the Genesis ‘Adam and Eve’ perspective, the concept is best understood as not two separate beings as such, rather aspects of a single atom-splitting affair, a negative-positive interactive process involving protons and electrons where opposites attract to make spiritual electricity thus ‘point and infinity ‘coming into practical play.
As the cell represents the least ‘living’ biological entity in the body, this scripture can be understood in terms of: ‘what we do unto the cells thus we imprint onto the manifesting law of karma: attracting either positively (love) or negatively (corrosion /decay) either of which affect cellular evolution upward or downward.
Remembering, that, biblical Jesus (higher life principle) ‘spoke his Word’, meaning vibrational wisdom /intelligence unto the twelve apostles, the cellular aspect of the inner faculties.
Thus we can see that the quantum body actually represents /contains a blueprint designed to expand embryonically beyond its apparent confinement, beyond the obvious tiny status of limitation within the human body.
So, how are cells assisted in their ascension process?
Cells reflect ‘excited’ tendencies in direct proportion to the state of consciousness permeating them. Put another way: cells reproduce according to the operational law of their master’s intellect, meaning, the conscious discerning capacity of our mind: is it rooted one-pointedly in cosmic order or, primed in lawless dis-order, corruption and negativity. Thus, the first law of ANY universe is order (symbolized by James) and single-mindedness thus mind’s harmonious functioning.
Descendants of Vibrational Life Force
When broken down acoustically, the word ‘atom’ resembles the vowels A-U-M, the vibrational dynamic behind all creation. Thus the sound ‘A-T-OM’ (atom) also becomes directional to its own source of creation. Even the vowels AB-RA-Ham I believe are symbolic of vibratory life force and creation. These words, and many like them, are specific vowels chosen to highlight the resonances required for entry into the right brain hemisphere and, by extension, stimulate the nervous system into consciously knowing /experiencing two states of consciousness simultaneously — time and no-time, eternity and relative life..
In this context, we each carry the responsibility of triggering our own fathering process of healthy cellular /nervous system development through inner primordial resonance. At cellular level our brain and body are decedents of this eternally multiplying sound wave. When initiated in meditation, these vowels carry the vibratory cosmic waves whereby mind can transcend the three ever-changing gunas of nature unto reorientation in never-changing, never-ageing Self.
Hindu culture has that beautiful word A-T-MA which carries the same awakening dynamic as A-U-M and A-T-OM and, AB-RA-hAM. Thus, in realizing eternal Self or Atman, mind /brain first undergoes vibrational activity, scripturally phrased “no one comes to the Father but through Me” John 6: 44 (or, our connection with God is through vibration).
In realizing ‘connection’, mantra vibration stirs the mountain of deeply embedded sin or, stress rooted in the cells for eons thereby purify the accumulations of toxin carryover — when we say to the mountain of fear, stress, and phobia ‘be gone into the sea’ of pure faith-silence in meditation. Mark 11: 23.
Humans accredit creation unto God, and, yes, that’s true. But, that, it’s God the Holy Spirit which creates — third person /aspect in /of the blessed trinity – through creative wave resonance. But, that, God the Absolute or, Self does not create, rather remains the silent ocean, the witness of creation.
Genesis 1:27 ESV puts it: “So God (Vibration) created man (mind) in his own (Light) image, in the image (imagination) of God (the Holy Spirit) he created him; male and female (proton/electron aspects of atom) he (through vibrational holy spirit) created them” – the yin/yang, dynamic of cellular status. But that, Self or Absolute is uncreated.
To facilitate the spiritual evolution of creation, a healthy medium or conduit needs to be in place. Thus the human medium /channels of creation and evolution are as follows:
Brain is end organ of consciousness.
Consciousness is end ynamic of Vibrational God the Holy Spirit, — of A-U-M sounding resonances.
Nervous system is end organ of the brain.
Body is end organ of nervous system.
Telomerase Decrease
As mentioned earlier, a single cell is the smallest entity of all ‘living’ things. But here it’s worth remembering, that, through chronic psychological stress, rooted in conditioning from all quarters of religious, political and social life, an enzyme called telomerase decreases with each cell division.
To offset this decrease, daily meditation results in greater telomerase activity, indicative of optimum mental-physiological health and immune cell longevity. Meditation prevents shortening of telomeres by activating the gene that makes the anti-ageing enzyme, telomerase, not normally active in our cells. By influencing the genetic code within each cell, meditation achieves — “doing unto the least of my brethren”– the process of reprogramming cells for ascension consciousness.
Spiritual evolution thus is regards harnessing Nature’s creative, multiplying /maintenance principle, the cosmic intelligence, or law, presiding over the physical cosmos /universe, which Law, at individual level, amounts to pure silence or, pure transcendental consciousness.
Our own body, to the individual cells, represents God. But these same cells, to becoming spiritually mature, are fully dependent on the level of evolved consciousness which they are feeding on. The responsibility of providing advance cellular growth soil lies with the successful resurrection of our own intellect thus resurrection of our consciousness. This is why transcending ‘the laws of decaying negative karma’ is vital.
Through the incomprehensible organizational power of Nature, cellular /molecular intelligence is constantly vibrating and creating electromagnetic energy waves, thus potentially parenting unfathomable depths of beauty and advance life forms, into eternal; existence.
Vibrating Substance
We can now state that pure consciousness is also the substance of evolution And, that, what ‘we do unto the least’ — unto the cells – will be in accordance with the vibratory level of one’s consciousness-substance.
At the practical level, mental energy is formed by creating more neural pathways, synapses or, neural sparks in the brain. In this context, the brighter our love-infused heart spark, the more synapses or connections are created in the brain.
It’s estimated there are 100 billion connections in the average human brain which is more than the amount of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy and, there are an estimated 100 billion galaxies. Truly these ‘inner’ brain sparks and physical universes are divinely interconnected.
“If ye love me keep my commandments” – John: 14:15
This scripture, of course, is not referring to the literally-interpreted ten commandments espoused by formal religions, but to the cosmic Life Force functioning through the brain and seven chakra centres located along the spinal column — culminating in awakening the vital pineal and pituitary glands in the brain.
Chakras are energy Command centres, they distribute the life-force responsible for awakening the right brain hemisphere – home of the cranial nerves – unto becoming aligned with the cosmic harmonic resonance, triggering consciousness to reflect spiritually.
The verse is stating that, as our every pre-awakening activity stems from ‘law of sin’, then this mental law impulse should be transformed, made harmonious to reflect in accordance with spiritual evolution — alignment in rejuvenating divine resonance as opposed to decaying sin toxicity. In other words, as the nature of every expressed thought ultimately finds its way into our physiology and cellular system our priority thus is with our thoughts thereby avoid negative karmic response from the laws of nature through the out-of-tune mental mechanisms.
Biblical commandments essentially are impulses of Nature’s organizational intelligence operating in the brain. Subtle prompts from the depths of Being that align our mind-body-spirit harmoniously through every stage of the evolution process. Commandments are naturally kept while in meditation, when, post meditation life simply involves living consciously or cosmically through higher wisdom.
As spiritual beings, commandment-keeping is our intended way of living, where any level below this vibration is considered animal frequency.
The word “If” you love me” is significant. Paraphrased it translates: ‘now that we’re inner awakening and have realized bliss-consciousness or Self as separate from the outer world, that we establish, and apply, this conscious awareness at resisting the ever-tempting lower senses.
“Do not tempt the Lord, thy God” Matthew 4:7 KJV
Depending on our mode of consciousness and mental activity, the operating law in which our mind is established becomes the operating law in our life. Thus, our mental /emotional state tempts /triggers similar previously stored emotions into the mind/body physiology.
By transcending these laws of mind /body — the three gunas — in meditation, the inner faculties become ‘neutralized’, free of unwitting law violation, thus avoid storing negativity seeds for future incubation into the physiology.
Transcendence is totally about entering into mental silence thereby culture steadfastness of thought and emotional balance; when temptation to judge — the eternal perfect moment — is resolved through calm-full Presence and understanding.
“As above so below” (co-existence of spiritual and natural or, brain /universe synergy)
Matthew 6:10 KJV puts it: “Thy will (as opposed to karmic law) be done ‘in’ earth (mind /body) as ‘it’ (Transcendent law) ‘is’ in heaven (bliss-consciousness)”.
Matthew represents divine Will.
Put another way: microcosm and macrocosm.
So, the human brain represents a microcosm of the macrocosm universe.
Like the universe, the human brain cells – and by extension, the entire physical cellular /nervous system ‘earth’ – are created for presently unimaginable spiritual expansion into new life-formations. Thus as everything in the heavenly creation is in different stages of vibratory evolution, therefore, every cellular life form has a specific purpose to fulfill, when not even silence and consciousness remain static.
By harnessing transcendental silence thus the cellular system /consciousness reflect ‘Above’ status: or, when cell ‘point’ becomes ‘infinity’ thus ‘infinity’ becomes cell ‘point’.
Jesus and the Holy Spirit
Jesus said: “I (Holy Spirit) have come (resurrected intellect) not to abolish the Law (of karma) but to fulfill the Law” (establish divine standard of consciousness) – Matthew 5:17
Biblical “Jesus” represents the eternal Life Force within each of us, and the word “said” — which is not a spoken word — is referring to the all-vital emanative qualities of the universal Holy Spirit. Qualities such as: love, peace, goodness, patience, happiness, joy and, self-control.
‘Jesus’ is another title for Kundalini the transformative life force expanding the heart-cosmos. Without this transmutation, human awareness remains under law of sin — Romans 8:7.
Thus, it’s the unwitting misuse of the laws of nature which is causal of all suffering – biblically put: “By their fruits shall ye know them” Matthew 7: 16–20. in other words, inner and outer environment reflect in exact proportion to our habitual thought patterns. This reflection demonstrates unerringly which law of mind we’re operating through – compelling law of sin or compelling law of God the Holy Spirit.
Instead of the innumerable laws working against us – through ignorance — the mind, when transcendentally-infused, becomes cosmically charged so that these laws reflect ‘Will of God’ automatically. When, eventually, intellect becomes Master, or Lord, over our entire inner universe. When ‘fulfilling the Law’ fulfills Jesus’ words “it is done”: Ascension of Consciousness is Realized.
Now, as we can see, the term(s) ‘Lord Jesus Christ’ becomes of major significance within each of us. Words, which, when interpreted metaphysically, represent vastly different understanding from what we were choicelessly indoctrinated into by institutional religion.
Practically put:
‘Lord — relating to our becoming Master of the lower senses,
‘Jesus’ — relating to flowing the holy spirit through our heart,
Christ’ — relating to having Self-Realized Christ within.
The trinity of our own Soul reflecting as Lord Jesus Christ, heralding ascension of consciousness, to miraculously include the cellular intelligence kingdom unto ever-renewing spiritual frontiers.
Wow, Raymond!
You provided a very in depth esoteric link between the body – brain connection and the spiritual nature. I had to read this through a few times. I like this because its very practical and organic, and reveals a lot of information about the physical nature and how it relates to the spiritual nature, as above, so below, and even in the inverse, as below, so above.
Going to chew on this for a few days, and an in-depth comment will be coming. But for now, I was particularly drawn to this comment near the end:
Thus, it’s the unwitting misuse of the laws of nature which is causal of all suffering – biblically put: “By their fruits shall ye know them” Matthew 7: 16–20. In other words, inner and outer environment reflect in exact proportion to our habitual thought patterns. This reflection demonstrates unerringly which law of mind we’re operating through – compelling law of sin or compelling law of God the Holy Spirit.
Instead of the innumerable laws working against us – through ignorance — the mind, when transcendentally-infused, becomes cosmically charged so that these laws reflect ‘Will of God’ automatically. When, eventually, intellect becomes Master, or Lord, over our entire inner universe. When ‘fulfilling the Law’ fulfills Jesus’ words “it is done”: Ascension of Consciousness is Realized.
Misusing the laws of nature (not understanding even the reason for karma and what it is and the purpose for reincarnation and rebirth) and understanding why is the beginning of a new birth of mind. At first, and I think you would agree, Raymond, we can come to understand this from a rational perspective (before the birth of intuitive intelligence), and though this stage is incomplete and a forerunner for the evolution of higher intellect (spiritualized 🙂 ), it is an important stage of not discovering THE truth, but rather, dispensing, through evolutionary process, what cannot be true when all the brainwashing (as you say rightly so through media and other cultural influence) and the independent thinker begins to awaken from its cacoon of that conditioning. Using such a power as the spirit provides to stamp out parts of the egoic mind which held so dearly to certain thought and emotional patterns, it can emerge realizing that we truly know nothing, and can then begin to admit our true blindness, which then can start the process of the spirit healing the mind.
This is such an interesting convo to me, Raymond. There seems to be a war going on even in the spiritual community in many new age circles. One camp seems to portray that reason and rational intellect has no place, it has failed us. We must evolve past it. We must attune to only spirit, which corrects all rational thought. This of course is very true in one sense, but certainly false in another (at least in my opinion). The spiritual intuitive intellect is the crowning achievement, and million times higher than any rationalizing process of which one reaches conclusions based on reasoning from details to ontological truths. Axioms of truth such as the seven fold nature of man, and what you describe as Jesus being Prana, that vital force which electrifies and moves all evolution both physically and spiritually must be understood (in Him we Live, and Move, and have our BEING). So once the lower manas, or intellectual brain process of rationalizing, realizes the absurdity of contradictions presented to us every day in our physical world takes place as the independent thinker awakens, we then find we are lost, and the mind seeks out a higher perspective we are totally unnaccostumed to as a thinking process. Then we can realize the need for quieting this ever changing mind.
Pantanjali describes the word Yoga (as interpreted by some today), as the “stopping of the modifications of the thinking principle,” which you allude to in this post as thought quieting down. But, and if you agree Raymond, the thoughts that are quieted down are the egoic thought of the lower mind that continually grasp for desire based on experiencing external phenomena, the so called serpent in the garden, which forms its egoic structures based on finding identity in that external phenomena, instead of seeking identity as an unconditioned formless and unlimited potential. Herein lies the problem of the mirror, as the mind, dusted and distorted, as to our true nature. If we can only begin to realize the necessity of polishing this gift in the evolution of nature as an individualized aspect of spirit, though still unlimited when the reflection is true, the physical and higher nature can become one.
This is no easy task, for the very nature of the mind is to wander, constantly identifying itself as this and that in the astral light, and most of us do not think for ourselves, but regurgitate the thoughts and emotions of others, and then identify them as our own, mistakenly separating ourselves from that one life of Prana’s life force of movement moving above and beyond the desire mind.
Practicing mantra meditation is a great way of letting go of that egoic mindset, and allowing the healing nature of the spirit to infuse and attune certain cellular brain functions (unknown to much of modern science), and allowing the physical aspect of us to come into alignment. But I would also like to add, if I may, to this wonderful article, the necessity of learning to use inductive and deductive reason in practice alongside such practices, because the spiritual intellect is also an outgrowth of the former evolutionary processes before it, of the individualized mind in evolution. Of course such use of the mind without the moral conscience (not the literalized ten commandments, but the evolution of THE ONE LAW), in and through experience, and the necessity of the heart conscious, such reasoning is useless, because it can only be based on personal desire and much limitation. Put them together, and you have a power house.
Thank you for this article, Raymond. I think I will have to read it a few more times to fully digest it all 🙂
Thanks, Josh, for this excellent reply, lots of meat in there too for chewing upon!
you write:
“.. for the very nature of the mind is to wander, constantly identifying itself as this and that in the astral light”.
Absolutely true.
And if I may just add to your insight, Josh.
A Bee flies solely in search of honey and not for the love of flying.
Similarly, the mind flitters endlessl in search of greater happiness, and when come upon mind ceases searching.
In mantra meditation the mind is naturally directed toward bliss, and, once directed inward it comes upon bliss or deep peace automatically. And even though thoughts may surface, this is to do with the stress release, when we just witness the thoughts without clicking ANY links whatsoever.
Did you notice during the pandemic, Josh, how’ institutional religion dropped ‘God’ like a hot potato – no plan B like meditation suggestion to boost the immune system because that would be akin to giving the secret for free. I honestly feel, Josh, many religions keep their congregants anchored to literalism in perpetuity merely for survival of the institution, that their role is not really about saving individual souls.
Similarly, the pandemic could have been treated through ‘over-the-counter remedies’, but the vested interests chose instead to knocking natural remedies simply because there were no ‘billions of $’ profit to be had in taking that practical approach, particularly huge profit for Big Pharma shareholders and the complicit media and politicians globally.
Yes, agreed, Josh, the article requires rereading for sure — as I had to many times before sending it to you — but rereading challenging articles, as you well know, is excellent for brain stimulation and neural development. The purpose behind the article — like yourself and other excellent contributors and commenters here on SOS – is to simplify this whole area of biblical literature by demystifying its symbolism and titles –taking it out of the realm of blind belief and that associated mind-set because an institution said so, but which teachings the institution itself may not necessarily be adhering to..
Bible Truth is come upon solely through our going within unto deep silence, not through endless words sourced through generationally conditioned brain patterns. Where progressive forward-thinking individuals are not encouraged to express, thus our True-Self is muted to appease the tribal beat of literalism and ritualism even though, deep down, we sense we’re merely ‘acting’ or mimicking our part in religious ceremony rather than Wholly participating in a Truth event.
We cannot hope to expand into higher states of consciousness while determined to remaining fixed in the comfort zone of literal sermons
In this context, Josh, staggered periods of 20minutes twice daily is our surest way of dissolving and dismantling non-soul serving conditioning, the mental tracks etched into our virgin brain fields.
When silence begins registering as Bliss, it soon dawns, becomes obvious, that ALL Truth comes from within YOUR Silence and not by nuanced words, Truth cannot be sermoned into us. Truth is accessed through transcendental silence, through mentally ‘letting go’ of everything, including seeking our spiritual ‘promises’.
And, yes, of course we need literal words for cognitive conveyance of a theme. But, if we reflect backwards from any point of scripture with which we’re really familiar, like, “Be Still and Know” then gradually a new pan-understanding begins emerging, revealing within.
This of course doesn’t happen overnight and is why we meditate 20mins twice daily.
Post meditation, if unfamiliar insights came, write them down immediately, do not trust these Gems to carnal memory , they will vanish.
Your insights are pure and original unto you. Later, do some Self-Referral for clarity. Say to yourself: ‘spiritually what does this insight mean, how can I develop it?
Then, once posed, leave the question totally and go about our daily affairs — pose question then wait for reply.
And just like the disciples’ over-laden fishing boat on the lake, replies will come in abundance and soon you will ‘soul-see’ through higher understanding, through expansion of consciousness, thus outgrow limiting belief systems and their mind controlling dynamic.
Remember, the entire Bhagavad-Gita conversation with Arjuna lasted about 15 /20minutes. All that Heightened Understanding, of Soul Revelation, in just one meditation session. Much of the Gita is in fact responses to Arjuna’s questions – to our own Self-Referral — which is why Self-Referral is vital for establishing free-flowing pure wisdom. Thus, we can pose another question unto our Higher Self : ‘How were the Bible’s insights first come upon?
Thanks also, Josh, for your committed time to SOS and for your shared and valued scriptural knowledge..
In the article I omitted the 5th line below, now inserted
“Brain is end organ of consciousness.
Consciousness is end dynamic of Vibrational God the Holy Spirit, — of A-U-M sounding resonances.
Nervous system is end organ of the brain.
Body is end organ of nervous system.”:
Cell is end formation of atom.
Blessings to all.
Thanks for the reply, Raymond, and adding in this fifth line.
And yes, profit is everything for much of the world. The pandemic fed that profit to a select group. But there were many others who were able to use that time to learn more about the body and mind and how even the physical body can work with nature. Ironic, Raymond, how civilizations must go through these testing and trying times to wake up our very limited mindsets, to push and nudge us to confront the mess we create through neglect, greed, and selfish thinking.
And good advice here:
“This of course doesn’t happen overnight and is why we meditate 20mins twice daily.
Post meditation, if unfamiliar insights came, write them down immediately, do not trust these Gems to carnal memory , they will vanish.
Your insights are pure and original unto you. Later, do some Self-Referral for clarity. Say to yourself: ‘spiritually what does this insight mean, how can I develop it?
Then, once posed, leave the question totally and go about our daily affairs — pose question then wait for reply.”
World is created (discovered) through the Son of God (Se[/Ca]rpenter; Nahash).
Unlike God ([Elevated] Serpent), thy God, God of the underworld, including of the MG [/MH] Earth, is the Fish; BoH ([/mud] -Serpent); Hydra;…
HI Raymond.
Just wanted to say that this was truly a very thoughtful piece of writing which allows us all to think deeply about ourselves. Joshua’s reply in his first paragraph sums it all up.
This piece describes the practical, mechanical and scientific way our own system works and how our own thoughts are the masters of our evolution, both mentally and physically. Our thoughts determine the cells produced in our bodies whether they will be healthy or unhealthy and the level of evolving consciousness. I like the way you have described this and I will ponder on it more deeply.
You say: “Through the incomprehensible organizational power of Nature, cellular /molecular intelligence is constantly vibrating and creating electromagnetic energy waves, thus potentially parenting unfathomable depths of beauty and advance life forms, into eternal; existence.” This I find extraordinary and fascinating.
Silencing the brain in meditation brings automatic peace which is carried through into post meditation and it is strange because the things that normally would bother you and the thoughts that bring negativity do not have much impact anymore. Those negative thoughts just seem to disperse.
It is through meditation that some of the most profound questions are answered and mysteries revealed and I will definitely take note to write things down when they appear to me because its true they can be lost.
Can I ask you Raymond is it only through mantra meditation that one can access the right brain hemisphere or is it possible to just silence the brain and still have access. I for one have managed to somehow just sit in silence without a mantra, thoughts do occasionally float by but then I am fully aware of them. I would appreciate your opinion on this matter in case I am not fully accessing the transcendent mind.
Thank you and Joshua again for your insightful inputs. You have both been a refreshing inspiration to my personal journey. A far cry from the dogmatic religious prison I once was part of, many years ago.
When will our beautiful earth and little paradise we have be put first before financial gain!! It is a big ask but hopefully one day when the masses reach higher consciousness then it can be achieved.
To you and Joshua, your time and effort will never go unappreciated!!!😊
Kris, thank you kindly for your generous comment, valued insights and, of course, your great question.
First off, the meditation you’re doing presently sounds really good!
Your question:
” is it only through mantra meditation that one can access the right brain hemisphere or is it possible to just silence the brain and still have access.”
Yes, it’s possible to access right brain without a mantra. This may be achieved through listening to classical music, painting, or, drawing from a picture looking at that picture upside-down, where left brain is absent, this form of drawing or sketching is entirely right brain activity. And of course the old reliable gardening, be it a flower-box or small farm are also good mediums.
But, from the deep meditative mantra perspective, crossing from left to right brain is not quite the same as crossing the road at pedestrian crossing lights. And while there are many routes to the Summit there is only One Summit – the very same Summit Moment present for all the enlightened sages and saints of antiquity. This Transcendent Moment has not altered itself in any way. Put another way, ‘as of then, so as now’.
In this context, all meditation is ‘good’ meditation, no practice is rendered fruitless.
From the deep experiential perspective, Kris, I have found mantra meditation to be the secret, it’s the formula which scriptures are alluding to.
At practice level, mantra meditation involves at least one of the five senses, so here we engage the hearing sense. Thus we’re hearing the Word of God, AS our vibratory mantra.
The mantra – as presented in the recent comment to Leo – is itself a thought. So essentially we’re using a proper or pure vibratory thought to still and stir the entire lake of mind unto purity or, expansion of conscious capacity of mind.
Mantra works by taking the conscious mind through all the levels of mind to the bottom of the ocean to arrive at the source of thought — from where bubbles of thought commence. By the time mind arrives at the bottom of the ocean the mantra will have become really faint, really soft, at which point mind transcends. By transcendence is meant: as the mantra becomes more faint in amplitude, it slips out of relative awareness, out of time-bound existence, and is drawn upwards unto the timeless blissful Transcendent. This gravitation of mind upwards ‘happens’ we don’t do it nor seek it.
Arriving at transcendental awareness can take many mantra restarts – initially this is what our meditation practice is totally and utterly about – – but that each restart will be from a deeper level from where mind drifted. Drifting in mind is normal it’s how we develop stillness or, expansion of consciousness. When the conscious mind drifts from the mantra we simply become AWARE of the drift, we then PAUSE for about 2/3 seconds then recommence hearing our mantra. This pause is vital for it’s what facilitates each restart being from a deeper level every time. In meditation nothing is lost. We will notice also our breathing is becoming more refined, more shallow, more into the gut. This deepening of breath ‘happens’ gradually to a point of almost no-breathing.
So, the mantra sound is causal of initial mental vibration, which vibration then travels downward triggering the dormant kundalini at the base of the spine into reactivation mode from whence it rested after making the entire fetus in the womb post conception – think involution /evolution, or, descent /ascent. Thus kundalini, on arriving in the brain, activates our mainly dormant right side brain. It does this by stimulating the pineal and pituitary glands into bringing about full maximum brain coherence or, harmonious left /right brain oscillation..
In conclusion Kris, the secret of successful meditation is to be regular daily, and acceptance that some days our meditation may feel better than other times, depending on the stress release needed on the day and how calm the nervous system is on that day. But, that ultimately, as said earlier, all meditation is ‘good’ meditation, purification is still happening regardless of the experience.
Oh, and, always come out of meditation slowly – take at least 2mins before opening the eyes. Post meditation, in order to establish the meditative bliss state in consciousness / nervous system, engage in some natural mental or physical activity.
Hope this has been helpful, Kris.
Thank you Raymond for taking the time to explain mantra meditation in such detail. It is very informative. I will take on board what you have said.
Although I have been studying the metaphysical side to scripture for over 25 years, this kind of meditation is a relatively new aspect to my spiritual progress but also a very necessary one so it’s nice to here the opinion from someone who has more experience on the subject.
Regards Chris
This brings to mind an old quote, almost 400yrs old, which also reminds me of the movie Waterboy.
“Magnetism is active everywhere, and there is nothing new in it but the name; it is a paradox only to those who ridicule everything, and who attribute to the power of Satan whatever they are unable to explain.” – Van Helmont (1580-1644)
The quote was taken from an excerpt of “The Science of Psychic Healing” by Yogi published in 1906. A free copy can be obtained at: https://archive.org/details/scienceofpsychic024531mbp/page/n40/mode/1up
Hey Joshua I had sent you an email months ago and haven’t heard back. Just sent another one.