The image of biblical Jesus presenting for baptism in the river Jordan, has left an indelible image in the minds of many people. While the river Jordan, in Hebrew, means to ‘flow down’ or ‘descend, the biblical story behind this iconic river is totally not about people walking into its shoreline water.
Establishing context:
In real time, the river Jordan rises on the slopes of Mount Hermon, on the border between Syria and Lebanon. Continuing it flow southward through the sea of Galilee, the Jordan finally enters into what is known as the Dead Sea or, Salt Lake. The Dead Sea, being the saltiest expanse of water on the planet, no marine life can survive in it, other than microbial. While the Dead Sea of course has many fine tourist-attracting features, to include renown healing potential dating back to biblical times, its mention here – due to it being the lowest surface on earth — is purely symbolical, the significance of which will become obvious further on.
So, against this locational /origin backdrop, what is the metaphysical significance behind this allegory: what message is biblical Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan’ meant to symbolize for you, me and everyone at practical level?
On the ritualistic level, church baptism is about pouring water over a baby’s head. But this pouring of water is ceremonial only, it does not in itself cleanse away anything except maybe wash the baby’s scalp. This ritual satisfies the parents, in that, their treasured newly baby is now a recognized member of that particular church – but, that, no actual purification has taken place. Church baptism is merely another means of ‘signing’ new souls into a particular denomination, which baptism – as pertaining in my own country — is prerequisite for enrollment of children into catholic religion-based schools.
So, beyond the literal ‘made-up’ story espoused by formal religions — of Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan by John the Baptist – let us look at the Bible’s esoteric understanding of baptism in the river Jordan.
Biblical river Jordan is symbolism for the flow of subconscious thought through the human mind and body. A downward current of materially contaminated consciousness governing our deeper mind and soul automatically from birth. Human perception of this muddy carnal ignorance is symbolized by the Jordan’s southward flow into the Dead Sea. The Jordan is symbolism of this born-into downward current of thought-life through our mind /body.
As reversing this carnal trend upwards into the spiritual /cosmic currents is paramount, anything that is an obstruction to this upwards flow, represents the river Jordan.
Water is symbolic of entering a new state of spiritual existence – crossing from one state into another or, the human soul becoming aquatinted in realms of higher spiritual standards, of realizing divine consciousness. Baptism thus represents a stirring of those inner faculties which are initially ‘stuck’ in life’s downward flow and its associated soul-blocking mind-sets and lifestyles: a means of rising above compulsive negative thought or wrong thinking.
So, Who or what is John the Baptist?
The name John means ‘graced by God’, with baptism essentially referring to initiation into the healing power of nature. Thus John the Baptist symbolizes an advanced standard of lower intellect, a principle of reversing carnal mind into which every human soul starts out in life, which lower standard, at some point in time, must be quickened – thus John the Baptist represents only the seeking of this upwards soul flow or, one not yet Truth realized.
Similar to how John the Baptist recognized Jesus in the Jordan, we too, post seeking and inner awakening, begin to intuit life’s spiritual dimension and its renewing qualities. Like the mustard seed, once our soul recognizes or identifies with inner Spirit, then Spirit nature begins expanding naturally, signalling commencement of the Jordan’s upwards flow away from the Dead Sea. Jesus said: “I go to prepare to prepare a place for you” John 14:3, meaning, Spirit silence establishing higher states of consciousness. Our new mind forming the spiritual ’place’ which Jesus (holy spirit) hath prepared through our silence meditations.
John the Baptist thus is symbolism of initial ‘intellectual’ seeking of divine nature. It marks those tentative mental steps — the forerunner dynamic — necessary for coming upon Christ within. A recognition of need in transitioning out of natural man’s addictive animalistic mind-sets unto pure spiritual /cosmic status. Intuition inform us that, freeing our soul from these subconscious reactive thought patterns requires some practical application on our part, beyond the initial road to Damascus ‘flash’. In other words, while the sun rises daily in the sky, it takes many hours before reaching its highest mid-day point.
This change-seeking dynamic represents the forerunner, the inherent basic instinct preceding transition unto the One who follows the forerunner – birth of holy spirit consciousness or, initiating the Jesus principle.
Delving through the outer Layers
As animalistic intellect begins upgrading unto resolute intellect, our spiritual nature becomes gradually cognizable, amplified, when you /me as forerunner, begin ‘seeing /hearing/recognizing’ Christ within.
As our awareness penetrates deeper into the layers of subconscious carnality, thus residual ‘suffering’ thoughts –the old way of seeing /hearing – begin surfacing into conscious mind for practical integration. Thus awareness entering into the deeper realms of mind brings about expansion of mind, making the once subconscious realm of mind conscious, thus enabling pure cosmic status inhabit the right side brain, our spiritual ‘promised land’.
But John the Baptist’s initial intellectual surge to change is not in itself spiritual, rather, aspirational and intuitive only. It marks innate curiosity to something greater, grander and Nobler. The possibility of realizing a higher standard of mental comfort for instance.
But Herod – the law of perpetual sin in mind /body– puts an end to our divine seeking by having John’s innate forerunner prompt executed: cutting off the positive thought flow in the head. Herod — lower ego — working under law, represents destruction of good, promotion of negativity, evil and suffering, thus, by nature, cannot acknowledge or relate to goodness, positivity or anything spiritually progressive in mind.
Acting as a subconscious blocking or, decaying dynamic, Herod law exists in every human mind and body from birth. Its sole purpose is execution of spiritual tendencies surfacing into mind. As such, the imperative message of Jesus’ upward Jordan flow, the I AM awareness within our consciousness, begins to resonate as life-saving wisdom within. Adhering to this forerunner prompt is how Herod within — the downwards force — becomes neutralized at personal level, but its destructive flow-law still continues. In other words, while Herod may have put an end to the forerunner John the Baptist level, the execution is not, and can never be, a demise of the eternal forerunner spark, for, this spark TOO works under law to succeed by triggering the holy spirit /Jesus spark within.
The Desert
Post John the Baptist’s execution, continuance of the forerunner’s seeking intention is maintained, symbolized by Jesus, on hearing of execution of John the Baptist, going into the desert, into the wilderness of the subconscious mind – ‘and he descended into hell’ – Apostles Creed. When integration of the residual dynamic maintaining the subconscious karmic pattern begins. When personal Herod law finally meets its match and becomes malleable to spiritual understanding, to higher states of cosmic awareness, as in: ‘Jesus rose again on the Third Day’ Apostles Creed, ‘third day’ meaning period of spiritual growth leading to state of unity consciousness.
In this same context, Moses, in the desert, was instructed – in-tuition — “Lift up thy Rod” Exodus 14:16– meaning raise divine standard of awareness through thy Rod, ‘Rod, being the spinal column, hence significance of kundalini rising upwards. More on kundalini shortly.
Similarly, Jesus said: “Unless a man be born again of water and the spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven” John 3:3 (inner baptism unto spiritual awareness).
Biblical water represents cleansing or purification. Thus Jesus’ rising up in the Jordan post baptism symbolizes this inner baptism unto newness: new thought paradigms initiated by the holy spirit /Jesus. Thus, Jesus going into the desert represents inner means unto personal I AM awareness through kundalini awakening in the causal spine body, one’s means of confronting the subconscious undisciplined chaotic Herod mind.
As the holy spirit dynamic functions entirely from within the spine, thus subconscious cleansing is possible only through kundalini Shakti, the holy spirit, rising from base chakra to crown chakra in the brain. This is our God-given means of delving into the dark shadow side of the human soul, into the subconscious layers which control our early lives, which cleansing activity only be performed by kundalini /holy spirit.
Reclaiming the subconscious leads to expanded capacity of conscious mind, space for out true nature to be experienced, when mind is freed of conditioned dogma and political selfish ideology. Expansion of mind fulfills: ‘make straight in our desert a highway for the Lord to become known’. Thus, on the metaphysical level, thus, Jesus’ arrest in the garden of Gethsemane and later crucifixion, and John the Baptists’ beheading, can be interpreted as ‘a voice calling [from within], make straight in the desert a highway for our God’ Isaiah 40:30 – cleansing of deeply rooted soul conflicting conditioning.
Paul puts this journey into making sub-consciousness whole: “Baptism commits us to a constant struggle with sin, so that we might be slaves to sin no longer”. In other words, Herod, as subconscious law, is unending, causal of inner conflict and struggle. Always tempting us away from spiritual progress, but then, that’s the purpose of Herod law. Our daily awareness work is not leaving the mind unguarded for this thief-law to enter whenever it wishes. The importance of awareness to each present moment is vital, it’s key to unblocking the subconscious highway unto the Lord within.
So, it was the beheading, which led Jesus going into desert of the subconscious, the inner Spark which triggers the unstoppable flow of I AM awareness, but which coming upon awareness has to be practiced thereby establishing such AS daily consciousness.
Altering Constitution of the Brain
If I may digress for a few short paragraphs into quantum physics.
Quantum physics informs us that, creation — as we explore it deeper – consists of many structured layers of energy: layers upon layers of dynamism or worlds within worlds beyond the naked eye. Similarly, on sinking through all the mental layers of mind, of recorded evolution and associated conditioning, we come upon that most orderly, dynamic aspect of the brain – total brain functioning. In practical reality, this going deeper and deeper within takes the mind to the basis of all creativity intelligence, to area of total brain functioning. The imperative becomes obvious.
In the context of coming upon total brain function, transcendence is the means.
Transcendence meditation takes the mind beyond surface thought and all sensual activity bringing about increased EEG brain coherence or, total brain functioning.
With brain being the facilitator of consciousness, thus transcendence is the means of altering the constitution of the brain fundamentally — unto knowing higher states of consciousness. In other words, beyond the waking, dreaming and deep sleep states, transcendence brings the mind into the fourth state of consciousness, of pure awareness, when our every though, word and deed serves God’s creation purely and unconditionally.
Thus, transcendence takes the brain to the unified field of pure creation – the power behind all that is, was and will be — representing experiential ‘milk and honey’ of other side of Jordan.
But, vitally, when we speak of meditation, it’s important to differentiate difference between the practice of meditation and arriving AT meditation, arriving at the unified field– they are two different dynamics.
Arriving AT meditation — consequent of going deeper into subtler regions of mind – typically refers to the moment of transcendence, of mind coming upon pure consciousness, the realm of the unified field of natural law. We practice meditation therefore in order to arrive at transcendence: when human awareness transforms into the blissful state of pure consciousness or Samadhi, or, Atman, the field of Total Knowledge.
Because transcendental pure consciousness already exists, thus we don’t practice transcendence itself as such. Rather – through mantra vibration – we practice going from gross to subtle, from surface to inner depth, thus come upon transcendence naturally. Transcendence is how the subconscious aspect of mind is made whole, the realignment of left /right side brain. Regular practice purifies the physiology enabling the nervous system withstand direct Samadhi or Bliss, when the unified field of intelligence is perceived through a cosmically orientated intellect.
Back to Scripture
Similar to physics, esoteric dipping of head into the Jordan water symbolizes one’s mental repentance, surrendering to the inner cosmic unified field dynamic behind all the laws of nature thereby putting inner and outer –as above so below — in harmony with natural law. With deeper regions of the mind becoming enlivened in meditation it marks the reversal of thought flow nature, when all the laws of nature are now working in our favor. Inner baptism thus marks the beginning stages of altering the constitution of the brain: an ability of decoding higher states of consciousness into manageable practical proportions.
Scripture puts it: ‘man is first born natural then spiritual’. This is the symbolism behind John the Baptist wearing goatskin and camel hide, it’s indicative of the natural man /woman and the initial non-spiritual status. But that it’s through this natural man /non spiritual downwards Jordan flow that our soul awakens unto eternal Spirit nature. That, within this natural man dynamic lies the ever-seeking John the Baptist principle unto divinity – an inbuilt ‘reminder’ of initial spiritual stagnation.
Kundalini and Rebuilding the Temple
In the context of Samadhi being a latent state within, vibrational silence thus is the entry key. The practice takes awareness into ever-purifying layers of mind, thereby initiate one’s innate kundalini flow upwards thus building ‘the Temple not made of human hands’ Acts 7:48.
Kundalini’s entry into the body thus is similar to biblical Jesus entering the ‘natural man mental temple and demolishing the non-soul-serving inhabitants. When Jesus said he would knock this natural man temple down and rebuild it in three days, the ‘three days’ represent a ‘period of spiritual growth’, of consciousness expansion, purification, thus establishing the Temple of Truth consciousness. This miracle of temple rebuilding can only be carried out by awakening the universal life force or, kundalini Shakti or, holy spirit, (which Jesus promised he would send). The awakening which leads to unity with Shiva in the brain (crown chakra), the mystical marriage yielding the ‘milk and honey’ off the other side of the southerly downwards Jordan flow, to northerly flow and not east to west crossing.
Luke 3:3 puts it – ‘So John (post heightened awareness) went throughout the whole territory of the river Jordan, preaching’: “turn away from you sins and be baptized (into higher Temple nature) and God will forgive your sins”. Luke 3:3 of course is referring to ‘baptism of repentance, baptism of transcendence leading to remission or, integration, of sin — metaphysically meaning ‘re-training the mind /thoughts in new spiritual Temple paradigms.’
Baptismal pouring of water is symbolism for pouring of kundalini the holy spirit into consciousness, bringing about a cosmic brain’s thought processes thus rebuilding the previous man-made, sin-raked primitive temple, rebuilding man’s animalistic or reptile brain standard. A mental transformation with ability of discerning spiritually –thus mental freedom in conscious choice. Rebuilding through directly knowing transcendence or Samadhi leads to unbounded awareness thus total brain functioning.
Esoteric Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan represents one’s conscious awakening to our own eternal I AM status, our means of conscious integration of the mountain of residual sin accumulated through many lifetimes. Thus the imperative of purifying the lower sin intellect unto state of Resolute intellect becomes obvious – exposing, whereby we may confront and integrate the dark side of our mind and personality naturally.
Kundalini and the Second Birth
At practical level, awakening kundalini /holy spirit, represents ‘fulfillment of the law’ Matthew 5:17, meaning, fulfillment of inner life in harmony with the laws of nature, thus awakening unto Christ within. Kundalini is real, it’s not a belief system. It’s our God-given means of achieving the second birth post physical birth unto experiential eternal nature. An alchemy not possible through lower ego’s downwards flow. Without kundalini /holy spirit activation, lower intellect remains in the mire of sin, remains in perpetual sin orbit. Setting the soul free of this downwards gravitational pull, is the work of transformative kundalini.
Alas, this lower intellect level of consciousness is recognizable in the world today most acutely: mire-orientated minds working negatively with the creative life force through greed for personal gain only. But which activity must in time play out within each soul at some level eventually – thus, notwithstanding forgiveness, through the laws of nature there is no such thing as ‘free and forgotten sin’.
So, remembering that there is only one mind, stilling the conscious mind allows for ever-deepening silence penetrate the breakaway aspect, or subconscious realm of mind.
The literal story of biblical Jesus walking into the river Jordan of course did not actually take place in physical terms – it’s a parable to make a mental-point. Thus the importance of reading this story as a powerful message of inner awakening, and not read through some mind-limiting understanding posited by vested interest groups, becomes obvious. Kundalini the holy spirit is beyond mere belief systems. In this context, I often say, literal temple was built in humans before God ever had a chance to build His Truth Temple.
Moving on.
So, we’re each born in the ‘Jordan’, thus come into this world up to our head in downward thought flow. We’re baptised in the Jordan because we’re each already in it – in sin from birth. We MUST already be this negative thought flow otherwise how could our seeking the other side come about, become realized in consciousness. We’re here to experience the downward flow, then choose either higher states of consciousness or remain in sin stagnation and soul atrophy.
Some final Scriptures
Similar to Paul’s general point: ‘Baptism commits us to a constant struggle with sin, so that we might be slaves no longer’ is, Roman’s 6:12-14 “sin must no longer rule in our bodies so that you obey the desire of the natural self”. And, Roman’s 8:5, “those who live as their human nature tells them to, have their minds controlled by what human nature (lower intellect) wants”.
In other words, negative thought flow doesn’t stop as such, rather conscious awareness is brought to expose, thus rid darkness temptation each time it surfaces in mind. Blessedly, when kundalini starts awakening, we become acutely aware of the unceasing ‘tempter’ and its compulsive lure to ‘sense gratification only’. Thus the imperative of Matthew 4-4: “man cannot live on bread alone (material nourishment) but needs every word (divine inspiration) that God speaks”.
Raymond, thank you for another great contribution! And explaining the symbolism and the connection with eastern terms translated so well in English as to how it relates to the inner soul awakening. Good stuff as always 🙂
Josh, thank you kindly for this generous comment.
Yes, proper biblical symbolism translation is just so vital for true spiritual awareness and authentic inner awakening minus conditioning.
For there is no person, institution, verbal teaching or ritual performance that can actually baptize the mind /soul unto eternal divine bliss — unto direct experience of Higher Self — other than our own transcendence within.
Reality or, Truth is not come upon through preached religious dogma, rather by transcending the laws of nature which govern natural man’s mind /body — the laws governing time and decay or, relative existence. Transcending these laws represent baptism unto eternal Truth, soul freedom, when natural man mind moves beyond limitation, beyond bondage to sin in perpetuity unto unbounded soul awareness: when Truth, Faith and Love consciousness become as One eternally vibrating Reality within each of us.
Hi Raymond,
it was a joy to see another article put up and it did not disappoint. For some reason it moved me.
Your explanation of the practical side of interpretation of scripture resonated so much truth.
May I add the word repentance in Greek metanoias can be broken down to “meta”, which means after and “noias” the mind. So to repent is what happens after or beyond the mind. I suppose the silencing of the mind as you have so well explained in your article is to go beyond the mind into a blissful state, a transformation of the mind, repentance.
kind regards
Hi Kris,
Thank you kindly for this really interesting comment. Your comments on SoS always carry an extra insight which I love reading!!
So, f I may add some additional context to your beautiful and accurate ‘metanoias’ insight on repentance.
As we’re each born into the downwards River Jordan flow of consciousness thus we’re each born into an automatic sinful nature. In this context, notwithstanding one’s awareness of some past living standard and consequent negative actions, there isn’t just one sin, or particular group of ‘repent-able’ sins that we feel we must confess, admit to inwardly and refrain from in the future.
Overall repentance is just another biblical term for soul purification, which purification happens gradually through coming upon pure consciousness while IN the state of meditation. When the five senses of lower perception undergo a metamorphoses or reorientation unto high perceptible awareness, such as ability of clairvoyance or clear soul visioning unto cosmic right action. When awareness begins perceiving one’s immediate environment through the higher heart chakra and not through the carnality of lower mind or, river Jordan downward consciousness.
Thus, there is no intellectual route to purification of lower sense consciousness except through one’s initial John the Baptist’s mental intent.
It’s the resultant change of consciousness — consequent of entering into regular cosmic transcendental nature — which brings about experiential metanoias or, contrition of heart, as separate from mere verbalizing contrition for one’s sins which were formed under automatic law of lower mind without conscious consent. But, which acts of contrition of course are better than non-recognition of one’s active carnal state of mind..
Remembering, that, repentance is referring to ALL sin accrued over many lifetimes, and not merely the selective ritualistic confessional-box sins of recent days or months. For, in truth, one cannot possibly remember ALL their sins, it’s not humanly possible. This is why transcendence unto pure consciousness is so utterly vital. It’s our surest means of coming upon Pure Transcendental Christ within consciousness. Which, with regular coming-upon practice, neutralizes the innumerable banks of accrued subconscious mental paradigms, the compulsive non-soul-serving ‘sin orientated’ thought patterns .
Thanks again, Kris, for you comment, always good hearing from you.
Hi Raymond,
I would also like to add to your comment on, “Overall repentance is just another biblical term for soul purification, which purification happens gradually through coming upon pure consciousness while IN the state of meditation.”
Repentance or baptism is not a one off event as you have so eloquently explained, it is an experiential journey one embarks on and the outcome is to cleanse (baptism) the mind and soul through repentance which cannot happen by just confessing.
The transformation, a blissful state of the soul, is the end product of the journey, through baptism.
1 Peter 3:20 who disobeyed long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water,
The above statement tells us that God waits patiently, in other words it just doesn’t happen, it is a process. Only 8 people were saved through water. This does not mean there were specifically 8 people but the number 8 refers to infinity and perfection and also the 8th covenant (the new covenant), the fulfilment.
1 Peter 3:21 and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also– not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a good conscience toward God.
The above verse clearly states that baptism has nothing to do with literal water but everything to do a good conscience towards God. Everything that is good has no sin. Literal water can only remove literal dirt but it cannot get inside our minds and soul to cleanse them.
2 Peter 2:8 (for that righteous man (referring to Lot), living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard)
The above statement is showing us that the soul of Lot was witnessing (experiencing) the unrighteousness within himself and if we recall in Genesis, Lot took in the angels and the mob of the city wanted to abuse the angels. Lot shut the door on them. Job through his meditative state was able to stop the noise of thoughts attached to ego based for self gratification which want to contaminate the clear state of mind. When the mob nearly broke through, the angels pulled him in. This demonstrates that we have an inner strength that guides and protects us as long as we choose righteousness. This is why Lot was delivered from the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah (not literal Sodom and Gomorrah, they only denote sins within ourselves) and his wife was turned into a pillar of salt as a testament of an unbelieving soul. Lots soul was set free completely after his wife who represents the aspect of Lot which wants to keep looking back towards his sinful nature, was destroyed.
1 peter speaks about the water baptism (Noah’s flood) and 2 Peter speaks of the fire baptism (fire in Sodom and Gomorrah). Both a form of Baptism and a purification.
Obviously these stories have many layers just as each individual journey has many layers and depths and these stories are written in such a genius way so that the person no matter where they are in their own personal journey, they can identify with them through their own experiences. One has to have some kind of awakening in order to begin to identify otherwise the spiritually asleep will only connect with the literal which is dormant to the spiritual intent.
Although Baptism is performed as a ceremonial event which is futile for the soul’s purification its real purpose is a much more meaningful and awesome journey each soul needs to undergo to reach its full potential.
kind regards
Thank you, Kris, for this extended and most insightful comment. I love how you decoded those scriptures into relatable terms. Blessings.
Yes, purification is certainly not a one-day ‘flash’ affair for sure. And your Ark insight hangs together beautifully. So, using your Ark concept if I may to elaborate on the protracted nature of purification, even after the Ark is built, as set out in your clear insight.
We remember how the Ark — after blast off into mental space — came to rest on a high mountain, symbolism of one’s mind /Ark coming upon a higher state of meditational awareness. And, after resting atop the mountain, the Ark’s skipper, the intellect, sent forth a raven which didn’t return, didn’t bear spiritual Mana within. Then another ravenous creature was sent out which too didn’t return a positive yield. Until, finally, after many meditation sessions, the Ark’s skipper sent forth a Dove — established inner peace — which did return with an olive branch [of peace]. The law of mind /karma at work here: as we sow shall we reap.
If I could add yet further insight, Kris, to our discussion on the term ‘overall purification’ which we both relate identically to.
When scripture says ‘Jesus rose body and soul gloriously and triumphantly into heaven’, this is referring to our consciousness and cellular /physiology body achieving divine status.
For it’s through purification and expression of these ‘least of my brethren’ cells (as mentioned in the article before this one) that transcendental consciousness, as separate from our born-into human consciousness, becomes established as eternal bliss-consciousness. In other words, the inner ‘risen’ nature must be lived through the cells and physiology — also termed the nervous system — thereby become one’s permanent state of realized cosmic consciousness. .
In this context, overall purification is relating not only to purification of the subconscious thought patterns, that of redeeming the soul from the darkness of sin, or deeply rooted addiction, but, also, and vitally, to the cellular /physiology network or nadis, or neural pathways, responsible for carrying the life force intelligence throughout the entire body /physiology. Thus we can see the term ‘overall purification’ as applying practically to all aspects of the physical body for the purpose of gaining Self-realization or, Unity in bliss-consciousness.
not true we are born in the kingdom we were not awake yet . we have to be as a child to inter the kingdom.
when the good man was away an evil seed was sown.if the strong man was there, he would have suffered them to not breakup his home (his temple). the rulers of this world are idle worshipers bringing in lies propagated by there synagogues of Satan the church of Paul a freemason. the conscious mind is the Christ inside fooling his father above this plain. lucifer is his bride the subconscious mind that is fooling the world reproducing what the rulers of this world wants. making a her whore. the whore of Babilon. christ has to return for his bride and then the marriage she become the heavenly bride.
hey Raymond
I have to say that your explanation just brought so much clarity to my spiritual journey
and it expanded my awareness even more. Keep up with the good stuff.
Hi Raymond,
this article popped up just now, i have never seen it before.
Amazing thing is that i just returned from a 4-day Life Camp organized by the local (Thai) Baptist community. Main theme was ‘learning English’, lol
I managed to stay away from the hot topic (learning the symbolics in the Bible), but found gaps in my life. That was caused by abandoning the roman catholic mania. I am recovering the things i threw away with the washwater.
Anyway your contribution is most appreciated and it got me wondering again. The river Jordan as a symbol for our life and path to redemption.
Years ago i commented on Anny’s blog ‘he ate a date’.
I copy the comment here :
February 24, 2018 at 1:29 am
why a date ?
maybe because ‘as above so below’
grow the seed
when it germinates it first grows to the light
then it dives into the earth until it hits rock bottom
then it shapes the lower end into a spiral
(pushing the seed above the ground)
then it starts to grow a stem (on the inside) growing upwards
near exiting the earth it opens the umbilical cord
and shows itself as a green grass like sprout
in the following years it will grow its leaves
and every leaf grows a single root down into the earth
some date tree are male, some female,
others are hermaphrodite.
picture of a sprouted date seed :
It resembles the journey down the river Jordan, coming to its deepest point
and the resurrects, growing upwards . . .
Kind regards,
Hi Leo,
Good to hear from you. Thank you for this most interesting comment.
Appreciated likewise.
Stay blessed my friend
According to Bart Ehrman, a professor and scholar of religious study and ex Christian he has proven the literal figure of Jesus never existed.
The reason the literal figure never existed is because the Scriptures have been taken literal.
As a result, the “body” of Jesus was resurrected and went up into the ‘heavens’ and of course it can’t been seen or found… it’s so simple and clear to understand that Jesus or the “christ conscious’ has existed as a condition for the creation of humankind because humanity must deny ‘herod’ the ego and continually exist ‘christ consciousness’ otherwise ‘herod’ will continue to control the narrative.
In the beginning.. before there was writing there was speech and humanity used the sky to try and understand why they were there and stories were created and paced through the generations. Then writers ‘saved’ those stories and eventually those stories turned into more advanced consciously thought stories and humanity created personification of those stories — such as John the Baptist, Jesus, Herod yet the ‘unconscious’ still took those early writer stories literal and continue to live in the past instead of seeking the future, which is the ‘kingdom of God’.
Agreed. I do think the allegorical gospels are based on a real figure who lived about 100 B.C. If interested, this is a great article on who he may have really been, which fills in a lot of gaps:
happy to see comments again, i need to reload the webpage bypassing the cached versions, , then
The same is happening right now with a historical figure in Java. He is referred to as Bapak (‘honorable father”). He founded the SUBUD way of life. Look him up (this started in Indoinesia). His whole life is being rewritten and all kinds of myths are woven into the story of his life.
There is a whispering that both the historical Jesus and the historical Mohammed are incarnated and working together to bring about peace in the middle East (source not disclosed, lol).
Hi Josh
Thanks for your comment and related links which I read through.
Blavatsky is so correct in her understanding regarding ‘the Sermon on the Mount’.
This story is totally not about a historical person going up into a mountain to preach to a gathering of physical people. Not at all.
Similar to the ‘Ten Commandments’ this Sermon on the Mount is symbolism of going within ourselves, within consciousness.
Going within is to expand one’s capacity of silence consciousness for the purpose of gaining Spiritual Awareness or Mount consciousness.
Sermon OFF the Mount is about attuning our minds to inner Revelation standard thus come upon divine wisdom, a capacity of spiritual awareness enabling the mind /soul perceive through a level of Higher-Self understanding. Thus the term Sermon on the Mount is meaning Divine Revelation though awakened inner Light. As in: ‘Let there be Light’ – within consciousness. Thus is where personal meditation is key.
In other words, light becomes let or revealed through mental silence.
Thus the beattitude standard of consciousness — referred to as heaven — is within deeper consciousnes. It cannot be discerned or experienced through the surface human will. The human carnal will cannot reveal spiritual heaven as conscious awareness, as biblical Saul found out attempting to reach Damascus: he/she was knocked off their lower will horse by inner Light understanding. The horse Saul was thrown from is symbolism of the conditioned senses-consciousness will. Thus Saul only become Paul –Paul esoterically meaning least in human intellect’ – after his/her conscious mind became acquainted with converged intellect, leading to xpansion and establishment of transcendental pure silence within consciousness.
As lower intellectual reasoning cannot in itself provide Beattitude status within – thus experience Heaven – this then is where transcendental silence is vital. It enables release of the Great Purifier, the Great Neutralizer Power unto consciousness thus transforming the lower human will unto higher spiritual realms. Unto higher planes of cosmic consciousness. Thereby is how our mind/intellect become attuned to Sermon on the Mount standard.of consciousness. Thus continuous flow of Pure Mount Revelation as ever-revealling Divine Wisdom unto our now eternally realised spiritual bliss consciousness.