What if I told you that you didn’t have to wait until you die to enter heaven? What if I told you that Jesus taught us how to enter heaven in our current body? I quote him below:
Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except you be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3-4).
The above verse states that once you become like a child, you are already great in the kingdom of heaven—no need to wait until you’re dead, right? Jesus also confirms this line of thinking when he stated that the kingdom is within you. These verses suggest that heaven isn’t a place where only born again Christians go to for eternity when they die.
Many years ago, when I was a young man in the mainstream church, I discovered that the Torah, the first five books of the Bible—and supposedly the very foundation from which all other scriptures was built—said nothing of an afterlife. This disturbed me. Deeply. If the Torah was truly the foundation for the rest of the Bible, there should have been something about an afterlife, and, more importantly, heaven. But there wasn’t. No matter how deep you dig, it’s just not there.
If I had known then what I know now, I would not have been disturbed. As you’ll soon see, the truth about heaven is far greater and more satisfying than spending eternity in some golden city or floating around in the clouds. The reason? The law of impermanence, which states that everything in this universe is in a constant state of change. To anyone who has already established that heaven is a place of permanence, this idea seems dreadful. But it needn’t be. The law of impermanence means that there’s always an opportunity for spiritual and mental growth. Whether you reincarnate back to earth, or graduate to a higher realm, there is always a chance to choose conscious growth. To me this is much more satisfying than being in one state for eternity.
The catch is that sometimes impermanence means hellish experiences. Pain, frustration, and negativity are realities that we all go through. But Jesus suggests that we can have heaven with us now, in the midst of a world full of misery. This makes sense, because if heaven is within us, then we should have the power to manifest it.
That power is in understanding Jesus’ statement to become like a child. The answer lies in their natural tendency to live from BEING, and not within the confines of the mind. To become “converted” as the child is to revert back to this state of BEING.
Most adults miss life. The older they become, the faster it seems to fly by, and the more they seem to miss. Why? Let’s look at this from the standpoint of the ego.
Remember that the ego is just an idea we have of ourselves and our situations in the mind. These ideas define who we are and what our situation is. Most of us don’t like our current situations or idea of ourselves. This builds resistance. Resistance is the path to hell.
The key is to be released from resistance that is created by the ego. Look at little children. For the most part, they can enjoy themselves because they don’t resist the moment. Even when a child is in a long-term unfortunate circumstance, they are able to manifest moments of peace and happiness, especially very young children. The main reason is because the ego hasn’t had the time to fully develop yet.
When Jesus says that we must become “converted” and “become like a little child” he is telling us how important it is to BE in the present moment. We convert by living from BEING and not the ego.
Make every act holy, no matter how simple or how complex it is. Whether you are cleaning out the gutters on your house or enjoying a fishing trip with friends. BE in the moment, consciously aware of what’s take placing around you and how you are interacting with your environment. Living from BEING is allowing consciousness to shine forth, thereby overcoming the ego.
For many people, the man-made concept of time helps strengthen the ego. This is true especially for people who dread going to work or fear something they will undergo in the future. Sometimes people live in denial and regret of the past. These are all forms of resistance. These are also cases where consciousness is experiencing from the confines of the mind instead of BEING itself. This creates the concept of hell on this earth. When someone lives from BEING they are creating the experience of heaven on earth.
Living in the present moment is also a form of meditation. In fact, it is ongoing meditation. The person that masters living in the now has mastered life. Now you understand why Jesus said:
“…take no thought for your life…And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit? If you then be not able to do which is least, why take ye thought for the rest?” (Luke 12:22-26)
Being converted as the child makes you become great because then you live by taking care of that which is least. Be faithful with the little moment in which you have been given, which is NOW. Doesn’t consciousness itself, the very thing which you really are beyond the ego, deserve to be fully present to experience all that the moment has to offer?
The key to manifesting heaven is to make peace with the present. This doesn’t necessarily mean you want to stay in the present moment forever. I certainly do not wish to be in pain or suffering all of the time, but in the long run, if it means that temporary pain and suffering will teach me how to consciously grow, it’s worth it. By experiencing the moment fully we bring consciousness to the forefront. By living from BEING, conditions always will begin to change for the better.
This is the real reason the Torah doesn’t say anything about an afterlife. What need is there? The Torah, at its most basic function, is a collection of works meant to explain living life in the here and now, abundantly. It does not concern itself with the afterlife and neither should you. As Jesus said, take no thought for tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself. Isn’t this true about the afterlife as well? If you focus on entering the kingdom here, a conscious experience in the afterlife will be more pleasant no matter what the conscious experience becomes. Please don’t misunderstand. I’m not saying the afterlife isn’t important. It most definitely is. And I believe it’s quite a different experience for everyone, most of which eventually reincarnate back into gross matter. But my point is that we must change the way we think about life today by making peace with the present. Then we can live the realization that it’s not about getting into heaven, it’s about manifesting heaven!
Why this concept of heaven is so much better than the one taught by the church
Manifesting heaven is so much better than traditional concepts of heaven because it means that heaven isn’t static; it’s dynamic, just like life itself. That’s good news, because no matter where you are or who you’re with, you can enjoy heaven in many different states. Heaven isn’t the same for everyone. What kind of heaven would that be?
How does this knowledge help us?
This knowledge is crucial. For one thing, it lets us know that we can’t sit back and wait for heaven to come to us at death. This knowledge begs for us to get working on entering heaven right now. Working on entering heaven right now will also assure that you continue in this state during the transition to the afterlife when your physical body wears out. My grandmother once told me that wherever you are with God in this life when you die is where you will start off with God in the next life. This statement always struck me as containing a profound truth. This life right now is the place and time to enter the kingdom.
Such a fantastic post! I find it so poignant, not only personally, but also for the times we are living in. Thank you for this.
You’re very welcome!
I love this post Josh! “As Jesus said, take no thought for tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself.” This is so true. Taking care of what we’re being called to take care of today, in the moment, is all we can do, anyway, and this will assure that whatever we need we will manifest. If only people could take the plunge and TRUST that their needs will be met, that all they have to do is focus on being in creation in the present moment, what a profound change in the world that would be!
Yes, if we could just trust then we have more time to focus on creation. Thanks for commenting, Christine.
Ahh Josh, i perceive your grandmother was a religious fanatics with a stactic mindset like the mainstream churches preach of going to heaven/hell after death, if so how could your grandmother talk about reincarnation since the church does not preach reincarnation? to have said “My grandmother once told me that wherever you are with God in this life when you die is where you will start off with God in the next life”.
I was one who who was always concerned about and safeguard the future from suffering and misery and at this point never had rest, always stressed up with fears and its associated health problems. Was this not hellish experience. Well since i choosed a unique path, even though i am experiencing pain and suffering of which i know is temporary, you are right by saying its worth it because the experience is teaching me how to consciously grow whilst living from BEING without stress, misery and associated problems. I know i am integrating into the NEW AGE. I need to stop here for time sake.
Bernhardt, I used to live like that as well. And it was a hellish experience! I’m so glad you are growing consciously through all that you’ve been through. And just to point it out, most of the New Age teachings have been around since the beginning. I wonder who termed the coined, “New Age?”
Ahh Josh, i perceive your grandmother was a religious fanatics with a stactic mindset like the mainstream churches preach of going to heaven/hell after death, if so how could your grandmother talk about reincarnation since the church does not preach reincarnation? to have said “My grandmother once told me that wherever you are with God in this life when you die is where you will start off with God in the next life”.
I was one who who was always concerned about and safeguard the future from suffering and misery and at this point never had rest, always stressed up with fears and its associated health problems. Was this not hellish experience. Well since i choosed a unique path, even though i am experiencing pain and suffering of which i know is temporary, you are right by saying its worth it because the experience is teaching me how to consciously grow whilst living from BEING without stress, misery and associated problems. I am happy and enjoying total bliss in the mist of socioeconomic circumstances. Is this not partly experiencing heaven on earth. I know i am integrating into the NEW AGE. I need to stop here for time sake.
Your article brings me to the awareness that i am not alone. Thanks.
Bernhardt you said it well! Once people have a good awareness of what we’re writing about here (of course some confirmation of this “magic” occurring in their own life helps a lot), fear and stress are drastically reduced and they are able to live more and more from creation in the moment. This IS what the New Age is about.
Hi Joshua, it’s 2 am in the morning here & I’ve been lying awake wishing I was asleep for the past hour. Then I decided to stop fighting it & check out your blog instead. I enjoyed it thoroughly… & the milky calmness of the moonlight gazing at me through the curtains…now if I was asleep I would have missed it’s beauty, unconscious of that special stillness of the night or the brush of cooling air against my skin. Every moment is special and every experience hasI it’s purpose…even the painful & uncomfortable ones. Thankyou for your posts. Blessing on you & yours.:-)
Rhonda, you’re comment blessed me very much. Thanks for letting us all be privy to that moment as well. Just as you, I love the middle of the night when it’s warm outside, especially if the night’s clear. I could stare at the heavens for hours! The light pollution isn’t too bad where I am, but I bet 300 years ago the night skies where I live were brilliant!
Sorry but you have misinterpreted all of those scriptures.
And Satan seems to be using you to declare his lies. No offence but that’s what’s happening.
To be like children for the most part is the humility they have and the ability to be corrected. They are forgiving always and don’t hold grudges. Children have great qualities that GOD loves and created for us to be like. But as we grow older we allow things in life to affect us more. And when we get older we then have more responsibilities, and that is real life. Children are taken care of, and don’t have to worry so much. Which is why GOD wants us to be like children as he will take care of those who are adopted into his family by his Spirit. We then don’t have to take thought for the things of tomorrow, e.g. paying bills, having food to eat, clothes to wear etc. as GOD provides this for us. There’s enough problems for the current day to deal with then to be worried about everything else coming in the future.
And the kingdom of GOD is within you when you are born again of the Spirit, as it is written, unless you are born again of the water and the Spirit you can not enter the kingdom of GOD.
When our Spirit joins the lords Spirit it becomes one. Kingdom means king and his dominion. So GOD and his people. You can’t be where he and his people are unless you are born again. And his Spirit and the kingdom dwells within when you are born again. This is what connects the body of the church and allows us to have all things in common as stated in Acts chapter 2. As it’s the Spirit that gives us all things in common. And it’s the things of the LORD that we have in common.
By the way the Old Testament does mention an after life, as it talks about a day of judgment and people rising to life and some to death. It also mentions through out what happens to those who don’t obey GOD, a number of scriptures in the book of Job talk about those who die and don’t know GOD. It also makes it clear that there is another realm as Enoch was translated as his testimony was that he pleased GOD. So he was taken, he wasn’t seen again.
Also Elijah was taken into the heaven in a chariot of fire.
The issue is when you read the Old Testament, there is a veil over our hearts and minds and we can not see or understand the word of God, but when we turn to GOD he lifts the veil and opens our eyes to see and ears to hear and our understanding to the things of GOD. And this only happens when we are born again. Hence the words seeing and entering the kingdom when you are born again. You can not perceive or understand it till you are born again. This is turning to GOD. Then and only then shall you know the truth and the truth shall make you free.
There is so much proof and evidence of GOD and his word being true through out history and the universe and in the world we live in that the Bible says that on the day of judgment mankind will be without excuse.
We have to test it and try it for ourself. Don’t rely on what you read or hear. See for yourself. GOD proves himself by his word.
If you continue in my word, then are you my disciples indeed, and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. The words of JESUS.
JESUS is coming back, very soon. And everyone will see. Even those who have died in the past, they shall be raised up and will see GOD.