In my last blog article I shared how Jesus is a personification of the sun. In this blog post I will show how Jesus’ life relates to the sun as it travels through the zodiac. As I have said before, my conclusion is not that the story of Christ is just another sun god myth. The story of Christ in the heavens provides us with the knowledge we need in order to understand our paths to higher consciousness. In other words, the story of Christ is meant to be our story, and if you read this blog post with an open mind I think you’ll most likely agree.
Originally I had promised to make this a 3-part series, however, I am forced to make it a 4-part series since the subject matter is so important and I don’t want any one blog post to be too long. So let’s get down to business.
The key to truly understanding the zodiac the way the ancients understood it is to see that each snippet of Christ’s life is meant to be us as we live our lives.
I have already pointed out Psalm 19:1-5 in my previous two blog posts, but it will mean a lot more to you at the conclusion of this post, so let’s review it below:
“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament showeth his handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge…Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them (signs of the Zodiac) hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, Which is a bridgegroom coming out of his chamber…”
So the zodiac speaks the word of God; it provides us with knowledge. But exactly what is this knowledge that is spoken in the stars?
To answer that let’s review the word zodiac. The word itself consists of the Greek root “Zo,” meaning “life,” and Dia, meaning “through.” When we combine these meanings we get something such as “through life,” or the “path through life.”
So the knowledge God is speaking to us in the stars is the path to our lives. Christ speaks this path in detail as he starts and completes his ministry. However, since the time of Constantine the church has taught that the life of Christ was about a unique man that came to earth to save us. But the original message of the Gospel story is to teach the knowledge of how we attain higher consciousness. Jesus’ life is our life, and Jesus’ story is our story. I will reveal more about this as we connect the dots between Jesus’ ministry and the zodiac.
For those who are still in doubt that Jesus cannot be the sun let me give you something else to think about. Enoch clearly foreshadows Jesus. The Bible said he was translated because he “walked with God and he was not, for God took him.” However what most people fail to see is that Enoch is also the sun. How do we know? The Bible says God took him at age 365. Folks, there are 365 days in a solar year! The age at which God took Enoch doesn’t represent his literal age, but rather the completion of the sun’s travels through the zodiac in a solar year. Enoch also represents an enlightened being that has attained higher consciousness.
What exactly is the zodiac? I’ll quote from Wikipedia:
“In both astrology and historical astronomy, the zodiac is a circle of twelve 30° divisions of celestial longitude that are centered upon the ecliptic: the apparent path of the Sun across the celestial sphere over the course of the year…”
So there are 12 signs in the zodiac. Let’s look at each sign in detail and how the life of Christ fits into each one.
Traditionally, they are as such:
- Aries (The Ram) 0 degrees.
- Taurus (The Bull) 30 degrees.
- Gemini (The Twins) 60 degrees.
- Cancer (The Crab) 90 degrees.
- Leo (The Lion) 120 degrees.
- Virgo (The Maiden) 150 degrees.
- Libra (The Scales) 180 degrees.
- Scorpio (The Scorpion) 210 degrees.
- Sagittarius (The Centaur / Archer) 240 degrees.
- Capricorn (The Goat) 270 degrees.
- Aquarius (The Water-Bearer) 300 degrees.
- Pisces (The Fish) 330 degrees.
Notice how each sign is 30 degrees. Jesus also started his official ministry at age 30.
Virgo (The Virgin Maiden)
For the sake of Jesus’ story, let’s start with Virgo, the virgin maiden. How does the sign relate to Jesus? The key is to realize where this sign appears in the night sky as the sun is in it. In December (on Jesus’ supposed birthday), Virgo, which means “virgin,” comes right before sunrise. Therefore the sign of the virgin metaphorically gives birth to the sun (son) on December 25th. Haven’t you ever found it odd that the church officially declared Jesus’ birthday to be on December 25th even thought the Bible gives no indication of this?
“Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and bring forth a son…” (Matthew 1:23).
Consider that on December 22nd through December 25th (3 days) the sun stops moving south and for three days. It metaphorically dies. However, after December 25th it begins moving north again and the daylight grows stronger by about 1 minute each day! Therefore the sun’s metaphorical birth is with us every year. The later part of the Matthew scripture above states that Jesus shall be called Immanuel, which means “God with us.” Therefore not only was Jesus with men 2,000 years ago, he (as the sun) is with all of us every day for every generation!
How does this relate to us? Every man and woman on earth is metaphorically born of the virgin. To the ancients the sun represented the light of our consciousness because it was the most powerful symbol in our solar system. How do you think you are conscious? All spirit (consciousness) expresses itself through matter. Your physical bodies came to be through the sexual union between your mother and father, however, your consciousness (spirit / breath of life of God) inhabits the body through none other method than a virgin act. Some of the other articles on this site go into more detail on this subject.
Libra (The Scales)
Next we shall consider Libra. This sign represents scales. In Hebrew this sign means “weighing,” and in life a balance has to be achieved between spirit and matter. This is the balance within creation. There is a cosmic law called Karma. Jesus also referred to this cosmic law when he stated that a man reaps what he sows. As humans driven by ego, we have no way of being redeemed of these debts, and Karma will always be ever present in our lives. Everything we do in the ego causes Karma. Jesus had to face achieving this balance in his life as well.
Consider the scripture below:
“He learned obedience through the things that he suffered” (Hebrews 5:8)
I find it hard to believe that this verse doesn’t usually make the traditional Christian mindset do a double take. That verse is saying that even God himself had to come down here to earth and experience life on the physical plane in order to achieve a balance (obedience to the Father / higher power).
When many people think of Jesus they focus on the fact that he is God. But they forget that Jesus had to suffer the experience of dualism (life in the physical world) before he achieved his higher state of consciousness and ultimately sacrificed his ego. Why would it be any different for any human being?
Scorpio (The Scorpion)
Now let’s take a look at our next sign, Scorpio.
It is easy to see Jesus as the sun in Scorpio. But before I explain how, know that in the sign of Scorpio the great scorpion stings man to death. The sun is in Scorpio in late fall. The sun is now about to metaphorically die for three days at the winter solstice before it will be figuratively raised again as it begins its move north and its sunlight begins to grow stronger towards spring. So as the sun moves into Scorpio, it receives the sting that will metaphorically kill it during the three days of the winter solstice. Please notice that in late fall all of the harvests have been made, and the meals have been eaten. Remember Jesus at the last supper? Judas is the scorpion of Scorpio which betrays Jesus (stings the sun and kills it) after the last supper. How does he do it? With a kiss. Thus the kiss became the sting!
So as the sun metaphorically dies in Scorpio, so the son (Jesus) too dies by the scorpion (Judas). However, it is also important to remember that Judas was moved by Satan in the gospels. Satan is also Scorpio personified through Judas.
But this is not the cosmic battle for good and evil as it is taught by mainstream Christianity from the Gospels. Jesus even says himself that Judas’ betrayal was written and must come to pass. The reason that Judas had to do this is because this story is about what we go through by the ego. Again, it’s not a literal story. The story explains us! The ego is both a curse and a blessing. Without the ego, there would never be an individual you to go through in order to achieve higher consciousness!
Sagittarius (The Centaur)
Next we will discuss Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the sign of the centaur, a half horse / half man figure which holds a bow and arrow, aimed to shoot at the heart of Scorpio. We see this imagery of Jesus himself in Revelations who conquers his enemy, the ego.
“And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, come and see. And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer” (Revelations 6:1-2).
This imagery of Jesus in Revelations should now make sense to you. As a kid, before I knew anything about the zodiac, I couldn’t imagine Jesus literally coming back on a horse with a bow and arrow to shoot people, especially in the modern age of tanks and planes and bombs and atomic weapons. It just seemed so silly.
If you remember that Scorpio is also the personification of Satan who was supposed to be in Judas, we can now understand why this horse / man creature with a bow is shooting at Scorpio, for Jesus ultimately conquers the ego with his death and crucifixion. You, too, must defeat the ego in order to become the Christ!
Capricorn (The Goat)
Next we’ll deal with Capricorn. Capricorn is represented by the goat. The sun travels through Capricorn during December and January. Again, we can easily make the connection with Jesus and the Gospel story.
Keeping in mind that the sun metaphorically dies for three days from December 22nd to the 25th, we get some really interesting imagery for Capricorn which will tie into Virgo.
Before midnight December 25th, Virgo is on the horizon. But at midnight the sun enters into Capricorn, which is symbolic of Jesus been born in the manger in the presence of animals. So Jesus is born of Virgo (the virgin) into Capricorn (the manger). Again, it’s all about the sun!
Aquarius (The Water-Bearer)
We shall end this blog post with Aquarius (Of course I’ll discuss the other six in the next post). Aquarius is represented by a man holding an urn eternally pouring out water. He is known as the “water-bearer.” Aquarius succeeds Capricorn, and in light of the Gospel stories, this also makes perfect sense. Aquarius is symbolic of baptism, and as we all know, Jesus starts his ministry with baptism. John the Baptist is Aquarius personified. Consider the following scripture below:
“I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with Fire (Matthew 3:11).
The fire imagery of John’s speech represents the sun! Also consider the following two scriptures:
“For the Lord your God is a consuming fire…” (Deut: 4:24).
“For the Lord your God is a sun and shield…” (Psalm 84:11)
John the Baptist also states:
“I must decrease that he (Jesus) may increase” (John 3:30).
Interestingly, the sun gets stronger (increases) and Aquarius itself decreases because it becomes lower and lower in the night sky each night until it can no longer be seen. In the story John the Baptists disappears from the Gospel story and enters prison until his beheading.
So how does all this information help you?
You, too, must learn to defeat the ego just as Jesus defeated Satan. You are also meant to carry your cross and be crucified (your ego) at Golgotha, the place of the skull! It’s all in your head. You must conquer the mind, meaning the ego, and then become the Christ that Paul labors to form in you!
The story of Jesus is your story. Mainstream Christianity has innocently (for the most part) and unknowingly turned a universal story about each and every one of us into a story about one historical man. For centuries the church has monopolized on a story to elevate man above each other in a hierarchy which was never meant to be. Folks, you can’t find the truth through someone else. You must go “within.” Not only does Jesus emphatically declare this, but as you now know so do the heavens!
So does it ultimately matter who the historical Jesus really was? No, not really. Simply for the fact that the Bible clearly teachers we are to become like him! In other words, you are to become the Christ. This is something that you must do. No historical figure named Jesus can do it for you. If salvation wasn’t worth a great price (the experiences and sufferings of life) then we wouldn’t need life on earth in the first place!
Finally, I want you to think about the fact that the sun is the symbol of consciousness itself. Consciousness is God. God is light (the Biblical meaning for consciousness). The light from the sun is the perfect symbol for representing the eternal aspect of your highest self responsible for all of creation.
Now I want you to go back through this study and look at what Jesus had to endure as the sun personified going through the zodiac. Then picture yourself having to do the same! When you read the Gospels anew, picture yourself in Jesus’ place and you’ll gain new insight.
We’ll go over the other six signs of the zodiac in the next blog post. If you think this article will bless someone, don’t forget to spread it through social media outlets. Thank you!
Finally, what do you think? Do you see a correlation between the story of Jesus and yourself now?
It is not that the Jesus story follows that of the sun, but that the created world, including our solar system, and the sun, follow in the likeness of our Creator. The created follows the Creator. It is very much true that the sun is like Jesus, but not that Jesus is like the sun.
The zodiac is indeed accurate (in its dense complexity, with the 12 houses, and the other stuff, etc.). It is factual. But the problem is that it deals only with the second heaven (the cosmos, the universe, in other words). What does that boil down to? Determinism. Power that may or may not include love, and if love is included, it is at best a love that is generated by the self, or better yet, the ruling planet which affects the self, and not true love, divine love, which is generated by the Creator HIMSELF (who made the planets and the sun).
Jesus conquers the facts and predeterminisms of the zodiac, because he is in the third heaven – the residing place of the Creator, the One who made the cosmos and its predeterminisms and powers. So if you are in Jesus, and give your life to him so that he may live in you, you are able to overcome whatever mix of predeterminations the zodiac may have of you. You are too living on earth in the third heaven, no more influenced by creation (planets), but now alive in the Creator’s power (love).
Thanks for taking the time to stop and comment on the blog. I believe the Gospel stories follow the zodiac. The Gospel stories were told much longer than 2000 years ago through different cultures using the same spiritual concepts with different names and different places. But it was still the same message.
I do agree that we overcome astrological forces when we develop the Christ within. Blessings.
Thank you for that explanation. I now understand
Thank you for this faith-filled inspiration. As I read this blig post, I felt something amiss, like something was being withheld to create a perfectly fabricated story. But the story had no soul, no grace, no living God. It was humanity based upon the cold universe of the ancients. God is so much more than the movement of the celestial bodies. As you stated, “the created follows the Creator”. It’s not that we can remodel (and discount) Christianity as scientific observation remolded to fit our stories. It’s that Christ actually fulfilled the glorious story that’s been written from the beginning, of which, we are the chosen audience by design. God reveals His creation in many ways, including the infinite beauty of the stars, but only to inspire us. Christ is most certainly the highest form of earthly inspiration as He became one of us, to show us the ultimate love, the redemptive love that only God can provide. We can’t save ourselves. Without the tangible reality of the historical Jesus, everything about humanity would be mythical and within our own minds. But Christ took on our nature, our suffering and our sinfulness as the scapegoat, going to the limits of hell and back to establish the divine amongst the fallen. There was no other way to save humanity from itself. The prophets who fortold Christ’s arrival were inspired too. Our past was always leading up to Christ’s arrival from the earliest beginnings of human awareness and development.
Humanity will never find authentic enlightenment through it’s own means. We are meant to know and seek God as we are from God, the eternal, the alpha & omega.
Take the zodiac for what it appears, a map of celestial movement translated by human minds that have trying to discover meaning behind divine intelligence. It’s certainly intriguing, but only a fraction of the puzzle. It states obvious paths of stars and seasons based upon scientific observation. It’s written records of universal occurrence. This blog seems to declare what we see explains everything about humanity in easily-discovered, scientific terms. The translation of these observances as a means to reducing Christ to a generic, universal dogma is nothing but that ego he demonizes ruling his own soul. The world can’t tolerate a real Christ within humanity. It threatens their existence through consuming guilt with real consequences. If Christ is just a myth personified, there’s no real judgement or consequence to our actions. It allows cowards to live unimpeded by a divine mandate or be held accountable for their thoughts or behavior. Without a true, living God, life is much easier. It’s easier to declare your own truth and do your own will without eternal judgement. This is the preferred life of cowards who need to deny anything out of their control in control of them, or God forbid, them after death, for eternity. Better to make faith a commodity.
If there’s one, obvious goal to the Gospels and from Christ Himself, it’s that we’ve all been given free will by a selfless, loving God, but more important, we are required to use this free will to make a choice, the most important choice every human being can make: are we with God or against God?
Reading this, it feels like the Truth to me. Thank you, peace!
Thanks for commenting, EC. Blessings!
I think that everything in nature is a picture that God uses to reveal His plan to us as you have stated, Joshua; however they are created things, and not the Creator.
They do reveal awsome revelation to us; for example I was out today and on other days –when I look up at the sun and realize how bright the sun is and how close to the earth it is. And I’ll say: “oh my goodness, its so close I can almost touch it”.
Never in all my 61 years of life have I ever observed the sun being so close and shinning so bright , and the clouds are magnificant!! More so than ever before; so when I observe these things- the Spirit within me is revealing those things to me; and reveals to me to “look up” to be watchful; to be aware and pay attention.
At this point I can honestly relate to what is being revealed regarding the created things, since the Spirit reveals those things to me constanly.
And I often say: “I hope everyone is “seeing this” is looking up and paying attention because revelation is right in front of us – the heavens do reveal the glory of God. And we need to pay attention. They are indeed speaking to us. Today more than ever!!
What you have written does recall scripture to my memory which says” look up for your redemption is near.” and he is coming with the clouds and every eye will see Him .
Luke 21:28
7″Then they will see THE SON OF MAN COMING IN A CLOUD with power and great glory. 28″But when these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”
Whether people agree with what you are conveying here, Joshua or not, I do think every person should read it, if for no other reason that to gain the knowledge that is here to open their eyes to the revelation of various things that are being put forth. There are those that never look up- that aren’t paying attention to the signs that are right in front of them; so I do think reading it will effect people!
Regarding what you ask below:
So does it ultimately matter who the historical Jesus really was? No, not really. Simply for the fact that the Bible clearly teachers we are to become like him! In other words, you are to become the Christ. This is something that you must do. No historical figure named Jesus can do it for you. If salvation wasn’t worth a great price (the experiences and sufferings of life) then we wouldn’t need life on earth in the first place!
Let me ask you a queston, Joshua. What do you think the Bible means when it says that Jesus experienced everything that we experience however without sinning? What would be the esoteric meaning of it?
And according to the Bible – Jesus literally overcame sin and death, etc. and as a result it lets us know that we don’t have to work at becoming the Christ because He has already done the work for us- it is finished. And, as a result of us receiving the Holy Spirit the Spirit worketh within us to bring about the changes; all of our sins are forgiven and God holds nothing against us so there’s no work to be done. We are simply being changed from glory to glory. So yes it does matter who Jesus was and what His purpose was, etc.
He died for us so that we wouldn’t have to do the work. We are the created not the Creator — so ask yourself – what can we accomplish as created beings in our own strength as far as becoming the Christ? Through Christ and as a result of what He has done- the Christ consciousness is in us through the receiving of the Holy Spirit and the renewing of our minds through Gods word.
I’m am thankful for this work that God is doing through you, Joshua!! The revelations are nothing short of maraculous and as stated I do think that everyone will receive an awakening in one way or another!!
Perhaps what it actually means that Jesus died for our sins, so that we didn’t have to, is that we do not have to live according to the Law (back then, the Jewish law, but now could be any religious or denominational law focused on sins and judgment). Rather, we will be closest to God when we let our ego die, stop believing that we are good or superior, or evil or bad, and understand that we are created by God and also part of God. That the Holy Spirit is our spirit, which is Holy. And if we embrace our divine spirit (which was created by God and always part of God, and which is devoid of judgment and is eternal and unconditional love), we are at once “filled with the Holy Spirit.” We can still be renewing our minds through God’s word, by reading it again and again until it’s biggest and most important Truths are revealed. That we do not have to judge and be judged because of Christ’s sacrifice, true, but that perhaps this means that the sacrifice of the ego (which is the part of us that judges and is judged) is what saves us from our sins, is our salvation, and brings us to the kingdom of heaven (by removing the barrier of ego so that we are once again reunited with God, at a higher spiritual level). All of the lessons taught by Jesus are true, in this context! And I believe Jesus was a real human being and the son of God. As are we all. I don’t disagree with anything you said, except that we have no work to do. We have no work to do to save ourselves from sin, because that is not our purpose. Rather, our purpose is to live and dwell in unconditional love. You point out that there is work to do, through the renewing of our minds through God’s word. I agree, except I would build on that to say that we should expand and renew our spirit (i.e., accept the Holy spirit, or the HOLINESS OF THE SPIRIT WITHOUT THE EGO) through the lessons of Jesus, letting go of the concept of sin and judgment and love unconditionally. Thus, we will reconnect with the kingdom of heaven by releasing the ego and making our spirit truly holy again, reconnected (and conscious of that connection) with God, thus understanding that, in such a spiritual state, the kingdom of heaven is indeed within us. In Luke 17:20–21, Jesus says, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you” Blessings to you!
So as stated, I can see all that you have proposed for consideration as being accurate as far as what the heavens reveal and the ego/conscious and egoless/sub-conscious. And, the story being one of human condition. I bear witness to the truth of that in myself and other people constantly. But, the only way that the condition is fixed is via the Holy Spirit. Not a higher level of consciousness via knowledge, wisdom and understanding that we can use to bring about change within ourselves in our own strength. We are the created not the Creator. Everything serves the Creators purpose for our benefit. The Creator set it up that way.
If anything I think all that is being put forth — especially in this 4 part series, confims the coming of Jesus the Christ it definitely gives it validity!!! That’s why I think having this knowledge, wisdom and understanding is a plus for everyone!!
Joshua, Thank you so much for your very enlightening essay. I first heard of this metaphorical aspect of the Jesus story via the movie “Zeitgeist” and have been following up with scholarly articles such as yours. Having followed astrology for many years, the metaphor of Jesus makes so much more sense to me now, and really supports why there is no archaeological evidence of a real Jesus. Like Buddah, Vishnu, Ganesh, and all the other gods and godesses, the Jesus god is just another metaphorical figure as a guide for good and compassionate living. Christians the world over need to open their eyes and their minds and realize this instead of childishly hanging on to the notion of a parental substitute figure in the persona of Jesus that they insist must have been a real person without any evidence of this. They need to come to grips with the fact that they are following the notion of a Christ figure and not a real person. Thank you again for helping bring this reality to light.
Late to the party, but he didn’t say in his post that Jesus wasn’t a real person. He doesn’t really comment on that at all. And there is evidence of Jesus as a real person outside the Bible, through writings of contemporaneous philosophers/scholars Josephus and Tacitus. I think the post is trying to elevate the deeper messages and lessons of Jesus’ purpose and life, part of which is that the messages/lessons are more than literal, perhaps metaphorical, in that you need to expand your understanding in order to.learn and be blessed by the deepest Truth of the message. This is reiterated by Jesus’ literal words (if you look at the Gospel as literal words he spoke, captured by multiple scribes, i.e., the apostles, that accompanied him), where you will also see that he taught through metaphor (i.e., parables), which to me reinforces the likelihood that the messages represented by his life itself may also be metaphorical. The lessons from the story itself, if we take them as truths, can be true whether Jesus was a real person or not, so there’s no need to insist one way or the other in order to learn them. When we put limitations and boxes around what we believe in that way, we limit what we can learn. I believe that Jesus was a real person, just as I believe he is a very highly ascended spiritual being that is one with God. I believe he was always one with God, as are we, but also separated from Him by ego while a human being. I also believe that he is one with God even more completely, ascended, as will we be. i believe those things because I believe there is evidence of it, but also because it helps me on my spiritual journey the most to believe it. f you believe he was not, then you are perhaps aligned with many other religions around the earth, most of which have elements of the universal Truths. You can still find the path to God, either way, so long as your path and beliefs help you reach for a higher spirituality in the way that works best for you. All this to say, it is not essential to the point of this post that Jesus must not have been a real person, and perhaps, equally, it is not necessary to believe that he was, so long as you learn the lessons just the same. For that reason, it may be true what the Bible says that there is no way to God except through Jesus. If we look at that metaphorically, it may mean there is no way to God except through the death of ego and the ascension of the spiritual consciousness to one that is raised through the abandonment of judgment and the embracing of unconditional love.
Exactly, PMiller. Well stated. Blessings, my friend.
As an adept in esotericism/occultism, I think it is important to see the deeper meaning in what “Jesus” represents. He is an anthropomorphism of the Sun. Consider when “Jesus” speaks, it is the Sun that is metaphorically speaking. Meeting in the heavens above, being the light of the world, etc. etc… “No one enters the Father except through me” means to know what/who God truly is, you must go through the light, the Sun. The light is intelligent in full of energy.
Without the Sun there would be no light, life, or form. When one dies and sees the “White Light”, you are seeing the metaphysical Sun, which is your own consciousness. As above, so below. Your true self is the Sun. Become en”light”ened. The Intellect and Consciousness are One.
Truly I tell you, the kingdom of God is within you. Be the light of the world. Light up the darkness. Free yourself from illusion and ignorance. Be love and wisdom. Solve paradoxes and unite opposites. Do not love gold nor fear death. Focus your free will on love and you shall become en”light”ened. The mind may be opened like a door. The key is silence. Keep mental clarity. Focus on The Good. Even the wicked love their friends. Love your enemies. Love is the law. Love under will. Overcome your fears and desires and seek wisdom and understanding. Seek and you shall find. Free yourself from sensory desire. Meditate. Attach not to the things of this world. Surrender. Conquer deception. Understand why things are the way they are. Seek wisdom. All the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it. Transcend. Polarize your consciousness. Place the mind in the heart. Embrace mystery. Contemplate existence. Ponder infinity. Free your mind. Become One with the Creator. Seek within. Know thyself.
Great points. Thanks for the comment.
Hello Joshua, Thank you or your awesome work here. It is a treasure chest. In regards to the zodiac, can you speak to ages? For example the life of the biblical Christ ushering in the age of Pisces. The symbol of the fish also symbolic through out his ministry. Up to the last supper where he gives disciples explicit instructions to follow the water bearer into the house that he enters…Luke 22:10
We are now entering into the age of Aquarius (information/technical). Is this baptism taking place in the upper room where this last and final supper is to take place. I can’t help but think this has something to do with meditation…is this not the same room where they tarried for the Holy Spirit or raising of the Kundalini?
Yes, the ages are pertinent. According to scripture we are in the age of Aquarius, but the next age of conscious development is hard to pin down a date to. Because of all the conflicting evidence, we cannot give a year or exact date, as you know as well as I that the Zodiac does not measure up to date as in the past, especially over the past two thousand years as there is disagreement over 13 vs. 12 signs.
Even in light of this, we know that it will happen as the evolution of consciousness is assured.
Betty is right. We have been reconciled to our Father through the sacrifice of the SON. The LIVING WATER is FREE. Isaiah 55:1; Rev 22:1
Maybe I’m not navigating peoperly, but I came across this article through Google and can’t find how to get to the other three relayed posts. Could to maybe link them at the end of the articles
A lot I agree with, but I disagree with the idea that you have to suffer like christ. New age people go too far to the extreme while religious people also go too far the opposite direction. Both need to marry in the middle.
Jesus did not endure what he endured so you would have to endure the same things. Nor does anyone agree with suffering. If they was the case you wouldn’t have a medicine cabinet or health insurance. According to your logic, if you saw a woman being raped or a kid being molested, your own child sick and ill or any innocent person enduring some form of suffering, you would tell them to continue on enduring it. You’d be heartless.
Where you go right is advocating that the answers start on the inside. Where you go wrong is when you believe those answers aren’t to make the physical world better. That’s when you travel down the platonistic and gnostic path.
There are always at least three sides to every story; MY side; YOUR side; and the TRUTH!
Everything begins and ends in the heart.
Struggling to find part 2?